Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 18, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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TUESDAY. MARCH 111, 10,12
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KFlMV Tuesday Evenlnr, March 18
0:00 Sportl Hlfhllff hte
6:19 Home Town Newi
6:25 World News Summary
6:.'I0 Suburban Serenade
0 49 He dime Edition ASC
fliftil Coming Altractlnm on ABC
7:00 Greatekt Story ABC
7:..fl Ncwbtund Theatre ABC
:00 Met A ml ltlom of Air ABC
fl:30 United or Not ARC
0:00 Town Meeting of the Air ABC
fMfl Orfun Miir'
10:00 10 PM Headline!
1(1:15 Dream H-Hr ABC
10:30 Inmmnli Cub "
l:oo Newi Summary
11:06 Sign Off
l KFLW Wednesday, March 19
6:00 Sign On Newi Summary
6:05 Corn In the Morn
6;9 Farm Tare ...
, 7.00 Newi, Bkfit. Edition
7:1.1 Charlie'i Rounoup
7:30 Bob Gar red A K'ewt ABC
7:40 Ton o' tlie a'orning
7:55 John Conte ABC
:(W btckta t Cluit ABC
,'9:00 Hank Henry Show
1 S:30 Break the Bank ABC
a n:00 Chet Huntley ABC
jn-M l-rtne Jru' -ev Vrf
J0:M My Tnie Story ABC
0:55 Whisporini Streets ABC
1:15 Slop b Shop
11:30 Aaainnt Storm ABC
41:45 Mutiral Roundup
11:55 Market Report
12.00 News. Noon Edition
12:15 Payless Sidewalk Show
12::t0 Lucky-U Ranch ABC
1:01 Paul Hrv- ABC
2:15 Better Living
1:30 Mary Maraatet McBridt ABC
- S.) Pa.fn Brief
12:15 When a Girl Marries ABC
;::: Jryte .Mr an. D ABC
2-111 Rom. EveWn Winters ABC
r.1:00 Betty Crocker ABC
1.1:15 Td Malone ABC
,1:.T0 Dean Cameron ABC
u3:4.1 Mary Marlln ABC
4:00 Kequesirul'y vmira
5 00 Fun Factory ABC
.5:25 World Fligiit Krporter ABC
5tTO Ctiet Huntley ABC
"5:45 Town House Orch. ABC
6:00 Sports Highlight
6:15 Home Town News
: 6:25 World News Summary
- 6:30 Suburban Serenade
6 45 Headline Edition ABC
.6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC
7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC
-7:3n Mystery Theater "r"C
"R:00 The Top Guv AFC
30 Rogues Gallery ABC
9:30 Tiie Easter Seals Story ABC
9:30 Northwest Artists -
10:00 10 P.M. Headline
10:15 Dream Harbor ABC
10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:05 Sign Off
9:55 5-Minut Final MBS
10:00 I Love a Myttery MBS
10:15 Here's In Vets
10:30 Opera Concert MBS
11:0) N-Shl (v.( '
11:05 Night Owls Club
tdKMi b..i Ua
KF.TI Tuesday Evcnlnr. March
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klamath Theater Quia
"6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam HayesNews MBS
ft 5.1 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Black Museum MBS
7:30 Peter Salem MBS
8 00 Count Monte Cristo MBS
6:30 Roving at Rudy's
8:45 Heidelberg Harmonalres
00 Glenn Hrdy-Neui MBS
9:15 Fulton Lewis-News MBS
6:30 Mutual Newsreei MBS
9:45 Sports Final
KF.H Wednesday, March 19
6.00 Sunrise Serenade
6:45 t nun Reporter
6:55 Regional News
7:00 Hemingway News MBS
7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS
7.30 Headlines V Bylines
1 Hpm Hus
8 00 Cecil Brown MRS
8:15 Breakfast Gang MRS
8::;o Bible Institute MBS
1:00 llnmemake- Harmonies
915 Platler Party
9:45 Favorite of YrMerday
10:00 Glenn 1 lardy MBS
10:15 Tello Test MBS
10.:) LaPointes
10:45 v'oncert
lu:50 Currm
10 55 Ken Carson Show MBS
11:00 Unite F'r MBS
11:35 News K.BS
11 .10 Queen lor Day MBS
U':uo in a me uina
12:15 Noonday News
12:JQ Dance Tunes
I a-45 Minor Bot
12:50 Market 4t Livestock
13:55 Klamath Notes
1:00 Jack Kirk wood MPS
l .?0TaVe a Number MBS
2:00 News MBS
1:05 Batketball Time
2:15 Bftktbl. Kl'HS s Bend
4:00 An-wer Man MB 5
4:15 Hemingway News MBS
4:30 Curt Masrey Time MPS
4:-5 Sam Hay e News MBS
5:00 Two at 2:13
5:30 Wild Bill Htckok MBS
5:53 News MBS
6tf0 Gaone! Heatter MBS
6:15 Klamath Theater Quis
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam Haes News MBS
6:55 Bill Henrv MBS
7:00 Rickv s Request
ft c,l Whsi Nan-" Song MBS
8 30 Vou Never Know
8 45 Heidelberg llarmonairf !
