MONDAY, MAIK'II 17, 1062 HERALD AND NKVVS. KLAMATH BAI LS. OREGON PAGE SIX ..WAS and FINANCIAL Profit To king Cuts Groin Price C'HICAOO OPI Most grains eased on the board of trade Mon day, partly because ol profit-taking after the advance of the past few weeks, , , , , . . . . The market' opened on a buying burst with prices substantially high er, Follow through demand failed to develop and prices quickly eased. Feed grains, which have enjoyed the best advance in recent .nnniiniri1 the nut nroflt-Uktng. Feed grains, which have enjoyed the best advance in nccm encountered the mast profit-taking. Wheat was quite firm, particular )y the old crop deliveries, and soy beans showed flashes of strength. . Wheat closed Vt higher, Mar. M, corn lower to 1 Si high er, Maroh $1.84 U, oats 1 cent lower to higher, March I ;,, rye A lower to higher. May nm sovbens 'i lower to 1 'i higher, March $3.03, and lard a to . . k..HHil nraiiulE lnwer. ID (.cuts n llUIIUlcu (wuio Xfarr-h 1194 42. Open High Low Close Mar 2.56 $ 2.57 ii 2.55 4 -M la May 2.55 i 2.56 2.54 n.oo Jly 2.47 4 2.47 2.46 3 2.47 Ron 2 4A 'i 2.48 ' 2.48 Ta 2.48 "i Deo 2.52 2.52 2.51 U 2.51 , NEW YORK 011 The stock market gained a little strength Monday from a demand for se lected oil stocks but otherwise it was a pretty even mixture of gains and losses. ' Some of the leading oil issues were ahead around a point but for the most part prices were a frac tion either wav. There were a substantial num ber ot declines in tne list ana price changes either way were mostly in fractions. NVqlume for the session was around, 1,100,000 shares. Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Fress Admiral corporation Alliled Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel, American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co, Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electrio General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire jmestake Mining Co. Interna tioal Harvester " International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Lowe's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway 8tores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck It Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift It Company ' Tr&nsamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox , Union Oil Company Union Pacific -United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company , 27 71 8 49 i, 14 li 24 lt 154 , 57 & 47 4 77 4 49 4 48 14 '18 26 36 49 a, 43 14 71 !. 108 i S3 17 , 35 ' 8 H 59 85 ., 44 . 14 i 58 i 43 y4 S24 , 31 14 44 36 H 33 a 47 . 7 78 8i 21 17 hi 39 62 !4 20 V 19 82 is y4 35 3i 110 4 67 y 19 SOT, 26 59 41 '4 59 58 Va 31 52 4 53 38 67 53 78 Y, 35 10 31 26 18 V, 43 115 14 31 5 32 38 14 39 25 36 '42 Portland Grain PORTLAND Wl Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast del ivery Oats No. 2 - 38 lb white 68.00; Barley No. 2 - 45 lb B. W. 70.00. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast Soft White 2.63; Soft White (exclud ing Rex) 2.63; White club 2.53. Hard Red Winter Ordinary 2.83; 10 per cent 2.63; II per cent 2.53; 12 per cent 2.53. Hard White Baart Ordinary 2.53; 10 per cent 2.53; 11 per cent 2.53; 12 per cent 2.63. Today's car receipts Wheat in; uaney 11; nour u: Corn 9: Oats 6; Mill Feed 10. American and Canadian wildfowl biologsts found marked increases In 1951 in wildfowl in their summer breeding areas. Stops'Laxnlives regains youthful regularity "For thirty years,' I took so many khds of pills and laxatives to re lieve constipation. Since I started eating all-bran every day, those troubles are over," says busy Bethany, Mo woman. If you, too, suffer from irregularity due to lack of dietary bulk, try toasty all-bran. It's helped thousands to regain youthful regularity. Rich In Iron, high In cereal protein; provides essential B and D vita mins. Not habit-forming. It's the only type ready-to-eat cereaMhat supplies all the bulk you may need. Eat Vt cup every day; drink plenty, of liquids. If you're not completely satisfied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's. Battle Creek, Mich., and get BOOBLI YODR MONir BACK I I Weather Western Oregon cloudy Mon day Willi rain In