WEDNESDAY, MARCH ID, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN 14 APARTMCNTSJOR RENT Vrl'ltAf'f ,VE""lhrre YimhiP fuinUfmif apa, inuHit. i'Immi in. Plmna ni4J. rU MOuM imxJtin iturltiitiil lor rani mi ok. NtiAT lliifv'rixim ui n tilted apartment. hwhi ftiniili Hindi (OH liliN'V, imnlih"! i two "mom 'epai! menl Nnitiral hut water haat. Close In. Adults. Plume lljm, WO ritiuit titrn"hpl mi linrnl. rt lilt- mits mil iefi igmnl'r ronveiiinii i O'I'I ami downtown. I MM Main ttlrrrl, OH ItKNT, iwn mum foinUlifd apart ment, ( ciipl only. I'tionit 7,llll 1 IIHKfc riMiii patHy fiirnltlied apart ment. Adulls. mi. ( nil ft'Tr FOR HKNT, nmll YHIiiu'llve apartment Hlngl Cilia tipilppfd, riigldalrp Light mitt waipr fiiininlifd, lilf), full -127. nr 142- H. IMvprnWlr, NMAI.I, fiirtiUliPf'iipirhiinl"fiir rent. J.lghln and walei. :, 1723 Oak. APARTMENT will) g as hrel Uo small ratlin AIM lllfli . HJH MKNir nwf dri-orated tinea ikiiii lurnKhed apartment. Adults mil v. Mm w n by appointment only, I'hons MM liriwvrtt (i-fl m, Mm IIKNT Imiii-Tmii apatlHtaM Wion 7'HT nr applv Apt. 7 Jh HonJS apt. W! Klamath Ium'MICNT "":) room uii.Mieii apart- ineul am l.mad AI'AKTMf'NI " ItMliiiiilVlnr'lnriir Iwn r on ni end bath. Clean, foinloi labia, elerlrln hrat rrlvata rulranre. .harm. Inn lucplaie. 1104 creitant, I'lmna y Tmin Vl'IINlNHKiY apii'liiiei'it' Cne In t"n piti. tMlllliw. fuinltid. $43, Inquire lM Nn Old ir phone :i4rt.l ...... VAllTl.V fiiiiilhrd two" ballroom apait. tnont fin oiiietalsllai!,rh.jn ItHW. (tiiNIHIIKO " two """romn lai tnie-it. . .lit lltmr.-malrd tltt .VI Plume 3 :inifl W'U iieilrnnm "utHut MlVhnl lailmrnl fi duple.. Adults. 414 Noilli Mh OH llf.N T. lu lellahlr party with no rl Newly dernralrd three room nartinrnl. 4li lil( ha tlfMii Main S17 NmCh 4lh I I'Hl'AIHH "furnlahi'ii apaMni'Ml (Ja niiilpl'Ctl A Ttiaa finth tlir Atadrmy NKWI.V ilrrntalvd apailinriil. liteet Apia. 710 Maln. 1 iKT- f HNtHliriJ. fiaarmviil anarhnviii fur barhalur r lady Naimal hoc walrr hat and walrr (urniihrd M Herri- rator and alarlrio ranKfl avatlahla if; Mam tr nhnnr Hl iUr H p in. K'irtAM "lir.ATKIl apartment With Vd" mmii Oak SI. . . Vt'HNlhllKU aparlin'fnl or ran! Apartment 1. 3IK) MatkrC. HIIKE HOOM lurnlihfd aparUnent Mn ONK r(iroom un(u7niKc( a par tun (it c:aa aniilntird. ('all 2-fMlll. iUnkf. "rtnm fiirnMicd apartmnt and tiath. Adulla only, rnona mi, an ntit - - 0 W t". Y dacor at a d , p rl v a i ha in . k 1 1 rhtnatta, B la a in ha a I. alactrto ranga tin wk Ha Arma Apatlmanl. VI'iTm iMitvn ITircfi rmnn atiartmnnt 2 50: iwn room unit w, all uuiuita liuhidfd 410 N. Tenth 36 HOUSES FOR JRENT NVftNisMKI) houia 7or rtnt"'4li( V inn Von nfNT. nVaPWiiran Hrh'Md Two rttflrnnm lurniancn iiuuav. f all a. VOlf lir.Nt. Vna KrWroom houa. Un ftitnlahvd axcrpt atovaa. 2it Blahn JOM " ItrNT.' modrn"Vwo room ir nuhr h"U Imulra all! Cnnoo I'hona Otai afiar liva Voil ' HKNT,' two ldnom uu(urnlahad hoti tn innntlt. Phci" Mn5' TVUfflNlttfir thra'n Itadroom 0uple vr Hljth Hrhool J'hftnB XX TAOHtX (orrrtit."rh"ne 3U37 Utff 28 MISCELLANEOUS" fORRENT DEEinVE u TRUCKS prive Krw Trucks For ling Trips Plrkuix Rlnk Vans RKACON MOBIL SKKV1CE 1201 E. Mnln PI""" '3M. Xi'PHOXIMATKI.VW) trrei-viUlo Uilll r rnl Call Kwll JIM AMKRH-AH floor ' ndfn tiil txslll mt . I" mr!r llrur. Iloor llniih. fillrrm. "! V"'".';.".- KI.AMATH VAU.BY ',!'n..,, nio Sn iiii nh"n'" I (Oil " flfcNT, ' Toll iinml'' ' uni.lwt. Good c.ll.r. I'hon. Tulrl.V. f-iw" r c rilHt'B-for lent MJMln. rhoin tH 30 REAL 1ST. ft FPU SALE For Sale or Trade SUBURBAN NEW TWO HEDROOM HOMB. Kxir InrR' bedroom, llnrilwood floors, electric heat. SACRIFICE FOR $7500 on TAKE LATE MODEL CAR And upproxlmnlely 11250 for equity. INQUIRE AT 1330 WORDEN Phone 5-3S37 fter S P.M. Some Day The Snow Will Melt Then you will be sorry If you have pas-sed up this beautiful 6 acre farm. It Is close to town, well Irrl (tated, Rood dralnnite. with lair sized barn, chicken house. RaraRe, sheds, etc. This well shaded com (orlable 2 bedroom home has good heavy stone foundation, dry, con trelc basement, larRe llvluti room, cprrnte dining room, breakfast nook, sleeping porch. Insulated, Iron Fireman furnace, warm In the winter, cool In summer. You have to see this one to appreciate It, uniy ti.uuu. icnns, ui tuumc. 