TIIUHSDAY. MAHCII 13, 11152 HKHALI) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK Irish All Upset In Rush To Grab Part Of sT KSM&ir&TSPS I PRETTY DINNERWARE and Spring flowers make a gala setting for meals for any family. Here Itulh Vernon, visitor this week to Your Store shows a pretty new pattern. Dough For Social Grace DUBLIN, Ireland lft 'Twin Kirat dnv (or lh Irish vihrn Mm. Onnue Bernard Hhaw Irfl I2S3.WKI ia iracn uwin inn social itraces. They are flooding the executors wllh Bui(enlloiM on how to do it. 'Die executor, who have the prlcltly Job ol administering the lund srt un by the ureal play, wrliiht'a 'wilr, are pretty cagey iihout Juit how Irishmen want the money Mirnid (round. They llntly characterize tome ol (lie u;ctlons as "crackpot." Ho tr, request ro docketed from the IrliOi Itepubllc'ii two unl veraltlca, public libraries, voca lloniil education committee.,, a number ol cultural oodles, singers, musicians, buddlim archltecta, painter, and a wide assortment of lolk In the "crackpot" folder kept by the rxcculora, the National uiiy nana ot uuoiln. 'I he nctuiil money, Incidentally, won't be In the hand of the bank lor at leant I year. Bui that Isn't discouraging Irishmen with Ideaa. I he lund wan net aside by Mra. Allow, who died In 1043. to teach her bearded husband's compatriot) "sell-control, elocution, deport ment, the art of peraonal contact and social Intercourse." According lo a bank official, the letters flow In like the Hhannon ii lid the worda are smooth as a flight of lurk". Hut, In a way. the Idler are nil pretty much alike, added the spokesman: The writer are all convinced they ran ret Irlnh feet back on the road marked out for them bv the Balnu. 'Hint la, of course, If they can Juit connect with a bit of that money. The trouble la, the bank ofllclal Indicated, that the Irish are never small-minded when they're talk Iiik about money: "Even two or three of the claims would eat up the bequest and II we were to meet all the demand t far received we would need four or five limes the money available." Mrn. Bhaw, who waa Irlnh on her lather's side and wealthy, wan once referred to by Bhaw "the green eyed millionaire.." When Mm. Bhaw' will wai pub lished, a British newspaper noted the culture trust fund called for teaching the Irish elocution and oratory "two arta In which by popular repute they already excel." IIKAKINC BET WASHINGTON I The Civil Aeronautic Board haa aet June 1 a a tentative date for a hearing on the proposed merger of North went Airline and Capital Airline. Under the merger proposal filed ! Feb. 8 Northwest would take over I Capita! and the new company I would be known a Northwest-Cap-, Ital Airline. Fret Delivery! Prices effective Friday & Saturday We rcierve the right to limit, Van Camp's-Grated No. Vx Tins 5 For $1 TOPI Large Size (With Coupon) For Giant Size (With Coupon) Rosy-Hued Ham Slices And Glazed Sveet ItOKY-lll t: HAM Hum and meets are a lime honored flavor combination and one that always kim-IIh good enllni riclure prettv uhired swccla ahare the spotlight u'" tairk center allces ul quality branded hnm. Sweet potntoea are easy to glare to peritenon. Cook the sweets or, Mill better, tine the (untied vari ety which have been pre-cookid for convenience. Brown the cooked potatoes in a delicately flavored aweel lu.-.tlng margarine. Then pour rorn alrup over sweets and heat slowly. Tlila oulck aweet lsr.e la equally tasty for other vegetable such a cooked carrota or turnlim. Tlie rony-hued ham allcea have been alowlv linked In one cup rtl ; frull lulce until lust healtil thmugli. I The style ol ham you've cho.nen. cook-befoie-cnling or fully-cooked, determine the length ol time In Ine oven. One Inch Mice.-, of fully cooked ham will be heated through and ready lo aerve In IS or to minute. One to two Inch slice of the cook beli.re eatuig Mylc require 25 to M minute per pound. PIQI'ANT HAI'CE Again, quality margarine la the ka.n lor a delectable hot mustard aaure to aerve IW) the ; ham tllce. Fact I. economical mar garine, uacd with, a luviMi Imml. add Intcre and appeal lo moit any vegetable or meat. GLAZi:n SWKKT POTATOES Yield: t aervlnci 2 . tablcMioon margarine if . cooked sweet potatoes 'j cup corn alrup Melt margarine In skillet. Add aweet potatoes and turn to brown lightly on. all ide. Pour com airup over potatoes. Heal alowlv, turning occasionally lo glaze sweet evenly. Ike Query Put Off WASHINGTON UP Tlie Senate Foreign Relation Committee put olf action Wednesday on the hotly disputed question of recalling den. Elsenhower for questioning on for eign aid. Chairman Connally D.