HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 17. 10.12 -PAGE TWO If I , i il ... , - -- "KFJI 115ft Kc PST Monday, Kveninf, Murch 17 :00 Uabriel Hcattcr MBS fl l.l Kmntrf Theater Quia - ' 6:30 Around Town New 45 Sam Hayea, Newi MBS eS Bill Henry MBS VOJ F loudly K Hail 7:30 Bright Star 00 Let George Do It MBS l):."0 H.illywot c; Theater MlS :00 Glenn Hardy Newi MBS S:1S Fulton Lev-it Newi MBS B;.iU Mutual Ncwireel MBS 9:4 Spnrli fltlflt S;SB 0-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Myitery MBS 10:15 Survival in;. 10 rmwell'i Net MBS 11:00 Night Owla Newt 11:01 Night Ouli Club ja;W SlRii oil KFJI 1150 Kc-rST ' Tuesday, March 18 " 6:00 Sunrise Serenade , :4.i I arm Repoi ier - Regional News 7:W Hemingway Newi MBS ' 7:14 Brcakfaht Gang MBS l 7:30 Headline! and Byline! . 7:4.1 Best Buya 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS L 8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Haven of Rest MBS . 9 00 Horn maker Harmoniei . 0:13 Platter Party fl-43 Familiar Favorite 10:00 Glenn Hardy. Newi MBS 10:13 Tello Test MBS 10:30 La Polntea 10:43 Concert l'i:,'.o Currln 10:35 Ken Carson MBS 11 CO Lad tea Fair MBS 11:23 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a -Day MBS 12:00 Name Bandi 1: :1 Koonda' News 12:30 Your Dance Tunea 12:45 Music Box 12:30 Market & Livestock J:-'- Kmmath Notes 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MRS ' 1:30 Take a Number MBS : 3:00 Newt MBS j 2:05 News MBS , 2:11 Two at 2 13 1 2:45 Answer Man MBS ,1:00 Ricky"! Request ' 4 00 Behind the Story MBS 4:15 Hemingway Newt MBS 4..'0 Curt Masey Time MBS 4:43 Sam Hayes MBS . 5:00 Sergeant Pre ton MBS - 5:30 Sky King MBS , 5:35 Cecil Brown MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 8:13 Klamath Theater Quit t B:?l Around Town New , 6:45 Sam Hayea Newt MBS J 6:33 Biil Henry MBS ' 7:00 Black Museum MBS 7:30 Peter Salem, MBS . 8:00 Count of Monte Critto MBS , 8:30 Roving at Rudy's 1 8:43 Heidelberg Harmonaires 6:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS , 8:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS , 9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 9:43 Sports Final 11:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Here's to Vets in:an Orf-j Concert MBS 11:00 Night Owls News j 11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off KFLW 1450 Kc. PST t Monday Evening, March 17 6:00 Sports Highlight 613 Home Town Newt ' 6:25 World News Summary ' 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC 6:35 Coming Attrac. on ABC , 4 700 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC - 7:43 Preview Of Tomorrow ft:in The Biir Hand ABC I '8:30 "How Can We as Women Help I to euud a Better KJamatn I 10:00 10F1Sm. Headline 10:13 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Chib 11:00 News Summary ' f 11:05 Sim Off ' KFLW 1450 Kc PST 1 Tuesday, March 18 N 6:00 Sign On News Summary 6:05 Corn in the Morn 6:45 Farm Fare 7:00 News. Bkfst Edition 7:13 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred, Newt 7:40 Top of the Morning SPCMot ft 7-.30 Bod uarrea, jsewt abw ; i 7:40 Top of the Morning - - - - " I'M 8.00 :M 10:00 10:11 10:30 1":S3 11:13 11:30 11:4.1 11:M 12:00 1 J : 1 .1 12 1:00 IIS 1 .10 J DO John Contr ABC Breakfast Club ABC Hank Henry Show Break the Bank ABC Chel Humify ABC Lima Journey ABC My Trua Story ABC Whispering Street ABC Stop and Shop Against tha Storm ABC Musical Roundup Market Report Noon Edition Newa l'aleia sif.eu-alk show Lu.-ky V ranch Atsu Paul Harvey ABC Better Living Standard School Bdcst. Bann Brief When A C.lrl Marrln ABC Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC Rom. Eveln Wlntera ABC. Belly Crocker ABC Ted Malona ABC Dean Cameron ABC Mary V.arlin ABC Kequesliully Yours loin Corbel!. Space Cadet ABC World Flight Reporter ABC Chet Huntley ABC Voire ol America Sports Highlight Home Town News World News Summary Suburban Serenade Headline Edition ABC Coming Attractions on ABC Greatest Story ABC Kevrctanf Theater ABC Mel Auditions ol Air ABC United Or Not ABC Town Meeting. ABC Paul Carson at the Organ. 10 P M. Headlines Dream Hfrty-r ABC Insomnia Club News Summary Sign OK 2:1.1 3:30 2:43 3:'M) 3:13 .1:30 3:43 4:00 3:00 5 2.1 3.10 3:13 6:00 6 13 6 23 CM 43 6 55 7:00 TOT 8:00 :.. 