'.t2 fOKSDAY, MARCH lfl, liV2 HERALD AND NF.WS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN I; ? 1 ) IQ REAL ISTATI fOR SALE TV fNear Mills School i . rfuclti future mil iT(Tliln for (i I Winn (Inrd. IIpi'c'h n 3 lii-iliumi! i . '.' Mm' xi'lmiil mid trniiirttln K ". hia ynu Hlinuld ni'o loiluyl illDUO, ; m ui"xl In mil I in KWiit iKvm wm t J In i" Unvlmin Kvm III lie p Owrnn, Men III Mil r 'Hi f ' Howes Johnny Hlayluck ''..')' MSALTORH ( 1(1.5 Mnln Phona -345 U MAKE AN OFFER Dwnrr liun It-It tnn mid nv Vrll," 'tin rr Ijrdniiiiii riiiuh type huii- In Mills. I lut hud rilA n piulMil lor tminu. You (mi y buy lliln t your pine. :' Run Khlirr . (Kvr-a. 80701 lliip" Davlihon (Evm 31)71) Mime Owen, Mm III 148 Pat Johnny . Hours P.lnylock nEAirons i. Mln Phone a-34.'i Close In Locotion jmt a ij li In iiooil buy (or tills tn bedroom home nt only $(1360 on pnvrd ulrrrt. klilrwalka mid clly . rwrr, plun t;nol locnllon. m In 114 (how ynu lhi home thin tc, call 1MI (or npiiolnlmrnl. I Apartment House H Unttii nil with prlvnte bnth and Complrlely furnlihed. Growlim imoo per yenr. Don't wnlt nlve in ( mil for moip Indinnutlon on II ili attractive buy. Farms & Ranches SU ACRKS-ln Unveil Vnllry nil Irrigated. Priced rensunuplc nnd eny terms. fit ACRKS nt Modoc Polnl nnd pilrrd t only llfl.OOO with terms. Good home nnd mnbutldluBit and llnmrduto poase.vtlon. SO ACRKS of the best soil In the Vnllry mid priced nt only $21,000. Unite mi appointment to ce thcc places right awny Jay P. Clils Crne Kavcll 111. 42!i4 Ph. 6045 Claire Kills Ph. 2-2509 W. W. Thompson at Mnlln "i J. W. SANDERS REALTOR Mnln Bl. Phone 7521 HOT SPRINGS I arttr seven room home, two block lo Roosevelt School. Bpncloua liv ing room with (Ireplnrr. two lull hatha, cnnvemcnl kltchru. concrete basement, larise Inundrv room. Atitomntlr air rondltlnnlnit type lurnace. Excellent condition lnalde and nut. Priced (or quick anle. tlfi.000 lerma. CLOSE IN Ideal (or 11 lartte (amlly. Thla home (rnturca 14x30 llvlmt room with beam celllmta and ma.vslve alone (ireplare. 14x14 dining room, three lame bedrooms nil with walk-In clnsrta. Two (till baths, lull con crete bnremenl, double garnec. 116,000 terms. Suburban Ranch Style Located In one o( the (meat subur ban nreaa close to the Peterson Bchool. Five large aunny rooms wllh plenty o( rlosrta nnd storage apace, well plnnned kitchen nnd utility, bountiful bnth with tub and stall shower. Lnrge well lnndscnped lot. Do not miss this one. $12,000 terms. HARRY VAN (Evea. 82041 i JOE LEONARD (Even. 2-0527) J AL SCHMECK '; REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 817 Mnln Phone 3211 U' : iyj vhat! never heard ,j of leprechauns? A leprechnun 1 n little Irlah (airy who works like n beaver, alrlves to better our living, lends n helping hnnd In need, nnd be alows his good works on ninny! Little classified nils strive to do Hie anme Job every slnKlo dny nnd like the trndltlonnl lepre chnun l( you need anything they strive to produce It. If you wish to acll anything, they net as your aiilc.smnnl 80 let our Utile "nd-leprechnuns" work (or , you and Strike It Rich I Phone Bill to place your Wnnt-Ad. herald & news want ads get results i NKW ItOMKS for uile. 1 I'nwpll. Phnne RSaO. fOll SAI.K, nne bedroom modern hmmp t;l.argn aram. 4l llnmnlnle. ;fn RAI.r, hy nwner. 1 vrnr old a bed vjrnnm home In Mill! nridlllnn l Isn Hnwn rl.l prlre lp han FIIA appralMl. y.l'inn 7.I7.H (nr appnlnlnient. On 8AT.K, by owner, flnnrt Iwo brd mam hmiM, Flroplare. autnmatlo heat, -TloFe to tnwn. rimne 2112(11, MAOINEI Within a tew ahort lira n(ter ynu order a Hcrnld & New ClnsslMed ad, 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or four need. To place an ad, phone till. 