Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 18, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUKSIMY, MARCH lfl, 10M
Cage Classic perns
1 . uf
Gun Loop
In Windup
W I, ff.
Klamath ralla ........B S .six!
Lanfelt Valley . a 3 .la? '
Malta T a .Ii
Bnlte Valley e n ,S4S ;
Muiih a T .;mh)
Chllntitiln 3 7 ,3114
American Lesion 0 B .01)11
Just one round of shooting re
mains in the Midland Empire Rlfln
'K4 Trlevhnlo,
Knchnkc, 17, of Chlt-iiuo,
shocked the British spoils
world when she appeared
for 9 prai'lice session for
Ihc En.uli.sh Tallin Tennis
Open at London. Sharon
said she would dress more
conservatively for I ho tour
r ney and save the ahbrevi
atcd outfit for exhibition in
tho U.S.
JI08TON un World Fralhcr
welvlit Cliiiuinlon nunily Hiuldlrr
bounced burk Ii um lih I It nl knock
down by it InilhrrwrWlit In 143
bonis to whl) Irish Tummy Collin.)
of HoMon Monday nlKlil.
Collins (lumped Uio New Yorker
on (lie cum iin wlih ull(l loll
halfway through Hie llmt round,
but the Xl-yrar-older didn't have
the artillery to bent the - veteran
Reterer Jos Zupustni ntrpped 111
and halted the Unlit at 3 3u of the
lilth round utter the Ho-.tosilun
liolder o( the New Knglanrt feather
weight rrown had been floored
three lime In that ar-sslon. It was
a acheduled ten-rounder. BudUlcr
weighed 130 "i. Collins 130'j.
Johnson, the young Pluladelphlan
who two years ago wouldn't liave
Klven a plugged nickel tor hla
chances ol ever lighting again,
won a nplll declMon over Chtrenee
Jlenry. third ranking heavyweight
title contender Monday nlitht.
One Judiro and the referee voted
for Johnson 5-4-1. The other Judge
gave Henrv the nod, B-2-3.
Tha Philadelphia Nrgro fought
That the experts term a "rule
light." He found himself out.
manned at the start bv the bard
and ahnrp Hunching led "j pound
Jlenry. Hla m a n a g e r. Tommy
l.oughrey, reallrinir Harold would
,et nowhere leading with hi" chin.
Instructed hla boy to counter
punch. That won the flcht.
CHICAGO Ml A middleweight
lltle bout between Chnniplon Ray
Uoblnson and Rocky Urazlnno April
111 In Chicago St ud lu in has been
approved by the Illinois Athlellu
CommlsMon despite a rharge that
Hocky has an "undercover man
alter." The charge was made at Mon
day's commission meeting bv Tom
Uuggan, TV-radio sports coinmen-'
He said the match should not be
approved because Orazlano Is ninii
aired bv Eddie Coco of Brooklyn.
Coco Is appealing a murder con
viction In Florida.
Duggan said hla informnnt was
Arthur Carlson, assistant, slate at
torney of Dnde County (Miami)
Fla., and thai Irving Colwn ol
Ilrooklvn, generally rcoognlr.ed . as
Itocky's manager, la only Coco's
Under onlh. GraJilnno told Ihe
commission that he broke oil with
Coco 'last January. TIo admitted
that up until that time he had paid
Coco 11 per cent of his purses
since he started boxing as a pro
fessional In 1043.
Larry Jensen of tho New York
Olants operates a hardware store,
In his home town of Forest drove,
Ore. during the off-season.
Kurt Krlegcr, rookie righthand
er for the St. Louis Cardinals, was
born In Tralsen. Austria.
Johnny Bcrardlno. former In
fielder for the Browns, Indians and
a career In acting. He has en
rolled In a drama school.
Cfp COU' WU). '"C ' "' K- '';
L.'dCIKNK lfl tlte 34lh annual
Oregon Hlntr CIiiim A IllKll fchoiil
iiiiHuetDiiil loiirnanient Ket.i under
wnv line Tuesday dIkIiI, with three
J'oillund teams the top favorites
Central Catholic, boaslinn a
neii:in recoid of 24 victories and
one drlrnt, la the pick of moat
)iorliwiilers, allhotiKh Cleveland
mid Lincoln, Portland League co
'hiiniilnnn, have backing among
the experts.