afternoon in North western Oregon, spreading inland by evening aim nigiil; partial clear ing Tuesday with scattered show ers: little change in temperature with highs both days 45 to 55: lows Monday night 34 to 44; winds off coast southerly to southeasterly, 20 to 30 miles an hour' Monday. Winds will shift to Westerly Mon day night and diminish' . slowly Tuesday. Eastern Oregon partly cloudy Monday morning. Increasing cloud iness with occasional rain Monday ar,l Monday night: snow at higher elevations: showers Tuesday, most ly in mountains, high Monday 42 to 52 and about 6 degrees cooler Tuesday afternoon; lows Monday night 15 to 30: gusty and windy Monday night and Tuesday. Northern California fair Mon day except Increasing cloudiness in extreme north in afternoon,. wun rain from Eureka northward, spreading south to Paso Robles and Merced by Tuesday morning; slightly warmer Monday and Mon day night, cooler Tuesday. Snow in mountains; northwesterly to westerly winds of 15 to 25 miles an hour Monday, becoming westerly to southwesterly Monday night and Tuesday and Increasing. Grants Pass and Vicinity Cloudy Monday: rain in afternoon and at night; showers Tuesday: rather windv Monday and Monday night. High Monday 55: low Mon day night 38: high Tuesday ou. m hwhk i "U""" unity n i l 11111111 11 d' iiiiimitiniii-iiii 1 1 11 ,11, aVl DISTRICT COI'RT Lincoln C. Leltxlce. inadequate brakes Fine S10, suspended 15. Mervyn L. Evans, no PUC permit. Fine SIS. Jack U. Meigs, failure stop at stop sign. Fine $6. J. w. Scoff ins. no operator's license. Fine S6. Claude E. Chase, no operator's li cense. Fine S7..W William R. Ke.ves. Illegal possession liouor. Probation 5 months. Gary ft. Couture, illegal possession Uouor. Probation 5 months. Gary R. Couture, illegal possession liquor. Probation 5 months. Raymond J. Scott, selling liquor to minors. Probation S months. Buddy J. Quarry, petit larceny. Sen. tence 10 days, suspended. Robert J. Spencer, petit larceny. Sen tence 10 days, suspended. Harlin O. Green, Improper vehicle license. Fine S6. MUNICIPAL COURT Robert Watson, drunk. Fine S10O and 30 days, suspended. Rulus Shorty, drank. Fine 913 or days. Chester Kelucme: orunK. rine sis or 11, days. Pearl nay. drunk. Fine sis or i t days. Clifford a. -rnomas. disorderly- eon- duct. Forfeit ta ball. Sam Walters. disorderly conduct. Forfeit $2S bail. Charles W. Hum, drunk. Fine S33 or 12', days. Luster Xing, drunk. Fine SIS or Hi days. Henry Rhodes, drunk. Forfeit SIS ball Alfred C. Painter, disorderly conduct. Tine S3 or 13'i days. Jose Dial, drunk. Forfeit SIS balL BIRTHS BEEBE Born at Klamath Valley Hospital, March 15, 1053. to Mr. and Mrs. Vemon Beebe. 3522 Montelius St, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds 1 ounce. KESSLER Born at Klamath Valley Hospital, March 15, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Keasler, 833 Mitchell St.. a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 1H ounces. WHITE Bora at Klamath Valley Hospital. March 17. 1953. to Mr. and Mrs. Norman White. 3339 Darrow St., a girl. Weight: 7 pounds l1 ounces. ATWOOD Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. March 17, 1933. to Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Atwood, Oretech, Ore., a girL Weight: T pounds 3U ounces. Obituary MeWILLI AM S Marcine Lorraine Mc Will Jams, the In fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McWiUiami of Sprajfue River, Oregon, died March 16, 1052. Betides her par. ents the is survived by 2 sisters. Mar vel and Maureen and a brother, Murel of Sprague River, Oregon; grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Sprague River. Oregon and Mrs. Lora McWiUIams of Grants Fats, Oregon. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced by Ward's Klamath Funeral Home later. PATTERSON Lottie Patterson, 66, a native of Tult lalce, California and a lifelong resident of Klamath County, died here March 15, 1952. Survivors include: 5 daugh ters, Mrs. Magdelene Schonchin, Mrs. Wilms Parrish and Mrs. Doris Lugo of Sprague RJvr. Oregon. Mrs. Patricia McWlHiams of Hoopa, Califor nia and Mrs. Vera Walker of Chtlo quin, Oregon: also 17 grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced by Ward's Klamath Funeral Horn later, CURLING Blanche Mae Curling. 