PAGE FOURTEEN &t'8M' cut and wrap your beef and pork for your locker AnJ w st ill cure veur hamt and bacon SMOKEHOUSE A. G. "Butch" Zweigart 427 Market Klamath Falls Phone 7060 Delivery Price of the new TO-30 Ferguson Tractor is just $1844! Compare the quality! CamnBr Performane e! Compare the price! YOUR FERGUSON TRACTOR Mac's Farm 5629 South 6th TROY V. COOK CO. Announces Our Appointment As Factory Authorized Service Station for all Jacobsen Power Mower Drop in and look over our complete stock of Jacobsen Power Mowers A MOWER FOR EVERY PURPOSE WE ALSO SERVICE ALL MAKES Sharpeninq and Repairing ! FREE Pickup and Delivery s ecure the RIGHT Real Estate Loan from The UIITED STATES MTIOXAL BA.K M I M I I I r-l O'l I A l UV V & IMPLEMENT DEALER Equipment Phone 8551 This means that you will be able to qet factory servicing plus complete parts service in Klamath Falls. Troy V. Cook Co. 2040 So. 6th Phone 4803 Home, farm, business whatever your property investment do you have the right financing plan to fit your needs? If you are now buying on contract, you may be able to refinance at this bank on more convenient terms and at a lower interest rate. Real estate loans for buying, building or refinancing are tailor-made to fit your requirements. Attractive terms and low interest fates are available under direct bank loans or FHA or GI plans. No prepayment penalties... no brokerage fees or commission charges. Bring your financing problems to this home-owned bank where you are as sured continuing counsel and consider ation right in your own community. KLAMATH " I P O I I T IKIUItNII Chick Chats On Layers The loafing lien Is a drain on the pouUiymtin'a nurse, and i( she can noi be brought back into pro duction, she .should be removed Iroin the dork. Most poultrymrn are hard put to tind the real reason whv some hens suddenly quit laying as win ter draws oti. Often the hen 'a an cestry Rets the blame, and Indeed, heredity Is all-important In dcter minlnn how sreat an euu harvest the poultry producer wMl ret. There arc plenty of hens, however, that fall off in production before Uieir tunc, birds that would be able to continue lnyinn It they were cared for properly. A RKST PKKIOU Such Instances are not uncom mon In the wiuter laying house where hens, after lonj months of laving, fo out of production as If to rest un after working overlv hard. Frequently these birds will DRAIN TILE Drain lilt l.r t'r'f dra'n a.pllc link lilt Held PEYTON & CO. SI M.rk.l SI. Ttt. Klaaaath Falta LET OS EXPLAIN THE MYSTERY OF COLMAN'S MAGIC TWIN GRILLES win HEATING SYSTEMS Art EASY re plm info jrer torn new or oW. comfort com so umi FALLS BRANCH :' ' ' CORPORATION ? -a HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH resume laying II they are given the right kind of care. When the poullryman sets out to rebuilt good production, one of the llrst tilings he should do is lo look for conditions within the laying house which may be causing ills cointort among the layers. The house should lie well vrnlllaled without drafts, tight enough to af ford protection against weather, and sufficiently warm. Chills, dampness or drafts frequently mo responsible for laying slumps. NUTRITIONAL NERDS One of the commonest causes of reduced production Is Hie hick of certain food nutrients. Make sure the loafing birds get plenty of reduced production is the lack of grains which are high In fat content, such as corn. Fmhnps the birds need more variation In their diet. Many noullrymen find that warm crumbly, moist mash is es pecially helplul for lagging layers, particularly