9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
9:30 Wretlling
9:55 5-Mm. Final MBS
10:00 Wrestling
10 15 I Love a Mvtterv MBS
10:30 Out of Thunder MBS
lt:oo Nieht Ov i News
11:03 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Off
Two Die In
! ;
Snow Halts
Ski Jump Trip
POINT NARROW. Alnxkn i.fi
F'ortybrliiw-iro wrnthrp Miindnv
lolnywl llw slnit of Onerntloii tikt
Jump . i lip Nnvv'n c-s unlit Ion lo
pt m x retiriiiTli unsc on n lloni
lug Ice Isluiul nrnr Iho North Polo,
Tlio bluer mid urmmlit on nipch
nnlrnl (IIIIU'iilllc.i uhuil kept llir
lliicc nlnnra Minted to mnkc the
hnnnrttous trip on the mound, the
Navy mid.
Thirty Ihrcp men mid one womnn
will ntlpinpt to rsinlillsh t lie Ai-rllc
bus tor n ftrsMmtid study ol bob,
wenthftv iiiul cnrtli condlllona nt
tlio lop o( tho world.
Mrs. John F. lliilniM of Fills
mouth. Ma.vi., 11 skilled iH-rnu-
oKiuphor. is the lour wninnn on
ui rMirdltlon. A wen I orine. line
.iiukiiik llir lll null IH'I llll
Bund, a veternn of a jluulur ex
pedition n.it yenr.
Guards Slip Up
On Time Clock
CHldAOO t.f The time rloek
Mj.stem by which mmnh nt the
AiKoune Nntlomil l.nhorutory Hhow
liuiii'tunllly -ir luck of It In iniik-
Inn their rounds, win clmnurd re
tently. nut Uie rlmiiHO wm kept ecret
until Mondtiy,
The mmrds were told loul H
bv i imnounreini'iit Hint eluht of
them hud been fired.
I.eater Ftirney, Ranlilnnl lo the
(llreolor, Nld the rnuxe for dlv
mlwinl wnn tnllure to ninke llin
Nluurd roiiniN nnil for lurnluu i
Irnuilulrnt ivpnrui. 1,1
The Inhornlory In iihurbnu I -mout
In I lie ulle of urirnl nlnml
irneurcu for Iho Moveriuneiit.
Murine wormn I'nlleil inci,,,
bore their, wny Into the limiilniiun u.
roiuiuuiilcnUon cnhlea under Hi.
lo the '
Wi-ne-ma Coffee
Oualily Food At Reaionoble Prices
Ploin "Old Foshioned' 'Hospilolily
nil, a hiiwIU'H ieww
RALPH FLANAGAN (above), who according to many polls
heads the nation's outstanding orchestra, is to bring his
band and vocalists here for an Armory appearance the
evening of March 25. It's another Baldy Evans dance
Junior Members Of Oreaon
Burning nome Supreme Court Carry Load
Kv, . , ,Znrr-l. S"; members of the Oregon Suoreme
SAl tiniL.n -nd Court re writing two-thirds of the
i imiJv J' k i court's opinions, even though they
" " . . . ... weren t appointed to the oencn un-
The boy s father, a police depart- 1950
'ment patrolman, bad been sent The ' trio-Justices Walter L.
to the scene by the radio dispatcher Tooie. Earl C. Latourette and
The patrolman. James C. Straw.
der had to be restrained by fire
men and other police from dash
ing into the house which was a
mass of flames.
