Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 14, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 11)52
PAGE rot
So to Church Sunday
120J Wanllnml I'hone 1001
Arthur C, Mackwoll
10:00 A.M. Illblo i-Iiimimi
Jl:l)0 A.M. Worship ni'ivlre
7:0(1 I'.M. Kvi'lilnu iinrvlni
7:00 P.M. Weilnui.liiy nrrvlco
KUmith Revival Center
Pastor, Iti'f. Dorothy M'Clain
11H1 Mllrhrll ' Phone 4620
10:00 A.M. Uuniluy Brhool
11:00 A.M. Murium Worship
7:0 A.M. KvahKallallO Burvlre
7:00 P.M. Tuiwlay AVA roup
7:45 P.M. WvilniiMluy I'rayar
7:45 P.M.-I'riduy-Ulble Bludy
7:45 P.M. Balurday - Yuung
Proplc'a Medina1.
Church of Christ
1714 Arthur Pliont J-1H0
10 00 A M. Dibit CliiMiti
11:00 A M -Murnlm V.orhlp
7:30 P.M. Mutunl nhllcullun
1:00 P.M. Wednesday
Dibit Bludy
Missionary Baptist Church
4134 liuuelni
Elder O, V. Dlnnchmd, paalor
P:45 A.M. Bundny Hihoo)
11:00 A.M.- Morning Womhlp
7:00 P.M. Tralnim Union
T 1:00 PM. Kvnilnn Bervlce
'7:00 P.M. Thursday Ulbla Bludy
Tenth and Wanhlnitoa
11:00 a m. Bundny Bchool
11:00 am, Sunday Service.
1:00 p m. Wednraday Evenlnj
6:3C p.m. Hut. radio program
Klamath Temple
1M7 Tina I'hone 32J
Hev. D. B. Anderson, minister
Rev. Warner Hoik, At. Pastor
9:45 a m. Bundny echoni
11 no a m. Morning worMilp.
1:30 p.m. Overromcr services
7:45 Kvnnfrllttlo service
7:45 prn. Wednesday, lllble study
and prnye rmcellng.
7:45 p.m. Fldny, Young peoples'
7:30 p.m. Saturday, radio broad
cast. KFJI
Community Church
of that Brethrtn ,
4723 Bristol
Rev. Edward Lander
:4B A.M. Church School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 to 1:00 P. M.- Wednesday
Hobby & Craft Club
Salvation Army
400 Klamath
Ma and Mra. Jack Llttla
10:00 A.M. flunday Bchool
11:00 A .M. Holiness Meeting
11:00 A M Junior Church
6 30 P.M. Young People's Meeting
1:00 P-M. Salvation Meeting,,,,
Immanual Baptist
llth and lllgb
Rev. W. P Templln
1:45 A.M. bible Bchool
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
1:30 P.N.. Young People
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship
7:30 P.M. Wed. Evening Prayer
Hop Evangelical Lutheran
Bhaila School
Rev. M. R. Andrrrpn, Pastor
Parsonage, 1143 Kane
1:30 A.M. Bunday Bchool
11:00 A.M. Worship Bervlce
Firif Presbyterian
Rev. Oeorga, A. Mllna
10.00 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Divine Service
7:00 P.M. Fireside Bervlce
Nursery Open ,. ,
First Christian
Ninth and Pine Sis. '
Oeorga Alder. Minister ,
1:45 a.m. Bible School ,
11:00 a.m.-k-Mornlng Worship1'
1:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor' '
7:30 p.m. Evehlng Worship
7:30 pjn. Prayer Meeting Wed.
Gospel Tabernacle
Allsmont and Maryland
Rev. W. D. Blgby, Pastor
10:00 A.M. Sunday Bchool
11:00 A.M. Morning Service
, 7:30 P.M. Evenings Worship
Also services at 7:30 p.m.
Snturriay and Wednesday.