during cold weather. If the birds are badly out of condition, a conditioner consisting of stomachic drills may be aHried to the regular mash. Many preduc ers who have tried this report goad results. Hens which fail to respond after ' a reasonable length of time should I be removed for they are not pay- j ing for their keep. Protect pets from germ-ridden garbage bv storing all household waste materials In covered gal vanized steel garbage cans. To season a salad bowl, rub It with hot olive oil and then with a cut glove of garlic. Repeal several times over a period of about three weeks. M money m iur. M MONEY CM M.. i I 2Vl acres, 300 foot ocean front with a home of 3 rooms and bath, utility . . . a kitchen complete with a Youngstown Kitch en. Has hardwood floors, finished in knotty pine. Large windows overlooking ocean front. Beautiful view with a large clam beach. This is priced at the low figure of $17,000. For full details and all information Phone 5473 or call at 120 No. 1 0th. SPECIAL For Monday, March 24 ONLY! Gill's Parmenrer Pullets OR Straight Run Chicks ... $3 per 100 discount. Special price for this hatch ... 15c for straight run and 3lc for pullet chicks. Stop in tomorrow and place your order. PACIFIC ii w w m II GRAIN Sinqle Disk Double Disk GET IT NOW . : . BE READY FOR SPRING PLANTING!! OGW FARM SUPPLY Your Money-Harris Dealer 3049 So. 6th Phone 8144 mi 8V1I ft SHORT BLOCKS We have been these brand new, and Short blocks, II ru n.v. kit alaaalai an Inrtall ln aaw mater ar short alMk, DO IT NOW while thay art still vollaBltl USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS and take your time to pay! ASHLEY so. ih CHEVROLET 4iu FALLS. OREGON Swimming Program Gels Underway Here This Month The annual Klamath Tails Pwlmmlng Proaram nets underway lata this month under the sponsorship of the city rementlon department, the Klamath school districts, American Red Cross, Cllrl Senilis, Camp Hie Girls. 4-H and Boy Scouts. . Beginning Monday, March 54, a alx-lesson llfesavlng course Is slated. It will run on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for two weeks, with makeups set for Friday. Class time will run from f :.1Q to 9 run. fee fur this class Is J'J.SO. Buys and gills awlmlng classes are limited to 40 persons In earn class. Enrollment closes at that point. Boys classes start April 7. girls a day later. Klght lessons are to be given for $1. Open swimming sessions have again been scheduled for Saturday afternoons, according to City Recreation Director Bob Bonnry. A 8 8 year olds class may be Instigated. A physically handicapped class Is being scheduled for 11:15 a.m. Saturdays, with an advanced Cllii Scout, 4-H and Camp Flra Cllrls swimming class set for 7 to 9 p.m. Wednes day!. The Paul Kumvllle group will swim Thursdays from 7 to t p.m., and Boy Scouts Friday from 7 to 9. All swimming will be held In the Kl'HS uaUtorliim. Registration fees and registration will be made at the Recreation Office, City Hall. Name Arc Check the one In which you wish lo enroll: LIKE SAVING Junior, ago 13-15 years iBnys and girls) Senior, age 10 and up iMrn. women and hleh school ttiidrnls) BOVS SWIMMING CLASSES (Ages 6-14 years) Monday, April 7 8 lessons Class I Cannot Float 8:30 p.m. Class II Class III Class IV Can Float Swim a little Deep Water 7 p.m. 7:S0 p.m. p.m. CilKLS SWIMMING ( I.ASSF.S H Girls. Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts) Tuesday, April 8 I lessons Class II Class III Class IV Can Float Swim a little Deep Water 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. - (Beginning April S. 8:30 pm.) Class I Cannot Float 6:30 p.m. Ladles Class - If aluminum sink edges soil the aprons of persons standing against them, rub the aluminum with steel wool. Then apply two thin coats of fresh shellac. SUPPLY DRILLS Press Drills Fertilizer Drill STILL AVAILABLE NEW MOTORS AND able to secure complete Motors either 93 or 105 Local Dogs Yin Honors Final ItHtlnRS of winning dog In last week's Klamath Kennrl Club show are published below. The show, held at the fairground, drew one of the largest local crowds yet lor tills event. Winners included: m Groups 1. Toy; Male Chihuahua, Juanlla Ledenna. 3. Hound: Female Dnch-huud. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. 3. Working: Female Collie, Kath le McDonald. 4. Noil sporting group: Female Dalmatlon, Mr. Keith Moon. 5. Terrier: Male Fox Terrier (Wlrri, Mrs. Leonard Allrn. 6. Sporting: Female Oolden Re U elver, Joe Riker III. iCoiupleted best of breed Span iels included Mr. and Mr. Bill Ryser's Ascot Cocker and E. H. Lawrence's American Water Span iel i. Young Rlker's Golden Relrelver was named the best in allow, and Mrs. Leonard Allen's Fox Terrier was named best of opposite sex. Mrs. Helen Maing, Tortland. was Judge. 1 Legal Notice notice or sM.r or HEAL PHOPEHTY. NOTICE HfcKhdY I.1VTN ThM frui ii and after lh lAih day of April. ll;2. r HIED A McCLUKE, Guardian ot ' Ihf titatt of Barbara Ann McChnt I anil Jam Da It MrClure, will, pur nam to an urarr or in urc-uu t-nuri of the Stale of Orrgnn for Iht County of Klamath, duly culrrcd on tha 17th day ot March, 1932, prorrcd lo Mil at privai aala for raah, tub)ct lo Iht approval of th abovt entitled Court, all of tht right, mi and inttrctl of Ilarhara Ann MrClurt and Jamrt Dal MrCturc, In and to tot followlng-da-acrlbcd real proptrty. to.wit: An undlvtdtd ona-fifih intfrtil In and to Lota 1 and 2 of Block 20, Original Town of Linkvillt. now Klam ath FalU, Klamath County, Oregon. Proposal! lo purchase aaid property may b mad to nit at In offlca of Wm, KuyUendall, Room 2'-l Pm 'fret Building, Klamath Falla, Oregon. Datcu and flri puumntU .arch IB, 132. rnnoA mcci.uiie. (uardlan of tht F.iialc nf Barbara Ann MrClurt and J a ms Da I McCIura. M. 19-20 A. 3-S-No. 922 Timber for tale, United fftalea Dt- partmeut of Iht Inlenor, Bureau of '. Uand Management. Sealed blda will bt received by the Olilrlcl Foretttr, Bu reau of Land Management, located at Tht City Hall, Medford. Orrgnn, up to , 1000 a.m.. Pacific Standard Time, on . April IS. 1932. for all tlmbtr marked or otherwlta designated for cutting, ai 1 follow: Information concerning condi tion or the aalt including aucn liema qualification of blddera, procedure for nubmlttlng blrit. road acceaa, mar keting area requirement, payment, and typt of bond required, ihould be obtained prior lo the aale, from the above mentioned office. The right U hereby reterved to waive technical de fects In thia advertlaement and to re ject any or all bldi. All volumes given are limber eatlmatea and may be more or lena than the actual amounts. In Klamath County: Oregon: Klamath Marketing Area: T.. 41 It. 9. .. W. M. all limner dtalgnated for cutting on SB' of Sec. B; W',NE',: NW'iSW. nf Sec. 10: Lot 4 iNW",NW'i of Sec. 13: estimated for the purpose of this ale to be 123 M. feet" marked Douglas fir, 930 M. feet marked Pnndernsa Pine, 30 M, feet marked Inren Cedar. No bid for less than S14D3 per M. It. B M. for marked Douglas fir, lfl.R3 Per M. ft. B.M. for marked Ponderosa Ine. 93.30 per M. ft. BM for marked Incenae Cedar, or a total purchase price of $14,701.73, will be considered. Minimum deposit with bid $1,600.00. M 19-20-A 2-0.No. 921 NOTICE OF DATE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CMtrruiT CtlirflT OF THE STATE OF OR BOON OJI KLAMATH COIJM Y In the Matter of the Estate of LAUflA A. WILLITS, Deceased. Noiice I hereby given that the under signed The First National Bank nf Portland hat filed Ha finl crount of the administration of the above en titled estate and lhat the Court has ,p',intf:l Marrh 27. 