4 Bedrooms In Hot Springs Located on Huron Street, this fine l.i rue home has full hiu.rmdit, 2 baths, hiiRe bedrooms, lots of ilnsela, and a price that you won't Believe only f!4,r00. nf all It enn be handled for only $2000 Sown. ' 4 BEDROOMS There Is extra value In this attrac tive, newly built, comfortable 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floors, rlrctrlc heat, completely insulated. Price only $9760. F.H.A. Terms. SUBURBAN Piirnishrd 1 bedroom modern nime. 13 acre Irrlgnted soli, ron :rele foundation, chicken house. Immediate possession. Only $3000. Open Evenings By Appointment Set Homer Silica Ph. 2-2160 Eves. Son Sloan 0068 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS v since 1008 ,11 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or SG29 ) N fT B F. h li 0?)M hn ni e7R 1 lfy t d7n r sf rhnnl. JJ.lo Wanlland. Phonn 144a, 10 REAL ISTATI FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS I nrtrn seven room home, two blorks to itoojevelt Hrhnol. Bprlous llv Iiik room with flrenlnce, two lull troth, rcinvenlnit kltclien, concrete hiiM'nient, Imue liumdry room, AutmnnUr mr condltlonlim typo liiinnce. Excellent, condition Inside mid nut. Priced for oulik Mile. 11(1,000 terms. CLOSE IN lcleiil for Inrne fnmlly. This home fentures 1 4 x:)0 llvlnn room wun beiun celllniis nd nmsslve slone flrenlAce. 14x14 dliilnn room, three lurite bedrooms sll with wrilk-ln clor,ets. Two full bnths, full con crete biitement, double iinruKe. 1 10.000 terms. Suburban Ranch Style Locnted III one of (lie finest subur lin ii firciiK clone to the Peterson Hrhnol. Five Inrre sunny rooms with plcntv of cIokpU end storime spine, well plunncd kitchen end utility, beautiful bath with tub and stall shower. Larue well Innd icaped lot. Uo not miss this one, $12,000 terms. HARRY VAN lEves. 8201) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0127) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 CLOSE IN On East Main Street. Comfortable two bedroom liirnluhe' home, tas. Ily remodeled Into biihlness build Inn with living quarters. Ixil hat r4 lout froutaiie. Price 17500. MILLS Kxcentlonitlly clean two bedroom home, Ownrr lrnvlnx town, very Aiixlnim to tell. Price W2UQ. Terms uirnuiicd. SUBURBAN Three bedroom home with electric heat. Double narafte, one acre fer tile land. All fenced. Price 113.000. Anne Mason Eddie lloiley Eves. 6714 30108 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 132 8. lh. Phone 7208 $5,600 OWNER LEAVINO TOWN. Price on this attractive modern well con tructed fl room suburban home Ls cut to the bone. No where else In this city will you find a bargain such as this. All newly redecorated Inside. Separate dining room and sewing room. All rooms good sue, Attached garage. Large 'j acre only block off Shasta Way. Reasonable terms available. 4'; In terest. Shown by appointment only. MAKE AN OFFER Don't fall to see this 2 bedroom modern Home on 'j acre corner lot on Shasta Way. Immediate pos session. No reasonable offer re fused. Here's a chance to pick up a real barsaln. Reasonable down payment and owner will carry the papera. No financing worries. Small Suburban Home Ideal for small family. Easy to keep clean and very easy to heiit. Newly redecorated Inside and mil 2 bedrooms, nice bath, concrete inundation and garage. ' acre good soil. Electric stove included. a oiock on pavement. $4950. Terms. HERE'S A HONEY Onlv ft Vinr IH In K I . j j - w in nvi BiinIC limn when she was built. 