PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1-P.lMY. MARCH 14, 19.12 UAL Asks Drop Of Pendleton SEATTLE Wl United Air Lines innounced Thursday It had filed request for elimination of Pendle ton, Ore., a "must" stop on Its raclllo Northwest flights. The application to the Civil Aero Suffocating "Hot Flashes" stopped or strikingly relieved In 63-80 of case, in doctoiV tests! Are you going through you know what It has done xnange 01 me . . . suner for others lug the "hot flashes," ner vous tension. Irritability, weakness and other types of functionally-caused dls- I tress of this difficult time? I Then . . . here's hope for you I In tests by doctors, I Lyd I a Pinkham's Com- pound and Tablets gave ' relief from such distress... In 6J and 10 (respec tively) of the cases tested. Complete or ttriking relief I Burely you know thatLydla Pinkham's Is tdentifically modern in Action Surely IF YOUR CREDIT'S GOOD . . its good with us ! Painting Body and Fender Work Motor Tune-up Anderson Auto Service 632 Walnut By the Post Office St. Patrick's Dance Saturday, March 15 Borris City Hall Dancing 9:00 Until 2:00 Music by Yern Emley and His Harmony Kings Sponsored by Dorris Boys' Club Ease Your Washday Work! When" the'liglit it 'dim, howcan you be sure that all the spots are out of your wash? Why take chances? Good lighting in your laundry will help you get out all the dirt the' first time : because " you ' can'see'easily ' and quickly. Our Home Lighting Specialists are ready to .helpjyouf PLAN j your lighting." Their services are free,"ocall us," won't you? PLAN YOUR LIGHTING FOR PLEASANT LIVING THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY nautics Board would open the way to non-stop service between Spo kane Boise. The announcement said the firm also will press for lifting of the present restriction against non-stop flights between Seattle-Tacoma tyid Chicago. 3 WA.EfJ But do you know what It will do for vouf Not If you haven't experienced the relief of tension, "nashes" and Irri tability It ao often bMnga at such tlmeal Before another day baa paaeed, try Lydla Plnkham'a . . . the Vegetable Compound, or new, improved Tableta with added Iron . . . and dis cover how much easier your "change of life" may be! Vrwnper ipomen aid elf's Buffering from functional pains and distress of men struation find Pinkham's wonderful tool It contain no pain-deadening drupe in I.ydta ''i anion flirouoA tvm pathetic mr lous ayjffwire tievts of tnt'heatwavtt"! 1 Motor Overhauling Clutch - Transmis sion and Radiator Repairs. lour Laundry - !J . '-q; ,'',' V fWt By MRS. iC. R. NELSON A budget meetliiK. social hour and notluck supper was held in tne rausn nan, juonaay, luarcn a, with a Rood attendance. Newly elected members of the Bishop s Committee are George Carlon and oienn Harvey, who will replace Liiy rosier and Dean Harris whose terms have expired, E. M. Carlon was elected war den for the coming year with Glenn Harvey and George Carlon, treasurer. William Harvey Is the other commlttcemember. Plans are being made by the Church Guild to complete the kitchen. The church property will bo entirely lenced this year com plete with a Rraveled walk. Dr. H. N. Tragitt Jr.. pastor. hopes to plant the lawn and shrub bery tills fall or possibly earlier. The pastor was in charge of the meeting, and he spoke well of the uccess of the oast year's church work and activities. Bishop Lane Barton was guest speaker and nave an interesting summary of tne past years acconiDUsrimenLt in the district. Following the business meetine the assembly repaired to the church for slnglne of hvmns and evening prayer led by Bishop Bar ton. Mrs. Earl Corum and Mrs. Darl Hunt of Silver Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Newman