Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 14, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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i.aiiviiiiu i.CAdir.
IV I. I'll
fh'limfc-lt'B ...... Mi :rj .inn
Miihiii . mcIhiU 4i ;m n.r
fioiiiiiliiii ., 411 u
M'llalma'a u ., 4;l ,41111
Maivln'a n'l ,4'
l.owall'a LiiHiiii-4 . ;u oil ,;iol
I. ail IVrra'l Hralllla
Hlirmp-Hrhtila :i l.uwf-H'a 1
IMmiiiiIiiii J HWilnirk a I
Alolaloia'a i MuivlH'a t
AIIIiuiikIi limit ii 31 drfniiL by
MiUU pliu'P ltniimliii, Ki'hiiii'ik '
Imwlnri hold n.hrvpii-uiiino Inicl III
the I.Hdy tniK HnwIliiK LcuKUr allnr
tiiiinrs nl In -1 wcrk.
Hi lilllct k' Mary llulliwrll rolled
llin til u Ii airlra, a ti'iU, lint Unit's
I hi- only liluli M'oro noli iirt) by
llir IriiKlir-li'iidrifi
llmnlm llrltt I Hlim H lull. I in. I
tli" hlllll Kin"', ltl.
Tonni honor wonl to Hhonp.
Hrliult wllh n Oil! khiiib and MiiIh
linr'a vlllrn 'Mi arrlrs.
JHinmK r.vi
K AmM.aintnl ..
w,l . Ilitrlicut'k VI
v.. 1. 1, .. M
Si, Gil Wfll Drill 411 41 ..'
Mm., , Nil. ml Narv . 2.1 SI :il.l
l.tarh Sarvlra Id in
l.aal Waah'a MvftUlli
Ulnna'i 1 Ho Or Wfll I
W.i.U 4 Wail.llltrhrmk 0
K-Aniuaantanl a Lcm-h 1
K-Aniimrnirnt ImliiBd III Miw
Pa's Bnwlliif I.caiip Irad- lute In
tlip grilling rliane with n 3-1 win
ovrr Lritrli Brrvlie Inst Wfrk.
'I lis Alnumnrnl unnu nillfd
9A I) lull name, prlnmrlly on Char
plt HooUY Inn nlniilP unliie and
arrlca rtrorra, of XI? unit b'.H.
Warri-i mid Stone'" Slitnnl 8rrvlrr
IIM for ten in urilf.i lllsh, encll
Willi 3025 count.
Ml)llr MAI
l.tll' Fftod M 3:1
lai-h Harvlr .. 44
Niihurban Flowtr 44
K-Ainiiteniritl :iu
Hl,r Jlaauly . . :i2
Klamath jrlewnr . M
Manda, a llaaulli
t.iila'a 3 filar I
Miiburbail Mnwrr 1 tarh 1
K-Ainutainant 3 Klamalli Muwer
Hcollv limy ol the Blur Bcatitv
trnm brukn up the I.oulr'n Food
monopoly Monilnv nliilit In Moose
Mu' bowling Irnuurlarc.
Krntly rollrd 4M iirrlcit In
War's Iomi lo Louie's lor the hliih
murk ol the evening.
The hlfth Raniit went to Louie's
Or-nrgla Kbeiikperaer wllh a 1M.
Louie's lo remsirred the hifh
lfm marks, DB8 anine and 2MS
Ily The Aaaorlu.'nl 1 rr
NONO HAIIANOTA. Kin. Idl Ciilinn
f look In Kind Huiiciuv, innile Mini-
uit llncky lliii'ila nil up nnd Inko
liola n cl in Ii i u llln till rr IlinlliK
pllrhnik dlllll III WiiiiIiIii1ohb 4-1
victory ovrr the lioi.ton Hril Box
'I ho Miimy nix (outer, who wrlKhi.
only I till poiindH, llnli.lifd nil the
Hiuiir wllh n no-lilt, no-run ntlnt.
'I lie only llnl Hon who rrurlird
bu.ifi HKiilnni til 1 1 not tline on n
wild tluow by l'loyd flnkiT.
IKI.Mi: Itl'NH
IIKADKNTON, Ha. tl'i Man
nitrr '1'oininy jlohnrn hnprd his
IIomoii HriivrH pllchr'rn hud moid
ol II io hoinr-riiii Imlln oul ol their
hy.iti'iiin nn Hie Tribe opprrd llir
I'liiiiKiripiiiii 1'iiiiiira in cirarwu-
ll'l- l''rliluv.
1 VrlPiun l.rltliiinder Wurren
Hpnliii hud a touiili liny niiiiliiM Up
troll Thursday, yleldlim homer to
! Steve tioiirliwk and Oerry Prlddy
ns IJohton lost, 8-6. Dclrolt'n aliiu-
illliiil (ieoiRP KpII also walloped a
clritilt amiisli oil Kogkle Murray
I PA8AUt;NA. Culll. 11 With
ruin upoilliiK Thursduy'a ar.hrdulcd
CIiIcuko White Box . fit. I.oiils
Hi owns exhlliltlon vuiue, bl ncwu
in the Box camp here was the ac
quisition ol a pllrhpr.
