FWDAY, MAHCH 14, ltm HERALD ANft NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TIHaTESK )0 MAI ISTATI FPU SAU a country home nrmilllully lifi'iilrd mi nix acre. Two bnlrumiM, lull hiiirmriil, I.iiIh ill ahatlr. Uil ivril IHhIiwiiv. Oii ni(i Hint woi k'iui, two rotuiia above ItncnKP uiiltitliiliccl. ficvi'iiil fruit lrw ttwl hcirlcK. Eriuliipcrt for 1,00ft rhlrkrni, Hrlllfiir ttrlco In rlutlra S'Jll laying hrrni ant) WO ockrrlr.. Wonderful acini). Hi'IIIdk lor 10,fl(i. FURNISHED HOME PrlrritoH nrhonl tlMiti'l. Two lt-tl-i (inum, iilnitu Uwliulcil a-J mien H (Kid frardrtt kicmiiuI, Owner my tell lor 10.WW. ON YOUR TERMS You con tiny tlili lnvclv atiiall home on 1W) X lift 11. I'll, '1 liter Mlnrka I( Mnlll HI, New lnl) Kll'r man luritucn. For only 41.1MW. RANCHES trll have uine Ixmrym for lii.itniK'it tills beautiful rant-It on itoml lilnliwiiy. MihKtii two br-tl-room lioniP, IM iicrm Inlitnlul. 4U0 anra 111 rmiKF mill (mature, free Irrigation. $12,0(10. will Intrude. FRED E. FLEET REAtrOR. DKNM1E COATE8, BnlcMntW .111 Mnln OIH'O Ph. 2-3331 Kvrn.!l MILLS I.ar 10 bedroom, M X 120 lot. 111 town and alirnbn. Pnveit atrccl, Dire dlalrkt. Price (12.800. Two bedroom, dlnlnst room, fire place, nllrnriivo y"l, near school unrt bun. Price 10,000. SUBURBAN I.ars!e three brdroom. dMl'ilt room. ', acre Irritated. J."t ' alil and fruit trrra. btirrlrs. Price ! 0.500. ACREAGE Two bedroom home. Six arrra aravltv Irrigation A koim! buy. See lil.i. 18.000. terms. ANDY SILANI VF.RNOK tHJRANT Ph. 13 ItKAti ESTATE Hit fln. fllxlh Pb2!!iSl5 $500 DOWN Twi brdroom furnWied hnme on pnved utreet In Pelican City. Thin home U loomed withm walkiiw dliUnce of iiever.il oernlliili mill". A rent rent brnler for only 2MI0 full price. 5 BEDROOMS Nice Urge home on one cre locmed three miles from town. Thl home linn evrrytlilng and doesn't need rcimlniiB. Nice lawn with low of lovely floweri and ' dhnibn. Larce orchard and othrr Irre.i lor an abundiinre of hade. You can'l o wrong for only 10,000. Investment Property You'll be more than pleased wtih Hie return on your invt.itmml. Three iimall hou.ven on one lot. Price Include lumllure. If you are Interfiled 111 a rral barnaln thlb la Hie place for you. Only J'JIOO. SUBURBAN You probably won t believe It but Hiring 18 Junt around the corner and now Is the time to get aeitltd to you will be ready to atari that garden. Thla place haa lota of room for a garden, a nice yard and It alto has a lovely two bedroom home with large living room. Large kitchen and utility room. All lor only 9500. SOUTH SUBURBAN Attractive two bedroom home on a large lot, Nice lawn with eeveral (ilea ahade trees. IxiUi of room for a large garden, Raspberry patch. This home has everything a person needs for only 950. , NORTH OF TOWN LADIES Do you like to put up your own Jam? MEN Do you like -to tinker around In a workshop? Jf so here Is your home. Pour bed rooms, utility room, garden with workshop and 23 aero all fenced with lots of utrawbtrrlRi and rasp berries. Only $7000 terms. TIRED OP STRUGGLING WITH THE PROBLEM OP SELLING YOUR HOME? LET US TAKE THE WORRIES OFF YOUR SHOULDERS. 8EE OR CALL US TODAY TO LIST YOUR HOME. Dale Grubb , (Eves. 3544) Johnny Hob.son lEves. 0804) Art Fredcrlckson (Eves. 6725) Willi AL LONGE, Realtor HEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE lit So, Bill Phone 8383 KEY LOT SOUTH SIXTH 8TIIKKT j MADISON 'i aera with cote three room luiuxe. t.HWin. shrubbery ant) Irrtiinllno pnnture lor a couple at calve. S;l!HKI tcrtiu. NEWIiOUSB MKAk ESTATE 5IWI) 8n. aixlh Phone afU3-.g-.T1H7 Kill 8ALK. 2U0 tH-rcn. north lout liro lerl. At AitrRK, Oregon, 4 mites Jrn;n Imvn. Elertrlrllv, rtrlllM well. Iinirai lerm. C n. Belmler, Drawer K, Ited tnortrt nrrrgnn. r (irtNisTlr.IJr7r riM"mnnme on i'ivo screi. r:hlck?n hnuflfl, cooler. Near hut, mm. Aim nrllni Avenue. IV HELPS YOU in so many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald tt News Clnsslflcd td, They're excellent for selling, wylng, hiring help, finding work ind recovering lost articles. Phont 1111. 