Klmes, Dr. and Mrs. H. N. Tragitt were present from Lakevlew. These get-togethers are always enoyed In our community. Mr. and Mrs. Dean' Harris were elected as delegates to the con vocation this year. Mi. and Mrs. Louis Brunnemer and children of Lakevlew have re turned from their vacation trio to San Francisco and spent a happy weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey. Garry Nelson is helping out at the With ers ranch while Vancil Is ill. He is suffering from a sulpha allergy. A two-car garage is being built on tne Les Elder ranch. Deepest sympathy is extended from our community to Mrs. Earl Vaughn ana lamllv in paisley on the death of Earl Vaughn last week. He was member of the Summer Lake grange and was well liked by all who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. George Carlon were business visitors in Lakevlew Tuesday. A. V. Meyers. Portland, was a visitor here Wednesday. He Is con nected with the state Came Com mission. I Several Inches of new snow fell Thursday and Friday and winter seems to oe witn us again. The film shown at the Ana River Schoolhouse Thursday was "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain." The attendance was good and the pic- ture enjoyed. Miss Joan Deboy, accompanied by a friend, spent the weekend here from Klamath Falls with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Deboy. Joan is an office assistant for a dentist in Klamath Falls whose name we did not learn. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Harris, ac companied by Bill Foree, went to Bend Saturday. Mrs. Harris went on to Portland where she is visit ing her daughter, Mrs William Howard who is ill and in the hos pital. Mrs. Howard is the former Lorraine Harris and her friends wish her an early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pitcher of Klamath Falls, accompanied by a friend, spent the weekend at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jim Carlon. A basketball game was played Lighting! In Paisley Wednesday night be tween the Silver Luke Summer Lake squad and the Bend-Portland squad from Lakoview. Lakevlew won. Attending from here were: Mr. and Mrs. George Carlon. Mr. and Mis. Jim Carlon, Mr. and Mim, Louis Withers and Glenn Harvey. Another game between these teams was scheduled for Wedneaiay, March VI. in tho Paisley gymnasium. Regular session of Granue No. 745 met March 8 with a good at tencanco. Les Elder reported on the agriculture group meetings he attenaed. A combined Lake Coun ty picnlo may be arranged for tins summer but drtutls or tho event haven't been completed as of yet. Tho usual Red Cross dona tion of as was voted upon. Reinstatements of Mr. and Mrs. George Pike of Paisley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitcher of Sliver Lake were favorable voted. Applications have been received for manv oilier new members. The telephone project reporled on bv f rank Graves doesn t loon lavor- able. The charier was drnned for our departed brother, Earl Vaughn. square dancing was neici louow- Ing a soil conservation movie shown by Forester Ray Knudson, raisiey. Mr. and Mrs. Guv Foster assist ed bv Mr. and Mrs. Bud Currier served the supper. Ted conn. Lnkeview, attorney tor the Summer Lake Irrigation Dis trict, was a business visitor here March 9 on matters pertaining to irrigation. We are having some wind and rain which will take the deep snow oil. but the deep drills will still be with us. The interior of the Summer Lake lodge is being redecorated and new linoleum laid in the lobby and dining room. Larigell Valley 'M By CORA LKAV1TT Mr. and Mrs. L. P. 0 1 d f 1 e 1 d of Klamath Falls spent the week end with their daughter. Mrs. Bud