- Merrill Baptist Mission
Recreation Building
1:45 A.M. Bundny school1
11:00 A.M. Worship service
Klamath Latter Rain Church
1827 Washhnrn Way
Rev. Art Simpson
10:00 A.M. Bundny School, all ages
1:00 P.M. Evening Service
Pilgrims Holiness
1311 Wanlland Phono 1584
Rev. O. D. Weaver
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. fVorning Bervlce
1:45 P.M.-Y.P.S.
7:30 P.M. Evangcllstlo Meeting
7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer
Union Gospel Million
' 251 Commercial
Pastor C. M. Tlmma ' '
10:00 A.M. Bible School
11:00 A.M. Worship Service.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Broach of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chrlit, Scientist, '
In Boiton, Man,
10th end Weihlnirt
Senrlcos' Sunday Service, 1 1 a. sa.
Sunday School, 1 liOO a, at,
Wadneiday avaninf Maetlae. 1:00 o'clock.
LctsoA-Serman Subjoet Morch 16
Christian Science Reading Room
' 1021 Mel St.'
Radio Broadcast Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KFJI
Church of the Naiarene
Harden and Martin
Rev. Deal Van De drift
8:45 A.M. Bunduy School ,
11:00 A.M.. -Morning Worship
0:46 P.l.-Young People
7:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service
7 30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer
1:30 P.M.-Wednesday Choir
First Baptist
N, llli anil Washington ,
Dr. E. M. Onuscy, pnsUir
D:45 A.M. Bundny Bchool
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
0:15 p.m. Training Union.
7:30 pjn. Evening Service
7:00 p.m. Wednesday, youni
people's meotlng.
1:00 p m. Wednesday, mid-week
prayer service.
7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear-
Keno Gospel Center
Phone 13041
Rev. (iladys .rfllford, Paster
10:00 A M. Sunday School.
1 1 00 AM. Morning Worship
7 45 P M Huiirtnv Kve Servi'-es
7:45 P.M. Tuesday, Prayer Meet
ing 3 30 P.M. Frl,, Children's church
7-45 P.M. Friday Bible Btudy.
OTI Sunday School
Curst llnune
10:00 A.M. Bundny School every
First Presbyterian Church
101 Plna
Rev. David Burnett Jr.. Pastor
1:30 A.M. Church school lor all
9:30 and 11 am, Morning
11:00 A M Junior Worship
1:00 P.M. Junior hlBh Westmin
ster Fellowship.
1:30 P.M. Senior high Westmin
ster Fellowship.
Assembly of God
741 Oak
Rev. Daniel Bayliss, minister
Rev. Donald Annas, assistant pastor
9:45 a.m Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning services
6:45 p.m. Youth services
7:30 p m. Evangelistic rally
7:30 p.m. Tuesdsy, Bible study
and prayer service
10:00 a.m. Thursday, Prayer
7:30 p.m. Thursday, preaching
1:00 p.m. Saturday, street
t r. sib
Rev. Fred C. Neumann, pastor
1:30 A.M. Broadcast, KFLW
9:45 A.M. 8tnday School
6:45 P.M. Young People
7 :4S P.M. E v e n In g Evangcllstlo
7:30 P.M. Wednesday, Midweek
Calvary Baptist
E. Main at Garden
Burgess P. Daggett, pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
1:15 P.M. Training union
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship
7:15 P.M. Wednesday, teachers
1:00 P.M. Wednesday, prayer
3:00 P.M. Thursdsy, WMU.
Stewart-Lenox -
W. E. Weeks. Pastor
1:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Worship Service
0:30 P.M.- -T lining Union '
7:30 P.M. Worship Service
7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and
Choir Prntlce
First Church of God
1101 AlUmont .
Rev. C. H. Beahm
9 45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Momlng Worship
1:45 "JiYoung People
7:30 P.M. Evangelistic
'7:30 PJvL Bible Study.
