incsDAY: MAncii in, 10,12 IIERALn AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOB SEVIM Farm Blocs Tangle In Battle To Settle Government Program ny OVID A. MANTIS Itn alMcr oriinnlntlon wllh farm WABIUNO'ION l(T) Whrther era. The Union Kino l directing rniem ihoulcl have Imn lirlp or crltlclrm Rt the National Orange, wire ncip mini unrip mini in in . , , ,. ...,, with ,roii)n 01 lit 'ill oruuni.iiiKin iiaa Clone frnin Dm rnpllnl arerw l he liand-ln-hawl unity with which rm oriiHiilrHtlinm wurkrd In Ihe itn mid rarly il)n to ncane led iml f nnil prtiKiaiiia dcslgni-d, n the Uriiliinliiv, to pull (luinrrit mt of a tlrprraalon, mid Inter, it ktcp Ihrin priuipcrona. Ill the furrirnnt ot the Unlit nrc lie American l'lirin liurrnii Keel Mutlun mid the Niitlonul Kninici.i Union. Thf Farm Ilinrun, uc-iirmlly rriiiirdfd n "inimnvnllve" on trimnmlc l.inurn, wmita lenn trdcrul ti'tlvlly. 'Die Farmer Union, which proudly pnpounrn grrulrr uovrrn jient participation In farmlnu. has jndrrlnkni campaign to dlncredlt the' Farm Bureau' phllonophy limit with the Union'. In Itn altacka on the Farm Human, the Union has been H- Uiik help front Secretary ot Agii culler IlmniiKii. Brave Pilot Saves Crew Radio Site Battle Mounts WABIIINOTON Wl nep. Mnck R-Waah renewed efforta Turaday to get the State t)i)rlmrtu 10 wllrh lit propotied Volte ot Amer ica traiiMiilitrr Irnm Dunne to Copalla, Wu.ih. Muck ha nwerled Unit "poll lira", not economy. In behind a l"Cllon of the DuilKcn illc III Ihe dlatrlct of Itrp. Jaeknnii ID Wa.ihi. Coal ol the Imnnnlllcr In ratlmaled at neven million dol Urn. Murk made nubile n letter to Dr. Wllhon Complnn, hend of the U.8. International Information Ad inlnlntrntton. In whlrh he (Mark) contended the Copalln nlte would "save the taxpayer mure than $200,000." Mark ba.ied hi figures on the rout of replacing I. WO arrea of Krlcultural land Included In the DunKene.ta lle. He aald Michael Rtraut, commia aloner of reclamation, rstlmatmi the cost of bringing arid land Into production throuiih Irrigation at mora Uian S3U0 an acre. "Thu." Mack contended, "the real cont ol the DunRenena alte tor tha radio nation will be not Ihe I1M.0O0 claimed hv the 8lnte De partment, but S7W.0OO Involved In ihe purchane of the alte and the replacing nf the lost agricultural production." On this baala. he continued, the Dunnenean alle would coat 1169,515 an compared with 1553,000 at Copalln. In general, the Farm Bureau favora an economic act up under which factor of aupply and de mand net farm prlcen with a min imum of government Interference. The Union, on the other hand, wants the government to support I mi prlcen at higher levels than now prevail Leading the fight for the respec tive organization! are President Allnn B. Kline of the Bureau and President James O. Patton of the Union. Roth are acholnrly leaders, well versed In economics and government. This farm organization battle may greatly Influence the outcome of this year's presidential election an well an the future courr.e of government in the field of farm DALLAS Ml A nervy Marine economic, . pilot ordered 20 servicemen out of 8l,r."r r,m aupnort has been a burning transport Monday, then ored ted with awinging the IM8 stuck with the plane until It pawed f '"" ip";,,lcn' T,rum"nn'' over a residential area In south-1 I '' the President praised the east Dallas. ! ""Ion 'r Its efforts In behalf of Two of lite men were killed In l'"r,"3'. parachute acrldentn. A third was missing. None ol the others euf lered Injuries. The known dead were Identified as LI. Cmdr. Lewis Joseph Oar- Held, Downey, Calif., and Marine Cpl. Carl L, Duclor of Cherry Point, N.C, , The Navy planned a nearch par ly to look (or the missing man. The blaring two-engine R5C crashed and exploded Into thous and!) of pieces nf Junk. It hit In an open field about one fourth of a mile from a residential area. j The left engine burned Itself out of ihe plane and smashed Into a field about two miles from the crash. Cap!, fl. C. Wesley. Pensacola. Fla.. wan the Pilot. He parachut ed to rafety from about 500 feet while the plane was In a scream ing dive. Garden Club Wins Own Top Award NEW YORK Ml Embarrassed protest by the Garden Club of America were unavailing. It was awarded Its own prlr.e for the best exhibit at the International Flow er Hhow. Five Judge determined the win ner of the club's coveted Bulkley Medal Monday. Two of the Judges were from Ihe garden club. The show selected thr others. The vole was 3 to 1 for the club' exhibit, Both