Harris and family. On Sunday the Oldfields visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Craven have moved here from Mulin to make their home on the Lester Jones ranch which they purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shepherd and baby have moved to tiie Keith Rice ranch to make their home. His parents of Klamath Falls spent Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graves and Robert of Ashland spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graves and daughters. His father who lives with the Ernest Graves returned to Ashland with them. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Doty and baby of Chlloquin spent the week end with the Graves family aUo. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hood spent Wednedsay evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Novotony. Shorty Barratt has returned home from Prineville where he visited his daughter and her family. Mr.- and Mrs. Bill Burnett visited Monday with the Ted Albert family. Air. ana Mrs. Art Monroe and family entertained Mr. and Mrs Mike Dearborn and sons at dinner on March 9 in honor of Mrs. Dear borns birthday. Air. ana Mrs. Orville Devaul spent the weekend at Grants Pass who WehCecil Conleys and attended the ball game between Bonniua and Rogue River. Almost the whole valley went over for the same The Fitzhughs spent the weekend with the John Millers, the Lcavltts and Burnetts visited the Burnetts Sr., at Grants Pass and many others visited relatives and friends and all went to the game. Many were seen from Chiloquln, Malin, Merrill, Bly, Sprague River, and a lot from Bonanza and Htlder brand and Dairy. Everyone is reminded to save the evening of Mar. 29 for the big party which will honor our basketball team, the yell leaders. Coach Merton Whipple and Principal Clayton Sharpe. It is a community affair Tht JAYHAWK THERE'S HONE BETTER "91" Octon. Ethyl 31e JAYHAWK GAS 2135 South 6th J III! AUCTIONEERING Sale Management Grsdasie of Western Colters , . . Of Anelloneerlne . . . Btllinsi. Meat, Certified Pedigree Reader Successful galea are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Specializing in FARM, PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER 5304 Alva Klamath Fall' Ph. 2-2452 Free Service on Church Benefit Auction! If your present roof hot nor given you the protec tion your home deiervet, don't experiment with the tame outmoded type, but investigate the proven superiority of the now famous Aluminum four-way inter-locking shingle. The Aluminum four-way inter-locking shingle is weather proof, fireproof, approved by the nation's leading archi tects, and is guaranteed for the life of your home. Ask for a free estimate, and the new low cost of this ultimate in roofing perfection from EARL MANCHESTER, 614 Klam ath or Phone 2-0213. IT IS TOMORROW'S ROOF TODAY Dorris lly DORA HltAN'IIAM The Jinx continues to lollmv the Bullo Valley High School basket ball tenuis Willi a defeat Friday night at Mt. Slinsln, tho It's los ing 2i to 45 mill the A's plnylnn wonderful ball, bowed to Sliiistn at) to 117. Siilurrlnv night 1IVII8 Journeyed to MoCloiid lo pluv tho Loggers. Disaster overtook Ilia B team after leading MrClnuri all tho way. The finish read, Loggers 40, BVHS 36. Coach Plunll benched his first string A's alter a slow and splrll first quarter when thev scored only 3 points to at) fur the McCloud quintet the Bulldog second tenm sparked by Fraley. Miller and Copcland brought the count to 33 to M. The Dorris Boy's Club Is going "great guns" alter Its gala open ing Tuesday nliiht. It is a tine project and Pollco Chief Fenlon Mahrt deserves a big vole ot thanks. I was lit the opening and bellevo me it was reallv a line affair. Let