Malin Community Church
Rev. Ooorge A. Bhuman, pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School, all ages
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 P.M. Senior and Junior High
Young Peoplea Societies
Kingdom Hall
. Jehovah's Witnettei
133 N. 9th
7:45 P.M.-Sunday Watchtower
7:45 P.M. Wednesday Bible study
7:45 P.M. Friday Service meeting
8:45 P.M. Friday
Theocratlo School
Mt. Lakl Community
Arthur L. Rice, minister
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Worship Bervlce
7:30 PM. Christian Endeavor
laeetMfallv TrtsUl
CitlailM MalhM
tit N. Ilk ran MM
Chlraiirtrtls PhTrirlaa
Flrtt Methodist
lOlh and High
Rev, Lloyd llolloway
9:45 A.M.-Bunduy Bchool
11:00 AM. -Morning Worship
6:35 P.M. Intermedins M Y. P.
7:00 P M, Senior M Y P.
Seventh-Day Adventist
1733 Main
Rev. P. C. Aldrrson
0:30 A.M. Hiibbnlli school
11:00 A.M. Church Service
7:30 P.M. Evangellstla n
7:30 P.M. Wednesday anl K.day
evangelistic service
Klemeth Lutheran
Crow and Crescent
Rev, lrvln Tweet
9:4( A.M. Sunday school
11:00 A.M. -Divine Worship
6:00 P.M. Benlor League
First Covenant
123 Walnut Phone r,17
Carl CI. Strom, Pastor
9:45 A.M. buoday Bchool
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:46 P.M. Fellowship Hour
1:00 P M.Wednesdny Bible
Study and Prayer
lllh and High
Rev. R. E. Clrael, pastor
11:00 A.M. Morning worship
9:45 A.M. Sunday school
10:00 A.M. Bible class
10:30 A.M. Lutheran Hour, KFJI
Garden near Martin Rts.
Rev. Donald M Casa'.day
9:45 A.M. -Church School
11:00 A.M. Worship Bervlce
7:00 P.M. High School Pilgrim
Peace Memorial Presbyterlen
4431 8. fjlxth Pbone 5051
Rev. Dwayne U Proett
9:30 A.M. Church School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
Reorganized Church of
Jetut Christ of Litter
Day Salnti
6th and Plum
Temporary Notice
2:00 P.M. Preaching Service
1:00 P.M. Church Bchool
Call 2 0175 lor more lnlormatlon.
Church of Jesus Christ
Of t after Dav Saints
Ilome and Martin
9:00 A.M. P-lesthood Meeting
10:30 A.M. Sunday School
7:00 P.M. Sacrament
3:00 P.M. Sat. Primary Meeting
3:00 P.M. Tuesday Relief Society
7:30 P M. Tuesday M. I. A.
Bible Baptist Church
2244 Wiard
Keith P. Fields, PsatOT
9:30 a.m. Sunday school
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
6:30 p.m. Baptist league.
7:30 om. Evening service.
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, all. family
cnurcn nignu
St. Paul's Episcopal
111 Jefferson Pbnne ISIS
Oalen H. Onstad, Rettor
1:00 A.M. Holy Communion
9:30 A .M. Church School
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer
7:30 P.M. Young People'a
Baptist Mission
Rev. I.. W. Rowland, pastor
3131 Lakeport Blvd.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 P.M. Evening Worship
7:00 P.M. Thursday, Young
Peoples Meeting.
Missionary Here
Friday Night
Elder P. K. Simpson, for 23
years a missionary to India for the
.Seventh Day church at 1735 Main
r.prnk a. two services at the new
seventh uay cnurcn at ua Main
Elder Simpson will bring his
message and tell of experiences
with Indian cults and beliefs at 8
p. m. Friday night and 11 a. m.
The Friday night meeting will be
especially directed to all mission
ary minded young people.
Calvary Baptist
Observance Ends
Observance of Church Loyalty
month by Calvary Baptist Church
will be climaxed March 30 when
the church celebrates Its fifth an
niversary with all-day services.
At that time the church roll will
be called.
Tills Sunday Rev. Burgess P.
Bagget, will continue his series
of sermons on the subject Irom
Oethesemsne to Calvary." His
subject will be "Love's Epitome."
