Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 13, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    rilViltSPAY, MARCH 13, 1952
Cattle Show Some
Price Boost Today
CmiCAOO IO -More Iioub readied
the muikct Tliiirmlny ttinii hud
been 'X)rtc(l mill prlcen wero
Innntly 10 to So ctiiIh lower, Oiillli)
wore Mlrnny to 211 coutn wither Willi
cown nlinwliiK tlin rln, but luitibH
UKulli In llntl la noil enrly III fnco of
du ccnui lower bum,
Cliiilce unit wflnlitn took $1(1.00 to
117.4(1 mostly. Hows word $14. 3D to
in. id Kcnoniiiy.
Oootl to olmfce Htreri mid yenrl
Iiikh not twM to 1:10.00. Winlliir
Ei iidn helium uml mixed ymirllnuH
roiiKlit 'JU0 to 4.60. Down
topped it saa.flO,
limit bid on IuiiiIih wnn VMM
while mont ewe were ntcucly lit
14.60 mid below.
Quotations ' "
New York Ntiii-ke
By The Ahoi lutrd I'rrM
Admit ul Corporntlon 28
Allied Ohemlciil i 7.1
Allla ClmliiKTM 411
Anierlcun All IIiich 14 ;(
American Power & Light 24 3
Anierlcun Tel. Ii Tel. 104 :
Amerlcnn Tobucco 07 Vn
Anucondn Copper 411 'j
Atclilnon Rnllroud 77 ','
Bethlehem Bleel 411
HorliiK Alrplnne Co. 411 V
Hoik Warner !l
IlurroUKlu Adeline. Mnclilns 17
Culirmnln Piicklng 20 t
Canadian Pnclllc 30 Vi
Caterpillar Tructur 411
(,'plunnne Corporntlon 49
Cliryiiler Corporntlon 72
Cllle Service 1117 '
Coiuiollditrd Edition . 33
Connolldntcd Viiltee IB '
Crown Zellerbaeh 67
CurllM WrlKbt 8
UfliiKlns Aircraft 80 7
clul'ont de Nemoun BS
Kaatman Kodnk 44 '
Kmernon Rndlo 14 a4
General Electric 87 'A
Central Food 43 V
General Motorn 62 T
ClcorRla Puo Plywood ' 14 U
Goodyear Tire 46
Hoinrslake Mining Co. 30 i
International llurvcnlcr 33
International Paper 47
Juhna Mnnvlllc , 07
Kennccott Copper ..70 Vi
Mbby, McNeill 8
Look heed Aircraft 22
lxiew'd Incorporated 17 i
Lome Bell A 30
Montgomery Ward 61 '.
Nash Kelvlnator 20
New York Centra , i ID C
Northern Pacific 78 H
Pacific American Fifth 18
Paclflo Oaa t Electric 36
Picltlc Tel. ft Tel. Ill
Packard Motor Car .... 4
Penney (J.C.) Co. 68
Pennsylvania R.R. IS
Pepul Cola Co. t
Phllco Radio 31 ,
Rndlo Corporation 26
Rayonler Incorp 68 Vi
Rayonler Incorp Pfd
Republic Steel 41 '
Reynold Metnli -' ; 60
Richfield Oil ' 67
Motor car dalgiur
for royally,
winner of more than '
a hundred Grand Prix
awards at Inter- .
national Auto shows.
I ' ' '
- ' fee
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND Ifl Ontlle aalnble
nteiidv. but Home lute weukiicwt;
low Hood 1,007 lb fed steers 34.00
with oonuiicrcliil jirudoH at 32.00;
low Utility Muern 26.00 20.00: com-
nioioiiil unci gotxi .neiiem ai.uu
32.00; utility dairy-type liclfure
22.00 28.00; cniinnr nnd cutter
cown llloiitly 8.00 21.26; nhelln
downward to 6.00 or below; utility
cown 22.00 24.00; odd commercial
bllllx 28.60; utility 26.60 - 27.60;
outUirn down to 23.00.
Ctilvon nuliible 20; market nollvo,
uteiidy; few choice veiilera 38.00
37.00; KOOd louden 31.00 . 34.00;
utility und commercial 20.00 30.00.
Hokh Hiiliililo 21)0; mnrkot nctlvo,
Htronuiit Wrdnefidiiy'H full udvatice
choice 180 236 lb blllclicrs 20.60
20.76; 260 280 1 1)8 18.60 . 10.00;
160 170 Ibn 10.60 10.60; choice
300 - 4 lb kowk 17. 17.76; odd
wcluhtH eciiroo; choice lluht facd
era lnn 18.00 - I8 60,
Bliccp aulnble 26; few choice
heavy lit id tin uimold; nmrket nom
inally ateady; choice under 110 lb
fed woolcd lambn quntnblo to
Wcdnexday'a tap of 27.60; nood
ewea Billable 13.00.
San Francisco
Cuttle 60. Llitht aupply mainly
cown, fully alcudy on prlcca, cull-
nor una ouuor cown io.w - zi.uu,
utility dulry typo 22.00 23.60.
Ciilvea; None.
Hoiin: 160, montly feeder plK,
not enoUKh butcher to teat the
market, odd head choice butchem
10.26, amall lot choice 360 pound
ow ateady at 14.60, itood-cholcc
60-100 pound feeder plga 10.00-21.00,
early In week tmull lot under 60
pound 32.00, wcimcBCiay taeaoy,
couple loiidn number one and two
butclirra urouna m pounua v ia.
aowa acurce.
Blienp: 76. uooo-cnoice urn wool
ed ewea 6.80. hlxh utility 13.00.
Rufewnv BtareH Inc.
