1 1 it i ii.il A Y, MAIU.II 1.1. 1H:2 IIKKALD AND NKWS. K I. A MATH KAMA OREGON PAGE SEVltf mmmm:mmm ibH A' &.i.v Wit i?W r VVrf Dune Tim l-mmrll Vullry Wom en' ('lull In KlvltiK u cliimn at the i.iuiki'll Valley Cniiiiiiunlly linll, aiairli 15, I) Mil'lc by Ihc Riiiniitlilri, l.nillra 60 ci'iiln, gcnllo nirn II. Tlir lllf Sirlli- pink ('iiiiiiiiIHi'C liciKlrd liy l.lln O'Connor In iilvlmi a lllil HI. Patrick' ilHilm lit llir Hniiiiniiii liluli wliwil Mmili 'ii. Unnc Inn 0 p iii. In 1 in. Mumi) liy Ihn Hinimlhlrit. Thm will l)ti nil un roll mill ovrnill iluinit. Prixra will bi Klvrn for the luotl uiiiimiiiI alilrl mid niiion. Evitryhntly v. i-lconic. The lluimiKH lOOP-uiul Jtrlici kahs niiiiunl (rivet clilrknii nuppi'i at Dnnanrn liluh aclmol, March It. UorvliiK nl 0 ii.in. Huiiimr" I'TA will liirrt 1:30 p.m. r'rKlny. Kiln flmlkry will Mivnk on tlm lliownle will Olrl Scout m Knni.nlltt. l''lrl gradcrx will prcamt n nliori pruKrnm. Kuimik Clmlilrr- lli'lii Hluinn I'lil net Muri'h 4 lit the liniim n( Mm. tlrnrgn Hurlon. Mb Ahiinrdii. Willi Mn. A. It, isriiuK co-ironiiwa. rm lowlnir llio biinlnciM inn-linn Mm lliirrv WiiKKoiirr mid Mm. O. W Nel.Min nrrariilrtl a pioitniiii on Driiinn llltisli nlnl by Hint on llltilnll Miiftkn, "Tiill ol the l.ooli.'1 Tlm Grand Inlitrnallotinl biixII lory to llio Brotherhood or Loco motive. Kiwlneera meet 7:30 p.m. 1 Frldny nl the home ol Mrs. Alfred Clnwiioii. 2o:il lloinoilalo. Mrrtln The. Newell Elementary PTA will inert Friday, 8 p.m. nl the Cnrr unliool. F'nllowlnn the bun Inri meetlnir lliere will be pro 'Rrnni nnd relrelnhent. No meet. In? win held lum monlh becnune ot dllflrulty ol irnvcl. nreu;.e ol the lorced vacation nil membem are urued to nltend to ralch up on bunlnenn. Mm. Anion Dlerly Is prenldcnl. ftroutleadera Round tnble din cunnlon lonlnht lit 7:30 In the Alta mont school muHio room. Open dla cuwlons are planned. Services Mid-week I.enten serv ices are scheduled lor the Klsmslh Lutheran Church every Thursday at 7:46 p.m. Theme Is "A Plnce Called Calvary." The Fremont Junior llifth Rlee rlub will aim; under the direction ol Harriet Muel ler. Tnaslmsiters Bob Knnll won (Irst spot In last nldht's Modoc Toantmasiera apesklnK contest at Its Wlllard hotel. Oeome Brltt. Mr. and Mm. Normsn Wilnon were the other speakers. In the speechcrsft division. Frsnk Jskubowski. Bob Bennett nniPIirn Loltnuaaril were upeukeis. Put O'Oloblynn wns lonsl- inaMer lor the eveniim, Andy loy Ire luinilli'd Uiblr. topics and Walt Union wnn uciiernl critic. Old-Time Dance Midland UrniiKe npoiiMim nil old-lime flume in lis hull Hiiliiiilny nmiit. uiincinn stints nl 11I1111. The iiiiikIcj In kooiI 11 1 id everyone. Is Invited. Ml, Mutants Tiiiislinlslress Club Is to meet Thurndiiy. 11:311 p 111. nt the Wllliird Hotel. Vlr.ltori. uro welcome. AAi;V- Inti'ritDllonnl Itcliillons Bludy Urnup Is to meet nt the homo of Zctla Hpuillim tonliilit nt 8. Kline Perry Is to initke a tulk. Itosld l-odie 311-Bon.H of Nor wsy In to meet at the City Library nudllorlum, Friday 8 p.m. KlilipliiK Oul Ueorxe Under wood, seivliiu In Ihe Nuvy nboitrd u currier Is shlppinK out soon on a Puclllc lour ill du y. Ills piirrnts. Mr. nnd Mie. Clarence Underwood have been vlslllni; lum In Bun Krsnctsco. Mr. Uiitlerwoisl returned here Inst DlKlit nnd Mrs. Under wood In expected to return Halur dny. , Tliels Tlieta llho-Cliib lncellnl Hi IUUF Hull, Wcdnchdny, 7:30j p.m. 1 Hipiare llani'lns Intermediate clusncs are bclim formed to stnrl next week. Inteienlcd persons should phone Allen Ilowurd at Muiiunlla ( Iniplcr Ti I OV'.H. will