WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 10,12 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page eleven: Dusetie, Pop Match Heads Armory Menu Pimnnlcr Murk l.lllnnl nreniln ill nMiiifllvo lluet-lioul wrrttllim .-aid at llin ai'mmy tonight, uliii'i iiu llrrii' IHiM-lIn unci Kiirl Von Piippenlirliu in k miiiii event in mail h. COWBOY CARLSON . at armory tonight at t - W W T. li- .f ou t. w r a I 1 Tim 8 1(1 miener nut popular Cowboy UKalnit IK, On I' liiKhir. The luller, nn Ohio chim in ndcr In innkliiK lis deliul In llir Kliiinlh Fall nnii. The arnil-wliiriiin pnlia llnnno Mi liimnld aitalnnt Kilo iThe Oreati Pnlrrten, wcll-muicled Bcandaiia Villi. Cm I:. (in mill Cinllaithrr warm tin hmisc in one-fall, 30-iiiliiule acul lie. The ariul-wliitlnp Im Vi-inlmite M'l'iiu or Mm heal iwn uf Uirrr IllilK UiikpUb and Von Pnpprnhelm hnvu mm hour In which lo acoie two I ii hi of Hirer. Von I'npprnlirlii oral Duaellf Im. I week ulth it Innl-dllcli uonm rrniiK riiprr, The T'lTiirli'diiKllnli nuked for Ihe rrmiilrh mid In out I rod II early ionltihl. I'rdcrhrn win a lilt In til cleljul lent weekIn reverae. He aroused Ihn fnni will) lilt inmicle-llexliiK iinllCB. McDonald In a Hint oprr Mm' who won't give 111" weight llfirr much time for nhow-ofl. Ciiilhdii In a favorite with the ladlra who am expected I" 'urn nut In droves to welcome bm k the hlond cowboy. The armory tickel-offire nprna ,7:30, one hour before the opener. , Miss Faulk Is Medalist PINEHUrtST, N. C. 1 Mnrv Lena Faulk treasured her second uiccesslve North and Houlh Tourna nienl qualllyliiK inediil an she headed Into Wednesday's opening round of match play along with 31 challengers. Minn Faulk prevnlled over 21 op ponents lo lend the wav with a fine 37-3S-7B, one over women's par Tueaday. She wan three strokes ahead of M Murray. Rutland. Vi., and Mm. Ilolbrook Piatt of rinehurt. Minn Murray, ruimerun last year to Pal O'.Sulllvan nf Oraime. Conn., wan Ihe top Curtln Cun performer nf the nunlllvlim round. Her Cun teaminute, Mlr.s O'Htilllvan. winner the last two vears here, needed SI. Minn Faulk was in the upper hall of the draw. The lower half llnled, among olhera. Mm. Piatt. Minn DeMnnn, Barbara Remark, Sacramento, Calif., and Edean Anderson, Hel ena, Mont. SHUFF STUFF The first playoff Rnme of Ihe Clly HhulflelHiard League cham pionship round In to be played to nlcht, a o'clock, on the Mecca board The rnntentnntii are Mecca and Hchiin.n Tavern. .Second playoff game will be held Friday night on Ihe SchUM table, and the third. If necennary. will be played nn a neutral board lo be announced Inter. , "1 l.Anrai (i i.eaoi c ffrhrrwk ... . ft7 nn AiM.p and avhuli ... nj 4n lloilliup .... ,. 47 4.1 MoUlnrat - 41 4f, Murvlna ... , 41 m Lowall'a 'M 00 Mary Mill, rolling for the Mola lore's team of the I.adybug Bowl Inii Leaxue, nenotlated neven rtrlkea in a name to pile up a 223 ncore and lake over the lengue'a third place In that category for the aeanon. I.arayne Ilarrln' 239 In atlll topn and Martha CaiMdy'a 233 b aecind. Mary Bnthwell had a 11)0 211). HO nerien of 629 In week'n howling. 