SATURDAY, MARCH IB, lOfll PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 5 0 'M ILL v.. ' ttW mumi mStlwri iimmi li' nrr nni nm i LT. GLENN AND MRS. BORTIS (Patricia Rose Meglemre) who were recently married in March Air Force Base Chapel Ontario, California. Photo by Gordon Ayers MARCH AIR FORCE BASE SCENE OF WEDDING Simple but impressive was the ceremony in March Air Force Base Chapel in January, when Chaplain Gordon offici ated at the service uniting Patricia Rose, daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Meglemre. Ontario, California, and Lt. Glenn Bortis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Bortis, 640 Roseway Drive, in marriage. The bridegroom is now stationed at Rhein-Main Air Base. Frankfurt, Germany, where he- flies a B-26. Mrs. Bortis will join him as soon as transportation can be arranged. She was graduated from high school in Frankfurt and is now a student at Chaffey College. Lt. Bortis is an OSC graduate and has been with the air force since 1949. He is a KUHS graduate, also, and a former Herald and News carrier. Alice Glover was msid of honors and Lt. Rodney Bortis of Roswcll, N. M., attended ms brotlier. C. D. Rackliffe. the bride's uncle gave her in marriage in the ab sence of ner lamer, wno is sta tioned In Frankfurt. Germany. For her wedding, the bride wore in Ice blue gown of satin and tulle and her finger-tip veil was held byl a cap of matching tulle. Her bou quet was Of wmie carnauoas cen tered with an orchid. Maid of honor's costume was of Blnk taffeta. The halo of sweet peas in her hair matched the nose gay which she carried. Following the ceremony, a re- ceotlon was held for the family and close friends at the Meglemre home. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Bortis and1 Patricia and Byron went south tol attend the wedding of their son. Shower For Newlyweds Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Fuckett, married in Reno. March 4, were delightfully honored with a bridal chower the evening of March 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bherer with Mrs. Clarence Welch, hostess. The new Mrs. Fuckett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. White, Portland and the bride groom Is the son of Mr. end Mrs. Vern Puckett, Keno. - Following Introductions, Rames were ployed. One prize went to Mrs. Lane Smith, another to Mrs. Joe De Grande. The bride then opened her host of gifts. Rtf.Tfhments were served to MT3. E;rl Eherer, Mrs. Fred Mur phy, Mrs. lorn Ballentyne, Mrs. M F. Pfdsell, Mrs. Lane Smith, Mrs SclbJ Huster.d, Mrs. K. E. PucL'fit, Mr. Vern E. Puckett, Mrs. Leonard Rfcmsey, Mrs. Frank P-iirro, Mrs. Raymond Hinshaw, Mrs. Clarence Welch, Mrs, Joe De Grande and the honored guest, Mrs, Richard Puckett. Naomi Shrine 5 Elects Officers Blanche Marks called Naomi Shrine 5 to order for the last meeting of her term. Annual re ports were given and election of officers was held. Officers elected were: Blanche Gchulze, worthy high priestess: Irene Markham, noble prophetess; Marie Waddel, worthy chaplain: Corrlne Larson, worthy shepherd ess; Vera Fritsch, worthy guide; May Phlnney, worthy scribe; Vera James Hunter, watchman of shep herds and John Larson, associate watchman of shepherds. Public installation will be March SU, t p.m. in the Masonic Temple. prroTyffririi'rrtiTiiii a tro't tutu W v ' r i St. Patrick's Dancing Party At Yacht Club A teenage dancing party at the Yacht Club March 7 was quite a "grown-up" affair. Young ladies and gentlemen' were all of the guests. The "Six Shamrocks" who were hostesses included: Sharon Adams, Lynette Forcler, Gloria Mahan, Twila Greene, Mary Lou Craig and Carolee Benson. Invited guests were: Gloria Schneiter, Coleen Fisher, pat Phil lips, Donna Ruger, Zelda Scoubes, Florence Wamstad. Sallle Burke, Janice whytal, Judy Piser, Nancy iian, snaron