lATUIWAY, MARCH IS, 1051 WKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK THIRTEEN li 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR IALI MILLS Una two bedroom, MlxlJO lot In lawn mm shriilis. 1'nveil street, Jilio tllntrlct, Price tVifiW. rt'wo bnlrouni, (I li ill ik riinii), flic alliantlve yiuil, near achiol Hid bun. Pi Ico 110,000. SUBURBAN Large Mure Ijcdiuum, (llulnii loom, acre Irrigated, 1,M til aliruun Hid Irull trrrii, berries. Price '.HO, too. . ACREAGE Two bedroom home. Six hitch ,'riavlly Irr lun t Inn. A good buy. 8co ,11ns. $.,(K)0, terms. VK11NON DURANT Ph. 7D!I3 ANDY SILANI HEAL EflTATK 4 .:IMI An. Sixth Phone 0103 Kves 8544 30 ACRES Near Merrill. 10 acrea .imlrr gravity irrigation. 14 acre under aurmkler ayatrin. Improvements Include modern one bedroom home Willi .bnnrnieut, amall bum. poln to cellar, .nlher buildings. Homo machinery Including sprinkler ayaieni goes wiih place. Kull price 812.V00. ,'IVllus. 123 ACRES All but about 6 arrea under culti vation and Irritation. AO icici under gravity Irrigation, balance under sprinkler Irrigation. 01 acres In alfalfa. 17 acrea In old clover, now ready for po"'toe, balance i'iain land. Improvement! Include modern one bedroom home, a two bedroom tenant house, oilier build .MM. fenced. Paved road. Full Itrice including aprlnkler system 37.000. Terma. 476 ACRES I.amell Vallejr, on paved road Fenced. Cattle ael-up along wllh otllveriltled arming. 118 acrea under Tulllvatlon and gravity Irritation. "9.1 aorea In permanent pu.Mure, 19 acrea in Alalke clover, 7 acrea In altalla, Tliere are 3M acrea which ian carry 10 or more head ol rattle. AlfO 30,000 lo 40,000 board feet ol timber which can be cut into lumber. Llvealock Included In aiklug price contl.tla ol 10 cowi. I(wllh calven and 10 to calve. 9 yearling heitera, 3 yearllngateera. ,1 Hereford bull, 3 yeara old, 17 ,Jio, Improvenicnta Include a two , bedroom home, large barn and .Vther bulldlnga. Belling price In cluding llvealock and lomt mach inery, I4I.0O0. Terma. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL KSTATE and INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2861 I. CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 13 to US per acre buyi good ranch and timber land at Gov't, .Biate and County land ftRlea. FREE -LAND CATALOG. Paclllc LnnJa "lUl JE Cahucnga Blvd. Hollywood 38. Call!. 32 iuilding i remodiling wiiaVeXocd8Tock of" :' economy priced DIMENSION and BOARDS NO LOWER PRICE JN TOWN BEE US BEFORE YOU BUYI SPECIAL LOT-PRICE u ON CARRIER LOADS Economy Belter ! rl"fH" ft 34c fa. 43c ea. i ..r'W 10 It 30C ea. He ea. tXxV'n ft 3ik ea. 64c ea. OTHER PRICES COMPARABLE ! " LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY y Wain and Spring Phone 3144 BEST BUY $45 M per FOR YOUP EARLY SPRING MEEDS IN LUMBER 8-16-12 In. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2x4 643 DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 10 Sprlnir ' Phone 8610 ROOFING SIDING Whntnver your roofing or nlclintt need might be, we have III And you'll anvo money by having your Gob dono before It's too lute and Expensive repair bills are necessary, rx . INSULATION ,. Blown-Ill Fiberglass v ' COMBINATION ALUMINUM ( SCREEN' STORM WINDOWS All Work' Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation "I'bt free estimate phone 4468, or .Clem Losueur, Agent 2-2443 KKKH-WAHM vniSrTrme a lid COOL Hilmmertlinflj For mok wool or fibre alatis liiKtilHtlon aea llaaln fiulldlng Ma la,rlalH, Inc. In eaHy-tn-inatall batta, pa r4r ennloxed both aldfli. ,07c per foot. WH Hmllll -Slmh, nhona 3.3,111.1. ftt.uiMlr. itiiiietwniiu, in. Imcknenfl 10 canta aqUare loot. 3x4'a, 4x4'a, 4xS'a, IxS'a ska. !