PAGE FOUR MARKETS and FINANCIAL Groin Session Dull, Prico Level CHICAGO ( Grains held steady In a dull trading aesalon on Uie board of trade Friday. Buying followed news the vmn pnlne quota under the International VVheat Agreement had been re opened and that Japan was inquir ing lor a substantial quantity of At times oats and March soy beans showed strength on short- "Trading In all March deliveries ends March 24. There aren't many cash beans her?, but cash oats stocks are very """wheat closed -,-t U higher, March $2.53 a. corn V7a higher, March $1.83 .. .Va2.5 8Mav March 91, rye 1 U-2 , h gher. May 12.07 Vj. soybeans 1 U to 2 cents higher? MKrch .M V-3.00 and lard 12 to 20 cents hundred Dounds higher. March $12.40. tt'Kn 1 Hlin LOW V lose Mar May July Sept Dec 2.53 ! 2.3 Z.M M J.m :i a.51 . 2.62 2.50 2.52 2 44 2.45 4. 2.44 2.45 2.46 i 2.47 2.45 '. 2.47 2.49 V 2.60 i 2.49 Yt 2.50 U Most StocV Prices Keep Up Level CHICAGO I Although there were more hogs at the stockyards Friday than expected, demand hew up well and the market was steady to 25 cents higher. Cattle ranged from strong on cows to weak on bulls with most classes looking steady In small sup plies. Sheep also were mostly Most butcher weights sold at $16.00 fe $17.75. the day's jpeak. Sows broughf $14.25 to $16.25 In general. . , Good and choice steers and yearl ings generally sold from $29.25 to $35.00 and comparable heifers from $29.00 to $32.50. Cows topped at $25.50. Fed wooled lambs mainly fetched $26.00 to $26.50 while slaughter ewes were $14.50 and below. Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 27 i Allied Chemical Allies Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad 1 Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Bora; Warner gaerroufshs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbacb Curtlsj Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manvtlle Kennecott Copper Llbby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. . Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonler Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard OH NJ. Studebaker Corp. 71 'i 4Mi 14'. 24 "fa 154 ' 4 57 'i 47 U 79 49 ; 43 , 67 , 17 H 26 37 '. 49 ' 42 i 72 109 "4 33 si 17 'i 56 l, 8?, 59 86 44 14 ' 58 a. 43 '4 52 21 4 44 Vi 36 33 47 66 3i 79 U 8'i 21 i 17 a 39 i 61 , 20 i 20 Vi 83 4 18 35 V, 111 4i 67 H 19 is 9 31 n 26 J4 58 !'4 41 'i 60 aa 58", 31 3-i 52 ' 53. 37 51 87 53 76 'S 34 n Hans Norland Phone 2-2515. Ante Insurance. SAVE $120 ! On This Copehort Phono-Radio Factory $ 229' U$t34?NOW The Copehort "Georgion". Ex nuitita Mahoaonv veneers in 18th century ityllng. f rue-tumbre Sym phonic tone. AM-FM radio. Ploys all type, oil sites, oil tpeeds of records, oil automatically. A su perlative value! '5 Weather Northern California Intermit tent rain Friday through Saturday; snow in mountains; temperatures continuing below normal. South easterly to southerly winds 33-45 MPH olt coast, except variable 15 25 MPH north of Cape Mendocino. Klamath Falls and vicinity Mostly overcast with occasional snow showers Friday through Saturday. Gusty southeasterly wind ao-25 MPH Friday. Hign rnnay 32: low Friday night 27: High Saturday 3$. Grants Pass and vicinity Cloudy with frequent showers Friday through Saturday. Ouatv south easterly winds ia-z mfh. Mign Fridav 48; low Friday night 42: high Saturday 62. Western Oregon Mostly cloudy with showers Friday through Satur day: partlv cloudy In extreme north Friday night and Saturday; little temperature change. Hlghs both days 45-55: low Friday night 34-42. Southeasterly winds 15-25 MPH off the coast. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudy Fridav through Saturday: occasion al snow showers over mountain? south half. Hlghs both days 35-50: I low Fridav niaht 25-35 except 10 in high valleys. Son Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO LP Cattle: For week 575. compared with last week s close light supply all classes steady, except dairy type slaughter cows 50 cents high er, one lot good 1.020 pound slaugh ter steers 3.75. short load good 850 pound heifers $32.50. odd head commercial range cows, canner and cutter cows $18.00 -21.00. utility dairv type $23.00 23.50. few high utility and low com mercial bulls $29.50. Calves: For week 20, too light to test the market. Hogs: For week 1.700. compared with last week's close. Wednesday butchers steady, Thursday sows and feeder pigs steady, choice 180 240 pound butchers $19.25. choice sows 460 pounds down $14.00-14.75. stags 400-700 pounds $7.00 - 9.00. good-choice feeder pigs 50-100 lbs $19.00-21.00. Sheep: 100; supnr too llcht to test market, slaughter lambs ab sent, few lots lambs and ewes steady, few good wooled feeder lambs 36.50, utility to choice wool ed slaughter ewes S13.OO-15.50. Potatoes SAN FRANCISCO 111 Potatoes: 12 cars on track; arrivals, Oregon 6: market, firm: Klamath Russets No. 1, 1 It inch min, $4.50 at track. . LOS ANGELES ifl Potatoes: S7 cars on track: arrivals. Oregon 5. Nebraska 1. Florida 1. Utah 4. Idaho 39: market steady; Idaho Russets No. 1-A. i5.40. Pototo Shipments - 1950-51 1951-53 March 13 : 42 20 Month to date . 