Dewing, carol me- nas, Sharon Taylor, Erma Jo Scoggins, Carol Larson, Oneta Charles, Jackie Elliott, Pat Smith, Lois Van Hook, Carol Herman. Paul Adams, Gerald Arant, John uaaer. uavid nerg, Jimmy Blan ton. Stan Brooks. Martin Clark, Zane Clawson, Phil Clawson, Phil Collins, Kent Cooper, Bobby Dixon, Jim Emmons,' Julio Gonzales. Mo desto Jiminez, Don Keller, Geoff Moore, uavia rcppie. Ed Price. David Rceder, Richard Smith, Donn Taucher, Rod Van Buskirk. Larry Wordcn, Mark Fair, Din namwin, uary Brags. Charles Maxwell. Orin Perkins and Mar tin Clark. Chaperones for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crain. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oilman, Miss Irma Wauchope, Dr. and Mrs. J. Mar tin Adams and Mrs. Gearcc Lyman. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS FRESH! MADE IK KLAMATH FALLS! COTTAGE CHEESE ASK f0 Till CRATER LAKI COTTACI CHEEK RECIPE ROOK tnrmreTe-n trimmrirm-fi z cnrmiv rnoDcmi 3 SOCIALLY CORRECT! ! 3 Enfravrd iOsuddhxq Invitations and Announcements IA.D3 Prr Hunilrrd Atk For Your Copy Of "WEDDING CUSTOMS" By Evelyn Murray CORRECTION Due to an unfortunate error ol m, ne Ihv briiich 0! t-'red Il licit and Alt Lov'll were omit ted Horn tiis Itotana viniii'e on the front page of the lorlely leollon Miujr Itamtby, boi'leiy tdllor. Roosevelt JRC Projects Announced When an) student joins Junior Red Cros, he or he beconus member of a national organization, Willi International mu'risu.. Ii u ait organlrAtion dedicated to serv ice. Service in disaster, to the armed forces, to children In war lorn foreign Ian Is. Everywhere the Red Cross is a symbol of mercy and benevolence. Roosevelt school students have enrolled in this organization, participating in Junior Red Cross activities and making voluntary coutributlor.s of money, earned or saved by the children themselves. Recently, a Junior Red Cross council was organized at Roose velt with a representative from each of the 14 home rooms. Officers elected were. Nancy Drew, president; Carolyn Westlund, vice president; Carolyn Schoen berg, secretary; and Lynne Far ley, treasurer. Other members of the council arc: Corlnnc Ackcvih.iu, Lora Lee Leonard, Peggy Seideman, John Watts, Marion Roberts, Llod Tan gart, Gary Head, Janice LaOrnnde, Lurry Sandeis and Fiednc Biehn. There was a formal enrollment of the student body m a Red Cross booth, under the supervision oi Mrs. EsUier Deiler, teacher-sponsor. Each class received a Red Cross poster, membership roll, sticker and a Red Cross pin for each member to wear. All of the rooms contributed more than tile required amount. Money from this source goes to Uie ser vice fund, to purchrse materials for various JRC projects. Mrs. R. C. Woodruff is the local chapter chairman and works with the teuchcr-spoiKor of each school. The international program, through correspondence, music and art projects all offer opportunities for pupils to exchange information with the ' youth in foreign coun tries. Roosevelt school chorus of sixty voices is making a record under the direction of Mrs. James Sul livan to be sent abroad. Some of the students will fill Jilt boxes with recreational and personal articles including health and school supplies to be sent to other countries. These small tokens of good will do much to cement the bonds of international friend ship Mr. Foster and his s e v e n t h graders are concentrating on the blood donation program. Films were shown indicating the import ance and life-saving factors in this branch of Red Cross. "The Story of Blood" was read by the group and informed youngsters will soon distribute donor-cards to parents and others in the continu ity. Mrs. Patterson's seventh grade pupils will prepare a program em ploying their skills and talents, to be shared with the rest of the student body. Mrs. Van Vactor's fourth