MONDAY, MAIICII 17, 11)52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON pace rrvs A 4'?:" VUltlrit-Mrn. II. fl. Cllne, Port land, the former Carolyn Unllrk, Id Hip Klirt of tier puri'iitM, Mr, unci Mrn. Joy A. UaUok, ai41 Or uhnrd Wny. Mih. Unlli:k If 1 1 In.t nlulil for rnsndena lo ulluiid (mi' rrul uprvlctm lor a, cout.Hi, McIIm.b Heplne. Tlirrr Will He a special lirft. Inir of Klamath Climtlrr, No. SMI, Itovnl Anh Miimum, Tueaday, 7:30 p. in. I'li.'.l Mnater Ui'iiico unci Old Timer' Nluhl. Kl. ninth FalU-Exlenalon Unit will mrpt Wfrtiirmlny In the roin liuinlly hull In tlm Feilitrnl Houk. Inir mill. HOT WiiNlilmrn Wny. Time li 10 a.m. Take mick lunch. C'olfee pud diaerlii furnliilird hv Ihc lul-r.-iiM. The project will be pUPio making. , (llrl Hinulronklp depot lit Slur Dru. 435 Mci In will be open Tucn ciay, D n.m, to 12:3U p.m. Itei'rull- MuiKiirel C. Riilph. nen mnn rrrrull. Waves, UHN, (IuiikIi ter of Mr. mid Mrn. Dimitld Rulpli. lion III Dnimnui. itiiKliiule of Hie Il0111i11r.11 hlkh school, In In recruit tmlnlnit al. the U. H. NiivhI Training- Cunter, UulnlirldKe, Md. Training Charlca V. Doliry, ara mun reiull, DSN, eon of Mr. mid Mrs. Charlta V. IKibry. Kallnn aiiarlmrnt. Malm, In undergoing ' recruit training al the U.H Niivnl Center, Bun Diego. He entered the jtrrvlce Jnn, 't'i, HIM, Hefore in terim the ftervlre he attended Uoulhern Oregon College, Hneaker J. J. OllleMile. flnlem, will aprak Tuesday end Wednev day evenings, 7 30, nt the Church of Ood, 2803 Altiimonl. Meellnf There will be n meet . Ins ponored bv Young Republi cans, Tnendny. II p.m. In the Wl nema Hotel. Renulor Phil Hitch cock will npenk. The Keno PTA-ls holding 1 spe cial meellim, 7:30 p.m. Tuenilny In the nrhool gymnasium for elec tion of offlrern for Uie comlnK yeur. The 4 H club members from the ree 'surrounding Keno will fur nmh the program. Member of the Relln end Bown Kherp Club. Jnrk end Jills Sewing Club, the Cookie Kld end the l-et's Cook Club will rirmonMratc. A urprl. lunch will be served. i:iele4 - Pntrlrln K. Wiird, daughter of Mr. end Mm. Wilburn E. Ward. P. O. Box I08, Keno, h been elected Prenldent of both llraria of Jloiwen end Coed Co-op Council. University of Oregon. Miss Ward e lunlor in ocll nUidlet wen valedlctorlnn of her class In KUIIB end has consistently won ncholnatlc honors. 1'ieaped I'lre Word has been received here that Mrn. Lure Thome, one-time night clerk t the Steven llolrl enenped Injury or pronerly lonn In the recent one million dollar Windsor Hotel fire In Seattle. The ntx-floor hotel wen 'f bedly damaged. Home Mrs. Mnrgnret Werner . , who recently had major surgerv at Hillside Hospital has returned to her home In Bonanza. fc The Bl-Weekly meeting of thn Ambrleu club will be Tuei.diiy eve ning at the home of Mm. fl. U. Muiphey, 2121 Klna. Meellnf The Folrhnven Home 1Tvl,ulf.n llt.H ,lll Ik,) Wil,,-u. day, 10:30 a.m. at the home ol Mni. ice noiiiony, p-eno jtoiiu. 111c top ic for nludy will be Kitchen Hlor ave. Each member In to Inke 11 inan'n handkerchief for men IIviiik at the Klamath Numlng Home. The llaibln'a Club will meet 7:30 p.m. nt the home of Mrn. Lola Truax, 1)40 Dlvlnlon. Anyone not able lo attend call Mrn. Truiu after 0:30 p.m. There Vlll Be no meet Inn of the Fremont PTA nqimre dnnce iiroun thin week. 'I7ie next niectlii will be March 24. I'rlnellia Circle Klnmnth I, Min er nil Aid will meet Tucnduy, 7:4S p.m. at the home of Mrn. Arthur Oners, 1554 Orexon Avenue. Nludylnc 4'nptHln Wnldeen Upp, on of Mrn. Anna Upp. lIKft Huron, and huhbnnd of Mrn, Klinerlne Upp 604 Newport, Bend, In ntleudliiK 1111 A-norlate Advanced Officer' Courne at the Anti-aircraft Artillery mid Guided Minnie Center. Fort Bllsn. Texan. Captain Upp. Rrndunle ol KUfffl weara the Bronze 8iar medal for service In World War II. Home Albert P. Thexlon, lire man, UHN. han relumed to the fltaten after elitht mouthn combut duty In the Far Fant aboard the Deitroyer VbB Lymiin K. Bwcnson. Ruburban Fire Department Aux iliary meetlnK tonluht 8 p.m. M the Fire Station. All wives of Sub urban Firemen Invited. Nelchhora of Woodcraft Refiil lar meetltnr at KC Hull tonluht, 8 p.m. Refre.hment and entertain ment committee: Vera Reeves and Elve Weaver, WURLIT2IR A aneinlflctnt plana, Many