us hope Interest if adults will not wane. vo know the boys will keep It going. The Dorris Lions Club has an nounced that It will put on a show March 29 at the Butte Valley High auditorium. City election scheduled for April 8 finis these running for City Councilmrn for a four year term. Richard Frnwlck, A. E. McLaugh lin and Edgar Viets. For city treasurer, four year term. Freda Webster, Incumbent, and for city clerk, Anne Andrcatto. Betty Gravler will be a write in can didate. and everyone Is Invited to attend the poiluck supper Minting ut 1 o'clock and to enjoy the social evening to follow. It will be held at the Bonama High School. Mr. and Mrs. George Fernlund spent the weekend at Medlord with tier parents the Earl Schebet 'they brought Linda and Eddie home after they spent a week with! IllOlr Drunrinnrnnk ri v.. . v , ' , ,, Dixie Evans of Klamath Falls' spent the weekend with her grand-i parents. Mr. and Mrs. GeorKci Noble. Her parents, the Ed Evans, ' came out Snndiiv nH rIm rhir,t , home With them. on Tuesday. j Mrs. Mnry J. Smith loft Frl- ' dny mornniR lor Vubn Citv toj visit her son Oeorse and (ainilv. She will go on to Los Aim e Irs ami j visit relatives and friends and then On tit l.nnn Pimm r"1.f tn . j n-v (.... i. Ym J?Julson- ruyp wrimpr ana son spent the weekend at Cirants Pnss with her husband and si.ster-lnlaw and brotlier-in-law- Christine Brown vLvited on Men day with Cora Leaviu. Fa ye Weimer was also a visitor. Legal Ncfice NOTICE OF SAIT. The Orreon Slate IliKhuay Commli- imn nax tor sale nn a-orimrnt of u .! equipment and irrnp malertali Irtratrd at the Itlchwav Departnirnl Equip ment PlanU al Solcm. Coquille. Kbm ath Fnlli, and La Grande. Orcgnn f'ar tial luts of the vartouk kinds of equip, ment and nrrap are ai follow: AT SALEM: Car, ttatlon untnni, dump irurks, "j-yarH ahnvrl. iracJer.t, asphalt kettles, tnrnicm roller, mow er and scrap material AT COQUILLE: Dump truck., plrk up, asphalt ketllei and tcrap mater iala AT KLAMATH FALLS: Dump (ruck asphalt kettles, mower, drag aw and icrjip materials. AT LA GRANDE: Cars, dump truck! and crap ma tr rial Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of thu ued equip ment and for all the acrap m-Hrna. will be received by the State Highway Commission in Boom 41H State High way Building, Salem, Oregon, unltl 2 p.m.. Tueaday, April 1. 0Xi, at which time and place the blda will be pub licly opened and read. Proposal forma and full Information for bidders may he ohtained In Room 221, State Highway lluilding. Salem, Oregon, and at each of the four equip ment planm. Oregon State Highway Commission M. 14-21 No. 012. C Specialist auto glass service Is avallabl here . and that meana a real glazier specially equipped by exper ience - and training will di the work. Fine glass, (in. workmanship and prompt seiivce is guaranteed here J.! J J.fwT and 5 GINIRAL FIRST ANNUAL V. F. W. CRAB FEED SATURDAY - MARCH 15 at tho V.F.W. HALL 515 KLAMATH AVE. FROM 5 TO 10 P.M. CLASSIFIED RATES one day .. per word 4 riirea Days per word lie Week run per word 20o Mouth run per word 6&c MINIMUM The minimum chargo for any one aa is doc. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper iur a service cnnige 01 3SH. DEADLINES Classified aua accepted up to 6:30 p.m. for following day'i publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 14 noou for following day pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS mane an claims tor adjust ment wluiout delay. Corrections or cancellation re ceived by 8:20 p.m. will be mads in following dav'a mtbllcaMon C FUNERAL HOMES IVAIID S kiaiimiTi-f iiii.r.1" lioT.imi M'S'I Slrwl. Phuiif. .11.14. I MEETING "NOl 'CIS i aiToiia Chapirr' ai witf'mMt-s'uniiay """"on. i uo pm. Miumir Tinp. "i't vi iniiruriion iy tirsiid of- Cterr. all nivmhrr mvllril. AIlr tha mwllni a no ! dinner al Jenad.. t.iJM'rpiivwwuivMm.n " J LOST AND fOUND i i-t'ST. hiack fountain pen. Liberal re. m " GENERAL NOTICES RED ROOSTER TAVERN i Under neu mnn.iKrment. Completo- , , , . ly rfniw,(llel Bt lc 'r onr convenience. HAROLD and ART FREDRICKSON AUCTION Sunday 12 Noon New chrome dining room sets, new roilet.1. new occaMonnl clmlis, new bedroom .scls. Like new gm range, 1120. Electric motor, $25. 