THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 10B2 PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALI.S. OREGON Molasses Spices Dry Beans , SPEED TATOE Pre-Cooked Potatoes J'j-oi. can ..... -:': IK J Beans Baked in Molasses Sauce is Savory Eating Unsulphured molasses added to dry beans during their baking pe riod creates a savoi-y aroim. t ot leads one to eating enjoyment. The term "unsulphured" on the label Honor St. Pat Green Party It's time for the wearing of the ereen and noming can ut than a St. Patrick s party. Decor ations are easy and so Is the food to fit in with the color scheme. Tuna combined with pineapple in lime gelatin, then molded in indi vidual club or shamrock - shape molds, makes a pretty-to-look-at and good-tasting party salad. Lem on juice and a bit of horseradish . . .... . j !.. knA .una ann give tne snma up.- , pineapple are a refreshingly cool taste comomauuu. i, i,,,. cent or variety store can provide all the table decorations and the molds for the salad. 1 can bite-size tuna 1 No a can pineapple chunks 1 package lime-flavored gelatin 1 cups hot liquid l syrup from from pineapple plus water) 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon horseradifh '4 cup sliced stuffed olives 1 tablespoon chopped sweet pic- . 1 tablespoon chopped green pep Pr- . . Separate tuna into pieces; drain pineapple and reserve chunks. Dis solve gelatin in hot liquid; add horseradish and lemon Juice. Chill until syrupy. Divide in half. Into one portion of gelatin stir tuna, sliced stuffed olives and chopped sweet pickle. Pour into individual shamrock molds that have been rinsed in cold water, filling about half full. Let chill until slightly firm. Meanwhile, whip remaining gelatin with mayonnaise and stir in pineapple and chopped green .pepper. Pour pineapple layer over tuna layer. Let chill several hours -or overnight or until firm. Unmold ' on crisp greens and serve with ad ditional mayonnaise, if desired. BROOMCORN LORE Broomcorn, a plant used in house ; hold brooms, was Introduced in this country by Benjamin Franklin. Its '. long tough fibers with their mul- titude of projections do a good ! sweeping job and pick up and hold lint rather than brushing it aside. The test of a rood broomcorn broom Is the straight resilient quality of the fibers. These long ana tougn li bers should be put together with a minimum of four rows of stitch ing and a large number of stitches per row. A new proom truly sweeps clean because of the short fibers or projections then present on each . strand of broomcorn. I is your ouying cue tor moinsses I that has been known since colonial uy5 aa n aiMuicute mm mciiuw sweetener. A basic sauce of unsulphured mo lasses, vinegar and prepared mus tard can be added to your favorite home-made baked bean recipe. You can also up the flavor of canned baked beans . . . New England or tomato sauce styles ... or plain canned red kidney beans. You'll find that these canned beans plus the unsulphured molasses sauce distinctive and richer in flavor. QUICKIE BAKED BEANS '4 cup unsulphured molasses 1 tablespoon prepared mus tard 1 No. 3 can kidney or lima beans, or 1 1-pound can baken beans 1 tablespoon vinegar Combine unsulphured molasses, mustard and vinegar: stir into beans. Turn inio casserole and bake in moderate oven (350 P.i 45 minutes, or simmer on top of range 10 minutes. Yield: 4 servings PARTY BAKED BEANS 4 cups (3 lbs.) dried beans Cold water 2 medium onions, sliced 4 teaspoons salt 2 cup catchup 2 tablespoons vinegar i cup unsulphured molasses - v teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons prepared mus tard "i lb. salt pork. Wash beans. Cover generously with cold water; soak overnight. Add onion, salt, and if necessary, additional water to cover beans; bring to boiling point 1n covered saucepan. Simmer until beans are tender. Drain and save 3 cups bean liquid -1 aid additional water to make 3 cups,, if necessary!. Mix bean liquid