levaly stylet end finish! to shoes from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7h WHAT ARE TODAY'S FACTS ABOUT NEW CAR ENGINES AND POWER STEERING? I AST year Chrysler introduced its J newFirePowerV-8engine,'and America's first passenger car full-timo power steering. Both new ideas "took hold" in a big way. Today, others are announcing "new engines" and "power steering"-. . . but with some basic differences worth keep ing in mind if you're buying a new car. First: about "new engines." The fact is, a really new engine design hap pens only once in a great while. It did happen in the Firepower V-8. Its 180 h.p. was only incidental to its basic ntw design. Its key idea is a hemispheri cal combustion chamber, which makes even non-premium gasoline develop more usable power than other designs can get from premium fuel American toglon Auxiliary Klumii'h Unit 8 will honor I'nni 8 wllh n jiarty on Ita 33rd blrthdny, Tiirndny H p. 111 hi I he Veteran's Memorial Hall. All punt command ern, l,eitlomilres mid wlven Invit ed lo iiltmid. Mm, Paul Otterheln mid Jullii Wllllamn co-chiilrmen. Auxlllury executive board to meet nt 7:49 p.m. C'lnaed-Oftlce of the Klamath chapter of the Tuberculoma and Health ' nocliitlou will be cloned thin week. Am-.oe. Seiry. Mrn. Krlo M11 lorn In In Portland taklim npe clnl Inntrucllon In social hyucne. Women of MooseHula Its Initia tion mertlim Tucnduy, 8 p.m., ill the Monc Hull. 1'rlnillla Club Conireiifttlonul Church unit mectn tomorrow, 8 p.m., til II)': homo of Mrs. K. Liiinlile, 2Mf Homediile Road. Mrn. HhorKcu will be co-hontenn. Twyla KcrKimon In lo lend In a final dlv cunnhin of "Ktctin to Pence." All Inteienled Invited. Hoy Hcouta Trop 4S In lo meet , at the Flrt Prenbytcrlnn Church. . tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. Danclna Clnnsen Intermediate nriunre dnncliiK clannen will nlnrt Tuesdiiy, 8 p in., nt the Community Hull on 8. 8th St. In Memory Thone dcnlrlnR to do no ninv nend contrlhutlonn to the FrleiHln Church. Nprniiue River, In lieu of flowers In memory of the late Lottie Pultcrnon. hf HOI.AIISIIir COnVAI.LIM in-i The 1100 nnniiul collcue ncholnrnhlp Riven bv Bafcwnv nlorcn to the 4-H club boy or ulrl wllh the bent llvento:k breeding project In Orcoon oe thin year to Walter Prlchnrd Jr., in. Bend, Announcement wnn mHde Monday by L. J, Allen, state 4-H lender. Introducing orfSz) $75 r Only Chrysler engineering has so far mastered this design. Several cars do have some power increase, in terms of previous designs. The importsnt fact is that FirePower is not a "warmed over" engine, but irons' new in per formance, construction, and efficiency. In poiw steering, too, there are basic differences. Chrysler uses hy draulic power, always in effect, to do two things. First, it does 45 the steer ing work as you turn the wheel. Second, we've cut the' amount of wheel turn needed by over 13. Parking or cruising, you get more and easier control than ever before. In sand, snow, or ruts, the hydraulic power is always there to keep the fron, wheels from "steering back" at you. Community Concert Drive Ends With Rush As Full Membership A IbkkIiik Community Concert membership drive suddenly couxlit fire In the final hours and clor.ed baiurday evenlnit wllh a record roll of 1450 membership. Friday mornhiR, wllh only HXt members alKncd, outlook for the conilnn concert neason was decid edly bleak. But canipamners launched a npirlted rally that crash ed throiiKh wllh 650 additions membornhlpn FrMay and Baiurday. This year's membership cam paign was directed bv Mrn. Fred K.hlers and Hnrrlrt Mueller, an fluted bv Lucille Schrelner, New York represennllve of the concert association. A crew of about 100 workers Mirned up member. JmI nlnlit. Jubilant concert of ficials heaped pralu on the cam paign directors and workers for their record-breaking drive. "It was Just ' wonderful,'' said Concert Assoc. Pres. Louis Mann. Immediately followlnn the end of the drive Saturday evening, concert association directors at down wllh Miss Schrelner and scheduled next Mason's concert offerings. There are to be lour concerts: October, the Lonlnc Svmphon-etlei-.; December, the DePaur In fnntry Chorus: January, the Bal let Rune de Monte Carlo ConceYt Company; March, David