98, a native of Norfolk, Va., passed away in thit city March 16, 1352. Survivors include the husband. William E.. on Edward w and two daughters, Wilms Curling all r us, inn, jnargnrei w irK son of Norfolk, Va. Two brothers Fred Warker. Herbert Walker- nn ictr vv. Viriginia Curry, all of Norfolk, Va., also two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held from O'Hair's Memorial Chapel 6th and Pine, Wednesday, March 10 at a p.m. interment will be made in Klamath Memorial Park. Potato Shipments 50-51 51-52 March 14 ... 29 62 28 . 325 .,..10,415 11 11 0 274 7786 March 15 March 16 Month to date Season to date In very cold weather u. ! Atti. cult If not impossible to make a snowball. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE! NETTED GEM DROP SEED Grown in Poe Valley one year from certified founda tion stock '. . , en clean, disease-free ground. They ore not certified, but we believe they're the best commercial seed in the Klamath Basin. Priced at $4.00 per hundred in clean bags. While they last! Call 7914 or see Glen Kester at our cellar en Drum street in Malin. DAN LISKEY Rt. 2, Box 795 Klamath Falls ' ' Legal Notice Sl of Timber. Klamath Tndlan Res ervation, Sraled bids in duplicate, on forms provided therefore, marked out side, "Bid. Wildhorte No. 3A Logging "'Laftddreed to the Superintendent. KUnVjiflt Indian Agency, Klamath Agency, Oregon, wtU be received until 100. P.M., Pacific Standard Time, April 8, 1853 and will be considered the eouivalent of nrs! auction bldx and pilled for the information of alt bid ders. Oral auction bldn will be re ceived by the Superintendent. Klamath Indian Agency, beginning at 1:00 P.M.. Pacific Standard Time. April ft. mil. for the purchase of timber on the Wildhorre No. 2A Logging Unit. The oral auction bidding will be re trie led to thoe who have previously submitted an acceptable sealed bid in accordance with this notice. The unit includes ap proximately 7.600 acres of timber lands with a total estimated stand to be cut, which w 1 1 mate Ik not guaraiilred. of approximately 49.000,000 feet B.M, of pondeixw-a pint, feet B.M. of sugar pine, a possible small volume of DouglKi. fir, incense cedar, white fir and other species. Each bidder must state the price per thousand feet B.M. Scrlbner Decimal C Log Scale that will be paid for timber cut and scaled prior to any rrsdjuiiment of rate as speci fied in the contract. No bid will he considered for leu ' than W7.35 per thousand feet B.M, for ponderosa pine and sugar pine, $13.30 per thousand feet B.M for Douglas fir and Incense cedar, $3.65 per thousand feet B.M, for while fir, and 15 65 per thousand feet B.M. for other specie. A certified check for Sixty thousand dollars t$tiO. OOOi on a solvent bank, payable to the Treasurer of the United States, miwt accompany eartv sealed bid. Persons bidding for or on behalf of companies, corporation, or partnerships must at the time of bidding submit in writing conclusive evidence of their authority to do to. The deposits will be returned to the unuccestul bidden. The de posit of the successful bidder will be applied as part of the purchase price against timber cut on this unit only or retained as liquidated damages If the bidder shall not execute the contract and furnish satisfactory bond for Fifty thousand dollars itSO.OOOi within sixty day from acceptance of his bid. If an oral bid is declared to he high at the close of the auction, the bidder must immediately confirm the bid by submitting it in writing on an Indian Service bid form. The right to aive technical defects and to reject any and all bids is reserved. The contract will specify that all designated timber shall be cut and removed from the unit prior to April 1. 1956. Before bids are submitted full information concerning the timber, the conditions of tale, and the submission of bids, should be ob tained from the Superintendent. Klam ath Indian Agency. Klamath Agency, Oregon; the Area Director, Indian Service, Building 1. Swan Island. Port land 18. Oregon: or the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington 29, DC. Dated THIS 3th day of January 19M at Washington. D. C. Dale E. Doty, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. J-28 F-4-1 1-1 8-25 iI-3-10-17 No. 838 ADVERTISEMENT TOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received on or before 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 3. 