The Box not Lelly Dili Kpiinrdy,
f l oin the Hi owns lor whnl Uenerni
MnnnBPr Krank Lane called :'con
sldrrnbly more tliuil Ihe 10,000
wnlvrr price."
KPiitiPdy, 31, won one and lo.it
live lor the Iirowus Inst season.
ItAlS, ItAIV '
BAN FRANCIHCO iv The Cleve."
hind Indians, who arc Helling bored
with wet weather, move Into fre
quently rnlny Bun Francisco Krl
ilny, hopliiK to play (he Paclllc
Coiisl I.euKiie Benin.
MnnuKer Al Lopez Is Betllnn rpst
lrs Aver two washed out games In
a row Thursday and Ihe day
linloie at Ban Dipko and coin
phiiiis. "We don't (jet a chance to
look at Ihe yoiincer pllcliprs."
'ITip I lid I ii us expeci io greet Sec
ond nasemnn George Bllrnwelns.
lie llnally ended his long holdout
Thursday and agreed to terms.
l.ouls Ilrowns open a llirre-gume
i.nrles ol exhibitions itipilnnl the
New York Uiiinln at Phoenix 1'rl
diiy, Miiiiugcr Itogern llorniby mimed
Dob O'liln lis bis Hlaitlim liuili-r,
wild Dunne Plllctto on bund U
(Jain needs hrlp,
woitK oitiii;ltl,l)
PilOKNIX, Ariz. iVi More work
Is in store lor the Dig Four ol the
New Yoric Glunt nllchlng Hull ol
Lurry Juiimii. H.il Muklle, Uuve
K'l ilii an I Jim Ileum.
"1' roin now on I in kolug to ro
lute the big IcIIowh und let them
go lour, llvr, mid nix Innings and
mi on until they jnnke Ihe lull nine
I Innings," Munugcr Leo iJurochcr
I "lint I don't want them to go
I nine Innings loo many limes be
'lore the i.cni.011 ulniiH. We luuy
;imve mnile a nibiliikc In thai rc-
upccl la.,t year.
MIAMI. Kla. ii At Ihe rale
floukic Andy Carey Is pounding
the bull he appears a cinch to win
the third bu:.c Job on the New
York Yankpps. 1
Carey, with only one aennon ol
prolesslona) buiebiill under his
belt. Is moving along at a Ml clip
with nine tills In 17 trips to the
I The 21-year old 105,000 bonus ba
by soaked a slnglp, double and
i triple Thursday as the Yanks de
feated the Philadelphia Athletics.
f " f . yam ' . i 1 . '
NUMBER ONE FAN honors were heaped on Mrs. Lavon
Pfcfferle last night when Klamath Kalis basketball leagues
City, Victory and Girls met in the Willard Hotel for an
awards banquet. Trophies were given to champions and
runncrs-up in all leagues and certificates to all-star players.
Rookie Batting Title
Nabbed by Roseboro
COLUMBUS. O. tt D. C. 'Pud'
Miller, outfielder-manager ol the
Signs Two
WENATCHEE 11 Wenatchee
signed two players lor ihe 1BI12
Western International League base
ball season Thursday.
Business Manager George Clark
Bald idgned contracts were re
ceived from Walt Pocekay, veteran
lnflelder-outflelder, and 23-vear old
Elton Elwln who played with Phoe
nix last season. S
Vltit Inumtlng, tolorful . . .
5,UT at the Hotel Whitrnmb, il lb
Cine Center in I be theater anil
ibnpping diitriet,ia direct line wiU
bou great brirlgea.
Bring year family for a week-end
or longer, and enjoy the diatinetiTe
Hotel Whitconb eoiainc and aerriee.
ban 14.11 Hli; Ilia V II liatnl
araai la ivkcHng
Prailaat mmd Caaaral Maaaaaa
t'ollere Basketball
Ily The Associated I'reta
NIT Tourney
LaSulle M Uuquesne 44
Dayton 69 Bl. Donavenlure 03
NAIII Tourney
Portland lOre.,) 7) Hnmllne (15
Bouthwesl Texas 66 Lawrence Tech
Springfield (Mo.,) 87 Mornlngsldc
Murray (Ky.,) 81 Whit worth 00
By The Associated I'resa
Bun Francisco Ray 'Sugar"
Itohituon, 157 1 1, New York, out
pointed Carl "Boon" Olson, 159 j,
Honolulu, 1ft ( title i.
