Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 15, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    SATURDAY, MARCH IB, 10,11,
SSk . ratify
tAQt sartl
. ' . v. 1
son of Mr. and Mia.
Robert Frlosnn, 4440
Simula Way. Tho husky
young man Is the six and
one-half months old grand
Hon of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0.
Davifi. 4848 Bislioo Street,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Krlcscn, 1717 Main Street.
Photo by Oudorlan
Mrs. Dutch Dolphin end her five
rhildren, her sister. Mr. Wrne.it
Smith nrt her three children. ll
pent long Friday to Monday
weekend week ao with their
huaband and lathers. The men
work alone- the Columbia I niver.
The Dolplnii' drove on In Seattle
lo villi with Irlenda end the
Smiths spent the time In Port
land will) two other sinters end
their Ismllli-s. "One of them form
rrly of Chllmiuln, the Hlchurd
Johns). The families ell' Intend lo
upend ell of nest week 111 PorUand
ilurlnf Die chlldren'e einltm vaca
tion. I '
From SiorkUin Iimi come an
Interesting letter Inm DeiUko
rerently become Kccond Clana
Hhlsludo. Doth her brothers have
Heoula and Badako waa one of live
students In the lame fcdinoii hlKh
school lo make a alreltht"l" aver
age fur the firm eementer, Bhe la
taking l sub)eola, banlc social
clenc, Ufa science, gym, Latin,
typing and algebra. She la also
taking the Red Cross home nursing
n It. ,mmunltv In the flret
dLwIaced family to arrive tromlson. Wilfred, telling Ihem that he
Kurouc Nrgotlatlom have been ha a been iramdcrred irom i-aca-under
way tor about a year and a land Air Bane at Run Antonio. Tex
half to have cousin. Mm. Kermll en, to March Field In California.
Keviinr and her two anna, come
from Germany. All of the red tape
has finally been cm ana mn.
Adlenne Wyr and her eons Edwin
and Erwln are here. They came by
ship 10 New York and flew on to
Klamath Falls, arriving March 5.
'Ihe Keysors took Ihem to Bon. ma
for aeveral daya vlall and they are
now al Williamson river where
Ihey will make their home. They
are emploved by Wolfl Bros, and
6nn ranch.
Mr. and Mr. Phillip Collins, Sac
ramento, were In Klamath county
lent week visiting children and
grandchildren In Klamath Falls and
chilonuln. They stayed here with
their son and aaugmer-iii-iaw, mi
ml Mrs. Harold Collins and datigh
t.rs Judy and Claudia. In Klamath
Falls Ihey npenUour.daya-Wilta Ur.
and Mrs. Angelo Faganello, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom and Mr. and Mra. enry
Fernlmnn. The Collins made their
hoina In Chtloquln lor many years
but moved aouio in the miaaie
40'e. I : ! '
Mr. and Mra. Foreil Freld are
leavlnir this Friday for a week's va
cation. Thev will apend most of
their time In San Francisco. Mrs.
Clean. Freld of Modoc Point and
Nina Buck will be at home with the
four little FreldSi
Janet Mower, hlah school liutruc
tor, will be Joined her late this
week by her mother who lives In
(iresham, and the two will apend
aprlng vacation in San Franclaco.
OueaU of Mr. and Mra. Don Simp.
son and son Dale last 8unday were
Mr. and Mra. Hugh Simpson of Hen
ley. The men are brothers and both
nigh school teachers in in county
Mrs. Walter Zimmerman was hos
tess last Thursday for the March
meeting of the Chlloqutn Home Ex
tension group. Mrs. Freldman Kirk
and Mrs, Paul Herron wer project
leaders for purse making. Mra.
Charles Hale conducted the business
meeting which preceeded the work
of tha day. The women attending
brought a sack lunch.
