Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 15, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    SATURDAY, MARCH IB, 1 05 1
rry ,, ; j-i it 7H'Trj
V,;. lf-
MR. AND MRS. l.ENO CALZONI Who were married in
tilt; St. Joseph's C.-ithulii- Church in McCloiul, February 17.
The liriile was Clnria Pave Huhi'Ii-.s, tlauuhler of Mr. and
Mrs. Moiclaml Kuril's. The bridegroom is the .son of Mrs.
I'lioto by Ihoreson
St. Joseph' Cnthollc Church. Mc
Cloud. en the scene iif the after
noon ceremony Ffb. 17. when Ciln
rin Fnye Rugglcs. daughter of Mr.
nnd Mr:,. Morelnnil nuxiilr.i, be
nunc the bride ol l.eno Calunl.
K. M. Calzoni.
St. Barnabas
Church Guild
l.ANliK.I.L VAI I K Y - Mr I)!
Tt'ilecs cnlrrlnmcd lh. (iullM. -if
Pntnnbn-, Chun-h nt Ihr Paruh ll:tll
March II Willi PirMrt'-iu Mr- I ii'h
er Noble In rhuri;e of Ihe ineeiiiu?
rolbiu'inir t'" infi!tttr i, roch-l
alicrnoun mid liuilil inijiin urn. m
Mri. ClcolJe lliikir Was KlVfll I
Kill of need. eu oi x as Ihc conical
flf:f i fliuif lit f were .ervi-'l by
Mrs. Iloti-ns to Mm Mike Deal
born, Mm. Urare Ulasn. Mr.-. IUI
('unnillKhiiln, Mrs. Marlon I IliiUav,
Mrs. UoilK Scli-ln-i. Mr- Ola Wil
liam. Mm. Kuwll Walrh. Mrn.
We-lev Deal Morn. Mm. Arl Monroe.
Mi.-,. l.uMier N"blc. Mrs llontnn
AMibcc, and Mm. Ocnnre linker.
'Ilie neM ineelllii: vlll l)r nl the
home ol Mm. bill Uuinctl un April
S nl 'i p in.
Aloha Social
Club Meeting
Aloh.i Social Club OK8. met
March 1 In ihe Masonic Hull for
a prettily appointed dessert lunch
con. The bullet table wax centered
with iin iilinictne arrangement ot
daffodils mid mien li.piis. Mm
SOJOURNERS NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS Fifteenth year of Sojourners in Klamath Falls A group organized to
greet the newcomer. From a very small membership Sojourners has grown to a list of nearly 70 active members and
over 100 associate members. From the left, Mrs. Winston D. Purvinc, president Mrs. J. R. Rhodes, vice president; Mrs.
Waiter lloag, secretary; and Mrs. Howard Phillips, treasurer. Photos by Ferebee
Pert little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William A. Hatw,
j Bly. Her birthday is Feb.
, 6 and she is 19 months old.
i Her maternal grandparents
Are Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Kev. Curl Wllbnuii olflcialed. I l&KI) IMIIOl, 1UJ V a.MiltiK
TY.c bride n nhtn In murrlarcj toil and her paternal
bv her todfnther. Emerv De EraiKlnarclllS arc MT. SI10
ltuslnii. I
l.oi mine Z.inntto win the inuld
of honor und P. Cnlzonl wun bet.1,
mitn fur hut brother. Joneph Cn?i '
mno mid J. Citlmnl were u: hem. '
Mrs. Theodore Hatw, Mil
waukee, Wisconsin.
Photo by Ferebee
Ihe newlywedn Hre makliiK their
home In McCloiul uhcre l.eno b
rmployed by Ihe McCloud Hivrr
Co. Doth Hltcndcd McCluud Hign
Past Noble Grand
Potluck Luncheon
Mil. M. Stewart Hldln was ho.sl
eh'. to I'ost Noble Urand'n potluck
luncheon Tuesday, at her home.
802 s. itlvcrslde.
Oullndlh and place cards hand
painted. In wnler colors lent n
.prliiK touch to the tables.
Alter the buMncMi nieellnir, the
Altar Society
At Bonanza
BON ANA The Bonanza Altar
Society 81. Frances Cabrlnl met at
Ihe home of Mm. Frank DeBel
in LanKfll Valley March 6. Presi
dent Mm. Bob Colwell presided.
Plant were made for a food sale
before Easier, announcement ot the
time and the place to be made
later. There will be mass every
Sunday starting In April. Altar So
ciety will meet Uie first Thursday
of every month.
Mrs. P. W. Brown cave a review
on the book " Too Small a World"
by llieodore Maynard, on the Ule
of St. Frances Cabrlnl.
The next meeting will be April
3 at the home of Mrs. F. W. Brown.