(. KI.AMATIf VALLEY LtTMTlF.14 Join Ho, sixth Phona 4HIH fUIL MATING "H'f ANflARI) STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel UWKNIMIil.K Chrck anil Pill Hvatern MhTKIl PRINTED TICKISTB Your Oiiuianlea Of HeiilliiK f-jiii(nt'Uon FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Tutrlft Hint HiiLlftfy Plus Service" Hluce 1010 n2!Hr.iit Ht. PhwiejUM UTANlMRi)' MI-AtlNG Oil -titt'a, furnace, light fuel, final, wood :h.irTtil Pay ton and Co. 9.U Maraet I'lmnr 5)49 i 1 1 V p J fiat Mm'kn tut Open eve nings and Wj flt Mf1 tro' .''.ir:Vui.O. pk-kup or" dlivarVd Cilfl Yariene Nigna! Hrvlr Xj0 Su Uth Phona .188 J tir 2-8.180 n A'HliMKKN AT AMI'S given "on "heat, mg tiili IMiiuia nufll or for pfornui delivery. St JIT V A UK Nil MH1N AL HBIIVICfc OOQltn gth 71 IOATS FIT SPORTS HOBBIES NKW".U(tl Hvaerniodal on," gluorphone 04.1,7. MOAT ",'"" alltKi, marina ilua. galvanlfd an awe, frae tKtai plan. Kl. AM ATM VALLEY lA'MUV.H 1U Ho, HlNth Phone Hl V'0 ri'" L'AIUNmiliar' ftlSWi. 'llaa solid rtiahiigaiiv planking ami oak I run if H-t at Williamson lllvcr ftlura or ".ell a-HUH MUNTINfi and halting taar drop trail-i-r M l.1 470 KriKla. OOAIItlINO KKNNKLS !i ixHifiltng Dy lay, wcrk or month Kitnltary kannala Well halanerd ilift ' C.'lvan Individual itdoor runa (or el tint Diga handlad duritg mailng Will plt-g up and dalivar VUllon Walcomt Pbon 9071 Mart-ill fto fit 3, HON MM HIIAHIA CAW A OF KENNRIJI ANUKHftON lloardtng Kannalt Phoni 'H)47 Anna Dlaar utt Homadala TIHIK. ""riillla pupa fnr al. Ttirra month old. gold and white, l.lttar rag Utarad. Call Mm HA VK lliir Cllrli .rll Kit nl lo PruU. rr and Imnlboult. Jnhnktn b4 HnrM nioltira lnifht, oltJ and rhangtd. BoU fur rem 19 flahar. men. MONnOE BOAT WOHKH 7R rrnt l. lhftn J-1M3 KOnHAI.:"iir lrdt. la'fnol UfUiry launrh on trailer (if will lida on l' Ion Irnrk. Pliont :WIH. 42 LIVISTOCK t POULTRY AUCTION SALE CO HEAD REGISTERED ANGUS 40 cows, wllh calves or cloi.e tip 10 hellera breeding age 10 bulla Including herd alrea. ThU la a dla peralnn ol our enllro reglatered Aberdeen . Angua Herd. SMITH TAIinOX. ownera. REDMOND, OREGON MATtCII 34, 1953 12:00 NOON Redmond Auction Yards Hen Smith, Mgr. Frunk Wink, Owner Auctioneer Bend tor catalog, Bl Williams Wcitern Sule Mmiugcment, Box 87, Hermliton, Oregon BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS FROM U. 8. APPROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS AVAILABLE EVERY MONDAY ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVINO YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MALIN GRAIN AND FEED PHONE 555 POULIRY WANltD CitJth paid for Lny amount Top market prices (or good quality. For quotation PHONK 3BS7 KLAMATHJPOIU.TRY FARMS t'tfl.t. blooded YorkaliFrTboarr" Phona 3 nun ran HAUC. Ian dairy helfera. Heavy prlngar. Jea Whltlalch, Longrldge Itanrh, Rortanra, Oregon. FOR "BALE. fegUVefed Ba TtlraTwa an -ner gtlta and hoar a. Ready to wean, March 31th, Bryant Wllllami, R. l, fix Mil A. Phojt 7ltns. FOll SALK, Holataln and Guermey het fert. lonn heavy tprimera and aoine jual now calving. Geo. Law la. Mag Dan ver Ave. Phona 3-1175. 