PAGE NTNf MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1PH2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 5 '.3 CLASSIFIED RATES On, da; per word 4 !Thrr, Days per word lie ; Wfek nip ..,-..-..-.- pur word 30tt Moiilli run per word 0&u MINIMUM Tlis minimum churns lor any one d la 60c. DOX NUMI1EIU) Antwori to ads niny be hnnillrd ' UiroiiKh box numbiTB nl the pupcr for a service chary, ( Hjv. DLAULINE3 Glaulllsd eua aucepieu up to J.50 p.m. (or following day'i publication , C'laulflrd display ads accepted up to I'J noon for following dayi pub lication. ' ADJUSTMENTS Please mat all uiaiuui Ur adjust menu wlUiuut delay. Correction! or cancellation! re- calved by 6:30 p.m. will be made In following dav'i publication C FUNERAL HOMIS WXirij'(t"klntiiri'it,rrr' Jlmiie. H's't Hlrffl. I'lmnr XUs. 1 MEETING NOTICES I00F NO. 137 Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. Jfrnltl.h HM rtodle. will hold a .l.l.d m.tlMa. Monday nlaht Marrh 17 will ha """"llinMAN filBVOI.D 4 GENERAL NOTICES BIO Y" BARHEK Bit OP OPEN Under New Management HOURS ' 8:00 A.M.JTI1.L 7:00 P.M. MtiT b'AN'Or. Mtmit rir n - amni Call Moi.n WW or McDonald, dill. Plavad rlshi. prlcrd rlihl. and fua,an(ail CERIONALS wgATrwnrrrM , FRATlJX Oiailiranphant alilY .OsT ftiulCK-SwansonYUt.uly Shop. Phona 7111. WAWCTVlliima Trodurla. Phona HT 10 SERVICES MOVING?... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bf kin's Moving and Slorag Peoples Warehouse Since 1918" NOTICE LANDSCAPINC. TBKE PRUNING SPRAYING by Franc's "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon lt us work with you NOW on your IniHl.tcnpe nrels. KOHKHUHHKS NOW IN STOCK Piiiucntcd and No. 1's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3AM So. 61 h Phone 8 1 Ml CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU what you flon t want, someone rise needsl Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This ts the kind of service we are offering , . . why not take advanu ate of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 25S East Main In Klnm- atn rails ana get acquainted or Phone 5670 A EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldoser rill Dirt TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERV1CK GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 8541 or 9110 SEPTIC TANKS Ct.KANKD. TANKS, drain flvlda lnlallad -ranalr. ad. Yaara of expcrlcnca. All work Suaranlead. ;, Phona S7ll nKFRKIKRATION SltrtVICK Now u tha lima lo maka nrrr.aarv 're. Dlln.and adjit.tmant. to your refril- aralor hrfore hot wralhrr Iwflna. It Ward's Sarvlra Department handle your particular need.. Complete modern tip in date refrlieratlon .ervlre with qual. Ily workmanahlp siiaranteed. MONTGOMEIIY WARDS Ath and Ploa Phone .11 R8 KlinwCAIIDS and alani. Call SI34. TniPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone soto. & I ALTEnAT ' Ik Jennie Hi .r jT. nn. Uj' C'ARPRNi ALTEnATTfiNS Alt work maraoteed" Hare, Aniua, 707 Main. Phone RPKNTPin work. Rtmi(ii' and row con t met Ion. Phone 2-0fll7. IXtCTRICAL enniractinit. Work Ji'llrrri, PHont 2-1010 SFPTIC TANKS guar PuninerJ. ronrret tank anrl drain field inaiaiitd. orvina muifrava. nhnnt ft070. !Aft4f fNO v and paperhangl n g. Phoi ma 7UIT. HUPPS AUTO painting, body and ffn cier work Pnone oo Ct'RTAINS Phone 41114 Iaund4"d and stretched rtlLLKR nrunheii. Phone 11(104 or (1(177. TU. DEAN Public Accountant anri Auditor Offtra at not, No. 7th. - Phone 0.140 POB TRKB TKIMMINQ Phoni a-nniis Legal Notice NOTICE Or IIEAMNO ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HFMETW OIVEN that 1 hnvtj filed my Final Account, It e nor I nf Executrix, and Pet It Inn for Dlrtttl- hutlon In Iho tun Iter of the entale of iviKL.vm u. iir-iNM r, aereaiirn. nnn the Circuit Court hno let Tiieidwy. the J.Mh day of Anrl . lu.12. the hour of ten o'clock A.M. In the Circuit Court ftoom of the Kin ninth County Court limine. Klamnth KnlK Oreflnn. an the time and plnce for hearing of excep tiona to said rlnnl Account, If any there be. MAni.E B. HENRY, Excru- trlx of the Fulfils of MEI, VIN n, irKNHY, Peceased. Edwin f. nniscoix Pine Tree ntilldlng Klnmath Fnlln, Oregon I Attorney for Entnte. M 17-24-nt-A 7-14. NoDlfi. IT HELPS YOU in so many ways when you learn the trick of bene' Siting by Herald b News Clawified Rds. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work find recovering lost Articles, Phone 1111. to JiRVICI Heavy Hauling ANYWIIKIIE, I'Oll HIRE lloiitut Ilolca WHiflits Hcrvlce Imiirnl ANDER8EN FHKIOHT LINE 2B0J Boutll Hlxlll I'll. U1M0 or a-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Metlfoda Alan ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clcuiu bewrr Unrs of HooLa, fcta. j ru r. stt.iw MM Orchard , Phone M1 12 EDUCATIONAL HcjuKkV:KPlNO. anorihand Irwlni TTrT. died suhj.rte, ofira machines. KI.AMATH BUhlNmS VOLLKUt tin IMna Phone 47W, 13 HEALTH Hi sL AST l iiTlT r vrrn for men and winner,, spot r.muins Phona n"n:i. 14 HIP WANTID, JFIMALI YArktXk.toCt,ii 7-herHei , lill'i lima Nuv MM), od t'lemierii. III WAN'IKI) rellahla man 2ft to ill ysars, for aiiimittlice wfn. rroiBrrsnHy si oiua Aid training. IMKllUi , iTMfK.rTllAN TUU nillirJh TUB oiipuitunHy lo maka 7.W tns il vrr aim up io m""w j""" tl Many men with exceptional selling ailti til v iH-ver aet a inniitv. " st..a Linjt a nuixirliinllv for man . hi... i A.alliitBi ex nor lent O innteiiane srndufis ai n. et 'i different from other inain- -.....".----a, tenanre tnatanals mat our men no t'iiiiipn(Huii. wen .oi " No MiMlmei II y" are twlween .TO nd inJ. have a rr and rn ttarl Irninefiialely, write ioioruii iinmi'i At (hrmlt-al Com puny. National liroaa- IMigt lliilltlliig, Lirvoiiiiu . FmK or fir gtiier. btrady work. (ive detail of ruperienre. Wllla I O. BOX VM. Mrdford. ()reain btPENDAIlLC woman for child care. lUy in my horn, roona rintiortR and nunnny. , 16 HELP WANTED, MALI HAKFMH . KniMTlenced men In new imiiterti whole!, bakery at CUgena. Ari.lre.t. I(D kl to UaviUMin I1S.KIHB i-o Hot. 41A7. I'orllanii H. Orvg'ln. givlttg ge. esiperlenre arid family "talus. VVANTKO combination all around ranch marhanic anil weioer. nieaoy j"o ' ober and energetic man, single only. Mux 3.V Herald and New. w a 1 yuMAN.Kirninfi lo start. ailDrox. Si7.1. oer month, upporiurmy w vam-e, Age IH to W, fcApply Standard HUIK Kim. lite, 2nd and Main or upian rid flprlng 17 HELP WANTED rin m" V a MiTTY'W ikTnV "route now avail stile. If you want your own huilne wilh belter than average Income, wrlle for Inrntmallon lu Ihr J. It Watklm to . IM Dexler. Realtlo 9. Waalilng. Ion - 1 8 SITU AT IONS WANTED V vlTsrn ifNir fi teenaacr deilrvi baliv Billing or mothers helper evenings alter 4 30, Saturdays or bundays. Phona 2 2i WO, - EXPERIENCED mlrt'dT"aged single inait winU work ti f-horanian. Surge or 1.117 AjtarnsMI Apt. ( car anytime" dairy farm Del. a vat milkers, a, Klamath falls I'Twna'aoia aft"- rnooni CMILIi CARE. 253 East Main. 7 43 lo S .to days phone .V)70. evesa-ana COLORED girl Wanu"hour work. Call umin. WII.U care for children in my home oat a or your home evenings. Call IIHlMMi. home cleaning. I'ho 22 ROOMS 0RRENT HOOMti 5 Week. 02a Jefleraon WARM HOOMJI. gentlemen only, twin lrU. balh. Garage avauaoie. rnone ViO-l. liODMS. board, gentlemen. 1007 Cres cent. ll6oTgentfenBri. I.VW trescenf I.ICHT li(turkeeninsT. f.vervihlnf nlshed. Kuitatile tobcr bachelor or cou ple, ion North liroaa ROOMS for rent. Private entrance, C'loe lnPhone4444. ROOMS, prices reason eblY" II hi IUt'1 LoVEI-Vnrooma for rent gU Cio'i in. rnone FRONT room for rent Greer Apart menu. 7)0 Main. - 'ROOMS OM High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT roil RENT luriiuhed apartment Phone 7017 or apply Apt- T Jo sonja inn, wei Kiamaio. MJH RENT -3 room furnished apart ment. 3.m Broad. APARTMENT furnlihetT l.arge two room and bath. Clean, comfortable, lorirle heat Private entrance, charm- log fireplace. 1104 Crescent. Phona 2 0070. VACANCY Roosevelt apartments. Four room furnished Shown by appointment only. Phone BUM. .. H'RNISHEH apartment Cloe In on U! h. Ctillllee furnuhed. 43. Inquire 823 No Jt h or phone343. FOR RENT, two room furnished apart ment, electric stove and refrigerator: Natural hot water heat. Lincoln Apia. .Tin KMain , EOit RENT, three room furnished apartment Adults only. 3137 Orchard. Inquire 20.T7 nadcllffe. 'PAirriV furnimherf two bedroom aosrt- menl on Itomedale Road. Phona flt7. LA RtiE "attractive three room furnished apartment. Close In. Phone BH42. PuRNISliEn two room apartment, b h Rulecorated. JW-lVn. Phone 2 -3.VI7. TWO bedroom. tinfurnlFed auartment In duplex. Adults. 434 North SUi FOR RENT, to reliable party with no pets. Newiy orcnraieo inree room apartment. 4's blocks from Main. M7 North 4i rv FURNISHED apartment, private bath and entrance. Heal furnUhed. Adults. Phone 2-2770. 1421 Esplanade. UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. Acrons from the Academy FOR RENT, three room furnlshea apartment. Centrally located. 