316 252 Season to date -.10,306 7763 CHICAGO W Potatoes: Ar- rivals 102. on Track 290: total U.S. shipments 1,115: market firm: track sales, n 100 lb in carlots: Minnesota-North Dakota Pontiacs $4.76-77 washed, local $4.77 washed Portland Grain PORTLAND IB Coarse grains unquoted. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.52; Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.52; White Club 2.52. Hard Red Winter: Ordmry 2.52; 10 per cent 2.52; 11 per cent 2.52; 12 per cent 2.52. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2.52; 10 per cent 2.52: 11 per cent 2.52; a per cent 2.02. Car receipts: Whe 69: barley 1; flour 4; corn 2; oats 2; mill feed 9. Sunshine Mining 10 !' Swift & Company 32 Transamerica Corp. 26 ' Twentieth Century Fox 18 Union Oil Company 41 3i Union Pacific 113 'i United Airlines 29 3 united Aircraft 31 'a United Corporation 5 Vt United States Plywood 32 United States Steel 38 ' Warner Pictures 1 a Western Union Tel 39 ' Westinghouse Air Brake 25 i Westinghouse Electric 37 Woolworth Company 42 Vt OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul WE WILL: . . fflaat Install ' lait.ll '" '" Cle." n itaa . .11 br..t"' . T.. , evroletparts. ASHLEY CHEVROLET Community Concert Drive Ends Tomorrow; 400 Open Ducats Left On Big Roil With the nvembershln drive scheduled to conclude at 4 p.m. tomorrow, the Community Concert Association earlv toriav was some 400 memberships behind last year's total. Mrs. Lucille Schrlencr. here from New York headquarters to work with local lenders on the campaign, said she expected many new mem berships to be turned in today, However, co-cnairman oi tne arive ore Mrs. Fred Ehlers and Harriet Mueller. The drive leaders think most of the blame for slow returns Mems from mere failure thus fnr of regu Barber Shop Show Slated MACDOEL The Klamath Foils Barbershop quartette will give a concert at Dorrts. March 24, 8 p.m. In the Butte Valley high school auditorium for the benefit oi the proposed Macdoel Community Hall. The concert will be sponsored by the Butte Valley Improvement league. The League plans to ouua a nan for community meetings. Lots have already oeen purcnasea ana some rash is on hand for construction. President of the League is uoya Logan. M. A. Gilmer is secretary and George Bailey is chairman of ntrtninmfnt UIC piugim. ... . , committee. i A chicken dinner will be served i for the quartette. Wosky Takes Crater Post John B. Wosky. assistant super intendent at Yosemite National Park, will replace E. P. Leavllt as head of Crater Lake National Park. He's due to report in about two weeks. t-rnvitt announced his retirement rii this week from the Crater Lake superintendent's Job. He had served mere approximately 40 years. A farewell party Dy para person nel and friends is to be held at Union Creek tonight. DISTRICT rOl'RT Ora E. SDicher. overload. Forfeit $46 bail. Effie H. Larsen, no operator t - eense. Fine S'i. Miiten R. Alien, violation Dane ruie. Fine 3. Luz G. Escotriu. drunk, sentence z Martin Gonzales, arunn. sentence z ' .... Gerald S. wmuatcn. no stop Hint. Fine 910. nuMiirAL cut- bt Betty Lotches. drunk. Fin 913 or 7'j days. . Emorv C. wrimi, orunx. fine aio or Vt days. . . . Herman Tnompson, a run, rine or 10 days. Obituary OLID DOS Juluii C. Gliddcn. M, a native of California passed away in this city March 13. Survivors include four broth ers, Arthur E. and Howard S. GItdden of Mt. Shasta. Calif. Charles Edward Clldden of Burlinnme. Calif., and Wil lis A. Gliddcn of Klamath Falls. Also eieht neohews and 3 nieces. He was a member and Past Master of Sisson lodge No. 310 AF St AM of Mt. Shaita He had served in the Army Signal Corps during World War I. Tfm rnd place of the funeral services will be an nounced at a later date by O'Halr Memorial Chapel. DAKMODY Renee Toy Ellra Darmody. 