Well-known N.Y. preacher, formerly hotpilal choplain,
worker in city slums and among Jewish people, worker
in country churches, and in charge of Evangelitm at
Philadelphia'! largest church. NOW Associate Director
of Evangelism of the United Lutheran Church of Amer-
Sunday, 11 a.m., "What it Your Conception of Jetut
Sunday, 7:30 p.m., "Can Jetut Christ do the Same Thing
Monday, 7:30 p.m., "Too Much Religion or not Enough?
Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., "Let God do the Worrying"
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. "A Heap O' Livin' "
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. "Your Crises and Christ"
Meetings at SHASTA SCHOOL on
Rev. M. R. Anderion, Pattor
Easter Sunday
Service Set
I'lnni for an Easter aunrlie serv
ice, suon'orcd by thrre Kluinuth
I 'ii 1 In Lutheran chlirchci, were
innde at a mrctlnir this wcelc ni
Pastors M. Roderick Anderson,
Menard Clracf and lrvln Tweet.
The service will be held at 6:30
a.m. Easter Bunduy, April 16, at
the Drive-Jn-Theater on Winter
Street. '
Kov. Orncf waa chosen a gen
crnl chnlrman of arranncments
with Rev. Tweet In chario of the
combined choirs of Klnmnth, Zlon
ond flopo Lutheran churches, and
Kov. Anderson in chnrgo oi pro
motion work.
Chnlrmen for three lay commit
tees wern nlso choaen with Willum
rtmifelil i,! ion Lutheran In chiiri-c
of property and construction work:
CIH ion ungmun, ncsa urner nno
Ivnn Larson, Hope Lutheran, pub
licity. Laymen from the three churches;
will bo on the committers.
Baptists Set
Monthly Meet
Klnmalh Bsnti t Association has
Tiicdulcd its monthly mcrtlnu at
Flrrt Bi.ptlst Chiiith Monday eve
ning, nccoruinK to ur. t. m. ciui
scy, host church pastor and mod
erator of the group.
Croups from the four member
churches, Including Calvary Bap
tist, Stownrt-Ler.ox Baptist and Dor
rla Baptist, are expected to be In
A leilowshin dinner for laymen
will be served at 6:30 p.m. with
Dr. C. R. Barrow, Springfield, Ore.,
as the guest speaker. A meeting
for women will be directed bv Mrs.
Roland Hood, Portland, executive
secretary of the Women's Mission
ary Union of the Baptist General
convention oi Oregon ana wasn
innton. A Kcncral meeting for all groups
will start at 7:30 p.m., with Dr.
R. E. Milan, executive secretary
of tho Oregon-Wa-ihlngton Conven
tion and Dr. Paul McCasland, sec
retary of evangelism, presenting
various phases of the convention's
Crosses Get
House Kill
subcommittee Thursday killed a
bill providing' for restoration of
white wooden crosses over the
graves In the National Memorial
Cemetery in Honolulu.
The crosses were erected tem
porarily in 1949 In the new ceme
tery In Punch Bowl crater and re
moved last September by the Army
in accordance with a decision to
use flat stone markers.
Delegate Farrlngton (R. -Hawaii)
told Uic Public Lands subcommit
tee thnt the people of Hawaii had
become so impressed by the row on
row of white crosses over, the
13,800 graves that their removal
came as a severe emotional shock.
The people of the territory were
virtually unanimous in asking for
restoration of the crosses, he said.
All It would cost, Farrlngton said.
Is 12.39 for each grave.
Change Filed
SALEM UP A measure to com
pel reapportionment of the atate
legislature may be on the Novem
ber ballot.
An initiative petition was filed
here Thursday, to go on the ballot
If the required signatures are ob
tained. The measure provides that If the
legislature does riot make the re
apportionment, then the State Su
preme court win order ine secre
tary of state to do it.
Thi. Constitution reauires the leg
islature to reapportion Itself after
every federal census, but the legis
lature nas not acme u since miu.
The sponsors are: Stanley R.
