KATUTlDAY, MARCH IS, 1051 HERALD AND NRWS. KMMATTT FATXS. OREGON PAGE EU5VFN ACM '3 EFTAINS Bend Can Qualify Tonight "By The Anniii'lutril Press La Oiiiiiclo dcleiiled Vnlc, 4U-D8, Friday nlitht In become llic llilli Vnlry In I ho Oregon Cliinn A lllkh ' School l)nkctlmll 'I dim iniiiirlll . which opens at Kugone next Turn diiv. 'I lir Id ii'inii llrld will bo coin' plrlnl HiiUinlHy night whrn llt'iicl Mill llrdtnoiid i-lmh for the Cciili.il Oregon tide. Hrntl extended the (ll.ilrlct piny-oil to (lie limit by LciiUHH Itrdtiiond. i'l-'M. Friday lituhl. lin k l.iiniM'ii mid Dean Urn miii iMiti'il llrnd Willi II ponds each. JMuirlH liuckwiilUT's 'J I point uvrr Ihe Inn litclor In La Grande's victory, which sends lilt; Tlgcrm l i I be MMr lour Dry (or Ihclr fourth nucit.hivi time. Thry wnn two " Kintirn of a llirre-game F.ulcrn ; Oregon district pliiy-oll Iron) Vile. Ill MINI) i Vnlc came trniii behind In tic Uio inn ni 37-37 Willi three nilimU" In go. Then Iliickwiillcr lim krlrd a : llrld goal mid Franilii Scott hit an 'cither banket mid a free throw to "give l.n Clrimilc Iti wiiiiiiiik lent 7 Astoria nncl lllllsnorn meet at 1 3(1 p in. in the Tuesday tnurna " nipnt opener. At 8 Hi. Inns will be Imilril to what Rpppiim Id be the feature ' (t in iir of the fln.l round. Cleveland, IIir I'nrllnnd prep league co-chiun-' pliui mid ranked No. 2 In tho As-mk-iuUmI Press slate hlth school "poll, rhithcs with McMinnvlllc. " ralrd No, 5. Cleveland's record la l, 21-3. M Mlnnvlllc'a 20-4. f, OI'K.MiltN Othrr opennm round games will J br played Wednesday. The ached I I''- Murahlleld vi tk-appnose. 9 a.m.: ' Crnlnil Catholic i Portland i vs. The i Dalies, 10:15 a.m.: Klamath Fnlls vn, llrnd nr Redmond, I 44 p.m.: " Lincoln (Portland) vn. Salem. 3 I pin.: CorviilhK vs. University Kii I genet, 7:30 p.m.: and Mrtweukle S vs. La Grande, 8;46 p.m. City Names j All-Stars J Kvrrv team Wb rriircicnlcd on 3 the City League all-star basketball j team, announced Thursday night t the cniie banquet in me wuiara llulrl. . All-stars named are: Cnl Iionney unrt P4 McCliU, rtlrkvs. CJuerlno I.rlll, Cocn Colnr Kddie 1IU. Pdlnif rloo: Pnul Hehw ml Jnrk Waybrnut. llllltop Ciilr; Jny (HIKK. Hrmid mid Ncw: Frrd Floetkr. Horculm: Jim Pnl mrr nnd Rex Younu, PayleM DrURS. f Cobb Goes To Hospital HOLLYWOOD m - Ty Cobb won't br nlllr to niBiinue the ,Mn Jor Lmmiie All-einr trnm Uint op ponrn Ihr Hollywood , Slnm In chnrlty Rmr here Simdnv. The one-time Ocorulii IVmib Iim brrn ordered Into Plo Alto hen. pllnl tor checkup nd weok'.i rest, mid hl plnce probnbly will be tnkrn by Chnrlry Root, ex-Chl-Cbro Cnb pitcher. The Rime, pliiyrd for rrlpplrd children, Is n nnuiO event ulnged bv the Kiwnnla Cubft. Desert Dust Wins Amateur VENTHALTA. WW. I Desert nimf, mnle pointer owned by Stan ley V. Aerk of Seattle, made lour perfectly handled flnda of Hungar ian partriduea Friday to win the rrRlonnl championship t 4hR Northwest Stntcs Amateur Field Trials. Fifteen dons were entered. The Amateur Derby and Ama teur Puppy Trials' will be run off Saturday, with the Amateur All-. Ako Trlnlt et fat Bunday. - L CAGE SCORES .4 Prlriuv'a flolfrai Basketball r By The Associated I'rsss 1 NAin Tourney (semi-finals) i npringiieia iiviui iu, oouuiwcai. i Texas 07 (two overllmc.il JVuiray (Ky) 58, Portland 67 i HOOP FACULTY 1 TUSCALOOSA, Ala. Ml Four Ticmbers o( the University of Ala bama faculty have served at one time or another as head basketball coach. In addition to the present, . mentor, Floyd Burdetto, they arc: Charles Bemler, now tho Univer sity Alumni Office Dlrccton Hank Crisp, present arid line ooach, and fcliilcolm Lanoy, end coach of the lot ball aquad. ? Kay Jensen, former riding chanv . plon of Sweden and Denmark, is How a trainer at Hlalcnh raco track. s Willie Kctchum, who manage!) lightweight boxlns champion Jim Carter, trained lis late Marcel '. Cerdan. , , HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUGINI, OKI.