Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 18, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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H 1
Grains Trend Down
On Market Today
CHICAGO Wl Grains ranged
lower at the board of trade Tues
day, with March wheat leading the
Toward the close the nearby
three cents.
Traders said the decline was
more of a downward drift than a
recession Induced by heavy sell
ing. However, there was some prof
it cashing on the recent run-up.
A little export business was re
ported in wheat, but this was more
than offset by raiiu in tile winter
wheat country.
At the finish wheat was 1 cent
to 3 cents lower than Monday's
close. March $2 54 corn was
oats were '4 to 1 cent lower. March
WV4-: Ye s lover to i
higher. Mary $2.10-10 4: soybeans
were ',i to ls lower, March
$3.01 and lard was 17 to 30
cents a hundred pounds lower,
March $12.25.
r Open Hlfh Lew Close
Mar .. 2.57 2.57 2.54'. 2.54's
May 2.541 2.55 2.53 2.54
Jly tMi 2.46i a.4S4 2.45' j
Sep ... 2.48-4 2.48'i 2.46H 2.47
Dec 2.5H4 2.51'i 2.49T4 2.60i
Stock Market
Cattle Market Off
By Fifty Cents
CHICAGO tn Another small
overrun of hogs moved prices about
25 cents a hundred pounds lower
Cattle were weak to 50 cents low
er throughout practically the whole
list. Lambs failed to sell early on
higher asking prices.
Most butcher weight hogs ranged
from $15.35 to $17.15. Sows gener
ally sold at $13.75 to $15.50.
Only odd head and small lots of
prime steers were available, hld
uig steady at up to $35.00.
But choice to prime kinds were
$32.50 to $37.25 and good and choice
heifers $28.75 to $33.00.
A few loads of lambs 25 but we
weak at $14.00 and below.
Mostly Unsteady
i NEW YORK tfl A few brief
'rallies ami emphasis on a handful
'of stocks Tuesday marked a mixed
session of the stock market.
The accent was largely, on the
downside, however, as the bulk of
the market failed to respond to
the offered leadership.
J Cains were fractional in almost
! every case while losses spread out
, over a range that extended to
around 2 points at the most.
Volume was restrited to an es-
Umated 1.200,000 shares.
J There was emphasis on a few
, issues. Northern Pacific was down
.sharply in early trading and then
recovered, union Pacific was off
' a small fraction in the forenoon
' and made a sharp recovery later.
Quotations '
i . New York Stocks
By The Associated Press'
J Admiral Corporation . 27 'i
'Allied Chemical 72 ,
, Allis Chalmers 49 !a
i American Airlines . 14 V
I American Power & Light 24 '2
J American Tel. & Tel. 154
) American, Tobacco 57 !i
I Anaconda Copper 47 2
1 Atchison Railroad 78
1 Bethlehem Steel 49 !i
' Boeing Airplane Co. 48
J Borg Warner 68 i
1 Burrows Adding Machine 17 34
I California Packing 25 34
I Canadian Pacific 36 3j
' Caterpillar Tractor 50 3a
' Celanese Corporation 43 '
' Chrysler Corporation 72 l-i
1 Cities Service 107 34
t Consolidated Edison 33
i Consolidated Vultee 17 t
' Crown Zellerbacb. . 50 ?
J Curtis Wright 8H
, Douglas Aircraft 58 ',4
dupont de Nemours - 85 '
Eastman Kodak 43 7
Emerson Radio 14 i
J General Electric 58
I General Foods 43 '
j Georgia Pac Plywood 21 4
1 Goodyear Tire 43 ?8
1 Homestake Mining Co. 36 3B
International Harvester 33 Vt
! International Paper 47
J Johns Manville 67 '2
I Kennecott Copper 78
ILibby, McNeill 8 5
' Lockheed Aircraft 21 Vi
Loew's Incorporated 17 !s
Long Bell A 39
, Montgomery Ward 63 38
1 Nash Kelvinator 20
1 New York Central 19 H
Northern Pacific 82 ,
! Pacific American Fish 18
I Pacific Gas & Electric
n Hi. rr-l j. Tal
t Packard Motor Car . Js
Penny J.C.) Co. 67 ,2
Pennsylvania R.R. 19
Pepsi Cola Co. 9 i
i Phlldo Radio 31 Vi
J Radio Corporation 27 ?'