8 00 9:43 10 00 10:1.1 1C:30 11:00 11:03 Bomb Blasts Wreck Homes LOS ANGELES UPl Two bomb blasts set off simultaneously by timing devices heavily damased a home occupied by a Negro lanuiy and another across the street that is soon to be rented to Negroes. The explosions early Sunday rocked the neighborhood but in jured no one. The Negro family. William Bull ev, 33. a teacher: his wife. Willa. 30, and their son. William, 12. were asleep wnen we aia.si wurvn-cu their llvinit and dinintc rooms. Bailey said they have lived In the house since January and have received no threats. Police said, however, the former owner had been warned not to sell the prop erty to Negroes. In the other house were Ralph Martinez, 25, film studio worker. and John W. Potts. 32, restaurant owner. Thev said they were plannina to move out shortly so a Negro family could move fn. Negro families have been livlns in the Dunsmuir Avenue area for a year, police said. Woman Injured In Auto Accident panby ipi Mrs. L. E. Par sons, wife of the manager of radio station KVAS, Astoria, was injured here early Sunday. She was a passenger In a car flpiiren Kv hpr hlishnnri Which Col lided with one driven by C. W. Jackson of Canby. state police re ported. Jackson was later booked nt ik. niKamat rvnintv tail nn a charge of driving while under the influence ot liquor., ouicers niu. u Parson differed broken ribs, leg injuries, possible Internal injuries ana snoc.. Honeymoon Spree Ends - In Prison Tv-vtrvrs rjDTTrrt months flffO Masakazu Owaki, 24 walked )off his job with 2.000.000 yen t about $5,500) belonging to the Teachers' Cooperative at Nagoya, for which be was cashier. .Next day he got married, oougni a IIUIUQ, Ota. ... u "--"" r ' I and began playing , the horses. The honeymoon ended Monday. Police arrested him. Oa..SI V. - ft M.W A nOil um fahAnl .till lft Hs. had snpnt the eaiiiva. lent of 26 years' salary. : Continuous From 1:45 ' WAatNcn Brok RAY MILIAND; CARTER MARLOWETUCKER Last Tlawl TmiiM r"0H THE LOOSE" plus "ROADBLOCK" i& DOOHfOffKiiif. r t 1 Ml 19' &F a- lX ef1 T; ''i i" i'i' Iv''' " llaisaaieMsiawaaasasBaaasail I aawsaaaaaeaaMsaaaaMsiiaaaamMj aawsasaeaaMasall l'iJ ORIGINAL DESIGN WITH A EUROPEAN FLAIR keynotes Nash Motors' 1932 Ambassa dor and Statesman Golden Anniversary models. Styled by Plnin Farina, world-renowned custom body designer, the new cars feature greater visibility, more interior roominess and numerous passenger comfort, safety and convenience improvements. Numerous me chanical improvements also are offered, including Dual-Range Hydra-Matic. increased horsepower and an advanced new type of independent front-end 'Airflex Suspension." The new Nash is now on display at Klahn Nash Company, 606 So. 6th. OUR BOARDING HOUSE f? EGAD THI5 DONATION TO THE I RED CROSS WAKES ME FEEL I LIKE I'M RIGHT THERE OM , rrfrrf I THE SPOT HELPING THOSE: iHjMliMI MAM UOOPLP ' y 1 V rl w, Merrill '-J iialli'.'.V.ll'--"-""---w-'iJ By ROBERTA DEWEY The local American Legion Post and auxiliary held their annual birthday dinner at the community hall March 11. Mrs. Murray How ard baked the birthday cake which was decorated with a flag. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ham mond and Marilyn, Mrs. John Kir by Jr., and Mrs. W. D. Van Cleave. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lemler have returned from a three weeks visit in the Hawaiian Islands. They joined the Oregon Journal tour, an annual affair, and made the trip over via Northwest Airlines, and returned by Pan American. Two ships were chartered for the 112 people in the group. While in the islands the Lemlers enjoyed an In- terisland trip, and also chartered a boat for a deep sea fishing trip. Lemler was the only successful angler on the boat, catching a tuna. The Lemlers reported the is land hospitality "simply wonder ful", and while in Honolulu stayed at the Edgewater Hotel. Merill-Malin B. P. W. held its March business meeting at the home of president Lorena Honey cutt. Favors were made for the state convention, which will be held May 9, 10, and 11, In Klam ath rails. Lhe next meeting March 19, will be a dinner meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church parlors. Members present were Caroline Loveness, Luclle Gray. Bessie West, Vivian Fox, Helen Brumley, Harriett Fother- lngnam, Delia Hodges, and Louise Tracy. A large contingent of Merrill folk drove to Grants Pass to see the district play-offs for class ' B basketball between Bonanza and Rogue River. Seen at the game were Mrs. K. Honeycutt and Clif ford, Pat Noonan, Bernie Ander son, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil and pons Tommy and Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfram, Velton and Wesley Haskins, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunnicutt, and Mr. and into e 'THflCTMiri BLUE YOrMR Roar the """0-Hell-Riders of the D-29s! :.V AM :RSui f I slli jmm By BILL fltlVSt Mrs.iTom Barry and Jimmy. 