with catchup, vinegar, molasses, pepper, and prepared mus tard. Turn beans, onion, and salt pork into bean pot. Add liquid mixture. Cover. Bake in slow oven (325 F.) l't hours. Uncover. Lift pork to top of beans; bake 20 to 25 minutes to brown pork. Yield: 16 servings. STEP SAVER A well-stocked cleaning basket carried by the homemaker on her rounds of housework saves trips to the storage closet. In the clean ing basket should be cans of win dow cleaner, furniture wax and pol ish, upholstery spot remover. . plus soft cloths and a whiskbroom. . Simplified BOOKKEEPING Systems Installed and Maintained for a nominal monthly fee N. J. Rosenbaum 1213 Main St. Telephone 7521 or 3863 1 ( SIMPLE! AND SIMPLY ) ' if W W P mens CRIUHD 1 lU-rffl FISHER 5 pRS , IF BISKIT MIX I PEACHES Yellow Freestone. OQ 1 Rose Bowl. Sliced, 2Vi tin iiOC ; m jSl j HUNT'S PEACHES 90 fllL V. TV Sliced or holves. No. 2', '2 tin Jllbl 1 CRUSHED PINEAPPLE )Qf K sj'' ' I Standby. No. 2 tin C 3 1 WFIm SLICED PINEAPPLE 90 W j Standby. No. 2 tin VY ft Q cQ&S " I HUNt'S TOMATOES. AQf l-tt xi jt&- I Solid pack. No. 2'2 tin 2 for " ' W JX I HUNT'S TENDER GARDEN Cr .rrfff ,-ggV I ?SrR"N2,., 29c I I NAPKINS I H iS uitkiT'C CDikiAru fcS Si 80 Counf II 8 No. 2'2 tin 2 for w3C & fr & I FANCY CUT BEANS "TO. P. U AM I Stondby. No. 2 tin M I I hunts catsup 9 v. j DRIED FRUIT 1 PCCr ROAjTj I 14-oz. bottle . for 3w S S Ir:"- 2ic 1 1, PORK STEAK S ,- - " . ; . H 8-01. bog g I HUNT'S WHOLt NEW POTATOES Ifl. i S I No. 300 fin IUC I I PRUNES ' I i HUNT'S DILL PICKLES i i So, Clor8 RQr s mw; 35c ilivcSALTPORK 8 HUNT'S WHOLE SWEET PICKLES AQ ft .PEARS S I2401''" ' 1 I AQ INSTANT COFFEE Qr 1 1 12"01, b9 S 2-ox. jar Maxwell House rfW & 8 I I PEACHES I wlmr JMinAri r I figs f I ffllilMVLC Srbnog,9e'34c p W WHIP' 1 1 Afs I Wkr VELVEETA CHEESE M Si32cl WM&k. 2-lb. loaf 98' Jmi I I for SPBjfjg There's sweet music for the ears of everyone in the low, low prices that fill our markot with a Spring Song of Savings. Super values are here . . there . . . everywhere in every de partment ... on every table and shelf. So fill your basket with fine quality foods that are a tonic to your taste a tprices that are a boon to your bud get. Low prices on everything just nat urally mean a much lower cost for your entire food order. You pay for what you Get, and J you GET what you pay for Small, tenderixed. Skin and surplus fat removed. By Ihe piece Federally graded "Good", Shoulder cuts lb. Lean, tender shoulder cuts, lb. U A k A LI A C Sked. Try these for seasoning HAM nULIV J 'p'" p" "p Lean, by the piece lb. LARGE BOLOGNA .r f 55c jlirnr Fresh frosted. Cut up, ready to fry. I lLlJ Every one guaranteed - 69c POTATOES $1 ;49 TOMATOES -; - 25c GREEN BROCCOLI --19c Newtown APPLES Finc ,or ekin9 N 3 ,b 29c Sunkist Navel ' ORANGES 4-lb, Pliofilm beg You've never tasted cottage cheese so good ... so smooth, so creamy, so extra-rich! And always fresh! Make your Lenten menu-making easy with these four wonderful varieties of Borden's Cottage Cheese: Cream Style, Country Style, Cottage Cheese with Chives, Cottage Cheese Fruit Sajad. ' j lf ITS BORDEN'S, IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD Mushroom SOUP Campbell's I Wesson 1 OIL 1 g Qt. Bottle ?. A With Coupon I 49' I PREM I i 12-oi. can 1 39' I I Dog Food I I PLEASE i I 3 CANS I 125' I MARGARINE Southern Maid In 4 Yellow Cubes 2 ibs. 49' SCOTT TOWELS Roll Free Parking While Shopping at EMIL'S.' mo Right Reserved to Limit Quantities BORENE SOAP Giant Siit HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 46-oi. tin Del Rogue Florida JUICES Orange Grapefruit Blended and Tangerine 46-oi. tin COCOA NESTLES Mb. tin Tuna Fish White Star Solid Pock Vi Siie Tin O-CELL-0 SPONGE ! Cellulose Reg. size MlS Soap Dishes Rubbermaid 1ft Each IUC SHAKERS Pepper & Salt Iff Each 3C NAPKIN HOLDER ! plastic in. ; Each lw COTTON TOWELS Kitchen itO 2tepkg. VW SOS PADS Reg. Size Pkg. Wax Paper Cut-Rilt 1 125-ft. roll 3W 12c