SATURDAY, MARCH IB, 1951 PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON y r " ' if 1 .-- If r:, M - J v AIN'T LICKED A Guernsey cow at the Bainridge Farm, Francestown, N.H., gives Gen. Eisenhower the once over as Karl Musser (right), a second cousin of Ike does a bit of last minute stumping for the farm vote. Farm manager Ed Murphv (left), hung the picture. The cow, though regis tered did NOT vote. hi -y r . l;' jjj NEW CUBAN CHIEF OF STATE Gen. Fulgencio Batista, . smiling broadly and with upraised hands, is surrounded by Cuban soldiers at Camp Columbia, Cuban army base, dur ing revolt of (Mar. 10). Note the automatic pistol stuck into . ' Batista's belt ' ' V.' '-' J r - ' Y i HOME ON LEAVE Pfc. Levi Reeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond, 2043 Hope St., is home on 15 days leave from San Angelo, Tex. A former KUHS student, Reeves en tered the service Nov. 16, 1951. . PVT, WILFRED LOOSLEY, ; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S Loosley, Fort Klamath, is ' completing basic training at - Lackland Air Force Ease, Texas. ; Mistake Leads To "Mixup With Cops Charpe of "illegal wearing of a navy lieutenant's uniform" was dismissed by Denver, Colo., police Tnursday against Fat Ryan, 5327 S. 6th St., according to word received her today, A Denver captain of detectives affirmed the original charge being filed against Ryan . Wednesday night. Ryan was released yesterday aft r explaining that he had been at tending a costume party with i friends, I r v i J ii Allies Cllaim 222Migs Blasted U.S. FIFTH AIR FORCE HDQ., Korea American Sabre iet pilots failed to sight a single Com munist jet rrmay dm tne Air f orce raised its bag of Commu nist fighter planes bv two. A re-evaluation of gun camera films showed that two additional MIO-15s had been shot down, bring ing me rum ir rorce Claims to 222 MIGs destroyed, 38 probables and 402 damaged since the war siartea. Mai. Felix Asia. Eueene Ore was credited with shooting down a MIG Feb. 21: He now is credited with two shot down and one dam aged. Legal Notice SUMMONS i Enuifv Kn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON' KOR THE COUN TY UK KLAMATH LUCY SEARS, Plaintiff, vs. PAUL SEARS, Defender!!. TO PAUL SEARS rWonrtont- 1$ THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff'! complaint , : "f uiure me am aay of April. 19d2. and if vou fail in n n. swer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court iur me renei prayea for in her com olaint. To-wit: For the decree of thl cnnrl Hi.nivin the marriace contract hprotnn ing between the plaintiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff a decree of absolute divorce of and from you upon the grounds ef cruel and inhuman treat ment ana oi personal indignities ren dering life burdensome; decreeing to plaintiff the care, custody and control of the five minor children of plaintiff unu uticiiuum, nameiy, una a scars, age 4 years Gwendolyn Sears, age 3 years, Paul Wayne Scars, age 2 years, Or ville Sears, age 15 months, and John Sears, age 4 months, and for such oth er and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable In the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof in the Herald and News once each week for four consecu tive weeks 'five insertions pursuant to we oruer oi ine nonoraoie David R. Vandenbera. Judee nf thu hnv n. titled court, made and entered the 7th day of March. 1952, the first publi cation to be made on the 8lh day of March, 1932 and the last publication thereof to be made on the 3th day of April, 1952, CLAYTON J. BURRELL Attorney for Plaintiff rine Tree Building Klamath Fall. Ctroonn March 8. IS, 22, 29th and April 5th. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE in hrehv oivon thai hu tue of an Execution and Order of sale iHsuea out oi tne circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County on liiu jjoin nay ni renrMnrv. nnnn a certain Judgment dulv ofvn nri mode by said Court on the 3rd day of October. 