WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, ll)!i2 I1KRALD AND NEWS. KIJVMATII FALLS. ORF.CON PAGE TTTRTf fc, I n i ..,J.,J..,.., ,. , .... I. ..i v.,,,..,.- ... - , .M .. , ., ,.J MUng Mr. unci MrH. JnniPri rnliiirr itnil niiuill dnuxhUir Jolt Tiiemlny Kir Corviillh to mmnd the loinulnilni- ,t the wflnk with ruin llvm mill IririKlM In lloinndiiln mid oilmr tiiwiw. I'liliiior U ft Uiuchor lit Mllln school, VUlliira Mr. mid Mil. IX. K. (Mud i Hwil,ir, MiidloiU, lormrr Klnmiitli rnnliltmui wore workr-nd HuwitH ol Mr. mid Mm. Tom JJiiv. 3731 Ninnnimn I.ium. Bwltznr ww formerly on thn police force hnro. OTI MmlThe OTI Homo Exlm Klon Unit will incut 10 it, in. 'Ilium chiy nt tho hoiiif ol Mm. Hlclmid lli'nnlK. 410 lIlllHldc. Lumen un ciuniiUK wlnliliw rides meet nt the llooiui) llnrpi-r Jr. homo, 9:30 in. Tho dFiiumiitriitloii will bit nn kltelirn ntnniKd mid a suck lunch will bo nerved nt noon. I.nnf Trip Leaving lor Alnnka Mnnduy wore. Mr. nnd Mm. Hnr Id ItiluKti ii nd children Jnmlc, 6 mid Ronnie 4, nnd Mr. mid Mm. J-'rnnk llurr mid children, Joan, Ii l.lndn, 4, Hubby, II, mid Lurry 11 liinnlmt. The two fiinillic heuded NorUi In ii l'i Um truck, remodeled lor living (unrtnrn mid expect to nrrlve In the vicinity ol Aiichnrniie In nbout two week". The truck even cm rlecl n winihlnu machine npernllnir on II volts ol power. ll'lKK" bnrl been employed nt the Hiilxluer Motor tor nbout (I yen, llurr lor tho punt nix months. All Women Interented In niter nin home nurnlni? courses to lie Kin March 'JO, plenno cnnliict Red C'iouk office, phoiiB VIM. The course will be sponsored by the Mills PTA, ZUn l.uthrrnn l.ndles Aid will meet 1:30 p. m.Tliursdny nt the church. Nlinaln View K run ire will meet In remilnr session, Krldny 8 p. m. in the Hlinntii school iym. h'xplorer Bcout Post No. 110 will receive their chnrter nnd ling. There will be n remilnr mwllng of Uio Btewnrl-U'nox Fire Belles, 1:30 p. m. Thursduy. Job's Daushtrra will hold their remilnr mcetlnii Tlmrndny evenlnit. There will be n potluck fl:30 din ner nt the Mnsnnlo Temple, hon oring Uic State Ornnd Ounrdlnn. New Daughter Mr. nnd Mrs. Btevo Kcssler. 82J Mitchell, nre taking their new daughter, I, sum Louise, born Mnrch 15 nt Klnmnth Valley Hospital home tmliiy. Tlie little girl, second child In the fam ily, wclKhed 7 pounds, I1; ounces. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kewiler hnve n non Htevle, years old. Pnternnl crnndpnrenLs nre Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Kessler. I.eroy Blreet, mnternni nre Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Wntt, Hpoknne. Her grent-grnndfiither Is 84-yenr-nlil W. S. Kessler, Portland and I. sum Louise wnn born on hie blrthdny nnnlversnry. White Shrlne-AII nfllcem to be In.Htnlled nnd members partlcl pntlng in Instnllntlon ceremonies nl tlie order of the White Bhrlne of Jerusalem, Mnrch 21) nre to report to the Masonic Temple lor prac tice, 7 p. in. Sunday. . Speaker J. J. Gillespie, Salem will speak nguln tonight, 7:30 nt the Church ol God, 3803 AHnmont. Legion Women Wlnema Post 143 meets tonight at 8 nt Memo rial llnll. Entertnlnmenl nnd re frenhmenls. All women veterans Invited. Carnation rlub Meets tonight at t at Uia home of Cress Urubb, 4617 Winter Bt. Moose Lodge A potluck Is to bo held nl tho lodge hull Friday, 6:30 p. m., tor Ininllles nnd guests. Thcrn will bo movies nnd games for children. Democrats A reorgnnlcnllon meeting ol the Klnmnth County Democratic Club Is to bo held nt 7:3(1 tonight nt the Wlnemn. Robert Y. Thornton of Tillamook. Demo cnndldnto for Attorney Oenernl, Is scheduled to be tho speaker. (.'aline llonnra Clifford Jackson. Klnmiitli Pulls, nnd Albert Mlckn, Mnllu, luivo been Inltluled by the Oregon Btnte College chapter of I 'hi Uln Hlgmn, niillonnl froshmnn nchnliuslilp honor Iriilernlty. A 3.6 grudn nvorngu in rociuirea lor iiioinliornhlp, (Iranilimrenta Fred B. Robinson, Hill Crescent HI., hna returned from Um Angclos. Mrs. Robinson In iiiiniilnlng In the Houlh a few more duva to get better ncnunlnted