2 good aim Dcarooms wun wardrobe clos ets, extra large living room, in sulated, storm windows, 'j acre, concrete walks and garage. Sit uated among nice homes only 2 blocks from South Suburban school. Stores and bus nearby. Full price $7500. FHA Financing. Al Longmlre Eves. 8724 Joe Perry Eves. 8332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Mnln St. Ph. 3665 or 3421 MILLS ADDITION Besides wondering where you're going tollve are you wondering how you'll keep the children occupied after school Is out.? Then this is the place for you. Only "i block from Kiwanls Park which has su pervised recreation during the summer. Yard is fenced. Has two large bedrooms which will make a fine playroom on ralnv days. Close to school for next fall. Also has 5 fruit trees and Iruit room. All for $7050. Handyman's Special Ladles do you long to display your tiilcnt ns a decorator? Does your husband brag about what a good Job he could do In building? Hero's your chance to prove what you can dol This house needs remodel ing but the price takes this Into consideration, even includes some furniture. Only $2350. $350 Down. Johnny Hobson Dale Onibb Ail Frederlckroii (Eves. 2-2713) (Eves. 3544) (Eves. 6725) AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th. Phone 8283 FOR SALES, two bedroom houie. Nica bark porch, fruit room. New Inlsld on kitchen and porch. Workroom In bn.e metil. Olt floor furnnre. Wslk-ln cooler. Kxlra lot. Slllliw, Phone Bom. NKW HOMES for Ml. William B. Powell. Phono BS-. Fbn SAl.R hv owner. I .veer old 2 hcri- room home In still- addition, el-nc- down Intel prlre lens then FIIA apnrnlnal. Phone 7.17A for appointment. 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MALIN FARM 100 acres Irrigated. Malln irriga tion district. This Is one of the top farms In tills dlr.lrlct. Now in clover, alfalfa, potatoes and pas ture, located on paved road. Very nice home, potato cellar, machine shed, chicken house, calf sheds, family orchard. Thin ranch Is sell ing lor only $67,500. If you have been wanting a good Malln farm here Is your chance. HENLEY FARM 105 acres Irrigated. About 8 miles out on paved rond. 12 acres In clover, 6 acres alfalfa, balance in grain last. year. 8 room modern home. 27.000 sack potato cellar. nils is money maker selling lor 157,750. Only $17.00(1 down, balance 20 years. Do tiot miss this oppor tunity. HARRY VAN (Eves. 82041 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2 0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 FARM 71 acres. 51 acres under flood Ir rigation, balance partly sub-lrn-gated, 27 acres of alfalfa. 30 acres of pasture, fenced for cattle. Fair house, several oulbulLllniis. Price only $12,600. Terms. JACK C. MACE REAL ESTATE Tulelake Ph. 7-1811 Evening ph. 7-0565 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Rales. FREE LAND CATALOO. Pacific Lanls 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. Close In Location Just a plain good buy for this two bedroom home at only $6350 on paved street, sidewalks and city sewer, plus good location, so let us show you this home this week, call 7521 for appointment. Apartment House 18 Units all with private bath and completely furnished. Grossing $8400 per year. Don't wait give us a call for more Information on this attractive buy. FARMS & RANCHES . 311. ACRES in Langell Valley all Irrigated. Priced reasonable and easy terms. 99 i ACRES at Modoc Point ' and priced at only $16,000 with terms. Oood home and outbuildings and Immediate possession. 