Mo it hlitiily rcK.irdfd ainonu Ihe
up-'ilntn enirlen are Marahtlrlrl.
Kliiinntii Kn list and McMlnnvllle.
I hey were ranked. In Hint order.
behind Central Catholic, Cleveland
ii ml Lincoln hi the final Asoclitlcd
rrrh poll.
Hut Ihe dupe sdirnls ollen wind
up In Ihe Irtish tun when Oregon'
iws.t teams uet toielher lor Ihla
event. I.al year, Central Catholic,
ritnkeq No. 1 throuttli moil of the
K'linon. e n Joilcrrion of Port-
;md In the flint round, and the
Democrats, who weren't given a
Imiice, swept through the resit of
the Held to ihe title.
Jelieison ln't nere Ibis vear.
But there are plenty of darkhoriesi.
lucludlim Mllwailkle. Siilesn. Hills-
Hurd Goes
To Eugene
Kporta Miter Red Hurd left
loday far Kurene where he will
(allow Ihe I'elleans In their
tliie.t of a atate basketball title.
Ihe Associated Frraa wire will
handle the tournament In a
roundup fashion. Hurd will send
detail on Klamath Falls pro
Kre In Ihe bi( cage show at
loti as the pelicans remain In
title contention.
The Pels' opener la acalnst
Heml. ls.45 p. m. Wednesday.
Iladlo Station KFJI will carry
the Klamath Falla fames.
boro. I.a Orande and Ar.torla. The
lost will be making lis 27ih tourna
inent appearance and seeking Its
t.eveiilh crown. 8alem, In Ihe tourt
ney for the 30th time, Is after 113
eighth title.
XfllllV f-nllnf.Ji rAanl.B. m.III I
7 .- " vwni iinn will uc on
hand to size up one of the biggest
crops of Individual star harvested
j w.,-Kuii jici in rars.
I.tnrotn's . furf ... i u
Wade i Swede i Malbrooit, holder ol
uc luumnmriii iour-game scoring
record, will be out to run his total
for thn ven in 1 OA1 m..
-. ... w.. lu .iWV IIUIIIW1. I HIT
.Swede, an all-slate choice last
jenr, nasi ntju in IS games.
Central Cathollc'i Bob Altenho-
fen. rnteri hv mMU aI.........
the most poliKhed hoopsler in Ore-
auii, win irv to oecome Ihe third
nlaver to mnke llii 1i.Ibi ....
iliree times. His 4lrst appearance
win oe againsi xno uanes. whore
coach, Ted Barpola. was the sec
ond to gain the honor while play
ing lor Astoria In the mld-30's.
Glenn fianlord of Salem was the
Several Othet- Alltslsnrilnir nlnv.
ers will jtee action In the opening
garnet Tuesday nlghL
Don Porter, who has been scor
ing In the 20"s and 30's all season,
will lead McMlnnvllle In the
fenlnreri fnn(ft al a-lt n , m.iiu
Cleveland, which haa two stand
outs in Jerry Ross and Jack Vls-
In the first contest at 7:30 p.m. It
will be Hlllsboro, paced by Loren
KUOENE Ml The Oregon Class
A High School Basketball Tourna
ment first round schedule:
Tuesday Astoria vs. Hlllsboro
7:30 p.m.; McMlnnvllle vs. Cleve
land (Porllojid), 8:45 p.m.
Wednesday Marshfleld vs.
Scnppose. 9 a.m.: Central Cathol
ic i Portland) vs. The Dalles,
10:15 a.m.: Klamath Falls vs.
Bend. 1:45 p.m.; Salem vs Lincoln
(Portland) 3 p.m.; Corvallls vs.
University (Eugene) 7:30 p.m.; and
La Orande vs. Mlhvaukle, 8:45
Mlchel.sen, against Astoria, with
Jerry Gustafson and Hon Smart.
