WKUNKSIMY, MAKC'II 11), 1D.V2 Age Of Barter Not Here Yet For Taxes. Anyway J I KHALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OfiKCON page rrvt Police Check Minor Thefts Hcver.il minor tlio!tn ant! acli of vhikIiiII'Uii ion bclliK InvcntlHiitod by cay Police. 1 AiiiiiC Mnitou, M2ti I.rtwrenco fit., Ifported a puffin taken from her i iir yeMordity. It contained about U In ranli. Approximately $20 In cuhIi mid a III) cheek wnn reported In purnc atolen fioin Belle Johnson, 2U'i WaabliiaUin 81. Jim Duck. Cliireinont Hotel, 4'.!8 N, 411), re-ported a buttery tuken linm hli) truck. Murvln 'Luck of l.tican Furni ture Co., E. Main and llnlley Bin., lold notice plate kIhm window nt I lie More hnvo been dummied by R-1 k'ioI. A. E. Thtirmnn of 329 Iowa St.. told ouii-cr 1 lie bmk donr of n neurit house he own nt MS Low ell Bt., was broken down and nla lr knocked oil tho wait Mondny Want, wn.l.inA. Kv. tl'i fJIrnnle Ilollon received a polite "tlnink tiili" r, lila r0flM hill the I'llU jeclor of Intemnl revenue anki-l that I lie remainder of his tax uni bo aettlcd will) money. Ilollon, operator of a country ,1,.,-m mi ..Hiiiimtf.ft hnrkwriurltt hninorlfit, flKiired be owed $38.23 for aoclal security tax. "Hut did you know," lie wrote Ihn liilnnuil Weui'ium office. "I uln't vol h cent to my mime?" Ilo anid Din rnicaon uumiicm wen a fulluro and continued: "Hlnce there ain't no market around here, I'll Just pay you fcl lera In ernin. You art clone to n iniirknt and can swap the egga for money." . - Hn ahlpped crate of 12 dor.cn ckk to Louisville. Heldon R. Olenn, the Kentucky collector, aent Hollon a check for M In payment for the nn lit "above the market price." "You can attach the check I am sending you to your return." Olenn wrote, "and you can pnv the bnluncc at Ihc rate of 110 a month but not In e'fit.i." Portland Woman Will Head DAR IMiai'lNK W Mm. Allan Ed ward McLean of I'orllatid la the new recent of the Oregon DihikIiI crn of the Anierlcan Hevolutlon. KtrvliiK with her will be Mr. Albert II. I'owern, Cook Jtay, vice- ;reniiil, and Mm. Mlllurd A. Pckar, iHiilnii, (iuipliiln. n,, mini Kiiiiinon, eairm. anu Mrn, Knrl Kmtlcmaii, Woorlburn, will acrvc on the board of (tovcrn ora for the Pioneer Molher'n me morliil cabin at Champorg Btate Park. 'I he UAfl went on record an opponed to rutlflcntlon of the Jnpuiioio peace treaty, Bpcakcrn TurMlay wild It eontaltied a cove nent of human rlKlita which they mild threatens tho U. B. Hill of Kliihta BATTI.K I.OhHKH WA8IIINOTON tM Announced U.8. buttle ciiMiBltien In Korea reached 100.1)71 Wednesday, an in crease of 213 since laat week. 'Hie new tola la: Killed In action 10.(122: wounded 77,4:17: mlaalng 12,812. Crimmlllei bv services: Armv 87.211: Navy 1.251: Air Force '1.0112: Mrrlne Coorpn 17.117 Flying CSassroom Goes On Despite School Board dim trnAMrtrum im niviefn eighth Krade pupils Irom Oregon are studying Bay Area trans- .,nnn l,r.nlti. thiill nrltiMriu I (Idled hi school board and brought llieill iiere vi biiiiic. Principal Royal A. Ivory like to lupplcmcnl clasnrooin Inntruc tlon with fnnt hand tudy. HI pupil vlnlted tho fremhter Ha- urall.... M(.rlllint 'I 'tlPHflf V . WPll. nenday they vlnlted United Airlines maintenance oane ana r)" r ran clnco airport. . They arrived via United Airliner. If Ivory a fourth flying clam, financed by parent. 