46, i na tive of Jacksonville, Oregon and a res ident of Klamath Fall for 33 years, died here March 14, 1932. Survivors in clude: the widower. Ralph M. Dar mody. a daughter, Sharon Carlson and her father. Willard A. Wllkins, all of this city: also three grandchildren. Fu neral service Tuesday. Ward's Klam ath Funeral Home in charge of the ar rangements. People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! Piston " n'..At Bint BHr"'0' . .nil BOn a 5 Quorti .11 Chevrolet Motor f "genuine HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAI LS. OREGON lar members to renew their mem berships. They are very anxious to have tho members back In the fold by tomorrow afternoon. Total membership is the yardstick by which next season's concert offer ings ap selected and a low mem bership now nilaht Impair the qual ity of coming concerts. Several concert lovers and music authorities todav offered testimon ials In support of the Community Concert plan: Andrew Loney Jr.. director oi music In the city scnoois inc Community Concert plan is tne means bv which communities uie sio of Klamath Falls can success fully offer from year to year the finest attractions on inc mwn stage. It Is a privilege lor one 10 hold a membership in tnis line organization. I personally wum urge everyone who can purchase a memoersnip mis . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McKalg T, nivc a chance to see at tractions that ordinarily you could r.ot see except In large cmc. Paul Landry-"! like Community Concert because It brings to Klam ath Falls outstanding entertain ment and cultural benefits that we could not otherwise derive.' Mrs. M E. Glacomlnl. Merrill music teacher-"H forms a back ground for appreciating good music." Warner Phone Buildup Seen LAKE VIEW A proposal for res toration and expansion of telephone facilities to the Silver La""1"" mer Lake and the Warner Valley areas has been received by Jack Briscoe, president of the Lake County Chamber oi t,oiimi from Kay union, and general manager of the West Coast Telepnonee ett. Wash The company has made the toi lowing offer: 1. A $1,500 Initial construction I a mnnihlv rharce Of $20.25 I -...mmrr which would be bro- t, rlna'ti to A combination of sprve charge ana a minimum monthly toll guarantee. 3. A 3-year minimum contract would be required. At a chamber hearing held here on December 18. the company promised to make another propos al one for Its handling of telephone service throughout the county, to be submitted oy May 1. w:r. CoAKt Dhorte service to Warner vanpy arm me ouvci un. Summer Lake areas was Inter rupted about two years ajto when thp REQ power lines were in stalled, causing interference with, the phone company' grounded lines. Cor Theft Solved, Thief Admits Act Theft of a car Mondov from t oirAfioiv wa rlpared ud the same day with the arrest In Bend of 26-year-old William Raymond Bryant, alias William Walker, according to State Police nere. Bryant admitted stealing a car belonging to Bernard Lang of Lake view. He was apprehended by State Police near Bend. Brvant said he deserted from the Marine training center at San Diego, Feb. 13, 1951, and has been on the move ever since to avoid detection. Siskiyou, Modoc Boards Meet TtlLELAKE A Joint meeting be tween the Siskiyou and Modoc coun ty boards of supervisors 10 ovuu.v two county problems Is set for March 20 In the Legion nan nere. Problems to be studied Include n nrnnMPl! hftRnitfll ftnd SUOPOrt for the Tulelake Basin Farm Ad visor's office. sRKonmended By Man leadmf. BABY BOCTBRS to relieve distress of kiddies' CHEST COLDS raid's Mild For a limited time only - Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US LATER! $50 U tL tlltrWi,l',i..,'i' !,',',:,! i (Continued from Page One) slilnglo In that respect would be good for what alls allngshot van dals Isn't Just a smart cruck. It was good at times for WHAT AILED MG. I'm old enough now to admit It. So let's pass on to the economlo and social phases of the subject. There was a lime. In the hey day of the woodshed, when we pro vided with our own Utile hot hands for a lot of our economic needs. If we lived In tho country, we went out In the slack winter sea son to Uie WOODLOT and cut down trees and trimmed them up and hauled the logs home and cut them with a bucksaw Into stove-wood lengths, which were stored In the woodshed. In later olf-peiik hours, we split these lengtlis into stove wood site. As a result, we BOUGHT NO FUEL which was quite an eco nomic advantage, helping mater ially to make the dollar go farther. In conclusion, the