121 South ano. NEWLY drcorated apartment. Greer Apts. 710 Maln1 UNKUrtNlSHED. " basement aDSrtment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. 933. Refrig erator and electric range available 2012 Main or phone 3410 after ft p.m. STEAM "ilEAfEli apartment with bed room. fi2B Oak St. FURNISHED apartment for rent. Apnrtmrnt 1, 200 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 2061 OiNE bedroom unfurnished apartment (as equipped, uan 2-obii. THlTitE room furnished apartment and bath. AdulU only. Phone 9472; 8il Wal nut. NEWLY decorated, private bath., kit chcneite. Steam heat, electric rang $10 week Rex Arms Apartment. FDnNISliED three mom apartment $r2 no; two room unit $33; all utilities Included. 411 N. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT :f ROOM furnished house. Couple only. Phone 4;.f)4.j FURNlSHkn three Iwdroom Duplex nenr High School. Phone .'12:IX 'I WO hedrootn unfurnished homo. Phone 7A32. modern UNFURNISHED duplex, sloven Inchid cd. Cnnbe seen at 2.132 Shasta Way. 1 HRMs room nitraitiveiy fur (sued. Cutest cottage In Klamath Falls for this prlcf. 34.V Adults. Phone 4.iftfl. UNFURNISHED house for renl. 4(100 So. (Rh FOR RENT, one bedroom" lurniiheH houe. 21H Washington. UNFURNISHED house, three rooms nnd ha th. per month. No peta. Seeowner nt 14ft East Main. FIVE HOOM furnished house for rent. ntso two 2-ronm furnished cabins, Phona 1I7P4 six to eight p.m. Uiil'LKX lor renl. Phone J027 before 0. p.m. FOR RENT, two bedroom unfurnished house. Also email cabins, inaulra 010 High ;. . 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Fon RENT, by night, day or month, Inrae hiilldlnfl next to Little Sweden an South Sixth, for dances, parties, sales, shows, Has electric heat, nice dance floor, atnge ' and piano, Also banquet tnhlea nvnllnhle and elant' or ten Bed- ustnls for Lodge! use. South Sixth Com munit.vHn1l. I'hone flUOII. OFFICE l6r"fcnt. 2J Main. Phona 7IAI. 2S MI5C1LLANIOUS COR RENT WWW IJEEIIIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save '.4 New Truck! For Long Trips Pickups fltakrj Vans REACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone MM AMKIUI.'Xh floor sVnrlars Jtnlt eilarri"." win and aay lo fipirate Ilrur-e flour finish, illl.f.. waxrl and varnl.h klamath VAixrv liimbcr 1(140 Ho. Klxlh Phona 4MS Jon" nt!N'r; Tui.lake hma.l..rt lor ntitsfnee. Good cellar. I'hone Tiiltleka 7-IOfl!i, PAHTiinK foV"ifio"io'iy.,i'"iii oViniiT have lull eras and 70 arri-s Irrla.t.ri infiilow. Old rnilnoi nanrn si narpo Dam on Lo.t nivar. Phone 2179 Uon- enra. 30 REAL ESTATE P0R SALE HOT, SPRINGS l.nrgf seven room home, two blocks to llooscvolt Bcliool. 8mclous liv ing room with (Irrplscc, two lull bnlhs, convenient kitchen, concrete bnseinent, Inrne liiiinrli'V room, Automntlc sir conditioning type furnace. Excellent condition Inside nnd out. I'rlced for quick sale. $10,000 terms. CLOSE IN ldesl for s large family. This home features 14x30 living room with beam ceilings and massive alone fireplace. 14x14 dining room, mree large bedrooms all with walk-in closets. Two full baths, full con crete bafemenl, double garage. 116,000 terms. Suburban Ranch Style located In one of the finest subur ban arcaa close to the Peterson School. Klve large sunny rooms with plenty of closets and storage space, well planned kitchen and utility, beautiful bath with tub and stall shower. Large well landscaped lot. Do not miss this one. 112,000 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-05271 AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE Phone 3211 617 Miiln INVESTMENT Two amall houwa on nice lot In Mills Addition. Rented at $60 monthly. Only $2500. Everett Dennis, 'Realtor Don KirkPatrick, Salesman Evenings Phone 976 121 No. 8th Phone 8491 MALIN FARM 100 serfs IrriRnted. Malln Irriga tion district. This Is one of the top fnrms In this district. Now In clover, slfnlfft, potatoes and pas ture. Located on paved road. Very nice home, potato cellar, machine shed, chicken, calf sheds, family orchard. This ranch. Is srll- iiw for only '157,500. If you have been wanting a Rood Malln larm here Is your chance. HENLEY FARM 105 acres Irritated. About 8 miles out on paved road. 12 acres In clover, 5 acres alfalfa, balance In train last year. 8 room modern home. 27,000 sack potato cellar. This Is money maker selling for 157.750. only $17,000 down, balance 20 years. Do not miss this oppor tunity. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) . JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main - Phone 3211 Roosevelt School District Attractive two bedroom home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, dlnlnft room, finished basement, Unlit and cheerful. , Fenced rear ynrd, auto matic heat to all rooms, 10 old. Walking distance to $12,500 terms. years town. MILLS Two bedroom home. Looks like new, A-l construction. Every room clean and delightful. Beautiful yard. Only $9250 terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hoslcy Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 S. 9th Phone 7266 LVJUiTY in one bedroom moaern house located In Pelican City. Easy pay ments. Call B033. 3 KUUM moaern huue one bed room, 2 -room house, acreage, fruit trees double garnge, 2 large chicken houses. All fenced quick sale, $3,IHH casn. um Kane St. Near school, bus line. Will trade for Brookings Im provert property. Phone 6337. FOR SALE or traue, new two bed room suburban home. Extra Inrge bed room, hardwood Doors and electric heal. Sacrifice for $7300. Or take late model car and approximately' $1,130. for equity. Inqqulre at 1330 Worden or cnll 2-3237 alter 3 p.m. FOR SALE rive room house, corner lot. Partly furnished. Garage, hot and cold water, 40 acre timber land. "Cheap." See Jack Porterfield, Kcuo. Oregon. ..... . FURNISHED four room home" on two acres. Chicken house, cooler. Near but. S0O00. 4407 Bartlett Avenue. FOR SALE, Main. acre land. 237 East FOR SALE, two bedroom completely furnished house, Price 99800. 3207 Shas ta Way. FOR SALE, cottage, completely and ar tistically furnished. Living room, din ette, one bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. all in A-l shape, uoo underprlced. Sell for 2flI.O, Phone 4336. . LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THIS FIRM FOR ACTION. EVERETT UGNIN1S .REALTOR Phone Mill tai No. nth j Arnr o a wru Alt Irrigated, good land, 8 acres old alfalfa, B acrei new pasture. Bal, frf need pastures. Two bedroom home. uood nay barn. Eiftni stancnion con crete floored stable. Henhouse, hog hount. miriiga, Dreu well. Pnvcd fond. Henley School. $1 1 ,300. .Suitable home trade accepted. Comer Jones, Realtor. Ill S. 4th. Tel, 7397, 30 RIAL (STATE 'OR SAL! $4500 AND WORTH IT! A natural for Car-Ad-Co em ployes.' 3 bedroom, Karaite, ex tra well drained lot with lots nf shade trees. Men this Chclu:a Addition bargain today I $0250 SUBURBAN Kxtra dollars urow'rapidlv on Hits half acre. Good chicken house, fertile garden, and all fenced for security. All this and a modern 2 bedroom home built for comfortable living. Ask lo ace It. $8500 IN MILLS A neighborhood that adds to the Joy of home ownership and n home that makes you want lu live there. Neat as a pin. two bedrooms and electric heal In every room. Atlachcd Karaite v.Hh concroto drive. I'hone us now to see It. $9500 R0SEWAY DRIVE A nulet fectlon of prosperous homo owners. Immaculate two bedroom home, tllo bath, and full biiHcment. Beautiful land scaped yard with fruit trees and llowcrs gslore. We It to day. $10,000 FAIRVIEW A hill-top home with s panor amir View nf the tOWn. C'ORI plelcly rebuilt with modern brick trimmed entrance. Two lovelv bedrooms, cute dinette, klchen and large playroom. Don't wait to no this one. "PAT" HOWES ' JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-35456446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher eoiO Hap" Davison 3871 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 ONLY $5000 For this attractive, well built 2 v.A,-n,.,n hnm, tuftt off Shasta Way. It's ft real bargain, concrete foundation, attached garage, iuuy Insulated, 60x210 ft. lot. rich Aiindy tna,n .nil irrlented. eood slone for drainage, lawn, large shade trees, etc. $1,000 wown niA terms. Eldorado Boulevard Beautiful S bedroom home, on the sunny side of the street. Large back yard patio, outdoor fireplace, sprinkler system, beautiful yard as flat as a table. Only 1 block from school, this will appeal to anyone who needs a comfortable, roomy. hah, hnwnm'all r.rivtllllf In living room and dining room. f ireplace, large Kitcncn, i t Dams, smnl. .Inr.o anrl .InvF, hat,.. ment. Only $18300, terms of course. unown oniy oy. appointment. Suburban-3 Bedroom This home has charm, distinction and durability. Attractive living room with fireplace, IS baths, din ing room, modern kitchen, double garage. On paved street, conven ient to bus and shopping