Among other stars are Marsh
field's Torn Crabtree and Spike
Hlllstrom: Klamath Falls' Ralnh
Carroll; Mllwaukle's Jerry Zim
merman, Carvallls' Ralph Hsrd
ing: Scnppoose's Ocorge Hlnk-
house; La Orande's Morris Buck-
waiter; Salem s Jack Bishop and
and Boh Hazel; University High's
Allan Clubrud: The Dnlles' Eddie
Unless; and Bend's Jerry Hamil
ton and Dick Laursen.
Six games Wednesday will com
plete the first round.
. i
Harness racing fans wagered
record-breaking $304,010,301 that
enriched state treasuries to the ex
tent of Sl6.a80.684 last year.
Dick Koffenberger, Maryland U.
basketball ace, Is the brother of
Ed Koffonberoer, former star for
Duke University.
The oldest member of the New
York Giants Is Sal Maglie, ace
righthander of the pitching staff,
Mnglle will be 35 on April 26.
W . )
ki w m
KURT VON POPPENHEIM shows his teeth (what's left of
tlicmi as lie applies a wnstlotk on Georges Duscttc in last
week's bout at the armory. The two mat foes mix in a re
match tomorrow night, the headline scrap on an outstand
ing card.
At Pop
Last week's Georges Duselte
Kurt Von Poppcnhelui brawl gets
a re-sihowlng tomorrow night at the
armory and even more thunder is
exnected In the rematch.
The French-Canadian Is carrying
a peeve against the Proud Pruv
slan after losing last week's row
when he had victory at the tip of
his full nelson.
Although Von Poppenhelm would
not stnnd Mill for the punishing
hold. Dusette steered him to the
corner and was banging the Ger
man's noggin against the turnbue
kles. But on the fourth trip, Von Pop
penhelm pushed Dmette over back
wards with an assist from the low
er strand of rope and flonped on
Georges for the rubber fall,
Before the Jeers of the crowd
had subsided. Dusette was scream
ing for a rematch.
It took some doing, but Vorf
Poppenhelm agreed to the match
The tiff Is down for one hour or
Ihe best two of three falls.
The 45-mlnute seml-windup pairs
Danno McDonald against Eric Ped
ersen. conceited Scandanavlan
muscle merchant who beat Jack
Brltton last week. This one elso
corrles a two-of-threc-fall stipula
The 30-mlnute, one fall opener
brings back popular Cowboy Carl
son against a newcomer to the
Klamaih armory. Doc Gallagher,
an Ohio chiropractor.
The Duselte - Von Poppenhelm
melee Is brewing lively, speculation
along mat row. Castleberry DruRS.
ticket headnuarters. has been buzz
ing with advance ticket sales for
the outstanding three-bout card.
By The Associated Tress
Monday's Results
Boston N 2 Boston (A) 1
Chicago "B" (A) 11 Los Angeles
St. Louis (A 8 Cleveland (Al 7
New York (A) 2 Washington (A 5
Cincinnati IN) 6 Philadelphia (A)
Brooklyn (N) 13 Philadelphia "B"
I Al 5
New York (N) 10 Chicago (N 0
St. Louis (N) 6 Philadelphia (N)
5 (11 Innings)
Seattle (PCD 6 Chicago (A) 3
The Florida State University vol
ley bull team has won the Florida
A.A.U, championship tho . past
three consecutive years.
UAUI Every
HUH Wednesday
Cliff Yoden's
2560 South 6th
(Open 24 hrs. Every Doy)
Y H ,
I :
En Opening
Game Today
DENVER W Twenty-six team
from 14 stales, including all the
prc-mect fnvoriWs. were still in
I Ihc running as the National Ama
teur Athletic Union basketball tour
nament moved toward completion
of first round play Tuesday.
The Hartlesvllle. Okla., Phillips
I66crs ran up the biggest score of
jthe two-day old tourney by plaster
ing Billings, Mont.. 94-45 Monday
night. The Oakland, Calif.. Atlas
acilic Engineers, co-favorite with
Pacific Engineers, co-favorlles with
Phillips for the title, shoved
aside St. Louis, Mo.. 91-41. for
the meet's second high score.