80 ACRES of the best soil In the valley and priced at only $21,000. Make an appointment to see these places right away Jay P. Griggs Gene Favell Claire Ellis Ph. 4254 Ph. 6045 Ph. 2-2569 W. W. Thompson at Malln ' J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 MAKE AN OFFER Owner has left town and aays "sell." Three bedroom ranch type home In Mills. Has had FHA ap praisal for $8000. You may buy this at your price. Ron Fisher (Eves. 8970) "Hap" Davidson (Eves 3871) Bruce Owens, Merrill 149 Pat Howes Johnny Blaylock REALTORS 1025 Main Phone 2-3545 Near Mills School Trade future rent receipts for a homo deed. Here's a 3 bedroom near school and transportation that you should see today I $9500, on good terms. Ron Fisher (Eves 8970) "Hap" Davison (Eves 3871) Bruce Owens, Merrill 149 Jat Johnny Howes Blaylock REALTORS 1025 Mnln Phone 3-3545 TOn SAI.R, by owner. Good two bed room hotue. Flreplnce, automatic heat, close to town. Phone 2-0-fll. FOR 8ALR, two bedroom home, large living and dining room, oak floors, fire plnce, kitchen and dinette, nervlce porch And laraa aaraae. H41S Wierd. Phone B1III7. TWO bedroom noma for sala by owner. eoia r rieoa. FOR BALK, 200 acres, north unit pro Ject, Mndroi, Oregon, 4 mtlei from town. Klectrlclty, drilled well, terms. G. R. Belmlcr. Drawer K. Red monri. Oregon. KQ1MTY In one bedroom modern house located In Pelican City. Eany pay mcntn. Cnll Ross. FOR SALE, nnf hedrnnm modern holme Larga (ir.'e, ami) Honiednie, 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 ACRE Oood level land plus newer 2 bed room home In Bummers Lane dis trict,. This Is a home you'll enlov bringing your frl'ii'is to with lots of loom for a garden, to raiie a calf or the klda to play cowboy and Indian, larco canine with con crete floor, frost proof room. lfiio Is In excellent condition and on concrete foundation. All rooms are large and nicely decorated. $7500. Terma. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosicy 2 0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 8. 0th. Phone 7260 KUH HA I.E. fivn room hout-c, t'oriirr f'arllv furnlahrd. I'arNtfr, txul ami rold walrr. 40 atfra UintW laod 'CUmp IHr-a Jark I'ortrrf iriu. Keno. (if KM) l.lh'l YOIIH MtOI'Klt'iy WITH THIS KlltM KOH ACTION. rvMnrr ut.xma hkaltor 121 NnBlh PhoneHlftj 32BUILDING & REMODELING SHiTNO. villi, i'abco. Aver- ' ri'ifii onlv i.,,,0. KHMman Jnaula i. J'liona 4411 or 2-244.1 yiUK'OLASS lout In tr now! Save ::H per rent on ful, Aa low aa . month. Kuhliiian Inaulalloit. J'hone 44M or 2-44.1 .S'lfiltM "ha'SH and rret:n rornhnutlon Mtlf ilorlng aluminum. Have tip in 4'' prr crnl on fuel. Aa low a month Knh'rnan Inaulatlon. I'hont 4H or 14 il 34 FUEL HEATING STAND A lit) HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Svstrm METER PRINTED TICKET3 Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 1fi3 STANDARD HEATING U1L Stove, furnace light fuel, coil, wood, charroal Peyton and Co. 835 MarKet Pnona 3140, 1311 Y pina block a tor aalr Open eve- nlnira and vyeekcndi, Mftlrri Brrw. pTcF.iorocjS pickup or dVlivered, Cilff Yadena Signal Sitvic. 2MG So 8th Phone VIM or 2-9210. S & ft CliKEN STAMPS riven on heat In olla phone 3681 or for prompl delivery. CLUr YAOrN'S SIGNAX SERVICE a50So8th ?Tboats pets sports hobbies HUNTING and fiihtng tear drop trail er. 1 1. 13 4720 rriena. BOARDING KENNELS Dof boarding by day week or month Sanitary kenneU. Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runi for aeh dog Dog handled durlig mating. Will pick up and deliver. VUIton Welcom Phona 8071 Merrill Rd Rt. 2. Bok 504 SHASTA CASTApg KENNELS A N DEHSON Boarding rfei) netl Phone y47 ROfifl Delawara off Homedale THREE Millie pup for aale" Thrre m nihi old. gold and white. Litter reg it tc red Call 3'fl SAVE t I tl Buy a Chrla Craft Kit Boat also Cnila era and HunabouU. Johnnon br-i Horte motor. Boata bought, aold and ex changed. Uoata for rot ; tp fUher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 028 Front St. Phone 40 "TO EXCHANGE TRADE. 