1939. in B suit nenrffna 1hrin wherein Investment Service Co. was piainun, ana unester Avery and Mrs. Chester Avery were defendants, and which judgment wan renewed on Sep tember 29th. 1049, which execution and order of sole was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real prop erty hereinafter described to satisfy certain liens and charges in said judg ment specified, I will on Monday, the 31st day of March, 1952 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M.. at the front door of the County Court House in Klam ath Falls. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, all of the right, title and interest of the de fendants in said action and of all par ties claiming by, through or under them or any of them in or to the fol lowing described real property, to wit: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter N'.&NE!4l of Section 33, Township 39, Hange 9, E.W.M., Klamath County, Oregon. Date this 28 th day of February. 1952. J. M. BRITTOn, Sheriff By Dora Goddard Chief Dcoutv WI-MS-22 NO. 901 i CLASSIFIED RATES On day pr word to rhree Day ,, per word lie Week run per word 20a Month run per word 66c MINIMUM The minimum charge lot any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper (or a service charge ot 36c DEADLINES Classified aas aoceptea up to S:J0 pjn. tor following day's publication Clanllled display ads accepted up tc 13 noon lor following day's pub lication, ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all claims tor adjust ments wiuiout delay. Corrections or cancellations re celved by 6:30 p.m. will be made in followlnit day's publication FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Hom. Mi IliRh StlTl. Phont 3334. GENERAL NOTICE . AUCTION Sunday 13 Noon New chrome dining room sets, new toilets, new occasional clinirs, new bedroom sets. Like new gas range, S12o. Electric motor, $25.00. Summers Lane Auction Mart 3609 Summers Lane Legal Notice NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, TOR KLAMATH COUNTY. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS EQUITY. NO. 126. In tnc matter of the Petition of the Board of Directors of the Midland Dti trict Improvement Company of Klam ath County, Oregon, praying that all of the proceedings in connection with the organization of the Midland Dis trict Improvement Company and the proceedings of the Board of Directors and of said Midland District Improve ment Company providing for and auth orizing a certain contract between the Midland District Improvement Company and the United States of America may be examined, approved and confirmed by the Court. To the Midland District Improvement Company of Klamath County, Oregon, and to all Freeholders, Legal Voters and Aue&sment Payers within said Midland District Improvement Com. pany: Notice Is hereby given that the hour Of two o ciock D.m. oi ruesaay, ini 22nd day of April, 1932, and the Cir cuit Court Room in the Court House of Klamath County. Oregon, are hereby set as the time and slace for the hear ing of the Petition of the Board of Di rectors oi mmiana uisirici improve ment Company of Klamath County. Oregon, praying that all of the pro ceedings for the organization of said Midland District Improvement Com pany and all of the proceedings for the authorization and execution, of a certain water right contract between tne Midland District improvement com pany and the United States of America may oe examined, approved ana con- firmed by the Court, whirh Petition has been duly filed with the Clerk of said Court; Any person Interested may, at any time on or before Tuesday, the 22nd day oi April, lvsi, at tne nour oi two o'clock p.m., appear and contest the validity oi sucn proceedings or any oi the acts or things therein enumerated. Chas. I. DeLao. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Klamath county Kutn e. Mcpnerson Clyde R. Patterson Winston H. Patterson Directors of Midland District Im provement Company. M. 13-22-29 A. S No. 913. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Executrix of the state of Lester F. Klrkpatrick, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Klamath County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said Estate are noti fied to pragent the same to the under signed wiin proper voucners, ai me oi- fice of Wm. Kuykendall. Pine Tree Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, witn in six months from March 1.1. 1952. LOLA S. KIRKPATR1CK, Executrix. M 15-23-29. A. 2 No. 914. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Equity No. 113 LAURA EASTWOOD, Plaintiff vs. SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant TO SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to aDoear and answer tne complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons in the Herald and News, a news paper printed and published In Klam ath County, Oregon, which said date is the 1st day of March, 1852, and if you fail to answer, lor want thereof, the plaintiff will sddIv to this Cotirl for the relief prayed for in her com plaint. This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vanden berg. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered February 25th. 1952, which order requires that summons herein be published once a weeK lor lour successive weens, ana that the date of the first publication of said summons shall be Marcn 1st, 1952. .s. U. S Balentine Attorney for Plaintiff i.u.u.r. BlOf. Klamath Falls, Ore M. 1.7-15-22. No. 898 NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD L. McPHERSON, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have mea my unai account or tne aaminis tratlon of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed March 31, 1952 a 10 A.M. as the time for hearing objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. Ruth McPherson, Administratrix uanong & uanong Attorneys for Administratrix M-l-8-15-22. NO. 899. NOTICE OF DATE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the - Matter of the Estate of EUNICE JANE PIPER. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed March 31. 1952 at 10 A.M. as the time for hearing ob lections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. Marie Clemons. Executrix Ml -8-15-22, No 900 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is herebv alven that the undersigned has been appointed ' Ad ministratrix of the estate of Lulu C. Hobson, sometimes written Lulu Hob son, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said decedent or her estate shall present same, with the proper vouchers, to mc at Room 8. Loom Is Building. Klamath Falls. Ore gon, within six months from date of tnis notice, March fi, lssa. GALLIC M. UMMB, Administratrix M 8-1S-22-20. No. 904 NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the underslsned Police Juris of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to 9:00 P.M., Monday, March 17, 1952, for the fol lowing: one one-naif ton pickup with 700xl9 Commercial tires, and standard 3 speed transminslon Bids are tn he mnrtrerf "Pfr-btin nH" The City reserves the right to reject any or an, oiai, ( Honen m. finer Poltra Jitrie M-12-IJJ No. 910 GENERAL NOTICES ' RED ROOSTER TAVERN Under new management. Complete ly remodeled and open for your convenience. HAROLD and ART FREDRICKSON BIO "Y" BARBER SHOP OPEN Under New Mnnngement HOURS 9:00 A M. 'TILL 7:00 P.M. Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet in K.C. Hull, 4th and Main, 1st and 3rd Monday of each Month Visiting members welcome "r.o6rbANCKMi!srr"for n"wc- ion Call Moigun 2-W1O0 or McDonulit, 8111. Played rttfM. priced right. And guaranteed daneea Mr PERSONALS YOUNG man with fuod home would like tu correspond wuii juutig woman between 21 mui M uiih one child or none. Write Box W. Herald and New REAL SILK. 7152, " " KRATEX Plastics. Phone B;iJ-l. ZOE BRUCE Swamum s Beauty Shop. Phone7161. SI ANLEY Hume " PruducuTThuiic tiWtf. 10 SERVICES MOVING? Call 7425 Locnl-LoiiR Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storafie Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse Since 1918" NOTICE LANDSCAPING ' TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. I s SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614. So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else needs! Let us (ind what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hot Bulldozer Pill Dirt - TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Cinder, Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. PhOLS 5541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED P. KINO 2434 OTCharrt Phone 9841 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Now tj the tlm to make necessary re pairs and adjustments to your rafrls. erator before hot weather