illlllt.SUAY, MAHCII 20. W1 IIKKAL1) AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN tJg lf to W Sw to rte torn Look for Seffor Fresco at t j u There) is nothing quit to delightful as the freshness of freshly ground 'coffee. That's what you get when you buy whole bean coffee, "grind it yourself" in a Safeway Coffee Mill. And it' so easy I At the flip of a switch, the mill grinds the coffee just the way you want it. Enjoy the extra goodness of really, fresh coffee. Save money, tool Whole bean coffees come to you in a sturdy paper bag. No expensive container is necessary; the whole bean protects freshness. Sof.woy Stores. Incorporated Greetings, amigos! I am Sefior Fresco. I represent the freshness of freshly ground coffee. You'll see me above the coffee mills at your Safeway. Pint Jar NU MADE FRESH Mayonnaise 35c srSf Nob Hill Coffee """" fn MHIMft HMIHMI MMIMilHle Paas Egg Dyes ... 15c Wesson Oil 1 4Sl Kitchen Craft Flour ,o... ... 9?c HarvestBlossomFlour'.9.x 87c Rich and vigorous in flavor... Rushed roaster-fresh to your Safeway in the whole bean you grind it fresh when you buy. It's the coffee with the "Aromatic flavor." lb if ) fc - WW Airway Coffee Mild and mellow... a coffee flavor that so many people prefer. Rushed roaster-fresh to your Safeway in the whole bean you grind it fresh when you buy. 83c START YOUR DAY RIGHT -EAT A HEARTY BREAKFAST L Standard Pack SLICED BACON Mb. LayerJ' si Breakfast Gem 'AA' LARGE EGGS 1 -Dozen carton JfjA . Full o' Gold ORANGE JUICE 23' Big 46-oz. can Highway Brand GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS 2 No. 303 Cans Skylark BREADS FOR PERFECT TOAST POTATO CRUSHED WHEAT RYI 100 WHOLE WHEAT lb. 19' Miscellaneous Values Edwards Coffee ...91c,.. ... $1 .81 Delrlch Margarine .,.,. 30c Slttpy Hollow Syrup ..... k.49e Vermont Maid Syrup ,..mM k,M,, 53c Tta Timtr Crackers ,.tk. 35e Suzanna Pancake Flour. ,kt. 44c Upton' Tea 16 bags 22c Shady Lane Butter r..86 Chiffon Telltt Tissue 2 27c Zee Dinner Napkins t 225c Vesper White Soap 3 Un 39c Daybreak Soap tmHr 6c Upton's Tee .'. V lb. 36c Hunt's Peaches Morcell's Snack Cookies Isquick Cheddar Cheese Golden No. Sliced 300 Peaches Can All Meat No Waste 12-or. Can 1 Rippin' Good Variety Sugar Cocoanut Iced'Lemorl Bars Oatmeal H"0, Sugar and Molasses ' Treat your family to tlie juiciest, tender steaks money can buy Leg o' Lamb Ib.89c Lamb Shoulder. lb. 69' Rib Lamb Chops lb. 94' Lamb Breast thank., 37' Pork Chops Center tut. . lb. 70' Pork Roast Win !.. 50' Pork Steak .... Ib. BO Rounds.1;; lb. $1 05 J1M Sirloins lb. 1 "" -jVT-BoneSoer.-,rlb.$150 ..Ib.'." Corned Beef, Ib. 69c Pork Roast ,.., lb. 42' , Halibut Steaks lb. 59c Spare Ribs Ib.59 Salmon Steaks . lb.79l Sliced Bacon,...,..... Ib. 55' ,' Fillet of Sole ......... Ib. 57 Piece Bacon.... lb.39' Fillet Rock Smoked Hams Ib. 63' Whiting Ib. 29 Canned Hams... ... 5.74 Fresh Oysters ...Pin 69' Fryers :.ilb.69' Pure Lard 2 lbs. 25 W 40 Ox. Pkg. JJ JJ i3-oi. AmeieanLBd)ai """" 14-ot. Ground DCCC 100 Deer i Itan bttf Ib. 59' Pork (Morr.ll Mb. rolls) SAUSAGE Ib. 39' WRISLEY SOAPS PALMOUVE SOAP i R.guUr slzt br 3r27 PALMOUVE SOAP Bath tli. b.rt 2 r.,25' Sweetheart SOAP t Reg. Bars 28' 3 at rag. price I ler 1c I White King I SOAP Granufattd Soap . I, 46-01 pkg. 62c White Magic SOAP 1 med. pkg. 5c When you buy a large pkg. at 57c Duz Soap - Granulated Soap Giant pkg. 81c RikRak Cleanser Garden A O' Seeds Jk cans AJ at no txtra cost Sunbrif e Cleanser 3 , ?Se Ajax Cleanser 13c Rath's Lunch Meat 12-ei. can 46c Allsweet Margarine colored lb. 30c Crisco Shortening J -lb. Can 85c Spry Shortening J -lb. Can 85c Royal Satin Shortening -lb. Cm 79c Lipfon Soup I Lipfon Soup Tomato-Vegetable Noodle with Chicken. eJpkts. 38c I 3Pkt..38c Argo Starch Quality corn starch 15e l-lb. pkg. PRODUCE VALUES ARIZONA DESERT SEEDLESS . JUICY IMP Take advantage of the extra savings by the bag. Enjoy their luscious goodness every day of the week. EMT mi 8-lb.bag Salad Vegetables , I0c Asparagus 2y Potatoes : n ? 72c -180 Avocados 2 19c Grapefruit 13c Oranges N'v,"lb. I4c Cauliflower , . 1 8c Green . Onions -?b-.l5c Radishes 2bUB 15c Rhubarb Hfc23c Tomatoes .'. 29c I btri and '. w.ihcloth 57e