9.ir. and Mrs. W, D. Van Cleave made a weekend- trip to Moses Lake, Wash., to look over their homestead there. Mr. and Mrs. R. West drove to Bend over the weekend to visit Mrs. Rhoda West Roland's mother. Janice Goodman of Seaside. Ore. is vlslling ber mother Mrs. J. Kir by Jr. Anthony Giacomlni, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Giacomlni, has been initiated into the Blue Key honor society at the University of Port land. He is a third year student in liberal arts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerns of Grants Pass, drove over to get son, Dennis, who had been spend ing tbe past month visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herrlck. Warrant officer Tommy Cole, who has been stationed in Pearl Harbor, is back In the states for two weeks training at a school in Fresno, Calls. He plans to visit friends and relatives- in Merrill be fore returning. His mother Mrs.O. J. Harris, who had been ill In a Ventura hospital, was able to be back home in time to see Tommy. Mrs. Cole and children remained in the Islands; they have been there for the past year. Mrs. T. O. Wheeler, who spent the winter months in Long Beach, ha returned to Merrill for a time. Mrs. L. E. Stewart, drove to Lake view, last Saturday. Howard and Louis were members of the Klam ath Fall Barbershop chorus which put on a benefit show there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neilson were pleasantly surprised by the arrival of two daughters and a son who visited here for a time. Mr. and Mrs.. Raymond Scott and daughter from Kansas; Mrs. Gor don Perry and Judith Ann from Potsl, Missouri: and Bob Ward from Artesla, N.M., were the vis itors. They left for their respec tive homes on Monday morning. Waitress Drowns In Coos River COOS BAY 11 A lumber camp waitress drowned Sunday night when the car she was driving plunged into the Coos River, eight miles east of here. ' John Tampa, 39, a companion, was thrown clear and escaped In jury. He said he dived Into the river several times trying to reach the waitress, Mrs. June Sanders, 47,"ln the car, but failed. . Her body was recovered after the car was removed from about 25 feet of water. She and Tampa were employed by the Irwln-Lyons Lumber Co. at a mm east oi nere Yinchell On Sick List NEW YORK Ml Waller Win. chell became 111 Just before air time last night and did not make his usual w'eekly broadcast over the American Broadcasting Com pany network-. Wlncheir.i remarks, as he had prepared them, were read by Rich nrd Stark, who usually announces the program. The M-year-old columnist's office said later that Wlnchell "against thrf advice of his doctors and the protest of Mrs. Wlnchell. prema turely returned to his work follow ing a serious attack of virus Infec tion." "He will duly resume after con sultation with his physicians." the statement added. It was understood that the state ment referred only to the radio program. The Daily Mirror, which publishes Winrhell's syndicated crUimn here, did not know of any immediate plans for him to stop writing. Wlnchell announced on Jan. 28 that his own doctor and a heart specialist had ordered him to take a rest. He returned to the air and resumed writing his column only a week ago. BOATS LOST TOKYO I The Maritime Safe ty Board of Hokkaido said Mon day 615 Japanese boats were lost or damaged by tidal waves after the March 4 earthquake. Most were small fishing vessels. No direct casualties were involved, the board added. There's excitement in the air! And Lees new textured car pet are the reason! They 're so, versatile, casual, long wearing, and make such elegant backgrounds for any kind of room decor. See Sierra the wonderful random textured Wilton in 5 fresh fashion colors. Browse through our wide selection of heavenly Lees textures rich pebbly twists, sturdy loop-piles, tweedy homesnuns and ahaggy surfaces. In all price ranges and a 1 O95 wealth of lovely subtle, Eskimo Ikes Press For Favorite Under Northern Lights; See Defense Goal t Hv JIM IIIITCIIKSON