0U. Summers Lnne Auction Mart 3600 Summers Lnne BIO BARBER SHOP OPEN Under New Muungemeut HOURS 9:00 A M. 'TILL 7:00 P.M. PERSONALS YOUNG man wllh food horns would like to correaponcl Hitn uung woman between 21 and Jfl wllh one rtulil or none.W'rlle Hox flo.Herald and News. HEAl. SILK. USal " KHATEX Fla.nes.Phona.ia4. 7.bEBkCcE Swansons Beauty Shop. Phone 71B1. MAN1.EY Home ProducU. Phone 10 SERVICES MOVING? . Call 7425 Locnl-Loni? Distance Piano and appliance moving a upeclally Transfer and Storage Bekin'a Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse 'Since 1918" NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francl" "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let u work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, aomeone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 255 East Main in Klam. ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Legal Notice NOTICE Of LANDOWNER'S MEKT1NG OK KLAMATH OHAINAOE DISTRICT: Nollca Is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the landowners of the Klamath Drainage District will Im held at the office of the District No 12 Molhaae Bldg., Klamalh Palls, Oregon at l::i0 p.m. on Huturday March 20, 10.12 which meeting Is held for the purpose or electing on Supervisor to serve for a term of a years and for the transaction of such other business an may come before the meeting. c. I Langslet Secreatry, M 7-14-21 No. Ofl.'l NOTIC1 10 SERVICI FIX' THAT RADIO Our Ttuslneu Is Round CONNER'S SERVICI! CO. Phone 187a EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and trench Hoe Bulldoser Fill Ulrt Toptoll Crushed Rock Driveway Clndan Compressor CRANE 1KRV1CB GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 5M1 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned NfWMt Sn!Ury Methndi AIM) ROTO ROOTER SERVICE vie ni bewrr Lines of KooU, Eta CD P. KINO 3434 Orchard Phon M41 RHOWCAnDS and itiiia. Calf"!?. THIlM'S Atno I'untlni. Body incj Iri)' iler work I'hont 4O40. ALT KHAtlONM - All " HrkfurVnlr Jrnnia liar. AntUi. 707 Mailt. I'hnna CAIU'fcNTm work fUnm-jr-llni" new con t ruction. Phona 3-0017. and I.Nt'DMK TAX MKIltllSfS Tor appolntmant I'hona 2 0331. Harvey r.l.RCTKICAL conlrarllgg. Work fuar- mt-cn i-nnr-f j (I'll' SKITIC TANK Pumped, Ctmrrrla tank and drain field In ttalled. Orvilla &luerBv. phdtie 3070. PA I Ml NO and 717. paperhnintt fit I VPS AI'TO paintlni bnir and fan- ork rnnne 4rH0 Ct'HTAlNS Uurt(.-cd and atratrhtit ; rnone ani I yt-t- nruei"Phone""lfli4 '"or9077. J L. DEAN Auditor 1 ottirm at am no. 7in. - Piwna rut IDUCADONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for pmlttona In the Tractor and Equipment indust ry. If you are not making bet ter limn 190 per week, or you ifon't have all year )nb necur lly. you owe It to yourself lo write for free farm, without obllitullmi, about tins training and our Ailvlsory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING RERVICE Write Box 43 Co Herald As New draff auhlerts offtre machines Kl.AMATH BUSINESS CIll.l.r.QK nj Pine Phone 4T00 13 HEALTH CONVALESCENTS AGED - INVALIDS 24-Hour Nursing Care, with Regis tered Nurse In charge. Attention given to Special Diets. Equipped lor bed patients. Fully licensed