SATUIIDAY, MAHCI1 13. 1031 IlKRALD AND NEWS. 10. AM ATI) rMJ,F. OKKfiON PAGE EIGHT .m...". mm fc-; a-. ' MARY KATHRYN 15 months, and Federick Eugene i good looking children of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart, 1410 Nimitz. They are grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stewart, Medford. Photo by Ferebee By MRS. MERLE O'NEIL Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Tomltn and family recently enjoyed a visit from relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Gibson of Alaska, Rose Cordill, and Mrs. Leona shoenborn of Mollala The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Ton lln while Cordill is their brother. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Raabe and family of Lake view also visited there, Mrs. jtaaDe is anouier su ter. -The Gibsons purchased a new car and planned to drive home by the Alcan highway. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fcnimore and Joyce motored to Klamath falls on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Pardue and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle o Neil ana temily on Thursday evening. Sunday evening several friends met at the Clyde Fenimore home and from there they motored to the V'aiidiver home where they cha rivaried Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swin ney who were recently married. The bride is the former Velma Vandiver and has many friends who wish her much hanDiness. The group of neighbors along -with the pride and groom motored to trie home of Mr. and Mrs. George Feni more where they enjoyed a social evening oi aanncuiK ana at uu- nlght served reiresnmems. The 4-H leaders of this district field a meeting at the West Side School house Friday night for the purpose of arranging a program to be held at the Grange hall on Friday evening. March 14, at 8 4'clock. Leaders present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warner. Shirley Sipp, Tmnppnn Batman. Hubert Wagers. Sancy Fenimore. Preceding the program there will be a community dinner at 6:30 and this is to be potluck. Al who can are urged to attend, don't forget the date Mar. 14. On Feb. 23, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peay entertained with a birthday dinner which honored Mrs. Pete Jhristensen. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wagers. Gilbert Chris tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Chris tensen and the Carl Peay family. 'Carl Williams has recently fin ished drilling a deep well on the d. V. Fenimore ranch near Drews creek. It is a 275-ft. well and Is cased down 244 feet. iMr. and Mrs. Harold Shults ta wed Mr. and Mrs. Dee Chandler Gloria and Gaylen for a turkey dinner on Mar. 2, the occasion Being Clayton Shults birthday. , Leslie Pardue spent several days .last week visiting her aunt, Lillian Pardue. I The Farm Bureau met the eve ning of Mar. 4 at the home of Mr. jjnd Mrs. Herbert Stover. Mr. Jack Wakefield of Salem who is repre sentative and manager of OFBF Bis. Co., was a guest for the meet ing and gave an interesting talk. ;Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson lind Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin Sr. arrived home last week from their trips. The Johnsoas had been to Colorado and the Martins visited relatives in California and Med fprd. (Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peay and sons cjijoyed a fresh smelt supper at the llynn Tomnn nome rnuay evcuuw I Mr. and Mrs. BUI Toney are par tite of a son born on March 6. I Mr. Bernard Busic of the Lake liew Soil Conservation service towed some very interesting nims the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry jrowl, the evening of Mar. 5. The fallowing neignoors ana menus ere present: Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Stover aand Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albertson, Mr. ,and Mrs. Fred Nelson and James. Mr. ajnd Mrs. Mae Bol t ojj, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Busic and sons, Mr. Sid Mrs. Merle O'Neil and. chil dren, Charles Dameron and Sally, Barbara Tomlin, Cherry Millard 3nd Jimmy. The Harry Crowl fam ily and J. W. Crowl. Refreshments were served later b5C" hostess. I The Herbert Stover family mo tored to Klamath County Sunday tfc help Mrs. Stover's mother, Mrs. Mary Breithaupt celebrate her Birthday. ' The West Side schoolbus ended Jp in a snow drift Friday' evening rtcar the Parks place and the chil dren spent the night at the Floyd Heed home. This seems to be a ery popular place for people to 4ay all night when they are j daught out in a West Side blizzard, InJ T rinn't Irnnw fit a mr ml ijeople to spend the night with tjirtn Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reed. i isimrue uumerun anver OI me bus walked on to his home, and had to leave the schoolbus there until the next day. Mr. and Mrs. HuRh Anderson are Mrs. Johnny Murphy of - Add visited her mother. Mrs. Lillian Pardue, over the weekend. M- a,.1 Xffre Anrlv Will Xfl. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lamb, Louis Lamb and Alma Crowl attended tne wresumg match at the armory In Klamath Falls, Mar, S. Mr. and Mrs. George Fenimore w father Mr. Hawk were Sunday dinner guests of the Clyde Fenimore lamuy. Mrs. Lee Paxton is enjoying a ..ti-u 4w.n hnr sistpr who arrived here this week from Colorado. Xr anrl Kfr fiPnrffP HAlieV H11U family of Redmond spent last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andv Hill and Donny. The West side iwoinera viuu mpt Wednesday. Mar. 5 at the school. Mrs. Mildred Richardson acted as chairman for the meeting in the absence OI Mrs. verna out. w-t- ctKi Daftit nnri Mrs. Idora 1.1 1 J. o.w.t .--.' - . Tomlin were hostesses and served delicious refreshments to the fol lowing ladies: Mrs. aua ' Fred Nelson, Mrs. Ed Garrett, Mrs. AU3UU Iiai"i ....... more. Florence Morris, Mrs. Merle O'Neil. Mrs. Mac Kicnarusu.i, Bill Batman. Mrs. Dee Chandler r,rt th two hostess, Idora Tomlin and Sibyl Peay. Shopping Tips For Teen-Agers.. So vou teen-agers think shopping I. . r, All vnn nppri in the necessary financial backing, and you're positive you could buy the most "dreamy" wardrobe imagin able. .. Atantt Vinvincr snrpps take Mnvafl nlanninor snri trainmg. if you want to get the best values lor your money, as a aiarier, juu u U ..mart nirl tn arPflt fruldance uc a eiuii b" ' w 1 t mnthor nnri the sales- woman who waits on you. They ve bout had enougn expeneute u fer you valuable suggestions. or,t- sunn Ipnva hnme. ' -" - analyze your figure and features. What are your mosv uaueiu.K tw ors? Decide on the type of clothes that win ao uie iiiu&fc u then stick to mem. r.: ... mnnrrotlt fnT VH1I tli cultivate an individual style, bet ter not shop wiin a group ui .cinn, th lotaripr" buv- irieiiuD. 'wwn - - mg will only result in clothes that don't suit you. ... Set aside several days or alter, noons for shopping. Concetrate on school cioines one k-- duds the nexi. iouu u" .uiM .n want hv riinnins from aiiuiniK jm ' department to department. Once you've made the list of what vou need, don't sacrifice conserva tive, useful clothing for novelties The outfit that's really "different rarely outlasts the season. Set your shopping sights nigh. The taste and technique you de velop now will influence your ap pearance for the rest of your hie. Soroptimist -..mntimlst Club of Klamath u- .i,i it mnnihlv business rails iiiiiw tw j meeting and luncheon at the Pell- can Party Koom mtm pi.. MAaKnf. . a, nnenprt bv PreS- !j.t r. Gmith whn rflllpd for the secretary's report from Mary Both well and the treasurer's report from Josephine Robinson. Isabelle Brixner reported on the committee nrnm-ess for selection of Woman of the Year. Margaret Larkin reported on me plans for the dinner for this an nual affair which will take place at the Wlllard Hotel on March 28 at 7 p.m. Quota Club extended an Invita tion to the Soroptimist members to join them for their dinner meet ing at the Pelican Party Boom on March 24. Cnntlmlct mamlUM wilt flimtvh cookies to the Red Cross for the next Bloodmobiie unit in Apru. The club voted to provide cur- talna fnr tha hncnltnl unit fit. Ihff. Klamath County Infirmary. It was announced that Esther Lawler, a past president of the local club, had been selected a member of the board of directors for the northwest reeion of SoroDti- mlst Clubs. President Ofa announced at the close of the meeting that next Thursday would also be a closed meeting due to balloting. MnrinipHtJt Wnrri nrnn th cmp. cial award of the day: By CORA LEAVITT Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown of Langcll Valley were dinner guests March S at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen People. During the eve ning Ted Pepple called his parents trom Anchoraiie, Alaska, where he is stationed. Ted was celebrating his birthday by calling them. Bonanza turned out in good at tendance to go to the ball same at Grants Pass for the big game oetwecn Bonmua and Rogue River. Sorry we lost, but the boys were good sports. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dye and Blaine were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House of Lan grll Valley on Mondav. BIU and Dan House of Bly were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Curley Evatt of Klamath Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Tex Evatt and Tad of Ashland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Novotony. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bechdoldt left March 11 for Portland to visit their daughter Mrs. Phil Hunt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill of Klamath Falls visited Mondav with the Lloyd Crawfords and BUI Bur nett families. Richard Burnett spent several days at Grants Pass wilh his parents the S. L. Bur netts. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Givan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hynds and Joan went to Grants Pass for the game and met their son. Gordon, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dun Givan. Danny teaches at Coqulllc and Gordon at North Bend. Everyone is reminded of the St. Patrick dance March 22 at the high school given by the Bonanza Big Springs Park Association under the direction of Mrs. Tommy O'Connor, it will be an apron and overall dance and there will be prizes for the most unusual shirt and apron. Funds are badly needed to go ahead with the park work tliis spring and summer so it is hoped a good crowd will turn out. Dancing starts at 9 to music by the Smoothies. Supper served. AAUW Election . Mrs. William Wales Jr. was elected president of the Klamath Falls Branch American Associa--tion of University Women at the March luncheon meeting held in the Pelican Party Room, March 8. Other officers who will serve dur ing the ensuing year are Mrs. Hom er Koertje. vice president: Mrs. KODert Erlandson. secretary; and Mrs. George Proctor, treasurer. Decorations carried out a orpon and white St. Patrick's Day theme. iaoies were centered with beauti ful arrangements of green jonquils, and small shamrocks were hspH personal favors. Mrs. Percy Mur ray and Mrs. Seth Kerrnn in charge of decorations. Mrs. Charles B. Larkin nresiHert over the business meeting. She introduced Mrs. tlotho chairman of the committee on by laws. She read the nr th. association and thev were un proved and adopted by members present. The group voted to tnvit. th. State Convention AAUW to meet in Klamath Falls next year. Mrs. Larkin will extend this invitation ri mis years annual convention which is being held at Seaside Ho tel. Gearhart, April 17-18-19. After the business meeting the 75 members and s-uests pninvpH the Spring Musicale, arranged by Mrs. Don Zumwalt, chairman of music committee. A string ensem ble composed of Mrs. Lewis Horn by, violinist and Mrs. Edward Jolly, celloist played several num bers, Mrs. Earl Sheriden and Miss narriec xaueiier each sang several selections. Miss Ruth Lobaugh was accompanist for the afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Oraef presented sev eral piano solos. Tne April meeting will be at the Willard Hotel. Aoril 12. and will feature the Drama Group in an easier piay, stained Class. IS J v m-mtk CINDY SUE four and her brother IMVIIi KOSS siweu months. Very attractive children of Mr. and Mrs. Italph E. Moon, 1400 Nimitz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Pelser, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Iloss Moon, all from Milton Krccwater. Photo by Forebce CAMP FIRE GIRLS INCORPORATED are celebrating the 42nd birthday of the organi zation. Other than the observance of Camp Fire Week, March will include the kick-off date for the mint creme patty sale on the 29th. Representing the many girls who will take an active part in the sale are three Blue Birds pictured from the left, Esther Dccn, Anne Anderson and Karen Sullivan, all fourth-graders from Fairvicw. Photo by Kettler THREE GENERATIONS OF ROBERTS in the Robertson family. Robert L (left) grandfather of Robert Eugene (Robbie) is from Westhope, N.D., Robert E. Robertson, Sr., (right) father of 8 months old Robbie. They make their home at 1121 Alandale. Photo by Ferebee KENO By MRS. JOE DeGRANDE Keno PTA held its regular meet ing with a small group attending. It was agreed to call a special meeting to be held Tuesday, Mar. 18, for the election of officers. Members of the 4-H club will put on a demonstration promptly m 7:30 p.