f WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE N1W5 Basin Forum To Take Up Subject Of Fund Drives; Six On List For Debate Next M'mdav venlncr the 'Build he Ilnnm" MiolIlKht nwlnxn to rowlwr problem of preuMwi Im joitnncc to the BhxIiTii luturr. 'Jilp ducHtlnn: "Aro we having ton ninny liiiid drives lor health, v.clliiri! und other nucncln unrl II no, whnt can we do about It?" D..II.I fl.n Tlnaln " thft UrmM and Ncwi.-KFLW public nervine loiuin, will ko on the air at 8.30 p.m., Monday. In the pa.'t year the BaHln ex prrlenrrrt at least 13 campaign lor liindn to benefit health and williire ornanlz.allon't. In addition, there were pome 10 or 12 other orarnl.rd solicitations by other Kroiipit. Six person have thm tar ac are undoubtedly belnK hurt by the now almost endless How of solici tors. With less than three months ol this yenr (tone, there has el ifndy been four fund drives for national crKunizallon this year. Two have been completed, one Is at the mid-way point and the fourth has Just been launched. I Possibility of Instituting- the so called "Detroit Plan" here was dls j cussed In several meetlnRS last i year. This plan, officially named the "Organised Federation Cam paign" has been used successfully In Detroit and Honolulu for' sev eral years. This year, several cities adopted the plan, Under this plan, a central board screens all agencies seeking funds, Those deemed worthwhile are ac cepted and their funds requests are then screened. The accepUd agencies and their fund auotas are then lumped and one major drive Is put on each year under the TRIPLETS Ki'iiic, Memilu and Mcinio Itlicrc weren't no Mo') arc lambs of lk-nry Wil t Hams' Columbia owe. licnry. 15, is a member of the Henley 411 Sheep Club, lies the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williams. 1 'Kr p3 Ikm-"" IP f ; . . aOHfiTirn I r-n'- -'' 1 Walsh Honored At 'Testimonial Dinner j! POHTLAND im OrlR. Gen. I Orvllle E. Wnlih, who will leave j! March 'J2 to wume command ol j j the Mediterranean Division rni. inecrs was honored at farewell Walsh has been ennlneer of the North Pacific Division for the past 2 (it years. Before that he was dlktrlrl engineer lor lour years. Guilty Plea Made In Forgery Case Dim Maiors. 23-year-old miner from Yuma. Ariz., yesterday In ' Circuit Court pleaded nullty to ' ha rue ol fernery. He Is accused of fomlim a check 1 t l)!( It Rei-der s store. Majors was eitime-i here Iron Yuma la.it month bv the Sheriff's office. .Indue David R. VandenberK set sentencing lor Friday at 10 a.m. I cepted Invitations to sit on the panel tor the Monday evening dis cussion. Two additional panel mem bers may be added. The six who lhave already accepted are: Dr. jj-'rank Trotman, mayor of Mer rill: Bob Perkins, Medo-l,and ICreamery salesman: Krnest Tay i lor. Palmerton Lumber Co. treas urer and office manager; o. koo- (TUK uurnani, ohiciii. rxccuiivp secretary of the Oregon Commu nity Chest; I,ynn Roycroft, presi dent of the Klamth County Com munity Chest; and Mrs. Herbert Graham, Klamath Falls church woman and housewife. All the fund drives mentioned above were regularly scheduled an nual campaigns. Such special cam paigns as church bulldlnz fund drives and similar events were not Included in the totals. Some of the drives were conduct ed bv mall but moll of them were ! door-to-door sollclatlons. ' The more worthwhile agencies theme "Olve One for All," (' This "Detroit Plan" will almost certainly be discussed on the Km" day evening program. 