begins. Let Ward's Service Department handle your particular needs. Complete modern up 10 aaie refrigeration service wiin qual ity worxmansnip auarameca. MONTGOMERY WARDS 9lh and Pine Phone Mm SHOWCARDS and signs. CalllZ-l; TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen- derwork.Phone4040. ALTERATIONS All work guaranteed. Jennie Hare, Anitas, 707 Main. Phone e:i53. CARPENTER work. . Remodeling and new construction. Phone Z-0HI7. INCOME TAX RETURNS Tor appointment Phone 2-02M. Harvey Bh'nham. ELECTRICAL contracting. Work guar antced. Phone 2-1(110 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tanks and fdraln fields Installed. Orville Muigrave. phone 3070. PAINTING and paperhangtng. Phone 7617. TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen. der work. Phone 4040. CURTAINS laundt-ed and stretched Phone 4914 FULLER Brushes. Phone flfi04 or 5077. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant inr Auditor Office t 300 No. 7th. Phone 9.H6 FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0M5 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kin died subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 476(1 13 HEALTH STEAM baths, exercises, spot reducing for men and women. Phone 3663. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE DEPENDABLE " woman '" for " c hTldHca rc ' day In my home. Phone 2-o:t60 aft ernoons and Sunday, HELP WANTED, 90 woman ntrawherry plant packers. No experience necennary. Starting March 17, at 8 a.m. Weather Derm u na. 'i m leal went of Tuielake on Rani-Went Rond, Dean Callan Hanch. Phone 7-0202 Tulclakc. WANTED, office recepuonmt. Typing and shorthand necessary. Innurnnce ex perlence preferred. Phone 2-2.rfl. 14 HELP WANTED, MALE LOCAL AGENT for faal-nclling MAY FLOWER AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE standard and non-drlnkcm policies, for further Information contact or write Vern W. Em ley, 2001 So, 6th, phone i' or niiw. BAKERS Experienced men In new modern wholesale bakery at Eugene. Aoaress replies o uaviason taxing uo. Box 4107, Portland. . Oregon. Rivrlig age, experience and family status. WANTED combination all around ranch mechanic and welder. Steady Job for a sober and energetic man, single only. mix .-k, neraiu ana nvwh. WANTED, automobile salesman exner. lenced In both new and used car selling. Local G. M. denier. Give hw nnd ',)(!( I experience In first reply. Write Herald news, nox 04. SALESMAN earnings to start, approx, $27B, per month, Opportunity to ad vance. Ages Id to 30. Apply Standard Stations. Inc. 2nd and Main or Esplan ade and Spring Sts. 11 SITUATIONS WANTED KXPKMIMflCKD middle -aied' alitala iiitm wants wnrH oit dairy farm ur rhoremnt.. Surge or t)el,vat milkers, UIT A.lnmi St. A pi. A, Klamath Falls, CHILI) imu aiiytlineT l'lTune a-Oili" all i noons. CHILD fAMK. r& fast Main. 7:45 to V.Ul days phone A070, eves, J-OM CUT.'OKI.D" girl LwanUhuurworkr Call Dttdd. WILL rare for rftlhiieii ln my home dsvi or your home evenings. Call f-i.iin. 1HONINO, hvuiKB flcanlng. Plume 547, 22 ROOMS FOR RENT WARM ROOMS, riillfmen mil v. twin hedi, bath. Uarage available. Phone JKH.V WtiMiirir(it gVnVlemen. WOT 1 Croe- crnt. HOOfS, fcTit leinan. reicent. LIGHT hoiu keeping, Everything fur- nUhed, Sultuhle olwr bat'helur or cou ple. 109 Norm Broad. ROOMS tor rent. Private entrance. Close In. Phone 4444. ROOMS, pripesreasonabTeTT(.i)7ie ftiff. LOVELY rooms for rent M.-a7. a weak. Ciost In. Phone Am. 'HONTTTuuinTor renC Greer Apart menu, Tiu main. ROOMS 1o:h High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT NfXt three room furnished apartment". looSouih Sixth. t FOR HENT, modern hirnUhtd house, suitable for couple or smalt family. Plume a7ft. APAHTMKNT fTirnUhed. IXrie two room and bath. Clean, comfortable, electric heat. Private entrance, charm. Ing fireplace. 1 104 Crescent. Phone 3-IWTll. VACANCY Roosevelt apartment. Tour room furntxhed. Shown by appointment only. Phono itttlU. FURNISHED apartment. Close In on flth. Utilities furnished. 