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE INVESTMENT Two Mimll liouirn on nice lot In Mill AddUlnu. Rented at 00 nioiilhly. Only 2M)(J. Kvcrell Dennis, Realtor or Don KirkPali'ick, Salesman KvrnliiKI Plume 97(19 I 'J I No. Kill Phone 8401 MALIN FARM 100 rren hiliilrd. Mnlln Irrl.a lion dli.lrlct. Thin In one o( the lop (nrmn hi Ihls cllnlrlrt. Now 111 clover, nldiKn, pointers, mid pnn lure. Lornlcd on pnved rond. Very nice liome, potnlo i-ellur, machine Mircl. chicken Iwiiiir, cnll hed, family orchard. Thin rnnch la ell in,, fn fitiiu fi7 nnn it vnn have Iliren wnnlliiK a Rood Mnlln fnrm neie m your dinner. HENLEY FARM n acres Irrlnnted. About a mile nut on pnvrd rond. 12 acrea In clover, acres alfalfa, balance In mnln Inu year. room modern home. 27.1100 ancle potato cellar. I'll In la money maker arlllmc lor VVI.7M). Only $17,000 down, bnlnnce ;! yrnn. Do not mlaa thla oppor Uinlty. HARRY VAN (Even. 82041 J OK LEONARD (Eves. 2-0627) AL SCHMECK REALTOR 517 Main i nd INSURANCE Phone 3211 ONLY $5000 For thla attractive, well built 2 bedroom home, Just off Shasta Way. It's a rent bnrgaln, concrete foundation, attached garage, fully Insulated. 00x210 (t. lot. rich aandy lonm soil, Irrigated, good alope (or dralnnge, Inwn. large shade trees, etc. $1,000 wown FilA terms. Eldorado Boulevard Beautiful 3 bedroom home, on the sunny aide of the street. Large back yard putlo. outdoor fireplace, aprlnkler system, beautiful yard aa (let as a table. Only 1 block from school, this will appeal to anyone who needs a comlortnble, roomy, new home. Wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and dining room. Fireplace, Inrge kitchen, l'j balrui, nmple atornge and closets, base ment. Only $18,500. terms o( courae. Shown only by appointment. Suburban-3 Bedroom This home lias charm, distinction and durnblllty. Attractive living room with fireplace, l'j bnths, din ing room, modern kitchen, double gnrnge. On pnved street, conven ient to bus mid shopping district. Price $13,900. MILLS ADDITION See thla quality 2 bedroom home locnted on one of the best streets In thla drslrable district. Deep pile widl. to-wall carpeting In living room nnd hall. Storm wlndowa (or economical heating, detnrhed ga. rage and workshop. beaulKuIly landscaped lot completely enclosed for the children. Newly reriecornted ready to move Into. Will carry any type loan. Price $10,000. Open Evening by Appointment See Don Slonn Phone 6658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott S703 Evea. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4664 or J529 360 ACRES 105 acres under Irrigation, leveled. 155 acres with a little leveling, can be Irrigated, balance hill pas ture. Home with electricity, achool bus service. Sacrifice price $21,000. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 8o. Slxlh Ph. 8371-9832-2-3387 FARM 71 acres. 51 acrej under (lood lr. rlgntlon, bnlnnce partly sub-irn-gntcd. 27 acres o( nl(nl(n. 30 ncres of pnsture, (enced (or entile. Fair house, aevernl outbuildings. Price only $12,500. Terms, JACK C. MACE REAL ESTATE Tulelnkc Ph. 7-1611 Evening ph. 7-0565 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per Here buys Rood ranch and timber land at Oovt, State and Comity land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. PacUic Lanrls 1(121 KK Cnhucnga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. 1 KOll SAI.K, (wo hedruotn horn, large living nr-) rlinlnR room, oak floor, fire pliH'C kltrhrn nnd dinette, service porch nnd largo gnrttge. 2419 Wlard. Phone 111107, TWO bedroom home for tale by owner. 