district. Price $13,900. MILLS ADDITION See this quality 2 bedroom home located on one of the best streets In this desirable district. Deep pile wall-to-wall carpeting. In living room and hall. Storm windows lor economical heating, detached ga rage and workshop, beautifully landscaped lot completely enclosed for the children. Newly redecorated ready to move Into. Will carry any type loan. Price $10,000. Open Evening by Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 8703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH - REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 8th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 3 BEDROOM HOME Close in, good location. Wall to wall carpeting and fireplace In liv ing room. Hot water heat. Rental property In back of lot. The sav ings on fuel and rental will go a long ways In paying for this good home. $11,500. See or Call JAMES HESELTINE, 5669 Salesman with M. L.' JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 ' FOR SALE New business building 20x30 ft., on corner lot. East Main with 3 bed room living quarters attached. Fenced back yard. Oarage. Phone 9881 TULELAKE 50 acres! all tinder Irrigation, most ly In alfalfa. Nice modem home with outbuildings. Price $25,000. Good terms. t Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 9832 or 5045 FOR SALE, two bedroom home, large living and dining room, oak floors. (Ire. place, kitchen and dinette, nervlce porch and large garage. 2413 .Wlard. Phone 11(1117. ' TWO bedroom home for lale by owner. .Mt Frieda. i K)H SALK nice level lot U corner Addlnon and Lakevtew. Accept reaion ahle oiler. Doris While, P.O. Box 1&I3, Fresno. Calif. NEW HOMES (or sale. William Powell, fhone saw. Foil SALE, 200 acres, north unit pro Jecl, Madras, Oregon, 4 miles from lown. Electricity, drilled well, 118.1X10 terms. O. R. Belmler, Drawer E, Red mond, Oregon. 30 REAL ESTATI FOR SALI 360 ACRES 105 acres under Irrigation, leveled, 155 acres with a little leveling, can be Irrigated, balance hill pas ture. Home with electricity, school bus service. Sacrifice price 121.000. Newhouse Real Estate 2000 So. Sixth Ph. 6371-9832-2-3:187 FARM 71 acres. 51 acres under flood Ir rigation, balance partly sub-Irrigated. 27 acres of alfalfa. 30 acres of pasture, fenced for cattle. Fair house, several outbuljlingi. Price only 112,500. Terms. JACK C. MACE HEAL ESTATE Tulclnke Ph. 7-1011 Evening ph. 7-0&G5 1 ACRE Oood level land plus newer 2 bed room home In Summers Lnne dis trict. This Is a home you'll ei'loy bringing your fiicnrls lo with lots of room for a garden, to raise a calf or the kids to play cowboy and Indians, large garage with con crete floor, frost proof room. House is In excellent condition and on concrete foundation. All rooms are large and nicely decoratc.1. $7500. Terms. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0183 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 S. 9th. Phone 7266 SUBURBAN Well built three bedroom home on pavement. Nice bath, kitchen and tcrvice porch, garage and ou buildings. Beautiful yard, S acre with berries and garden spot. $7250. HOMES IN TOWN NORTHSIDE Two bodroom home with GOOD furniture. $5000. CLOSE IV N eat one bedroom home. $2850. HOT SPRINGS Well kept two bed room home, fireplace, hardwood floors, good basement. $8750. Income Property THREE APARTMENTS W e 11 lo cated, bringing In excellent Income. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Phones 2-3471-48804734 CATTLE-GRAIN ' - TIMBER' " $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov t, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific LanJs 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. 32 BUILDING fc REMODELING WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF ECONOMY PRICED DIMENSION and BOARDS NO LOWER PRICE IN TOWN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! SPECIAL LOT-PRICE ON CARRIER LOADS Economy Better 2"x4" 8 ft 24c ea. 43c ca. 2"x4" 10 ft 30c ca. 53c ea. 2"x4" 12 It 36c ea. 64c ea. OTHER PRICES COMPARABLE LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY Main end Spring Phone 3144 SIDING. Johns Manville. Pabco. Aver age home only $550. Kuhlman Insula tion. Phone 44K& or 2-244X 1 BERG LASS Insulate now! Save :tO per cent on fuel. As low as $5 month. Kuhlman Insulation. Phone 4468 or 2-2443. 