The ChlloQUIn Methodist Church
win nave a week or evangelism and
firayer March 31-33. Special aerv
ces will be held at II Sunday mor
ning and In the evening, again on
luesasy ana inursasy evenings.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
win Be visitation days (or laymen.
Rev. Ellerv Echlln has announced
that a apeclal speaker, a minister
from the Portland area, will con
duct the meetings. This coming
Sunday the Camp Fire Olrls will
attend church In a group and spe
cial music numbers win tie oiiered
oy orin Kirk and ciark Bray.
y .....
4t hftryM
No smJ m .fttt er worn mil aria
Ne fnr ef M filli. Bikr Ma'i disk,
f.11 m ma out ef ikli hoiiIt, atlucaJ
JftT Cb.ir.
ni la a Hffr for
ftrdiae. lower
fer alardaie.
leldi foe
1826 MonianlH fh. 4553
CHANGE-ABOUT SKIRT In taffeta and organdy. The
Jean Dcsxes model when reversed and worn with a taffeta
jacket, Is converted Into an afternoon dress shown here
as a dinner dress. At the rlijht, a red chiffon evening gown,
from Castlllo LanvIn, is worn with a huge ruffled boa.
Mrs. William C. llacklcr a re
leased Monday, Mnrcli 3, Irom
Klamalh Valley ho'intcil, where alio
nau oeen summed rro. zu Miner-
Ing from a aevere cane of tlu end
a touch of pneumonia. She la get
ting along tine now.
Mr. and Mrs. Guss A. Pane re
turned Bundav from a trip to
Houihern California, where Mrl.
Page consulted a specialist- In Bun
Francisco In regard lo a verv twin-
lul form of arthritis Irom which
she lias been tulferlng for some
time. Fnrouto home. Ihev vwlted
lor a day at Han Anselmo, Cnllf.
with her brother-lnlaw and alsler,
Mr. and Mra. Frank I.eone.
Mrs. I.yle Brevier left last Bun-
dev. Marrh ?, lor her home In
Berkeley, Culll., alter visiting here
lor gome time at Ihe home of her
daughter. Mra. J. It, Blsemore.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Loos-iand
ley have received word Irom their
nn n mniiwnni in. nii-"ir.:"
basic training with the U. 8. Air
Force, and has been promoted to
rirlvate first class, according to In
ormatlon received bv his parents.
On Wednesday, March i. Andy
Pierce and Elwood W. Malmiey.
U. S. Forest Bervlce employes of
Klamalh Falls, were here on a
tree - pruning mission to the Seven
Mile division of limber west of Ft.
Klamalh. Not only did the two
men have eight or nine feet of
enow to contend with, but It start
ed snowing early In Ihe day and
at 3 p. m. It was snowing so hard
that tliev had to give up the work,
postponing the pruning operations
until a later date. Mr. and Mrs.
Maloney lived at Seven Mile guard
slatlon last aeason. when he was
stationed there as ranger. Thev are
spending Ihe winter In Klamath
Falls and will return come spring
(probably around July by tne
looks of. things now. . .1 to the
guard station.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren L. Miller
Jr. and their little aon Mark visit
ed frlendB here last week, coming
up from Klamath Falls for the
day. They nrn driven up irom iteu
Bluff, Cnllf., where they are spend
ing the winter, for medical advice
and treatment of a minor ailment
of Mark During their stay in
Klamath Falls, Ihey were house
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
J. McAullffe and family.
Among local wrestling fans at
tending the wild and wooly bouts
held at Ihe armory In Klamath
Falls last Wednedav nlghl were Mr
and Mrs. Clay Thomas, Edward
Bud" Strong, Charles J. Brlcco.
Chnrlei "Bugs" Johnson of Crater:
ll.ukc Park
Harold- Wlmer and aon
Mrs. Fanny Bunch visited here
Wednesday al the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. 0. Varnum, their
daughter Audrey, and Mra. Var
nuni'a mother, Mra. Edith Moon.