4.1111 Frirdu. hOi( iSAi.K. aim acre, north unit ro Jrct, Madrn, Oregon, 4 miles from town. Flectrlclty, drilled well, SIR, DUO lenm, ii. It. Belmlcr. Drawer E, Red mond. Oregon. KQtHTY In one bedroom modern house lorAted In Pelican City. Easy pay ments. CiJIn,W. n POh SAI.K or 'trade, new two""hd ronm luhinban home. Extra large hed room, hardwood Ilnora and eleotrle heat. Snrrlflce (or 7,VM). Or take late model car and approximately llano, for equity. Inqqulre at i:i:)U Worden or cnll 2-:ia:)7 after 8 p.m. FOB SALE -Five room houie, corner lot. Partly furnlahed. Garage, hot and cold witer, 40 acres timber land. "Cheap," tice Jack Jorterfleld, Kcno. Oregon. MKT YOUR PROPERTY WITH THIS FIRM FOR ACTION. KVERETT UENN1S REALTOR 131 No, flth Fhon 8t 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Dp to 1500 on your auto On your aalary or (urnltura up to 1300 "Pa; Day"' loana a ipeclnlty - 110. 125, 150 loaned till "pay dny" or longer. 125 ooata But 18 cent (or ona week. No bther charget. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th St. M-3M DON MrlNTYRE, Mgr. 48 Veara Friendly Servlca 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 ACRE Good level land plus newer 2 bed room home In Siimmcra l,nne din irlcl. Thla la a home you'll enloy brliiitliiK your (rlenda lo with lota of room for a gnrden, to ralr.e a call or the klda to play cowboy and Indiana, Inrue iturime with con crete floor, front proof room. Houae la In excellent condition "nil on concrete foundnllon. All room are lame and nicely decorated. 17500. Term. Anne Maaon Eddie llosley Evea. 07M 201 83 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 8. 9th. Phone 7200 32 BUILDING t REMODELING WEHAVEAd66b-OTOCK 'OP" ECONOMY PRICED DIMENSION and BOARDS NO LOWER PRICE IN TOWN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! SPECIAL LOT-PRICE ON CARRIER LOADS Economy Better 2"x4" 8 It 24c ea. 43c ea. 2"x4' 10 (t 30c en. 53c ea. 2"x4" 12 11 30e ea. 64c ea. OTHER PRICES COMPARABLE LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY Main and Spring Phone 3M4 fff&ING. Johm Manvi'l fPiibro. AviT age noma only WO. Kuhlnuin luauij llrtn. Phone 44fl or 2-2441 I UiKRULAHSlriaulate now Save 90 per cent on fuel. Aa low aa $5 month. Kuhlman Insulation, Phona 44t8 or itO gallon table lop water Una. Pmcli- f "."y, ni w S 2114 ,ftr. n HIOHM fcASlt and acreen comblnnilo:i Atf atorlng aluminum. Save up lo 40 ix-r eni on ruei. Aa low as u monin Kuhlman Inaulatlon. Phone 44ft8 or 2. 2441. KKEP WA'nM wintertime and COOX u mmer lime. Tor rork wool or ftnra Kl Inmlatlnn Hasln Building Ma terlala. Inr. In eaiytotnalall hatta. pa p4r enrlned both atdra. ,07r per foot. 47M Soul h Rlxth. phone a-2WH. 34 FUEL HEATING anr standarTd srv HEATING OILS - Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKET3 Your Guarantee OI Heatlnit Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 8prlng St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING Oil. Store, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. AOS Market Pnont 51 4. DRY pin block! tor ale. Upen ev nlnf and weekend. Mcllem Broil. fnr.STOLCKJS pickup or drlfvtred. Cillf Yadem Sirnal Servlc. 3S60 So wn pnnne anal or 2-92MI 8 It GREEN STAMPS liven on hut Ina ollt. Phona 3661 or lor prompt delivery. CLIFF YADEN'S S1CNAJU SERVICE 3660 So 6th It BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES HUNTING and tlihlni (ear drop trail er, am 7S Frieda. BOARDING KENNELS Dof boarding by dar. week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runt for each dof Dof i handled durlta mating. Will pick up and deliver. Vliltora Welcome Phona S07S Merrill Rd Ft 2. Boa 604 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS ANDERSON Boarding Kenneifl Phont an47 6666 Delaware oft Homedala. THREE collie pupi for aale. Three monlht old. gold and while. Litter reg istered. Call .101W. SAVE