by Stale of Oregon. Your inspection Invited. Courtesy to your family doctor. Private or pension casea elcome. The Mitchell 'Sanatarium Jacksonville, Ore. Phone Jacksonville 651 S I LAM balhi. exerruei. annt mli'ipm. for men and women. Phone SftM. 14 HELP WANTID, FEMALf HELP WANTED, SO woman strawberry plant packers. No experience nereasary. Martini March 17, al a am. Weather permllllnl !i mile west of Titleless on Easl West Boad. Dean Callaa Ranch. roone i-tvtfn Tuietake. WANTfO. ofdee reee'pllonlsT TypTnf and shorthand necessary, insurance ex perience prererred.Phone 2-2SQI. 16 HELP- WANTED, MALE WANTED- EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Absolutely First Claw Working CONDITIONS BEST PAY GUARANTEED SALARY APPLY IN PERSON DIMBAT MOTORS 2'JMaln Phl7M BAKFRS Kxpriencrd men In naw modern whnleaala bakery at Eufentv Add re ii repllea lo David won Baktrif Co. Bnx 4 1 '17, Portland H, OreRon. liVilig Be. experlenre and family italui. PARIS" MAN with aome bonhkee7)Tni knowledge. Pleaaa atale full particulars, experience, kind f work done, married or atnfle Addreaa and phone if any. WIN pny food averaie waie wllh opportunity for advancement. Write Herald New. Box 57. WANTED combination all around ranch mechanic and welder. Steady Job for a ober and energetic man. alngle only. Box 35. Herald and JVewa. WANTKU, automobile fllefiman exper ienced In hnlh new and med car telling. Local O.M.C. dealer, (live ac and pairt experience In first reply. Write Herald News. Box M, WANTED, two expeTlenced Pint and Kir fraden. Year around work. Top pay, (tood opportunity, Penberthy Lum ber Co. Box 63ft, Yrtka. California. Phone H07. SALESMAN earning to itart, approx. $27S, per month. Opportunity to ad vance. Agei IN to .10. Apply Standard Htatlona, Inc. 2nd and Main or Iplan ade and Spring Hta. 18 SITUATIONi WANTED rjEPKNDABnE woman for child care, a day In my home, Phone 2-01180 aft ernoon and Sunday. Lihui cara anytimt. Phone u-ofiTitG ernnonn. ClinVo CAfTiE, anfl Kant MalnTTS'To il:.K daya phone flB70,cvea. 2-0ft72, cb I, on ED girl waiiii hour workTcVfl maw, WILL ear for children In my home daya or your homo evaninga. Call 2-1 S4fl. 1 HON1NO, homo cleaning. I'hone D17. 22 ROOMS FOR RINT VAttM ROOMH, gentleman only, (win bed, bath. Garage available. Phone flftoS. 22 ROOMS FOR HINT rf(ttVh(iiii)ilti)Mlng.KvVy()iing ixitZ iililifil, Muitftt)) mhtr bL)t!or or truu ).. 100 North Ilniarl. htoMfc.r"wii." irlVU ntiwtt I'lnw tii.J'lim 4444. INH'iMM, utk' raitMmTiJ.. r('M' 4B2T, L'twi tnl'honi tm, riu.N'f rimm ' (or rnt." Grr A pari - Munla, 710 Main. 24 APARTMENTS J0R RENT TMllfcei fon'tn nicely furnlsliea1 emit' pletely renovated apartment. Ctectrta Iteal, close III. adults, b'ii No. ath. Phuiie P3U. KOlt IIKN'I'. iti7nsKe"dlwob7d7oom ill. plex. Ill'i Meruit or plume 3al2. PAIlft.V iiirulaltetiPtwo bedroom apertC ment on Humedala Boad. Phone tie?. 't'llltrlK room furnished apsrTment." I'hnneJ-IMcMIO (.'aiuiiin. Vwi iuioni htritisYteti apartment. M Main, PlKtiteflotlB r'lillNINIIKI) two room apartment", bath, lelrlserator, ullllllaa It day. Bsrll. elur preferted. 220 HuutU otlrlh. i.AMtllC atlracirve three roOttT7urntehe(l epartmeitt. Close In. I'ltone M4I. r'lUINlNIIKlV two room apartment, tiathJtedecorated. 3D.SO. Phone S-.1SH1. 