Portland. Me. Charley Goulart
inn. Cambridge, Muss., mopped
Johnny Peveradn, 166 'i. Portland,
New Vork (Sunnvslde Oardent
Danny ,lo Perez, 134 New York,
nutpolnted Don Bowman, 131 j,
Clilfilde Park. N. J. 8.
TAMPA, Tal. Ii There wsa
more off the (penes cabbing at St.
Petersburg Thursday and Immedi
ately the possibility of a trade In
volving the Cincinnati Reds popped
A chat between Manager Luke
Sewell n the Reds and Fiddle Stan
ley of the St. Louis Cardinals pro
duced rumors Ihe Cards .were In
terested In either led Kluszewskl
or Dick Sutler as first base ma
terial. Hie Bewell-Slnnky confab oc
curred before a Hrrls-Cards ex
hibition tilt in which Joe Adcock'a
pinch hit ninth Inning home run
gave Cincinnati a 1 lo 1 victory
over St. Louis.
PHOENIX, AH. ii The St.
Mills Wins
Cage Title
Mills staged a furious raiiv In
llii, Inkl Iwn tnlmilps nn the Clin-
ger court yesterday afternoon to I
beat Riverside. Jll-.li. anu win me
grade school Cla,s A busketbail
Mill-i took an earlv lead and held
It until late In the gnme when
niverslde went ahead. 29-28. Then
Mills conked up Us right-point scor
ing bin?e.
Wnllv Johnson scored 20 of Riv
erside's 39 points. Dean Mlchaehs
was high lor Mills wltn VI. i-eiican
won the championship last year.
rl Honncv Is the Mills coach:
Tom Ward eklppers the Riverside
Cougars, Idaho
In Boxing Tie
nmiMiii Wah (A. Idaho
nnA Urncttlltnlmi RlntP r?nllei7P end-
ed their dunl meet boxing seasons
Thursday night, with a vi araw.
T-v, Utnilul, u-hn defeated Uie
Cougars In an earlier dual meet,
were saved from defeat In the last
bout when Idaho's Paclllc Coasl
Champion Larry Moyer won a close
dccmlon over Cordy Gladson.
Dnn Oarr.a, who won 17 games
for the Indians last season, allowed
the most hits. 24. and the most
runs. 119, In the American League.
Woman Challenges
.Willie Hoppe
Miss Ma.sako Knlsura. lirst woman
ever admitted to a World Three
Cushion Billiard Champloashlp
tourney, meeui Willie Hoppe. the
perennial champ himself, Friday
Miss Kutsura tuned tin lor the
blgge.it mutch of her Hie by ud-
setting Joe Proclta ol Los Angeles
10-13 in C3 innings Thursday night.
Fred Enke. basketball coach at
the University of Arizona, was a
civil engineer before he entered the
coaching ranks In 192).
i t war-
I m!EmtLJ2
fcf fi(Ktrmit nti Ki mw wmqut TiKtlt Gtfid
t bttletcHing refh, ftk. tint, pW, trollf, D-
ntn, tp'mrinq uffih, nth, wdM, toctl boiet, (nony
ccmoriM. Givts detailed "ipeci" and 19S2 pricei for
Ide Mlecllen ol fretk ond Miltwater tac! ittxied by
m4t (porting goods ilortt. Factual, authoritative, com
prohentivel Over 360 Avitratiom. No other guide 6ie
yt. Surest aid to Mlectmg the "right" a.uipmedt for
yowr lfS2 outfit! Jmt mat only $1.00 today with nam
neaaarwt ior yowr perionai copy tent oy rervrn mem
2490-3lthvAVE. SAN HANCISCO 16, CAl.
Hickory, ,N. a, cub In the North
Carolina State League won the 1951
batting championship ol the Mi
nor Leagues, the National Associa
tion of Professional Baseball
Leagues announced Friday.
The A. O. Spalding Award lor the
Minor's rookie batting champion
ship went to Stanley Hart Rose
boro, third baseman ol the Kla-
West League. Roseboi'o batted .409,
Orala ilia far flali irl
aaplK Unk Ula ItalM
Mf Mtraal at. Ml aMf
klaaa FaNa
sua sum
not 30
ITS 100
not 40 not 50
' -I
Enoy tht flnr flavor of bourbon mod leom't oldfoihiond
tour mash way. Yei, for sotiifylng tmoothnen, for luxurious
neliownoM, for top quolity whiihey that's all bourbon , . .
Insist on Boon. The World's finott Bourbon sine 1795.
Jinn mm
Bowdmu i
n m
Michigan Stale's seven-game
winning atreak to open the 'M-'63
basketball season was the Spar
tans' longest since the '30-'3l sea-on.
Merchandise Shoot
Public Invited!
Sunday-10:30 a.m. Sharp!
Wide variety of Eatable Priici
Chance Shooting
Now...Three new
H on
compression low friction
Engines in FORD TRUCKS for '52 !