'file Josephine County (Oregon) .school board doesn't approve. Last !ln the classroom, " j i Ivory's pupila are enjoying them- selve. Bald Robert Anderson: "We're seeing a lot of things we'd never i nee In school." month. It refused Ivory Dermis. nlon for the current trip. Bo he and the parent scheduled this one dur ing a three-day apring vacation. Two mothers camo too. Then the board refused to re hire Ivory for next year, aald Mr. U, A. AXtcil, il coairmnn, hi Grunt Pass, Ore. She explained: ir.tH him we were nnt. crninr to take the responsibility for any l l. AIIK-.....U T !.. more plane VUM. iiuiuukh 1 liy myaelf, and I wouldn't heMtate to put my children on alrplanex, I believe there are too many people around this county who want their children kept on the ground and Ike Hats Go In Ring By Scores NEW YORK.' Here's the , supporter of aen. Elnenhower: A ll.flit blue faille pillbox beret. lth red faille piping and a red ribbon cockade on the left front, decorated with a "I Like Ike" button. Designer gaily Victor made up the hat at the request of the Wilton. Conn., Committee for Eis enhower. It sell for S. ft was shown here by Mm, John Davis Lodge, wile of Con necticut' governor and an Ebien- . bower campaigner. The Beyrouth racetrack In Leb anon ha no outnlde fence and the grandstand Is made of marble. 5 ocrei, 380 foot ocean front, 3 milci from a city on a main hlqhwoy, a buildinq 60x20, partly competed, with a kitchen, bath larqe livinq room and bedroom completed. No finer ocean view than this location, priced at this low fiqure of $23,000. ' For full informa tion and detaili . . . Phone 5473 or coll at 120 No. 10th. "Hot flashes" of change of life stopped or strikingly relieved lrr3-80of the cases in doctors' tests I Those sufTocfitinK "heat waves" alternatlnK with nervous, clammy feelings and accom panied oltRii by restless Irri tability and nervousness are well-known to women sudnrlnj! the functlonally-causcd distress of middle life "change"! You want relief from such suf fering. And chances arc you nun get 11. Thrilling relief! Thanks to two famous Lydla Pinkham medicines! n doctor ' tents. Lydla Pinkham's Compound and 'I ablets brought relief from such distress In 63 and S0'n reh.pectively i of the cases tested. Complete or ttrlking relief! Amazing, you say? Not to the muny thousands of women who know from experience what the?e Lydla Pinkham medicines can dol Their action actually Is very modern. They exert a scientifically calming, toothing eflecl! Try Lvdla Pinkham's on the basis of medical evidence! See if you, too, don't gain blessed relief from those terrible "hot flashe" and weakness so common in "change of life." PT&T To Build Npw Relay Tower PORTLAND im The Columbia wire and Iron Company of Port land Tuesdny won a contract to build a 123-foot tower for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. The tower, to be located on the! lop oi one of the telephone com pany's downtown buildings, is parti of a three million dollar micro wave relftV MVutcm Kni,nn n. ' . , . ' ubvwcni run- h "h ,8'"lUle' Tne ystem can , Phone calK 'c":,"'"n 85 wel1 as ( AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A j PIANO 1 fii. ' "lair m if.'.T!".'1 1"' ""' "" i.J ..u ? " .CMIlIlt II . klihf, Ib.n ,i. or. ir r. prt- PjENNEYS SHOES FOOTPRINTS OF QUALITY! GIRL'S MOCCASIN CASUALS 298 Leather play-timers with genu lne rawhide laces, molded rub ber soles . . they're wonderful to wear with your blue Jeans, other casual clothes! White. TAKE THE ELEVATOR DOWNSTAIRS mm How lydla Plnktiam't worki ft artt tttrouoti a uomart't ym paf'iftlo nertou ifilfn to cue rllf mm tltt "hot taihe$" and olnrr luncHonallv-cati'.'tl dtl frejfet o "change of Ite." Don't put it off! Oet Lydla Pink ham's Vegetable Compound or new, improved Tablets with added Iron (trial sue only S9t). Wonderul too for the func tional pains, cramps, "dragged-out" feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods! PRIM Jllilj 10 BIG DAYS AT KALINA'S IN MALIN! Big Savings on this 9.2 cu. ft. ZENITH REFRIGERATOR! 