40 arrea near Roeburg for properly, cat or what have you to trade in24Oak. 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY CHICKS 5-weck old New Hampshire chicks. 38c each. TROY V. COOK CO. 2040 So. 6th Phone 4803 WE RECOMMEND ALBERS ic TRIP-L-DUTY CHICK STARTER $5.70 Per Cut Wc arc continuing our chick special through March . . . 16.95 a hun dred. All our chicks are rated Pul loram clean . . The highest rate available . . LOOK FOR THE LABEL ON THE BOX! $TANDARD FEED STORE 2720 So. 6th Phone 8300 BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS -FROM U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS AVAILABLE EVERY MONDAY ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MALIN GRAIN AND FEED PHONE 555 ft SPECIAL ft For Monday March 24 Only Gills Parmcnter Pullets or straight run chicks S3 per hundred discount. ' Special price for this hatch . . 15c for straight run, and 31c for Pullet Chicks. STOP IN TOMORROW AND PLACE YOUR ' ORDER . Pacific Supply Co-op 6th and Spring SEED GRAIN SELECTED SEED GRAINS ORDER NOW FOR LATER DELIVERY CUSTOM CLEANING to TREATINQ MALIN GRAIN FEED Phone 555 WGLL-BttFD Gtlernnev bull one .verlr old for sole, al50 pins. Phone 8788 ader rive. . t FOR SALK, Riicrn-ic-y nnri Vf-c.v heifers, ni. 2, Box 414. Turn- t .0.10. 46 FINANCIAL $$ MONEYS ON TilB FIRST CALL ! Op to 1500 on your auto On voui salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty $10. $25, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. 126 coats but 18 cents for on week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th BU DON MdNTYRE, Mgr. Phone 3-3537 M-3M 43 Year Friendly Service 8-276 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE USED MACHINERY BUYS AT TULELAKE ... 1 Used Moline 5 Bot. Disk Plow W New Blades. H25.00 1 MI C No. 2 Unit Carrier W Rubber Tires, Hyd. Cyl., 214 x 90" Tool Bar, 9 Coil-Tooth Shanks and 42" Ditcher. Slightly Used $535.00 1 Used McCormick Deering Steel Manure Spreader $ 1 85.00 1 Moline 2-Way Plow. 16" Plain Bot. Rubber Tires Like New $375.00 1 Dyrr 3 Shank Subsoiler V32" Shanks, and 33" Wheels. Used Very Little. $285.00 Floyd A. Boyd Co. ' TULELAKE 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY AUCTION SALE 60 HEAD REGISTERED ANGUS , 40 cows, with calves or. close fun 10 heifers breeding age lO'biills including herd sires. This"1!i a dis persion of our entire ' registered Aberdeen - Angus Herd. SMITH TARBOX. owners. REDMOND, OREGON MARCH 24, 1952 12:00 NOON Redmond Auction Yards Ben Smith, Mgr. Frank Wink, Owner Auctioneer Send for catalog, Si Williams Western Sale Management, Box 87, Hermiston, Oregon POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3867 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS SPECIAL For Monday March 24 only! CtllU Par menter Pullet or ilraight run chicks. U per 1O0 discount. Special price for thli hatch. .IS for itrajght run and .31 for pullet chicks. Stop in tomorrow and place your order, Pacific Supply Coop, 6lh and Spring. 'OR SALE, 40 Red laying hens, $1.50 each. Phone 2-0600. Route 1, Box 636P. WANVLDColored hem. Pho.-.c 4391. ON HAND STARTED CHICKS heavy breed. S10 per hundred. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th. Phone rV3. RED FRYERS and roastera for aale, freshly d tensed, ready for the pan, ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phona 8341 aiter 4. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICE Phone 5721 M. C (Chuck) Warren. RL 2, Cox 522. If no answer Phone 4400. HIGHEST prlcea paid (or poultry, bogi and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lake view Junctirtn Phont 4830 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED tn buy. small neighborhood Rrocery. State location and price. Write Herald News. Box 64. FOR SALE. Associated Service Station. Tulelnke. California. Phone 7-12H1. SERVICE station fnr lease In downtown Alturas. Good business -location. Won derful opportunity for right party. Wri-e Ray Darnell, Box 396, Alturat, Calif or nn DESIRE to rent two or three bedroom home. Prefer AltamoM or other u Dur ban area. Phone 30f!5. COUPLE want to rent two bedroom hnure. Modern and clean. Unfurnished. Preor aood elf h ho r hood. Phone 2-2762. WANTED, by family of four, nicely furnished home. Close to town. Refer ences. Call betwaen 3:30 and 7, sill. Est., tt. tVE NEED CARS' Get ton prica nowl Rne Motor Co 8th end Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pa- OrtlT $100 ' $7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS . THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay ' Locally owned New Cars ,'ioancod at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Basin See "Chuck" Bailey, Mgr. Ill N. 7U1 St, Phone 3325 8-241 M-275 FARMER needs nmsll capital tn con. Untie fflrmlne. Clnnd reference, end neruilty. Write Herald New,, Box SR. LOANS PHONE 7-2072 44 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash: . CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Purnitur Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid lor or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-2M 107 No 9th Phona T711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE, "97" Cafe. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. TTTTT ii. ..w i , ; . " i.i tikciiw no unci i lo cation in Klamath Falls, also have ins repair anop. iveea S2500 for used car purchases. Best invest ment largest returns for your monev. Call Harold. 4659 at Basin Auto Ser vice 2P.T3 So. 6. FOR SALE auto parts house. Will sell for Inventory and lease property in definitely. Good location. Good op portunity for profit for Tight man. Write Bo"x 61 Herald and News. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVE1.S PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only SI EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 CRUSHED SOCK, driveway cinders. CRUSHED rock and driveway clnden. ELLCTROLUX CLEANER and polilher end .unnll.L Phniu Vict t-.i. r 921 Merkei " Mn v t vtc rvTiTTTTTrrr . . . . -j I'cinciics aiiu instil lations can be made by Mav 30th tf or dered now. Clarence Ward. KUmath Monument Company, 923 High, phone DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 3-1 884. ADDING MACHINES. calculatora7typ: writers, cash registers, deika, chain, fllea for sale or rent Dinvrrn nrcirv ei mm 820 Main Phona 7412 DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phunt Joe Bnrt, 9733. FOR SALE. LAND LEVELING UNIT Allit-Chalmera H-D-7 with Moore 9a ft cable dozer and Buckeye double drum power control unit. JUMBO 6-8 yd. car ryall, excellent condition. Yon k era-John. son toot carrier with sub-soiler teeth. cmei ieein ana ringer anacnments. un rubber. Thift tractor ha hurt roronl $3,000 major overhaul and Is in tip-top condition. Complete unit for aate for $8,000 or tractor and dozer for 86,000. Call Eagle Point. Ore. 6M0 eves on ly ELeKCEllIC sewing machine, cabinet style. Guaranteed perfect sewing con dition $29 30. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 6.1.1 MAIN Fhrn 2-23U BED SET, springs and Beauty Rest mntj resslnpludcd. Vh one 685 0 NEW ' inch surfaced olvwood. 88. sheet, inch 54 , 3609 Summers Lane. SitMGK-t drop hend sewing machine. Fully guaranteed S!93. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 633 Main Phone 2-2.1 13 13 TON second cuttina alfalfa hav. R C. McClymonds, Tulelake, Phone 7-0441, FOR SALE, baby bed. Good buy. Phone ef-UTHI. CHIPPENDALE fireside chair. 