WEDNESDAY. MARCH 10. Ilfflg PACP FOUR HEHALU AINI) HEWS. M.MAln f wi'U. unfAiUJ" I i ' 1 1 1 i . i - : i A". - -; : . . ;vs. 5 ... .-; c f - V" . ' w -r .... v;yJ MARKETS and FINANCIAL J Grains Lower, For ! Day, End Better CHICAGO Of) Grains were low. f er throUHhoiK most of the session J on the bourd or trndo Wednesday i Blthough quite a bit of the lor. i Ri ound was recovered toward Uie close. - ' ' There wasn't much spark to tho S late upturn, which in part reflected i Bhort-coverlnu by local traders, i It followed news that France had 1 requested offers of hard and soft J. wheat after the market' close. A i drying up In country offerings of i cash corn aided that ccrcnl. I For Uie most part, however, the market was weighed down by the excellent winter wheat crop out 'look, unfavorable corn-hog price , ratios end a revival of peace talk, s Wheat closed 1 'n lower to higher, March $2.53 com ' lower to 3i higher, March $1.48's, oats ' lower to 7 higher, March 90, rve V2 'i lower. May $2.08, sovbe'ans U higher. March $3.02 Vi-'s, and lard b cents lower to 2 cents a hundred pounds higher, March 12.17. Wheat Open High Low Close 2.54 2.54 2.52 ? 2.53 2.53 'i 2.54i 2.52 T, 2.54 2.45 2.45 2.44 , 2.45 V, 2.46 2.47 'i 2.46 , 2.47 2.50 2.50 2.49 3 2.50H Mar May Jly Sep Dec. : Declines Mark Most Stocks Today " NEW YORK W The stocs mar ket went quietly through an uneven session Wednesday with Uie em phasis on Uie declining side. Losses ranged down to as much as 2 points while gains were held ; to around a point at Uie most among leading issues.- p Trading was depressed to an . estimated 1,100,000 shares. Quotations New York Stocks ' By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 27 ' 'Allied Chemical 72 Allis Chalmers - 48 ' American Airlines 14 lt American Power & Light 24 S American Tel. It Tel. . 154 3k ' American Tobacco 57 ' Anaconda Copper 47 ' Atchison Railroad 78 3 Bethlehem Steel . 48', Boeing Airplane Co. 47 Ts Bor Warner " , 69 V Burroughs Adding Machine ' 17 3 California Packing 25 3V '. Canadian Pacific 35 .Caterpillar Tractor 50 Celanese Corporation 43 Chrysler Corporation 72 i CiUes Service 106 3 Consolidated Edison 33 3, Consolidated Vultee 17 i crown Zellerbach 66 Curtis Wright . 8 5s Douglas Aircraft 53 duPont de Nemours 85 Eastman Kodak 43 Emerson Radio - ? 14 ! General Electric ' ' 58 Vs General Foods ' 43 General Motors 52 Georgia Pac Plywood 21 ij Goodyear Tire 44 Hnmestake Mininir Co. 36 Vt International Harvester .'33 18 International Paper " 46 Johns Manville s 69 Ji Kennecott Copper . 73 Libbv, McNeill ' . 8"i Lockheed Aircraft r 21 ' Loew's Incorporated 17 Long Bell A Montgomery Ward 63 Nash Kelvuiat'or ' 20 i New York Central' 19 Northern Pacific 82 4 Pacific American Fish 17 Pacific Gas & Electric 34 Pacific Tel. It Tel. Ill 's Packard Motor Car 4 'i Penny (J.C.) Co. ' 67 3i Pennsylvania R.R. 18 s Pepsi Cola Co. 9V '. Philco Radio 31 V , Radio Corporation 26 ?i Raynoier Incorp 57 3i Rayonier Incorp Pfd 36 Vi Republic Steel 40 Reynolds Metals 58 3i Richfield Oil 55 Ti Safeway Stores Inc. 31 7a Scott Paper Co. 51 Vi Sears Roebuck & Co. 53 ' Socony-Vacuum Oil 38 2 ' Southern Pacific 66 k Standard Oil Calif 52 , Standard Oil N. J. 77 Y , Studebaker Corp. 36 Vt Sunshine Mining 10 Vi 1 Swift It Company 32 'Transamerica Corp. 25 Twentieth Centry Fox 18 .Union Oil Company 42 "s i Union Pacific 118 3.4 United Airlines 29 li 'United Aircraft 31 'i United Corporation 5 1a I United States Plywood ' 33 United States Steel 38 , Warner Pictures 14 Western Union Tel . 38 ' WoetinffhmiGP Air T?rnV . 