TUESDAY, MA11CH 10, 19(52 HKHALP AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE HV8 "Jr'FT Ilnmr Mr. and Mia. Marvin Tlminaa, Tulnliikc linvo returned "in n iiiunlh'i vacation In Houlh pin Oliloriiln whrin they visited Willi 'Ilmmnn' brother, Seymour Thome mid fumlly, Hrverly Mill, unci hi irtuthnr nt Hiintn Monica, 'I hey mad a nhnrt trip Into Mexi co bcloia returning home. Muveil-Mr. unci Mm. John Cra vpii. limner Mnlln renldents who Red Cross Drive Lags; Hope Held Allhniiuh the Klamath nrd Croas fundi drive In morn than half over mid Ipm IIiiiii Imlf tho Roil ha been reached, nlllclnln nnd drlvr worker, continue to bp optimistic. However, their optimism In tpni pprpd with thp thouiiht that even llual aiicceaa of thp IhukIiir Rural nivlalnn In Hie key lo attaining the SW.Ooo goal. Had wcuther mid tough travel ondiiioii have net lounly handi y . apppri the Jluriil Division co-chair-lupii, Herb Pollurtl nnd Jim Em non. The KhmiRlh Red Cromt di rectors, In apeclnl session yester ilny, ponrirrrd Pollnrd nnd Em mons" problem and made pinna lo give thrm all a.salnt. A of this morning, the Rural Division hnd turned In but S387 to ward a quoin of 16,000. Overall collpctlona Uila morning lotnled 1 1). 230 . amounting to ap proximately 41 per cent of the 3A.0O0 Itonl. 'nun In how the alx divisions of tlip drive ahaped up Ihla mnrnlntr: Advanced gifts, quote 13,500. col lection $1,700, 6s per cent: Real clrntlnl, quota $2,600, collection 1.631, 65 per rent: Industrial, quota S4.500. collection 12.880. 0 per rent: Special 0 roups, quota $2,000, collection $050, 48 per cent: Ilunne. quota $8,600, collection $2.ABU, 34 per rent: and Rural nuoin. $6,000, collection $378, $ per cent. Till vear' drive I running uh. alantlally ahead of la.it year', with rollpcllon almost $3,000 ahrad of thp aame time lt year. Fay Smith, regional Red Croas field repreaenlatlve, told the direc tor yeterday she ballsed the drive here waa progressing aa fa vorably a drive In other area chapter. She pralaed the director! for their active Interest In push ing the drive. HMOPB ROMBKD TUNIS Wi A homemade bomb ahailered window of luxury ahops In the European quarter of Tunis Tuesday. The stores had closed for the noon hour and no one was hurt. bought the Venter Jonas ranch nenwn from St. Barnabas church, Bonanza have moved to their new home, ' Improving Word ha been re ceived by Mr, and Mr, Marlon Unrne Hint Mr. Grace Omnu, 1025 N. 4th, San Joiie, 1 Improving after a recent nerlous Illness. Mr. Omnu and her husband at one lime operated the Quality Uellca tcunen here. Tha 1 anvaajuimmlltajt if the Congregational Church building lunii' will meet Wednosday, 7.46 p.m. at the parsonage. Bam Nel son Is chairman. New Daughter Mr. and Mr. Glen Yiple, 4600 Anderson are par ents oi an eight pound daughter lioi n Mondny evening at Klumiith Valley Hospital. 'I he little girl, sec nnd duughter In the family has been named Kay Ann. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. King of the Merrill Highway. Vlltir-Cpl. Leslie Thaler, Fort Ord, serving In the army, spent the weekend at home with his par ent In Tulelake. Enrouie north he visited briefly with a ulster, Mr. Betty Williams, Redding. Npeaaer-J. J. Gillespie, 8alem will apeak tonight and Wednesday night, 7(30 p.m. at the Church of God. 2802 Allamonl, Nome Mr. and Mra. Ben Bchultr. Tulelake. have returned home from a visit lo Southern Calllornia. Visiting Mr. and Mr. Mark llattan are visiting here from Ash land with Hattan'i parent. Mr. and Mrs. At nation. Mark Is study ing at Southern Oregon College. Honor Winner Sally Thomwi. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Douglas Thomas, Tulelake, has been select ed outstanding member of the senior class of the Tulelake high school, and will receive the Bank of America Achievement cun for excellence In the field of liberal arts. Medford, are now practicing In that city, 'I hey are Mrs. Hazel Miinrl lin, Mm, Bessie Logan, Mra, Mil dred Hlley and Mra. Hazel Maxen. 