TUESDAY, MARCH 18. 1PM PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON iii Hinklei Stays In Air Force The Air Force has denied the Actress, Director Wed Suddenly LAS VKOAS. Nev. ( Actress Betty Hutton and Movie Donee Di rector Charles CCurran were mar ried Tuesday in a surprise elope request of Lt. Ernest Hlnkle, The Dalles, for release and Hlnkle an nounced today he would not be able to return to Oregon to cam paign before the May 16 primary election. ment. District Judge Frank McNamee said he married the couple at 1:18 a.m. but he gave no other details. He said he didn't know whether they were staying in Las . Vegas or leaving on a honeymoon. The actress, who Is 31, obtained a final decree of divorce in Los Angeles. v 9th and Pint Phone 3188 Hi ' Hlnkle Is a Republican candidate for 2nd District Conxressman. along with State Rep. Giles French of Mora ana state sen. sum coon oi Baker. The 19-year-old Air Force offi cer is stationed in New York state. Although he will not be able to uj 1 1 Mini 'jfh m I . s w 7 r i i make a personal campaign prior to the primary election, Hlnkle said he would make known In writ ing his views on every major is sue. As a starter he took exception to the "economic aid" portion of the reauested foreign aid aouron- Moke Your Yard the Most Beautiful . for Miles Around! t!i Oregon Sooefy for Crippled JWren and Aduttt, fat J HELPERS IN THE EASTER SEAL sale are (left) David Landis, Explorer Post, No. 110, who lives at 5507 So. Sixth, and Galvin Nelson, Boy Scout Troop 4, 1527 Derby. Boy Scouts have distributed coin containers and posters for the annual fund drive for Crippled Children. Air Lines To Accept CAB Ore ers 6EATTLE l West Coast Air lines has Do plans to protest a CivU Aeronautics Board order eliminating some of its routes, an airline spokesman said Tuesday. Ttniic Blllmever. Dublic relations director, said Bellingham, Wash., is the only city direcUy affected although a temporary suspension ot service to MCAuonvuie, vie, and Everett and Mount Vernon, Wash., approved by the CAB last ' July, is made permanent by the order. The Cab order, issued Monday, along with an operating certifi cate renewal good until Sept. 30, 1954, directed West Coast to dis continue the Seattle-Bellingham run and delete Fort Townsend and Kelso, , Wash., and McMinnville and Grants Pass, Ore., from its routes. Billmeyer said West Coast had never stopped at Port Townsend, Kelso and Grants Pass because suitable airports were not avail able. Stops at McMinnville, Ever ett and Mount Vernon were sus pended because of insufficient freight and passenger traffic. Bellingham is served by United .Air lines, Billmeyer pointed out, and will not suffer from West Coast's withdrawal. The West Co ast non-stop leg from Seattle to Port Angeles, Wash., is not aff ected by the CAB order. In renewing West Coast's oper ating certificate, the board dis closed it had considered suspend ing United Air Lines' service at Bellingham and at Salem, Bend, and Klamath Falls, Ore. but had decided against disturbing the op eration. As a result of the decision, Bill meyer said. West Coast probably will not press to Include Salem and Bend - in its routes as originally lanned. He said the CAB still ; considering an application for extension of West Coast's South ern leg from Medford to Klamath Falls. ... Parr Rites Announced Funeral services are to be held at Jefferson Barracks National Cem etery. St. Louis, Mo., for Cpl. Charlev O. Parr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie A. Parr, of 3667 Flint St. Cpl -m Parr, a B-29 aerial gunner stationed at Okinawa, was killed in a plane crash Oct. 31, 1951. Two memoers oi me plane crew es caped by parachute, the rest were killed after the craft developed an engine fire, and cracked up on an island 40 miles from its base. Parr's parents yesterday re ceived a letter from the Air Force stating identification of the bodies in the crash was impossible and that a mass funeral would be held at St. Louis for all crew members killed. Date of the funeral was not revealed in the letter. Cpl. Parr. 21 was a 1949 grad uate oi KJamatn union High School Beiore nis aeatn he naa comDleted 32 missions over the Korean com bat zone. For used typewriters and adding machines .... Voight'j Pioneer Office Supply, 629 Main. Free Yourself from laxative slavery Try this delightful family break' fast treat! Eat a generous bowlful (about lA cup) of crisp, toasty KeUogg's all-bran with sugar and cream. Drink plenty of liquids. all-bran is the natural laxative cereal that may help you back to youthful regularity, lost because of lack of bulk in your diet It's the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need. High