143, Inquire 033 No. 9th or phone 'Mta. FOR RENT. Iwo room furnished apart mrnt. electric stove and refrigerator. Natural hot water heat. Lincoln ApU. MU EMain. FOR RENT, three room furnished npnrtment. Adults only. 2137 Orchard. lnuliireJI0:i7 Haiicllffe. THREE room nicely furnished com- Klrlely renovated apartment. Electric cat. close In. adults, 6JA No. 0th. rnone mm. FOR RENT, furnished two bedroom fi plex. I1JJ Martin or phone 3H7X PARTLY furnished two bedroom apart, men I on Homedale Road. Phone 8187. THREE room furnished apartment. Phone 2-i:i6LJU10 Cannon. LARGE attractive three room furnlsKed apartment. Close In. Phone tU42. FURNISHED i WO bcdrooiih unfurnuhed apart men! In duplex. Adults. 4U4 North 3th FOR RENT, two room furnished apart- ment. Couple only. Phone 7;ilH. FOR RENT, to reliable party with no pels. Newly decorated three room apartment. 4'i blocks from Main. 817 North 4th. FURNISHE'b apartment, private batfc and entrance. Heat furnished. AdulU. Phone 2--'770, 14J1 Esplanade. UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. A crus from the Academy. FOR RENT. three room furnlshea upurlnicnt. Centrally located, 121 South 2nd. NEWLY decorated apartment. Greer Apis. 710 Main. UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. 935. Refrig erator and electric range available. 2012 Mali or phone .1110 after H P"V STEASl HEATED apartment with bed room. 628 Oak St. FURNISHED apartment for rent. Apartment eraet. THHKE ROOM furnished apartment 3001 niie. ONE bedroom unfurnished' apartment Ciai equipped. Call 2-OflllL THREE room furnished apartment and bath. AdulU only. Phone 5472, fill Wal nut. NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat, electric range $10 week Rex Arms Apartment. FURNISHED three room apartment 2.M: two room unit 3; all utilities included. 419 N. Tentn. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT SMALL furnished house. Garage. 933. honerttfiH . RENT, low clean cortvpletely nicely fur nished house. One or two preferred persons. 834 Oak. FOR LEASE, two bedroom house partly furnished. 723 Washington Street. Three blocks to Main by Fremont cnooi. month. Sec Sunday afternoon; UNFURNISHED dunlex. stoves Includ ed. Can be seen at 2332 Shasta Way. THREE room attractively furnished. Cutest cottage In Klamath Falls for this price. S4.1. Adults. Phone i3M. THREE room partly furnished house fprrent:2201OakSt. U NF U R N i SHE D" house for rent. 4005 So. 8th. FOR RENT, one bedroom furnished ho u sc. 2 1 6 Wash In g Ujn . TWO rooms furnished except groceries, 1143 Pine. UNFURNISHED house, three rooms and bath. 937.30 per month. No pets. See owner at 148 East Main. FOR RENT, modern two room fur nished house. Inquire 3112 Cannon. Phone 9123 after five. FIVE ROOM furnished house for rent, also two 2 -room furnished cabins. Phone 87114 six to eight p.m. TWO ROOM furnished house for rent Phone 8177. TWO BEDROOM house for rent Phone 8177. DUPLEX for rent. Phone 3027 before 9 p.m. FOR RENT, two bedroom unfurnished house. Also small cabins. Inquire 918 High - ONE bedroom partly furnished house. Close In. Call 2-0200. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save H New Trucks For Long Trips - Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E,' Main Phone 8304 AMERICAN floor Sanders and edgers, swift and easy to operate. Bruce floor finish, fillers, waxes and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1040 So. Sixth Phone 4816 FOR RENT, Tuielake homestead for potatoes. Good cellar. Phone Tuielake 7-1085. PASTURE for 100 to 123 head of cattle, have hill grass and 70 acres Irrigated meadow, Old Phllpot Ranch at Harpo Dam on Lost River, rnone 3i7B Bon anza. FOR RENT, by night, day or month, large building next to Little Sweden on South Sixth, for dances, parties, sales, shows. Has electric heat, nice dance floor, stage and piano. Also banquet tables available and eight or ten jed astalx for Lodge use. South Sixth Com munity Hall. Phone 3A08. OFFICE for rent 623 Main. Phone 7161. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR LEASE, "97" Cafe. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April lHt. Inquire W, M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. FOR SALE, cottage, completely and ar tistically furnished. Living room, din ette, one bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, all in A-l shape. S.ioo underprlced. Sell ror s03U. rnone :i:mj. M4 ACRE RANCH 730 A black soil, Timothy and clover, bordering lake. 2-two story modern homes. 