WEDNESDAY, MARCH ID, 1 052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATII FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN India, Too, Harnesses Rivers to Feed Millions Tim United Blnton, Willi nil Itn tiuilinlciil unci liiiliiiiii'liil tuMiiirct'N, till! hnn not completely bo) veil I ha lirohlein of conlriilllim mid ullliz iiiR Itn rivers, Tho Tonnrnnro Val ley Authority tins proved n iniidrl (or the cnulneers ol LI in wm III, In 1 1 there In ntlll much In tin dona. Only ill) per (iunt ol the wnln- in rivers nnd t if limn of the Missouri Klvrr JJnnln In bclnir used lor lii'lKi'Uon, The Republic of Inilln. Aniei'lcn'n Inter republic In Aaln, mill liun nil linini'iiNtniilily ttrnitiir Job uheiul. It In estimated Unit only nix prr cent of tlm water In tlm country's Mvern In now brlnit utlllxcd. Hut tlm Government of Inilln In determined to ImriiPsn I lie rivers and rnd two ntrniutn cnntriulHlnns I net tit . n predominantly nitrlcul tin id tuition, iniint Import iiilllioim fif lonn of food; Indlu, a nation rich In iiiitiirul resources, lias a pimiiliillun Unit In liuitely poor. The yield per acre In Indln In now among Din lowent In the world, because ol pi lull 1 1 vn inelliodn of farming and an unreliable wnler nupply. Out of 251,000.000 acres ol Modoc Bull Sale Set For Oct. 16 CED A RVH.l,E October fl nan been nelected the chile lor the lUiii Modoc County limine bull Bale, ne cordlnii to Bccy.-MKr. Wnll llod mnn. Dun Kill linn been reelected chnlrmtm of Uie event. Ninety head of bulls will be ac cepted, Willi eliihl bulln per con. KlKiior fenturliiK one pen of two or three bulln per comninment, II Uenlred. A mile of feeder ciilven to I II mid FFA boyn nnd lrl Is slated lo precede the bulln mile. Fifteen calves luive already been dinned up for thin event. Cost per bull to consignor will be 25 thin yenr, with liny nnd Ktrnw furnlnhed. The committee; in followliiK n policy of flrnt cuine, first nerved. Conservation Meet Theme OREGON STATE COLLECIE-An Internationally roconnlied nulliorlty on conservation, Dr. Hlnnley dun of the Unlvcrnlly of Mlchliinn, will be lender fur the 13th nnnunl bio Iokv colloqulm nt Oregon Btutc toilette Hnlurdny, April 10. Thin yenr'n theme will be con arivntloii of bloloxiciil resources. 'I he onu-diiy meeting, which in cludes trenernl sessions nnd spe- clnl luncheon nnd dinner meetlniin, In nponnored by the (JSC chapter of 1'hl Knppa Phi nnd the nchool of science. Dr. Cnln In hend of the deport ment of eonnervntlon In MIchlnnnN nchool of nnlurnl rcnourcen. Other npenkera will Include Dr. Henry J. Vnux, former OHC school of for estry ntnff membern now forest rconomlnl. univernimy or tniiior- nln; Joseph Pechnnec nnd Leo A Isnnc. Pacific northwest forent nnd rnnito experiment ntiulnn, Port innd; nnd Dr. C. V. Plnth. OSO agricultural economist. Bonus Bonds To Be Asked SALEM A new attempt to persuade federal olllolnls to ap prove Oregon's 40 million dollnrn worlh of World War It vetcrnns bontin bondn will be innde next week. Hlnte Trennurcr Waller J. Penr non nnd hln deputy. Fred Puulus, will confer in Washington. D.C., late next weelt Willi Secretary of the Trcanury John w. bnyrirr; Chnrlen E. Wilson, defense mobll lzcr; and menibcrs of the Fcdcrnl Reserve Board. The government rejected the bonun bond Issue last lull on mounds It would bo Inflationary. Pearson and Pnulun will leave here Saturday. Tln-v first will go to New York to sIrii IS million lollam of Oregon highway bonds. Pearson mild that the govern ment's distribution of 200 million ol veternnn Innurnnre dividend checks In more Inflationary (ban Oregon's bonus bonds would be cultivated land, only 411,000,000 are Irrigated. The remaining HI per cent of the liuvl dependn for