I Rayonier Incorp 59 ii
t Rayonier Incorp pfd
Republic Steel 40 Vt
' Reynolds Metals 59
. Richfield Oil 57
1 Safeway Stores Inc. 31 4
I Scott Paper Co. 51 J'2
Sears Roebuck & Co. 53 4
. Socony-Vacuum Oil 38
Southern Pacific 67
. Standard Oil Calif 53 8
! Standard Oil N.J. 77 3,4
1 Studebaker Corp. 36 "4
f Sunshine Mining 10 U
J Swift & Company 31 3,i
! Transamerica Corp. 25 3,4
J Twentieth Century Fox 18
t Union Oil Company 43 S
Union Pacific 120
! United Airlines 29 '
J United Aircraft 31
J United Corporation 5 li
1 Union Oil Company 43 3
I United States Plywood 32 Va
United States Steel 38 3,4
Warner Pictures 14
J Western Union Tel 39
t Westinghouse Air Brake 25
Westinghouse Electric 37
j Woolworth Company 42
J PORTLAND Wl The upstream
i fish count Monday at Bonneville
Dam: Chinook 1, Eteelhead 1.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND (. Coarse grain
livery: Barley No. 2 - 45 lb B.W.
Wheat (bid to arrive market,
kacie Vn 1 holL rlnl i i-ai-aH fnavf
soft white 2.52; soft white (exclud
ing Kexi z.dj: wane ciuo j.oj.
Hard red winter: ordlnarv 252:
10 per cent 2.52: 11 per cent 2.52;
12 per cent 2.52.
UarA whitrt hnort nrriinnrv 2.53
10 per cent 2.52; 11 percent 2.52
12 per cent 2.52.
Todav's car receipts: wheat 21:
barlev li: flour 1; corn 2; oats 1;
mill feed 3.
San Francisco
(USD A I Cattle 350; salable sup
ply consisted of short load slaugh
ter steers; around load mixed
stocker steers and heifers; bal
cows: fairly active on cows, fully
steady to stroni on prices; no
sales in other classes: canner and
cutter cows 17.00 - 21.00: utility
dairy type 22.00-23.00; odd" head
slightly higher. .
Calves none.
Hogs 150: few lots butchers a
round 10c lower: small lot choice
240 lb butchers No. 1 and No. 2.
19.15: around 45 head 265 lbs out
on order at 19.00.
Sheep no sales.
Funeral services for Lottie Patterson,
66. who died here March IS. will take
pl'ce from Ihe chapel of Ward's Klam
ath Funeral Home, 925 High St.. Wed
nesday, a p. m.. Rev. E. J. Tuning
officiating. Commitment service and
vault entombment in Chief Schonclun
Funeral services for Blanrhe Mae
Curling. 56. who died here March 16.
will be held from O'Hair's Memorial
Chapel. 6ih and Pine. Wednesday. 2
p. m.. the Rev. B. P. Bafgett of Cal
vary Baptist Church officiating. Inter
ment will be in Klamath Memorial
funeral services for Marclne Lor
raine McWilliams who died In Sprague
Biver. March 16 will take place at the
graveside in Chief Sehonchin Cemetery.
Thursday. 1 p. m., the Rev. E. J.
Tuning officiating. Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements.
. . .....-..i, T
Elmer R. Christensen, violation basic
rule. Fine S7.
Hallie . Norton, no vehicle license.
Fine S5.
Arthur A. Montgomery, no operator's
license. Fine $6.
Bud Taylor, selling liquor to minors.
Pleaded guilty. Sentence Friday.
Oelbert T. Landing, no vehicle 11.
cense. Fine $6.
Philip T. Duffy, no PUC permit For
feit $15 ball.
Howard E. Johnson, overload. For
feit S26 ball.
Howard E. Sparks, overload. Forfeit
$26 bail.
Lane Brooks, failure drive right side
highway. Forfeit S50 bail.
WUliam Anderson, passing crest of
hill. Fine S15.
Roy B. Clunes, no vehicle license.
Forfeit 5 bail.
Roy w. Vaughn, drunk and disorder
ly. Sentence 50 days.
Arturo Lopez, no operator's license.
Forfeit 5 bail.