-. MEDFORO Thoroughly Modern Ilr. and Mrs. J, E. Barley and Jo Earlay Proprietors mrr;r2 - wiwiiaao. ixiSalStlaWBaW hmm I (ivir-..",-i'-r - vf.--r rinr . .'.V PISTOL PACK IN' JUNIOR Roy Campanula is held up iiionientarily from spring training chores at the Dodgers' Vero Heath, fla., camp by the playful antics of his three-year-old son, Roy Jr. Froin the looks of things, young Campanula is going to follow his talented father and take up catching as a profession. Lip Happy, Mound Corp On Beam PHOENIX. Aril, if Mummer Leo Durocher of the New York Gi ant can relax a bit now his well heeled pitching aliill it back on the beam. The Cinderella National Lruiiie rhamploiu of lltai looked anylhiim Irtil king plus durlnu the early xtaKcs ot exhibition play as they dropped: four out of five guinea. Durocher wan. Ill to be tied but hi ace in Uic hole. Uul Maxllr, came to Uic reacue. Thursday with a neai live acorcieas inning per fornjnncr In a 6-0 triumph. . MORf JOY The Utile leader's other ace, Lar ry Jnnsen. and Reliefer George 8encer brouxhi Durocher further Joy Friday when llicy Icunird up to pitch tlie ainnta to a 6-1 victory over the Si. Louis Browns, Jimsen blanked the "New lirowra'' on three hits In five In nliiKi. Spencer retired nine Brown lea In order until the ninth when Uiey clipped hlin (or1 three hits and their lone run. MCOItll.KKS Until the ninth. Cliam pitchers had held the opiiooiuon scoreless for 8 Klntluht IniiiiiKs and hadn't yielded a walk In iwo games. The Giants collected only' seven hits off Lefty Bob Cain, a former farm hand, and Dunne Pllletle but one was a threeirun homer by Ar my bound Willie Mays In the fourth Inning. Saxton Wins, Felton Sour NRW YORK (Hi 'Mlnflll ran. Felton held. I Just hope Bratton fights." A moaning low Johnny Saxton made the remark after he was named the "wliuior" over disqual ified Lester Felton of Detroit in a boring clulchfcst In Marlison Square Garden Friday night. Many of the S.S58 paying cus tomers, who booed from the third round on, walked out bVfore Ref eree Harry Kcssler disqualified Felton at LSI of the sixth round for continuous holding. .Fclton's punc of about $5,000 was ordered held up. In his last appearance In the garden on Jan. 2b. Saxton wax awarded a technical knockout over Klvlo Mlnrlll of Italy. Referee Ruby Goldstein stopped that pur suit Vace In the seventh round, ruling the Italtnh was' '"over matched." Johnny was awarded n TKO then. Friday night it was just ruled ."a victory but not a techni cal knockout." Saxton's next effort, will be against former NBA Welterweight Champion Johnny Bratton In the Garden, Maroh 28, Bratton ori ginally was scheduled to fight Sax ton Friday night but bowed out be cause of an Injured left hand. IAST Night By The Aesoelatrd Trrs New York" Johnny Saxton, 148, New York, awarded deci sion over Lester Felton, 147, Detroit.- (Felton disqualified In' 6th round for continuous holding.) New Orleans Joe Brown, 137 ", New Orleans, , outpointed Walter Haines, 14D, New Orleans, People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! 