WEDNESDAY, MARCH II). IBM PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON The oil pipeline traversing Saudi lrbl 1 106t miles long. - Fishing Is Iceland's principal Industry. ...get more out of life Mora POPULARITY .". . SUCCESS . . . HAPPINESS with a sensibly priced" r'r-y CM I 11 ANIY $75 YllUblt 71S Main Street . and bone A V C I bit at mod r rate exlra ceit, Mission Meet To Be Held j Elder Thomas C. Gardner, pres ident of Northern California Mis sion, will preside over the quar terly conference of the Klamath Falls district, Saturday and Sun day, according to district president i Raymond M. Schlffman. I Feature of the conference will be I priesthood meeting: at the Klam ath Falls Chapel, Home and Mar tin Sts., at B p.m. Saturday. I General sessions of the confer ence are to convene Sunday at in a.m. with a politick lunch sched uled for 2 p.m. i . : The population of Iceland Is 140, ooo. NOW .The permanent so lavishly rich it's like whipping cream compared to skim milk. Gives you loveliest of waves, faster, easier! Gl's Rush To Marry Jap Brides Before Deadline By STAN CARTEK TOKYO t Hundreds of Amer ican servicemen married Japanese Bills Wednesday Just in time to beat the deadline for taking their petite brides home to tho United States. James B. Pllcher, U.S. consul general, estimated the last-dny rush of civil ceremonies at six consular offices Increased the num ber of servicemen legally married to Japanese to about 8.000. An accurate count will not be available for days, Servicemen had lo be married by 3 p.m. to benefit from a law which enables them to take their Oriental brides to the U.S. Ninety-five soldiers, sailors and Marines were married at the Tokyo consulate. Similar numbers stood beside their fiancees at consular offices In Yokohama, Nagoya, Kobe Fukuoka and Sapporo and said: "I do" to this question: "Do you solemnly swear that ac cording to the laws of your state you are of legal marriageable age and there Is no hindrance, legal or otherwise, to your uniting in marriage with this girl?" That's all there was. Some of the couples ' planned religious ceremonies later, out most did not. Mast of tho bridegrooms were based In Japan. Some were on leave from Korea. A few came on furloughs from the U.S. Air Force Col. John W. Anierson of Olympla, Wash., and Teruko lied at the Tokyo consulate. Many of the couples brought children. Some were born out ol wedlock but most were born with the benefit of a Japanese marriage ceremony. Kor used typewriters and add inr m.ehlnM . . . Volrht'i Pioneer Office Supply. Main. Court Awards Fortune To Sons CLEVELAND Wi When Mrs. Elizabeth C. T. Miller died May J8, court records show she left her two. sons $1 each. The sons are W. Tyler Miller of Seattle and Otto Miller II of Na poleon, O. But In December Judge Nelson J. Brewer refused to probate the will saving her" signatures had partly been torn away. Pending ap peal, the sons inherit the estate. The estate is valued at s.118.768 CREATES UNRIVALED SOFT NATURALNESS THAT IKTS .WAVES SAFELY, GENTLY, IN LITTLE AS 10 HIHUUS ' .APPLIES (HSIIK CLINGS TO HAIR WHILE PROCESSING etV UST MOTHIKSI Nultl-Tontc ll grand lot liltle girla, too. Wov.1 g.ntly y.t to quickly " Hiy dont Hrt out. If you hoy ptoitic curl- $ QCi rs. buy tho REFIIL. DEIUXE SET with 2 tirti I plotlk cvtlm $1.2 J phn tax T with patented OIL Creme base IT'S SALON-FAMOUS n r ionic with the patented oil creme base Tilt the bottle. Compare. You'll see Nutri-Tonic's lavish richness in stantly ... the richness that gives loneliness never beore possible. Almost H is patented oil creme base. - .Waves safely in little as 10 min utes. Applies easier. Clings to hair while processing. Has much more pleasant odor. Hair rarely needs setting between shampoos. Nutri-Tonic's richness makes the richest, loveliest 0 oil permanent's patented. Millions ot pormonoitH b.oring th. Nufrl T.nic trodo-merk hovt b... giv.o in btovty lot..!, mtittd to ISO. It's not what YOU DO Cooking is fine and fun but checking the