the club's Judg es dissented. Woodworkers Stop Strike T nur.vtrw Wanh. 11 The CIO Woodworker Union concelled a strike scheduled for Tuesday at the Long Bell Lumber Company here when the company agreed 10 re-Ihslate a discharged employe, a, union official aald Monday night. rrh iminn had nlanned to Dlcket the plant Tuesday morning, Trig Pederson, nnancini secretary oi mc union local, reported, to support demands that the employe, who was discharged Feb. 21, be rehired. Pederson said the company agreed In last minute negotiations to hire the man for a similar Job. More than 1.500 men are em ployed t the Long Bell mill here. Allies Rout Red Attack SEOUL, Korea LP Allied guns routed 1,000 Chinese Red who tried to punch through U.N. lines on the Western Front before dawn Tuesday. A U.B. Eighth Armv staff offl cer said the scattered attacks along a four-mile aector northwest of Korangpo failed to dent the Allied line, jne area was ine scene or bitter fighting last December and January. Allied warplanen prowled North Korean skies but heavy clouds .'iheltered manv Communist ground targets. Fighter-bombers blasted 5" new holes in the wobbly Red rail aystem before noon. Other at tacka were mounted against the Communist front lines. A flock of giant (now geese aet off air rail sirens In Seoul early Tuendnv morning. At 2:30 a.m. radar observers re- purled "unidentified targets" sweeping In from the sea off In chon at about 85 mllei an hour. Interceptor pilots saw nothing, but radar plotted the flight direct ly overhead. An the "targets" swept bark toward Inchon, anti-aircraft gun prepared to open fire. Then huge searchlight outlined the geene and the "raid" was over. . gP,w'l jrAKHU IN WIND0W51 or.Ei.o-is fait-werklng lint fr Ipvngt Mvti timt mnd f it. Great wil ywr lavsrilt f. (Uantr. NO f IIMIUM MICI...AT MOST 1TOIII. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS curmAM .fTTAMltESfJ FRESH! MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS! COTTAGG CHEESG AM fOR TM1 CffATf R LAKI cottaci otiisi licipg aoog IMPROVING BEND Dr. John F. Cramer. ! who suffered a heart attack here Feb. 21, was reported Improved Monday. Cramer. 62, dean of the state's general education extension avstcm. was here to attend a con ference on the Central Oregon Community College. Doctors have not said when he could return to his Portland home. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA SMMfHr TrtaUtl Ciclioi Mtlhct t!t K. 111. rkt INI Baldy Says - Let's Dance Again With RALPH mm m AND HIS GREAT 17-PIECE RCA VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA MANY POLLS STILL RATE THIS BAND THE NO. 1 IN THE NATION IT'S BETTER THAN EVER ARMORY TUE. MAR. 25 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT DERBY MUSIC CO, The Vaact sal will llmhta to 500 tickets t S1.S0 (tax Intludtd). The (trice the dance will be $1.10. ON REFRIGERATORS AT FYOCK'S! SAVE 60 ! 5)95 Mr 11 ( for a Full 8.2 cu. ft. G.E. SPACEMAKER REFRIGERATOR STANDARD. 50 MORE FOOD STORAGE THAN OLDER MODELS MODEL NCS8 MODEL NB8 Model NCS8 - 8.2 Cubic Feet G.E; Deluxe Spacemaker Compare if you can! This is real value- in refrigeration! Model NCS8 shown above is rated the best in refrigeration by. an unbiased laboratory's latest . , report. Buy Now-Drastic Reductions on all Models! , : , Call FYOCK'S Today: Ph. 2-2S18 or 2-2519 GIVEN ! 65 piece cut-out Rodeo Circus - to kids (accompanied by their parents) LIMITED NUMBER! 9th and Pine Phone 3188 SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE COVERED IN RAYON DAMASK IMPORTED FROM BELGIUM Fall ox Twin Sift 59.88 On Twn$, 15 Down Fine quality innenpring Mattress and matching Box Spring Set. Beautifully covered in a rich, heavy rayon damask im ported from Belgium. Well-mad inner construction makes this a good buy extra quality in the Imported cover makes it an exceptional value. It's priced this low only because of a special purchase. Come in and see H for yourself. fj-rr' "j r lslfVsmlMsMWr A r'aatii rJ irt'ai'r"'a'n n'rlnTi " ''f- ti Wi r-i'i'iffi 'r-Uifijiiyaiifcfc'rtii'' ij""" ff" n -fr-'i - - 156.85 7-PC. BEDROOM GROUP SELECTED WOODS IN BEAUTIFULLY TEXTURED LIMED OAK FINISH 7-pc. Sit without Mirror 134.88 On Tormt, 1S Down . A 'complete bedroom Bookcase-Headboard, two Night Stands, Double-Dresser Base, 180 toll Innerspring Mattress, Bex Spring and metal Bed Frame. Brois-flnished metal pulls. REG. 18.00 Plate Glass Mirror. 24x3o-ln.1J.88 . REG. 38.95 Four-Drawer Chest. Sale price 14.88 ' FYCE' 1001 Main Your G.E. Dealer