0iaNp-gaW Toes 7j MONTHE ' By The Associated Press MIAMI. Fla. UV Pitchers Preacher Roe. Ralph Branca and Carl Ersklne have been "demoted" to the Brooklyn Dodgers' Minor League training camp at Vero Beach, "I know what Uicsc fellows can do," Manager Chuck Dresden said Saturday. 'I don't have to watch them pitch. It a more important thab they get work. So each -ot them will go six Innings against Montreal or St. Paul on the days that the rest ol the squad Is playing exhibitions." ANOTHKR CHANCE' PHOENIX. Aril. (Pi Manager Leo Durocher of the New York Gi ants plans to give Negro Inflelder Hank Thompson another chance al second base. Thompson, who has played third base and the outfield In recent years, had a while at sec ond In 1949 without much success. WORRY SACRAMENTO. Calif. M Rain Is giving ManaRcr Paul Richards of the Chicago White. Sox plenty of worry. The box. wasncd out muay nigni in a scheduled game with the Sao- ramenlo Solons. have been able to play only 23 Innings thus tar In Uie exhibition campaign. . OARVKR STARTS tlllftirsilY Arl In Mnnnnlr Rogers Hornsby has called on Ned Garver to try to make up for the St. Louis Browns' 6-1 loss to the New York Giants Friday. Garver will start the second ol the inrec game series Saturday. The Browns' Tns Friday waa the second in five exhibition games this season. REGULARS SARASOTA. Fla. I Manager Lou Boudreau plans to use most of his regulars aRalnst the intra cltv rival Boston Braves here Sat urday in nn ellort to snap a six game lotlng string of exhibition contests. ON THK SPOT LAKELAND, Fla. Itfl Some: times a pitcher can be put on tre spot even before play-for-keeps be- n(n anH TTHrilf. Frniltt Ot the CUV clncinnatl Reds appears to be In (hat uncomlorianic posiuon riaiu The lanky Oregon rinni-iinuuci is slated to work the first four or five lnnlnRS aRalnst the Detroit Ti- in saiiiT.rinv'n exhibition game and Manager Luke Scwell prooaDiy win oe wbccii-hk - cry pitch. ' , , v k.c i-nmnllrri a none S-13 record with the Reds durlnu the past tnrco years, ne aiun . hk ure In a decision last season, al though he pitcnea j innums. If the one-time strikeout king or il. nni(i nnaul T.enour doesn't cue rnvi'iv wwn..v - show strong promise, the Reds nMhaMi.t n,ni initm him off the ras ter to make room for some young ster, wno aoes. "Wives are not on the team." aaya Manager Eddie Sawyer of the Phlllle when asked wfiy wives are being banned from training camp at Clearwater, . Fla., this spring. DOUBLE Green Stamps j en Wednesday CEC'S Signal Service 77 Main St. D)wim : i Dusette, Kurt Ink Rematch Promoter Mack Llllard yester day tinned Georges Dusrtle and Kurt Von Poppenhelm lor a re match, the headline bout on Wed neddny's wrestllna card al the armory. The feature bout has strong sup port with the return of two favor ites. Cowboy Carlson. Montana cow poke, appears In the opener. Danno McDonald Is down for a scml-wlndup appearance. Carlson mecls Doc Gallauher, a chiropractor from Ohio. A new comer to the Northwest rings, pallagher Is catching on with matRocrs. McDonald faces Eric iThe Greati Pedersen, self-loving wciKht-llller who bent Jack Brltlon Wednesday nlghl In Pcdersen's first appear ance In Klamath Falls. Von Poppenheim, bleeding from a deep forehead gash In Wednes day's bout, called on his last ounce i of strength to beat Dusette by sprawling oeorRes over oaexwaras by using the lower strand of rope as a springboard. .Reserved tickets are