1933 at the office of Howard R. Perrin Architect 1131 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon, for the erection of a six classroom addition to Sacred Heart Academy, Klamath Falls. Oregon. The structure will be two stories and have a total area of approximately 8600 square feet. The bids will be for the general work and will include ail of the mechanical items. As a condition precedent to receiv ing official Proposal Forma, the bidder Sust have qualified ten days prior to e opening of bidt. as prescribed by Chapter 333, Laws of Oregon. 1931. Plans and Specifications may be ob tained at the office of Howard B. Per rin Architect. H3I Main Street. Klam ath Fills. Oregon. A deposit of thirty five and no-100 35.00i will be required for Plans and Specifications. Deposits will be refunded to the bidders upon return of the Plans and Specifications. Plans and specification are on file at the Builders Exchange Coop. 317 Builders Exchange Building, Portland. Oregon. The successful bidder will be reauired to furnish a Surety Company Bond in full amount ot tne contract mee. ana he Khali be reauired to carrv Public Liability Insurance as specified. A bidders Dona or cenitiM cnecx in amount equal to five per cent 5i of the lump aum bid must accompany tho bid as a guarantee for the exe. eution of the contract and bonds, in case the contract is awarded to the bidder. The Building Committee of the Sac red Heart Parish reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Signed: SACKED HEART PARISH By T. P. CASEY, PASTOR M 10-17-34 No. 907 CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Probate Department In the matter of the .Estate of ILA C. NEALEIGH also known ag I. C. NEALEIGH. Deceased. TO; Florence Zieglar, Cunha, Myrtle lis Kelly. Martin Lowell Nealeigh. BUI F. Rots, Genevieve A. Barbs ga Ho Rob ert R. Ross, Marion W. Ross, James K. Ross, Gerald V. Ross. David D. Ross, Noda Becker, and Mr. Glen A. Nealeigh. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby cited and reauired to SDDeir in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. Probate Department, at the Court Room thereof at Klamath Falls. Oregon, in the County of Klam ath, State of Oregon, within 10 days from the date of the service of this citation upon you if served within Klamath County, Oregon, and within 30 days from the date of such service if served in any other county of the State of Oregon if per tonally served, and within 28 days from the date of the first publication of this citation if served oy publication to snow cause, if any exists, why an order should not be made authorizinr the hereinafter described real property to be sold at firivate administrator's sale as prayed or in the petition of the administrator on file herein. Said orooertv is located in Klamath County, Oregon, and de scribed as follows, to.wit: The south one half or Lot 11, tn Block 8 of Pleasant View Tracts, Klamath County, Oregon. WITNESS: THE HONORABLE David R. Vandenberg. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath, Probate Depart- f fr-MtM Pwrf ittiv Warmth fnr CHEST COLDS U refiett etvgks awl tore imnclet Musterole instantly creates a won derful protective warmth right where applied on chest, throat and back. It not only promptly relieves coughing and Inflammation but breaks up palul local congestion. I ! E. P. LEAVITT (above) lias announced his retirement as superintendent of Crater. Lake National Park effec tive Saturday. Leavitt, with nearly 42 years government service, took charge of Crater Lake Aug. 1, 1937. High Wire Artist Dies PARTS W Death coUBht ud with the "death defying" Wey- lanas in tneir family trapeze act at a suburban circus Sunday night. Just before entering the ring, 47-year-old Raymond Weyland toU his wife, "I don't know why, bul for the first time In years I've got stage fright tonight." As tne drums gave a roll