woodshed bit heavily Into what In these modern days we call LESIURE TIME, Our more practical sociologists are well- nign unanimous in tneir opinion that a whale of a lot of our modern evils sprout and take root In LEI SURE time. There's a proverb (proverbs. you know, are well defined as suc- clnt, salty truths distilled out of centuries of human experience 1 to the effect that "Satan will find some work for Idle hands to do." Well, In the OLD DAYS when the woodshed flourished there was so little leisure that NO YOUNG STER EVER WONDERED IN A BORED MANNER WHAT THE HECK HE WAS GOINO TO DO WITH THE PRECIOUS LEISURE TIME THAT WAS HIS. He didn't need to think up devil try. Leisure time. In his hie, was so scarce and so wonderful that even MILD diversions gave him a great thrill as contrasted with work ing up knotty stove-wood lengths Into pieces that would go Into a stove and then going on to make some of them small enough for iinaung. Why, back in those days, a young ster could get an IMMENSE THRILL merely out of curling up in a chair with a good book! As for staving out all night wlhch I think It will be agreed, la In these days not toally unknown shucks I the kid who had put In a normal stint In the woodshed was TOO TIRED even to THINK with any enthusiasm of staying out all night. Besides, he would have known It would mean another MORAL session In the woodshed added to his expected and accepted economic sessions there. Really. I'm sure we don't give thought enough to the tremendous hni. urt in nue itv. hu th n. 5 BP Into oblivion of the wood- shed, Funeral Ff'KCRT Funeral trvlc for Harold 1-eRoy Erkert. 38, who died her March 12. will take ptace from the chapel of Ward! Klamath Funeral Home, 3 Hlflh St.. on Saturday, March IV lf2 at 1:00 p. m.. Rev. Donald M. Caulday of the Flrtt Confregational church of flclattng. Commitment service and In terment In Klamath Memorial Park. A TASTY TREAT! SERVED HOT OR COLD mm HUB mst 1710 Oraaon At. .... Phone 3860 start them on Albers AND DIVELOI A MORE PRODUCTIVE IAYIN0 FLOCK NEXT f All Saturday Chick Special Per Hundred We will alio book future orders at this price Sat. only. Newhampi Parmenters Leghorns W5 REMEMBER FREE CHICK DAY THIS SATURDAY Standard . 'si - f , ' r ADOLPH (DUTCH) GOERH RING (above), who entered the telephone field in 1011 and once managed the Pa cific Telcphono and Tele graph branch here, has an nounced his retirement in Portland. He is tho father of Drs. David and Oorge Gochring Klamath Falls. niRTIIH RICHARDSON Horn at Klamath Valky Hospital. March i:i. IU33, tv Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rivhardtnn, 2iW Rec lamation St., a girl. Weight: 6 pound 7 ounce. HILTON Born at Klamath Valley Hoipltal. March 13. 133. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hilton. lu.U WantUnd bt.. a boy. Weight: 7 pound 4 ounces. roMPi.AiNTK rii.rn W H r.niolt v, liuu N. Taylor, suit in colled JlftO. with interost there on at i per cent from Ati(tit ;il. 1040. routs and dUbtiriemenls. U. S. Balentlna. atiorny t"r nlalntiff. Dlttmer vs. V. I. Itrader and Hooe N. Rrader. ult to collet ln with tPterel thcrron at five per cent from May 10, IOM. Xf3 aiiomey fee", costs and dlhuremnts. Tails ill Grec nough attorney for plaintiff, Lyle K. lireni vs. CUiim P trenf, null for divorce. Couple married April 211. 1M4. Klamath rail. Ore Chare, cruelty. Plaintiff property settle ment, 10O pr month alimony, pay ment 11030 lump sum, VoQ attorney fee. C. Humble, attorney for plaintiff. MARRIAfiK KNUI.I. KUNZMAN-MATTHKWR. O'eorte J. Kuniman. 61, printer. Native of South Dakota, resident of Klamath rails. Ore. Ruth Matthew. . clerk. Native of Mis souri. Resident of Klamath Falls, Ore. X-Ray Units To Tour Klamath Area Three mobile x-ray units sre ex pected to tour Klamath County In mid-summer or early fall offering free x-rava In a control drive spon sored by the county chapter of the Tuberculosis and Health Associa tion. Mrs. Eric Majors, executive sec retary of the county chnpter. Is to leave tomorrow for Portland where she Is to attend a special social hygene school lasting several days. The secretary said she hoped to obtain more detailed Information on the coming x-ray drive while In Portland. Thi year, b aura that your chicks get the kind of start that assures a profitable laying flock next (all and winter. Start your .chicks on Albers feeds and keep them on Albers from brooding through rearing and right on into the laying house. Follow the Albers Plan also. It is a