sue cesnful crops on tlio whlnm of the capricious inonnnon and fuccn the twin rlnkn of drouiiht and flood. India hnn been forced to Import a minimum of 11.000,000 lonn ol grains n year to prevent famine nnd In dln'n population In growing at the nilo of 4,000,000 a your, llll, I, KIN foil I'llO.IIX'TS 'I1io Government of the new Tin-publlo-whleh celebrated Itn hw onil Republic Day on Jan. 20, 1053 ban given control of the rlvorn lop priority. The Nntloiiul Planning Commlnnlon, hi lis draft of the Flve-yenr Plan, allocated 30 per cent of the total outlay of la.Klli, 300,000 (lo be spent on one part of the plan) to Irrigation and pow er projects, Already, the Central Government nnd SO of the Htalen have between them name MS largo nnd small projectn acluully under execution. Twelve of these are mujor pro jectn costing more than Rn, 100 million i 1, 000,0011 1 each. Eight arc multi-purpose river vulley pro jectn. Tho lurgeHt and most iid- vancecl ol tlieno In the Uhnkra-Niin-gnl project In the Punjab. Two oilier large multi-purpose projects under execution are the DnmoUar Valley project I In West Ilengal and lllhiiri, costing Its. 740 million ( I57 .100,00(1 1 nnd the Hlrakud project (In Orlssn.i costing Its. 112(1 mil lion ($131, 400,000 i. At the end of the Flve-Yenr Plan In 10.10, It In expeclcd that Irriga ted hind will be increased by H.KOO,- 000 ncron nnd that when the mnjor projects are J ill I v completed the increase will be 16.600,000 acres. Thin will menn Hint India n present Irrigated uren will bo Increased by about one mirn. ro(l INC'KKAHK KXPKCTKD Thcnc Irrlgallon projectn nnd the reclnliuliig of land are expected to boost Indian nnnunl yield of food bv 7.200,000 tonn by 1060. Power generation In expected to Increns"! bv 1.100,000 kilowatts by the end of 105(1 a gulp of about 50 per cent over the present total gener ating cnpnclly. Thin country n TV A hnn been nn Inspiration lo Indln'n planners nnd the Dnmodnr project In modelled on It. American and European en gineers hnve been called In to help, Ono of tnem is ur. o. h Hnvimc, former Chief Engineer of the U.b. Burenu of Reclamation. Indln will not end the enmpnlgn to hnmesn the rivers with the corn- let Ion of the Flve-Yenr Plnn. The Nntlonal Plnnnlng Commlnnlon linn nlrendy recommended thnt a 16 year Irrigation nnd power develop nient plan should be rirnwh up. Rofenone Cattle Grub Controller Treating cattle with rolenonn of. fers tho bent method of controlling cattle grubs. The material may be applied an a nprny or dust, reports Farm Advlnor Ken Bnghott of tho University of California, Tulclukc. For mont effective control, treat ment nhould be nnnlled nbout no dnys after the appearance of tho flrnt grubs In the backs of calllc, nnd then at from 30 to 46 day Intervnln throughout the grub sen non, If nuch regular treatments aru Impossible, then applying Ihe con trol material at the peaks of abun dance is recommended. Cattle grub control on a com munity or area banis bring best result. The fly stage of the grub can move aa fur an a mile, going from an untreated herd lo a treat- The first twl-nlght doublehender In Brooklyn for the Dodgers this season will be ngnlnst the Bos ton Braves on April 22. SURVEY TAKEN Tho Modoc National Forest ban made the usual monthly snow sur veys early this month on the Ce dar Punn nnd Bwengcrt Flat snow courses. On the 7050-foot elevation of Cedar Pnnn the snow measured 01 Inches with an nveriign water conlent of 20 Inches. On the MM feet elevation of the Swcagcrt FlaR Com he the averugo snow depth wan 711 Inches with an overage water conlent of 30 Inches. This water content at Hweagcrt Flat In o 60 per cent Increase over the Feb. 1 mennurement. Any of these names onyoui ndl