't UU ttedrouin. unturriiTie'd apar!me"t;i lnilliple. Adulli. SIS North lh SOU MKN'f, lwo"room"furnisrieorapetl ment. Couple otily. Phone TJla. KOH "ilkNT. to" reliable pariy"Tnihno pets. Newly decorated three room alb ortll 4th. KUnNIHIUSD apartment, private bath and enltauca. Iteat furnished. Adults, I'liune 3 mu l3l Ksplenade. lll'HTAlnti furnished'" apariment. (?aa equipped. Across from the Acedemv. lhr room ' " hinwthtd nrlmnt, Ctntrally locaud. UV iiouth and. NJ.WCV tJei'OTkUd" Cftwir Apia. 110 Main. itNfOtlNIHllKt), .V('nnt p.rlmi7it" for (Mrhalnr or lady. Naturat hoi wur and watar furnUltad. JUfrj ralor and vlacli-lc rnj avallabU. JUU At(n or ttnti MIO attar j m F HTCAM HKAtCI) par lirwKtViiirbad- room, nsa Oak HL rUHf-TrHllHO apMmnt ior ' ' ml Aparlniant 1, TOO Martial. TMHM JlOOM furnlthad a'partonan.. Obi Will la OUi T3roorn unl'urnlihari ' amtrfi.if..T (a autfMpd. Call 1-OOU, TtlfdCK riHimurnuKad'apVrtman't artd hath, Adulla onlv, I'hona 473. an wi. nut. NIIWTV dacoralaiT oiivafa hatlT iTu. ctitnalta. tttaam haat, alaclrle n. tin wrh Haa Arma Apartmant M2 f0; (wo room unit alt uullltaa Inclodtd. 41B N. Tanth. 2 HOUSES COH!NT TOfmtAHt. I w n drtxy mK out par ft r rurnlilvad. 123 Wahti..tlon HiimI 1-hr.. lilut-ka in Main by rremant IkAooI, $4& ntcjuin n nunnay aiiarnoon. I Nrt HtNtHHKti dutsTav! (ovaair.Vu.rf': ail. Can ba aoan at a533hlaVV'r. a i(OOMt.'AmN tWaM. (nquif fcar. Wist .triM.errr, wtwaw tw, n. TIIHFK rtMim altrarllvalr turt,lai,7& (utec coIC-m In Klamath fall for (hit, prlra. 43. A dull, fhmy TllllCK r'Kim uttttlv furnlihad boue !nr rant. -JJM Oak Al. i'NrrnNtHCl hou lor rant aaba Hn. nth. KOH nVN"fTa room furnlshatj cottaft' Cloaa in. (nqulra M4 Oak. OH KtST. ana badroom (urnlihVJ houaa. 31 Wi))ln(lDn. TWO rooms furmhd xcapt frixariai. Mil lPln. YOH t. two )9irtMnt bom. nn hadrnom apartmant, boih nlcalv (ur- niiltcd ilnwniown. Phona HM. llNf OtlNtftliru' houta.- ihraa rofi and bath. :i7. par month. Wo paU. Kaa ownar at 148 Katt Main, rfl KKNT. mdarn fwo"room fiir nuhrrt InifUtra 31 1) Cannon. Fhona Bill aflar flva. HVK IIUOM fiJfnl'hii'mua for rant", ln uo l-rtKim (untuned catiina. PKona b;u4 u to aifht p m. Dl'rlJ.X fnr rani 1213) lorn a da la TWO HUSSi turnlihfd iwui (or finL Phona a 177. ai77, ' iWri kit' tut fant.' Vhona 3o3t ba7ori i pm hotiM. AUo imall rablna. Inquire til ON K b(iroom" partly" iNifnlahad houmT t:ioa in. Cail2-03tva. 2jlMl5CiUANIOUS FOR ftENt BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Youraelf Save H New Trucks For Long Trlpi Plekuiia Stakei Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE I201E. Main Phone 304 roil Bf.NT, TuUlsVe homestead t'nr potatoes. Good cellsr. rhone Tulelska f-10113. I'ASTtlRr. for IM to ITS head of rattle, have hill areas and 70 acres trrtaated meertow. Old Phllpot Rench at Hsrpo Dam on Lost Mlvcr. rhon 117 Bon Mnr rft'H Br!NT. by niihl. day or monlh", larce bulldlna next to Little Sweden en South Sixth, for dances, parties, sales, shows, ties electric heel, nice dence ttoor, ataia end piano. Also nanqucs tables available and eltbl or ten pad. astals for Lodae use. tSouth fluttft Com munlly Hall. Phone sons. 6rici"for renL XI Main. Phone" 71BI. 30 REAL ESTATE P0R SALE 3 BEDROOM HOME Cloe In. Rood location. Wall to wall carpeting and fireplace In liv ing room. Hot water heat. Rental property In back of lot. The sav ings on fuel and rental Kill no a lone ny In paying for this food home. 11.500. 6ee or Call JAMES HESELTINE, M69 Salesman with M. L' JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 SUBURBAN Well built three bedroom home on pavement. Nice bath, kitchen and service porch, Rnrnne and out buildings. Bcnutlful yard, k acre with berries and garden spot. $7250. HOMES IN TOWN NORTH8IDE Two bedroom hom with GOOD furniture. 15000. CLOSE IN N eat one bedroom nomc. $2850. HOT SPRINOS-Wcll kept two bed- roum nome, iirepiace, narciwooo floors, good basement. 18150. Income Property THREE APARTMENTS W e 1 1 lo calcd, bringing In excellent Income. BEARD AGENCY Renltors and Insurance 1020 M.ln " Phones 2-34714880-4734 THItFE room house on corner lot. t'o ment foundation, saraee, fenced. SISUO 26(10 Scott. Phona a-l." 4