S f $ nuy a Chrl Craft Kit Boat al,n Crula er and Runabouts. Johnson bea Horse motors. Boats bouaht. sold and ex changed. Boats for rent to fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 028 Tront St. Phone 3-1 ne.1 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY AUCTION SALE 60 HEAD, REGISTERED ANGUS 40 rows, Willi enlves or close tin 10 heifers breeding arte 10 bulls Including herd sires. This Is a dis persion of our entire registered Aberdeen Angus Herd, 6MITH TARBOX, owners. REDMOND, OREGON MARCH 24, 1952 12:00 NOON Redmond Auction Yards Ben Smith, Mgr. ' Frank Wink, Owner Auctioneer Send for cntnlog, Si Williams Western Sale Management, Box 87, Jlcrmlston, Oregon POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for t.ny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KUnMTHOULTKVFARMa For" SALE. 40 Red laying- hens, .ifsfl each. Phone 3-IWnO. noute I. Box 6:0P. FOR SALETaa head s't'ook entile, mixed steers heifers and cows. Phona 6967. ur FOn SALE, guernsey and Jersey helfera. Rt. 3, Box 444. Phone 2-20.10. WANTED- -Colored hens Phone .1591. FtlLL blooded Yorkshire .boar. Phoiie 2-(:un. ON HAND STARTED CHICKS heavy breed. 110 per hundred. OREOON STATE HATCirERY SflK Sn..6lh. . Thona Rflftj. LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-278 42 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY llUfl" rHYKlirV andra"t"i for ia"b freahlv dreaaed ready for the oan. ev ery frlday and ftaturday, Phona 0.141 art r 4. AienrtciM. mirKOlNU hkrvk'k Phnne D721 M C. ff.'hurk' warren Ht 3. IIok If no answer Phnne 4no itTdltrnr pricta paid for poultry, hoaa anu iiveaioi-k. RIO Y MEAT MARKK? t.ahevtPW J tin rt Ion Phona 4ir?n 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED DKHIKK to rent two or thre nrdrooin horne. Prefer AHarnont or olhtr ubur ban iirra. Phone .1W9, f:Ot'P,K want to rent Iwo brdroom hniie. Modern and clren. unfiirnlhd. 1'rrfr corl elhborhood. Phone 2-272. V-'ANTErTio leaae. hay and grain land. Plume :f:)S. WANTED, by family of four, ntrrly fiirniiih'd hfifn. (.'loae lo lown. Rfr- nre. Call between S.JO and 7, flllj. r.xt. n. Vk NKED CARS"' Oel Ion prlfi) now' nrr Motor Co flth nd Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pnj Only (100 87 27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 8300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 81200 ON CARS niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Can financed at bank ratea "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year nerving Klamath Bull. 8ee "Cuck" Bailey, Mgr. lit N. 7U1 8L Pbone 3321 6-241 M-275 Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 150 to 30O Auto Purnltura , Uteatoct Salary $50 to 1500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-251 N-22 107 No 9th Phona 771 rADMrn ii .rsTt . timi farm inf. Good reference! jnd icmrtty. Wrl t e Tie mid New, Box JW. 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTOR SPARE OR FULL TIME Ijric, well -established western distri butor will nelecl a few reliable people with can, to act as distributors of the huh'" nrnf'able u-ni-'d-famniM FRENCH BOY POPCORN Company executive will establish your accounts and aid you In xettinx started. No risk, no red tape. Possible to earn up to 600 month to start with future po.isihi1it.es of 10,000 or more early. Hequlre 100 cash which la FCrured by mdse. Not vending ma chines. For appointment with company executive, write or wire Herald Newt Box No. 3ft. FOR LEASE, "97" Cafe. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. HA V K used enr liceie and finest lo ciition in Klamath Falls. aIho hnve first cla&a repair shop. Need for used car purchases. Beat Invest ment laiartst returns for your money. Call Harold. 