25 3.i Westinghouse Electric 36 3A IWoolworth Company 43 Audi ' &wSdii niSTRKT COI RT Dale Hlmelwiight, pastnix crt hill. Fine 1S. Harluw W. HtihbH, no bcci trnt port inn permit. Forfeit $IM ball. Cecil H. Diiffielt, overload. Forfeit (3H bail. Donaltl L. Sloan, fatlurc atop at atop inn. Fine B. Charles A. Smith, failure drive right aide highway. Fine S15. Aurtrt w A. Ktuni. lure drive right aide highway Fine SIS, Howard W. Crawford, inadequate foot brake. Fine 10. Robert C. lnuz, improper vehicle It ctnie. Fine $. Willard H Graham, no vehicle li cense. Fine $3. Ralph 11. West. Angling prohibited mnthod. Forfeit SIS bail. Do le K. O Hara, na Pl'C permit. Forfeit bail. Virgil C. Perry, failure atop at itop gign. Forfeit (i hail. Etmanda G. McDonald, no operator license. Fine t. ChArlei S. Knight, improper, muffler. Forfeit S3 bail. Uvle i Gifford, overweight. Fine 15. Joe L. Keller, no vehicle license. Fine S3 , John W. Fleming, no vehicle license. Forfeit bail. Leonard V. Hoford, no vehicle li cense. Forfeit S3 bail. David A. Bishop, wrecking motor ve hicle without licence. Fine S50. MI'NItlPAt. rtH'RT ' Earl Camobell. drunk. Fine $100 and 30 dv. Misprnc'ed to leave town. BuMer Conney, drunk. Fine S13 or 7'i ds. Harry Runyon. drunk. Fine $100 and 30 c'vf suspended, to leave town. James H- Julian, drunk and disorder ly. Fine S50 or 25 days. Jock L. Bruno, drunk. Fine SIS or 7' days. John Baker, drunk. Fine $30 or 13 days. Funeral BIRTHS FORKNER Born it Klmth Vlley HospiUl. March 18. 19.13, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Forkner. 2323 Gordon St.. a slrl- 9 pounas. GREENWOOD Born at Klamath Vallty Hosoltal. March l. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greenwood, 2305 Hope St.. a girl. Weight; 7 pounds 11U ounces. PITTS Born at Klamath Valley Hos pital. March 18. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pills, route 2. box 783, Klam ath Falls, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds ll1. ounces. LARKEY Bom at Klamath Valley Hospital. March 18, 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larkey. route 3, box 71, Klamath Falls, a boy. Weight: S pounds 7W ounces. KLXM Born at Klamath Valley Hos pital, March 18. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klem. 2318 Greensprings, a glrL Weight: 8 pounds 3l ounce-. COMPLAINT HIED Carl L. Gibson vs. Bessie W. Gib son, suit for divorce. Couple married July 13. 1946. Reno. Nev. Charge, cruel ty, t'latnitl seens properly .riwcmcii.. E. E. Driscoll. attorney lor plaintlil. A COMMON SIGHT with Spring only two days away this morning was a Klamathite with snow shovel in hand. Here Earnest Rand, 4362 Allamont Drive., was pictured brushing Monday njght's snowfall off ears on a S. 6th St. used car lot. Portland Livestock PORTLAND in Cattle salable 150; market fairly active and most ly steady on tVDes available: steers scarce, nominally steady: few utili ty heifers- 2Z-C0 .au; cutter dairy - type heifers down to 19.00 or below; few utility cows 21.00 - 24.00; canner and cutter mostly 17.50 - zo.oo; lew to -zi.uu; sneus down to 15.00; utility bulls mostly 25.50 - 27.00; l heavy Hoisiein bull 30.00. Calves salable 50; market active strong; choice and prime vealers 35.00 - 38.00; commercial and good grades mostly 28.00 34.00; cull and utility 17.00 26.00. Hogs salable 200; market opened active, 25c higher; later trade slow with advance lost; choice No. 1 and 2 types 180-235 lb weights early 20.25 20.50; later sales down to 20.00 with No. 3 type 19.75 down; few choice 250 - 290 lbs 18.25 19.00; choice 300 - 330 lb No. 2 butchers 18.00; choice 350 550 lb sows 1530 17.00: lighter weights to 17.50; choice light feed er pigs scarce, salable around 18.00 - 18.50. Sheep salable 25: few heavy lambs about steady; good and choice 117 130 lb wooled lambs 23.00 23.50; choice under 110 lb weights quotable up to 27.00; odd good 140 - 170 lb ewes 13.00; cull and utility 8.00 12.