30 RtaX ISTATI fOR SAU HILLSIDE AVENUE Comfortable five room borne. Ex cellent. IocbIIoii oh larua corner lot. Two liedrwinm, plrnminl kllcben and dlttltiii kiiiih. utillly and bull). Alio i'iimiiu room ir extra bed rnnm. Pericert yard and garage. For iiulik Mile. riUDt). A Bedrooms-2 Baths You'll (Kid eKccnUonal vuliie In tlili nrvftt room liouie located on rt))l(lc l,rice llvluit end dlnlim room, fireplace, twa bedroanu and full bntli on Mnln floor, two extra Inine bedrooms ml loll bth on itecimd floor. IlniiiMill Imrdwood floor Ihroiiiilioiit, Oncrete (mm. mcnl, irliiklli)(i ytrm in yard. A rati buy for U2.SU0. SUBURBAN Very ltrtlvp two brilroom wmi In (Ine neluhboihood. Ilnrilwood tloom In Kvlnii room, flreplurr, well iilmiiied kltilien iind ullllly. Larue cloi.eI, automutlc Ileal, dim Kiirauff, M'Hlk-ln ttult ruom, Beiiull Jul Inirrd jrd, (inrdcii unace. 10,000 Itrna. II Ani! Y VAN (Eves, 82041 JOE LEONARD Evf. 3-l)M7 AL SCHMECK REALTOR nd INSUHANCE 517 Mnln Phone 3Z1I $4500 AND WOnTH IT! A nnturnl for Cnr-Ad-Co em ployes. 3 bedroom, garage, ex tra well drained lot wh lata o( simile Irrru, Her this Cliclwa Addition bargain today I $0250 SUBURBAN tfxlra dollars grow rapldlv on thlx half acre. Uood chicken houie, fertile Harden, md l! fenced lor aecurttv. All thta and a modern a bedroom home bulll (or roinlorlnblf living Atk (o e ii. $8500 IN MILLS A neighborhood that adds fo the (ov ( tumii. fiu'ifrshlii tri a home that makes you want io iivr mere, neat as a put, two bedrooms and electric heat In every room. Allachrd garage vvld) concrete drive. Phone u now to ace It. $0500 ROSEWAY VRIVE A cutlet action of nrosnerou home owners. Immaculate Iwo oeflroom home, tile bath, and lull Basement. Beautiful land scaped yard wllh fruit Irees and flowers galore. Bee It to day. $10,000 FAIIMKW" A hill-top home wllh panor amic view of the town. Com lilelcly rebuilt with modern brick trimmed entrance. Two lovely bedrooms, cule dinette, klchen and large playroom. Don't watt to ure this one. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-354S-M46 3025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 70 "Hap" Davison 3871 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 80 ACRES All under gravity Irrigation. All In flrsl year alfalfa. Buildings are old bul usable. This farm well located and selling for the low price of only 421.000, $8,000 down, balance low yearly payments, 160 ACRES Tills ranch ( alt In alfalfa with 100 acres ready for potatoes this year. Well located on year around road. Immediate possession. Selling for only J4S.0O0. HARRY VAN (Eves. 204l JOE LEONARD (Eves. 3-0M7) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 $3950 WHAT A BUY! For a lol of house or your money, see this two bedroom home today. On paved street, and close to Groc ery store and on bus line. This property Is priced for a quick sale, don't delay. SMALL ACREAGE Six acre Chicken rnnctt with com fortable two bedroom home, located only 10 minutes from main shopping center, land lies good and Is now all Into pasture ready tor potatoes. This acreage will pay for itself, r-o don't hesitate let us show you dollar value, today. Jay P. Orlggs Ph. 4254 Ocnc Fnvell Ph. 6045 Clatrc Ellis Ph. 2-2659 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR III 3Ma htSl. ?!59:!2s?i P'OK SAl.C by owner. Cood two bed room noun. Fireplace, automatic heat, elope to town. Phone. 2-0201. ion SALK, ona acre land. 237 EaK Mnln. FOtl SM,r., two bedroom completely foriilnhed hoUHe. Price ). 