Darling, Eugene, chairman of the
Non-Partisan Committee for Con
stitutional Reapportionment; Emily
P. Logan, Corvallls, president of
the Slate League of Women voters;
H. Clay Myers Jr., Portland, chair
man of the State Young Republican
Federation: Walter J. Dennis. Port
land, president of the Young Dem
ocratic Clubs of Oregon : and Mrs.
Genevieve O. Rogers. Salem.
NEW YORK HI - Mrs. Ella Alex
ander Boole, 93, president of the
World Women's Christian Temper
ance Union for 16 years and once
a candidate for U.S. senator on the
Prohibition ticket, died Thursday.
Mrs. Boole succumbed from a
stroke after an Illness of more
than IS months.
ASPIRIN 1 ''VII ffri
fnn r.MILDjBlMj 10,000 &, ,
: a
NEW OFFICERS of the Women's Association of Peace
Memorial church are left to right: Mrs. Roy Gooding, vice
president, Mrs. Lawrence Birk, president, Mrs. Cecil Whit
by, secretary. Not pictured Mrs. Herb Pollard, treasurer.
Group consists of 90 women active in six circles to aid
work of the church, locally, nationally and internationally.
Their program consists of study and worship as well as
social education and action.
l',:'-Vf-'.-j :a
Tests and exams are all in the
And Spring vacation has come at
Now, for nine days, there's noth
ing to do
But wonder, worry, fret, and stew
About report cards that will soon
be due!
Fun for all was vesterday
As the Journalism class enacted
a play.
The Persecuted Maiden" it was
Though unlike Us title, no one
It rcnllv wasn't one bit sad.
Nor was It In the least bit bad,
Just lull of fun Bnd hu,mor for you.
inc class enjoy to aouig u, iuu.
Also the Student Body Meeting
lln ViaM fViot InV
With temporary plans for a school
picnic in may. ,
Tins plus announcements about
numerous things.
As the Magazine Sale, Prom, and
junior class rings
Brought to a close was the busl-
Only to follow by the unexpected
On the panel discussion Wednesday
The students discussed what. Is
wronc and rieht.
Barbara Howard represented Sac
red Heart
And discussed Dishonesty, as her
The CCD Conference Is not far
To be exact, April 24th's the date.
The city of Kedmona win oe ine
For the members of the diocese
to convene.
Operation On
Child Is Success
SEATTLE Ifl Surgeons at Chil
dren's Orthopedic Hospital have
successfully operated on a baby
boy born with a divided esophagus.
The boy is John Blazer, son of
the Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Blazer
of Othello. Wash.
John, now nine days old, was un
able to take food. Diagnosis showed
the divided esophagus and the boy
was brought here for the rare op
eration. The baby now can take food nor
mally and Is recovering, the hos
pital said Friday."
For nwd Typewriters and adding
machines . . Volghfs Pioneer Of
fice Supply 629 Main.
A magnificent
piano. Many
lovely styles and
finishes ta choosa
120 No. 7th
Rev. Peter J. Dexnit
Madison 'SZtC,
Another Friday evening and no
school tomorrow, or for the whole
of next week! Spring vacation la
certainly a welcome one, after our
mid-terms which were given an
this week. Everyone agrees that
this Is one that we're glad to have
behind us.
Highlighting vacation-time is. of
course, the state "A" tournament
I at Eugene. Pels and Pelican fans
have their plans made lor the week
A good share of the student body
is hoping to make the trip.
A pep rally was held today In
Pelican Court, and the yells were
loud and long, in hopes of spur
ring our team on to victory, a skit
was presented and the pep band
furnished the music. The team and
coaches were Introduced.
Perhaps those who are attend
ing the state tournament should
keep in mind the fact that the sport
manship award is presented at that
time and it Is certainly an honor
lor any high school to receive It.
Not only students, but adult fans
should remember the common
sense rules of good sportsmanship,
which includes not booing the team
and referees.
So far this year, KU can be
proud of their sportsmanship for
they have been especially careful
and watchful in their yelling.