Robert Brown, ran red light. For
feit S5 ball.
James Hodges, reckless driving. Fine
$100 and 10 days.
CHICAGO Wl Potatoes: Arriv
als 106. on track 375; total U.S.
shipments 876; market firm; track
sales per 100 lb in car lots: Mon
tana Russets $4.21; lcl per 100 lb:
Idaho Russets $6.15-16, standards
To Every
Creed and Purse
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home
Marguerite M. Ward
and Sons
Ii925 High Phone 3334
I- eiGJOBS ,;
. V',1' ,5 ; - OR ih j
'., f , MAU JOBS v
V I f', Wt HAVf : J
; f (: everything
Vvou NKD 3
Reiloie oetel, row used
for ditches, to TILLABLE
Enjoy profit! from theit
previously un-uitd acres.
SAVE on Irrlootion labor
and weed-control expense,
and weed control ex-eense
Mission Has
Good Turnout
Larue turnouts are reported at
tending a live-day preachlnu and
teaching mission at Hope Luther
an Church In Shasta .School.
Rev Peter J. Dcxnls, New York
preacher, opened the mission Sun
day night v!h the sermon, "Can
Jesus Christ Do the Same Thing
Today?" Ed Kill was soloist.
MlMlriAV tl-T)lt nil ,!, In rrrnp
crowd than Sunday's' licutrd Rev.
ui'xiits prencn on me topic "Tw
Much Religion." A duet was suiir
by Bruce Elliott and Ralph Lloyd.
An anthem was sting by an all
male choir.
Tonight at 7:30 p.m. the sermon
will be "Let God Do the Worrying-."
and music sung by the women's
Guilty Plea Made
Irt Forgery Case
Delmar Russell McMullrn, 33.
here after 16 months in Oregon
State Prison to face a charge of
forgery, pleaded guilty Monday aft
ernoon in Circuit Court.
McMullen wns sentenced In Rose-,
burg 16 montlis aqo on chnrges of
obtaining money bv false pretenses
and larceny by bailee.
He is accused here of forging
$63 dollar check at Montgomery"
Ward Co.. Oct. 16. 1950. ,
Circuit Judge David R. Vanden
berg said he would oass sentence,
on McMullen after his record had
returned from the FBI.
(Continued from 1'uge Onr)
the liltih tuxes.
Here'a a hot tip:
ATORS, nnd it yon think they're
voting too frequently tor approo
'lution mensiires that should either
be trimmed sharply or voted down,
That's about the only effective
way to Mop OR TRIM extrnvaRant
federal spending.
HYDE Born at Klamath Valley
Ho.liilal. March 17. 19JS3, in Mr. and
Mrs. Dayton Hyde, Bty, Ore., a boy.
Weight: 7 pounds 1 1 1 a ounce.
YAPLE Born at Klamath Vallev
Hospital. Mnrch 17. to Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Yaple, 4(500 Anderson Av
a girl. Weight' 8 pounds l ouce.
BRYAN Born at Klamath Vallev
Hospltal, Marrh 18. W2. to Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Bryan. 31 16" i Wiard St..
a boy. Wright: 7 pounds 19 ounces.
Beverly I. Wol vs. Herman M. Wolf,
suit for divorce. Couple married Feb.
3. 1943, Klamath Falls. Ore. Charge,
cruelty. Plaintiff seeks custody two
minor children, property settlement,
S380 attorney fees and costs. $100 per
month child support. $100 per month
alimony for 12 months. U. S. Balen
tine. attorney for plaintiff.
Francis V. Owens vs. Roy H. Owens,
suit for divorce. Couple married Sep
tember 12. liMO. Reno, New Charge,
cruelty. Plaintiff seeks custody one
minor child. S33 per month child sup
port. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plain
FETON HUFF. Merrill L. Teton.
25, lumberman. Native of California.
Resident of Grass Valley. Calif. Darlos
I. Huff. 16 Native of California. Resi
dent of Klamalh Falls. Ore.
Grant. 48, gunsmith. Native of Tennes
see. Resident of Rodeo. Calif. Judy U
Denton. 30. Native of Pennsylvania.
Resident of Oakland Calif.
Northern Cullfomlg occasional
licht ruin Tuesday and .Tuesday
night, decreaslnfr Wednesday,
and Puso Roblcs until Tuesday
afternoon or nlRht. Moderate riiow
In Uic mountains with utile wind.