tested program of suc cessful poultry management developed from years of scien tific feeding and management trials at the Albers Research Station near Carnation, Wash. Make it a point to call at our store and ask for full de tails on the Albers Plan the next time you're in town. We'll he glad to furnish Albers help ful chick brooding booklets without cost or obligation. Feed Store Lake Parking Change Asked LAKEVIEW Tha Town council of Lakovlew acted Tucnrtay nlalit UvolmiiKO nrdlimncs No. HID, which aula uu tha town wuler conunla hIiiii, aiul In other action voted approval of a new urklnit ordi nance to expand I ho downtown ariia of limited parking. In connection with the change In the waltr board ordinance niein barn pf the council explained that no crllii'lKin of the town water com ml.inlon was Intended, and that, In fact, they were pleased Willi the manner In which tho board lum built up the town water system and lined Uie proocods always to tho best pgaalbls udvnnlaKO of the town. On Wednesday, the council held n special noon meeting with mem bers of the water board to explain the action and to aeck continued cooperation. At this meeting, Town iittornev Clmrlea Fonter first ex plained the alalo budget laws under which municipal funds are expended. He pointed out that water department receipts are town funds and (hat legally they should be expended through the an num town budget. The present ordinance, adopted September 3, 1H30, to set up the water board under authority of a charter amendnvnl which the people approved that year, gives tho water coiiiiiiLhuioii lull author ity to operate and control the water aysiem and to expend lu receipts for necessary preserva tion and Improvement of Uie sys tem. The council acknowledged that the town's water boards and water board members had accomplished a big Job lor the city and that there la much more to be done. Legal Notice N OYKE OK rtSAl, "Alftroi'NT NOTICE IS HKItrilV RIVEN. That I have filed my Final Account as ad. minUtrator wlin will annevad of the Ratata of MARTHA ADLINC BARRON. 0U0 known as MAItTHA A. BARRON dMid. and the Jurtae of tire Circuit Court of the Ntate of Oregon, for Klamath County, has fixed I0;Un A. M . (he 3'Ki dav or April. 111.13. and the Ctourtroom of the aid Court In the Cuurthotit al Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the lime and place when and where any perion may present any objections or exceptions to anything therein con tained, and at said lima and plare the Court will finally settle said account t.OKIUiK W. MrlNTYHE, Administrator with will an nexed ef th Estate of MAR THA AI1. INK BARRON, alio known as MARTHA A. BAR RON, deroaiad, V ORTII MSEMORE Attorney at I -aw M-4-u-u-u No. am 46th ANNUAL (1 raft MERRILL COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY MARCH 15 Featuring Baldy's Band From 10 'til 2 Admission-! .00 person NOW SHOWING the THE SEWING MACHINE THAT IS KNOCKING THE STUFFIN' OUT OF ALL RIVALS! Regardless Of Price Or Make mi km 9m t.Mlif'y ii. 12 Machines In 1 (No Attachments) The Bel Airt are so durable and efficient that we can safely guarantee them to give continuous service forever. r We Me Mso 1 jA featuring t 1 II BEL MR Strd. 1 W 9750 1 III at.. ' ' J FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 10B2 In changing (he ordinance It will ba required that water department funds be placed In the town budget as receipts and the expenditure) be made through the am Chanel aa th (late law requires, For Healthy Sturdy Chicks insist on TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER KRUMDLES The ftrtt wecki ait a critical ptnod for your chicks. They need a ipeoally picpared feed like Tfianil Chick Starter Krumbln to carry them throuih and Inaurt rapid irowlh. Triangle Krutnble ' I aft taty to feed yit ( for even mallett chlcki. A balanced formula ef eticntial prottim with amino acidi, prime graini, mlncrali and B-ll Vitamin Supplement inture that your chick, will have the right tart to health and Kurdy growth. ncAi.rarh Tr,7 v. r finpini. RUmilh I'll" ihirp flraU C. M.erlll. Or,. m 1, Ml tatw r IMIUI I PROMENADERS OPEN SQUARE DANCE Saturday Nite MARCH 15 So. 6h COMMUNITY HALL (Pernios Hell-Neat little Sweden) OUR MOTTO: "Mora Square Dancing Fun for Everyone" Allen and Viola Howard CKS DANCE new MS SEWING Machine Service and Exchange MFIU MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7tfi Ph. 4519 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 2720 So. 6th Ph. 8300 422 Main. Ph. 5771