on sale at, Castlcberry Drugs. LaSalle Slight Favorite NEW YORK I Two rank out siders, LaSalle '23-51 and Dayton 127-3.1 clash Saturday night for the National Invitation Basketball Championship, and La8alle's vet eran coach, Ken Loefller, aavs it's not the Flyefs helKhl Uiat's worrying him "It's their breadth." BIG "We've played other tall teams this year. Western Kentucky, for Instance, and done all right," Loef ller. a onetime pro tutor, said. "But we've never met anybody that's both as tall and as strong as these boys. "Just look at the shoulders on fellows like Don Mclncke, Chuck Grlgsby and thai big Leland Nor rls. They take up a lot of room under the basket." Loerner says the game should be rated a tossup but he adds: "I think we can win it." Dayton's, coach, Tom Blackburn, won't pre dict but promises a better showing than In last year's finals when the Flyers were upended by Brigham Young. 64-43. FAVORED LnSalle's "forgotten men" have caught the fancy of the experts and the Philadelphia team will enter the game a slight favorite although Dayton Is more seasoned and boasts a 20-game winning streak. The final Is scheduled to begin at 9:30 p.m. at Madison Square Garden, following a consolation game between Duquesne and St. Bonaventure at 7:45 p.m. The top seeded Dukes were beat by La Salle and the Bonnles, third-seeded, were ousted by Dayton In the semi-finals. , Sports Mirror By The Associated Press One Year Ago Today Dayton defeated St. John's, 69-62, and Brigham Young defeated Seton Hall i-59, in seml-dnals of the NIT al Madison Square Garden, N, Y. -Five Years Aro Larrv Me. fPhall, then Yankee owner, request ed that commissioner Chandler in vestigate charges made by Branch Rickey, uiaen Dodger prexy, tnai Ramblers were being entertained by McPhall at exhibition game. Ten Years .Ago New York Rangers beat Chicago, 6-1, and clinched first place , in National League. , Twenty Years Ago - Del Bis sonettc. Dodger first baseman, was forced out ol action for at least three weeks because of a pulled tendon. Merchandise Shoot Public Invited! Sunday-10:30 a.m. Sharp! Wide variety of Eatable Prixti Chanc Shooting BUDDY-BUDDY-BACKER UP ,--, LADIES INVITED , ' KLAMATH GUN CLUB A ; IID HURD, SPORTS EDITOR ' '' ' 1 11 " 1 1 ' flfT?-' ' : ft' ' 3 w IN TUNE Crooner Bing Crosby, who owns $300,000 worth of stock in the Pirates, was on hand to greet 20 game winner Murry Dickson at San Bernardino, Calif., after the Buc pitching star agreed to Pittsburgh terms and signed his contract. Dickson received a big raise, but he still hasn't quite reached the financial status of Mr. Crosby. Murray Squeaks Past Pilots, Gain Finals KANSAS CITY I - The Pacific Northwest's hopes for the national small college basketball champion ship were shattered Friday nigh" when the battling Portland Univer sity Pilots lost a heart-breaker to Murray State of Kentucky, 58-57. The victory sent Murray State into Saturday night's National As sociation of Intercollegiate Basket ball finals against Springfield State of Missouri. n Springfield,, seeded eighth In the 32-team, six-day tournament, up set previously undefeated South west Texas State. 