1 Olf "ttALK Calvea. IJU Honiedale noad. ON HAND CnrVerala htavy breed. 10 per hun dred. OflEOON STATE HATTKERY 37M 8o.jith. Phon HOBS. CAttl.E PASTUhE FOR RENT for aummar aeaaon. near rort Klamath. Not lea than HKI head or over 300 head. Kvcellent pature and water available April 13 or May lat to October IS. Iteainnahla ratee. Writ Oox 40. Herald and Newi. HE6 FRYERS "and roaatera tor aal7. freahlv draaaed ready for the pan, ev ery rrlday and Saturday. Phona S341 after 4. A RTIKK'I.V. RHi:P.DINU 8KRVICL Phone 3731 M C. (Churfci wArren Rt a. Box MX If no anawer Phnne 4100. HIUliKST pricea paid or poultry, hoi nd livestock. BIO Y MEAT MARKET .Kytew JuncllAn Phona 47 44 MISCILLANIOUS WANTED WANTED to buy good lined office detka rhnira and filing cabinata. Telephone MM or 3.1 133. l-'OUI'LE want to rent two bedrooir houie. Modern and clean, tn near fu turt. Prefer good neighborhood. Phone 3-3703. WANTED to leaae, hay and grain land! Phona .in:ta. WANTED, by family of four, nicely furnished home. Cloa to town. Rrfer etirea. Call between 3:30 and 7, sill. Fx l. II. VE NEED dARS! Gel top prlcV nowl Roe Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay OnJ? $100 17.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location. Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay, Locally owned New Cars ."ninced at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yean serving Klamath Batta See "Chuck" Bailey, Mir, 111 N, 7th 8L Phone 3321 8-241 M-27S 34 4 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash; CABH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Balarji IM to MOO Aulornobllea (paid (or or not) Private Salt ol Auu Finances) Make your dealt OAJBH dealil Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-2M - N-JU 107 No 0th Phona 7711 48 BUSINESS OPfORTUNITIIV DISTRIBUTOR SPARE OR FULL TIME arg-, w ell- ldjlirl wvilrru oUlrl l.ulr will aelart a frw irllable ,oplt wllh ran. lo art a di'tt Ihiilora of iha ltli''' iffflilr I'-'l'', FRENCH BOY POPCORN ruiuiiuiiy exrrullvr -Unlu our anoiinta and aid you In gat ting lartrd No ruk, no rr-d tapa Folhli to aarn up In V00 month to ttart wllh fulura piililitli of IIO.ocjo or moit arly. ftfulra IO cah which l arrurad ly tndu. Not vending ma rhlnaa Kor appointment With rnrnnany axarutlva, write or wlra Herald Newt Box No. JW A MM Eft nreda amall rapil iocorT. tlnua fanning, fiood refrrenrra and TurUy, Writ Herald Nawi,Box M. r.NTAIII.IKil provan franrhlard hualnata' Capital needed M.000 to tt OOO. No tail ing or traveling. K xnrr I nra and aie not Important Ideal for man and wtfa IVix :i Herald and Nwa. Sr.nViCK ' aiatlon for lm in down" town Altura. (J nod our men location. Wonderful nnportnnlt v for right prty. Write nay Liarnell. Box MM, Allurat. i.auiornia MODEM N DrVleantng-piantln" North- j ern California. Pruaparoui and alahle town. Nlra volume wllh axcallant net lhon SSItT SF.nVICE Rtallon for leata In downtown Alltira. Good bualneaa location. Won derful opportunity for right party. Write nay Darnell, Box 3Wfl. Alturaa, Calif ornia 1 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEED GRAIN SELECTED SEED GRAINS ORDER NOW FOR LATER DELIVERY CUSTOM CLEANINO Ac TREATINQ MALIN GRAIN 4e FEED Phone 655 ic FOR SALE ft FOUNDATION NETTED GEM Seed Potatoes JERRY RAJNUS CELLAR MALIN Monday and Tuesday F. W.J A MARTIN