hnvn-n no-hOHt biindny diner1 nt .lened's, March 10, 4 p.m. Cull ! VUH3. IIUIII or 47fi3 by Bnturduy 1110111I11K for rci,crvutlons. Art KnhlMl-KUIIH Art Depnrt ii)eiil Is ImldliiK nn exhibit of stud ent's ncholuntlc art work nt the Art Center, 1227 Mnln. slnrlliiK to dny. Public In cordlnlly Invited. Tokelre I, Ions ( lull Met In the ; Wliiemu lintel Miirch Vi. Cnrolyn Collier, Kucst or the eveniim. ! showed colored slides tnkeii In I'.: ! Km open 11 countries during two yenrs spent worklhK In lefuitei cmnps. Hhe slno K"ve verbal cle scrlpllons of tho pictures. I'llols Club -Crab feed Miirch I.' 0:30 p.m. Members reminded to mnko renervutloiis. Nature Hoclely Klamath Region Police Investigate Church Robbery Tho second attempt at bunilnr I.I11R a lociil church wiik being In vestlRnted Wccliicsdny by City Po lloe. Rev. D. II. Anderson of Klum ntti Temple told olllccrs ye.'ilerdny tho church office was broken Into1 Bundiiy or Moudny night. A steel filing case, which Sun day contained $500, was broken! open bul nothliiK wns In It at the I time, of the attempted burglary. Police are also InvestlgHtlng bur-1 glnry of Ihe First Christian Church, ill nnd Pine 8ts., In which noth ing was reported taken. Minimum Wage Rates Up SALEM lift The minimum, establishments was raised Thnn wage for women and experienced! dBV rom 66 t0 10 hour minors In Oregon's retail trading by the Stats Wags and Hour Com mission. It Is the first boost In ilia Industry in lour yens. meets lonlght In the Chamber ofj If you are sending cookies to Commerce nt 8 p.m. Members will Korea, puck them In a metal or report on bird watching activities j wooden box. and line It with waxed nnd a wildlife motion picture Willi paper. Place a cushion of crum be shown by the Fl.-;h and Wild-1 pled wnxed paper on the bottom Hie Service. ' lol the box. (FILINGS DIE WASIftNOTON I -Ceiling pric es on West Coast fir and hemlock lumber are due for announcement before nightfall Thursday. The Office of Price Administra tion said the ceilings would be an nounced late In the day. SO MANY LITTLE CHILDHOOD ILLS STRIKE AT NIGHT! Thil'i whj bo mtny medtra moth art kfp III, Joseph Aiptrti For Child ran band?, ready for emeriescltl. Ha pure or ant fleroi makei It pjeaaanl to lake. And there'! do need lo break or cul UbleU each tl ' adult dote. Doctor atprofd I Buy Bt. Joieph Aapitlo For 10th ANNUAL FIREMAN'S BALL Sponsored by Klamath Falls Fire Department KLAMATH FALLS ARMORY ST. PATRIOTS. SATURDAY MARCH 15, 1952 Music by THE STARLIGHTERS A dm. $1.00 more pep to the step.'., in SfOCTteRS FOAM FLATS... You'll b walking on air in a pair literally. Tht sole! ort as foamy, as light as a cloud. Low down heels, but they've got fashion's highest decree. NOW SHOWING the new ml Mu 900 THE SEWING MACHINE THAT IS KNOCKING THE STUFFIN OUT OF ALL RIVALS! Regardless Of Price Or Make 12 Machines In 1 (No Attachments) The Bel Ain are 10 durable and efficient that we can tafely guarantee them to give continuous service forever. weAre Mso I A featuring 1 l BELMRSHd. 1 1! 9750 SEWING Machine Service and Exchange 422 Main Ph. 6771 1 A' SUIDIi JACtCE WLTIAU :TS.;.NOWlN I COLORS' AT i LOW' PRICES ill 19.95 ' 25.00 39.95 ( ?ts . wti'f :a V aqua ? ;mAn ' ''i rk geranium --&'m H?sW. 'fMM M lime . Btm:v;i m IV M MrM J FREE EASY. PARKING : Shirley Mason modeling " ,4; J ' J yKfh lflil CHAMOIS TURF SAND CHERRY LILAC OYSTER WHITE BLUE Like a dream come true At these unheard of low prices you can own a glamorous suede jacket at last! Enjoy the amazing choice of colors. Pick from a wide range of pet styles. 4 i : V, I