This is POP oqoin . . . bock from my vocotion , . . tonned good ond
proper , . . and glad that I missed a little of the bad weather at least.
It goes without saying thot I had a good time ond if it wasn't for the
lack of space I'd just be tickled to death to go into detail but as all
good things do, it's over now, ond I'll have to get back on the beat,
looking for items and answers thot you'll be interested in. Now
about my first visit downtown
I was in Kyock'$ lo check with my friend
Harvey and wouldn't you know it ho didn't
even ask me if I had a good vacation. lie
immediately started raving about the best
refrigerator buy in the basin. I tried my
best to sway the conversation back to my
vacation (so I could impress him of my
new found worldlincss), but he wouldn't
go for it, no sir, not for a minute.; VVell,.
I'll tell ya fellas, when the "pitch" was
thru, I was no longer interested in telling
llarvcy about my vacation . . all I wanted
to do was to hurry lo my typewriter and
pass his "dope" on to you.
It's very seldom in
TTl these days when wo
can go down and
really buy something
we feel later that it
was a steal. Oh sure,
there's always some
one screaming to tho
high heavens about
what a swell deal he's
got for ya . . but when
' (MPT
illy i
it's all over, you still don't feel that it was
all il was cracked up to be in the begin
ning. I will tell you here and now, that if
ol' pop didn't think for sure that this 8.2
cu. ft. refrigerator at Fyock's wasn't really
a steal, I wouldn't bother to go into any
lengthy detail and try to convince you
that it really and truly is a good buy. The
brand is General Electric, in itself a criter
ion in workmanship and design The size
is a full 8.2 cu. ft. which takes it out of
the small class right now. The original
selling price was $249.95 (a fair price lo
begin with). Right now you can go to
Kyock's, have them deliver this refrigera
tor to your home for only $189.95 . ..
trade-ins accepted . . financing possible.
It's a whale of a big buy fellas, and if you
are thinking of getting a new refrigerator
this summer you'll save a mighty amount
by not waiting. Buy it now! And just so
you can't say, I mislead you I'll add that
the refrigerator is a 1951 model, brand
new, just uncrated. Take the missus' into
FYOCK'S as soon as you can . . look this
refrigerator over . . see It for yourself.
101-h.n. COIT CllrM SIXi Naw low-rBOION
daiijn 21 J cu. in. AvaHobla Swiet M Mini M.
Ml-. .. CAROO KINO V-lt Xaw IOW.
PIICnON rfuign. 279 cu. In. Standard kt Sarin F-7.
Now, ultra-modern overhead-valvo engines give you more '
horsepower per cubic Inch displacement. Designed for modern Speed Hauling!
Engineered to save up to 14 on gas!
Ford Truck engineering has always been afc-p-ahead
Example Ford pioneered V-8 power for trucks! '
Exampl.i Ford built longer life into Ford Trucks',
and proved it with registrations . . . "Ford Trucks
Last Longer!"
Exampl.i Ford demonstrated Power Pilot economy
in tho famous 60-million-mile Ford Truck Eoon
otny Kim . . . and made the results available in an
cxchisivo Book for every operator's benefit!.
NOW Ford offeri new low-FmcnoN truck engines
that tavt up lo I gallon of got in every 71
Completely provtd under toughest read and
load conditions, then two new Cargo King
V-8's end a new Cost Clipper Six deliver mere
power per cubic Inch . . . time-saving power
tuned to today's Spesd-Hauling netdsl
lll-h. p. CAftOO KINS V-li Naw IOW.
IHtlCTION design. 317 cu. In. Standard kl Strlai F-8.
velopt. Key factor of Ford Low-FulCTlON design
Is short pisfon stroke, which cuts piston travel
up to one-fifth, reduces friction drag and heat
and wear.
Other friction-fighting features: New Super-fitted
Autothermic Pistons; New Precision-molded Out
Alloy Crankshafts; New Full-Flow Oil Filters!
New Cooling!
New Low-Friction design liberates
. All three new Ford Truck engines give you ultra
. modern High-compression punch with regular gas.
They give you overhead valves for deeper, direct
"breathing ' . . . and an improved Power Pilot to
deliver most power from the least gas. Above all,
they give you new, efficient Ford Low-Frictiom
Ordinarily, engine friction alone can steal as
much as 30 of the power your engine de-
"captive" NOW 5 great Ford Truck engines!
For '62 there's big news, too, about Ford'g
economy-proved, world-famed 239 cu. in. V-8
engine. Its power rating is increased to 106 h.p.
And another provpd favorite, the 254 cu. in. Bia
Six is upped to 112 h.p.
With five great truck engines . . . over 275 series
power combinations ... in the new 1952 line,
there's a new Ford Truck that's right for your
hauling job!
Ford Trucks for '52 cost still less to run
Main at Esplanade
Phone 3121