WKDNKSDAV, MAHCII III, 1052 IIEHALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAG1C SEVEN Fish Face Stiff Test Of Strength HEATI'I.E Ifl WmIiIiikIiiii Slnlci VI'lirrli'H l)r rliiienl hloloidnu are irmly In Iminrh research jirujri't ttint limy li'ive fnr-renrhlpit importunce III Din Northwexl's :liiion vk. (linn difitite, II will he a cliuifly hupri vlnril x f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lu (ii'li'i nilnn what kind n CHHUully tii to Hull Miller In iiolnn over (Iiiiiih or thioiiKh tiirhlnen. The ncpiio will he the I'llwha Illv er in the north end of Ilia Olympic I'rnliiMilii. More (hull 51(0.0(1(1 llnu.111 llniu and yruiiliiK iiliiinn iif lour epecleii liuve lieen nrtrteinlilrd el Die Miile'n DiiiiKrncMi llnlclicry. 'I hey will be pinned. uikIit vuryiiiK conditions ahove two ftlwlia (Innm during the next iwu iiionthn. The projci'1 plum ciilln (or eoine llnti tu he hem directly over the cl it ii ptllwiiy. Other will he Hem directly Into turbine ilinimrH. Where will he kit to rhoone bo Iveen the two linmirilouii roulen. They will be tunned belore belnic Irlrir.ed. 'Die lower diiin In only 100 loo'.er. 'Ihe other, even mile up etreiuii. I.i 200 (eel hluh. Kl&hrrlen Uepiirlinrtil worlccrif will iitcli mi iniiny mi pomdole at Ihe tool ol pitch diim. 'l'hey will he cxiiinliird lor Injuries Boine er.p pie will be kept lor a while o determine the inorlnllty rote lrom InitirU-s. The tp'eclen III the experlmenl lire Mickpvrn, nllvern mid i.prlnii mid full Chinook. llHle Hchorneninit end Vnuiihn Win ninn ere the IKherlfn blolo liiMn In uriicinl charge ol the project. "Operation Ski Jump" Off In Daring Dash To Arctic POINT ItAItnOW, Ahitika W 'line plane, 33 men nntl one women were polned Mondny (or a (Unlit lo the top of the world where the Nnvy hope:i in net up a rn. .search Ihi nr on n Holding Ice Inlund nenr Uie North Pole. The expedition, awieiiiblcd for Ihe aecond phase of 'Operntlon Hkl Jump," wen alerted for lukeolf Iter a nenollne cache end three eupply Million were entiibllfthed Haturday proKieaelvcly nenrer the pole. The exiicl depurturo time has not been net, The Nnvy hiiIjI the nhn n to create an Ice Inland bime liom which U.B. eclciitlnl ciin aludy the cu, air end udciicIph rcliillnif to the earth In the Arctic. - In Hclenllllc terminology, the oh nervation will be ocriiiiogrnphlc, Truce Talks Gain Ground MUNKAN, Korea lI'i Allle.1 pokeMiicn reported triKe negotla litre nested aitrreinent Wednesday on the ten porn of entry to be uied during it Knrcnn armlMlce. Dulled Nation negotiator pro poned a compromise. 'Hie Commil WMs prnniir.rd lo think It over. Ai Ihe end ol Ihelr M-nilniile dlv riiMinn, Col. Andrew J. Kinney mid: "It nppenr thai we are In agree ment on Ihe better part of the porta filtration." Another group of alalf olllcer met for only a few mlmitea be t auae neither aide could answer a aerira ol question asked prev iously by the oilier concerning ex fhniiRe o( pi Inonrrn, Unvrrllltd rumor circulated around tile truce village ol Pan munjoin lli.il Mime new tep waa In the making lo break the long dead lock over prisoner. l.'omniunlM newsmen, who olten rellrct the view ol Red delegate, Merrill Cubs Slate Meet MERRILL A night den meeting of Merrill Cub BcotiUi la planned lor Friday evening March 21 lo atari promptly at 7:30 pin In the recreation hall. All pnrenla are urged lo be present to aee whnt the boya are doing. A special Invitation In extended to vbiilora Interentcd In Cub acoul lug. fainlllcn who have boya be Iwren the ugea of 8, 9, or 10. Movie will follow Ihe meeting. i Kai h Cub la asked to bnke two 'rioxen cookie to bp Nerved an re jlrenhnicnta following the meellng. Den 3 la Ihe proud pov.ei.xor of the attendance pendiint, earned I lor having the larRenl percentage of parentn and Culm nl Uie Feb ruary pack Hireling. March SO, la the dale act for the annual carnival lo be held at the recreation hall. Varloua