020? Shai ta Way. HOMES FOR 8A1.C EVF.RETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman in n eta Phrma atai FOR quick (rule, three bedroom hotore. Corner property, ontet neighborhood. Idea) plnre for ehlltlren. Large aartlen plot. 450(1 down, take over my eontrael. Pbona MSB before 9:30 a.m. or afler fl p.m. KOtl HALE, twa bedroom home, ljinre Hvinf and dining room, oak (loort, ((re place, kllrhen and dinette, aervlea porch ntut large garage. g4(fj W(ard. Phone BJ1U7, ONE brilroom home. Blg yard, near chnol, a:i,f, 3230 Wanlland. Phone (W411. TWO bedroom home, for talt by owner. mill rneiia. 111! 11,111 NCI lot (or sale. HllWIde near Melratt. l',k loll, 79x120 reel. Fttone esos. 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SAL! MAitCII IS MOVING TIME Time (o move, to a home of your own I We want to Shaw you thts sure-to-please, modern, 2 bedroom home in M. Prnncla Park. And speaking of bedrooms these are really roomy with large, hard-to- cliitler closets. There's good quality wall-to-walt carpeting In combination living room, dining room area, and both bedrooms. Electric heat assures comfort and t'lenlliiess throughout the winter months. The kitchen Is compact, very practical, and a y io work in. Also, lucres nice utility porch and many buiit-lns in the right places, The 5xl00 ft. lot ! a perfect set ting (or lawn, shrubs, small garden, an attached garage and an outside barberiue grille, glfl.MO and you can mote right tut DONT WAIT PICK UP YOUR PHONE KIOI1T NOW AND CALL Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman (Evenings Phone 870(11 EVERETT DENNIS ItCALTOlt 121 No. th Phone 8491 30 ACRES Near Merrill. 10 acres under gravity Irrigation, 14 acres under sprinkler system. Improvements Include a modern one bedroom home wllb basement, amalt barn, potato cellar, other buildings. Borne machinery Including sprinkler system goes with place. Full price S2,0W. ( crms, 123 ACRES All but about 6 acres under culti vation and Irrigation. 80 tciti under gravity Irrigation, balance under sprinkler Irrigation. 5 acres In alfalfa, 17 acres In old clover, now ready for potatoes, balance grain land. Improvements Include modern one bedroom home, a two bedroom tenant house, other build ings. Fenced. Paved road. Pull price Including aprlnkler system 437,000. Terms. 476 ACRES : Langel! Valley, on paved road. Fenced. Cattle sel-up along with diversified farming. 118 arm under cultivation and gravity Irrigation. 33 acres In permanent pa-sture, 15 acres In A hike clover, 7 acces In alfalfa. There are 358 acres which can carry so or more head of cattle. Also 30,000 to 40,000 board feet of timber which can be cut into lumber. Livestock Included tn asking price conslsla of 10 cows with calve and 10 to calve, yearling heifers, 3 yearllngsteers, 1 Hereford bull, 3 years old, 17 hogs. Improvements include a two bedroom home, large barn ard other buildings. Selling prtce In cluding livestock and some mach inery. 48,OO0. Term.!. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2851 Roosevelt School District Attractive two bedroom home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, dining room, finished basement, light and cheerful. Fenced rear yard, auto matic hunt ta all rooms, to s"ears old. Walking distance to toan. $12,500 terms. MILLS Two bedroom home. Looks like new. A-l r-nnatrilr-tlnn J?rrv iwim clean and delightful. Beautiful yarn, uniy J5 terna. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0168 BOGUE DALE, Reoltor 112 S. 0th Phone 1288 SUBURBAN Regain ihat lost tnthusiam for Jiv ing with Ihls spacious 4 bedroom modern home. Separate dining room, i basement, furnace heat, double (raraire. 