1 nr2 at I" A.M. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. The rirat National Bank of Portland, Executor Oanong & fianong Attorneys for Executor F27-M3-12-10 No 807 NOTICE Or DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CMICUJT COURT OP THE STATE OF OBF.OON tOH KLAMATH COUNTY In the Mnlter of the Estate of H S. WAKEFIELD, who was also known as IIULBERT S. WAKEFIELD. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account nf the adminis tration of the above entitled eslnte and that the Court has appointed April 17, 1032 at 10 a.m. as the time for hearing objections to urh final account and the settlement thereof. - Charles F. DeLap, Executor Gannng Ac fianong Attorneys for Executor M. 10-26- A. 2-9- No. DIB NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HARRY C. MESNEK. Deceased Notice la hereby given that T have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled esliite and Hint the Court has Appointed April 17, 1032 at 10 a.m. as the time for hearing objections to auch fjnal account and tht settlement thereof. Violet Emma Mesner, Executrix Oanong Ac Oanong , Attorneys for Eslalt M. 19-20 A. 2-9. Nn. 018 .CLASSIFIED RATES One day ........ per word 4s rhrea Pari , per word Ho Week run per word UOo Month run per word tic MINIMUM The minimum chargo fur any out id It otK'. BOX NUMIIltriS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at tho paper (or a service chin uc of III.. DEAUMNKS Classified aui acccplcu up to 8:30 p.m. tor following day't publication Classified display ads accepted up tc I'J noon for lollowini daya pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Pleas nnuu all ciaiina lo adjust ments witnout delay. Corrections nc cancellations re ceived by 8:30 pm will bo madt In following daya publication. A CARD Or THANKS IX'KKHT: V wlli In rxpr... tiurrip . uppr.i-Lllnu In tv.ry nut wlm u. 1 mi Ihoiif htriil and kind and for atl tha h.iltlhil flnw.ri. at lh In.a ot our : lot art on. Tli. r.inlly. C FUNERAl HOMIS ! WAHU" kiilnthYliiV;illl6hit7"aali I H',h .1lr..l. Plinn. Xt.M. I I MUTING NOTICES Crntcr Lukfi I.odB(! No. i 211 A. P. and A.M. will hold a a pec in I commu nication, Thuradiiy, Mnrrh 20 lit 7:30 pm, Work In tha F.C. De gree. Vlaltliitr brethren. Wm. FINK SKCHETAIIY REGULARMEETING of Disabled American Veterans an I Auxiliary will be held Friday, March 31 In the K. O. at 8 p m. LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY A iHZJTV n Initiation cvrry W. C. HOOPER 8rciftary f1 10l0Plna KLAliTH-FALLS Aerie No. 3090 f Ot Ratular mrrtliK AHt .1.1., 7:41) p. m. SSA. l.-f. O. E. Hal), Blh fcVwf3lU3 mcl Walnut. Vi.Mlinit mtmbfti cordially Invltrri. Buffet hours 10:30 am. lo 1 am. Order of the Amarath will hold their resular mee 1 1 ng Wed nead a y evening, March 19 0 pm. ORA OEINOFR R.M. JA.MR3 HUNTER H P. 2 LOST AND FOUND PARtVwho Vimk "wrong "inp coat from Wongs. Saturday night. Call MM. Hill ekrhana- KINDLY re tttrn ptirte taken Itunday afternoon from red Pontlac, 203 Wash. Ingtnn. PhnneWor 5277. "LoBT. inana alar ruby ring. Rewatd phone 4.1U. PLATINUM ihamond ring. Ktfpake. Pleaw rail M23 days. Reward Voi'rVU. near "poslnffife. small lilark femaledog. 