NOME. Alaska Mi The fur thest north "ike for Pir.ildoiH" club Is whooping It up for the Kfn ral, though Us niriiibris couldn't vote for him even If he should gel the iiomlimllon. Tile Gen. Klsenhowcr boosters are Ksktmos. Hut, its resldeiils uf Alnskn. thrv couldn't vote 111 a presidential election even It llicy wereul, Nevertheless, hoping to promote their favorite for the miinliinlloii, thev organlged the Ike for Presi dent Club of Slilsluuaref which if. about 12S miles ni't-nsa Bering Strait from Russian Siberia. The general iiiIkIU be Kiiiiirlged If he heard what Ills Eskimo boost ers are saying his election In the Presidency would mean for Alasku and the Eskimos. It's down In black and white Just as though the general hart dropped in to break lubber at a week-end political U,hlr in-lilrh h, hsut'l I Trie Eskimo Ike club ran a three- column advertisement In the Nome' Nugget, proposing more clubs and stating: "Club membership should de mand that Alaskan delegates to the Republican National Convention be Instructed to vote for Ike." Then It got down to these spe cifics: Ike, being President of the unit- Tax Offices In Japan Bombed TOKYO Monday 1 it's tax- paying time In Tokyo, too, and some disgruntled rlllr.cn showed Iheir displeasure Monday. They threw fire bombs X two Japanese tax officers. One hit and three missed the Yokohama oftlce. Another bomb hit the Kawasaki office, south of Yokohama. Both (Ires were quickly controlled. Police said the bombs apparently were beer bottles filled with gaso line. For used Typewriter! and adding machlnea . . . Volght'g Pioneer Office Supply 639 Main. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS COTTAGE CHEESE M 0 THI ClaTia 11KI . COTT4CI CHIIH pICIPI tool cloud - soft colors. I at, q yd mm MK IN KUMATH FALLS! ! Lees Text '' -I ! ' ' . . . "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" a ' 7 ed Rtittes. means: ' t ..' ' "1. A better and more ariqnuntft tlefeuse system of all Al.tit. A large mu'i'lson al Nome. A aub murine base In Alnskn. A fai'tlCi' Navnl force nt Kotllnk. J.t 'J "3. A highway from Fairbanks to Niuue, i Hint's roughly ADO 111 lira of wlldeiiwisi; from Nome to Tel ler, to Lost River, to Wales, (These would be rxtrn.'.lons, but no loud lb Shlshninref Is mt'iillonedl. . t "3. Miiliileniinrn til u letlern) 'Ju dicial, v court in Nome. . "4. N.Hnlillslimonl n( new Indus tries fur K.ikluina go they cull hnvt) ll-ypitr employment, better schools and new opportunities. "ft. That gold mine operators should have a gold bonus price above llio present IJ5 per ounce.' There were some other points, but those hit the highlights. Officers of the club are: Vincent J. Torktoo. president; Alex Wey- Inuauna. vice president; Charlie .'. am-rrinry. " ""V ci e ue as virtually a kin- n,r" rcur amii as an nonorsry member of Igloo No. 1, Pioneers of Alaska. i a starts ran, naaaaai AMIRICAN CH1NISI wah at Km heatl ' r. MN ft (Men T Take Oat tn B. Lt, Mfjr. WE HAVE MOVED To a New Office Location at 120 South 9th (In Id formtr Pioneer Office Supply Location) As your locol FARMERS INSURANCE CROUP Represen tatives, we invite you to come in ond bring your Auto mobile, Truck and Fire insurance problems. Vx Jt"iJuAa Jkv FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE , TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Breeze in and see bur new 11 OR IZON A oi fv mrdtd jrmi . lexUiml Wilton mlh a tlurdyhigh and low un cut pile. A real value. ioc "."bW'"'" texture 11" mitli ' luxurious 'Imntl-linolteil effect. sq. yd. t Four Men Join Navy 4 L -IJmler a new policy, Navy re- trulls are being flown from rort Ulttl following their enlistment, lt San Diego wlictq they undergo rJnvitl reciull training, necrullrr i'rfclik Rnciuer of the local Naval Renrulllng atatlun has announced, H4.tn.. Irlnii.oll, msn I'fldnlitlv all. listed Ihi'iiimlt the locnl recruiting oince, utieiner auunuureu. inry uro Roy l.ee Don-nil, 1H,- nt. 8; tj..u..t I,.,,,,.. Ut'rtiun 17 'JAIflWanl. land; Robert Alan Knudlson. 20, 3IH7 Orchard and Weslpy Odell Nelson, 17, lit. 3. All four are undergoing recruit triiluliiK at Snn Dlruo, Rnrmer saltl. QUICK art GOOD.' Only 10 minutet te ti. ' A rich, savory flavor everybody likra. Get on of the fin Chun' King Oriental foods. at your grocers today I HARRY R. LANPHEAR ,i Formerly 1016 Main Slrilcinff marfrrn 12" sq. yd; t . Wamatk unniturie Co. 221 Main Phone 3353 or 5339