Lloyd, tenor. MODEM WAY ST. JOIIPH TO GIVE I ASPIRIN TO YOUR CHILD tnp CHIIPM.S, let aTftiubi at e4irai 715 Main Street ruu-riMt POVER STEERING Reported In The 30-plece Longlne Bymphon- ette, directed by Mlchall Piastre, has four times been selected by U.H. and Canadian newspaper music critics is the "foremost concert ensemble". The DePaur Infantry Chorus. comprised of 30 Negro veterans of World War Two, appeared here few seasons ago. The chorus Is to clone Portland's current concert neason In art appearance there March 25. The Monte Carlo Ballet's concert grouD In. of courne. world famed. Two planlHts accompany the group. David Lloyd Is a young tenor who has been winning growing ac claim from critics. He has ap peared with the Boston Symphony and sang two seaaon with the Hew York City Opera Cpmpany. Actual dates for the four con certs are to be announced later. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "I alwnvs moka aupa a! m,. rsjet numbers . . . Don't want to male a mistake tine) caH enyof those red squirrels!" . . . .To get the right number, please look it up in your latest directory...Pacific Telephonsj. fld'OWn V.S ENGINE You get the same amount and feel of control all the time . . . full-time ease and full-time safety. Actually, the differences, both in engine performance and in steering safety and ease are impossible to put in words . . . but just as impossible not to feel the moment you get into a Chrysler and drive it! Why not see your Chrysler dealer and do that, soon? CHRYSLER THE FINEST CAR AMERICA HAS YET PRODUCED Steel Outlook Held Better WASHINGTON VFI The govern ment said Monday It has 'sub Mantlal" amounts of steel, eooner and aluminum on hand for build ing commercial projects In the lant half of 185S. It Invited contractors to put In bids for new coastructlon jobs. Manly Flelschmann, head of the Defense Production Administration. BUILD BETTER FOR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS mirtoop vismin rtoo MU MiULATINO IIAUTlFUi 1ASTTOIUI10 COSTS TOU USS DEYTQN & II a IS SUAKIT IT. STORE HOURS ...KEYED TO YOU AND YOUR BUDGET I TAKE OUR NEW ELEVATOR TO OUR COMPLETELY REMODELED SECOND FLOOR! WONDERFUL VALUES ...COMPLETE SELECTIONS! MINIATURE DOLLS MORE THAN 300 J m TO " j CHOOSE & p-?C. FROM! I Vvv?&?lw .' Sid ma lor Increases In allotments of the hitherto scarce materlnla will go to highway, school and hospital builders starting July 1. tie indicated that practically all applications now pending tor In dustrial and commercial structures will be approved. The DPA boss said that under the new program It Is possible that tne ireeze on building of new tele vision stations may soon be ended. He pointed out that such action would require a ruling by the Fed its such good salt! Plain or iodized; always free running; always uniform. At your grocer's in the . Enjoy Ltilit's "Mtit the Minus Harry Koplan - C B. S. Saturdays 11:30-12 noon, aiakAakata I I with beautiful, features! exquisite gowns! with sparkling eyes that open and close I find brides, bridesmaids, 'TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO OUR SECOND FLOOR" Imagine! . Yc-uU find" every , little girl's favorite "let's pre tend" characters, including blushing brides, dolls of many nations, story-land dolls . . each one so dainty, so beau tifully' dressed you'd never guess it's Just $1! Hurry to Penney'i now . . . buy several! JUST ARRIVED! EASTER TOYS SOFT, FUZZY RABBITS AND DOGS PLASTIC RABBITS .. . EASY TO CLEAN! ' LOTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES AND COLORS! Cleverly designed animals by HIRSCH, Individually packed In clear plastic boxes I Polka-dot rabbits of sturdy vinyl plasttcl Many, many to choose from for your youngsters. Easterl . eral Communications Commssllon, which has put a ban on building ot new TV facilities. , ; Don'i sun your (urn before and Ins them to the furrier for atoraga In the spring. Lang exposure to hot sun nss a tendency to ladaw certain furs. Place your beds so that the morning light don not strike your eyes. red package. Varittits" with . :X at START YOUR COLLECTION NOW! many others! ea- only EACH LARGER TOYS AT 1.98 DIMBAT MOTORS . 239 Main St. TAKE OUR NEW ELEVATOR TO THE 2ND FLOOR .ixn1 tmm tmun, mim, onum