420 head permit. 77 forest, bal ance Taylor, On paved road less 1 mite to town. Inc. 330 head above average white face 22 horses, etc, . Plenty free water. Easily carry 600 head. Very stable ranch. First time offered for sole, in Modoc county, M.m. California, 9300.000, 29 per cent down urn en an, no trnden, no brokers please. Write Ellis Suggs, 1023 E, Almeria Hd. Phoenix, Ar izona. Phone 2-7103 evenings, LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THIS FIRM FOR ACTION, EVEHKTT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No, flth Phone B4fll 23 ACRE RANCH AH Irrigated, good land, 8 acres old alfalfa, 8 acrea new pasture. Bal, fenced nastures. Two bedroom home. Good hay barn, Eight stanchion con crete floored stable, riennouse, nog house, garage, Deep well. Paved road, Henley School, 911.300. Suitable home trade accepted. Corner Jones, Realtor. Ill S. 4th. Tel. 7607, 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Lm avn room hornn, two blocka to RoHvlt School. Spkdoui liv ing room Willi fliTiilnre, two full but lis. convenient kitchen, ooncreta bnaement, lxrg laundry room. Automatic air conditioning type liunace. Excellent condition Inalrie and out. Priced (or quick "alt. 18,000 terma, CLOSE IN Ideal (or a large family. This horn (eaturea 14x30 living room with beam ceilings and maaslve atone fireplace. 14x14 dining room, three large bedrooma all with walk-In cloxeta. Two full baths, full con crete basement, double garage. $19,000 terms, Suburban Ranch Style Located tn one of the (tneat subur ban arena close to the Peterson School. Five large sunny rooms with plenty of closets and storage space, well planned kitchen and utility, benullful bath with tub and atnll shower, Large well landscaped lot. Do not miss this one. 112,000 terms, HARRY VAN lives. 1204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 1-0537) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 917 Main Phons J311 FOR SALE New business building 30x30 ft., on corner lot. East Main with 1 bed room living quarters attached. Fenced back yard. Oarage. Phone 8881 TULELAKE SO acres, all under Irrigation, most ly In alfalfa. Nice modern home with outbuildings. Price I3S.0O0. Good terms. Newhouse Real Estate 3060 Bo. th Ph. mi or 6046 INVESTMENT Two small houses on nice lot In Mills Addition. Rented at $60 monthly. Only I3SO0. Everett Dennis, Realtor . ' , er Don KirkPatrick, Salesman Evenings Phone 7M 131 No. Ith Phone MBl ALOHA CHAPTER No. 1 will meet 8unday afternoon -1 :00 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. All mem bers Invited. For School of Instruc tion by Orand Officers. After the meeting a no-host dinner at Jeneds. LETHA MURPHY W.M. MALIN FARM V 100 acres Irrigated. Malln Irriga tion district. This Is one of the top (arms In this district. Now In clover, alfalfa, potatoes and pas ture. Located on paved road. Very nice home, potato cellar, machine shed, chicken house, calf sheds, family orchard. This ranch Is sell ing (or only 157,800. If you have been wanting a good Malln (arm here Is your chance. HENLEY FARM 105 acres Irrigated. About I miles out on paved road. 13 acrea In clover, 5 acres alfalfa, balance in irraln last year. 8 room modern home. 27,000 sack potato cellar. This Is money maker selling for 157,750. Only 117,000 down, balance 30 years. Do not miss this oppor tunity. HARRY VAN (Evea. $304) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0537) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 Roosevelt School District Attractive two bedroom home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, dining room, finished basement, light and cheerful. Fenced rear yard, auto matic hent to all rooms, 10 years old. Walking distance to town. $12,600 terms. MILLS Two bedroom home. Looks like new. A.1 rftnnfrriinMnn Bwra -Mm clean and delightful. Beautiful yara. vmiy imou terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 8. Dth Phone 7286 FOR SALE nice level lot N.E. corner AuQiiuni ana aKcview. Accept reason able offer, Dorli White, P.O. Box li8, Fresno, Csllf. , FOR SALE. two herfrnnm fnrnlahari home. Easy terms. Needs some remoti- enn. win sen accordingly, an nevada or phone 3H88, NEW HOMES for sale. William K Powell. Phone HMD. FOR SALE. 200 acras. north Unit nm. Ject, Madras, Oregon, 4 miles from town. Electricity, drilled well, $ IB, 000 arms. u. n. fjetmier, urawer , Red' m onq, urfgon , FURNISHED four"ro'om homeon" "two" acres. Chicken house, cooler. Near bus. Bff.j. wrt Burnett Avenue, For SALE, one acre land. 337 East Main. ' FOR BALfe.two" bed room "completely furnished house. Price f 0800. 