'j acre tich sandy loam. On paved street, convenient to bus and stores. Prtce $12,000. FHA terms. SHASTA WAY Very neat and attractive modem one berirnnm horn CWmu foundation, finished room in ga- raRO lor spare bedroom. Weil land scaped lot, ample garden space. Price 5900. FULLY FURNISHED This very attractive 2 bedroom ume js weu ano completely furn ished, ready to move Into tomorrow Riornlna. lornlfrl on 9,' am Clinton Avenue, a pared street. Offers an ideal chance lor those looking for a suburban home, good garden space, good neighborhood. Full orlce onlv sio.ooo. Tnim ... be arranged. NORTH 9th STREET EXCHANGE Good 3 bedroom home within easy walking distance of the Academy, down town and high school. This place has a big dry basement, lots of room tor living. Only $7260, or will consider exchange lor an acre inui gooa o acaroam name. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5058 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since tGOfi 111 tt, m St. Ph. 4564 or 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON TUB FfflST CALL I Dp to JSC on four auto. On your aalarf or furniture up to 4300 "Pay Day" loam a specialty 10, 429, 450 loaned till "pay day or longer, )2t mil but IS cent tor on week:. No other charge. LOCAL LOAN CO. m No. loth st. M-354 DON MclNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Prtendlf flervlc 10 DIAL ISTATI FOR SAtI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 15 ta 413 per acre buy good ranch and limber innfi at Gov't, titate ni)6 Couniy tend 8sJm. FREE LAND CATALOO. PatJ5ic Ld 28, CftUf. iNCOMH vtnvrty. wxrehou. intuit tiw..mens ftwrtilntf It Pr vent u-t )iurn-ff nti Uxe. Cii tT Win f(cr piiix ijR HA.t.K nice trvrt tat N.K trttmrr Arttilwm ntj .Vivl4?!w, AccsbtaI Ton atom titter, Itorit Whltf, P.O. hox f"rwt. CTmtlf. t'(l RStil.il, (wti biftxtxtm tutnithtrt )mr. Wti) tccordtngiy. SI I tievi t phoni S'8'' NKtt KdMlcs (c 4VattV WUit(a t fowr-H Vhfnt 32 BUH.DJNG & REMODEUNG ECONOMY PRJCED DIMENSION and ; BOARDS NO LOWEFi PRICE IN TOWN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! SPECIAL LOT-PHICE ' ON j CARRIER LOADS ! ' Economy Belter 2"x4" ft 24c ea. 43c ea.; 2 "X4 " 10 ft 30c ea. (3c ea. : i 2"x4 " 12 It. Sfic ea. 64c. ea j OTHER PRICES COMPARABLE I LONG BELL iLUMBER COMPANY Main and Spring Phont 3544 ROOFING SIDING Wlialever your roofinij m sidlnB need mmht be. we have II! And 5'ou'll save money by having your Job done before it's too tate and expensive repair bills are necessary. INSULATION Blon-n-In Ftbcrglaas COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN & STORM WINDOWS All Work Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation For free estimate phone 4468, or Clem Ltrsueur, Agent 2-2443 BEST BUY $45per M' FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 10 12 in. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP i ' 2x4 S4S 2x4 S4S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 910 Spring; Phone 5610 KEEP WARM wintertime Mid COOL lummrrttme. Tor rock wont or ttbre ff.tt insulation see Basin Butldmc Ma terial. Inc. In y b, j pr enelDsed both- tidet. ,07c per foot. 4784 South Sixth. pnon l-l&fla. MASOXtTE p net wood, m. thicknew 10 ctn square Joo. 2xVt 4x8', 4xS't lite. KLAMATH VALLEY LVMBEB saw So. sixth Phone Iff 34 FUEL NEATtNG STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 ffll Spring St. Phone 43 STANDARD HEATING! OU. So-f, furnace.. tlM Juel, eoa), arooa, thaicoal. Paylon and Co. S3S Martat o" .... w..-,,u. ,.,rugra oroa. PHESTOLOGS pickup M ttellYCTtd CilII Yaoena Sla-nal SrrvlM 2S6Q So mi, riium JMl or S A H CREE.V STA.MCS given en but ln olla. Phone 3681 w 3-S260 for prompt a!vrjr. CLUT a.DEffS SIGNAL SIBVld S5BO So. th ONE Dao-Thcm oil heater Apt. Call SSflt or STTt. ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBB1IS BOAT plywood, all aires, marina glue, galvanlrett screwa, free boat nlan&. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1S4I So. Sixth Phone 4at 20 FT. CABIN cruiser 11300. Haa aotld mauuKany oianKing ana oan sremes. Sre av Wimamaon niver Stora or cat! 2-MSP. HUNTING arid ffsiiliif (ear droo tcalt tr. S1.T3, TO1 Frieda. . BOAKOING KENNELS DBS boarrllna by oay, week or montlt. Sanitary krnnrij. (Cell batanced diet Clean Individual r.MdrrfT runs lor each iloe. Dog. Handled durtet maltat. WU1 pick ua and deliver. Viillora Welcome Pltaa a07t MtrtlH , Bl 3, Boa sot nASTACASfADI! KEWMELS ANDERSON Boardtnc 'Kenhefe. Phone TO4T Sdea OelRwert on HoTOei!l. THREE cotlle pupa ftvr aelc. Three mnntbs rlil. jrw and white. Litter ree Mered. Calf J0!l. SAVS 4 4 4 Buy a Chrle Craft KU Bial also. Crule er and Rnnahoota. Johnaon Sea Horce mo(ora. iiua(a (xtuant, told and ea rliansed. Boat Sot rent to llahor men. MONROE BOAT WORKS DM Tram St. ytmnc 2-1S8S FfSn sAXs or' trade, 1 loot, factory launch on (rafter or. wlt( trada on t'i Urn (nlrk. Ctiwe ?i"l. LOANS Phone 2-253" 8-2T4 42 LIVKTOCK POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount. Top market price tor good quality. For quotations' PHONB 3857 RTLAMATH POULTRY FARMS BABST C(((CKg-SPEC(A(. orrtR ftturt)) On))-Mrrj 5 All order, placed Sefurtfar. Starrri (S, (or baby cnlcfci to be dvllverrt) In rr. JJV.V) prr . New mpitre end Wh(( (cKhornt, ttralfht run. Alt ehlrl( Siam CorvaUia and ?uarr TROY V. COOK CO. 3JM)!b sin. P)iCTie yen ran sale, len ti'irr tllm. iinvr .prtngtr. Jt Vfhttt.tciu Longrldae Reneb, (tinnie, CJrS(m. PRKPARCO CKCCK fT.r.Q Speel Slrtiy Only CWICff HTARTKR KBUMBf.ES Id Ihs- ; JS lr. !.; SO lb. .; ID lb- awtrit or Trlingie. TROV V. COOK CO. 1040 Swth Sl. Phw0 icivfc t oltj Uutnuty roll tow. WSfc : BrlM. fOn SALE, reflitered BtrkMre wein ner tit. and (xiari. Ready ta wean, March 1Mb. Bryant WUUaim, Jll. , BJ .V A. Poone 7BSB. ytU 5AL. MrA.lein and fiuernur tiel- nfw rv)na. IveD. 500 vert- 1 ver Ave. J'hone 2-1173. ynr.H ehrka Ihlr 8tur4.r. Marra JJfk 1 to. (chorn eocfcerett to each adult. All rhlrlta will b IS. M a hr!r?6. All or ! tier, ttken on defverv wlif fie S (S $ j lv. fclaooajo Fmo Slora. IJ30 &cii!! 1 )xlh. OS HAND CvVtU htavvy bttd. W Jr bun- area. OfieGOPf STATE HATCHERY 2720 So, &.). SPSS. CATTLE PASTURE TOR REST Jtw tummer eon, ner Tort KJm4th. Hot (?-. (tutu IW hend nt ovi jfM htut Kxn-))rnt pasture n6 water vJblr April ii or Maty lit to October ii, nd Hew. HEI JVES 4 roailer lor tate, UftMy drnied -edy for the pn, ev ery Frld SiUTtJy, Pbtn 34) ARTnC?aV, BKZEXmSG SJSRVICE Phone 672t M. C (CKuckf Wurteti ttt 2, Bo 522. H 7o 7wt7 Phon t0 W. CHEST prtce pili fox pcuJUy, koj BIG Y MT.AT ICARKCT f vs WANTED to buy ooa ed oiilce a!. chain and fffinc cabinetc. Telephone sv or -iiaa. WANTED to nuy, unatt uied hand or electric printing pre.. Can be aize uaed aa "iioboy" preaa but muat us meet! type. Vhone 1VZI. COUPLE want to rent Iwo beiliooir. houae. Modern and eiean. in near fu ture. Prefer aood nelfhoornood.- Phone i-xstq. WANTED to rent, couple wwili vn bedroom unfurnlfhcd houae in good dig. trtcl. Mutt be modern and clean. Fur. nlah reference d food rr pi Ibe proper(r. Phone 726S between a a.m.- s pm. WANTED to lette. hay and grain land. Phone 3Xt. WASTED, by laroUy of lour. lreiy furnfahed home. Cfoae (o fortr; Jteer enctt. Call bVetp S30 apd V aiu, E. a. WE KEE! CARS! Ce! up trtr Bcarl Rote Motor Co Sch and Plura. 46 fINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE. Cash Loans 4 Borrow . Par OnlT IW TJI Ma. Repay in IS IrkstaDzsenU UP TO 4300 ON rUBNTTURE OR B ALARY UP TO tU00 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACB TO BORROW Conveniens Location Convenient to Borrow CoDrecieot to pay Locally owstt) Ne Can JMianrerJ at bank rate WONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 29 yean aerrins Klamath BwtSs See fuck- Bailey, Ugs. IH K. Ttti St Ftiona S324 S-t u-m Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 5t) to )3S0 Aalo Purottura LiTtatoci Salary 50 to tm Atiiomoolle (paid lor or not) Private Sate at Autos Finance MaU your dealt CASH dealat Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie S-251 N-XZa tOT No flih Phon TT 