IIKRALO ANI1 NKWS. KLAMATH KAI-I.S. OHKC.ON TIIUHSDAY. MAKCH 20, VALUABLE COUPONS ' COMING IM Y&Ufi MAIL! 55-3 A '4 PAGE THIS ROBERT MICHAEL FISH ER Radioman aboard USS Prairie, left for Ko rea St. Patrick's Day, which was also his parents' 22nd wedding anniversary. They are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fisher, 3816 Bristol. Sea man Fisher was graduated from KUHS in 1949. Reds Use New Plane Type SEOUL. Korea 'W American Sabres shot down five Communist MIG-15s and damaged live others Thursday, bringing their two day (score to six Red jets downed and 12 damaged. The Jets damaeed Wednesday In '.elude a new "Type 15" Commu nist plane, "a funny looking bird" rarely seen over Korea. , It was a high wing version of the familiar Russian-type MIG-15. A Filth Air Force spokesman said the high-wing Jets rarely have been seen. This was the first re ported hit. The spokesman said it appeared to be more efficient at lower alti tudes than the low. swept-win MIG-15. But It seemed to be about 50 miles an hour slower. It is about two feet longer and had a two foot wider wing span than the MIG-15. Lt. James Carey of Las Vegas, Nev., said he hit the "Type 15" Jet in the wing and fuselage after "I found myself on the tail of this funny looking bird." The two-day toll of 18 Red Jets destroyed or damaged was taken in five air battles, the Fifth Air Force reported. Two of them were Thursday. Both were fought three to seven miles above Sinanju. 70 miles from the Manchurian border. Red Jets shot down Thursday were credited to Mai.. Felix Asia, 651 East 12th St.. Eugene. Ore., and Lt. Charles D. Carl Jr., Ta coma. Wash., among others. On the ground, briefing' officers reported light Red probing thrusts on the western and eastern fronts late Wednesday night and early Thursday. The Navy reported the Cruiser Manchester ana Destroyer t-oit steamed through a snow storm and heaw seas to shell Red infantry men near Kosong Thursday. The Battleship Wisconsin and Destroyer Higbee shelled communists in com day and night attacks. Bad weather kept Naval airmen on then: carriers weasesaay. You may hove olready received these valuable eouponi If nor your mailman It brinqinq them! Bring All Your Coupons to Oregon Food Stores TERRIFIC VALUES IN CANNED FOODS Compare! See J how much you save! Market 46-oi. William Tell 10-oz. TOMATO JUICE APPLE JUICE Tomatoes M"k" C0VE0YSTERS 40F"h7.,. APRICOTS ,t TB ADEEM NT Smith unArunun 303 tini PINEAPPLE TIDBITS si's.. ASPARAGUS """"',' WAX BEANS Pittsville r W 1 G3 mm 303 tin BE 1 klC Stringless, Saracen, cut BEAN) DICED BEETS Dinette No. 2 Tint CARROTS Whole Kernel, Three Sisters No. 303 CORN HOMINY Golden Market New Potatoes No. 2 5, 1.00 17 .1.00 4...1.00 3, .,1.00 4 w 1.00 7 f 1.00 7, ., 1.00 5 ,.,1.00 7, 1.00 8, 1.00 10 ,.,1.00 9, .,1.00 7, .,1.00 9 ,.,1.00 11,.,1.00 rqt 40-OX. o trans OURKEE'S Qt. Large AA White House Dot. lb. Maxwell House Imtent 2-oi. Jar 9 c COFF Red Bag Mm Frail: Grind it as you wish lb. Alaska Chum Mb. tin Market 2Vi PC 9 AkB Codes' Apple Jill Gallons 49 mMm Snowflakes 2 lbs. 9 WE MEET ALL ADVERTISED PRICES! FREE LUNCH Snowflake Crackers and Bordens Cheese served all day Saturday. SELF SERVICE Cut riqht .trimmed riqht. and Guaranteed Fresh! FRICASSEE SLICEDMC0M REEF ROASTS SLICED BACON P0RKRQASTS PORK STEAK CHICKENS Cut up, pan ready end guaranteed tenoer, lb. ALWAYS BUY . N ALLEY'S and SAVE! NALLEY'S SPAGHETTI 15-ox. Spaghetti and Cheese 15c 15-oi. Spaghetti and Meat ... 27c LUMBERJACK SYRUP 24-oi. Decanter 33c 5-lb, Longjohn Tin lb. lb. 5k seasoned just n.M Shoulder tenter cuts f 14k Blade cuts AUf 10-lb. Longjohn Tin 79c $1.47 Nalley's ESQUIRE Sauce For cold meats and sea foods .'-. 4 8-ox. bottle t 24-ox. Banquet Dills ' Nalley's For Quality! Meat and Produce prices effective Fri. and Sot. SAVE 10' Your coupon is worth 10c on the reqular price of 2 large size or 1 qiant siie Vet. Giant pkq 69e Coupon 10c 59c Pay only . SAVE 6' Your coupon is worth 6c on 3 raqular or 2 bath site Cash mere Bouquet soap. 3 Req. or 2 bath site .... 25c Coupon 06c Fay only 19 c SAVE 10 Your coupon is worth 10c on the regular price of one 3-lb. can or two 1 -lb. cans of Snow drift. 3-lb .can 89c Coupon 10c Pay only 79c Buy 1 at Reg. Price Get 1 FREE Your coupon is worth free Regular size box of FAB when you buy one Regular Size! Regulor Size 25c Coupon Get 1 FREE .for 25c SAVE 10 Your coupon is worth 10c en the reqular price of 1 quart bottle or 2 pint bottles of Wes son Oil. Ouort bottle 5Se 'Coupon 10c Pay only 45c CRISP, GOLDEN CARROTS 2 -9c "FRESHIE" CELERY HEARTS w 19c ARIZONA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 8-45c SNOBOY SUNKIST ORANGES 4- 39c FRESH, CRISP LETTUCE 10c FRESH . ASPARAGUS -29c t' SJTZ WflNHRD COMPANY fOSTMND, OREGON 1 11 SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS 4480 So. 6th WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT! 2410 So. 6th NO SALES TO DEALERS & mfessofi Oil? o 1749 Ore. Ave.