3207 Shas- ia way. ilttO ACRES, 103 acres under Irrigation levelled. 103 acres with a little leveling can be Irrigated. Balance hill pasture. Home with electricity. School bus serv ice. Sacrifice price $21,000. NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE aoeo So. Sixth Ph. 0832 2-33B7 Him 10 MAI ISTATI 0II 1AII ONLY $5000 . i For this attractive, well built 3 bedroom home, Just off Simula Way. It's real biugnln, concrete foundation, attached garnue, fully Insulated, 80x310 ft, lot, rich aiimly loam toll, Initialed, good slope for drainage, Inwn, Inrua simile trees, etc. $1,000 wow it FIIA terms, Eldorado Boulevard Beautiful 3 bedroom home, on the sunny side of the street. Large back varri Datlo. outdoor fireplace, sprinkler system, beautiful yard as flat as a table, Only 1 block from school, this will appeal to anyone who needs a comfortable, roomy, new home. Wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and dining room. Fireplace, large kitchen, IS baths, ample atorage and closets, base ment, only $18,500, terms oi course, Shown only by appointment. Suburban-3 Bedroom This home ha charm, distinction ana ciurauiuiy. Aiiracuvc nviua room with fireplace, ll bnths, din ing room, modern kitchen, double garage. On paved street, conven ient to bus and shopping district. Price $13,000. MILLS ADDITION See this quality 2 bedroom home located on one of the best streets In thla desirable ril.ilrlcl. Deep pile wall-to-wall carpeting In living room and hall, storm windows for economical heating, detuchrd ga rage and workshop, benutlfully liuulscaped lot completely enclosrd for the children. Newly redecorated ready to move Into, Will carry any type loan, Price $10,000. Open Evening by Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Evea. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS etnee 1009 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4504 or 6529 3 BEDROOM HOME Close In. good location. Wall to wall carpeting and llrcplucc In liv ing room. Hot water heat. Rental proerty In back ot lot. The sav ings on fuel and rental will 10 a long; ways In paying ror this good home. $11,900. See or Call JAME8 HESELTINE. 6661 Salesman with M. L. JOHNSON , REAL ESTATE 434 Main 8U ' Office Phone 6113 SUBURBAN Well built three bedroom home on pavement. Nice bath, kllchen and service porch, garage and out buildings. Beautiful yard, ' acre with berries and garden spot. $7260. HOMES IN TOWN NORTHSIDE Two bedroom home with GOOD furniture. $6000. CLOSE IN N tat o n bedroom home. $3860. HOT SPRINOS Well kept two bed room home, fireplace, hardwood floors, good basement. $8760. Income Property THREE APARTMENTS W e 1 1 lo cated, bringing In excellent Income. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Phones 2-347148804734 A COUNTRY HOME Beautifully located on six acrea. Two bedrooms, full banement, Lots of shade. On paved hlithway. Oa rage and workshop, two rooms above garage unfinished. Several fruit trees and berries. Equipped for 1.000 thickens. Selllns nrlce In cludes 320 laying: hens and 100 cockrcla. Wonderful setup. Selling ior iiu.uuu. FURNISHED HOME Peterson school district. Two bed rooms, piano Included. 2-3 acres good garden ground. Owner says ten ior iu,uou. ON YOUR TERMS You can buy this lovely small home on 160 x 116 ft. lot. Three blocks off Main St. New Iron Fire man furnace. For only $7,000. . RANCHES (well we have some honeys) For Instance this beautiful ranch on good highway. Modern two bed room home, 160 acres Irrigated. 