1 I THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1032 rimniiiiiiii , I, life 4-ff.r IffijULTi AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK ELEVETf SWEET-SOUR BARBECUED FISH Look And Feel Frilly-Flirty ,r Come Spring , M there's onis lime diiriiiK ill veal thuL " .nficin tnnkiu a ,.Anf. of loojtim .tier mint frmLiliic, and)! cn,f(utiiily her prMrit,,. . it: BprliiK. Blw limy coiwlrter JirrseU Uie Wlloiwi t"ic or not particularly .Inllifimilntled, but eorois uprlix,' she raluiRn Hie teuton with a guy Easter bonnet, a frilly blouse, even though hs may be wearing itl year n wilt, , Tor those women who ari frankly appi dilutive of the "Hit" a fanit-ntiin-looklna; outfit eitn Kive them, laxhlon lliui Bprlng hat prnvidrii a ItmitlPM variety from which to chomr. Jf there'd anythhiic more amii-uiliittly Idiilnlnc than lull nklrla with crinolines under Ihem, we don't know whnt. It In. The crino line under them, we don't know whnt it 1. 'J he crinoline them selves recoil one of the most to mniitlc er of our fashion history. Pencll-Hllm hkirt are Mimrt too. but they arc invariably teamed with a softly (Irnpecl anil-jacket or tool. Hut are truly 'bonnet-nhapcd. no iitcnming to a pretty face . , . veils are wlnpy. Not to atop there, the relor you'll be neelna; ino-it are the paafl . . . with pink aiiil lltrhl blu- predominating. ook your prettiest, feminine elf Hila Spring and you'll )e right In tytrl 8MKM. RWKKT The neceiu.ary aerompanhnent to vour pictorial prettifies Is flak ranee ... in fact, without H your pic ture I minus a very important dimension. As disappointing, as a flower without acent aomethlng in laeklntf. Even discounting the ef fect of your fragrance upon others and very important consideration, that, there tim undeniable "hit a woman herself tela from wear- UiK the fragrance. Ask any woman why she likes , to use fragrance and her first rnply wllf have to do with how it jnskes her feel. In the nmneratis surveys that have been made on the subject of frasf-rance-use, this reply In-varlKiily top Ihe il.-it. And when a woman feels fthn id attractive, fhe M vlie use of fragrance If important all the lime, not neglecting ttsparking effects on dally iouUwb, household or office, but how much more im portant when you want to establish the mood tor donning your pret tiest, most feminine outfit. And that mean your new Kaster costume this 8prm! .BWKKT.HOt'tl RAKUM TKII KIHII Here's anmeliiing new to tell the neighbors barbecued lUihl Kur '.ears, folks have hern buriieculiuf 'fish and poultry but it's aeldom tlmi dsn ha been dressed up in mkIi ; Blsmorouv manner. Uccentiy. a ' special aweet-hour simre was de- eloped in tlie test kitchen of one (of the nation's lending tood orgun- Rations. 'Mils sauce was designed to giamortxe fish yenr-round not , only in your summertime pulio but also - In your oven during cool b weather. ; This aweel-sour sauce Is ju-.l whnt . the name luipllim somewhat sweet yet a slightly tart llavor that's i JVt right with llhli. As you piob- ably know, fresh lemon Julie is a , natural combination with nil sea ; food and fish, in this sauce, the , lemon Juice combines with iiuftrr and seasonings to give the lull a ': superb tangy tsr.te. It's a Mirpris - fngly new llavor cotiilnnniion stid one the whole family will surely . like. ' Although It's unusual, you'll find It quite simple to prepare. Just : add lemon Juice to the oilier In ' gredlenta and pour over llsh. Place I It under the broiler until the li-.ii ; New Sale Off i To Big Start J Thirty-five buyers paid a iolal of $30,030 fur RR head of rattle at ' last Krldny'n Hrnt Annual Basin Hales Management All-llieed Bull K and Femnlu sale held nt tile Klam tfilh T.lvestnrtf.'ne - - " Clyde Land, Copco ranch, pur s' chased the lnp.drawtng bull, pay- Ing HIM. lop femiile was pur- i cnasen ny jonn tngeisiein 01 ivituu t ath Falls who paid (430. ; Klght top polied bull averaged M30.25. All 42 bull averaged Wi.