3Ti- I . The new Zenith Refrigerator It scientifically designed and engin eered to give perfect circulation of cold air throughout the entire food storage compartment. . . You are assured of 'an even tem perature from top to bottom. . . and without excess moisture. Get all the .facts about the Zenith. . . Compare it with other refrigerators. You'll find that feature for feature, dollar for dollar. Zenith is your BEST BUY. REDUCED TO 7 mm Convenient Terms Arvin New ... rosewood plastic at; ling New . . . weep-srvle pointer New . . . deboased dial figures New . . . ACDC circuit New . . . magna-bass tone Model 553T the latest triumph of Wvet Voice -rASS Regular 24.95 "Viit tit 0?ttwtu tyw- TVtHtf Roomy "fail chill" troy ..U .... Hermetically "sealed In slttl" WTVI lVUIUDII tUlllrJIVWVI . Fivi-year Protection Plan . . . your as surance of satisfactory performance. Full 9.25 cubic foot gross capacity . . . Mart than 16 tq. ft. of (half area. . Giant Frozen Food Locker . . , Holds up to 42 lbs. froien mcati. Full width Suptr Crisper. , , Capacity approximately 18 quarts. t new txfra ' Econs- . your at- SALE STARTS TOMORROW AT THIS SPECIAL 0FFR FOR JO DAYS ONLY Yes, we mean it a SJU to $40 saving on a new 1952 model Zenith Wash er .. . This unusually low price is possible because of a tremendous quantity purchase by our suppliers, during the off-season pro duction period. When present slocks are gone there will be no more at this price. It's the greatest washer buy you will see this year, to come in now and take advantage of this saving. KALINA'S HARIDWARE IN MALIN ph. 680 litwral Trarfe-ln Allcwaw laiy Terms This Is the Zenith Washer with tho famous bowl-shaped tub to -produce faster and more efficient water action . . . gets clothes cleaner faster . . . Tub is double-wall construction which keeps . water hot much longer . . , You can't beat Zenith (or washing efficiency . . . Come in, compart. Mm - Footprints of Quality! jM ' EASTER '.-SHOES' EXCITING YOUNG STYLES FOR ALL AGES AT THRIFTY PENNEY PRICES! YOUR HEELS ARE psAfarijcooA acamioA Viewy DRESS PUMP 98 SANDAL 90 6 CLASSIC PUMP 90 7 Platterini high heel pump with baby doll lines! Open toe style with smart toe detail, lour cut vamp . . wonderful news at this tiny price! Choose Red calf: brown or black suede. 5-8. AA-B. Amazing at this low price . . flattering genuine snakeskin or smooth, soft calf that looks far more expensive! Medium heeled, well designed, hand-, some . . Snakeskin in red or beige and brown; calf In red, green, or black. S to 8'i, AA-B. Endlessly wearable . . the simple, classic pump with the midway heel, snug fitting, . fully lastex lined Tamp. Sani tized for cleaner and better a wear. Smooth calf finish In Red, Brown, or Black. 6 to 8H. AA-B. Take Our New Elevator Downstairs YOUR CASUALS ARE 3 tfi ife a OXFORD Cushion - Crepe sole . 90 6 jpiUt- TEEN FLAT Contrast Color 98 3 IpDUA' WEDGE HEEL Tone On Tone 98 It's the new, perky kiltie ox ford In soft black, or grey suede! Cushion soled with clever pinked flaps you can take off. They're sanitized for cleaner, better wear! Sizes 41 to 8'i. AA-B. Cute Idea, and practical, too . . little suede flat with a smooth leather "mudguard" where your shoe takes the most scuffing 1 Black suede with red. grey suede with Red. or golden wheat suede and leather. 4!j to 9. AA-B. Flattering platform sling pump with baby doll lines, in soft suede with kid trim . . the colors new and special! Sani tized for cleaner and better wear. Burnished gold with Kelly Green trim. 6 to 8'.. AA-B. Take Our New Elevator Downstairs FOR GIRLS! Party-Goers in Red! 98 4 FOR GIRLS! Casuals in Burgundy! 49 8Vi to 12 4.49 DOWNSTAIRS Cross - strap casual style with neollte soles, rubber ; 8V2 neeis . . ruoor arch and heel pads. Good year welt. Sizes 12V3. 4 to 12 3.98 DOWNSTAIRS So light and easy going! The soles are a new "foam" crepe they're wash able! Smooth leath er uppers. Sizes 13'4-3. ; 1