400 acres In ranee and pasture, i-ree Irrigation. $12,000 will handle. ; FRED E. FLEET . REALTOR DENNIS COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3336 Eves. 2-1306 FOR quick three bed room houne, Corner property, quiet neiffhborhnnd. Idee I place or children. Large garden flot. 500 down, take over my contract, hone 0.JS8 before 9:30 a.m. or after B p.m. FOR SALE, two bedroom home, large living and dining room, oak floori. fire place, kllchen and dinette, service porch and large garage, 2416 Wlard. Phone ONE bedroom, home, big yard, near chool. .'i,0O0.'y 2250 Wantland. Phone 8441 .. ; Ttyb bedroom itoma-for,-ial by owner, 4fllFrlda. BUILDlrfa lot for ifllt. Hlllilde near Melroit. Vh loll. 70x120 feet. Phone H80B. INCOMK property, warehouse, email Investment earning 11 per cent after in mi re nee and taxee. Call 4411 or 4A76 efier fl p.m. 10 RIAL ISTATI tO lAlfX $500 DOWN , Two bedroom furnished home paved street, In Pelican Olty. Tni f..... I- lnnntii within walkllif distance of several operating mills. A real rent burner ior oniy jow full price. ' '', 5 bedrooms',:; Nice large home on one aer located three miles from town. Thl. hnni. has aVSTVlhtn Mlt doesn't need repairing. Nice lawn with lots of lovely flowers and shrubs. Large orchard and other trees for ail abundance of Ihadei You can't go wrong tor only $10,000. Investment Property;- You'll be mora than pleased .with the return on your Investment, three small houses on one lot. Price Includes furniture. If you ai Interested In a real bargain thl Is the place fur you. Only $1700. SUBURBAN You probably won't believe It brt spring IS Just around the corner nu now Is the time to got settled so you will be ready to start that garden, This place has lota ot roon for a garden, a nice yard and It alto has a lovely two beriro4f home with large living room. Larg kitchen and utility room. All fx only $0600, SOUTH SUBURBAN Attractive two bedroom home n'ar large lot. Nice lawn with several nice shade trees. Lota of room tor a large garden, Raspberry patch. Thla home has everything a peraoar needs fur only $4090. NORTH OF TOWN LADIES Do you like to put Ua your own lam? mrm rvi vn, ui. to tinker around In a workshop If so here Is your home. Four fcxd. rooms, utility room, Oarage with workshop and 3 3 acre all fenced wmi mis oi airuwDerrlea and rasp berries. Only $7000 terms. TIRED OF STRUOOLINO WITH THE PROBLEM OK SELLINO tuun home? LET US TAKE THE WORRIES OPT YOUR TODAY TO LIST YOUR HOM Dale Orubb (uv,,. tM) Johnny Hobson Art Prederlckson tEves. 73i with AL LONGE, Reoltor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. Ith Phon. ims. ?4500 AND WORTH IT! A natural for Car-Ad-Co em ployes. 3 bedroom, garage, . tra well drained lot with lot of shade trees. See this Chls Addition bargain todayl $6250 SUBURBAN . Extra dollars grow rapidly this half acre. Oood chicken house, fertile garden, and all fenced tor security. All thla jnd a modern 3 bedroom horn built for comfortable Uvlnar. Ask to aee H. 18500 IN(MILL5 A neighborhood that adds ta the Joy of home ownership and a home that makes you want to live there, Neat as a pin, two bedrooma and electric heat In every room. Attached garage with concrete drive. Phone us now to see It. $9500 ROSEWAY DRIVE . . A quiet section of prospermia home owners. Immaculate twa bedroom home, tile bath, and full basement. Beautiful land scaped yard wild fruit lrea . and flowora galore. See It to day, $10,000 FAIRVIEW .. A hill-top home with a panor amic view of the town. Com pletely rebuilt with modern brick trimmed entrance. Twa lovely bedrooms, cute dlnetta. klchen and large playroom. Don't wait to see this on. - "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLO-fij. Realtors Phone 2-3545 6446 v 1025 Mitn EvcnlnBS Ron FlHher 8070 1 " "Hnp" Davison 3871 . : , Bruce Owens Merrill 149 ; , $3950 WHAT A BUY!: ' For a lot of house for your money, see this two bedroom home today. On paved street, and close to Groat nrV ntni'ff flnri nn hm lima . Tttl-, property is priced for a quick salet uun i uumy. SMALL ACREAGE. , Six acre Chicken ranch with eon fortable two bedroom home, located only 10 minutes from main MiuiJimig center, tana lies good and Is now all Into pasture ready far potatoes. This acreage will pay for Itself. 3n rlnn't. hftMitat li you dollar value, today. Jay P. Griggs Ph. H Gene Favell ; ph. tot Claire Ellis . ' J?h: J-agar W. W. Thompson at Malln, J.W.. SANDERS 4 REAlTOR !' 1218 Main St. 'Phone 15J1. FOR SALE by owner, Good twa bsj. room house,, automatic ' halt, close to town. Phon. J-oast. "