- 28. and totaled t J 1,0.15. !, Some 40 female totaled 117.00a, a averaging 1371.63. k There were 21 consignors to the J sale, which was called by G, W. Jerry I Fales, assisted by Norman Waralnske, Hillings, Mont. A crowd , of several hundred bid on the attl- mals. I.SmartBuyj; B01IL1D IN CALIFORNIA WiNt aptnwiKB 6tiiLBt B f& 7 iHe Is teiKler and flaky; Baste frequent ly with this di-lectable snuce for appetizing gnlrien brown llsh fillets you'll be proud to serve. Serve In the linking dish used lor broiling, or arrange on large platter with sauce poured over. Uarnlsh with crisp green onions and Juicy lem on wedgei. Those who prefer a more tart flavor run squeete added lemon Juice over the fish, j cup fresh lemon Juice i teaspoon salt cup salad oil j teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons grated onion 1 teaspoon dry mustard 3 tablespoons brown sugar. Mix ingredients well, stirring un til sugar Is completely dissolved. Place I pound fish flileta or llsh steaks In shallow pan or baking dish and pour sauce over. Heat broiler about 3 mlnuics, then, wltn pan about 2 Inches from heat, broil fish on both sides until brown and lender, baiting frequently with sauce. Serve Immediately, Sweet-sour barbecue sauce may be mixed ahead of time and stored In the refrigerator In a tightly cov ered jar until needed. Just remem ber to stir well before pouring over fish. f'HKAf Grapefruit, orange and domes tic dittes looh lik-r cood buys this mouth, on the basis of govern ment figures allowing them to be In "plentiful supply". The first new cantaloups, tioiil e."lro, are now on the market and the supply is liiTeasliiH. ANY Of TIME nToJyUlM tufas tev Frth ranch. Grade "A" Doi. TUNA FISH Von Camp's, He, Vz tin 29c SHRIMP Broken 5-i. 35c COCOA Nejtle' 1-JJ. 49c ot nftlflflUS .ts - MCMW macaroni will gobble up Mcoty Meol just like M 'SiT!:4 jt27 that! Let your pet rjis- Sfft Jr cover how qood o dry doq rS1l food con be. Money-bock g.J SARDINES in oil No. !4 in 10c PEAS Royal Club 303 tin 19c ORANGE JUICE Royal Club 44-ox, 29c HONEY 2-Ib. jar 48c MARSHMALLOWS 17c DOS FOOD "r;.,, 4 3Sc SNOWFtAKE SODAS 49c CORNED BEEF ' 48c Applesauce Royal Clue 303 tin OLIVES 23c PZrtea Na, 1 fin Kelfcgg' Variety Pack 34c Schilling r .. v Y j C free demonttration at Mer rill Store 8C MD TISSUE 2, 25c ...the best bet for Jrt KVlission Spaghetti MUSTARD GREEHS SPINACH 10-ei. Cello Pock 1fc CELERY HEARTS Tender Pka. GREEK OHIOHS ONIONS Boilers, 5-!b. Eo 39c Pink meat 5-lb. bag S9C ORANGES Surtkist ,Metf, Sis Sunk sit, Medium ciie (J, 5-lb, bttn 07C APPLES Newtown, lb, 10C TOMATOES 12-ei. Ceiio Tub 25c Not on!t the most economical foodofalLbut U0 OTHER SPAGHETTI TASTES ASAS MISSION! It's the top-quality spaghetti that's made from pure . Durum Semolina,. the protein-rich inner granules of finest hard wheat, so rich in energy-building values. Mission is quick and easy to prepare, cooks firm, yet tender, and tastes better than any other spaghetti I Tt V Rdp for SPAGHETTI ' ANCHOVY SAUCE . 8-M.Mllitl0nf 4 riM.Ktfrr Jipithrllf i 1 fp wallc Ut 1 Imw nlm, tVottp ! 1 nip chkkn tot 2 III. rhepprH arlf y Pfppr lmlifttkt,ffiopfl top $tt& tkt Conk p1trlll In ranidiy foiling mllfd ir for S miniilM. Drain, PmI tnln, partlrv, unchoviri in dkillr t nilli butter, try lor 5 minntra. To lliit add ttw tookfil paalwttl, iik) oirr it ponr Ihe wine and coniommr. ; Seinaa rili penner, limner for 15 mlnnlt. Mix ell, ' . pot oa hot planer anil tprinkle witb (rated theew, ' j erre at mre, Sene for. MACARONI SPAGHETTI EGG NOODLES Prices effective Stewart Unox; lOODSJ Smiares 2i PURE mi lard paeon 2 ib, 29 quares rn mm m f u ii a Fresh GROUND BEEF, H. 5 Swift's PR EM READY TO SERVE 39 4 CAN SrJIFTTJIMG $win-$ 70 3 IB. SHORTENING I 7 ' M Swiff's PARD 15 271 DELICATE NATURAL flAVOR. YOUR BEST FRIEND'S BEST FOOD Let Us Redeem Your A . mONEY-SAViNG COUPONS 3 "FOR A BETTER ITART IN LIFE" SWIFT S MEATS M Sf Jftf FOR BABIES smirs CLEANSER WESSON OIL 91 SAVE 1 SNOWDRIFT ;6C