After spending two daya with her (supreme worthy high prie-.tess,
nephew and wife. Mr. and Mrs. madc h':r olllclal visit to Naomi
Raymond 8. Looslcy. at their home jKhrlne 6, While Shrine of Jerusa
lit the Looslcy ranch, Mrs. Bunch jt.m. pcp, 29.
on Bulurdnv returned lo Klamuth no-host dinner was served In
Falls, where she makea her home u,P willard Hotel Paul Bunyan
with Mr. and Mrs. Loy Barker and iHooni nt 6:30 p.m., attended by
son Jerry, Mra. Barker being her ifii members and eight guests,
daughter. The 10-year old woman a corsage was presented to each
Is a pioneer resident of Wood River i incly by Charlote Martin, first
Valley. I worthy high priestess of the local
After vhlllng here for some time shrine. .
.., .1.. h.. ni Mr ,, n,i vim u-niiouinir the dinner, an I P.m.
I Av,n copchmd. Glen Ferguson
iprldav lor Prlncvllle. where he
., tnv Hr nnu wlir.rn Ml ill 1 1 1
i,-,.,,,,.. ,.., i,n Mr
Mrs. Lee Ferguson and bon,
. The Korean clothing time under-
taken oy mis. Kaymonu a. uuosicy
...,h h.e a.H n.ih ulrls la meellnitl
with success, munv articles ol
clothing having been donated by
0C11 people to the cause, in order
lo ruse funds lo delrav cost ol
postage to send the cloUiIng lo lis
destination In Korea, on Saturday
morning, March 8, Mrs. Loosley
and her 4-H Club cooking group
held a Kale of baked goods at the
Crater Luke Grocery, a toothsome
variety of cakes, pies, cookies, etc.
all made bv the girls Ihemselvesi
being aold as last as the proverbial
hot enkes, everything being cleaned
out by noon.
Al Lewis relumed last week from
Portland, where he went the last
purl ol February with the avowed
Intention of taking unto himself a
wile. This he did, the wedding cere
mony being uu event of March 1
at Vancouver, Wash., his bride
being tho former Murgaret Skoko
ol Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
have moved into the Rightmler
rental residence here, ond Iricnds
Join In offering congratulations and
wishing; them happiness and the
very best of luck In their married
life. He Is employed as mechanic
bv the Modoc Lumber Co. hi Us
7-mile division operations.
Coming up from their winter
home In Klamath Falls. Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick J. McAullffe, their
lour sons and darling lltlc baby
daughter of seven months, spent
Saturday at their home here.
If you overload your washing ma
chine, you will keep your clothes
from being washed clean, and may
even tear them.
Funds placed with this specialized savings Association
consistently earn better thon average returns. No long delay
in receiving the earnings on your investment payable each
June 30f h and December 3 1 st.
Financial stability for yourself and family is assured
by constant Savings by the month ... or each pay day. Open
your account ond plan a program to fit your needs.
Fiot Federal Mings
Everybody's talking about the
weather hut why doesn't aome
body DO something? Hope that be
fore this la beyond recall that
prlng haw iprung. Two periods,
two anlfflea and coughs too ,alo
and besldea.
nl approaching Ensttr and the
Knnlcr Heal Bale For giving a
little you'll get a lot ol satisfac
tion In f harlnu In a BIO under-
Itaklng For helping to rehabilitate
one physically handicapped child
cr adult you can cup mental cou
pon Irom now on out.
daughters Huian 2 and Bsrbara I
are In Los Altos, California, visit
ing Ihe Olonn Rents Bally also
plnns to see Ihe Ralph McCullocha
and dnughtcr Carol Ralph recov
ering Irom an operation on his
who while In the news room
"!"" ??. "J"Vw. u
'have endeared themselves to many,
many people In the Klamath Basin
Official Visits
Meta Polnta. Toronto, Canada
I meeting waa new in me masoinu
Temnlc, lor riiuauiuc wuia.
intituled Into the shrine were:
Dr. and Mr. A. T. Custer. Laura
isimmons, Annna canine, job i tu-
i"" " ' f "
rvrf in the
Relreshments wereserved In tne
j banquet
hnll. Nell Rellerath and
Beatrice Dcnlson arranged the dis
unctlvciy appointed tables.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Mallory on the birth of a
son. Mrs. Smith is helping care
for the boy.