'I he women had had to undergo 2000 hours of training before being eligible for .licensing by the Ore AHsoolatlon. Allar. HiiilelyHl, Mary'a Allur Society of Hncred Heart Pnrli.h will meet In the parish hall for nnlluck lunch at 1 n.m. Wednes day. Past Oracle Club Royal Neigh bor of America will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Kiln Pauley, 631 Rosewey Dr. All visiting past oracles are In vited to attend. Friendly lr le will meet Thurs day, 12.30 p.m., at the home of Fannie Ooddard, 2441 Garden St., for potulck lunch and busliiena session. liaxbins The club will meet Fri day at the Lola Truax residence, 640 Division. Anyone not able to attend tiles re contact Mrs. Truax by phoning 6207. Visitor Klgln Cornell, Lake County Agent, was a Klamath County visitor Mondny. Transferred Ernie Smith, for the past year clerk of Modoc Na tional Forest at Aituras, has Mi promoted and transfered to Lassen National Forest and ! now sta tioned at 8usanvllle. Mel Dlnunlck Is replacing him. Zurlel Circle of Klamath Lulh ran Church will meet at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Victor Pres. ton. 4017 Bristol Ave. Mrs. Marian Peebler will lead the Bible study. Practical Nnraea Four former Klamath women who Feb. 18 were capped as practical nurses in cere mony at First Methodist Church. AN IASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO froaa lo 1.0.1a . Maa. ri.aa toaa iar. tie N. lib. at l stair rai. Altar a roaaoaoalo Una 70. eaa. It va with, o.aaaa (ram Mat la "or ch.ao .fraaaaaat. Ta Mat .Iraa.r al. I all cratno t. y.ar aarabaa. neeaasl aai a alkar 4wa ai acti- urr; Th Maiai7 aayfliaBlt eaa lllll hlratr Ibsa rval. Or, It yaa r f.r. caallaaa la ml. ttiirmnn was wllh her mother some months ago. Wood Itlver mill of the Repub lican Women's Club Is to iikci at the; home of Vernon Norval. Chllo nuln. Thursday at 8 p.m. The meet ing Is Important nnd all P.epubli cans mid persons In this area In terested arc invited to attend. Home Mrs. Teresa McComb, Malm, I home from Hillside hos pital where she recently had ma lor surgery. Mrs. McComb, a Klamath county pioneer was city librarian at Malln for many years. Two (iroupa of the League of Women Voters will meet Wednes day, one at 10 a.m. at the Com munity lounge on No. 8th, Ihe sec ond group at 1:30 p.m. at the home ol Mrs. Ivan Thompson, 602 Pa cific Terrace. The public is Invited. Viultlng Mrs. Basil Brown and son Barton are visiting with Mrs. Brown' mother, Mr. Paul Setzer, Blngln, Wash. Pelli an Post 1383 VFW will hold a regular meeting in the club rooms, Thursday, 8 p.m. .At this meeting officers for the coming year will be elected and all mem ber are urged to be present. Henley Home Extension unit Is to meet Thursday, 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mr. Bill William. The lesson will be on purse mak ing. Potluck will be served and all members are asked to bring their own table service. family left by car last weekend on a combined business and va cation trip to California. Jacobs will attend markot. lor Rudy's Men's Store, In San Francisco and postlbly also will make a buying trip to Los Angele.t, Recent Visitors Mr. and Mr. Axel Olson, 3844 Denver Avenue, had a recent visitors Mr. and Mr. Leonard Johnson, Dorr!, and Andrew Carlson, Cass Lake, Minn. Luncheon and Cards Thursday I p.m. at Ihe Yacht Club. Phone club for reservation, i Midland Orange Meet tomorrow j 8:30 p.m. Birthday dinner for those i born in January, February and i March. Business aession will fol low. All member urged to attend. To San Bernardino Dorothea and Norma Brown are spending their spring vacation In Ban Ber- SoManyLittleCfi.ldhooailU Strike At Night! XH'i SJ:.," ' ra mothira make aura to kaap St. Joaeafc Aapiria For Cfaildraai bandr, raadj for eioartaocii-a. It'a appro a4 br tbouaaada of doctora. Tabteta aro aalalt doao. Itooaadlobroak thorn. Crtildraaukoits pura etaa flator. Bap 61. Joaapb Aapiria For Children today. Sottla of $0 Ubleli oall J Pi. nardlno visiting their sister and family, Mr.' and Mrs. 8. O. Fran cisco, i Surgery Corn Ann Leltake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln LeiUke. Fnlrhaven Heights, under went mnjor surgery at Klamath Valley Hospital the first of ihe week. , r We W Mali, ! k VHhri in Brand-new way to please folka on Lenten dava. Serve Fluffy Shrimp-Potato Hake low in coat, trips in taatel And breeze to make with ready-cooked fllue Plate Canned .Shrimp,, .plump, tender, full of ileep-aca goodnerw. No peeling. NownateMo-oa.cart of lilut Plate Shrimp eaual to l-lb. whole raw ihrimp. FLUFFY SHRIMP-POTATO BAKI 4 madlgm baked potatoes, hot 2 lobloip. butter or margarine Sail and pepper to toate i cut) milk i cup cubed American choose I 5 -ex. can Blue Plate Shrimp Cut slice from top of each potato, scoop out potato ana mnnn. ana Duller, mils, wnip until nuny, mix in cheese and ahrimp, saving a few ahrimp for gar nishing. Fill potato shells with mixture. Top with shrimp, lightly oiled to keep trom drying. Moat in 350 oven (mod.) until potatoes aro browned and thoroughly hot, 4 aervings. DrujePDcafiej f A M U n UPIMD To Han Francisco Mra. H. P. Patterson. 