'Hie Mnlatore club, aided bv Mary Milln' high game, had a 2602 team neries and a 067 team line. The latter tied with the Bchmeck lea inn previous aeanon high. Other nennon marka In that bracket are the Roundup Dr6 and B28n poated by Marvin'n and Shoon and Schulr.e All of lant week'n matcnen went by 3-1 acoren: Molalore'n beating Schmeck. Shoop and Schulre beat ing Marvin'n, and Roundup beat ing Lowell'a. Majors Slight Coast? I.OH ANOKI.KI i1'i-AII neemed nereue on the aurface Wedneaday beiwcen the aix Major League bnnebnll lenui.n training In the Went and Ihe f'aclllc Coant League. But there In a nlrong mnplclon Ihul a little Ki'iiHe knlling In going on behind Ihe ac-enei and that the Count I .en u ue won a victory but lunt a barrel of money. The nix Major the Iwn Chi cago liulin, Ihe New York Glanln, Ihe St. I.oul'i Iirownn, Cleveland and PlttnbuiKh decided not to desert the Went next aprlng and agreed to go along with the Coant League bun nmiln.t jiluylng each other In Const League parkn. It In "till all right for the Majorn to play Count League teams In any park If they choose to. ft appears now that they don't no chuone. . General Malinger Frank Lane of the Chicago White Sox, Spokes man for the Majorn, dlncloned that the 1053 exhibition schedule as It nlnnda now lints only one Major PC1, game. It happened he said, lo be between the Box and the Hollywood Stars at Hollywood. i The Majorn probably will add more PCL dnten, but )ut as quick ly noted that the Majors' schedule was "practically completed" now. Later he said the Majors un doubtedly will schedule PCL com petition, but will use their "B" teams not the varsity. The Coast League hung out the welcome sign for the Majors, but only If they could share In the handsome gate receipts with the Majors' starry teams. PCL against PCL In seldom a strain at the box office during exhibition time. M an iii.iiiMiiaiau'piyTi ia aa Ma BUILD BETTER FOR IESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS atiimoo V11MIN P00 ML INSULA TIN IAIT TO SUIIS com you tin EYTON L 1ft MARK IT ST. IIMI Indians Hook Three Rookies ' SPOKANR I The Spokane In diaim MKiii'd three rookies lor the l!.Vi Wenlern International League l-a-iehnll ellon Tur.sdav. Owner Roy llntchkins aald the new liullniui are Wulter Fisher. 23. Hawthorne. Calif : June Holoqulii, 22. Ciarilenn. (.'iihf . and S-in b in nionn, 10. Fagle Point. Ore. Klmmnim, a nhnrinlop. nlnved Winter ball In Cnlltnrnln, llotchklrs snid. Fisher played mlield and out field positions with the Sun Diego Naval Air Station tenm last year, and Holoquln was catcher and out fielder for a semi-pro California team. Slater Martin, plnl-slr.ed banket ball ntnr of the Mlnncnpolt.n Lakers In the NBA. prefers lo be called "Dugnn" Instead of Slater. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE! NETTED GEM DROP SEED Grown in Poe Volley one year from certified founda tion stock ... on clean, diieate-fret ground. They are not certified, but we believe they're the best commercial teed in the Klamath Basin. Priced at $4.00 per hundred in clean bags. While they lost! Call 7914 or lee Glen Kestcr at our cellar on Drum itreet in Molin. DAN LISKEY Rr. 2, Box 795 Klamath Falls as personal as... FREE personalized checks 'it's an agc-okl custom to identify prized belongings. At The I I'irsi iauonai oanK or rorttana your name ana address printed FREE on regular checking account checks. It's Safe and extra Convenient to pay bills by mail with checks 'thnt identify you. So enjoy the prestige of PERSONALIZED .CHECKS. Open your account Any Time, 10 to 5, SIX DAYS ;A WEEK, including Saturday. Avail yourself of this and All other banking gerrice it First National. Klamath Falls Branch, South 6th Street Branch Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL DANK S OF PORTLAND The bonk thai rfoyi OPEN 10 TO S SIX DAYS A WEEK for your eonvenWe "IET-S BUILD OMOON TOOJTHM" Wmi CWMM- CHEVS SET SCORE RECORD FOR