Mrs. DeBel served dainty re-
lollowlnu ofllccrs wero Installed hi
Charles Cillicrl. club president an inipics;ive ceremony: eiorencc
mired Pieces were marked atjCuMcr, president; Mae Anderson.
Mnal, I, rs - " : j iurK.'-retiryr-CorVnVm Larson ' freshments ithe close, of the meet
ber of Alolnn clmiitei. Albion. Ida-.won Ihe Rnmo prlr.e, Ada Willits
ho wa.-i a special nucsi. lust door )il and Coilnne
..... u In- iLnrson won second.
Iirs. i.um in... m
Irish Ballads Indicative of St.
teresiini! IravcloiHie on her travels
... t.n -r.iu-. britrjiutr meet
ings from friends and chaplcrs vis- lnne Liirson accompanied by Mnr
llecl in Calllornin. ""n-t ,,,d''" Bt ,hc
Ilrldue and Canasta were played
following the business meeting.
Hinre In brldue went to Mrs. car
Hie to Mrs. Clay Walker. Mrs. F.
W. Brown, Mrs. Ben Nork, Mrs.
Orval Wagner. Mrs. Ernest Walker,
Mrs. Charles Walker. Mrs. Bob Col
well. Mrs. Cecil Hunt. Mrs. Eddie
Patrick's Day wero sunn, by Cor-1 '""li" Jack McCart e
"u 1 k 1
' X v
iVf v: S v :
MARTHA I VIE whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ivie,
Wocus, recently announced her engagement to . Richard
Bishop. Richard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bishop,
Portland. He is a student at OTI, studying engineering and
surveying. The wedding date has been set for June 12.
Photo by Evergreen
! L. Li' i , ' i' .
Sammy Dean, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Stout,
Washburn Way. Paternal
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. P. T. Stout, Henryetta,
Oklahoma. Maternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
G. T. Chapman, Long
Beach. Three months old
Sammy's mother taught at
Altamont and also at Hen
ley. Photo by Guderian
v.-.i a. .kv
1 1
MR. AND MRS. V. R. TOOMBS, 2688 Radcliffe, announce
the engagement of their daughter Janet Mae, to Raymond
Francis Mulkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mulkey. Lake
view. The bride-elect is a senior at KUHS and her finance
is a student at OTI. A summer wedding is planned.
Photo by Evergreen
Girl Scout Troop
Ten Has Silver Tea
Senior Olrl Scout Troop 10 were
hostesses at a silver tea Saturday,
March 1, at the home of Mrs.
E. M- Harnden, S3 Pacific Ter
race. The rooms and tea table were
colorful with distinctive arrange
ments of red tulips and white nar
cissi. Girls pourlnng and assisting about
the rooms were: Carolyn Boyd,
Doris Campbell, Judy Clark. Julie
Karnden, Sharon Hayford. Shirley
Mattoon, Jean Million, Ellse Nlt
shem and Roberta Wade.
Nile Club of Klamath Falls held
their regular luncheon meeting.
March 5 at Jened's. .
Highlight ot the program were
selections played by Mr. Drrsdale's
string quartet: Wayne Angel, Shir
ley Cox, Janice Larson and Shir
ley Long. Irma Marshall and Nora
Swelgart were welcomed as new
1826 Homtdolt Rood
Telephone 7080
Opts Eraalnfi y A(iatmaat
Having Company
A Party?
You prepare the table end
let ut prepare the food!
Delicious Fried Chicken
with French Fries Salads
our own
Baked Pies and Cake
Order by Phone 5537
Drop in end See Us
Open 7 Dayt a Week
4831 So. 6th
iff drifting tni tiart Dvinf bk
irrifwl carptlt aftd rwa Starch
In hr 1n perfect partcrnf YkVK
M h Kcra. TracUnt tV a ulr'
Wa' tr lata alt 9uuf akaie
VMlirrT Wa'ra vow kori all rljlif,
hr tarry awH i ha faamit
brands, firk yaw aarptt aabana
wha m, tact ywH wnllr away calav
caipclaa, ead Hff coafantaa
221 Main Phone 5353
in Hunt, in Cannula to Mrs. una
Hulchcns and a six'clal prle was
presented to Mrs. Ellen Daiiner.
Iloslesses were Mrs. Kate Pey
ton. Mrs. JCKSle l.yle, Mrs. W. U.
DeWllte and Mrs. W. M. Andcr-
Eigrit et Forty
The KIkIU ct Forty. Fun and
Honor oiKiinlatlim of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary met nt the
legion .Memorlnl Hull. February
28. With Mm. Aliiel Paul presiding.
Business meeting included mak
ing plans lor their work in pre
vention of tuberculosis. They arc
co-operntlnir Willi Ihe Health nnd
'.MberculoslM ii.s.sorlallon nnd nt
Christmas time took charge of the
Cliiistmus Bcnl booths.