524 N. 2nd. daughter Ai,t.jklla an,l frlnH Manf-v War v.'lck, left this morning for it shop ping ana signi-seeing visn to ean Francisco. $:lk The Elks Sotiare Dance Group has slated a meeting at the ; lodge tonight at 8. Scouts F.xplorer'a Post 142 Is to meet at the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Women's As sociation is to meet at the church Thursday, 1:30 p.m. OaLinuJ Hhmp Mr anrt Mra George Demelrak, San Francisco, j cnesier Buster nams, anicr, Calif., Lester Wlgmore. Orland here to attend funeral services for Mrs. A. L, i name r. iviarRnaur Poe Valley, have returned home. A 1a,,nl,M- Mra Poland (T1plpn Sturman. Arlington. Va.. who re cently submitted to serious major surgery was unable lo attend. Mrs. Jacob South The Rudy Jacobs NOW DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYaden's SIGNAL SIRVICE 2560 So. 6h (Open 24 hrt. Every Day) ramoua far In Baro Beauty Slnca Bible Daya Lovely Rose of Sharon Only 50 ca. SpecioI-by-Mai'l Rigrii from the time of Solomon, flower invar hMv admired lh exqultlle beau ty of the Rom of Sharon. Rich aham rork green leave and big roaw-MlVi blooma In den thadea of pink red or DurDle. Eaav to grow. Hardy. Won derful around foundation of houte or aa a border. Blooma early laati through Fall. Shipped the perfect tie for eaay transplanting, a large 2-4 ft. On arrival itore or plant at your convenience. Limited supply order now! Send AOr for t, plua 10c for postage, handling. SI for 3 or 2 for 5. postpaid. CCD's welcome on order for 1 or more. Money back Guarantee. EXTRA GIFT on or ders for 2 or more a lovely, flow ering Red Twig Dogwood. Krate Nurierl's. Dept. H'M nisemtnglen, llllnels Name Add rets The too most amazind mv ranges HO other, 9lftV7 VWMfty tQVfff; HOUSEHOLD RANG HAS A J J AH OVEN THIS BIS! ySi LETS VOU BROIL A STEAK ANP '; rSTV ( RAK ACAif...ATTHESAME 1hritti-301lcctriclhigt Vou can roast a 33-lb, turkey or bake lix pies at once-in the giant oven of this Frigldalre rangel Yet the .whole range is only 30 Inches wide - fits easily in the smallest kitchen. And it has fast-' healing Radianlube surface units automatic Clock Control . all- ; porcelain finish, inside and out full- . ' i width utensil drawer. I'rlced at only ', oCaaaaC Alto available without Clock Control, utensil drawer $183,50 mi PASSENGER ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE "1 STORE HOURS 9:30 - 5:30 master Washions LL AND YOUR KEYED TO YOU LL AND YOUR BUDGET! VISIT OUR COMPLETELY NEW GIRL'S DEPARTMENT FEATURING ALL HER EASTER NEEDS AT WONDERFUL SAVINGS! "Wonder Ovenllectric Range " Use the "Wonder Oven" as one bit oven or just slip in the divider, and . you have fttv ovens with individually controlled temperatures. Also has Radiantube high speed surface units automatic Cook-Master Oven Clock Control-three-way Thermieer cooker-and all- $OA50 porcelain finish. Inside and out. Model RO-60 So1 . Moll RO-SO $344.00 VERN OWENS' 124 No. 4th Phone 8363 small sisters dres up for. Easter, in SHEER GINGHAMS ... colorful woven tissue cottons ... wonderful embossed cottons TAKE THE NEW Afl ELEVATOR TO OUR.V Y O J J Vff SECOND FLOOR UTv 1 1 Soft ptitelphidi,eleirpnghim checks )J . . . prettied with iheer organdy inieru or collar., with embroidered organdy, SZES 3 6 2.98 with lice . . . uch cute young Ewter OTHER STYLES 4.8 faihioni for tuch a Penney-low price! CLEVER STRAWS 1 98 Pert and pretty- traw with lots of flowers and fruits, accented by con trasting rayon velvet trim. Let her choose her style . . . designed for any age from 3 to 1, SECOND FLOOR her shoes . a e Near Colorful ONE-STRAP PUMPS 79 Choose gay tangerine or pink in this soft leather flat. Your young miss will love them I Scooped shell, outlined with stitching, single strap. Sanitized. Sizes '5 to 3. DOWNSTAIRS her easter coot . . . IN BOLD CHECKS With Matching Purse (2) Terrific' values at the low Penney prices! Fully lined young coata in crease-re-. sistant rayon gabardine In Styled Just like mom's with lots of handsome detailing. Slies 3 to 6x. Sizes 7 to H 10.90 TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE SECOND FLOOR her easter suit . a . BOLERO STYLE With Clever Emblem Trim 98 Emblem-trimmed boleros topping pleated skirts . . finest rayon fabric with lots of smart detailing. Big n' little sister styles In green, red. navy . . Nice buys too, at these prlcesl Sizes 7 to 14. . . with pique collar trim and full PLEATED SKIRT. .S.90 TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE SECOND FLOOR