70-67, in two ov ertimes. Portland trailed all the way bu' almost pulled the game .out of ttv fire in the last auarter. Murray State maintained a three-point edge throughout the fourth period until two minutes before the gun. Then the Pilots twice refused free throws, and the second time drew within one point when Lloyd BergniBn hit from the field. But Little Bennie Purccll, State's floor TIME OUT! "It's terribly depressing ' the International situation - ts frlm, Inflation is unchecked, and the Senators still need hitting and . pitching strength." '.vrjVviriC II I si.'l ' leader, engineered a stall that kept the frantic Portland players at bay until the game ended. Jim Winters, clever guard, led the Pilots with 17 points. Garrett Beshear was high for Murray State with 20. The NAIB winner Saturday night gains the right to meet the NCAA titllst in the first round Olympic playoffs here March 29. Portland and Southwest Texas tangle in the consolation game starting at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time: SHUFF STUFF STANDINGS irinsl Seen. Jlslf) L 7 Pet. .806 .778 .730 .611 .356 .328 .417 .104 .194 .167 Schuss i 29 Suburban . 28 Bill's Place 27 Mecca ,, , .22 Tat'a .. 20 Woctw - '9 Roundup .....IS Summers Lane 7 VFW ..- 7 Eagles - ;.- S Schuss blanked Wocus, 4-0. last night to win the scond half of the citv shuffleboard league play. Schuss and Mecca, first-half win ner, will meet in a playoff scries at a date and place to be deter mined for the championship. Babe Clutches Plushy Lead AUGUSTA, Oa. IA"I The only thing Babe Zaharlas needs in the next two days to win her third Titleholders tournament and shat ter one of the top records in wom en's golf Is a little luck and 36 holes of cautious shooting. The Babe leads the Titleholders after two rounds with 147 strokes five less than her closest chal lengerBetsy Rawls of Austin, Texas. She shot a one-over par 73 Friday in the second round of the 72-hole tournament for the best mark of the meet. . Well down the list were Grace DeMoss of Corvallis, Ore., with 80-79159, and Edean Anderson of Helena, Mont.; with 82-84--186. j It'i a Fact... that., the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada has well over a million policy holders throughout the world. In more than three-quarters of a century of the Company's existence over two BILLION dollars has been paid to policyholders and bene ficiaries. Duane laker Hi 7777 today! fr Duane kfV Baker TXvK Dirt. Aft, Xvjh SUN CjxU life Rogue River, Knappa In Title Go 8ALEM lPi Two tight defen sive teams, Rogue River and Knap pa. win meci nere Saturday night for the Oregon Class B high school oasaeioaii line. Rogue River, the 1960 chamulon. entered the finals by defeating Ma pleton, 46-42, Friday night for it second upset victory ol the tour ney. Knappa, a dark horse entry, hob bled Sublimity. 49-40. CONSOLATION In consolation games, Wallowa beat Powers, 52-48, and Echo over whelmed Culver, 73-39. The two Eastern Oregon teams meet Satur day morning for fifth place. Wal lowa lost to John Day In the con solation finals last year. Rogue River's victory cut Ma- pleton's season-long string of wins at 27. The Chieftains knocked off Powers, another tourney favorite. In Thursday's first round. Rogue River, which went the dis tance without a substitution, moved Into an early lead when Forward Byron Kile hit four consecutive field goals. Mapleton never caught up, although Forwards John Tuft and Don Snell sparked a rally that cut the Chieftains' margin to three points with 20 seconds left. HIGH SCORER Kile was high scorer with 14 points. in tne otner scmi-nnai contesi, Semi-finals Rogue River 46 Mapleton 42 Knappa 49 Sublimity 40 consolation Wallowa 52 Powers 48 Echo 73 Culver 39 Center Max Kelley's shooting and backboard work and Knappa's tight zone