Th. Cardwell brothers, who op
erate the Richfield service station
here, hnve been called oacx 10
North Carolina by the death ol
their mother.
Glen Hllyard Is In the Army in
Pete Dyer has been helping Carl
Smvthers with his spuds.
Bill Short Is In the Air Fore
In Texas. He is taking officers'
training. . , ,
Cus Hllyard has been shipping
his spuds thla week.
Bob Murphy Is in the Army al
Fori Lewis. Wash.
Thom.1' Hess Is a candidate for
the county assessor's office.
Ruth Calhoun has been visiting
for the past lew days at the 0. F.
Sukraw home.
Bee Ross and Mrs. Margie Su
kraw and dau'htcrs spent Friday
evening with Mrs. Heinle Grimes
of Olene. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cox moved from
the Mallory property here at Hag
er last Bunady. They have per
chased a new home.
Falls, Or.
and have been Identified In a
Quiet way with many gracious
civic gestures.
LODGE another bouquet If the
women attending had cheered as a
body they'd have to look mine,
place other than the Armorv to
stage trio crab feeds and eotertnln
ment because the acoustical ac
claim would have leveled the struc
turePleasantly and patiently they
served a crowd ol women Thurs
day night that actually overflowed
the Armory.
SUNDAY DINNER at the Yacht
Club will barbecued apare-rlos
instead of stuffed breast of veal
Mike and Beula have caught their
breath after the big crowd last
Sat for the crab feed.
The Pilot's Club Is having one to
night and the response In rerer
vatlons has been far above ex
pectations. CAMP FIRE WEEK and the
chocolate covered mint sale to
start soon Really good candy and
something to think about lor future
card parties.
under her fancy bonnet, is
the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James R. Gustafson,
1724 Dayton Street. Her
maternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Hearn, and
her paternal grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Gustaf
son, are all local residents.
Photo by Guderian
1 III I!
-'?4- tV'iaaV Vi-
!" i
SHORT IN FRONT 1952 trend for spring evening gowns.
Model on the left from Castillo-Lanvin collection. Jean
Desses model, right, features a change-about taffeta over
skirt. .
. Hildebrand T
Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Btsby had
as their dinner guests on SundBy
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sinclair and Mr.
and Mrs. Leo baiKcr aU of Klam
ath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lee left Friday
morning for Fort Ord. Calif. The
Bells will visit their grandson, Jan
Clark, and the Lees will visit their
son. Leonard. The boys are in
training camp there.
Those who visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Vlclra on Sunday were
Fred Schmoe, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
Pool Sr., of Klamath Falls, Mr.
land Mrs. Don Schremer and on,
Donme and Ronnie, of Henley, Mr.
I ana Mrs. Erwin Pool and child
dren. Tommy, Judy and Carlene of
I Biv and Mrs. Kennelh Vieira.
W. 0. Smyth and children. Clara
and Edward, visited on Saturday
at Henley.
Mr. snd Mrs. Ben Pool of Klam-
iath Falls visited with their sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ijoe Vlelra on Sunday.
I Mrs. Sarah Michael visited on
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Jones In Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Martha McCumber visited
on Monday with her brother, Al
bert Burgdorf and son, Eldon.
Mrs. Hawknis of Medford spent
the weekend at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Lee.
Mrs. Harvey Butts and Mrs.
Ann Jane White visited on Wed
nesday with Mrs. Butts' daughter.