- m. Anita Kester is back teaching the third and fourth grades at Keno school after a slight auto accident. Mrs. Owen Crabtrec has been ill with the flu. Girl Scout Troop 13 has finished a beautiful quilt they worked on most of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Martin and family of Coos Bay vWted with relatives and friends in Keno over the weekend. Fred Wyman was taken to Hill side Hospital with an undetermined illness last week. George Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powell, has been In the hospital with a mild case of pneu monia. Mrs. Charles Atteberry has been ill with the flu. Faculty Wives Committees Appointed The Faculty Wives and Women's Club of Oregon Tech met March 11. at King Hall with new off leers presiding. Mrs. George Harper president; Mrs. H. C. Madole, vice president: and Mrs. Delmar Jones secretary treasurer. Twenty three members were present. Mrs. Harper named the following new committee members: Hospitality Chairman, Mrs, Roy Green: Publicity, Mrs. John Howard, Program Chairman, Mrs, Grant Bailey; Mrs. Earl Balrcy: Welcoming Committee, Mrs. C. C. Orcwcll; Mrs. B. Olson and Mrs. F. L. O'Connell; Scrap book, Mrs. Carl Stolpe aivl Mrs. Jack La Orandc. Mrs. Jesse Crabtrre Is general chairman for the Faculty Wives ten. given every year for the grad uating women students. Mrs. Crab tree will announce her committee at the next meeting. Retiring officers for 1951-53 were presented with gifts. Cards were played during the re mainder of the evening. The prize offered each month by the hostesses, was won by Mrs. H. C. Madole. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. George Harper, Mr. Jerry Ilrannanian, Mrs. Arthur Klrkland, Mrs. John Howard. The next meeting will be April 15. lly MKS. ('HAS. Drl.AI' Jit. Hie Thursday club whs enter tained Feb. 8, by Mrs. Troy quiills. concerned vnliin. leers to donate cookies for the Red Cross blood bunk. Present were Mrs. Cecil Chevne, Mrs. Ilitliih Hill. Mrs. Bulord Ktiylnr, Mrs. Ule Oll lard. Mrs. Howard Jackson, Mrs. Ocno Yudon, Mrs. Gray Braniiou, A wonderful dinner wan served to approximately 380 last Saturday night at the Ladles Aid annual din ner, proceeds going to help finance the new church building. The min strel show was presented after the dinner, and was well received by the a r. Hence. The Ladles -Aid and the Mt. I.iikl choir would like to take this oppor tunity to thank every one who helped In any way to make the evening a grand success. Vacations seem to be In order now before the sprliu work bruins. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. White returned Monday after vacationing in Hiinia Ilarbara and other places in Cali fornia, Hie Scott Thompsons are vis iting a week or tell days with their daughter and fumily In I'ortlund. Mr. and Mrs. Rnnnld Whitlutch and sons, Charley, Lurry, are vacation ing In California. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helmut are about due home again after spending three weeks In the Hawaiian Islands. Last Thurs day their daughter. Mrs. Wallace Thompson, received by airmail a beautiful Hawaiian lei made of baby orchids. Twyla Ferguson was guest speak er al PTA. Wednesday, she gave a very enjoyable talk on Kurope. I am one of those lucky people with a birthday on Feb. 39. My mother. Mrs. K. F. niankenshlp, and slater, Mrs. E. J. Yadon were hostesses nf a surprise parly In my honor on Friday afternoon. Guests were Velma Cheney, Wlnetta Bran non. Lois Hill, Marie Orem. Pat McMnnus, Susln Yadnn, Murpuerlte Breithaupt, Jerry White. Thelma Short. Mary Mnrtln, Dnrothv Jack son. Doris Green, Ethel Henry, Pauling Kavlor. Olaelya Cheyne, Christine Blankenshlp, Imngene Schmlll, Gladys Toyscn, Oretchrn Vnompsnn, lAona Duiills. Dot No lan, Kilty Jackson, and Mrs. II. B. Peiulergrsss. 4Ur". Someone's birthday or anniversary? For 'iennlhlne' titlnlr dlf Itrtitt . . . uil brown Ihioujh YOUR STORI'S two lift floors 4 mesionlne. You'll lln' flit lo m it your lolls and bud-,.l! "For Distinctive Gifts" VIII li iSTOIEJ 721 Moin 7A NOTICE! Francis "Smithy" Smith Expert Tree Surgeon Experienced in Landscaping, Spraying, Shade and Fruit Tree Pruning. "Smithy" will be available through SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP and NURSERY Ph. 8188 LET US WORK with you NOW on your landscape needs! NOW SHOWING the new 11 900 THE SEWING MACHINE THAT IS KNOCKING THE STUFFIN' OUT OF ALL RIVALS! Regardless Of Price Or Make 12 Machines In 1 (No Attachments) The Bel Airs are to durable and efficient that we can safely guarantee them to give continuous service forever. : SEVING Machine Service and Exchange 1" We Are Ma I A featuring I 1 1 BEL MR Strd. I 3r I BOUQUET oustling with new iea$on charm A handful of flowers lied in velvet lift the lines of a Walleau bonne! wilh o captivating swoop lo the bock 1 I Millinery . Second Floor ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS To Enter Ferebee Studio's ANNUAL 1l0St "MTi Attractive J (MM" : (on test 'Nl JUDY CHAPPELL Ono o( loll yoor't wlnnort This Is Your Chance to Win a Valuable Prize. COSTS NOTHING TO ENTER Open to children 5 months to 8 yeors. 31 awards ... 31 winners. ( Special owar.d for twins. Only o limited time remoins. ' v' eg U.S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PHONE 3292 Ph. 6771 i 422 Main