defense proved too much for Sublimity. The Loggers were in front all the way. Once In the third period, they held a 20 point lead alter Kelley, who had a 23 point night. hit for lour, field goals and a free throw. Duane Heuberger, who registered 14 points, sparked a Sublimity ral ly that cut the Knappa advantage to seven points late In the fourth quarter. But It was too late. sublimity and Mapleton win play for third place in the Saturday Catholic Cage Tourney Opens TROY, N. Y. I The National Catholic Invitation Basketball Tour nament opens Saturday night with a doubleheader at the Rensselaer Polytechnic fleldhouse. LeMoyne N.Y., plays Providence in the first game after which Iona N. Y., meets Gannon (Pa.,). .r ' xi)r? UNLUCKY 13 Ralph Branca's first move after reporting to Brooklyn's Vero Beach, Fla., spring training base was to chuck his old number 13 into the ash can. After what the Giants' Bobby Thomson did to him in last season's final National League play-off game, the big Dodger right-hander has good reason to be superstitious. To all Nash Owners Announcing the New Service Manager ; Cecil has worked with Nash cars and knows your problems. He spcciallxe in Tune-up and Electrical Work and is ill charge of our Repair Department, with 24 yean of experi ence to call on. SPECIAL FREE Spring Check Up , This it what you get Check lights, brakes, battery and cables, generator, voltage regulator, radiator, base connections, fan belt and exhaust system. , Klahn Nash Co. 606 South 6th Tonight night preliminary game. Forward John Ramos postea the, high individual score of the tour ney 28 points as he paced Echo to Its win over Culver. The Cou gars led throughout, despite the performance of Norm Wiseman, Culver's six-foot six-Inch center, who registered 23 points to bring his two-game tourney total to 48. The Wallopwa - Powers contest was close all the way, although the Eastern Oregon team was never behind after Dale Johnson's field goal gave it a 29-27 halflime lead. Duane Brady of Powers posted 22 points, high for the game. Wal lowa's Art Weatherford had 15. CLASSIC LEAGUE W I. Pel. Oregon Wonlen w 4.1 2ft .823 Suburban Kitchen , 41 2R -3I4 Landry Innurance . ..:! Xl .522 Parkmor Drive In .13 M ..3(17 KF'LLW 30 30 .4: Dick Rccrler'ii 23 46 Wedtlffldajr's RpmlU Orenon Wool 3 KFLW 0 Parkmor 3 Landry 0 Suburban 3 feeder's 0 With two sessions left, th Oregon Wools hold a slim two ystme lead over Suburban Kitchen in the Classis Bowling League after Wednesday's outing when both posted 3-0 wins. Oregon Woolen had the high series of 2196 In winning over KFLW with the Woolies' Bob Cause maker notching the high game, a 236. Parkmor's 818 was the high team game. Landry's Bill Owens rolled the best series, a 621. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W L Trt. Neabitt Orance B6 IS .1 M. L. Johnson Inc 30 34 .Sftt Orethech Faculty 42 42 W Grists Food 35 49 .424 Ashley Chevrolet 32 92 3tt Baraboo Electric 28 58 4110 Tuesday's Results Johnson 4 Griggs 0 - ' Oretech 4 Ashley 0 Baraboo 3 Nesbltt 1 Cellar-dwelling Baraboo Electric trimmed league-leading Nesbitt Orange Tuesday in the Commercial Bowling League but the Nesbltts still hold a plushy 16-game lead. M. L. Jonnson insurance rouea the high series, 2781; Oretech' Fac ulty's 1011 was the top game. Individual honors went to Wil bur Courtney, Nesbitt, and Lundy Clinton. Ashley Chevrolet. Court ney's 533 was the high series, Clinton's 221 the best game. Appointment of Cox : ' Phone 3650