The Phillips Club, champion sev
en out of the last nine years, Oak
land and four other teams have
advanced into Wednesday's second
round field of 16 teams. Ten games
Tuesday will advance 10 o I h e r
teams Into the second round. The
qunrter-flnals are Thursdav.
Panelshake Siding of Portland.
Ore., led off Tuesday's round
against Ada Oilers of Houston,
Joining Phillips and Oakland in
Ihc second round with victories
Monday were Los AnReles Fibber
McGce & Molly. Warrensburg, Mo.,
Plaza Bowl, Milwaukee Allen-Bradley
and Denver Jussel Electrics.
The Los Angeles Fibbers im
pressed with a 66-32 romp over
the Purdy Motor Club ot Frank
fort. Ky. Milwaukee outhustled the
Buchan Baking Co., team of Seat
tle. 83-57. The Warrensburg, Mo.,
live used a fast break to over
come the Thomas Jewelers of Lub
bock. Tex., 56-48 In one ol me
closest' ftames.
Hoppe Loses
To Unknown
known San Franciscan Monday
night handed perennial Chnniplon
Willie Hoppe his first detent In
three years in a World Three
cushion billiard Tournament.
Ray Kllgore. 40, defeated the
64 year old grey eagle 50-47 In a
tense 53 innings.
The loss dropped Hoppe into ft
5-1 won-lost tie for first place with
Kinrcy Matsuynma of Tokyo. It
was the Drexel Hill. Pa., cue
star's first defeat in World Tour
ney plav since Joe Chamaco, 1939
king and three-time runnerup,
dumped him in 1949.
In 1951 Preacher Roe beat every
club In the National League at
least twice. Ho knocked oil St.
Louis seven times without a defeat.
"The Greatest American
YELLOWSTONE has been a favorite
since 1S72. It is' made bv the
slower, old-time sour mash
... producing a finer-tasting
Kentucky Bourbon.
available in this State for those
who appreciate fine Bourbon. Ask
for YELLOWSTONE . . . you'll ,
like its flavor.
m i in n i - .
...tfV Sltlr"""
J Pint
m 9
Monopolistic Charge
NEW YORK m The Interna
tlonal Boxing club, which has con
tracts with every world champion
from featherweight to heavyweight
Tuesday was faced with the biggest
fight of Its three-year career.
The government filed a civil an
ti-trust suit against the club Mon
day maintaining the IBC Is con
spiring to monopolize championship
ngnts in the united states.
Commenting on the action In
Washington, Attorney General J.
Howard McOrath said the suit was
Intended to remove monopolistic
The DUbiic. contestants, promot
ers, and radio and television broad-
Rams Top
Last AP
Cage Poll
By The Associated Press
Central Catholic of Portland Is
rated as Oregon's best hiph school
basketball team In the 11th and
final weekly poll of Associated
Press sportswrlters and sports-
The talented Rams have won top
spot In nine of the polls and will
enter the state tournament at
Eugene as the favorite.
Right behind them, In second
and third places, are Cleveland
and Lincoln, co-champions of the
Portland league. They monopolized
these positions, interchangably, in
ihe last seven polls and are expect
ed to make strong showings hi the
All of the top-rated 10 teams
are in the 16-team meet.
Marshfleld continued No. 4, a
spot It has held for seven weeks.
Klamath Falls, which handed Cen
tral Catholic its only defeat in an
even split two-game series early
in the season, rose to fifth.
McMlnnvllle finished No. 6, drop
ping out of the top live for the
first time.
La Grande was seventh. Salem
eighth and Mllwaukie ninth. Hills
boro. unranked in most of the
previous polls, eased Into 10th
place, barely edging out Astoria
and The Dalles, two other entries
in the tournament.