-Tex., an nounced alter a closed door meet ing thut a decision was deferred In definitely because Ken. McMnhnn iD.-Conn.,), who eiiKBCsted that El aenhower bo recalled win absent: McMahnn Mi id he may nave aoniethlng to sny later. A possible Eisenhower recall Is complicated by political Issue. The general I a ranking candi date for the Republican nomination for President and he ha said he won't return to the states lo cam paign. The committee Is scheduled to dlsciisn President Truman's re que.il for 7,000,000,000 In foreign a.u. Spuds i HOT Ml'KTAItO SAUCE I OH HAM Yield: about i eup i cup ckler vlnegcr tablespoon margarine egg. beiiten tablespoon sugar I tablespoons prepared mus tard Ublc.Mioon nanrlka , comtiine ingredleiils In raucepan. Stir and cook over low heal until Ihlekened. Serve hot over ham illce. HAM AND KWI KT POTATO PAITIIH Yield: 4 lane patties 4 table? poons margarine 1 cup ground left over ham 1 cup mashed sweet potatoes ' cup brown sugar, firmly parked 2 teaspoons prepared mustard i.i cun finely crushed corn- Hake Combine ham. sweet potatoe. brown sugar and mustard. Mix well. Bhape Into patties. Roll In cornflakes. Pan fry In hot mar garine slowly until a gold brown. m meals!; i jj WW 'Pennant" Maple Blend 22 oz. Bottle Pabstett Cheese Food 1 U Loaf Wakoferf lossy Rolls ALSO TRY-Speghanl, SaladtrIM, Macaroni, Sea Shells and Kvrlt-O Nodltl... roim iCA'Mui macsioni Co. romAne. ctoon Here's chicken that's 1 all meaty thighs! A' For used typewriters and adding machine .... Yolght's Pioneer Offlre Kupply, 639 Mnln, Mrs. Ted Husing Puts On Blue Bonnet For Big Events! 1 .-v Mr. Ted Husing, wife of the fa mous sport announcer, Bays: "Hum JIonnut Margarine is tho all-Ume champion with our guestsl" You too, will love tho delicate, tunny aweet flrmt It. tchls to bread, vege tablet, any food you .aerve! And don't forget that Hi.uh Bonnet give your family real old-faahionetl nourishment. No other aprearl for bread It richer In year-round Vita min A nulrilionl What'a more, you often tavo 40 a pound, compared with tho high-priced spread for breadl So buy Hl.tm Bonnbt and enjoy "all 8,r-Flvorl Nutrition! Econom-e-el ' af ! i I I ia----i mm i witiii.n. if w - Ad Pl7SSDliD Durkee's Whipped qf. We m With Coupon qt. TMiaito Jisak For MEXICORN 19 With fn 6VtM Gttrt M fk fsief urtiAi V ..CdarV Wdtcn WHOLE KERNEL Ahhh! You buy just the Part VOU like the heal in aonaraf 1.th ' bojea like thia-all-breaeU, all-drumttickt, tU-wingt, all-thighs, or cut-up fryert in a larger pack. It 'a .the new way to uuy Chicken quick-frozen fresh by Swanaon. Smnson is the freshest you can buy- KaiAIiQA trtri aill r mrt-rJ Ixiul- U. 1 i i: . i 1 s- Xka. aaaili 11 1 ' ' aTaTeal because specially selected birds, chosen hv t.Kn WnrM'a foremost poultry specialists, are speed frozen the very same day by the famous Swanson system, the fastest, safest, mott efficient in the world. The fresh flavor, wonderful meaty tenderness is captured at ita peak by 45' below zero cold. This fresh-frozen chicken comes to you pan-ready. Enjoy it tonight. av i r - tasaaaw With the Freshness Frozen IN -the Hard Work Frozen OUT DAFF0DILS'19c Avocados M,A " 2 -19c PEAS 2 '" 35c CABBAGE 7c CELERY HEARTS 95r Cello bog each SPINACH Freih, green 2 bit. 25c YAHO Pewdercd Bltoeh KRISPY CRACKERS 5"""'i" HYDROX COOKIES s""""" MARSHMALLOWS s""'"" MARGARINE -li""lf-""'b" GOLD SEAL WAX """"v pkg. lb. 12 oz. pkg. lb. pkg. lb. 39c 25c 39c 32c 27c 39c WJ.....: TLaaoa Dinner, natai um aim tuccic 0 Borden's pkg.-V Grapefruit Juice s"F",.Hd.,N....M 2 ,.i3c PEARS s " ,"rt'" 29c PEAS l,bk''' No. 303 tint 2, 35c GREEN BEANS c?""' """d. 2, 29c Gerber's Baby Foods st, ' 4, 35c FREE! FAB Buy 1 ot regular price, get 1 fret, with coupon Tenderized HAMS lUiH:l Ortftn Chitl Shert thenk 12-14 Ik. avi. RED HENS Fresh fer raifin SLAB BACON Oreion Chief Iten, ne rinel Bast In flavor PORK ROASTS Yeun, leen, sheuMtr er lain end 4t RED FRYERS Fresh Drttstd SLICED BACON Swlft'i Saeltd GROUND Pure 'rash Graund, e BEEF c,r"' PORK STEAK Yaunj, Tandtr lade Cut We Carry Fresh Fillet Red Snapper - Salmon Halibut - Oyttart 3H3SZ32LM3SZ