BROWN Build Belter With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. ' 835 Market Phone 6149 FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS. MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only 11 EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Ptione 5708 FOR SALE, chroma break faat et fM. Phone BA5rrallat 3M1 White. FOn "STAl.E. Gallon motor patrol graft er, 13 root blade. All hydraulic oper ated. Excellent condition. M7S. Will trade for dairy or beef rattle or hog Rocking II nanrh, Poe Valley, Route 3. Box 7!M), Klamath Fall. HI KP laddera and extenaion ladders. aii tirea. KLAMATH VALLEY LI'MBER MO So. Sixth Phone Rin FOll SALE, wood lathe, band taw and tender. All romplete with motor and aUnds. Call 4048. KOt'R pier walnut bedroom aet. Mal treat and aprtngt Included. Good condt- tlon. Phone 4l7fl. FOR SALE, walnut dining room aet. Call 7013. EitiilT'piece dining room aet for tale. ti.V Phone 7o:i4. FOR SALE, retnillt u-a'ahlng machtnea, guaranteed, Maytagi, Bcndlx, Fany. General Electric and many other make We have a waaher priced for any purie. M KNIT'S BARGAIN BARN, fc.ll Com mercia! St. TO KEEP OUT OF MIScThEiKHkI after thoae little but Id in a and reoalr Job around the houne. Basin Building Mnterlala Inc. hat all the material, you need plua FRKE advice to turn out a proietiuonai lonxing )od. 4764 south Sixths phona 3-3303. FOR SALE. IQ foot meat rase. Coca- Cola caae. freeter, cajih register, large wooo nraier. tour snow, oea tprlng and mattress, l.t gal. electric hot water heater, groceries at twenty per cent off. On furniture and fixture, any reasonable offer will be accented. Frank J. Moon, Weyerhaeuser Camp 4, Keno jrtigon. 3000 GALLON '4 Inch under ground gasoline tank for sale. Phone W17ti. LANDSCAPTnU. tvergfetns, stirubN and trees, W trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHOnE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4(lfl SPnTNKi.ER mRIGATION eliminates costly levelling and checking, requires leM water, provides pur feet distribution. Write Box 40, Herald and Newt for free information REX-AinE vacuum clewner, 3.S0 nown, j,i per monin. rnone mhi. FOR SALK-ltiue Tag KlaniaUi iNetteo Gems. P'tone 7B33. CHUSHBD fibek, driveway cinder.? Phcni' 1W4I. HEFniGKRATOR for aflle. Phone 3-13(14 ftna 8U1T7 size 37. 1S. Phone 3.1743. CRUSHED rock and driveway clnderi. Pmne U-l 167 ULECTHOLUX CLEANER and poltthei and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet 031 Market. 60 TON baled alfalfa, 936 per T. Phone iuicimkc, i-iun. , MONUMENTS Deliveries and Instal lations can De made by May 30th If or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument company, 933 High, phone 0333. BE IN THE KNOW I Read Her nld & News Classified ads daily Get the latest Information on what's what in everyday business trends. II MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 16 1 P.M. MACDOEL, CALIFORNIA Located: mile aouth and Hi mllea west ot Macdoel, Calif. Watch tor ilgna on Highway (7, 50 - Registered Hampshire Hogs - 50 26 Reglatered Ollta to farrow In March, 1951 S Ref litcred Boari, aervlce age or under 10 Open Reglatered OUta 10 Registered Weaners Mr. Feual haa aold hli preaent ranch and la moving to a amaller place at Corning, California, to apeclallze In the purebred hog business , , , Thla Reduction Sale of Mr. Feual'i Hampshire Herd offers you the