6 mo. old. Phone 57 LOST or ' stolen blark Ijibrador. white star on chest. License WM. Phone GINIRAL NOTICIS BIO "Y" BARBER SHOP OPES Under New Management HOURS 800 A.M.JTII.L 7:00JP.M. 855oi" OANCIt Ml'SlP lor all " atom Call Moran 2-oJtW or McDonald. Sill. Playtd rlfht. prlctd rlgitl. and PERSONALS WKIX KNIT fuaranUed hoiltry. Phone " RiAirsn.K. 7ia. ZOZ BHIICtV ttwanaoa'a B.atity Shop. pnon. rioi. gTArJEET" Homi ProducU. PViont rgiig 10 StRVICE NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING bv Francl "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Lei u work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Panlcnted and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6lh Phnne BIAS CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't wnnt, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 2'i5 Ea?.t Main In Klam ath Falls and gel acquainted or . Phone 5670 PAIn'tIno arid pape'rhanglnY Phone 7011. CURTAINS laundi-ea and stretched Phone 4D14 FULLER Brushes. Phono 0804 or 5077. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant anft Auditor Offlca at nnti No. Tth. - Phnn 9Mt fO it 'i'KKK TRIMMING Phone 2m.l1 Legal Notice NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice It hereby given, that (he un dersigned, executors of the estate and larH will and testament of Flurrell w, Shori, deceased have filrd thnlr final account with the enmity clerk of Klam alh County, Oregon, and the ("I rent I Court has set Friday the inih day of April, 19112. at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. of raid day. In the Circuit Court room In Klamath Falli, Oregon, as the time and plare for hearing ohlerilon therein and the settlement thereof. Dated this l'llh day of March, 10.13. Mary E, Gnber Dorothy Dehllnger Executors nf the estate of Bur rell W. Short, deceased. A. W. Schaupp, Attorney M. 1B-26-A. 3-0-18 No. 020 IMAGINE I Within A few short hours oftcr you order a Hernld & News Classified ad, 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To plsce an ad, phone Sill. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 10.12 10 CKVfCCS MOVING? . . ; v Call 7m Loral-Long Umlnme riu no and appliance moving a specially Transfer and Hlntnitt Ilrkln't Moving and tlliiinit Peoples Warehouse "Since 11)18" EXCAVATING Mobil tfhuvrl and Trench Hot Bulldoter Fill Dirt lopioll Crushed Rrak Driveway Clndon Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. I'hm.e 6M1 or 0110 FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Bound CONNKR'8 SERVICE CO. Phone 81178 Septic Tank Cleaned TANK8, drain drills Initialled repaired. Yearn of cxpsrlrne. AI work guaranteed.. PHONE 6731 Heavy Hauling ' , AMYWIIKME. FOfl HIRE Honest Rates -- WelalHa Bervlra InMiretl ANDKR8RN FREIGHT LINE " mi Houth Uixth Ph. mo or aau.i Septic Tanks Cleaned Nrwatt Sanitary Metliodi Alan ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Gleam tiawer Llnra of Roota, Eta ED P. KINO 14H Orehard PhnnetlMl MNTINfi" difor.lTnl. pipirhinf ltt. nLtl.rho.rtt flnl.htnf, ,pr.)r p.lnllni. Phnn. .HUB iirrnifirnATioNamvtrB Now U (It. Mm. In mi.Ii. n.r.ta.rv r.., ia In ynttr r.frlf. .r.tnr tMtfnr. tii.t w.ath.r h.lna 1..I W.rd'a a.rvl, h.nnl. ynur particular n.nY I'nmpl.t. mnd.rn up In di. r.lrif.r.llpn Mrvir. with qual ity Mrorkntan.hlp f ti.rant.rl MONTaOMr.ay wabi ath aniiPln. nionIM TnfPPa Atiln"Patnting. HoHy and (an. drr wnrk Phnn. 4HO. Al.KkATIMNAIIriik frarnl..n'" j.nnla liar. Anitaa, TU7 M.ln. I'hnna CAnriitrn WorC n.nind.fln Vnfi n.w rnn.lrurllnn. Plmn. 2.orII7. rLttTHlJ'AI.' corilr.rtinj. Wnrk uar anlr.d Phnn. 3l'lti II IDUCATIONAl SooiWiSPIria. irinrtriand Irplnf kin drtd auhj.fta. nrflr. marhlnaa ki.amath nuaiNcaa coi.i.KRr TU Ptn. Phona 47aa HEALTH CONVALESCENTS AGED -INVALIDS 24-Hour Nur.Miia Cnrr, with Rnttv lered Nurse in charge. Attrnllon Riven to Bprcln! Dlin. Equipped for bed patients. Kully llccmed by State of Oreon. Your inspertion Invited. Courleny to your fnmllv dortnr. 