The final standings, with records
and points for each team;
1. Central Catholic 24-1 128
2. Cleveland 21-2 113
3. Lincoln 20-3 109
4. Marshfleld 20-4 74
5. Klamath Falls 19-4 11
6. McMlnnvllle 20-4 68
7. La Grande 14-9 40
8. Salem 19-7 38
9. Mllwaukie 19-8 25
10. Hlllsboro 15-10 12
Others: Astoria 11: The Dalles
10: Medford 6; Baker and Scap
poose 3; University (Eugene; 2;
Bead 1.
NEW YORK Wl Little Johnnv
O'Brien, the nation's leading col
legiate basketball scorer, was
named Monday to the All-National
Invitation Tournament second team
picked by the Associated Press.
o Brlen racked up 21 points as
his Seattle University Chieftains
lost their first round game last
wee to Hoiy cross, -77-72. Me made
15 points from the gift line to
breat the NIT free throw record.
Johnny O finished the season
with 1.061 points to become the
first player in history to reach the
i,vw-marK. - : ,
Army Teams Win
Two of Four
SAN DIEGO. Calif. (J) Armv
teams won two of the four games
iu opening round action of the All
Western Inter-servlce basketbsll
championships here Monday night.
Both camp Roberts (Calif.) and
Fort Lewis (Wash.) had easy go
ing, the former defeating Adak.
Alaska, Naval Base. 81-46. and the
latter rolling over Bremerton,
Wash., Naval Base, 80-46.
- Thoroughly Modern
Itr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley
and Joe Earley
log PRUWr
cials Battle
casters are "entitled to a freecom
petitive market In a business which
commands such wide public Inter
est," he added.
Both James D. Norris of New
York and Arthur Wlrtz of Chicago,
owners of the IBC, promptly de
fended their actions.
'As far as we are concerned,
we've acted on advice of coun
sel, who said all our actions were
perfectly legal," said Norris.
The government contends in the
suit that the IBC obtained con
tracts from champions and lead
ing contenders in all major weight
divisions requiring the lighters to
box exclusively for the JBC. The
club also Is accused of controlling
the sale of radio, television and
motion picture rights to the fights
and obtaining exclusive use of prin
cipal arenas in New York, Chlca-
log and other large cities,
Hearn In
By The Associated Press
If you think no-hit games are a
rarity In the regiilar season, look
at the record during the exhibition
When Jim Hearn and Monte Ken
nedy Joined forces to set the Chi
cago Cubs down without a hit for
the New York Giants Monday, it
marked the fourth no-hitter since
1939 tossed during the spring.
Hearn went the first five Innings
and faced 17 men while Kennedy
finished up and faced 15 batters.
The Giants, meanwhile, slapped
the offerings of Bob Kelly and Bob
Rush for 10 runs.
The Cleveland Indians, who have
looked the part of champions all
spring, finally dropped one. The
St. Louis Browns had to overcome
a (-0 deficit to beat the Injuns. 8-7.
Satchel Paige gave up two hits in
a three-Inning stint for the Browns.
The World Champion New York
Yankees, another team that has
been wrecking the opposition, wan
their seventh game in nine starts
by defeating the Washington Sen
ators, 8-5.
The St. Louis Cardinals defeated
the Philadelphia Phillies, 6-5. In
11 innings when Waily Westlake
singled, stole second and raced
home on a wild throw.
Max Surkont and Chet Nichols
held the slugging Boston Red Sox
to four hits, as the Boston Braves
whipped their rivals. 2-1.
Two Philadelphia A's teams were
beaten. The regulars took a 6-5
drubbing from the Cincinnati Reds,
and the "B" squad was shellacked
by the Brooklyn Dodgers, 13-5. .
. .
JC Tourney
Opens Today
gional winners from 13 states open
competition Tuesday for the Na
tional Junior College Athletic As
sociation basketball championship.
The first game in the double
elimination tournament pitted Hib
blng, Minn., against Campbell Col
lege of Buies Creek. N.C.
The 1951 champions the Tyler,
Tex., Apaches were missing. They
were eliminated this season in re
gional play, being replaced . by
Wharton, Tex.
Grays Harbor of Aberdeen,
Wash., the Pacific Northwest J.C.
champion, makes Us tourney bow
at 4:30 p.m., Pacifio time, against
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural
College, Tifton, Ga.
