PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10. 1052 Pentagon Has New Worry, Yhat'll They Do About A Replacement For Mr. Big? WASHINGTON m Tne rente.- nanaicappea oy xne ibcs ne nas Ron Is almost as anxious as the politicians over Oen. DwlRht D. Eisenhower's plans. If and when he returns home, the Pentagon will have to recom mend a successor as supreme com mander ol Allied powers In Europe and also make other changes in the NATO command. Washington talk puts heavy em phasis on the possibility of Oen. Matthew Rldgway, United Nations commander In the Far East, suc ceeding to any vacancy that may develop In the top European com mand. But by no means ruled out are several other American generals, including Elsenhower's chief dep uty. Oen. Alfred M. Oruenther. Rldgway's prominent position among those speculated on as an Elsenhower successor appears based on two primary factors: A brilliant record In World War n as a field commander plus the experience gained since he be came commander last summer of the U.N. forces fighting the Com munists In Korea. His Par Eastern service also has provided him, say his advocates, with the seasoning needed in the political part of a dual military political assignment like the Eu ropean post. Oruenther, a close personal friend of Elsenhower, has a reputa tion as a far-sighted planner and strategist. He has been called the "brains of the Army." But Gruenther's prospects for succeed ing to the Emopean command are never held a major field command. although he had a big hand in plott ing strategy during World War as a chief of staff. Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is des cribed as an unlikely part to any change In the European command In the immediate future. President Truman, it is noted, wanted him so badly his pres ent job that he reanDointed Bradley for a second term as chairman. Officials here refuse to consider seriously any possibility that a non-American might be named to the supreme command if Eisen hower leaves. KidneySlow-Down May Bring Restless Nights I When kidney function kwi down, many folks complain of nastrinff backache, head ache, ditxincu and kvn of pep and energy. Don't suffer restless night with these dis comforts if reduced kidney function it ret ting yon down due to such common cause as stress and strain, over-exertion or expo, aure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause setting up SifhU or frequent passares. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condU tkms bother you. Try Doan'a Pills a mild diuretic Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. It's amaxing how many time Dean's give happy relief from these discom. forta help the 16 miles of kidney tubeaand Al tars flush out waste. Get Doan'a Pills today! Ml .nl. D For The f "Young Sprites" That Are the Loveliest We've Ever Had for New Spring Showings . . . Beautiful Stylet . . . Colors ... and Materials that every girl and little boy will love . . . and you mothers will love the low prices and practica bility of each and every one . . . . II DRESSES Far infants to art-ttmt ... Rack after rack of Hit aparklinf aw stylet wanted for apriof 3.98 to 8.98 a, GLOVES All whit f lorn that avary little flirt wan for Easter wear . . . Sizes 0 to 7 Nylon ... 1.39 Cotton ...1.19 'STRAWS Loads of naw aprinf ttrawa and fairs . . . Naw and different aryline and colon to delight tha heart of tha little "miii" . , . Boys Suits" 1.98 to 3.98 Handtama linen fM 4mm lh L uoyi . . alio smart naw dren ttylei in wooli and aab ardinta ... 3.98 to 8.98 "COATS" Lovtlr naw eattol coats in I a I a colon or novalty hacki . . . includina tha famoui "Brimbury" line , 24.98 IV. w VA 9 ,n f r- in OQ m Leons Tots-to-Teens ur 9th ond Pint Phone 31 8P REG. PRICED 1.98 TO 2.79 your choice 1.88 25 itemt Wards quolity hand tools for tha home workshop or trade. Your choice of 2.45 Carpenter's level 28'i Reg. 2.25 long-Nose Plierj Reg. 2.25 Combination Wrench Set, 5 pieces; Reg. 2.29 Block Plane) Reg. 1.98 Screw Driver, Hammer, Wrench Set, 13 pieces) Reg. 2.29 Screen Door latch ond many other 41.30 TILTING-TABLE SAW reran 10 down 37.44 Balance Monthly 8 crosscut, rip and miter blade cuts to 2W at vert., 1 Vi' at 45. Cast-iron table extends to 20 x 14', tilts to 45. Bronze bearings. Hand knob raises, lowers blade. Removable insert for dado work. - REGULAR 16.93 DRILL KIT 30pece 14.88 W! drill Good Quality Drill Kit that is priced low. Equipped for light-duty use to drill, sand, buff, polish, and mix paint. Has the Powr-Kraft pistol grip with V4' hand-tight chuck. No-load speed 1600 RPM. 3jA.L!Ej Hardware and Garden Needs HAND TOOLS-SPECIALS Tour choice 97c flag. J.09-1.59 Wards have chosen a select group ef hand tools and hardware for this March Sale. They're practical and useful, essential in the home workshop or machine shop. Buy today, complete 'your tool kit now. Regular 1 .39 Combination Square; Reg. 1.35 Screen Door Closer; Reg. 1.35 Auger Bit V4" and ''; Reg. 1.39 6' Folding Rule; Reg. 1.35 Back Saw; Reg. 1 .1 9 Screen Door Latch; Reg. 1 .1 9 Stove Bolt Assortment; and others. SPECIAL-THIS SALE ONLY Reg. 36.95 Electric V4-inch Drill 33.88 Reg. 6.29 Blow Torch 5.57 Reg. 3.19 Long Hondle Shovel 2.88 Reg. 98c Steel Lown Roke 84c Reg. 7.45 Garden Cort 6.77 STORE HOURS 9:00 to 5:30 n REG. 5.85 GARDEN TOOL SET Reduced to 4.88 SetotS 3 sturdy, well balanced tools at Words low prices. 2.25 Spading Fork. 4 stool 11 'linos 1.88 Q) 1 .95 Garden Rake. 14 teeth. 62' handle . . . 1.77 1.65 Garden Hoe. 6' edge. 52 handle . . 1 .47 REG. 20.50 ELEC. DRILL 18.44 Mall Vi-ln. utility drill. Use on wood or metals. 3-jaw Jacobs geared chuck. Bronte bearings. Trigger pull switch. REG. 39.93 ELEC. SAW 6VI", 35.88 Combination blade cuts to 2'i" at vert., VA' at 45. For straight bevel cuts,, etc Tele scoping guard. SALE OF LAWN MOWERS 17.44 n,a. 108 96.88 Keg. 19.5 i 1 6-in. 5-blado Hand Mower will cut your lawn quickly, quietly. Cast-Iron frame, tubular steel handles, rubber grips. Enclosed gears won't clog, i 1 8-in. Gasoline Power Mower with 5 steel blades moves smoothly, quietly. V-bell drive to jack shaft. 4-cycle 1-HP engine. Throtlle-conlrol lever on handle. 't.tir-'-.V j Mwrnnii ne """"fj tweaMataerlWfj t ..L.iiTirf j yj't .Jim "J-""' REG. 3.29 RUBBER HOSE Sola Pile 2.98 23 3-layer construction has great flexibility and dur ability. Will stand up to 7 times city water pressure Complete with brass couplings. 5-yr. guarantee. REGULAR 5.79 Black Rubber Hose, 50 feet. . . .2 ' REG. 15.95 WHEELBARROW 13.88 Forlarmorhomt lightweight, 1 -piece seamless construction can be used for hauling liquids as well as solid materials. 3 cu. ft. heaped, 2'j cu. ft. liquid capacity. 10 x 2.75 semi-pneumatic tire. With sturdy steel frames