4 Private or pemion at.e elcome. The Mitchell Sanatorium Jacksonville, Ore. Phone Jacksonville 651 MIC AM Italiis, exrrriarv m reducing formen orfmen. Phone no 14 NILP WANTED, F KM ALE .XP.niENCrr) 'bookkeeper Apply Millers Urpailmenl Nloie tn person. DKf'RNDAfll.E evnenenred stenograiih' er. Innurance prefprrahle. (imttl salary, prrmanent puiitton. The Landry Com nsn EXPERIENCED cl.t-.ker, full time joh! 16 HILP'WANTID, MALT INE or fir grailerlpfldy work. lHm details nf experience Write P.O. Hot Wi. Medfnrd, Oregon PERMANENT EMIM.OYMMNT for""" a man who would like to have a bmlnen of his own. Thai's the hau we put ymi on. with a OF. A 1. EH H PltoriT but Ml INVESTMENT HEQtllPElJ. If you are the right t ne of nian you ran earn IM. lo 17.1. per werk. Call Mr. Long at the Wi.Ne-Ma Motrl between 12 and 1 oclock or S and 7 p.m. Thursday March 20. WANTED'. ttterhanltC"BoV"noiVOaVage" 2001 Oregon Avanue. I ) A V I m 1 1 man. Must bein ea t a n d""a g gresalve. Mint le over 21. ftee Mr. Han iid,Willaid llotel after Jl p m VVAN'tLM reliable man 2.1 fo'.ifi years! foe am hula iht work Preferrahly with soma First Aid training. Phnne 77" WANTED rnmblnat'loti all atntind ranch n.erhanir antl wrlilrr. Steady )oh for a sober and energetic man, single only. Hok Herald and News. SA LEHMAN--earnings ioitnTt7approi(" i,7. per month. Opportunity lo ad vance Ages Ifl to :k. Apply Standard Htatinns, Inc. 2nd and Main or Kaplan arle and Spring fits. 17 HELP WANTED PAflT TIME liMperlor wanted hv Na-' tlonal orgnnlaallon to make verlfrat!on rr ports on Insurance TliVn. Prefer one who Is well armifilnled in rornmunlly Write full pnrtli-ulnra roncernlng a4 A and occupation. Box u:i. Herald antTt News, ' HTMVTAMlLY""Wal M ; iiiiTTmr t rTn u wa ii f ahle. If you want your own busine-i wilh better than averse Inronie, wrlle for Infonnatlnn to the J. ft. Wathln Co.. 1.17 Dexter, Senllle 0, Washlng- lOil. 18 SltiM7IONSW ANTED ltANbY'MANf"oddoVir$iper hour. Phone 2-1417 evenlngn. EXPEniENCKD; " of fegwork re'rep" tlonlst, rarhlee, saleslady, baby alllliig. Phono 11740. t XI ' K It I E N CIA) teenager desires liahv sitting or mother's helper evenings after 4:30, Saturdays or Sundays, Phone CHILD rare anytime. Phone 2-0111 aft er noons. , CHILD CAP.E, 2SS East Main, 7:43 ti .1:30 daya pl.onaflU7(), eves. 2-Ofl73. C0l7dliErTgirl " wanta hour workTaU OHfill. . WILL care for children In my home daya or your home evening. Call 2-1 MS 22 ROOMS FOR RENT TtOOMS for rent. Private entrance'. Close lnPhnnfl 4444, ' O OM H ,p 1 1 1 eWcnjinii a hi eT hoiTe-Ati'if. Cb V ELY rnnms for roni'$tT-S7. a week". Cioie in: Phona 4M9, FHO'Nf room ibr rent. Greer Apsrl menli. 710 Main. i hi1 sMi' TI norTMS, "boardrgentlcmen. lSOT CreS cent. ATTRACflV'OgVniu nSS Plneyth'ni 'urn,B,,fd but Srocerlel WOOMtj it!l wnek. B20 Jefferson. IIOOM. tfnl!aman tnn r"..'nt LHiIlfhotiaekeaplng. Everything fur. inn miner VHl'UDIur ui " "iirm nroiill, 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLEAN. homev riiinlmv limrlmn ""o waier iiirnisneu. aamw Phnne S4IR rMi nr,,NT, two room rttrnlshed naen lor apartment. $28. Inquire 212(1 necla-