Mrs. Bud Brown, and daughters In
Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Sarah Michael visited on
Monday with Mrs. Luis Gomera
and daughter, Cookie, in Klam
o meet
Vernomcare Table Setting Expert
..,.... , V-'JVz&Z. f'j
Secrets of A Successful Hostess''
RUTH VERNON, table-setting consultant for Vernon Kilns
of California, i$ nationally known for her beautiful party
tables. Meet her in our dinnerware department...
March 17 , March 18
,,. to get your copy of ih. inWng V.rnen book "24 Way, lo Set a Party tab!..'
ath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Butts and
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael at
tended the basketball game In
Grants Pass between Bonanza and
Rogue River.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael
were transacting business in Klam
ath Falls on Monday and Mrs. Joe
Vieira took care of the store for
Mrs. 8arah Michael spent the
weekend in Klamath Falls visit
ing her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoefler.
A "Curio Shop" arranged by pro
prietors Vera Fritsch and Helen
McCornack, featuring twenty-six
collector's items proved amusing
and entertaining to members and
guests of Manzanita Chapter 172,
OES at the regular meeting Friday
evening Mar. 7.
Hostesses for the affair were;
Lillian Webb, Thelitis Fink, Doro
thea Buck and Georgianna Clark,
who served delicious refreshments
from tables decorated with daffo
dils and pussywillows.
Worthy Matron Vera Fritsch and
Worthy Patron John Larsen pre
sided at the regular session. Kath
leen Ward gave interesting side
lights of her recent trip to Hawaii.
Announcement was made of the
visit of Associate Grand Matron
Leila Wimberly for school of in
struction Sunday Mar. 16, at 7:30
Members and friends were also
invited to the next stated meeting
lor "Men's Night ' and initiation.
"Boy Celt Girl" Party Table featuring a Vernon
Gerald Murphy, six-months,
old son of Mr, and Mrs.
Francis G. Murphy, 2121
Etna Street. He is the.
grandson of Mrs. Adelaide
Murphy, 529 N. 8th Street,
and Mr. L. G. Boyden, Sur
rey, England. His great '
grandmother, Mrs. L.
Payne also lives in Surrey.
Photo by Guderian ;
Bridal Shower ':
LAKEVIEW A bridal shower
was held March 8 at the home of!
Mrs. Mac Bolton and honoring
Myrtle McGuffin who will be
come the bride of Arthur Wood
March 15.
The room wai decorated with,
spring flowers and the table wa
heaped with gifts from the- follow
ing friends and relatives of th
bride to be: Lillian Pardue, Elsie'
Hanks. Mrs. William Back, Coral
Hill. Ketta Griffith, Nancy Kent,
more, Lola Chandler, Badle Albert
son, Dorothy Chrlstensen, Margaret
Crowl, Jessie Woods, Alma a n i
Myrtle Crowl, Cherry Millard,
Joyce Dunham, Virginia Martin
Mildred Richardson, Terry and Jo-,
ann Griffith, Gloria Chandler, Mary
Lynn and Joyce Fenimore, Jose
phlne Dunham, and Zelda Ann"
O'Neil. 1
From the East Side were Mrs..
Julia Lightle, Mrs. Dessle O'Neil.
Mrs. A. L. McGuffin. and the hon'
ored guest Myrtle McCuffln. Mrs '
Justine Ward of Eaglevllle. hostess;
Mrs. Mac Bolton and co-hostesses
Mrs. Merla O'Neil and Mrs. Fred
Nelson. .
sending gilts but unnable to attend!
were the following ladies. Mrs..
StanleV Tooke. Mrs. Melvin Millard.
Mrs. Neal Elliott, Mrs. Gary Mor
ris Jr., Mrs. Francis Mulkey, Mrs,'
Walter Roberts, Mrs. Mary War,
Following the opening ef the lift
refreshments were served.
Games were played and prise
were won by Margaret Crowl, Aim.
Crowl and Melba Black. '
Plaid Pattern