with the Robinsons' new grand- dnughler, Nnncy Louise, born March 3 to Blililuy nnd Curtla Robinson, In Paclfln Peter P. Rodriguez, Weed, Is nerving with the Navy aboard Iho repiilr-siilviige ship UBS Deliver In tho far Ennt. First Melhodlat All church wom en Invited to monthly WHCB meet ing tomorrow, 1:30 I), m., nt the church. An Executive Committee meeting Is to convene nt noon. Mayflower Club of Congregn- tlonnl church will hold ft dessert luncheon Krldnv at 1 ti. m. nl the home at Miss Mary Eckstein, 2243 Garden Ave., with Mrs. Hazel Bindley nnd Mrs. A. A. Myers as co-hostesses. All members nnd guests nre Invited to attend. I'rosnerlty Rebeknh l.odge will meet nt the lOOK hull Thursday nt B p. m. lor regular business nna Initiation. All officers nnd degree tram members nre naked to be present nnd wear white formula. Crater Snow Sets Record An elght-lneh snowfall Inst night after the anowpack settled slightly yesterday pushed the Crater Lake snow depth to a new all-time rec ord 210 Inches. Asst. Chief Park Ranger Bernle Pncknrd reported the record was surpiisned at 8 o'clock this morning, and a heavy snow win atlll falling two hours later. Tlie old record of 208 Inches wan set during March of 1938. Packard snld travel was not ad vised on Highway 62 through the lark tooay. niree or me pnrx s ive snow plows were reported out of nctlon nfter working against heavy odds all winter. Total snowfall for the senaon so far according to Packard, Is 701' 4 Inches. Record total snowfall was measured during the winter of 1848-49, Packard said, when snow piled up to a depth of 823 Inches. Normel fe- this time of yenr Is 022'i Inches. Bankruptcy Move Asked PORTLAND Wl A Roseburg mnn, who won n big personnl In jury verdict In a highway accident ens, Tuesday nsked thnt the com pany of one of the defendants be declared bankrupt. Maurice Orlesrl of Roseburg won ft verdict for $119,236 In Coos County Circuit Court as a result of a collision with a logging truck owned bv J. A. Abston of Port Orford. The driver was the other defendant. In a ledernl bankruptcy petition, Orlesel said that Abston hnd com mitted "net of bankruptcy" by transferring some of his assets to another creditor. To press his own clnlm. he snld Abston's firm. A. A. Logging Company, should be de clared bankrupt. INCORPORATE BALEM lfi Articles of lncor porntlon Wednesday: Lower Hlghlnnd Blbla Church nnd Sundnv School Benver Creek. George C. Elliott, Dell M. Scrlbncr and W. P. Btonc. 23 1eaM Aja Mondoy, March 18, 1929 Mr. ond Mn. Vernon Moore of the Johnson Apartments announce the birth of on eight pound ion ot the Klamalh Volley Hospital on Soturday, March Ii, Mri. Moore will be remembered os Miss LoVida Stinson. Mr. Moore is salesman wilh the Balsiger Motor Company. Tuesday, March 19, 1929 Engagement of Miss Moybclle Leavllt, youngest daughter of Judge ond Mrs. A. L. Leavitt, to Mr. A. H. Bornhiscl, Klamath Falls business man, was an nounced at a charming tea on Wednesday. Miss Leavitt Is con nected with the advertising department of the Evening Herald ' I ond The Klamath News. Mr. Bornhiscl is with tho Trl State Realty Company. Wednesday, March 20, 1929 Sale of the interests of Chorles Grovo In Tho Gordon Toxl Service to Brady Montgomery was made known yesterday. The servfeo Is now owned by the Mont gomery brothers, Brody and Pat. The stand Is located at the Mecca. . i , , Thuridoy, March 21, 1929 Work hos started on the con struction of an addition to the New City Laundry building at tho corner of Fourth St. ond Klamoth Ave. Directors of the New City Loundry ore: Frank Word, E, H. Bolsiger, Don J, Zumwolt ond E. E. Mogce, Friday, March 22, 1929 Tuesday night hos been set aside os a post commanders retrieve by members of the American Legion Post No. 8, Tho order of commanders since the formation of the post follows; J. H. Cornahon, Fred Westerfoldt, H. E, Gotz, F. R. Olds, O. D. Matthews, George Barlh, A, H. Buss man, Louis Porter ond Alfred Collier. Saturday, March 23, 1929 Neighbors of Woodcraft enjoyed one of the