Max Murray To
Cottage Grove
Murray, formerly of Lowell High
School, will be football coach at
Cottage Grove High School next
His appointment was announced
Monday. Murray will succeed Bob
Dusenberry who served as coach
and principal last season. Dusen
berry will devote full time to his
administrative post.
I msAGt (
w trim I
yMf Hp
J ft hra
iIIiwiii m ytwr
m Hrat.
Budget Terms
sxrotsTte now
7th ond Klamath
"Well, think! You had It with
you when yon left!"
LOS ANGELES W Officials ol
six Major League baseball clubs
meet Tuesday to discuss 19 5 3
spring training plans, and observ
ers here-abouts are betting one re
sult of the session will be modifica
tion of a Pacific Coast League rule
barring major teams from playing
each other In PCL parks.
President Clarence Rowland of
the PCL and three Coast club own
ers have been Invited to "sit In"
on the majors' meeting.
The recently passed PCL rule
was designed to prevent major
teams from skimming off most of
the financial cream during the
spring exhibition season. It be
comes effective next year.
Some of the six major clubs have
threatened to quit California if the
rule sticks. Involved are the New
York Giants, St. Louis Browns,
Cleveland, Pittsburgh and the two
Chicago clubs.
It has been rumored the PCL
will compromise to the extent of
allowing a few Major vs. Major
games, but with the majority to
be Major vs, PCL. .
Seeks Third
North and South Invitation Golf
Championship for women opening
here Tuesday presented a golden
opportunity for Pat O'Sullivan to
join a select circle of those who've
The personable Orange, Conn.,
miss who has won the last two
stagings of this ancient tourna
ment, set out after her third
straight in a field of 86.
Another cup player who'll meet
the English team In Scotland in
June, Grace DeMoss ol corvallls.
Ore., was in the field as was Edean
anderson, Helena, Mont.
will broadcast all the KUHS
Pelican Gomes at the State
Tournament direct from
Eugene's Mac Court!
KUHS vs.' Bend
Wed. 2:05 P.M.
(If they win!)
Thurs. 7:30 P.M.
Wattt L 4 Is II Your
Com in and
be convinced
Tbt dcw F75K Air-Flight De
luxe gives yo more safety
with a i monger rayea
body . . . more mikagt with a
fold rubber tread . , . more
torn (on with a ouhioa ride...
man aw style from lop auto
motive designers and risk's
greatest first lint tin vain.
Phone 4103
League and the Klamath Falla
club can tie down the title for tha
second straight year with a win
over Butte Valley.
Uinupll Valley meets ChUoqum
and Moose faces Mnlln In other
last-round matches.
In recent rounds Klamath Falla
beat Moose, 1014-1864: Langell Val
ley defeated Mulln. 1868-1866. and
Chlloquin edged Butte Valley, 1849-
Biwr ecort!
MOONK nam)
H. Waahburn
Thoelke ........
S. Wa.hburn
11914) KLAMATH
.. Opooll
. Blrklev
.. . Athev
I.ANOCI.I. 11161
F. Vlctorine
. B. Vlctorine
. Arlhw
.... It. Luraa
D. TJy.ert
.... G. Hunter
D. Settle ...... 3fl2
Harrla 378
Noble 374
M. Settle ... .171
Wollen . 3(13
C. Jack 374
E. Cole . 371
R. Baldwin.. 370
r. Kirk . .. 3BI)
G. Brautlatch 3N.1
303 V. Hamlllon
3SS .... D. Esellne
Rook Shines
For Rainiers
PALM SPRINGS. Calif. (Al Len
Tran. a rookie trying to stick in
Triple-A ball, led the Seattle Rain
iers of the Pacific Coast League
to a 6-3 victory Monday over the
Chicago White Sox of the Ameri
can League.
Tran rapped out a single and
triple, scored two runs and made
several sparkling fielding plays to
choke off Chicago rallies. Tha
freshman third sacker starred last
season for the Vancouver Capllan
os of the Western International
522 So. 6th St.
Klamath Fells