grade will make soft toys to be donated to local hospitals; Mrs. Kidd's fourth grade will make Joke books for the Veteran's Hospital; dec orating nut cups and making tray favors by classes of Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Lear, Mrs. Seibert. and Mrs. Home, some to be sent to Doernbecher Hospital and some to be used lo cally; cloth and oilcloth toys by Mrs. Kink's class: bean-bags to be tent, overseas by Mrs. Deller's class. The Declaration of Princ!o!es of the JRC is: "We believe in ser vice for others, for our country, our community and our school: in health of mind and body to fit us for greater service: and for better human relations throughout the world. We have joined the Amer ican Junior Red Cross to help achieve its aims by working to gether with members everywhere in our own and other lands." Prosperity Rebekah 104 j Prosperity Rebekah Lodge 104 i met March 6 for the first regular business meeting of the month. Certain phases of the lodge work were reviewed to acoualnt n members with proceediire. David Berg entertained with two rrordion selections after the meeting. Jf 71 MARY ELLEN KAY 1& HCTURUITM ft RRPUR1KB WIIH Wm . CONSPIRATION IN fINl FOOD ' I i 1 ; BaM Without Shorltning No Fait AdMy , td&k Rai Hnnor ttt, In 1027, Hllre, Calif. a4 for you Fluhrer's Mdulivtly kf W UCIa It RMWRM ltl I1IVICII, IHC, CHICAW J lliill J t! HAZEL BENNETT jF';' L ,fy RECENT BRIDE V -A , . I A " First Presbvterinn Church was ithe setiins lor the wedding of Hazel Bennett and Richard Scheil icrstein. wnen Rev. David Bamelt ; read the two o'clock ceremony Sun day alternoon. Feb. 24. i Vhitc stock and blue Iris in i beauty vases, backed with lighted 1 tapers in lloor candelabra formed ; the background and the pews were marked with while satin bows. Ruby Geliring was soloist, ac companied by Mrs. George Mc Intyre at the organ, who also played incidental music. Escorted down the aisle by her father, who gave her in marriage, the bride was lovely In a white satin gown styled with a peter-pan jcollar cf white lace, long lifted -sleeves, pointed at the wrists, fitted waist and long train. Her Ifingcrt.p veil was edsed.with lace 'as was the hem of the skirt. She carried a white orchid on a white I Bible. I Matron of honor. Mrs. Watler iGorman, sifter of the bride, wore ; lemon yellow satin with lace collar I and full skirt. I She carried a shower bouquet of white and yellow carnations. The two bridesmaids. Hazel Schlefcrstein. sister of the bride groom, and Eleanor Bennett, brides sister, were dressed identical to the matron of honor, except that their frocks were lavender. Tom Zinn was best man. and Kenneth Milligan and Dick Toyle were ushers. Lit lie Donna Faltz was flower girl and Frankle Osman was rlnir bearer. Candlellghters were Barbara Faltz and Alice Mil lisan. Mr. Bennett chose a gray fitted suit with nink accessories and her corsage was of pink and yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Schieferstein wore a green afternoon suit with beige and brown accessories and her corsage was of yellow and red roses. A reception was heli in the church parlors after the ceremony. i Pouring were. Betty Brown ana Jean Wright. Jean Elliott and Ma Irian Ackerman cut the cake, and I Barbara Adams assisted. For her going away costume the bride wore a gray glen-plaid suit with navy blue accessories. After a short honeymoon the 'couple intend to live In Corvallls i where the bridegroom will continue his studies at OSC. Anniversary And Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brown Sr., were honored guests at a din ner party in honor of their 33th wedding anniversary and Mrs. Brown's birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tofell, Dairy, on March 2. Guests present were: Mr,- and Mrs. Arthur Brown and Patty, Paul. Norma and James; Bobbie, taair. Laddie. Kathcrine, rteal, Karen ana Benny ioien. x .4?