1 DTTEM WIINIIKR Ml..l BMAP ' ' uMir aoAP -'"" ' ,.t.ut.4. Trlf w.M.rt.1 rfU- Sold in KUnuilh Falli bv Piyleu vn( w!gtrrn Drua Sloro; or your homa town drusnl.t. BUILDING COFFEE tables Is just another project for 4-H kids. Here Leader Jim Fields of the Gilchrist Wood Chucks shows members how. Looking on are Bcmie James, vice president; Pres. John Clark and Secy. Bobby Garner. The Wood Chucks are a woodworking club. AUCTIONEERING , Sale Management (,r.4iiBl ml Wtaurn f'.ll'r ... Of Ait'tln.".-!- . . . Hlli:n.. Mnt. Certtflrd Trdlrree Reader Successful Kalea are the Result of Iroper Promotion, Mana(ement and Auctioneering Kperlalltlnc In FARM. Pl'RF.BRED I.IVE STOt'K and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER S30I Atra Klamath Falls Ph. 2-2452 Free Service on Church It Benefit Auctloni ill Bridges In News Again, Case Eyed SAN FRANCISCO W A govern ment attorney conceded 111 court Tue.sdnv Umt he hud "grave doubts" about legality of Harry Brldgi-' perjury conviction. But lis argued that the conspir acy conviction ol the longshore leader should be upheld. Robert B. McMillan, chief assist ant United Slates attorney, told the U.S. Court ol Appeals his doubts were bused on a ruling bv a New York court In a similar case. Hint cu.se nlfectrd Michael Oher meler. a labor leader, who. like Bridges, wn.s convicted of ful.selv deriving he had been a Communist at mi In i ii It? u t Ion proceedings. A New York appeal.i court held that a three-year statute of limi tations knocked out the case. The government had argued at Bridges' trial that a five year statute ol limitations applied. Bridges was convicted In April, 19J0, along with two top aides In II. e International Longshoremen's and Warehou.'cmen's union. Henry Schmidt and J. R. Robertson. lie received a five-year sentence, the two co-defendants,, two years each. Attorneys Vincent Halllnan. who Is scheduled to begin a six-month contempt sentence Wednesday. Rlrhard GladMctn, and Norman Leonard argued that the statute of limitations had expired before Brid ges was Indicted: that he was per secuted bv "powerful Interests;" mid that the trial judge, George B. Harris, was prejudiced. "all'mui, who clashed bitterly with Harris during the lengthy trlai was denied a stay of execution or a reduction In the contempt sentence by Judge Harris. Your Malin Dealer for CROWN FEEDS MAUN GRAIN AND FEED Phone 555 Malin "VMaSoresderlMy israsfcrthanfh ordinary spreaders! .-.s.vr ; .'V'T'.--'i ...( .'V ' evv 'l-Jiileien"A'' aTT ,iiu.V .f V.i:'i.'"t'. "at I TAKE BIO 6-TON IOADS In my fast uproading "Power-Box" with Spreader Attachment. Fill on wagon, trailer or any rig. I mounted mine on a truck. Now I get manure to the back of my farm . . . build up all my fields. " " . " NO MORE BACKERS AKINO ahoveling for me! "Power Box" unloads loose or bulk materials automatically. Take-' off powered full roller chain conveyor has instant clutch control. Ask for a demonstration. MANURE SPREADER Farmhand POWiR now on display at ' GARRISON EQUIPMENT CO. Merrill-Lakcvlcw Jet Phon 7312 Give Chicks a Good Start Feed CROWN CHICK STARTER for stronger, healthier chicks. Crown is a complete, adequately fortified chick ration to be fed during the first six weeks. In mash or pellet form, CROWN CHICK STARTER is readily digestible and easy for chicks to assimilate for good health and normal