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FARMER nlfi imitt Cftottnl to Con- aecartcj' write Heratg jrew tsox 4 ESTABLISH twaven (vancMMd burintsa Capita, needed ,WX Jo $5,fm No fas or (ravcUns- Gxtwr(encs and tte not Important, JdtaV lor roan and wiitv onjc .f tieraia ana MAKE BJO MONEY isf vauR aw HusCvVess At .! The cii)liiM to ir rfi for f(i(urt security raur bit c fiance li makft a larit, iaily inewnt to oeeome tnaepenaent wua your ow n out tneut Ws ars a((r(tv xc(uv lecct- Itt type refreshment atandt. New Unt gufr! Monty -nWint' No Tto taj or ron.esf M.WAJ or W.f will put you into sww 4jv,-i busintM wWch pn fvtg dividend) No experience neceaaaryi lion t neiay; snxwi tutxixiixj ?ur THE PROFITABLE MONTHS AHHAI Cfat fl't tiw fad. Send fur free booklet no fibMiaiton, LVONS MAQN.?. life. riAiWhtaW Wf., 3rit and Atabatnn SU., San rcanctiea i. t BtfSiMKS OWOBTtf(TKS 1 DfSTRlBUTOR ! SPARE OR FULL TIME httUtr wilt 4?4V( Ow re((h(i with ct, .( fcti iJiMTifcrtjlw id mg7-r nrni'ttme wnrltt-titmmt FRENCH BOY POPCORM Cwoj everutly leVA eaUMlal ytmr icrounu ttt mitt f-oa (n aeutnc a(ar((. K clk, no rd lne. YfaWie l erra up J fiW nwrfjr fo eUrt with futur. pr,aa((i((((lea o( Sia.OTA nr jnwr nearly, rqulre SJW ch ulilch ft aev-ired or mrfH. AfoC vending ma ehtnev Tnr ftnnolnlnvenl wllh rmw e-uw. KTffe or win Henltt Kewi ft'tK No. sa. OENiiaAL MKftCHANDISfS STOHK FOR SALE BKEJl A; W2NB LICENSE Bulldini? With Llvlnff Quarters OROKD OVEH m 3N l&S-l LOCATED BIO VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WHITE J5EHALD NEWS, BOX NO. f'Oft LAS, C&Je, UjJt C&mptelt)T eJppfrd living qasr- tent partly tucal&hed. Available Apr lit. Inquirfc W. K, Taylor , Box 65, CbtmuSi, HW (KJWiV, frfeftfacti, turttahtd rtu- over double gtrsge. Ttoom tor more lentAC. Monthly incim, Vfrlit "BISAWMS wirJeitd. 4rtWji yew tn the monument briiinui. iVq exific- prt time. Write SeitJt Memorial Co., SERVICE iiAtiatx foe Ceau- (a cfeiwii- Wonderful opoortunttr toe rtffit turfy, i em tjtMitornia. frotoerou ana iudic r town, N. voiiM thjWv exciJti. v f SCRVCCC i,latQn for teat tn diwntawo. ? AttU7. Cwt) buln Jo&ciwn. Worn- derful ouoortunltr tor ritnt oartr. write Kay uarncii, kox jy, jv,sirav tuu ornia. AUCTION SAL FRIDAY NJOHT, MAR. 34 7:f P.M. H it H AUCTION MART WOCCS i Refrigerator, Was.Mn? Machines, Laundry Tub and Fixtures, Electric Cream Seriatrattar, Lightweiehc j Vaughatt Drag Sasr aad other merchandise.- BRING VOUR ITEMS FOR SALE Col. FRED HOWARD and OTIS MEADOR Phone W!0 FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS: AXES SHOVELS PICKS I SPADES PORKS MATTOCKS ETC. ... Year Choice Only M EACH BARGAIN SPOT W So. 6th Piiaae FOR SALE, Ztniin tozm-vceznic radio. Price 35. Phone 3fV. CHJCK SPECIALS Saturday only See our special dtferi in Liveitcjcfc and paut Iry clai.iIlca.ioj Jir. i?jj paper. TROY V. CiTOK CO. -MM So. th. Pnont t33 rOR SALE, Foundation. NtUtd. Gti ttd poatce. Jmy 5)7ja ijr-, M JjjT ?Mi4iar and Ttresdar. r, W. and Martin Broini. FOR SALE, Gatiio. motor patrol jrad t. 33 loot Wad. A hj-draulic oper ated. Excellent condition, tSTS. Witt trade tor dairy ct t-ot-5 rattlt tr hcf. Rorltinj H ant?Jj, Po Vaiiiey, Kaute g. Box 79q. Ktamath Falls. STEP frddera and extenatott Udde. Ml iiav t940 So. Sixttv Phont 85fi FOR SALE, v:ood tatne, band saw and KndtTr AM rtonpieifr vritii mvtors and stands. Call 4048. TOVH piece walnut bedroom. et iltat tresa and aorto$t tactuded. Good ccrdl Jl!n. Phone ?& FOR SA1X valnul dining room tel. Call 7012. EIGHT piece dining room set foe Mie. 65. Phone T03A. ELECTRIC cabinet sewing TOachva V.'alnut u. Ctrmpieieiy guaranteed. SINGER SEWIKG MACHINE CO. & Main Phone FOB SALE, rj-baiM washing machines, guaranteed Maytaei Bendix, Easy . General Electric and roan? Dthtr 7nak We have a washer priced tor any purse. MERtT'S BARGALX BAPJs, iV Conv 3ntrrJ St. LARGE tJilt7 hoiiit. Phone 3-ia53 aii er 3 p.m. TO KEEP OVT OF MISCHIEF, get attet those little, ouitdins and repair around the houw. Ben Suiidtng Materials Inc. has the materials you need plus FREE advirt to turn iul a prolesslonai looking ipo. 47B4 South Sixth, phone g-Z563. FOR SALE, Easy washing cnacMae,, spin dryer. Phpne SS57. FOR. SALE, 14 loot meat cast, Cora Cole case. Ireezer, cash register large vtmd. heater, (out show cases, bed pjiri nd xnatlresa. 