Stronpr winds north portion. Little
temperature change. Southerly to
southwesterly winds ot 25 to 40
miles an hour Point Sur northward
and 13 to 25 miles an hour else
where. Grants Pass and vicinity
cloudy with occasional showers ol
rain or mixed rain and snow
throiuh Wednesday. Hltih Tuesday
. bow Tuesday night 37. Hlijh
Wednesday 48.
" By The Associated Press
Max Mill Tree
Eugene .
North Bend
Peri-! let on
Portland Alrpt
Los Angeles
New York
Ked Bluff
San Francisco
Scouts Plan
The annual Box Seoul evnosltlnn
has been scheduled for Saturday,
nprll ft. nt the Fairgrounds, with
-0 units of Senuts partlclpallng.
The doors will ouen at 3 n. in.
All Scuuts, Cubs and Explorers
haw advance tickets to sell and
members of the Exchange Club
will handle ticket sales at Ihe door.
Participants In the show will
demunstrate skills nnd abilities they
have learned in Scouting, and the
show Is expected to bo among Die
uesi ot the annual series.
The Exrhango Club for some
years lias sponsored the exposition
nnd this year has obtained cups,
to bo awarded In the Cub pack.
Beouj, Troop and explorers una an-
ludged the most proficient.
All units entered will receive rib
4.1 33 .04
r,l 35 .35
45 24 .04
38 30 .10
50 33 M
53 35 .73
53 38 T
53 35 T
51 35 .29
33 35
49 35 .33
53 39 .07
50 23
51 43 .44
CO 45
43 32
51 44 .13
53 47 .01
4G 35 .26
41 32 .17
Oregon Shippers
To Fight Tax
SALEM A committee of
Oregon shippers will appear before
the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion late this year to oppose sug
gested freight rate Increases.
The committee, headed by Frank
S. Clay, secretary-manager of the
Portland Freight Traffic Associa
tion, was appointed Monday by
Charles H. Heltzel.
Chime Ringers
Due Tomorrow
Bible Baptist Church will pre
sent the Wallace Chime Ringers in
recital at the church Wednesday
at 7:3(1 p.m.
The husband and wife team pre
sent one of the few triple octave
cjilmc sets in existence today. In
iWdltlon they entertain with Swiss
hand bell, marimba and electric
They have presented musical
programs in colleges, high schools
nnd churches In more than 200
cities In the past six years.
The public Is Invited. No admis
sion is charged but a free will
offering will be accepted.
Minor Injuries
Result Of Wreck
Minor Injuries resulted to one
person In a two-car accident at 8.
6th and Fargo Sis. Monday night.
Report"d In good condition at
Hillside Hospital today was Mrs.
Dale (Mary i Brown. 31, OTI.
Stnto Police reported the was
Hrlver of a car which pulled off
Fargo St. Into another on S. 6th
St. operated by Aura V. Gray, 313
Martin St.
The cars met practically hendon
and were both badly damaged.
Walt Mclntyre Takes Oyer
As Airport Manager Here
Walt Mclntyre. former local man
ager for United All' Lines, has been
appointed innnnger of the Kliuiintli
Falls municipal ntrporl.
He Biicceeda Wilbur (Red! Whit
comb, whose resignation is effec
tive March 24. Whilcnmb had been
manager of the airport sice 1940.
S 1 - V( 7 v(Tt 4 reported that his
Spf-? 'S jfTHi' J on Painter In tho
lit:' VCW-'i'yi'r.c area Is .770.41
(f ''Y''SSl asphalt pavement, c
ll-'-jf i 41, , Mm
m i -if-ym
A resolullon was passed dheol
Ing the turret Uepaiiineul to de
stroy nnd remove some trees on
the propeilv at 7113 Calllornln which
have damaged uiidrgrouiul water
mains. The trees are on the prop
erly of James Morrison, now a
resident of Portlnud.
City Engineer K. A. ITnxll Thom-
estlmata of
Pni'llle. 'Inr
for 20-lonl
urba, gutters
and sidewalks, and $11,169.60 lor
An estimate of Ihe cost on Law-
irence slice! In Ihe same vicinity
probably will be. made next week.