type ol entertainment have been plan ned. If you're one of the hundred and one don't ml thla carnival. Be on the alert, watch for the kltea, both In the air, and In window dis plays. Belore the door prize drawing, the Cuba will mode) the luteal leinl nlne alyle in the Easter parade. niMeorollglciil and geophysical, "Hkl Jump Two" will be In the miturn of n honeymoon (or one o( the veternna o( hill year a expedi tion, John F. Holme, FiilMiioulh. Mnrn. Ilia bride ol u Ipw week hi ii tikllled oneiiiiiigriiphrr and Ihe only woiiiuii In Ihe group. Ilolinea eiild much mora baa been accoinpllihed already Ihli year than In 1061, when a year ago Tuesday the flr.it expedition ol 10 men began "Bkl Jump One." Twelve landing were made on the Arctic Ice cap by the Ural party In a lour-cngined. lb-tun Navy plane to make ocean -.'iiiiiU-Inga iia fur a 400 miles above the northern rim of the continent. The Nnvy i.uld the rink were great Ijecnuae there wan no way ol knowing II thu Ice would support the big plane. 11 a base la established on one ol the huge Ice Inland dlacovered III the Arctic In recent yenra there In little danger It would he en dangered by h breakup. 'Hie lalnndg have been found to be hundred (of feet thick with onlv n amiill portion of their bulk protruding above the surface. They move slowly Ihrough the Arctic lec pack. Easter Egg Hunt Planned The Klamalh Fulls 20-30 Club plum, lo pill out 6000 eggs at Moore I'ark lor this Kuster's annual hunt for Klamalh youngsters. Lull yeur only 400 eggs were put out. according to 20-30 co-chalr-men Bill Clothier and John De Pope. More than 100 prizes are to be awarded this year. Flulircr'a sound truck will he used at the annual allitir, which provides an KaMer morning hunt lor youngsters up to and including the age of 12. Emergency Aid -Rushed To Ship NKW YORK (TV All Army tug delivered an emergency shipment of disposable diapers at sea Tues day, A few miles out from New York, It caught a Navy transport hound lor Bremerhavcn with families of f.eivlcemen and put aboard seven cases nl diapers hi answer to a request. "More babies sailed than we had expected," said the Military ftca Transport Service. talked of a truce agreement In three or lour weeks. ALWAYS POPS BETTER ! Lenten Services THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 A Ploce Called Calvary themt Sermon: "Where Decisions are Mode" Poifor Twee KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Cron & Crescent St. h menu pange! r CMUN ChowMein (HVH KJHt , SonxtMnf differ- .1 O.m.lhlBl . lowing 8"r.! 5 atawr than.-ni T flmearo . antal Rxxm iop-s" ) 9 I'lytC-IOJ aw 1 f IftlSIUtO JtMUll I iimkii cin(mim 'makes -Your Diamond look brighter . Marker.. .and just like New! - Sofer , . ond for lovelier , . your diomond firmly set in o 1952 mounting! BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED! 700 Main Si. Phone 31 SI Baldy Says - Let's Dance Again With RALPH asm AND HIS GREAT 17-PIECE RCA VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA MANY POLLS STILL RATE THIS BAND THE NO. 1 IN THE NATION IT'S BETTER THAN EVER ARMORY TUE. MAR. 25 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT DERBY MUSIC CO. The advance sale will be limited t 300 tickets at $1.30 (tax included). The price at the dance will b $1.80. There's no suit like a Suitmaker . . . tailored by Handmacher Two reasons why your wardrobe has 7; room for a Suitmaker. These semi-classics, I their wonderful lines underwritten by their fabric and tailoring surpass, by far, the usual in rayon suits. Add true fit and fine detail and you'll know why they say they're marvelous for the money. shoes y Blue Suede . iU' t' f v L ' 1 Purple Suede and Cel.' Blue and Ivory Calf Combination Debs are authentic interpretations of fashion's most significant trends. So for a fashion-enclosed preview of Spring... com see Deb Shoes at La Pointc's Shot Salon SHOE SALON Wi 3000 mm. FREE, EASY PARKING