4fOB at Basin Auto Ser vice mm So. B. FOR SAIK a,uto parts house. Will sell Tor inventory and lease property in definitely. Good location. Good od portunity for profit for risjhi man. Write Box 61 Herald and News. SKRV1CR station for lease In down town AlUirni. Good business location. Wonderful opportunity for right pity. Write Ray Darnell. Box 300, AHuras, Cnlifornla. MODERN Dry-cleaning plant in North ern California. Prosperous and stable lown. Nice volume with excellent net. Phone S.ri83. SERVICE station for lease in downtown Alturas. Good business location. Won derful opportunity for right party. Write Rny Darnell, Box .196, Alturas, Calif ornia. . 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOn SALE, LAND LEVELING UNIT AlliR-Chalmera H-D.7 with Moore 9'a ft cable dozer and Buckeye double drum power control unit. JUMBO 6-B yd. car ryall, excellent condition, Yonkert-John-Hon tool carrier with sub-soiler teeth, chisel teeth and ridger attachments. On rubber. Thla trnctor has had recent $3,000 major overhaul and Is In tip-top condition. Complete unit for sale for tn.OOU or line tor and dozer for $6,000. Call Ensle Point. Ore. JM0.cve, ""'Vj MENS matched golf set, six Irons, three woods. All registered. Bag and Bag boy cart, tired three limes, like new, reason able. Phone 6ff7t after B p.m. ilEO SET. springs', and Reality Rest mattress lnchided. Phone 8fl30. 1JSED FURNITURE VALUES CAN AL WAYS BE FOUND AT KLAMATH FUR NITUFE CO, Til Main. Phone JK1.W. NfcW 'a inch surfaced plywood, $6. nheet, Inch $4. 3600 Stmimerii Lane. O'i foot refrigerator. Good condition. JliS. Phone 420H. SINGF-t drop head sewing machine. Fully guaranteed $9.f).t. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. (m Main Phone 3-2313 ELHCER1C sewing machine, cabinet style. Guaranteed perfect sewing con dition m.in. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. MS MAIN Phont 1-331.-, SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SPECIAL AUCTION SATURDAY AFTERNOON - 1 P.M. MARCH 22, 1952 NEW FURNITURE SNOWBOUND LAST WEEK WILL ARRIVE FOR i( SPECIAL LOAD INCLUDES: New Chrome Sets New Bath Fixtures- Chairs Dressers Beds Bedroom Sets 9 x 12 Wool Rugs -9 x 12 Linoleum AND A Beautiful $300.00 NORGE Gas Range, 10 Months Old AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS , Summers Lane Auction Mart (USUAL SALE SUNDAY) USED MACHINERY BUYS . AT TULELAKE . 1 Used Molinc 5-Bot. Disk Plow W'New Blades. H25.00 1 I-H-C No. 2 Unit Carrier W Rubber Tires, Hyd. Cyl., 21 4 x 90" Tool Bar, 9 Coil-Tooth Shanks and 42" Ditcher. Slightly Used $1 5535.0Q 1 Used McCormick-Deering Steel Manure Spreader $ 1 85.00 1 Moline 2-Way Plow. 16" Plain Bot. Rubber Tires Like New $375.00 1 Dyrr 3 Shank Subsoiler W32" Shanks, and 38" Wheels. Used Very Little. $285.00 Floyd A. Boyd Co. TULELAKE REFRIGERATORS RANGES ' WASHERS Our used equipment is all rebuilt and guaranteed. For a better buy that will protect you. See this large assortment of re built appliances at . . . Merit's Bargain Barn 631 Commercial St. Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . . Your Choice Only SI EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 30 GALLON Uble top water tank. Practically new. $83. Call 2-1746 after p.m. ELECTRIC Singer Sewing Machine. Console model. Very good condition. $65. Will accept treadle machine on trade. Call 2-1746 after 8 p.m. FOR SALE, chrome breakfast set $30. Phone 4431 nr call at 3351 White. FOR SALE, rebuilt washing machines, guaranteed. May tags. Bendlx. Easy. General Electric and many other makes We have a washer priced for any purse. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN, B31 Com mercial St. TO KEEP OUT OF MISCHIEF, get after those little building and repair jobs around the house. Basin Building Materials Inc. has all the materials you need plus-FREE advice to turn out a professional looking lob. 4784 South aixm, pnone a-a.HM. FOR SALE. 10 foot meat rase. Coca Cola .case, freezer, cash register, large wood heater, four show cases, bed spring and mattress, 13 gal, electric hot water heater, groceries at twenty per cent off. On furniture and fixture, anv reasonable offer will be accepted. Frank J. Moon, Weyerhaeuser Camp 4, Keno Oregon. .1000 GALLON U inch under ground gasoline tank for sale. Phone 8176. . LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remova large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 428B REX-AIRE vacuum cleaner. $3.50 down. $3 per month. Phone B200. . CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Knnne ami, CRUSHED rock and driveway clndera. Phone 2-1167 GLKCTROLUX CLEANER and poltshtr and supplies. Phona 7167 Tarkel Tweet, 931 Market MONUMENTS Deliveries and Instal lattons can be made by May 30th If or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument Company, 923 High, phone 93.13. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chair, ftlea, for tale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY B2ft Main Phone 741 9 DRIVEWAY M ATE R I AL. Phone 2 16fl . DRIVEWAY MAfTRiA"LSTTPhon Joe Bart, 9753. SALE i vV PHONE 7-2072 AUTOMOTIVE BEST VALUES! USED- - TRUCKS -CARS , GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corpi YOUR GMC DEALER 77 a 7th Phona mi For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade pSOL 8tt VM gmc one-ton Pickup. MUST SELL my 1941 Dodge four d"Hor! radio, heater, defroster. windshield washers. New baked-on enamel paint Job. $323. Phone 4149 between 8 and 5. ask for Wall. FOR SALE, 1947 Ford club coupe. In- E nauMura ruei io. rnonc 45tl FOR SALE. '30 Ford custom DeLuxe A-l condition. Priced to sell. See at 500 Jefferson or Phone 2-1835. J 941FORD ia ton pickup. 9 13 Rose. FOR SALE. 1949 Pontiac convertible" Maroon color. Radio, heater and other FOR SALE, 1930 Chevrolet ton pick up with 4 speed transmission. A-l con- riitlnn 3a Trt-tn tnn t uCnV '" w pnne 'u cri f 1 lUllftb IiaiDCa PICKUP. $300. Terms to suit. 3609 Summer Lane. FOR SALE 1947 Studebaker pickup" ..... iimaai.. vanun.t. -none 0.1. w. 38 FORD COUPE, good tires, heater", radio. 100 Phone 8321. '36 Cheverolet sedan new battery. ucrnse, aniwreeze, neater, 73. Phone 2-0062. 19:t3 FORD tudor, exceltent condition $2.10. 235 .North Fourth after 5:30 Phone 3366. FOR SALE, 1940 Ford coupe. Radio. iicKicr, uvt-rariVB- UOOO Condition Phone 8694. DODGE I'a truck, all metal van body dual wheels, 4 new tires, new battery and venerator, rebuilt motor. Sll rM. sonable, or make . offer or swap for noun pic-Kup. tan ai me vv uiiamson Hiver store. . . WHV WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 E Main. Phone 3379. "Wa will sell your car ior vou." we ouy and trade' BUS SARGANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets fnone ows trVta, NEED CARS! Get top pric nowi Rose Motor Co flth and Plum. $1300 equity In '31 Two-Dr. Ford De luxe. Trade for '30 h Ton Pickup, Phone 2-3233. 1947 MERCURY sedan A-l shane. Ra dio, heater, overdrive. $950. Phone 600x18 RECAPS $3.93 EACH EXCHANGE We hnr used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld ers. 3391 So. flth, Phona 4319. ss AUTOMOTIVI LOOK! : If you need tranaportatlon In the low priced field Don't paaa up this opportunity Never before have we offered good transportation at luch LOW PRICES SPECIAL THIS WEEK & 1946 HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN Good rubber, clean, good body, runs 100 CpO IO- OLDS '66' COUPE Heater, standard transmission, good body and needs some work. You can alford to repair motor at thla price PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN " Runs good and looks good BUICK LIMITED Motor A-l. Good tires and a good body OLDS SEDAN Radio, heater. A good looking '40 model car. Runs good BUICK SPECIAL 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, good tires, motor runs A-l . . OLDS 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater. Body In very good shape, motor in good mechanical condition .'. PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, exceptionally good condition and very clean HUDSON 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Exceptionally clean. Recently overhauled CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Very clean, runs good and good tires ' '. DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Runs and looks good License to Feb., 1953 DODGE 2-DOOR SEDAN Good body, motor and tires. License to Jan.. 1953 . .. CHRYSLER SEDAN A good family car PACKARD '6' 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Runs like a new one. Good bodv 4 PLYMOUTH COUPE Radio, heater,- runs very good. A lot of miles left at no cost , 1941 1939 1940 1940 1940 1937 1940 1941 1939 1938 1942 1940 1937 1941 t? ir SPECIAL & 194rrADir.T.Ar. Radio, heater, new seat covers, motor In good shape. Body (tCQC good. Buy the best used car at CpOO. DON'T PASS UP.TH IS CLEARANCE SALE " BANK TERMS REGISTER AT THE COURT HOUSE, BY APRIL 15th, TO VOTE Salesmen: Steve Walker, Harvey Wyatt, residence phone 3454 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath A- I960 DODGE 54 TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission, sun visor, sportlite, dual swipes, low mileage 1950 FORD V-8 '.i TON PICKUP Heater, overdrive, low mileage, like new. 1949 FORD V-8 i TON PICKUP Heater, large grille guard, fine condition. 1949 FORD V-8 i TON PICKUP Heater, 4-speed transmission. . . 1948 FORD "6" 'i TON PICKUP Heater, sportlite, 4-speed transmission. . 1946 FORD "6" H TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission ...... 1941 FORD V-8 M TON PICKUP 4-speed trans., late model motor, heavy duty clutch. . 1940 FORD V-8 ?4 TON PICKUP Heater. REGISTER TO VOTE NOW.; 25 OTHER CARS PICKUPS PRICED FROM $25 UP! '. For On-The-Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER ' Home Phone 42G2 or LLOYD CHIDESTER ' ; j ; Home Phone 6432 Sundays and Evenings . ' ' BALSISER'S S? LOT 2152 South 6th St. - BARGAINS Are not determined by price alone but by price and value. We invite you to compare prices and then take 1 one of our guaranteed used cars on a 2-day FREE. ( DRIVING TRIAL. The combination of price and guaran- j! tee makes a DUGAN & MEST DEAL the BEST DEAL' ;' IN TOWN! 1947 Ford $ 797 1949 Olds $1497 1946 Dodge $ 897 1949 Plymouth ........ $1347 YOUR CHOICE $47.00 ii! 1937 Plymouth 1937 Chrysler . 1936 Pontiac - ' 1937 Buick i ' REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see ' : : DUGAN & MEST;! DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE VJob Rated" TRUCKS : 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 1949 STUDEBAKER dump truck. 3 speed. Good A. 23-20 tires. Excellent con dition throughout. Will ronsider pickup in trade. See at Rlchflald Servlca Sta tion. Tulelaka, Phona 7-221, tire. Motor $249: $225! $270 $275? $275: $249 $300: $275 $235! $235 S350 $295 $145 : $185 sl-DR SRnAN ' resident phone 6702 Phone 4103 USED PICKUPS 1495 $1395 1295 1295 1195 795 495 475 Phone 4354 1950 Ford :.. 1949 Ford 1947 DeSoto . 1949 Dodge .... $1647 .... $1367 :....$;647 1931 Hudson Hornet four door, ewer drive, heater radio and teat eovera, other extras. WOO. vrrild eonifrt llfhier car on tradt, Phona 3-1 after 4 p.m. - '