AAU City to select 'the tram lo reprej sent the U. 8. In the Olympic! thu inromer. Phillips waa the 1M9 ret" reaentatlve. " DENVER iH Ban Francisco's defending Champion Stewart Chev rolet set a new scoring record In leading 16 teams Into Wednesday's second round of the National Ama teur Athletic Union Basketball tour nament. The Californlans slaughtered flanta Fe. N. Mex.i 109-45. -The previous high of 103 points was set by Phillips 66ers of Bartesvllle. Okla., against Roanoke, Va., In the 1947 tourney. The Virginians scored 26 points. Ran Francisco's nifty debut sgalnst the team of New Mexico Hchool teachers and ex - college players caused tournament observ ers to rate the Stewarts even with Ollle Sax, Jr., Penn State's sen sation sophomore quarter-mller, Is the son of a former baseball major leaguer. Ollle, Sr. played briefly with the St. Louis Browns as an Inflelder in 1928. TIPS FROM OLD PRO Lefty Gomez, somewhat stouter than when he was fogging 'em across for the New York Yankees some years ago, offers a bit of pitching advice to John Poclrcs, touted rookie southpaw of the Dodgers. People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! Phillips and Oakland, Calif., the pre-meet co-favorltes for the title. All seeded teams have breezed through their opening games but competition toughens uo Wednesday. The champion Stewarts are matched against Portland. Ore., Panelshake Siding. The Portland team featuring Oregon collegiate stars, has won two tournev starts. Thev whipped Houston. Tex., Ada Oilers B7-63 Tuesday and the One Day Cleaners of Sorlngfield. 111.. 72-54 Sunday. Winner's Wednesday go Into Thursday's quarter - final round. The quarter - final victors will qualify for the playoffs later this month In New York and Kansas ZD ltr. Waik L MJ lair i;nt a Tremaiiim AnDINO MACHINI tlactrlo r llant Lait maaia'a raaut la aaallafl to tta Mrcfcata pilct. Villi's Pioneer Office Supply Just like the tiL8 DAYS! Enjoy this GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON -OLD TIME QUALITY! ' J60 Your old-time el of dominoes dm p- ' may be gathering dust in the atfic. but your bottle ot oentury Uub. $410 as in days gone by, will still " 4-5 Qr. gather guests in the living room. ff CtNTOtW IX" STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOF HATI0NAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, NEW YORK, H. Y. qreat acKairtages youll anf 1 Eay handling) Shorter turning diameters for easier ' parkmg easier driving in and out of tight spots. 2 Riding comfort! Comfortable, roomy cabs with extra wide seats! Greater vision area, too! . 3 Porformonee! Lightweight aluminum-alloy pistons! Chrome-plated top piston rings! 4 Power! 8 powerful engines with high compression ratios. There's one ideal for your job. 5 Safety! Rivetless Cyclebond brake linings (except air brake models')! Bicrcrest winHohiolrli DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th St. - Phone 8101' - , - '. i aaaaaamaBBiaaaaaBMaBMaaaaBaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaBaaBHaaa 4a ' PJJ' 1 AND YOUR':. V jg? ufu wm I I I I 0LDTIRE ii r s r 4 Popular 6.00x16 size MARATHOri K J j "t- Now, with dependable Marathons priced so low there's no longer . ' (4 f ' any need to risk riding on worn, unsafe tires. Come in today .. ' y V h ' and get new, later Goodyear tires at this budget-easy price. SjL j f ''"l A WEEK -I 1 1 " i MGOODEAn buys a tStrm :i SSJSJl PAIR OF MARATHON MsS. "! I? j--jj NEW TIRES Svper-Coshion Ui - j -- - ' " , - ' " nuinimi- -irn'r 1 -,; i