Pinna arc nb.o in the
Sacred Heart
Mothers Club
Moiher's Club of Sacred Heart
Ellle Frnln wns guest for the af
PuM Noble Grnnds present were:
Florence Custer, fiudle Mac Wnl- i
luce. Kale Homie, Jennie Hurn. I
Alma Cofer. Lucille Bold. Ada W
'ills. Carbine Larson. Emma Slier- Academy met March 6 In the Acad
emy auditorium. Airs, nay ivann
Mr. Albert Lavenick. general
chairman of the Dad's Nilo to be
held April in, outlined his plans
and discussed arrangements to be
A nominating committee was ap
pointed with Mrs. Albert Lavenlk
chairman. Mrs. Bill Ely, Mrs. Clif
ford Molntore and Mrs. John Mc
Andrews. Mrs. Gordon Morrla and Mrs.
Delvan Heflcy entertained the Mo
thers with a piano duet. Their sel
ections were "Victor Herbert's Fa
vorites , and Jealousy. i
mail, .elma Hownrd. Ivy Drew.
Vern Frllsch. Nellie Wnltenburg.
tienrgbi .ollninn. I, Inn Mol.schen
liaclier. Vera Clemnns, Harrielt
hsles, Kll.nbclh Ham.sby nnd Mnr
gaiel iiidtn.
I Nest inecllng will be nt the home
lot Amu Coin, 1017 High St.
Toketee Lions
Monday evening, March 10
the Wlnemn Hotel Ladles Toke.
tee Lions Club were honored nt a
dinner meeting given by Kliunnth
Fulls Lioness Club. The former Is
a new orminl'lltlnn former! miHet
making tbe .spoii.sar.shlp of tho Klnmnth
tor the convention to be held in i Fnlls Lioness Club, who presented
late July. Fred llellbronner hns I tinners to the following ofllccrs
been appointed general chairman I who were Installed nl this meeting:
of the Auxiliary convention and President. Ruth Walp: Vice Prcsi
Mrs. Pnul Olteibeln of Eight ctdent, Marian Mlsfeldt (ncling as
Forty Mnrclie. i proxy for vice president i: Sccre-
Thn aocliil part of the evening j tiny Treasurer, Mnric Perry; One
Wns spent In jilnvlng pinochle and
urioge. rrir.cs were won ny Mrs.
Herniln Foster, Evn Sonncnbcrg,
and Mrs. Jim Fowler.
Refreshments wero served by
hostesses: Mrs. Pnul Otterbelii,
Mrs. Ethel Roberts, Mrs. Irene
Freltng, Mrs. Jennie Hurn
Mrs. o. n. Mntlhews.
year director, Phyllis McNcc; Two
year Director, Pntty Lnndrum.
Lily Crosc, Btnte President of
Lioness Clubs, presented tho club's
chitrtcr nnd Exenc Humble, Presi
dent of Klnmnth Falls Lioness Club,
presented the travel nf office m
and i "lc "cw president.
Music wns furnished bv the Sn
Next llieetinir Will he held nL el-erl Tleart 'AenHnmv r-.it-i.j in..t.
Mrs. Jim Fowlers on Match 27. Ignl Choir.
The next meeting Is to be held
Tuesday, April 8,
Following the meeting refresh
ments were served by Mrs. R. E.
Stephens, Mrs. Bill Elv, Mrs. Den
nis Carrier, Mr. Merit Smith, Mrs
C. J. Plain. Mrs. Lawrence Am
berg, Mrs. Edwin Snyder and Mrs
Louis Brown.
Ton can rent ft lovely new iplntl tm
from ihf l.ouli R, Maoa Ftm cm
pnr, l?o n. 7tb, tt l.w mcnlhlf
rale. Alter s reaionable time yen can.
If yea wish, rhnf from rent f Bur
thie agrrrmenl. The rrnl already paf
. "nn'ire m yoar poronai ftOceBl
rt Be other down parmcnl la necea
tary. The menthly payments ran hr
little Miner than rent. Or. If yen pre
tor, yeu can conlinae ta rant.
We love Brides ... we think you'll love in too when
you lee our heavenly collection of wedding gowns . . .
from the simplest informal dresses to the very, very
We love to help you Brides, too . . . with everything
from flower arrangements to trousseau lingerie. Do
came and meet our Bridal Adviser.
' Milliard To l.nnk .Hut I Ihe nnd Of Our
& Upholitcry
info a 312 coil INNERSPRING
A 59.95 o r A
Save with Carlson's
2405 So. 6th
Phone 4510
' j l
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