15 jal. elcriric hot water heafer at twenty per cent oK. On tMrnitire and iKsturt. jy reasonanie otter will be accepted, Fran J, Moon, Waver haeu&ec Camp i, Keno OrH. FOR SALE, HotooJM Eltriilr ranse. LoaX-s like new. MERITS BARGAIN BARK. 631 Commercial St. SOOQ GAtaLOK tncti under sround j&stAin 13t 5 or aalg. Phow 5175. FOR SALE, v-ood and tltclrit tcojblT) ilon range. "Excellent condition, MER IT'S BARGAIN BARK, 631 CPHMtttrcial S). LANDSCAPING. tvzTSTrtny. shrub and trees. ' tritTU egray and remove LAXE5HORB CAREENS NURSERY Phone 28S SPRINKLER IRRIGATION ettmtnates i cofttly itvtlima and rntrsiint. Tttjuirt Jew ivatvr. provide pertect distribution. Write Box 9. Ketaid and News tor Iree information. BE5S-AIBE variwiTO rleaner. J.5 j qown. J. per montir. jnone ifxaa. FOR SAhEBlue Tag Klamath Netted Gems. Phone 723. CRUSHED RCCK driveway cinders. Phfa-t 5MJ. REFRIGERATOR jar salt. Ph&nt 2-12M sa SUIT, slse ST. SIS. Phone i.WS. FOR SALE, 20 ton first cutting atfatCa hay. .Chailt I'UniJbwj, Tultltt, C)M ornia. CRUSHED rock 4trrd drtfew cinders. Phone 2-ltT eLiXTTRaLUSC CLEAfXCR and poltshei and auppttn, Pbona "31-7 Tailtai Tj, f?2t Rfarteet. ffO TO?? barf aifal?, ?3 per T. Phone Tulelaxe, Tlm. . ADDtKG WACKtKES, catcutatara, tipa nfriian. tyh re-Jtistm, itaaOta, thatra. tXIea. tar safe or rent PIONEER OFF 1 SITPPLTI m Main Phone 7R 1VEWAV JIATERMLS. Phcmv J7e Hart. 9755. ORCVEWAV MATCRCAL. Phone 2-t68. 1'HIS wee fit the fat ecK on the W rarload lt t-r BiHwtli davtnpiwta and chairs, bed divan end rhair sviina rkrs. Small dftn payment. Meny months on the hahtnre. Save money now at LUCAS aVURNCTXTKe, 1S E, MAIN, I1ANOV WITH TOOLS? Bin Build-in- Materials Inc. 5ta.r everything ?ot need tn hultdtns supnttes. Wtw.iher v&vi neeo iwrniwr, jrJmmJne., paim. pirxet fence, aaraee doors or iu.f advice thla i vis plac to e&mft, 8 Strtitn MISCIUANIOUS fOR JAII MONTGOMERY WARD -CATALOG DEPARTMENT Phone 3373 See Ward's 1952 WALLPAPER , COLLECTION Two Jargs itcmater size Sample boots ir aviJaW for y&w JrfJe ia Wards CaCato? Depwtoitn Tfo fourtJi J tbm HALLMARK )tha vc hetoce tre hMWffiixtf io htip ytm achieve t grtktes jsiecwaUng btauiy xnoaiv wtally. f j0 vrtsvnia ovr m ct ttte choicest JeciloTa ol feadine msnui&ctasxa. Ittcludlcts t fetttaUtifuiEy ISSPOBTEO PAPERS, Visit WatdB. 100a , , tt SSii lovtly eolJtttion, , jPrScw ay as J&w aa 14c single rrfh gh may IwrpMr a WALLPAPER. I BOOK to take hame ta we your wfectfona w&h yom JujRfeSilnsa. TVaTa will wtltwnt x visit J?&2 ywa , , A AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 16 1 P.M, MACDOEL, CALIFORNIA locales: Yg mile wuth and li miles west of Macdce!, CaJif, WVxb. Jot Sg3 so Kigbway 7. 50 - Regtstered Hampshire Hogs - 50 25 HegisierttS Olltj io Isrrow In Marcci, KK 3 Registered BoaTS, Rftrrict age 07 ub&t . j Ifr Open Rteiiiered Oiitj W Registered WeaMia Mr. FeusS has acid bis present yanch aad la Braving to a tmeuer nice at Corslng, CalifcjTua, to specialize in the- purebred hog business ,, This Rerjaeilc-n Sale of Mr. Fsmi'a Hampshire- Herd offers rou tn ccf portsnity to purchase ttms of the finest Registered Haraoshira hatx id the State of California. The hloseilinea are predominate? &i&rvetoua' West, Miracle, and Mischiei Maker. P.F.A. and 4H PROSPECTS MAIL BIDS ACCEPTED Form Machinery LeToumeaii Carryall, 4 yd., hji. ccRircS, co Tiibber, S top- cJifiiiS. M-M liH4 motirf G.T.A. Tractcr, tires, tttmp5e4e cvwfeaul. M-M 11M ractiel C Tractor, 3-row Spud CnJiivator Aitaebroejii. M-M G4 CabiflMfe 12-It., pickup reel, ctom attachzDeut. M-M Tamblebiig Ptow, 3 botij 2-iray, 3&-i7ir, like new. M-M Oraia DriK, 19-51., grass ad Jwi. aJich. Btll Spud Elerator. eieclric znc4cr. Sznaii Eversraas L&?id Level, Casa Stationary Baler, "Wisconsin & Is.p. air-ccoled aotcr. Parza HaiMl Leader. gal. ateel atorage tank. Hyd. Scraper. Spud Sorter. Spik Tooth Harrow, aVaeciion. Chevrolet Sedan. Grain Sag3t Spad Belt Iron Xettlej. Some Hoosehold Goods, TERMS: CASK ADOLF FEUS1, ; Owner . 