30 gallon table top water tank. Praclt rally new S3.V Call 2-174flatrr fl p.m. STORM SASH and screen combination. Self storing aluminum. Save up to 40 H5r cent on fuel. As low as $3 month. Kuhlman Insulation. Phone 4468 or 2.244.1. KEEP WARM wintertime and COOL summertime. For rock wool or fibre ftlass insulation see Ba.oin Building Ma terials, Inc. In easy-tp-in&tall batts. pa per enclosed both sides. .07c per foot. 47f14 South Sixth, phone 2-2553. IViATiUMVt. piine-woud. ' in. thickness 10 cents square foot. 3x4 s. 4x4's, 4x6's, 4x8's sir.p. KLAMATH VALLEY H'MRER lf40 So. Sixth Phone 4B16 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING. OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Svstem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Ouaranlec Of Hen line Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER ''Fuels that Stitisfy-Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Sprintr St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OIL Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal Peyton and Co. 634 -Market Phone 5149. DRY pine blocks tor saw. Open eve ninga and weekends. Metiers Bros. PKKSTOLOOS pickup or delivered, Citff Yadens Signal Servico. 3560 So 6th Phone 3fi,H or2-f,2fl0t S St H GREEN STAMPS given on heat Int oils. Phona 3t81 or 2-B260 for prompt delivery. CLIFF YADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE 2300 So 6th 38 BOATS PETSJPORTSJIOBBIES NEW .300 Savage, model 1)6. $To6. PhtXiS 8-OW17. ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES BOAT plywood, all sizes, marina glue, gIVHriird nrrnws, free boat plans. KI.AMATH VALLEY LUMHKR inio So Sixth J'hone 4B)g YiLNTINY; and flh'lngtear drop" trail er ft 1:15. 4720 Frieda. BOARDING KENNELS Dog hoarding by day. week or month Knnllary hennels. Well balanced dtet Clean Individual outdoor runs for each dog Doga nan tiled durtcg mating. Will pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Pnone 507ft Merrill Rd Rt 2. Rok 504 SHAfU A CASCADE KENNEL ANliERSOri Hoarding Kennels Phone V)47Vifi8 Delaware oft Homedala TllltEK rollle pup for tale. Three month old. gold and while. Litter reg I'tTed. Call rtorm. r SAVE t fiuy a Chris Craft Kit Host also Cruis er and Runabout.. Jnhnwn be-t Home motors Boata bought, sold and ex changed, floats for rent lo fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 021! front St. Phone S-.eVlil 42 LIVESTOCK 1 POULTRY AUCTION SALE 60 HEAD 'REGISTERED ANGUS 40 cows, with calves or close un 10 heifers breeding age 10 bulls including herd sires. This Is a dis persion of our entire registered Aberdeen - Angus Herd. 8MITH TARBOX. owners. REDMOND, OREGON MARCH 24, 1952 12:00 NOON Redmond t Auction Yards Ben Smith, Mgr. Frank Wink. Owner Auctioneer Send lor catalog. SI Williams Western Sale Management, Box 87, Hcrmi.ston, Oregon POULIKY WANTED Cash paid for tny amount. Top marttci prices it-r gooa quality. For quota rtnng PHONE 3857 EXAMATH POULTtty FARMS WA.i l LP Colored hcni. Phone 4301. FULL blooded Yorkshire boar. Phone 8-0348. KOR SALE, ten dairy heifers. Heavy springers. Jen Whttlatch, Longndae nam ii, oiiii.ina, urcgun. KOH SALE, HoUtem and Guernsey hei fen, tome heavy springers and some jut now calving. Ceo Lewis, 5348 Den ver Ave. Phone 2-1175. i UK SALE Hnad. Calves. IS22 Homedale ON HAND Cockerels heavy breed. $10 per hun dred. ORECON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6lh Phone 6003. RED .FRYERS and roasters for sale, freshly d rested ready for the pan. ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phone 8341 after 4 A KTIFICI A'. BRFKDING SERVICE Phnne 5721 M C (Chuck Warren Rt 2. Box 5?2. If no answer Phone 440V HIGHEST prices paid tor poultry, bogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET 1-skevtew Junction Phone 4Rn 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED DESIRE to rent two or three bedroom home. Prefer Altamont or other subur ban area. Phone 300.. COUPLE want to rent two bedroom houce. Modern and clean. Unfurnished. Prefer aood eiehborhood. Phne 2-2762. WANTED to lease, hay and grain land. Phone 3933. WANTED, by family of four, nicety furnished home. Clote to town. Refer ences. Call between 5:30 and 7, 8111, Ext. fi. A'E NEED CARS' Get top prlct now! Rne Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl? $100 $7.27 Ma Repay In . 18 Installments UP TO 300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS . rHE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location. Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ,'inancerl it bank rate ' -MONEY IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Bavsls See "Chuck" Bailey, Mgr. Hi N. 7th St. Phone 3325 S-341 M-275 Commercial Furnishes Cash? ' CASH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto Furnlturt Livestock Salary 150 to 500 Automobiles ' (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealtl Commercial Finance SPRINKLER IRRIGATION eliminates fS .' . costly levelling and checking, requires ( nDDnDAT MM ,es water, provides perfect distribution. VU'rr.AA I IIN- Write Box 49. Herald and New ior o u rn st free information , - COD U Connor, Jlgr. REX-AIRE vacuum cleaner. $35 Lie. S-251 down. S3 per month. Phone 9200. 107 No 9th Phona 7711 CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinder. Phom 5541 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'REFRIGERATOR for sale. Phone 2-1294 HaVK used car license and finest lo- $65 SUIT, size 37. 15. Phone 2-1745. cation in Klamath Falls, also have CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders, fimt clas repair shop. Need $2300 Phone 1-116? for used car purchases. Best Invest- g. rr-roriiiv -m r.Mrp'.nw;u.i..; ment larftst returns for your money. cJSurPhi?M-ATimiX Call Harold. 450 at Basin Auto Ser- "d piei Phona 7167 "rkaJ TwMt vice 2Q.13 So. 6. 921 Market I-OH SALE auto parts house. Will ell ,TpN Vl."'.aI,aIf' T Pnon for Inventory and loose property in- 7-iua- ' . ; v definitely. Good location. Good op- MONUMENTS Deliveries and lnstal- portunity for profit for right mart, latlons ran be made by May 30th If or"- Wrlte Box 61 Herald and News. . dered now. Clarence Ward,- Klamath FAWElTlieedT"small capital to con- J!0""1 romPony. M tinue farming. Good references and UAt''' . security. Write Herald News. Box 58. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type- FTXBLIlIrerrfrahised business J"""",' c"h,. ,Ch8lr Capital needed M.000 to 59,000. No sell- (Ue pit'J nri?rE SllPPLV ' log or traveling. Experience and age . fP!NEEB orFICB H7 vii not Important, Ideal for man and wiie. g2T1 Mal" pnone 7ia Box 30 Herald and News. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1684. SERVICE station for lease In down- HANDY WITH TOOLS? Basin Build town Alturas. Good business location. Ing Materials Inc. haa everything you Wonderful opportunity for right party, need In building-supplies. Whether you Write Ray Darnell. Box 390, Alturas, need lumber, trimmings, paint, pinker California; i fence, garage doors or Just advice, ; MODERN Dry-cleaning plnnt In North- "U8.u,iVhe P-.?0 Com 4704 S0Utb ! em California, Prosperous and stable Sixth. Phone a-25fl.i. . . i town. Nice volume with excellent net. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phona Joa I Phone 5563. Bart, 9755. AUTOMOTIVE. BARGAINS Arc not determined by price alone but by price and value. We invite you to compare prices and then taka one of our guaranteed used cars on a 2-day FREfl DRIVING TRIAL. The combination of price and guaran tee makes a DUGAN & MEST DEAL the BEST DEAL IN town: 1947 Ford $ 797 1949 Olds $1497 1946 Dodge $ 897 1949 Plymouth $1347 YOUR CHOICE $47.00 1937 Chrysler 1937 Buick . 1937 Plymouth 1936 Pontiac ' REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see ' DUGAN & MEST! DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTOR SPARE OR FULL TIME Large, well-establisned western distri butor will select a few reliable people with cars, to act as distributors of the high'" nrnf'uhfe vnr'd-famniis FRENCH BOY POPCORN Company executive will establish your account and aid you In getting started. No risk, no red tape. Possible to earn up to MOO month to start with future possibilities of 910.000 or more early. Requires SI00 cash which la secured by Not vending ma chines. For appointment with company executive, write or wire Herald News BOX No. !W. FOR LEASE, "97" Cale. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. - SERVICE station for lease In downtown Alturas. Good business location. Won derful opportunity for rlsht party. Write Ray Darnell, Box 396, Alturas. Calif ornia. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 . Ph. 7991 FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. Your Choice Only SI EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 6li s2l refrigerator.. Good condition, S2S. Phone 4208. FOR SALE Rug 9x12 Carvex Wilton. 2 shades. Medium green S60. Phone 2-2624. M GALLON table top water tank. Practically new. 85. Call 2-1748 after B p.m. rr.RCTRir -Qmr c.Mnn M..t,i.i Console model. Very good condition. $65. Will accept treadle machine on """t, s,au z-i io a ner o p.m. S1XGR drop head sewing machine. Fully guaranteed S9.95. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 633 Main Phone 2-2513 ELECER1C sewing machine, cabinet style. Guaranteed perfect sewing con diUon $29.50. SINGER. SEWING MACHINE CO. 633 MAIN Phone 2-2513 FOR SALE, chrome breakfast set $30. rnonejwi or call at White. FOR SALE. Gallon motor oatrol trad er. 12 foot blade. All hydraulic oper- Miru. cxcciittm conaiuon. oio. will trade for dairy or beef cattle or hogs. Rocking H Ranch, Poe Valley, Route 2. Box 790. Klamath Falls. STEP laddera and. extension ladders. All sires. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1940 So. Sixth Phone 81 FOR SALE, rebuilt washing machines. Guaranteed. May tea's. Bendlx. Easv. General Electric and many other makes we nave a wasner priced lor any purse. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN, 631 Com mercial St. TO KEEP OCT OF MISCHIEF, get after those little building and repair jobs around the house. Basin Building Materials Inc. has all the materials you need plus FREE advice to turn out a professional looking job.. 4784 South Sixth, phone 2-2363. FOR SALE, 10 foot meat case. Coca Cola case, freezer, cash register, large wood heater, four show cases, bed spring and mattress. 15 gal. electric hot water heater, groceries at twenty per cent off. On furniture and fixture, any reasonable offer will be accepted. Frank J. Moon. Weyerhaeuser Camp 4, Keno Oregon. ' 3000 GALLON U inch under ground gasoline tank for sale. Phone 8178. . . LANDSCAPING, evergreens, shrubs and trees. W trim, apray and remove large trees. , LAKESHORE GARDENS NUfcSERf pnone huho 1950 Ford $1647 1949 Ford $1367 1947 DcSoto :.. $1197 1949 Dodge $1647 SI MISCELLANEOUS FCX SALI REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Our used equipment Is all rebuilt and guaranteed. For better buy that will protect you. See this large assortment ot re built appliances at . . . . Merit's Bargain Barn "' 631 Commercial St. SEEDS ; ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY-WHEAT.' OATS - RYE - . PASTURE GRASS . & FERTILIZERS jfc . ' ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING .Sharp Grain - Company j.. PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON FOR SALE, rut 8x13 Carvex Wilton. 2 shades. Medium green. S80. . Phon. 2-2f. 55 AUTOMOTIVt BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED . AS REPRESENTED " VVesr-Hirchebek Corp.' YOUR CMC DEALER? 177 a 7th Phona Vni . For NEW or USED TRUCK Always See : '. "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES' llth and Klamath ?hone 2-2581 COMPLETE Radiator $ Service CLEANING f FLUSHING j, REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. . . Mala at Esplanad 1031 Hudson Hornet four door, over drive, heater radio and seat covers, other .extras. S25O0. Would consider lighter car oft trade. Phone 2-1 (kit after 4 p.m. FOR SALE 1947 Studebaker pic up. low milage, canopy. Phone 6337. -38 FORD COUPE, good tires, heater. radio.' $100 Phone 8923. ' '3tt Cheverolet sedan new batttjr.v. license, antl-freeze, heater, $79. Phona al-UUtKi. 1S35 FORli tudor. excellent ' condition. S250. r233 North Fourth after -3: JO. Phone .3366. m . FOR SALE,"i940" Ford '"'coupe. Radio, heater, overdrive.. Good condition. rnone stS4. DODGE l'V truck, all metal van body? dual wheels, 4 new tires, new battery and generator, rebuilt motor. Sell rea sonable, or make offer or iwap for good pickup. CaH at tha Williamson River Store. 1951 OLDSMOBILE "88". Extras, under celling. 746 California. Phona 2-1233." ..... . WH WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 E Main Phone 3570 "We will aelt your car for vou." W buy and trariat BUS 8ARGANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Straata Phone 8205 rVfc NEED CAfUii Ual top price OOWi Rose Motor Co 8th and Plum i $1300 equity in '51 Two-Dr. Ford f)t luxe. Trade for ,'00 Va Too PickniD. Phone -323j. ' m ' 1947 MERCURY sedan A-I Shape. Ra dio, heater, overdrive., iDJO. Phena 2-1051. KOR SALE" 1931 '.-ton G.M.C1. DlcMto. Private party. 8000 milts. $1495. Con sider trade In. Phona 241 Dorrts be tween fl and p.m. ' 1949 STUDEBAKER dump truck. 3 speed. Good 8.25-20 tires. Excellent con dition throughout. Will consider pickup In trade. Sea at Richfield Service Sta tion. Tulelake. Phone 7-2421. .'600x16 RECAPS SO.M EACH EXCHANGE Ws tuiv used tlraa. O.K. Ruhbtf Wl ars, 3301 So. flth. fhont 4310,