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND Wt Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast de livery: oats No. 2, 38 lb white 68.00. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.52 "i; soft white (excluding rex 2.52 ',2; white club 2.52 Hard red winter: ordinary 2.52 '4 10 per cent 2.52 '2; 11 per cent ai 'iV. iz per cent 2.52 Hard white baart: ordinary 252 ii; 10 per cent 2.52 'A; 11 per cent 2.52 !; 12 per cent 2.52 ',2. Today's car receipts: wheat 130; barley 2; flour 12; corn 10; mil! ieea iu. Weather Br The Associated Press 24 Hours Ending at 4:3 p.m. Max. JUin. Treclp. Baker 44 Bend 37 Eugene 48 La Grande 46 Lakeriew 36 Mcdtord 40 North Bend 43 Ontario 49 Pendleton 47 Portland (Arpt) 46 Roseburg Salem Boise Chicago Denver Eureka Los Anceles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane 40 45 42 46 53 49 "59 52 55 56 46 40 23 11 34 25 23 31 33 31 32 37 33 33 24 43 23 38" 50.: 39 40 . 45. 31 22 .17 .58 .14 .02 .06 .58 .08 .16 Salvation Army Luncheon Planned Lt. Col. Pauline Eberhardt. sec retary of the Territorial nomc League, will be in Klamath Falls fnr o luncheon and rally of Sal vation Army Women here tomor- rThe luncheon is set for 12:30 at Jened's, the rally at 2 p.m. at Uie Salvation Army rian. Tnnin trlrla who believes in old customs kiss their hands on hear-1 ing the first cuckoo of the year. Victorian maidens u.cea i-resion salts to recover from their swoon ing; today they are better known as "smelling salts." Cattle Lack Puts Price Range Up CHICAGO U'l A- The avnilnble supply of hogs cut 30 per cent below the numbers expected Wednesday and buyers had to pay 25 to 50 cents a hundred pounds more to fill their order. Cattle and sheep also were cur tailed in receipts, turning the form er steady to . 50 cents higher and lambs steady to strong. Most butcher weluht hogs sold from J15.50 to $17.80 with a few loads topping at $17.60. Sows brought $14.00 to $15.75 mainly. Good to prime steers and year lings ranged from $19.00 to $39.25 and heifers from $29 00 to $26.00. Cows topped again at $24.50. Fed wooled lambs moved ni $26.25 to 27.00 and a load of clipped lambs merited $26.60. Ewes' were considered stoutly to wenk tit $14.00 niul below. Eke Slips In Last Count MINNB'.APOI.IS Con, Else- howrr n I ill In n round as mini ivluini fioiu Mlniiivioln's pi'psiilt'ii. ilnl pi'limirv en inc in Wtilnesdiiv, but with 2.733 of tlio slnte's 3,7tit) precincts reported he lind Hummed 38.5:1 per rent ol the Republican vole. The genciitl got Ills votes the hard way bv wilic-lns niter a court rullnii Unit petitions were dcfnotlvo balked efforts of sup. pollers to get him nil the ballot. Vi'Ifiim politicians culled llio blia uird'Ot wrlie-lns nmiir.lim. Klserhower flipped about half a lieiceiiliiKn point an liivorlln mm Harold HUi.v-rn gnlned nbniit iv much lo win 43. as per rent of Uie vole. Sen. Tall iR.-l)liln.,l an other write-In, picked un about 1.41 per rout ol the votes, Stii.ssen'ti mt mo was on the bullot. The drive for Uie willo-ln vote, most always dlfllcult to rapture, lind been started bv Mliinrsoliins lor Elsenhower only last Friday, following the ntlornev general's ruling mat audi voles would count. Minnesota Secretary Slate's office said never In Hie lil.