Mrs. Strawder jumped from a
secona-6Ury winio and was
taken to a hospital with back in
SALEM Ml The three newest Harold J. Warner have written 70
or me
Winning Dogs
Names of uinniner does In the
The dead, removed by firemen Klamath Kennel Club show last
from charred bedrooms, were the
boy. James C. Strawder, Jr., 5. and
Spokane. Portland and Seattle
Railroad employe, Dion Williams,
a roomer in the Strawder home.
The fire was reported at about
:15 a m., by a passerby or a
neighbor. Mrs. Strawder. 31. was
awakened by smoke and the In
tense heat. Her only available exit
was a window and she jumped.
Her son was in another room.
' Firemen Curt Hansen and Don
York braved the flames in an
effort to save the boy. They reached
him and brought him out but he
was dead.
Strawder. a Negro, has been on
the police force five years. Wil
lams also was a Negro.
ljfjontinooas Prom l:4i ' LJ
lit THE
. HILIMA hucm tart
4Rinn-l-'11 t
of ..7'
. aw. "'J i... W"T
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kolbrook and
son, Rolland, of Medford, were vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Bailey Sunday. Mrs. Holbrook
is a niece of Mr. Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodges and
sons Bill and John have moved toeiiii;
Mprrill oflpr ollinrr th.tr ,m 1 Spaniels
Merrill after sellina their farm
wesfc 01 Alarm.
Prosnerity Chaoter Order of the
Eastern Star held its regular
monthly meeting Thursday evening.
Aiarcn u at uie Maun community
The meeting was conducted bv
Worthy Matron Hazel Kalina. The
oniciai visit of the Worthy Associ
ate Grand Matron was announced
to be held at the church Monday,
March 17. A potluck luncheon was
to De naid at noon followed by
school of instruction at one o'clock.
Refreshments were served at the
close of the meeting in the dining
room by Leah Street and Agnes
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petrasek en.
tertained members of the Ace High
Pinochle Club at their home Satur
day evening, March 8.
Prizes were awarded to Mervyn
Wilde. Gladys Halousek and Lent.
Mrs. Petrasek's euest nonir
birthday greetings to her as her
birthday fell on that day.
Refreshments were mi-vm! t h
following: Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ka
lina. Mr. and Mrs. ITmil Tnfn
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halousek. Mr.'
and Mrs. Bill Ralnus. Mr. and Mr,
Mervyn Wilde and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Slastny.
Mrs. Marie Kalina.
r a iaoy iriena irom Portland
auenaea sokoi meetings in en
Francisco last week.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Paygr and
Stephen left this week end for Los
Angeles. Mrs. Payer. Sr. who hoc
oii.v uie winter down mere, will
c.u u uume wnn tnem.
sewing meeting was held at
the home of Mm. Bill noin,, vu.
nesday starting for ih. mFr.
" " -fe "
Interested members of the Exten-
.i unn orougnt material and
their own sewing machines and
instructed by the project leaden In
oi me purses. Many love
ly moaeis were finished hu k.
A sack lunch wiia B&inn MMH
With the hostean Rervlmr fntr
cookies. :
Ladies cresent nre- Mr. i...
Lahoda, Mrs. Emma Mo'relock,
Mrs. Mary Burns, Mrs. Norma Pet
rasek. Mrs. r.loH,,. di...
Lillian perrah, Mrs. Oladys Halou
sek and the hnafecA. M,-c uim..j
Mr, and Mrs. Vatji Tfolir.. tjiu
nd Ronnie left
Dick and David Johnson, sons of :
Mr. and Mrs. Bvron .inhnenn k.
their tonsils removed last Thursday
" --"""... fHiii xiospiiai.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Nlsley of
Madras, Ore., were in Malln Fri
day on business. The Nlsley'a for
merly lived In Malln.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Danlxi rt
week not previously announced are
listed Deiow.
The show was held at the Fair--grounds,
with Mrs. Helen Mar
ing. Portland, judging.