in cereal protein, rich in iron, provides essential B and D vitamins. Not habit forming. Why don't you try it? KeUogg's is so sure youll like all-bran that if you're not com pletely satisfied after 10 days, send empty carton to KeUogg's, Battle Creek, Mich., and get DOUBLE TOUR MONET BACK I A ZESTY SUGGESTION FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS fir- BSBiaw" t Cottage Cheese Cookies ' ' On of 68 delightful cottage cheese recipes in the .' Crater Lake cottage cheese recipe, book ' . .. . FREE (or the asking. Drop In at Klamath Falls . Creamery, or phone 5101 and ask that o copy be mailed to you. ' KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY ; Distributors el CRATER LAKE DAIRY PRODUCTS rlatton in President Truman's 195'J 53 budget. The economic aid re quest is for SI. 800.000.000 and Hln kle said it should be vetoed by Congress. "Tile United States cannot sup port a world wide WPA," Hlnkle torn the Nerald and News.. Costly Quarter Leads To Blaze INDIANAPOLIS '(P Twelve year-old Thaddeus Starks lost a quarter in his bedroom Monday, and his search for it cost his father several hundred dollars. The boy lighted a candle to aid his search. His bed caught firo. Firemen confined the blase to the room, but the father, Floyd A. Starks, said the damage amounted to several hundred dollars. The quarter is still missing. HOW . Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS ClifFftiden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) 1 Growl UD to bo ii. nmn Early Blooming TULIP TREE 1 Special-by-Mail! Nothing you could plant wilt five you much satisfaction as of these tall, un believably lovely Tulip Trees. And it will In crease the value of . . your property hund- W lor w reds of dollar In Just a - few years. Blooms early and Ions with ctcoso masses of s-peUl tultp flowers. Leaves are a deep rich green. Wonderful shade.' Will make your yard a show place for years to come. Grows fst. Very hardy. We send a stronjf tree 3 to feet for successful trarurpJantlnff. On arrival store or plant at your con venience. Limited supply! Send SI. for 1, S3 for 3. postpaid. C. O. D.'s welcome Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. EXTRA GIFT, a colorful Red Twtr Dogwood. KRUSE NURSERIES. DEPT. 74706 Bloomingtqn, Illinois Name , - 9th and Pine Phone 3188 j RADIO SALE 154.95 AIRLINE RADIO-PHONO Sah Price 144.88 An outstanding votue. Enjoy 3-woy enter-. toinment static-free FM and ' standard : AM broodcotft pies 3-spW; automatic record chamMri Lore PM Jrr-L ' lighted dkH mohogony veneer' cabinet. ' 34.50 PLASTIC CLOCK-RADIO 31.88 itmc,. 32.88 S A clockdeo-V)r)eJrodio ocKhoisMTontKothe otto apph'once. Bed or rodio alarm, brown plastic cos. 24.95 PLASTIC TABLE RADIO So7. Piiem 19.88 BwremTtrmt . B Excellent tone ond performance. BeiH-in ontenna . easy to1 . rood dioL Sleek cose in white ptosric, , waekAle pOetl. o . I . j r 7CII0 HOME APPLIANCE SALE PRICES CUT-WARDS HIGH QUALITY AT EXTRA SAVINGS REG. 209.95 REFRIGERATOR REG. 344.95 HOME FREEZER Salt price 198.88 Uit terms 12.S ea. It. '334 Uit terms Never before of this low price save over $31. Gleam- , ing-white M-W hat 9.3 cu. ft. capacity. 16.2 sq. ft. shelf. . ... Freezer holds 28 lbs. frozen food, Ice porcelain froiter . ' ; . tray below for meats. Twin Food Fresheners hold 19 qls. REG. 229.95 REFRIGERATOR (3 M-W Home Freezer keeps 435 lbs. food frozen with de- pendable efficiency. Store your food quickly, easily with 2 wire baskets, 2 dividers. Counter-balanced lid opens eaii- ' ly, turns on interior light. Freezer walls won't sweat ' WARDS REG. 1 1 4.95 WASHER Uss ttrmi .... Sav$20 W7 (Not illustrated.) 7.1 cu. ft. size has 35-lb. capacity full width" freezer' froiter tray below for small meals. , Food Freshener' keeps 9.5 qts. fruits, vegetables crisp. Remov- able half-shelf. 4 Jiffy tray releoses, 2 cube releases. , REG. 179.95 ELECTRIC RANGE Sav $15 now 164.88 Buy oa terms Compact 36' Electric Range saves space in small kitchen. 1 -piece even. 3 Chromolox top units, deep-well have 7 heat speeds. Concealed removable drip tray catches all spill-oven. Large storage compartment. Fully porcelained. : Pump 7 mon Sale price 104.88 0 Save now on 9-lb. capacity M-W. Exclusive 6-vane Swirl otor washing action.. Famous lovell wringer has V balloon ' ( rolls, 1 to 500 lbs. pressure selection, swings to 8 con venient positions. Easy-to-clean white porcelain finish; REG. 239.95 ELECTRIC RANGE '219 Save $20 now Bur ea terms (0 Beautiful 40' Electric Range hat clock that controls 20' lighted oven, deep-well, appliance outlet. Filot light sig nals when any unit Is on. 3 Chromalox top units and deep well have 7 heat speeds. 3 storage drawers. Save now