-ttory of the ntnlo lias Ihero broil anything H Tuesday wriit-m imism. Ooiiinaratlve figures r not available, however. Brunenu Cnnvoii, Owyhee conn Iv. Idaho. Is said lo bo one of the cieriiesl narrow canyons on Uie ru rlli. Recommended By Many leading BABY DOCTORS to relieve distress of kiddies' CHEST COLDS Child's Mild 7r$tss 6etterMAD rthome! ...kA: ri!h Sf it chesi raft flour TtUimj) "I ( At your S&FEWAY STORE Potatoes CHICAOO l.f Potatoes: Arri vals 108. on track 378: total U.S. shipments 878: firm at ceilings Track sales, lcl per 100 lb: Idaho Russets S6.15. Utilities $5.05: Min nesota - North Dnkota Pontincs S4 92 washed; Montana Russets $6.21. The word "Idaho" is a Shoshone Tnrlian rmm nf a nUITjle COlUlh bine, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. To cleana ten der parts, ease red, smarting kin and quick ly oromote com fort, depend on RESINQT OINTMENT AND SOAP sMssbms9Ws. LEAKN HOW YOU CAN MAKE BIO MONEY IN YOU OWN BUSINESS! Here it is! A proved way for you to make big money year after year ! Yes, it's your chince of a life time to become independent with your very own business just few months time! Our well financed company is offering ex clusive territory rights for one of the most profitable businesses in America today Drive-In type Re freshment Stands. No red tape, excessive costs or royalties in volved ! You own and operate your own business is you see fit ! Your investment is small! 3,000 or $4,000 can put you into a money making business which can be op erated by two to four persons. No previous experience necessary! PLAN AHEAD! GET GOING RIGHT NOW! START EARN ING BIG MONEY THIS SUM MER! A t stamp will convince you! Write for free booklet no obligation. WRITE LYONS-MAGNUS, INC. (Frond. lit Diviiion) 2545 16th Street - San Francisco 3, Calif. t CIIIPPS I Vnnmra rvlr fnr Archie ChlDDS. I 57, who died In Sprague River, March . ifi ii' m inko ni ae from the Chanel cf i Ward Klamath Funeral Home, 923 ' lllnh fit nn FHrtnv 1 n TTI . the RV. J E. J. Tuning officiatinR. Commitment I i wrvice with vault entombment in Chief ; J Sfhonchin Cemetery. I l-l ' -i SOFT WHITE STRONG jplj ki i -fa OUR BUDGET PLAN VERS EVERYTHING! Tires Painting Motor Work Body Work Mechanical Work All for your car needs Any Make of Car ft f T LI I C Spend $25 and pay if off in 3 t mall monthly payments. LI Vs I niO You won't suffer with high finance charges on our .... Easy Budget Plon! ' , ICC i o mra Co, r 9th and Pine Phone 318S i 3 q SAVE NOWiONf FASHIONS FORT THE ENTIRE ' FAMILY . Wards Pre.-Easte Specials; , SPECIAL PURCHASE 7-14 SUI Uiually 7.98. An outstanding buy for Eatr in crease-reilstant rayon and acetate. Smart O.jr , In navy with red or white; and gray with red. ' SPECIAL PURCHASE 3-6XCOAT Usually 10.98. Only a special buy makes wv-y this low price possible. All virgin wool covert. Rayon lined. Choice of spring navy, red, aqua. REG. 4.98 BLACK PATENT PUMPS For children, misses Better Quality Red ' Bands for Easter dress-up wear reduced 22 O. O O for this event. Durable leather soles. 8'i-3. SPECIAL PURCHASE NYLON SLIP (5) Only a special purchase makes this low price " . . possible. Run-proof 40 denier nylon with rich 344 nylon trims. In white. Sizes from 32 to 40. REG;T 1.39 FRAME HEEL' NYLONS Carol Brent 15 denier, AO gauge Nylons ( black or brown frame heels. First quality, full-! LQ9 fashioned. New spring shades. Sizes BVi to 11. V ,s5 REG. 2.98 MISSES' SKIRTS You save nearly $1 when you buy two or V ajc on eacn purcnase. Noveiiy suitings, gat- 2 f QR ardines In rayon, rayon-acetale 2,53 ea; TTT IWlSiMSI.lllt .REG; 2.98 PERMA-FIT SHIRT Carefully styled for proper fit. Sanforized, , combed cotton broadcloth. Non-wilt collar 0 always looks neat. Neck sizes from 14 to 17, y . REG. 98c TRIM NYLON BRIEFS Now at our lowest price. Run-proof Is denier Nylon Briefs. Beautiful trims of nylon 34C lace; embroidery. Six pretty colors. All sizes. OLDS -CADILLAC Register to Vote Now! 7th and Klamath wmmmmimmmmm Ph. 4103