Proceeds from the show will go
to trophies lor the KKC-Kiwanls
sponsored American Kennel Club
sanctioned show scheduled for this
The list Includes:
Toy breeds Chihuahuas: Juanita
Ledesma, male; Pekingese: Mrs.
A. E. Bergloss.
Hound Breeds Daschunds: Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Albert.
Working Breeds Boxer: Mrs.
Veralee Sykes. Collie: Mrs. Kathv
McDonald. Great Dane: Dr. F.
Wedam. German Shepards: Patri
cia Duncan. St. Bernard: Mrs.
Tom Grigeby. Samoyeds: Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Rush.
Non-Sporting Breeds Dalma
tians: Mrs. Keith Moon. English
Bulldogs: Bruce Hall.
Terrier Breeds Fox Terrier
(wire i : Mrs. Leonard Allen.
Sporting Breeds Retrievers
(Golden), Joe Riker m. Retrievers
(Labrador), Arnle Moiling. Setters
(Gordon), Sharon Hahn. Spaniels
I (Brittany), Jerry Thomas. Spaniels
(English Springer), Cecil Whitby.
(Black Cocker), Peggy
106 opinions that the court
nas nanded down since It returned
irom summer vacation last Sep
The lour veteran members have
written only 35 opinions,
Justice Tooze. a circuit court
judge In Portland until he was ap
pointed to the supreme court only
16 months ago, is the freshman
member of the court. But he leads
all the rest with the 31 opinions
he has turned out since September.
In second place is Justice La
tourette. who was a circuit Judge
in Oregon City and who was id-
polnted to the supreme court 26
months ago. He has written 31 opin
ions. Justice Warner, a former
Portland lawyer who Joined the
court 1ft months ago, has written
Justice Arthur D. Hay. who has
been on the high bench since 1943,
has written 12. compared with nine
for Justice Hall S. Lusk, who was
appointed 15 years ago.
At the bottom of the list, with
seven opinions each, are Chief
Justice James T. Brand and Jus
tice George Rossman. Brand has
been a Justice for 11 years, while
Rossman Is dean of the court with
25 years of service.
M. MM t (Men U Take Oat
en B. Lee, Mgr.
YOU HAVE A REAL THRU L coming, when
you get behind the wheel of America's
most exciting car the brilliant new
Packard! Better 70 ways for '52, here's
big-car comfort at medium-cur cost. Pre
cision engineered and built to last, over
ii of all Packard! sold since 1899
are still in use!
Only Pockord brings you Ultramollc,
proved in use to outperform all other
automatic drives! Teamed with the world's
highest-compression eight, Ultrainmic
gives you smoother performance, greater
safety and dependability. New rasmnmic
Power brakes insure quicker, easier stops.
look at on mora corf If you plan to
spend $29(10 for a cur, then invest one
hour in seeing how few dollars more it
lakes to own a Packard. Packard costs
less to buy than you may think, and the
record proves it costs less to own for
"Duilt like a Packard" means built lo Usl!
11 All Packard, Built Sinet I .-Smirm? 't f! "L. ..1J tH nEVCS
Only PaikarW has Ullra.
mafic, the automatic drive that
excels all othen in smooth per
formance and dependability.
Nw .malic Paver
rakec give faster, easier stops
require MYt lew foot pres
sure, 10 leu time to apply!
Packard builds
flnasl Packard's Thunderbolt
nglne, world's higheii-rom-nression
eight, has up to 2"
rcwer working parts than
engines of comparable power!
A Packard's lafafy-elaii
area of 3,046 square inches
gives you all-around visibility.
WML lll HIM CIHI. 11 italLbir
s Handcoma naw Infarlars
and frevh exterior color coiu
binatinni accent Packard's
smart, low lines. Seats are as
wide as the car is high.
lvry Packard tar under
a,oe 4,287 separate factory
tmncctioni. "Iluilt like a
Packard" meani built to tmstt
603 So. 6th St. Klamath FallsOre.
Behold hart are looking up!
Tip-tilted with a floradora flourish
and artfully curved. You'll enjoy seeing
our exciting collection;
choosing tho version most becoming to you;
wearing one of the beautiful originals by such
famous designers as Leslie-James, G. Howard Hodge
and Caspar-Davis.
f. A i'y ;i-t: :-;..lcif:
mond were weekend Bucst of the
Joe Halousck't