for their last act. a cole suddenly cracked. Raymond and his 19-year-old daughter Micheline fell nearly 40 leet oeiore tne eyes ot nis wife and son-in-law Daniel. mant, with tha scat of said court af lixed this 96 day of February, 1933. - ATTEST: CHARLES F. Da LAP Clerk Bv JANS WF.VER Deputy Clerk. M-10-17-24-31 No. 90S b -Hie ablc$tccr an fhc American road J ... r.o.A.r. , forfamiVt tVVa, Oft rrfrivt, turf wM aVawaf Kiar H awHtfcla, aaffaM' aifra aif. Invipmtit, fltcHni 94 Mm mbttl It cht ng wtHml . . Main at Esplanade "1 sMll) i U sViWiiii.1. talaiJ.i (Continued from r Onrl as you'v breiv doing. If the senate forelin relation :ommlttee Invites you to come .lome and testify on the $7.900,000,. JO foreign aid bill. I'd come, At, er all, you are our TOP AUTHOR ITY on what Europe needs. In tlto way -of aid. Our congress needs the testimony of men like you lit matters such as . this. I d answer all the- Questions the senators ask me, giving my frank. HONEST opinion. Then, when they were all through with me. I'd head hack to Paris and take ui) my Job where I laid It down to come home and testify, I WOULDN'T make any cam paign speeches, . , ( That's the way I feel about It, Ike, I'm lust .one voter, But I'm also an employer. When I NEED A MAN for a grave and Import ant lob I'm Inclined to go out and SEEK HIM MYSELF, Instead of walling for htm to hunt me up, bragging loudly about himself as he enters my office. Wlille I'm alltTl'd like to add that in this year of decision the Republican convention won't be through even If it picks a candi date In whom the people have con fidence. It will still need a set of principles. If I were writing the Republican platform I'd write a REALISTIC one one that the dan gers we face as a nation. In It, I'd spread no molasses to catch fllea. I'd use no weasel words. I'd face facts. Then, when I'd covered the de tails, I'd add this statement: "We can promise you only blood, sweat and tears for the ImmnllRtc future. WITH NATIONAL SOL VENCY AND PERPETUATION OF THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE AS THE ULTIMATE REWARD FOR THE SACRIFICES WE SHALL CALL UPON YOU TO MAKE," That' would be a grim platform. But these are grim times. If the Republican party wins the election next November and then has nothing better to offer than a new and fancier, and more glit- ii tj is The '52 Ford it here ; i the ear trior's designed to euf-flo. cut-look, out-ride, out-volue ond out-lait every other low-prked car bor none! There are rtiorty, moriy reasons why this built-for-keepi tor will do more things for more people ol lower ewt. A few of theso reasons ore lilted on this pgga : I s but you'll see mora when you sea and "Test Driva" the '52 Ford for yourself! . Come in "TestPriveitatyouf BALSIGER MOTOR CO. They're Off-And So Is Starter MKXIOO CITY (PI A truck meet Judge wait recovering In a hospltnl Monday after shooting hlimclt In the leg with the Hlarilng pistol. Salvador Ahiuln snld no blank ii cartridges were provided fur tin' Invitation track meet Sunday so ho had to Uftc his own loaded ones. Ho slipped in a patch of mud on the field, fell, and shot 'hlnihCll tliroiialti the knee. Portland Livestock PORTLAND I (USDA1 Cattle salable UnO: supply includes 20 loads fed steers and IicIIpin; supply of beef cows very small; market rather uneven; Hirers stea dy to 1)5 cents lower with extreme top 75 cents oil: cows generiiUv steady; bulls weak; bulk good uiul low choice 910-1 105 lb (oil steers 33 00-34.00; load good and choice 918 lb and choice 1140 lb 34.25; load cliolco 1335 lb 33.75; few com mercial steers 30.O0-33.OO; utility 34.00-29.00: few medium tua lb feeders 2800; two loads mostly choice 891 lb fed heifers 33.50; odd commercial hellers 29.00 31.00; utility 22.00-28.00: canner and cut ter cows 18.00-21.00; Irw 31.60; shells down to 15.00: utility cows 33.00-25.00: odd commercial grades 26.00-27.00; utility bulls 25.00-38.110; odd commercial bulls 28.50-20.00. Calves salable 05: market act ive, steady; few choice veiilcis 35.00-37.00: good calves and veal era 31.00-34.00; cull and utility grades 10.00-20.00. Hogs salable 1800; market active, mostly steady: some early sales 25 cents lower; choice 180-335 lb 30.35 to mostly 20.50, few lots 20.75; choice 360-300 lb 18.25-10.00: choice choice 350-500 Ui sows 10.50-17.60: lighter weights up to 17.75- choice light feeder pigs mostly 18.00 18.50. Sheep salable 500: market fairly active: load good and choice 100 li fall shorn lambs 27.00; good and choice up to 110 lb fed nooled lambs 36.50-27.0O; one lot choice and prime 107 lb 27.60; few good and choice 113 lb shorn lambs 24.60: odd good ewes 13.00; yearl ing ewes up to 14.00. taring 'Rand to wave. Its adminis tration will fall and the result will be a backwash of disillusion ment that will sweep us Into com plete socialism. cliiMie 'fe i and mmm Man Rescued From River nOBEUlsntl IPi - Wet, chilled, but rescued, Dr. 1), A, Smllh Mult day In Hiulltudu Joined the Hose liiint ltod and dim Club. It was Ihree club members who pulled It Itit from n rock In mld-slrcum on the North Uiu)tiua. Dr. Kmllh, local chiropractor, put out Sunday afternoon lu his uullxiard bunt from Winchester, north ot here. Ills mulor failed and lie had no oars. The boat was car ried toward swift, turbulent water and ho grabbed at overhanging brush. Tlml capslr.ed his boat and hp swam downstream to a rock some 200 yards away. That ollered only a slippery hav en and when the rescuers, called Ii I'm the Mud anil Hun Club bv an unidentified fisherman, reached him lu a hastily manned boat, his crip was weakening, The rescuers were Carl Chrlstonsen, Kenneth Ollkesou and Leonard Ziichor. Dr. Smith was unhurt. Newspaper Gets Threat NEW YORK W A newspaper, the Hrnoklvn Eagle, was threat rued Willi bombing Monday unless It look down signs on Its trucks rending "gel the killer" of Arnold Schuster, who led police to, bank robber Willie Button. A mall telephoned the Elagle of fice and, referring to the signs on the dally paper's circulation trucks, said: "You had better get those things, off of there or the place will be blown up." A police search of the building revealed nothing. The Eagle has ollered a $1,000 reward for the ap prehension of Schuster's slayer. AN EASY WAY YoHA xTa PIANO Yam can rnl ft lovclr ntw plnt plan tram lh l,uU R, Mr I'lin t arn pan?, U0 N, lib, ftl liw mnlhlr nit, Aflrr ft rtonhlt llm ymt can, It ysii wUh, (rm mM tm pur rhi itgrtemonl. 1h rnl ilrtsdy pl ! it) crvfJIud U ymar purctian aec'tint m4 no sthtr down pnymtnl ( nci ry. Th tnsnihtr P7mal rn t lllll Mghtr than rnl. Or, If yft pra ter. y can ronllnu ta rani. 2M " zr Truck Tax Group Files El A I Iift IM . A until ftl'linhlKH, onurim fi ... - lion In support the Increased truck tax Hied articles of Incorporation Monday, It Is called Traiispnil Informa tion, Inc., with ht'iiiliiunrlrra In Eugene. The new truck tax, pro- ..,.,1.... nu ..( h,il US tinl' VIUIIIU II II IIIUVHIW M -' cent, will be on the November ballot. It was passed bv tlio MM legislature, but mo iruesmn, iiliteiiv oi so It, got It referred lu tho people. Incorporators aro J. H. Clllbeti, Calvin Crlmbaker, II. 8. Merrlani and Lurry I'. Watson. , u'h,wIIm nnmnaliv. a $160,0110 Ontario firm, also Incor porated Mummy. "c iiiiuii.".n lors aro U. A, and Hubv V. Mast crsiin, anil Clleim E. Call, Air Force To Cut PIO List ut AuniMrceriM fill The Air Force disclosed Monday It Is cul ling Us public, relations atnu the Pentagon 05 per cent. .. u-....-i.... iiiiiit hh n. In nil nt;vn'uijr ,.... . ordering the action, that "the ci vilian SCereililie SIIUIIIU wnnumo more reaixmalbillly Kr represent ing the department to the public instead of leaving the inb to a largo public relations staff.' Hans Ncrland Auto liutiranet 027 I'ine St, Nawlr01-V: HiMBtpreitlM Mllttaje Meier SIX MswIMlW' HNjIhCesaprettlM ,ftTi Slrett-Srir V4 J sCjZ New tad CwdKrefl ladlti i : ; stvlea le hr beavtlM Niw ftilklr.lf VlilUlify with i Bt-plie wladihlelo) ond cor-wMe rter wlnttew Aefsaratle Rids Centrel telttl cenwri en the ; livsl Yeur choice ef 3 greet driven Fordemellt, Overdrive, end Cenventional New v f Fllghl-Style Centrel Pontl Ntw: Center-Fill fulling Ntw ittsrlng (up te 257, wilsr) Ntw wider frent trend Ntw loom-rubber ittrti with pillow-' roll bocks Automollt Poilurt Centrel for eue end csmlort And It's built ' for Itsspsl Phone 3121