-. 'll r , ... .. i 1 '- Eulalona Chapter DAR Meeting Eulalona Chapter DAR met: March 3 at the home of Mrs. rtol- and Wright, 635 Alameda, Regent: Mrs. Warren G. Noggle, presiding, j Program for the evening was ar-; ranged by Mrs. William O. Foster and Mrs. L. H. Stone. j They portrayed some of the worn-1 en In the early romances of Oie-I gon country, Including the wives of Jason Lee, missionary; Marcus Whitman, physician and mission-; ary: and Dr. McLaughlin. ch!ef j factor for the Hudson ; Bay Com pany. I Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg. Mrs. B.B Blomquist and Mrs. H, B. Van Hoosen were assisting hostesses. Several members of the chapter plan to attend the Oregon Slate conferences of DAR in Eugene March 16-18. CLEAN Bring us your sport clothes for fast, efficient cleoning. Colors will perk up . . . slacks and jackets will fit better, look refreshed. Call us for high quality work at low prices. Phone 5111 "ft ft MR. AND MRS. RICHARD (Dick) Scliiffeislciii (llaA'l lU'iuiutt) after their wed ding February 24, in First Presbyterian C lui r c b, 2 ji.m. The Initio is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bennett, 1134 Giant St. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mis. II. B. Seliieferstein, 4019 Balsam Drive. Kcv. David Harnett officiated. Fciebec Kathryn Wilson I Exchanges Vows In San Francisco Kathryn Bernlce Wilson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 8. Wil son. 421 Alameda will become the bride in an II o'clock ceremony Saturday of Alfred Slmmonettc, Sacramento In Saint Brennans Catholic church, San Francisco. The bride-elect, graduate of St. Joseph's College of Murnlng, Sun Fruncbco is a surgical nurfe at Franklin Hospital, In the bay city. Mrs. Wilson, accompanied by Mrs. T. J. Seems. Klamath Falls. aunt of the bride, Mary Murphy and Marilyn Miller, members ol the wedding party leave today for the south. They will be Joined by John W. Wilson, brother of the bride who will give his sister in marriage. mm f ' ml! SPORTSWEAR FOR SPRING! miliiy mmyrpmm o 'ire'm'Hm i 111 in v I r Wa RECENTLY MARRIED IN McCLOUD Mr. and Mrs. James C. Miller, who cxchniif!td vows in the McCloud Community Presbyterian Churtli, February 10. Photo by Thorcson Nancy Neasham Recent Bride Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Nro.Oirm: have announced the murrlnce of their daughter, Mis Nnnry NuaIi ham. to Jniurs C. Miller of Ml Shasta. He Is the sen of Mrs. Jua- nlta Miller of Ml. HhasUi and Da vid Miller of Sun Fr,iiirl;.co. The double ring rrreiiiony wan performed In the McCloud CoiiiuiU' r.lty Presbyterian Church Feb. 10, Rev. E. W. Johnson officiating. The bride wai given In marriage by her father and alirnded by Nancy Stone. Hubert Miller was best man for his brother nnd the ushers werri Ted Neasham and Donald Johnson. The new Mis. Miller will eon- permit us (o reformation is easy once under the influence of this smoothing, soothing Jantzen thai slims your waist, puts curves and flats In the proper places? This one comes in wonderful nylonized nylon, meaning nylon made absorbent, silky-feeling ... panty-girdle or girdle ...white, pink or black.. Jantzen "forever uplift" bras in nylonized nylon , while or pink,.. 3.50 perfectly natural makers tlnue her Mudie at McCloud llluh School, while her hunbaiid is in service with the Nvy. 4-DAY SERVICE! yfMt Invitations Announcements Eniravffrf ar Pracnt4. Parionallitd napkini for yaur reception , . , Cupi and plaltt. Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main you . . . you're , : ' I A'Sl MSSSMS tafl 6.50 i If . r CASCADE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Opp. Post Office 111 Mala ra. 1114 Klomath's finest a a o o t o o a o o o o e o t o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 8 J