8. E. "8tV Rhodes, AaciSone&r P5i. 4&32, Klamath FaHt SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Kecoaditioaed utd Guaranteed CSEO ELECTJ5IC RANGES W7. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4& Ph. ES65 BaiJfJ B&tfer With Pum?ce-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON 8. CO. J (535 Mayfeftt REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Our used eotiioment is aS reifuilt and gaaranleed. Tor a beittr bay thai will pjrowrt a. See this large assortment ol re iruiit appliances at , . . Merit's Bargain Barn S3i Cammerelal St. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Grave? Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 PLECTRIC florta&te aewnc marhin. Guaianieed wwlmj MasdHis-n. M.W. SINGER SEWitVQ MACniNB CO. m Wain Pnona g-gtCt FOB SALE, 3jf Sc13 Carvw WMlt-n. 2 ahadea Medium: ireeHa Phone MONUMENTS QalWwtea and tnstal tcn cjtn be made hy Mey 3&i J or deced now. Ciacanc Waids Kiamart Mnnuman Cnnsan, Kw, nona Ward B&ofc canons ever papa, QUALITT DESIGNa Mw of trained clerk will be glad iielp yutu FKEE COFFEE SPECiAL CLOSEOUT wooo KiTCHEff CABINET UNITS - !A PRICE WAS KQ? 43 ioth Bsw i7. 4S 5m3i Va3 12.SS JS tosjj Wall 2S.S $ 3S 3S tacbi Over ReWerstor Wall 14.SS US 34 iEiit Base J27.4S 4JI.J 24 iacfe WaS . IS incii WTa.I ' (IMS RJS Boaiease f&M , LONG BELU LUMBER COMPANY FUR37URE values can atwxjc 6e fouod at CCtacnatii Fra.it.ua Ca. XU. Main, Fbm 5050. IS trq;a(r fa 'Jt Two-Dr. ford De luxe, Trad i '5& V Toco Pic-i? YQtl CAKT BEAT tt comttnaUaa ijualy z5 jwtc ire lave thle IN Oodge Coronet Club Couoft. Tata weeA. tnd unly t..nj J&r 5-1 M5. UxFbt Vwd Ca, Scwfh Sixth and Pium fhoae ffiuw evening, and Sundays Bftis, iS BCffCK two cCoac. Sxcenttotvail 6ujffc Sjeae:rA rtmriilipw. Phcme SS&7. 191S FORQ COUPE Sial xwUM and carouretorsy exeelient tircs data. car. Phone, anal. A CAR a he Qcaud, cC A nctc can gay A y&a ram hot ISOff Pij-matfih ftrar-door aedort. reC a a pin. and Mly S15Aa teia v!s.-nd, Embat Vsed Cere, S?ui3? Sijriit encj Pluau Phaoe 9Ua eventnv and Son days &S3, VfKAT A BEAVTV aV 5-113 576 ed tor this 2W? Cnrys'fer Jtoyai tour dooc sedan, decepitonaii? snat. T m M i & wrt rt. aE-imbe Ved Car South Uixtft and Pfum Prtaae eva- nngs ar,o SMnna kkjjk. TRY" TQ ssUPUCATC TKIS ONE 1W Fod V-S Super Steiuxe S-patferf ter couoe. Cadia heater tmmacutata InVwliw, amarV tobtivdx. 5ix.in, A-l Ja irer. haa ?? mileage, Drop ta end aive up. H. , B. HAUCES BUICX GARAC1 . Used Car Oegartment Main Rjoad Pbnne Mtt LGGKING FOR A LATE MOOCt! Stiv?kwf:er Chemptow He-jsi -? sedan. Radia, heatat, automatic tcant- new car cwndiiioit end appearance. A jeal ileal in this popular, economieat car. teiiing price wre 38A. EC Sr. K&VGER BtSiCK GAffACC Ustd Car DexbnenV rtfafn at Bread Phone M.t sate tcade the t39-ta$&. eUsa t CTgvrjje-l'. 1511 Dayton FOR SALv &J liada tvf fildtt WrneT car. Faulty in IW2 Btudehaxer Cham jsAon. ynone aata. ffFntrff rrir,v cwiTVfrrJLET 1SS& CavirV &15)H V1k Sedan. Radio, heefer, eusiJttt-tai'ioreA tfv eets. iSKSft aciuat miies- Coats end 4rtw if a jww w. K. C HAtrGCR BUi!Ci OA&ACtt VJd Car Ipl55nv Wate -C Broad Phow ?t IM? MERCURY aWdara A-l theji. 5 dto, haatac ovedctva. JM, Pooaa a.lSl. FOB SALK 19M -l&n 6.M-C. sitHus., Private party, exm mile. arff. Crtvt sidw In. ftana 4At Oontt - a -a ft j,-.