most delightful meetings of the year on Wednesday. Threo chortor members from 1906, Mrs, Ella McMillan, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendoll ond Mrs. George Grlzilo prosided In the, choirs.. Mrs. B. Tompkins ond Mrs, W, E. Palmer entortoinod with musical numbers. Lillian Hoyden received a past guardian's pin. THE "Iniure With Londry" Jtandtu Go. LIABILITY FIRE V. T. Johnson John A. McCall D, L. Thomas . AUTO PROPERTY 419 Main Street Phone 2-2526 Purity Probe Has Capitol Hill In Tizzy; Big Cleanup Boss Want Salary Reports fly IA( K AIM.YIH WASHINGTON I Political boiub-bursls rolled up nnd down Pennsylvania Avenue Wcdncsdny lis corruption probes within probes veered off In unprcdlct able directions. These developments stood out In tho bitter clectlon-yeur struggle between the Truman arlniliilsiru llon und lis critics: 1. Nowbold Morris, President Truinnn'n specially appointed cor ruption sleuth, culled on Attorney General McGrulh (his own Im- medlnto superior) nnd 695 other top Justice Department officials to submit detailed data on the flnan- Newberg Boy FFA Winner CORVALL1H If Lynwood Lundu,ulst, Newberg, won the an nual Oregon Future Farmers ol America public speaking contest held here Tuesday In connection with the annuul r'FA convention. His address on "America's Cruelest Waste" dealt with the handling of livestock on the furm and en rouie to marsei. Bill McNury. North Marlon, wan second with a tulk called "A Death Warrant for Rats. James Chrl'it- lanson, Junction City, was third, and Bill Bennett, Enterprise, fourth. Morn thnrt. 400 FFA members opened business meetings of tho convention Wednesday after a wel come by Dr. A. L. Strand, Oregon State College pre i lent. Election nnd Installation of of ficers Is scheduled Thursday and Friday The State FFA Executive uom- mlttee met Monday nnd Tuesday. Ralph L. Morgan, state super visor of agricultural education, and M. C. Buchanan assistant super visor, both of Salem, are directing the convention. SHIP OKAV SEATTLE 11 The Coast Guard reported the tug Salvage King took over the tow of the British freight er Darton 200 miles off the Colum bia River light ship Wednesday. me Canadian tug toog over irom the Guard cutter Winona after a 7 a.m. rendezvous. The tug Is expected to tow tlie propeller less ship to Portland for dry-docking. clul status of themselves nnd their Immediate kin, Tho questions nsked ranged from stock market speculation nnd gam bling to how many fur coaln are now In the family compared with live years ago. 2. A House Judiciary Subcom mittee Net up In the wake of congressional disclosures ot tux collection scandals asked Trurnan for a look at the Income tax re turns of McGrulh and IB of his aides. 3. The ume committee asked McGruth to appear for question ing March 20 in connection with the committee's own investiga tion of Justice Department alfairs. Republican Presidential Possibility Harold E. Btiisscn has suggested nn Inquiry Into reports that Mo Grnth has become a millionaire in Ilia 21 yeurs in public service. 4. The Senate Judiciary Com mittee rejected Truman's request that Investigator Morris be given power to subpoena witnesses and require the production of records from non-government sources. Inslcud, Chiilrmun McCarran (D-Nev said his group had ap proved "a new approach" to tlie government cleanup problem. This would Involve presidential appoint ment of a chief Investigator and five assistants who unlike Morris would be subject to Sen ate confirmation. Further, In sharp contrast to the Morris plan of operations, Con gress would have access to all Information gathered by these In-1 gators, through subpoena powers I or otherwise McCarran and other members I of the committee made It amply I clear that they did not have Morris in minu or tnc proposed cniti Investigator' post. j The Ncvadnn described Morris, i former president of the New York j City Council, as a man without j "control of his own emotions." This was an obvious reference to Morris' outburst against the "dls-1 cased