cook book AFTER you've begun can orove sadly disastrous. It's the way YOU DO IT Know what to do BE FORE you do it ond your pots will fairly sing. That's our way too with the laundry you send us assur. ing you clean, sparkl ing results. Men's Hand Laundry 1 1th ond Klomoth Phone 2-2531 The Buick pictured here can match price tags with a lot of cars smaller in size and horsepower and w in. But that only gives you a hint as to what :,. a whale of a buy it is. Like costlier Buicks, it has the wide open View of a one-piece windshield. Like costlier Buicks, it has the gleam ing distinction of sweepspcar styling. Like costlier Buicks, it has smart new fabrics and door trim. Like all other Buicks, it has the extra , safety of new, long-lasting Wide-Band brakes. Like all other Buicks, it has the sure footed, road-hugging, even-keeled steadiness of the Million Dollar Ride a combination of 15 major engineering . serri sW. 2-door6-pa..ngtr -JtJ r T J SMClAl Sedan J 1 M MODEL 48D CkWW (illustrated) t local lo rt ddlflonl. OpMul .U1.."'. .cc..H.., tt dwm So we think that you'll feel mighty important bossing pr-mind this smart stepping smoothie. And when you check the price we're asking against the field we think your dollars are going to feci mighty impor tant in buying power too. Hadn't you better look into this soon? Eouijmtnt, oeetttoritt, trim end mod, art tubjtcl to thane without notiet. features including a husky X-braced frame, end-sway and side-roll stabilizers, Ili-Poised engine mountings, Permi Firm steering and soft coil springs for every wheel. And like all other Buicks, it has a power packed Fireball 8 Engine a high-compression valve-in-head that gets extra wallop, extra mileage from every gallon of gasoline. Sure is true for 52 23 1330 Main St. H,.E.HAy 28 Years Your Buick Dealer Ph. 5151 KFJI-mO Kc.-rST UVilnrvlny Fvrnln, March IB 6 00 (Ultrlel llotHfr MR 615 Klamath Thvairr WuU tKlu Around Town- Nw S 45 Hani tUyr Nwi Mills 6;.M( Hill Henry MHS I'M Hh kv'i Hiiut R tm Wltal a Name ong MBS H :H1 Von Never Know R:4.1 Heidelberg lUriitnnalrea p tKI Cilenti Hardy-Nwi MnS U .1A rullim l.ewll Jr. MnS b ;in Vrenihiti 8'M n-Min rinal MRS 1(1:00 Wrexllnv 10:15 1 Luve a Mytery Mhl in :m tun of ihuiuior Mlib II 00 Nlhl OwU Newt MiHl (Uvli Club U.00 Slut Off kfji ii3o Re rsr ThurMlNy, Murt'li 20 oo Mmiral Hrvellle -ty Y'm nt Mepoi-trr (l:.V Reglnnal New 7.00 tlrintnuway - Newi MflS 7 hi Hrakral Oanf MRS 1;tO teatllina and Byline 7 4S Hp.I Hu I.UO t'rrtl Rrttwn MBS 8 IS Rteakfaul (iang MRS H ; Haven of Reel MRS ;tiO Hnntetnakera ilnrmnnlee P IS Marlon from Mlllera B 30 Platter Party 9 49 Familiar ravorllea 10 00 Glenn Hardv- Niwi MRS 1C1A Trllo Teit MOS lO CIO liPotnlce 10:43 Mlnletuia Concert 10 30 Currinm IU M Ken Camon MHS 1100 Ladlei rair MHS 11 Jl New. MRS 11 .io Oueen for a Uay MRS 12 00 Name Bands U 13 Noonday Newt 12:M Your Uanre Tunee VHS Mu If Rox 13 .VI Market V 1. Wei lock 12 M Klamath Nnten 100 Jack Kirk wood Shw MRS 1 :tO Take Number MHS 3 00 Newi MHS 2 03 Newt MHS 3 1.1 Two at 2 IS 2 41, Answer Man MBS 3:00 Rlrky a Request 400 Rrhtnd the Story MRS 4:13 Hemingway Newi MRS 4:. 10 Curt Niamtey Ttnit MRS 4:43 Sam Hayes MnS (1.00 Sergeant Prrimi MBS 8 SO Sky King MHS 5 .13 Ceelt Oruwn MBS 0:00 Us brie I Heatter MBS 6:13 Ktam. Theater Quia AO Around Town Newi 0:43 Ram HayeaNewa MBS 0:33 BUI Henry MHS 7:00 Voire of America 713 Red Cross Program 7:30 Faster Seals Program 0 00 Clyde Raatty MUS R:30 Hurl Ives Sings 0 43 Heidelberg Harmor.atrea BOO Glenn Hardy News MBS B IS rullon l.swls Jr. MRS I'B in Mutual Newsreel MBS B 43 SporU Final B 33 S-Mm. Final MBS 10 no I ltve a Mystery MHS 10 13 Serenade In Rlur tO :t0 Bandstand USA MBS 11:00 Night Owii Newi 11 03' Night Owla Club 13 00 Sign Off. KFLW 145ft Kc-PST Wednemiar rivrnlng, March 19 fl 00 Sports Highlight! 