3S. 2524 Wantland after 6 p.m. rOR SALE, slrls bike S10. cabinet ra dio $10. Phone 4786. USED furniture values ran always be louna at twamam f urniture t-o. m M n ini Phone Jt:v3. FOR SALE. Miracle Maid nressure ranker. I'jrd only a few times. Sea at 137 Mortimer or phone Pill, ss AUTOMOTIVE BARGAINS . . . Are not determined by price alone but by price and value. Wc Invite you to compare prices and then take one of our guaranteed used cars on a 2-day FREE DRIVING TRIAL. The combination of price and guaran tee makes a DUGAN & MEST DEAL the BEST DEAL IN TOWN! 1947 Ford $ 797 1950 Ford - $1647 1949 Olds $1497 1949 Ford $1307 1946 Dodge $ 897 t 1947 DeSoto $1197 1949 Plymouth $1347 1949 Dodge $1647 ix YOUR CHOICE & $47.00 1937 Plymouth 1936 Pontiac REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th WATCH FOR tt IT'S' IN THE BAG" 1 1 ? SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd - AT Ashley Chevrolet 410 So. 6th USED CAR DEPARTMENT Phone 4113 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY-WHEAT OATS - RYE PASTURE GRASS & FERTILIZERS ft ALL KIND'S CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone S149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 LANDSCAPING, evergreen,. inrubs end tree,. We trim, spray and remove 'lakeshori gardens nursery i-nonc v .m eleaner. S3.SO down. S3 per month. Phone 9200. SS AUTOMOTIVE CORRECTION NOTICE The first A-l Pickup appear ing in our ad last Saturday and Tuesday should have been listed as follows: 1951 . , DODGE Va TON PICKUP 4 soocd transmission, fun visor, sportlite, dual swipes, low mileage. $1495 BALSIGER'S USED CAR LOT- 2152 So. 6th. Phont 4354 1937 Chrysler 1937 Buick Phone 8101 IT" BEST VALUES'; r-USED-, ! TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp.1 YOUR GMC DEALER $77 & 7th Phone 7771 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See . "JERRY" or "JUCH" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath Phone 3-2581 COMPLETE Radiator !. : Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER V MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade FOR SALE. 1951 GMC one-ton pickup. Phooe 3731 after 6 p.m. MUST SELL my 1941 Dodge four door, radio, healer, defroster, windshield washers. New baked -on enamel paint job. $325. Phone 4149 between 8 and 3. ask for Wall. FOR SALE, "30 Ford custom DeLuxe A-l condition. Priced to sell. See at 300 Jefferson, or Phone 2-1835. 1841 FORD ton picku p, 013 Rose . FOR SALE, 1949 Pontiac convertible. Maroon color. Radio, heater and othef accesrorles. Equity $450. Phone 8782. ftt-tu CArtSt Ut top price now. Rose Motor Co 8th and Plum FOR SALE, 1930 Chevrolet ' ton pick up with 4 speed transmission. A-l con dition. See Irvin Long, Tulelake or phone Tulelake 7-2042. 1940 INTERNATIONAL flatbed pickup. $300. Terms to suit;3ti09 Summers Lane. 38 FORD COUPE, good tires, heater, radio. $100 Phone 8923. '38 Cheverolet &edan new battery, license, anti-freeze, heater. $75. Phona 2-0062. 1935 FORD tudor, excellent condition. $250. 235 North Fourth After 3:30. Phone 3568. WHY WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 E. Main. Phone 357B. "W will sell vour car for vou " We buy and trartaf DODGE l' truck, all metal van body, dual wheels, 4 new tires, new battery and generator, rebuilt motor. Sell rea sonable, pr make offer or awap for good pickup, Call at tha Williamson Rlvr Store. FOR SALE, 1948 Chevrolet convertible 27,500 actual mites. Radio, heater, New top. pla.ittc seat covers, new tires, than 1000 miles running. No trade, Price $1295, Phone 7679. 1931 Hudson Hornet four door, over drive, heater radio and seat covers, other extras. $2500. Would consider lighter car on trade. Phona 2-1U34 alter pr vna RAI.E 1047 Studebuker ulckuo. low milage, canopy. Phone 8337. F931 PLYMOUTH Suburbftn, 14,000 miles. Perfect condition., One owner. Phone 2-336.V BUS 8ARGANTS USED CAKtt , WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Strete Phone 8209 .. 600x16 RECAI'S $3 93 EACH KXCHANOB We buy nd tires. O.K. Rubber Wsld sn, 3391 So. 6th. PhonS 4313. 4