op portunity to purchase some of the finest Registered Hampshire hogs In the State of California. The bloodlines are predominately Marvelous West, Miracle, and Mischief Maker. F F A, and 4-H PROSPECTS MAIL BIOS ACCEPTED I Farm Machinery LeTourneau Carryall, 4 yd., hyd. control, on rubber, in top condition. M M 1044 model O.T.A. Tractor, new tires, complete overhaul. M-M 1949 model C Tractor, 2-row Bpud Cultivator Attachment. M-M 04 Combine, 12-ft., pickup reel, clover attachment. M-M Tumblebug Plow, 2 bott., 2-way, 16-Inch, like new. M-M Oraln Drill. 10-ft., grass and fert. attch. Bell Bpud Elevator, electric motor. Small Everaman Land Level, Case Stationary Baler, Wisconsin t h p. air-cooled motor. Farm Hand Loader. 1000 gal. steel storage tank. 7-ft. Hyd. Scraper. Bpud 8orter. Bplke ) Tooth Harrow, 3-sectlon. 1937 Chevrolet Sedan. Oraln Bags, Spud Belts. ! Iron Kettles. Some Household Ooods. TERMS: CASH ADOLF FEUSI, Owner R. K. "Boh" Rhodes, Auctioneer Ph. 4032, Klamath Falls MIDLAND GRANGE ft FIRST SEMI ANNUAL ft COMMUNITY AUCTION SUNDAY -- MARCH 23 LUNCH SERVED AT NOON PRIZES GIVEN LET US SELL YOUR SURPLUS FARM EQUIP MENT AND HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES - ANY CONSIGNMENT WELCOME. For Further Informotion Phone 2-2001 G. W. (Jerry) FALES, Auctioneer-Ph. 2-2452 Si AUTOMOTIVI A- 1950 DODGE , TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission, sun visor, sportllte, dual swipes, low mileage 1950 FORD V-8 'J TON PICKUP Heater, overdrive, low mileage, like new 1949 FORD V-8 'i TON PICKUP Heater, large grille guard, fine condition 1949 FORD V-l i TON PICKUP Heater, 4-speed transmission 1948 FORD "6" t TON PICKUP Heater, sportllte, 4-speed transmission. 1946 FORD "8" 'i TON PICKUP 4-speed tran&mlsslon 1941 FORD V-8 'i TON PICKUP 4-speed trans., late model motor, 1940 FORD V-8 'i TON PICKUP Heater 1939 FORD V-8 TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission REGISTER TO VOTE NOW 25 OTHER CARS PICKUPS PRICED FROM $25 UP! For On-The-Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER Home Phone 4202 or LLOYD CH3DESTER Home Phone 6432 Sundays and Evenings BALSISER'S US LOT 2152 South 6th St. SI MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Ouaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES 39" u UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS sJ7 UP VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Ph. 8365 ADDING MACHINES, calculate-. t7M wrltera, cash regulars, daaas, chain, lilea. for aala or rent pionber omca auppLt Malri Prion 4I1 FOR SALE, 30 ton flrat cuttlnf aMalfa hay. Charlaa Lundbtrf, Tulalakt, California. FREE COFFEE USED PICKUPS 1495 1395 1295 M295 1195 795 495 475 375 heavy duty clutch. - - - .: Phone 4354 SI MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY - WHEAT OATS - RYE PASTURE GRASS k FERTILIZERS & ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1684. HANDY WITH TOOLS? Basin Build, lng Materials Inc. haj everything you need In building supplies. Whether you need lumber, trimmings, paint, picket- -iivwi eapw uws ui jv' luiuv, thla it the plac to come, 4704 South aixin. rnone z-zoki, DRIVEWAY MATERIALS, Phone Jot jiart. 7M. CLOSEOUT SALE AUTO Parts & Accessories WE ARE QUITTING BUSINESS COMPLETE STOCK MUST GO! 50 SOME DISCOUNTS EVEN GREATER THAN 50 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO AUTOMOTIVE TRADE RADIATOR CAPS FOG LIGHTS SUN SHADES IGNITION PARTS AUTOMOTIVE WIRE FRIDAY, March 14 Store open .'til 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY, March 159:00 A.M. 