6 13 Home Town Newe 0 23 World Newe Summary :tO Suburban Serenade 0:43 Headllna Kdltlon ABC 0 33 Coming Attrartlone on ABC T OO The Lone Ranger ARC 7 10 Mystery Theater ABC 8:00 The Top Guy ARC S .1A Rogues 0Herv ABC B OO Proudly We Hall 9 :W Northwe! Artits 10:00 10 P M Headlines 10:13 Dream Harbor ABC 1030 Insomnia Club 11 on Newt Summary 1103 Sign Oft KFUV 1450 Kc PST Thursday, March 10 0 00 Sign en Newt Summary 0.03 Corn In the Morn. 0:43 Farm Fare 7 00 Newt Rkfst T.dttlOR 7:15 Charlie's Roundup 7.M Bob Garred V Newt ABC. 7 40 Ton of the Morning 7 33 John Conte ABC 0 00 Rrfaktast Club ARC B OO Hank Henry Show 9 30 Break the Bank ABC 10.00 Chet Huntley, Newi ABC 1013 Lone Journey ARC 10 30 My True storr ABC 10 33 Whispering Strcela ABC 11:13 Stop At Shop 11:20 Jlmmle Ftdler 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:43 Murlrij Roundup 11:33 Market RaporU 12 00 Noon Edition Newe 12:13 Payteu Sidewalk Show ? 30 Lucky U Ranrh ABC j 00 Paul Harve ABC :!3 Pettr Living 1 30 Mary Margaret MrBrldB ABC 2 00 Rann Briefs 2:13 When a Girl Marrlei ARC 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M D. ABC 3 43 Rom. Evcln Wintera ABC 3 00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:13 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:43 Mary Marlln ARC 4:00 Requeitfully Youri f:OQ Tom C'-rbett. Snare Patrol ABC 3 23 World Flight Reporter ABC 8 30 Chet Huntley ARC 3:43 Adven. Your Heritage 6:00 Swrli Highlights 013 Home Town Newr 0:23 World Newt Summary A -30 Su bur nan Serenade fl-4.1 Headllna Edition ABC 0 S3 Coming Attraction on ABC 7 00 Mr President ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ARC gOOOrlg. Amateur Hr. ARC ' Dam Study Fund Asked WASHINGTON I The House Appropriations Committee will re commend $225,000 lor a Reclama tion Bureau study of a pawlule third power house (or Orand Cou lee Uiun, Rep. Jnckson (U-WDtll,). predicted Wednesday rrctuuent rrumnn s Dudgei pro posed only 1125,000 for the purpose. Jackson, a member of the com mittee, xald he had urged an In crease In the amount and that he Dnd assurances his request would oc (trained, Tnc money would be used to continue geological drilling and en- Htuuicn anu to prepare preliminary designs and cost esti mates. The proposed third power house would add approximately a mil lion Kilowatts to tne energy out put of the huge Columbia River Oam. I Scholarships To Be Offered Soon LEWIS AND CLARK COLLEGE. Portland Several tuition scholar ships will be available to North west teachers for the summer work shop In community studies to be conducted by Lewis ond Clark col lege June 0 to July 10. nr. Kdunrri C. Llndeinan, Intcr natlonnlly known educator and so ciologist from Columbia Unlver nlly School of Social Work, will serve as consultant for the graduate study which will be the second phase of a survey of historic .Ore gon City, eight miles from the campus, Oregon City public schools will cooperate In the unique six week project. Dr. Llndeman will also serve as counselor for a second workshop in lnter-group education which the Antl-Defamallon league will con duct June 10 to July 3. ELECTED CORONADO, Calif. Ml H. 8. Dixon of Tillamook, Ore., Tuesday was elected vice-president nt the Pacific Dairy and Poultry Association. Ml nullruatl llntlr-llrd Oum on Armlritiy AwnrtU AIIC 10:00 10 H M llrailllnti I0:lfl Aratltmv AwnriU AIIC I0..10 uoiMinn Chili 11:00 Ntwa Nlllltllllliy ll 03 aim tilt SV YOUNO "ffie BarWof Broadway rVVTrrrnsrri FUN & LAUGHTER FOR CmVU k'o9Q ihiZSSff JV-and the wholi w farm's jumpin 'ALL IN THESE 2 BIG jT$ j B'-rfk ' gKT7.ViiegaMW .JL : I & Ms!fflH, HELL-RIDERS OF THE HEAVENS. INTO THE ' WILD BLUE YONDEEI ROAR THE HEROES ts'oitSGie. -Ml f.c. Htl1 j VAtfl f eft"ii THE WILD BLUE YONDER lr. ef tU t-it .WENDELL COREY -VERA RALSTON fflBRFST Tlir.KFR . PHIL HARRIS WAIUR BRtNNAH I :uim cMiKC ihh omism Htm oi. i WHt fowtms 2 nJt 2kfJ fcSfl? KILLANO . CUia IWi'virl ? tif kr ticHNicoioa f ' STARTS 7 THURSDAY! iafiW STfc -Aim .if MSON CARDNER m InM-G-M's JSSli nnnn Einnn jjy FLYING DUTCHMAN V coton iv 0 lUStooiotlml SPEOTACUUR THRILLS f Dith-defying inniil Wild lypsy dincirtl NIOEL PATRICK SHEILA SIM HAROLD WARRENDER MARIO CA8RE NUSNVl THURSDAY II