minds" of senators investi gating his part In some surplus tunkcr deals. Meanwhile, former Internal Re venue Commissioner Joseph D. i Nunan Jr., spent six hours Tues-; day behind closed doors with a' Bring the f eng 1 1 for coffee . . .1 II Li house committee pursuing tax col lection Irregularities. Chairman King (D-Callf) told newsmen he would be recalled "probably be fore the end of this month." Nunan refused to comment on his long session other than to say it was "pretty cxnausling. Nunan, Income tax chief from 11)44 to 1947 has been accused by Sen. Williams IR-Del) of giving legal aid to tax troubled clients too soon after leav Ing the government. For used typewriters nnd add Inir machines . . . Vnlcht'i Pioneer Office Supply, 630 Main. FOR rOUR LENTEN MENUS FRESH! MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS! COTTAGE CHEESE ASK FO THI CIUTIH LAKt COTTAGf CHIESI KeClPI tOOt SEW NOW FOR SPRING! SAVE 20.00! ON THIS . . . KENMORE Sewing Machine 20 YEAR GUARANTEE! Reg. 133.95 NOW ON!. 20.25 Down, 7.50 Month on Sean Eoiy Terms (Usual Carrying Charge) Handsomt walnut finish cabinet with Sears best, most modern full-iiie sewing head, Auto matic bobbin winder. This beautiful walnut fin Ish Console style cabinet .will enhance any room, Get yours at Sean! Enjoy Ht modern features today! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ON YOUR OLD MACHINE .. Cff& ' Sor, Rotbeck and Co. ' hntt isISlP 1 133 So. Bth St. . I ()' t . (SfllO5 I Klamath Foils, Ore.- I ' Gentlemn:v Ploase send me, without ' S- obligation, further Information des- J cribing the now Kenmore sewing Call 5188 now.;: ' ; J ... " STREET OR RR cr use this coupon J ;ity state fZ SEARS ' Morris appeared to be philoso phical about the senate commit tees refusal to give him subpoena powers, lie noted at a news con ference, that the resolution Is "still before Congress," although apparently he was well aware thnt committee disapproval usually kills proposed legislation. mmmtmm (jtnerol MM Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service 1334 So. .th fhest 1-0291 SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA mulollf Trtoltt Iill70 Mtlkai It, N.. Ilk rto tot) ftlr.ororllo Pkyiltloii AMERICAN CHINESE m4o at tkt krtl Mi. 4 Fat Ordm To T.k. Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. Weather No Problem! When We FLUFF DRY Your Wosh 8 lbs. washed, dried & folded (inc. soap) 60 ONE DAY SERVICE Rogers Silver- coupons rith Wn redemption eoeh 25c worth of THE LAUNDFRETTE So. 6th & Owens Ph. 6373 ...the really complete miy . v zddoi i msm$T mm mm No tiresome beating!... 4 delicious flavors!... Devil's Fudge -Golden-White-Spice ti Here It Is ... At Standard Optical! America's Favorite Camera! 35mm CAMERA . . . FLASH UNIT ... AND CARRYING CASE! DON'T PAY ONE CENT DOWN! mm TAKE IT HOME Here it Is' America's great est 35mm camera complete wilh factory synchronized flash, genuine leather car rying case, and fine Cinlar f3.5 coated lens Coupled range finder, shutter speeds to l300th second and all the other most-wanted fea tures. Complete three-piece outfit now only $69.50. PAY NOTHING DOWN, $1 A WEEK NOTHING DOWN WEEK . 715 MAIN STREET IN KLAMATH FALLS Clip This Coupon! Mail Today! All mail orders will be given, prompt at tention and are fully guaranteed for your complete satisfaction. If you're In any way disappointed with this camera, re turn it within ten days and your money will be refunded. y STANDARD OPTICAL COMPANY, 715 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. Please send me an Argus C3 complete with f3.5 lens, flash attach mcnt and genuine leather carrying case and straps for only $69.50. Name - . . ' - Address. .. .S ...,.... ..... 7. City..,.....; , .1 State.. 6 EASY WAYS TO BUY! ' Enclose check or money order Add to your open account C.O.D. (cash on delivery) a Re-open your old account , , Charge (terms as advertised) Enclose $5 to put In layawajr It's easy to open an account. For fastest service, send the names and addresses of credit references, Paul O. Londry