'til 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY, March 1612 Noon 'til 9:00 P.M. QUAM AUTO SUPPLY 709 South Sixth St. ' SI MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALE REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Our used equipment is all rebuilt and guaranteed. For a better buy that will protect you. See this large assortment of re built appliances at . . . Merit's Bargain Barn 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE, rug- axis Carvex Wilton, a ahades. Medium areen. aso. Phona 2-M2. ss AUTOMOTIVf 1947 PACKARD Super-Clipper '8' FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, Electro matic clutch, light blue paint. Ex cellent condition throughout. A BARGAIN AT ONLY 1195 JUCKELAND'S llth & Klamath Phone 3-2581 COMPLETE Radiator . Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. ItUlo Rt Espluad FOR, SALE. 1940 Ford coupe. Radio, neater, overanve. tiooa condition. Phone 8694. DODGE 1. truck, all met I van body dual wheels, 4 new urea, new battery and generator, rebuilt motor. Sell rea sonable, or make offer or swan for gooa pickup. i;au at tne wiuumson River store. VOR SALE, risk tires to someone who needs tires now and would like to pay for them later. Ask about our Budget nan, uick a. Miner to. WANTED, someone who needs tires, who would like to use our Budget Plan. Pay as you ride on our Fiak Tires. Dick B. Miller Co. 1931 OLDSMOBILE "88". Extras, under ceiling. 4w t-amornia. rnone WHY WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 ft. Main. Phone 3379. "We will sell vour car tor vou. we dust ana trade BUS 8ARGANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shut Way and Arthur Streets pnone NU3 rYk. NfciD CAKSi Get top pnee now Rose Motor Co 6th and Plum 91300 equity in '51 Two-Dr. ford De luxe. Trade for '50 a Ton Pickup. pnone 2-3233. 1941 BUICK two door. Exceptional buy. Excellent condition, pnone b37. 1935 FORD COUPE Dual manifold and carburetors, excellent tires. Clean car. 900. Phone Boat. THY TO DUPLICATE THIS ON"E 1948 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe S-passen-ger coupe. Radio, heater, Immaculate interior, smart maroon finish, A-l rub ber, has low mileage, Drop in and alic it un. 1093. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone SIM LOOKING FOR A LATE MODEL? 1931 Stude baker Champion Regal 4-door sedan. Radio, neater, automatic trans mission, very low mileage. Absolutely new car condition ana appearance, a real steal In this popular, economical car. Cellini orlce 82097. Our ortce S189.V H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Da Dart men t Main at Broad Phone 5151 31330 EQUITY In 1931 Chevrolet for saie or iraae xor iw-jao, aiid iwjo Chevrolet. 873. 13U Day to n . HERE'S A KEEN CHEVROLET 1950 Chevrolet Stvleline Deluxe 2-dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, custom-tailored seat covers. 35,000 actual miles. Looks and drives like a new one. $1685. H. L. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE lined Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 1947 MERCURY sedan A-l shape, Ra dio, heater, overdrive. $950. Phona 3-iB.v FOR SALE 1951 -ton G.M.C. pickup. Private party. 