Ceonomat Wtitlnghout Jacob i Loundrol1 ApM Waih-A-Mallc Central lltttnc Thof, Whirlpool i Noro Hotpolnt llockilonl Maytag Uftlvtnul lotion On Mlnvlo DKlor &pd Oun Talor Ouch m Von Hondyhot AflC Cordon Automoilc Korton Lour d lux mokei ony wop or wathinj com pound wash belter, -makti ony woler hard or soft rime better. Calgon Inc. Hagan Bldg, Pflh., fa. Millions enjoy its finer flavor! How about uUIIIIV DIUUK - . BRAND KENTUCKY BLENbtD WHISKEY V86 PROOF 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS'THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO,, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Expert Gun Repairing and Robluinq THE GUN STORE ed herd. Nnlurnl barrlern such ns hills and streams tend to retard the movement of these pests. More Information about control HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUOINI, ORt. MEDFORO Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley and Joe Earley Proprietor J-. m r methods Is contained In the pam phlet, "Cattle Drubs Steal Your Profit," available at your Farm Advisor's Office In Tulcluke, Sm Calhoun MIRRORS for any roim In the hnmft mi K, Main WURLITZER A mognlllcent plane. Many lovnly itylm mtti llnishn to chootn from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th r washes clothes "S. .... VW a THAN ANY OTHER PRODUCT a WITH BLEACHING! :T AND, FAB - ',;V I WASHES CLOTHES j-"Y I CLEANER THAN ANY ff. wSOAP ON EARTH ! y ;; ,V Ti ' : f J I & IT'S AMAZING BUT TRUE! New Fab washes whiter without bleaching than any soap, any other "no-rinse" suds or any washing product known with bleach in the wash water. And, freshly rinsed Fab clothes are cleaner than you can get them with any soap. Fab wash-out the grimy dirt . . . leaves no dulling soap film ia the hardest water. As youuse Fab, clothes get whiter and whiter . . . colors get brighter and brighter. And you have the world's sweetest-smelling wash! 'Buy the economical GIANT SIZE! Washde colors look brighter fool SAVES CLOTHES! SAVE WORK! Fab all by itself washes clothes dazzling white. You don't need any bleach! So clothes last longer with no bleach to weaken fabrics or fade pretty, washable colors. Fab immediately loosens dirt and keeps it floating in the wash water. So, with new Fab, no soaking is needed! You can stop rinsing, too and save half your washday work! SAVE HANDS! New Fab is wonderfully mild to hands! And, what's more, it's safe to use on baby's clothes. In addition, you'll find new Fab is kind to your own pretty washables, too. CUT DISHWASHING TIME IN HALF! Fab soaks dishes, glasses, pots, pans shiny clean! If a bit of food clings, the dishcloth whisks it off! No hard scouring and no wiping! A COlGATf-PMMCLIVI-PEIT PRODUCT AND, YOU CAN STOP RINSING! If you prefer not to rinse, Fab given you thn cleanest possible, sweetest-smelling no-rinse wash 1 mow g CP b Good J flgifiCTIES! v sped to you mm wmm aiinjiiiiniwipiiiiijiii..iWt'W!B'i''.niir WWIW W f c . fi I b a )l I 1 f r I mmrmJ' I j ESS3BB J ij M I I L.irM.. Jr iim'innii " " ".iminim , fmujnw,F, mmWiii,iiiii.i iiiiiw. u f Simwwii mmXff' "jiununiiiji, Vmsh"'. 'nmmmwy .mhnBmmPtffr , at j a., .......i-.. ...... . i i w- .-f-ia . i- - u.-.r- r.1.f...1jtll1ir r:-.,j...a.....)lrm (mmin lt inniiimr ioiirrrtitwi-'T'iroitiri-iiii-'Hni'r-'-Mi-rfr---i fiawuKrtMSwEiihMii m mtrtiT-WMrin'-r-ir'rtrn11i-i-'i'iiii- ,Al A RUSHED fROM WE KITCHEN-CLEAN MILKING ROOMS OF KLAMATH'S FINEST DAIRIES, THROUGH T-H ULTRA-MODERN PROCESSING PLANT OF KLAMATH fALLS CREAMERY. UNDER THE STRICT SUPERVISION OF THE MEN WHO OWN THE PLANT AND TAKE PRIDE IN THtr QUALITY OF ITS PRO0UCTS UNDER TOE "CHATf? lAKf BRAND NAME. THAT'S WHY YOU can TAsre me extka cNess ofi CRArei lAKtr FwernKSf Q O o o o o o o o o ooooooof