PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 1.1, 19,12 SB9SSS DON'T MONKEY AROUND - CUP C OUPONS AND HEAD FOR PAY LESSI The more you clip, the more you profit. Sale starts Thursday morning, at 11:30 and as (hens slocks are limited we reserve the right to limit sales. . Absolutely no sales to dealers. Mo phone or mall orders on salo Items. PRICES EFFECTIVE ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST ! Ad Prices Effective Thin, through Monday. For shopping convenience, please brlni tills ad with you. tWTtjKMCHO CO At l REGULAR 89 5 ROW NYLON V 39c Barbara Dale Kitchen HAND LOTION 9 With This Ceupoai It II LIATHIR I- WATCH , BANDS , 57c ! 1 With Cannon B a a D a s a a i d NYLON HAND BRUSH , 17' With This Coupe ( AISORIINT COTTON V IterUe Bef. 1.33 TOILET TISSUE With Coupon 15c HOUSEHOLD Bel 17 B 8 B B fl O m frtraassK B"T Rs"T I hV,.sf2 ggZ2PJ B. "i Chocolate Covered CHERRIES PS 3 Ref. 79c With Coupon B la IBBBBBBBBBBMBIBI REGULAR 25 , NUT OR PLAIN rfERSHEY BARS 1 131,. 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