8000 miles. $1493. Con sider trade in. Phona 2414Dorria be tween 8 and 6 p.m. 35 AUTOMOTIVf AUTO MIRRORS PORTER MUFFLERS FUEL PUMPS CLUTCHES GENERATORS I ASHLEY'S f J? USED CARS 1951 WILLYS 4-Wheel drive Pickup, low mileage, good tires, heater. 1949 MURCURY 2-Door Bedan, radio and color. 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan, only - o Q r 26,000 miles, new tires, equipped with air flow heater. lOO 1948 FORD Super Deluxe, 4-Door radio and heater. 1946 FORD 4-Door Sedan, radio end heater. .... 1942 CHEVROLET Special Deluxe Club Coupe, thoroughly reconditioned, radio and heater. 1941 PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan, six cylinder, very clean. . 1940 CHRYSLER Royal 4-Door Sedan. Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near WHY FREEZE WAITING FOR A RIDE WHEN YOU CAN HAVE GOOD TRANSPORTATION FOR A LITTLE MONEY 1941 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Fluid Drive $395 1941 FORD V-8 FORDOR Motor reconditioned $395 1938 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER COUPE $196 1941 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN $365 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN . $100 1939. DODGE 4-DR. Late Motor. $295 REGISTER TO VOTE NOW AT THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE H. E. HAUGER USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 5151 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 & 7th Phone 777) For a NEW or USED, TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 2-2581 A REAL SNAP AT $1395 1950 Chevrolet V ton olckuo. Radio. heater, sportllte, special horns, lota of equipment, io.wu actual mues. a real snappy pickup $1393. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 1949 STUDEBAKER' dump truck. 2 speed. Good 8.25-20 tires. Excellent con dition throughout. Will consider pickup in xraae. see at Hicniieio service sta tion. Tulelake. Phone 7-2421. 800x16 RECAPS $3.93 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tirea. O.K. Rubber Weld ari, 3391 So. 6th. phone 4313. BRAKE FLUID GAS TANK CAPS INSIDE VISORS HEATER PARTS TIRE REPAIR MATERIAL 1795 '1495 Sedan. 1075 895 595 1 475 395 So. 6th Ph. 41 IS Drum-Lot Oil Sale Special Contract Plan AT WARDS Oet sale prices on Wards Premium Orade Vitalized Oil there' none finer. And get special contract plan that protects you against rising prices and gives the savings to you if prices go down. Stock up now on all your needs at sale prices. All prices include Federal - Tax. Reg. 86c gal. In 58 gal. drum now 63c gal. Reg. 86c gal. In 30 gal drum now 70c gal. 3 five-gal. cans, Reg. $5,98 now $4.99. Montgomery Ward 9th and Pine Phone 318, 195a BUICKS now avallabl, (or lmm,dl ate delivery In apeclal., aupera anc rondmajtera. We alio have a few 1s3l modela left. H. E. Hauler. Phona 8131 TUB ONE YOU WANT 1950 Butck Special Radio, heat, er, Dynaflow drive, very low mlUag Beautiful dark green finish. Flrat cla.i In every way. Drop Jn and try it. A baraaln at S1SM. H. E. HAUGER BUICK OARAOI U.ed Car Department Main at Broad Phone 81ft! rOR SALE, 1049 ford. Mu.t .ell thli week. Best offer. New paint and Ma' covers. BAH. 13 Sargent, a a.m.- p.m. 1M7 PONTIAC Streamliner "I" elder coupe. Very clean Inside and out. laaf motor, good tires, life guard tubes, ray dlo, healer. 1 00S. Phone 3-0001, 1940 PLYMOlh H. Good condition, Jl At H. sa at OT1 fir Department Only 1324. .