Thomas also was Instructed to p,e
ipare engineering estimates of the
cost of Improving Warden Irom
'Delta to Lylton. A petition bearing
the unities o' 10 nronertv holder
I n"klng for the Improvement , wns
submitted In the council by hii
Jolly, 2046 Worden.
roMMCMSTS Kii.t.rn
BINOAPORK l.fl aovemment
forces killed 101 Communist terror
ists In Malayan Jungle fighting lust
month, a communique nald Tues
day. Government losses wore put
at nine troops, 20 police and 40
Ltt ut itnd you
J to htlp you plan ahtatf J
I 13 wkt' trial, nV3
I VtHi ll piofll wlirn tut Hit Kip- I
I liniior ushinnliMi I riitr, bcaiiu; I
I You'll fln.1 oul hnf to pttt In
otrnmfnt policy, biiiinai
I iieml. iw, piodticuon, c on 1 1 oil, I
j khurMitei, I
You'll te ptiranrt Informilion
j mil anuTykli Hut ittp you a he id J
of cnmpctiilun -and warn oii of
thnf ftllrttini nur job, your i
! bumcu( ytmr rarnini, '
I Whrn vou retfie your ftrl WuH
in ( i on 1 Her, yHi'tl undtniinil hy
I (I n to iinpoiunl lo bord chtirmcn,
tu riling nftuiivr. to ih ownr of '
i one-mnii ultnp, Inch tkly letter
it pncknl Kiih ttttn . , . no Hit or till
J MbtHit nh.it "piu hi lo be," but pro f
I licul, titful juulanc on how lo plan I
fur Iwloy'i dillttultifi and lodUy't j
! p pori u nine. .
I Vou can hjve I he Wathinglon Ltt- I
I Irr on ytmr dnk every Monday morn I
I inn for I I Kerkt for only $3.00..
I (HrguUr full-year rala U $11.) I
Jut I (rnr on I ad, and return It
In ti l(lav. Aliavh your check, or
irll ui to bill you later. Either way.
ue'll uit your Inal lubtcrlptloa
a immediately.
Room uii;?0HSt.HW.,WiiMlonS,O C. j.
Arrhle Chlppi. 37. tUelonf rlden( of
Klamath County, rilrd tn Spraiue Rivrr.
March 16, 1QSJ. Survivor lncluo,: two
tUiifhten, Charolctle Walah, Spraiu
River. Orccnn and Lav ma L, Ta
romi, three iltm. Clnda CrUm.
Sprague Rtver, Nettle Smith of Oil
city and Dora Decker, Cave Junction;
grandchildren, I.orlnf Tyler and Gary
Lee. Sprapie River. Funeral lervlrvt
will h announced later by Ward
Klamath Funeral Home.
Tlie anpolnlmenl of Mclnlyre
was conllrnied last nliiht by Ihe
City Council at the request of Hie
Airport commission.
Mclntyre came lo Klamath Falls
In 1947 when United Air Lines In
stltiilert its stops here. For the past
several months he tins operated
(he World Wide Travel Bureau.
Wendell Smith. Council nresl-
dent, conducted last main's City I
Council meetlnij In the absence of
Mayor Bob Thompson. Moat of
the business was routine.
Purchase of a commlmilor, equip
ment to pulverize refuse at the
scwiiko plant, from the Klamalh
Machinery Company was okayed.
Hint company's bid was 16.100.77,
compared to a bid of $5,187 from
Hie Chlcauo Pump Company, Chi
cago. But according to Btreel Com
mittee report, the Chicago com
nany's equipment did not meet the
specifications required.
The equipment is to be delivered
in about eiht months.
Only two firms bid on pickup
truck for use at Ihe cemetery. The
Wesl-HUchcork bid was $1,623.31
and the Bnlslger Motor Company
bid was ll.825.83. The bids er
referred to the Cemetery Commls-
Grown in Poa Volley ono ytor from certifitd" founda
tion itock ... on clean, diieaia-frea ground. Thoy
or not ctrtifl.d, but wa belitva thty'ro tho bait
commarciol teed in Iho Klamath latin. Priced at
$4.00 par hundred in claon bogi. While they leit!
Coll 7914 or tee Glen Keiter ot our cellar on Drum
street In Molin.
Rt. 2, Box 795
Klamath rails