growth- LABORATORY TESTED FARM PROVEN All Crown feeds are constantly improved and thor oughly checked by trained laboratory technicians for efficiency in meeting a particular feed need. Crown feeds are economical, too! Start your nam brood of chicks on CROWN CHICK STARTER Your Local Dealer For CROWN FEEDS OREG., LTD. 734 South 6th Phono 4197 Klamath Falls, Oregon PWWWWWrlWIWHI WWWIItMWWMJ.IIi . " HI I WW HERNIA RUPTURE O die lH.mrrh.i4.) OCOtON...IOMACM ImM IKM taiM Imtta Vhl 1.00 Mm.,WM.,M C.Ota. .M.i THE DEAN CLINIC im out 42" tii MM NORTH! AST f ANDY lOUHVAl . hUikm IA.I Mil 14. Or. - w,,irai SEE 1952 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS PICK-UPS FARM TRUCKS LOGGERS From Vi Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th and Klamath Ph. 2-2581 1 m "IF YOU NEED ATRUCK, SEE JUCK I'm in qoocf hands My owner sure knows his Dustness.k hs's. been giving me Dr Salsbury's Ren-O-Sal 'Tablets from the Jstart. Ren-O-Sal.you know, helps poultry grow faster," featherj faster, and maturo quicker. It also helps lick cecal coccid-j iosis. Sure glad I get Ren-O-Sal. I know' I'm in good hands! ' ) twtdicmtt ask t,r.... Oregon State Hatchery 2720 So. 6th Ph. 6095 9th and Pine Phone 3188 15 TO 50 OFF THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.ONLY . fj) SWEATSHIRT ATH. SOCKS 1.56 &ckM 45c Sh. B Ward regular 1 .98 svealshirt heavy-weight silver gray knit cotton, fleeced inside for warmth and absorption. Double-rib-knit collar, cuffs, waist. 0 REG. 65c Part-wool Alh. Socks. In Sports Dept. REGULAR 2.-29 VITALIZED OIL 1.78 Premium Grade Vitalized one of the world's finest motor oils. Fqual or superior to oils selling for 40c a quart. Treated to fight power-robbing sludge, carbon, acids, to improve lubrication. Save. HARDWARE, AUTO AND SPORT NEEDS REGULAR 1.98 BIKE TIRE I Q REC. 1.49 ADJUST. WRENCH 8" .1 II Smooth-riding. Air-Cushion balloon 1 ,uu Chrome plated high carbon steel ?ECU,R,9 LfUNCH kK!J 1 .88 REC. 49c PUSH-PULL RULE OQr Enomeled metal box; pt. vacuum bottle . Automatic recoil type. Stee, cose . JVC REC. 1.29 VACUUM BOTTLE I 00 Keeps liquids hot or cold for hours 1 W REC. 1.49 SCREWDRIVER SET I 10 5-in-l. Three regular, two recessed REC. 49c SPARK PLUG SALE 33- Equals national brands at 80c apiece ' REC. 1.98 LOCKING PLIERS I AJ Use as portoble vise, pipe wrench ' REG. 65c RUBBER CAR MAT OOr 2i."x,3.lsi.AsSort,dco,ors REGULAR 1.59 IGNITION SET .7 8 pieces. Box and open-end type REG. 1.95 CLAW HAMMER 16-oz. I C7 Bright finish. M-in. hickory hondle I J I REG. 1.69 ANCLE-NOSE PLIER I 07 REG. 2.95 SOCKET SET 19-PC. O 39 Has super grip as 0 plier or wrench Vt and Vi-in. hexogon-drive. Carbon steel t.J . , REC. 1.49 SAND-POLISH KIT I Q7 REGULAR 37c TILEBOARD 32c 6 pieces. Fits War larger chuck Choice of 7 colors, 3 patterns sq. ft. REGULAR 2.95 Vi" DRILL KIT'. OA A A 1.96 STEEL HAND SAW 26"x8 ir3 43-piece Electric Drill Kit ' ' " ,Tr Flat ground saw steel blade I .O J ,b co. n.Mr d. 11 1 xct REGULAR 9.95 TOOL BOX ; O Q3 69c FOLDING RULE 6-FT. C3-. Four rust-resistant steel troys 0,UJ Standard markings. Measures accurately w REGULAR: 1.49 COMB. SQUARE 07 . REGULAR 8.75 MIXING FAUCET ; q 88 12-in. blode graduated in 32nds 1 ,U Wall mount. Non-splash swing spout : REGULAR 1.19 PLIER 6-IN. Q7r RECULAR 5.25 SINK STRAINER A 10 Two-position slip joint for heavy duty . , Removable basket. Closeable ASK ABOUT WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN