MONDAY, MARCH 17,1952 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TURK M jg fh. .. wNyK- ' . OAIWAYIAY HynJVfD 9A yfrSnO&flin AUANTICOCCAN jfegf: SEA bSPffBm KVOMININT .ri.h families hay been ,et ' Jin 'c$nft$zfi0jr EJb down in the areas of origin. It hat not J " Plo to include all name's due to the limitations of space Tanda Girls Hold Council DOUBTS Tanda Cimn Tire Glrla held council fire at the home o( Mrs. F. B. Reese March 13. The ceremony wad held to mark the retirement of Mm. Reese .i Ouardian and the Installation of Mm. Lillian Mclntyre a her auc ceaaor. Mr. Vivian Mclntyre auc ceeded Viema Reeae as Assistant Guardian. The theme of the ceremony was "Frlendrhlp," which Is a).v the i heme of the National Birthday Project for 1952. Pres. Nancy Wemnle presented Mrs. Reese with an adult member ship pin on behalf ot the rtoup. Donna Byrd was accepted as a new member. At the clone of the ceremony re freshments of brownlea, Ice cream and punch were served. Others preaent were: Mrs. De lores, Sponsor: and Judy Barnet, Llndell Hamilton, Chris tine Ryer, Judy Mclntyre. Alice Mclntyre, Janet Maltzen. Thaya Olson, Denny Marsnan, memoers. New Process Give Hard Nickel Coat To Aluminum FAST HARTTORD. Conn.- W A new proceas which flvei alum inum the hardness and eorroalon rrslsunce of nickel was announced Monday. ' Its deslfnera aald tht new nick-el-coating process opens many new uses for aluminum such as In avi ation propellers. The essential element la a syn thetic rubber compound used to establish bond, heretofore unat tainable, between the aluminum and the nickel plate. The plating process ' was an nounced Jointly by the Hamilton Standard Division of United Air craft Corp. here and the Bart Lab oratories Co., Inc., . Belleville,, N. J. ' . ! Enrle Martin, Beneral manafter of Hamilton Standard, said Its de velopment for the Air -Force and Navy, took almost two. years. . "II la of major Importance to us In protecting duralumin propeller blades from the pitting and erod ing effects of apray thrown up In sea landings and take-offs," Mar tin said. i He added that some of the 'Navy's Martin PSM-1 flying boats and Orumman UF-1 utility amphlb- Prise Mothers To Get Frtt Travel DAMASCUS, Syria IJI ' The 6yrlan government Monday cre ated five classes of awards for mothers having three or mora chil dren. A "first class" mother of 18 children will win a monthly Halary and free air, sea and land travel on the government-owned transportation aystems. , The title of "First Syrian Pa ther" is being contested after the discovery of an (2-year-old Damas cus grandfather, Hassan Shater, who has 93 children and grand children. Three of his seven wives are still living. . , - For used Typewriter and adding machines . . , Volant's Tieneer Office Supply (!) Main. DOUBLE Green Stamps V Wednesday ; CEC!S Signal Service ; ' 77 Mtln $t. . ians already are usln solid dura lumin propeller blades plated with nlokel after extensive tests proved their efficiency.. . Assailant Admits Shooting Of Clerk PORTLAND W The arrest In Los Artgeits or Lin. Bow Dong, sppar ently cleared a shooting that oc curred here last July. Police aald Dona- asked Los An. (teles officers to come and set him because his conscience had been ! bothering him. They found him In a Los Angeles rooming house. A Portland hotel clerk aald he would sign a complaint against the man. The clerk, Charles Chrlstv Vetter, 83, was shot July 7. Hi's assailant fled without taking any m,oney. , Of the 377 players who partici pated in 'National League, games in 1951, 231 took part in .10 or more games. Roseburg Planning School Improvement ROSEBERO id") Work Is ex pected to begin here soon on 3, 425,000 worth of school improve ments. A bond Issue to cover that a mount was approved 1257 to 683 by voters Friday night. The money will be used to add a gymnasium at the hlftli school, build a new grade school and Improve a num ber of grade schools. California Ram Sole April 28-29 SAN FRANCISCO The Urges- annual California Ram sale in 31 years drawing entries and attend ance lrom the leading sheen-pro ducing areas of the west will be held In Sacramento. April 28-29, i It was announced today by the 1 California Wool Growers Associa tion. S. P. Arblos of Stockton, chair man of the association's ram sale BODY RETURNED committee, said the completed en- SAN FRANCISCO W The body tries total 2.114 rams and ewes of an Oregon service man was a- compared with 1,868 animals sold board the Wlnthrop Victory which last year. arrived here Friday with the bod- The sale, acknowledged to be lea of 133 Amerlcsns who lost their the outstanding event In Western lives as a result of fighting In Kor- sheep circles, will be conducted at ea. the State Fairgrounds. He was Electrician s Mate Ger ald L. Swan, son of Mrs. Lettlcian A. Swan. Box 192, Mill City.. TRANSPORTS DUE SAN FRANCISCO Wl Two transports are scheduled to dock Tuesday with 3,727 Army combat veterans from the orient. They are the Gen. William F. Hase, carrying 2,316 soldiers, and the Lt. Raymond Beaudoin with 1,411 troops. Before you wax your floors, seal the wood with two thin coats of shellac. S&& Calhoun' A 0 MIRRORS for Buy room In the kernel I7 E. Mtn Legion Hunts Band Gear Members of the reforming Amer ican Legion drum corps being or- aniud here for the state Legion convention are looking for some old members who may still have corps property In their posesslon. Tne group met yesterday at tne Legion Hall, and another session is set for tonight at 7:30 In the ball. Yesterday's meeting left some openings in the ranks, according to Chairman Richard Gallagher, and he said interested men may Join whether or not they know how to play instruments. Section Instructors Include Lyle Read, Mike Elttrelm.and Warner Fett. Corps Quartermasters are Jack Benner and Terry Tennant. U S Planes, Battle vagons Rip Up Red Installations But Ground Action Slows Br r.F.ORKE A. McARTHUR SEOUL, Korea Wl American Shootine Star lets SDraved front line Communist troop and Brtillerv positions with rockets, bombs and bullets Monday. Pilots reported kllllnr more than 7J Red soldiers, destroying IS guns and 28 troop bunkers and damag ing a tank. Swift F-86 Sabre lets flying cover for the 8hootlng Stars exchanged shots with 12 Communist MIG-1S Jets, but reported no hits. Sunday Sabres destroyed three MlGs, probably shot down two and dam aged eight in the first air battle in four days. Communist shore guns hit the superstructure of the Batleshln Wisconsin, tlagshln of the U.S. coast Sunday. Three sailors were sllghtlv injured. Damage was de scribed as superficial. The Shooting Star Jets concen trated on Communist positions along the eastern and central fronts. Ground action was minor Mon day under a thawing spring sun. Onlv light patrol clashes were re ported by Eighth Army head- quarters. One Allied division marked St. Patrick's Day by firing green smoke shells at the Reds. At noon Monday the U.S. Eighth ! Army clamped a new blanket cen- sorsnip on front line troon desig nations. The Army recently Identi fied several divisions on tho battle line. Carrier-bnsed planes and war ships hit Red tarxtts on both tha and West Coasts of Korea Sunday. Valley Forge and Antletam filers ripped Communist rails In 1D9 places and attacked supply in stallations, anti-aircraft batteries, bridges, rolling stock and buildings. The Wisconsin hurled IB-Inch shells 18 miles inland on tho east ern end of the battleline before she was hit. The Heavy Cruiser U.S.S. St. Paul started fires and set off ex plosions in the Kojo area. Police Push Villagers Out Of Dam Site 63- Conductor Dies In Upset BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Wl A year-old conductor, pinned beneath a heavy freight car, comforted his son with his last words before he died. "Son, everything's all right," Ed Brigman said as he lay beneath an 80-ton gondola which had Jackknif- ed into a muddy 12-foot ditch. Brigman lived for three hours with only his head and shoulders above water after the accident ear ly Sunday. The gondola, loaded with sand, rammed through a spur track safety bumper and fell on the aide where Brigman was rid ing. Rescue workers tried to cut away a section of the car with acetylene torches while a crane large enough to lift the gondola clear was brought to the scene. in the weira glare o: tne torcnes, Roland E. Brigman the son and a preacher knelt besides the conductor and craved with him. A nhysician administered narcotics to ease me mjurea mini jmm. "We're going to look to God a- bove for help in this." Tne Rev. S. D. Herron. the railroad man's pastor, told the conductor. The freignt car was punea irom the man's body two hours after he died at 4:30 a.m. TIGNBS, France W A strong contingent of militarized police en tered the doomed village of Tignes Monday and removed official pap ers from the City Hall. Stubborn villagers, still not reconciled to the flooding of their homes to make a huge lake for a new hydro-electric power dam, watched sullenly. A delegation of citizens made formal Drotest to the Prefect of the region when some of the pap ers were seen to fly off the trucks and land in the snow at the road side. The Prefect, a little out of patience wun tne reluctance oi tne residents to leave, merely sara tne work would go on. He said he had brought in the police to avoid any bloodshed and any interference with the workers assigned to hand le the evacuation. The government has appropria ted about two million dollars to buy the properties and move the villagers to a new town. Out of 450 property owners in Tignes, it was reported all but 60 had ac cepted the offered compensation. A bulldozes, pushing through the snow-blocked road to the village cemetery, Monday was within a- bout so yards oi Its objective oi digging up the bodies. When the lake Is full, Tignes will be buried under 600 feet of water. The lake and dam will pro vide Southeastern France with 138 million kilowatt hours oi electri city. PRIO ARRIVES MIAMI MIAMI, Fla. Wl Carlos Prio Soearras. exiled president of Cuba, arrived Monday by plane from Mexico Citv. He will be here about 10 days "to confer with friends and mem ers of my government," he said. CRUZEN TAKES OVER MANILA 1 Rear Adm. Rich ard H. Cruzen assumed command of all United States military ac tivities in the Philippines Monday. Cruzen renlaces Maj. Gen. Ernest Moore, 13th Air Force command er, as senior American officer. Twins Give Up ; Battle Sharing; WITH U.S. THIRD DIVISION. Korea lift Twins Jacob and Gene Camoza have decided after four months of combat: "Fighting alongside your brother Just doesn't work.'1 So they split up for the first time in 18 years. The PFCs from Tacoma, Wash., landed In Korea last November. They went into action as automatic riflemen during the bloody battle of Little Gibraltar. Jacob was wounded in the head in that 41-hour fight. "I almost went crazy trying to locate him on the hill." Gene sid. The wounded twin rejoined Gene a month later in Company F of the 15th Regiment. They went out together on several patrols until Gene decided "We were worrying about each other too much." Gene asked for and got a trans fer to the 622nd Military Police Company. "It will really seem strange not to have my better half around," Jacob said. "We always did every thing together even dated th same girl in high school." When you buy slip-cover mater ial, be sure it has sufilcient eight and strong enough yarns to with stand hard wear; will launder eas ily without shrinking; and will bold its color in light and washing. (ring the fanl I forcoHeel ;'. . . ' w ' ' 'H3 Itching r Dry Eczema Why scratch and suffer hopelessly? Find fcappy relict as so many others do use sooth injr, medicated RESINOL, the popular ointment of mny uses H Gtntrol Hans Frei BOOKKEEPING Service S4 S. till r-haaa J 0JJ Boldy Says - Let's Dance Again With RALPH AND HIS GREAT 17-PIECE RCA VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA MANY POLLS STILL RATE THIS BAND THE NO. 1 IN THE NATIONIT'S BETTER THAN EVER ARMORY TUE. MAR. 25 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT DERBY MUSIC CO. The Vance aelt will k llmltad to 300 tlckati at $1.50 (tea Inclueta). Tha price tha dance will be $1.80. Taste that i . Diamond Eight V-V i without k 'iaslc! J . i if mm T. fix UallMra mmA fntctU i HYIS lOOTS mt HYER BOOTS For Men and Ladies $29.50 to $43.50 ACME BOOTS For Children and Adult $4.95 to $16.95 DREWS 733 Main (Mill WHS "Same Superior Quality . . . New Low Price" .,C56N DIAMOND I IIENDED WHISKEY . U HOOF 5 CHAIN NEUTRAl $HITS GliSON BISTIUING CO, NIW YOW& I fob as n J $ 75 ' month r 1 1 mmwA.irj v FEATURING... NEW G-I TRIPL-CONTROLI Lett you dial the water storage temperature you wantl SAFE! DEPENDABLE! Aufomatic Electric EFFICIENT! WATER AUTOMATIC! "heaters mi COM IN TODAY fOR COMPUTE DtTAIlSI UPRIGHT ROUNDS AVAILABLE, TOO! . 42 Gallon Upright only, $99.95 FYOCK'S . . - Authorlud deafer GENERAL ELECTRIC ,; , WATER HEATERS 1001 Main Ph7 2-2518