Best of luck, Pels, and awonder
ful vacation to everyone!
Rough Ride For
Teenage Youth I
NORTH PLATTE. Neb. (?) !
Duane Enright was none the worse
for wear Friday after a 137 mile
ride through a snowstorm on the
outside of a speeding passenger
The 13-year-old ' Grand Island,
Neb., boy said he rode between
two cars of the speeding Union
Pacific streamliner City of Port
land holdong on to bars attached
to the cars.
"My arms didn't get too tired"
during the hour and 45 minute
ride. Duane said, but "I often
thought the cars would tip over as
they swayed."
Duane said when he boarded the
train at Grand Island Thursday
his ultimate distinatlon was San
Francisco where he planned to get
a Job.
His mother. Mrs. Arthur D.
Bedker of Grand Island, however,
changed that. She came here after
laVa I ni3e
7th and Klamath
wen i. mm u
Hope Lutheran Starts
Five Days of Mission
Five days of a preaching mission
will start at Hope Lutheran Church
with 11 a.m. services this Sunday.
Rev. Peter Dexnls, pastor of the
United Lutheran Church of New
Shasta Dam
Power Backed
WASHINGTON lfl Rep. Baring
(D.-Nev.,) urged Secretary of In
terior Chapman Thursday not to
let "political pressure" prevent
consideration of using Shasta Dam
power in Nevada.
Baring said in a letter to the
secretary that he understood Rep.
Engle (D.-Callf..) has asked that
a scheduled meeting to discuss the
matter be called off until the power
situation in Northern California im
proves. "I hope that your department
will stand firm against political
pressure, go ahead with the sched
uled meeting and help power-short
Nevada develoe Its vast under
developed mineral resources," Bar
ing wrote.
ine meeting; to discuss an ap
plication or tne Colorado River
Commission for power to supply
oeiense industries from the Cali
fornia plant was announced bv
Richard L. Boke. regional director
of the Reclamation Bureau In Sac
Ice Show Facing
Millions In Suits
Henle Ice Revue and others are
being sued for a total of $4,218,000
as a result of a bleacher collapse
at a snow last week.
Approximately 155 of the 275 per.
sons reported Injured have filed
claims against the show.
A section of bleachers collapsed
last inursaay a lew minutes Be
fore the show was to go on.
Tht remarkable
strument which you can
play at one without any
revioM musical training.
Spring Opening
Louis R. Mann Piano Co?
120 No.
Motor Work
Body Work
Mechanical Work
it All for your car needs
Any Make of Car
sPend 25 mA py if cf ' in 3
You won't tuffer with high
Eaty Budget Plan!
Regitter to Vote Nowl .
York, will Inaugurate Hie miaaion
with hlH ftprmon on 'What la
Your Conception of Jeaua Ohrl;." '
Additional aervicea will be held
each evening including Sunday el ,
7:30 p.m., with lermona by Rev.
Other highlights of the miaaion
will Include the program of hymn
singing and special mualo by fuiat
soloists, and the discussion end
study periods lead by Rev. M.
Roderick Anderson, pastor of Hope
Lutheran Church.
' Rev. Dexnls. a native of Philadel
phia, has been associate dlreotof
of evangelism for the Board of the
Social Missions of the United Luth
eran Church In America alnce Sep ,
tember of 1947, '
SoloisU during tne mission wm
include Mrs. Richard Oraef at tne
piano and vocalists, Elsie Cook. Zd ,
Hill, Bruce Elliott, ano aauiau
vmiih nnartet from Klamath
Lutheran Church will be presented .
Vednesday night, an all mem
choir Monday night and a woman e
choir on Tuesday night. i
After each nights sermon, iwr.
Anderson will lead the discussion
groups on subects related to the
sermon and specifically consider
ing Important phases of Christ
ian Doctrine.
T lr
Creed and Pun
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home
Marguerite) M. Ward
and Sam
925 Hlah Phen 3334
the ,
new in
at (lie
7th St.
imo" montMi pynn
finance charge! on our
Ph. 4103
! I