32 Va
62 ,
63 '
37 M
76 i
34 't
10 ', 4
20 '
-38 i
112 "4
20 V,
31 4
6 V.
32 fy
38 r.
Scott Puprr Co.
Bcura Roebuck It Co,
Socony-Vacuum Oil
8oulherli Paclllo
Standard Oil Calif
Standard Oil N.J,
Sludebitker Corp.
Sumhlne Mining
Swllt 61 Com puny
Trnnaamcrlca Corpu
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Alrllnea
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United Btmen Plywood
United Blulea Steel .
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel
WcstlnKhouie Air Brake
Wcntlniihouae Blectrlc
Woolworth Company .
tiu vn.i v WKivi , wi it wiity.
boot, ao clean It Ilrnt with saddle
aonp. StHirtii Afield.-
Vn.. u n I . .. , . - Jl .1
Today, we arc presenting, for your personal
, pleasure, the most beautiful and exciting
motor cars of our fifty years , . . JVie Nash
Golden Airttytes for 19S2.
. , Come see the first American cars styled by
Pinin Farina ! Come see the continental sweep
of line, the rakish flair, the fabulous creation
pf the greatest custom car stylist in the world
todayl ,
Come see the widest seats, the deepest,
windshield, the greatest Eye-Level visibility ,
ever combined in one automobilet
606 So. 6th
Weatern Oregon Mostly cloudy
with rain Thursday afternoon,
Hhowera Thuiadny nliiht and Fri
day, Lltllo climiKe In temperature,
HIkIik Thursday and Friday 46 to
66, Low Thuraday nlglit 26 to 40.
Boulhorly winds of 20 to 36 rnllca
on hour olf the count Thursday
mnrnliiK, shlflliiK to westerly to
norinwcsMiny iiiursauy altcrnoon
and docroaslnir slowly Friday.
Knstcrn Orcifon Mostly cloudy
with scattered showers of ruin or
snow Thursday tlirounh Friday.
Boincwhal warmer Thursday nlnht,
lllKhs Thursday und Friday 38 to
60. Low Thursday fllKht 26 to 36,
Northern California Rain ex
Ircmo north by Thursday after
noon. Partly cloudy elsewhere
Thursday. Ituln spreading south
ward, nmcliliiit Bun Francisco
Thursday cvcnliiK. Snow In tho
mountains. Southerly winds of 30
to 46 miles 1111 hour off the coast
north of San Francisco.
Oi nuts I'uss und vicinity Ruin
Thursday iifUirnoun und Thursday
svciiIiik. Bhowcra Thursday ulKlit
and Friday, Hli(h Thuraday 48. Low
Thursday nlxht 37. IIIkIi Friday 46.
Vind, Rain
Seen Coming
PORTLAND I Ousty winds
were expected to rench Inland sec
tions of Western Oregon Thursday
with heavier ruin force-ant In the
Bmull craft wariilnun alrcudv
were up along most of OreKon's
coubi lor winds up 10 46 miles an
hour. South of Cupe Blanco 40
miles winds Were forecast.
Showers and diminishing winds
were expected Friday.
Fust of the Cascades, scuttercd
showers of rnln or snow were fore
cast, Bcveral points reported below
frce.liiK temperatures Thursday
morning. The lowest was 14 de
grees at Lakcvlcw.
Potato Shipments
1060-81 1061-82
March 10 22 29
March 11 ........... 0 26
March 12 82 19
Month to ditto .... 274 232
CHICAGO OH Potatoca: Ar
rivals 132, on Track 337; total U.S.
shipments 1,011; market ateady;
track sales, per 100 lb local; Col
orado McClurca 16.68; Idaho Hus
sein 66.16-16, standards $6.66, utili
ties $6.06-06; Montana . Russets
Portland Grain .
PORTLAND 1 No coarse
Bruins. ,
Whent (bid), to arrive market,
bonis No, 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Soft White 2.63: Soft White (ex
cluding Rex) 2.63; White Club 2.63.
Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.53;
10 per cent 2.63; 11 per cent 2.83;
2 per cent 2.53.
Hurd White Banrt: Ordinary
2.64; 0 per cent 2.64; 11 per cent
2.64: 12 per cent 2.64.
Car receipts: Wheat 43: barley
2: Hour 7; corn 4; mill feed 8.
Come hear the exciting news about a new
Super Jctfire Engine with Direct-Draft Hori
zontal Carburetion , , . even more powerful
than last year's speed record holder.
Come try Airflex handling and steering
ease that's magic Itself ... and new Dual
Range Hydra-Matic Drive.
Yes, come and see a thousand and one
new ideas in cars that are completely and
entirely new from road to roof the finest of
.our fifty years I.Now on display, ready to see
. and drive, at your Nash dealer's.
St., Klamath Falls
G.VA Hanson
Deaf h Learned
Word wo received yesterday of
the death' In Seattle, of George
Wlllnrd "Bill" Hanson, well-known
former resident of Klamath Falls,
Ho was 62 years old.
He hud Just entered a Scuttle
hospltul for obsorvutlon had rslen
tor Dreuklnst when he was stricken
with a heart attack.
Mr. Hanson was born Sept. 13,
1800 at Hyrum, Utah and was mar
ried In 1010 to Ruby Alice Hansen.
His early year were devoted to
liirjTiInu before ho became affiliat
ed with the Bafewuy Stores in 1028
in noise, Ida, Ho rose to divisional
munager, Northwestern Division of
meat operations, opening numer
ous stores In the early days of the
chuln, - ,
In 1030 the company transferred
him to Klamath Falls. He pur
chased find operated the Meat Cen
ter ana in more recent years was
uMsoclutcd with his sons,. Bud L.
Hanson and Bill Hanson Jr.. In
operation of Hanson's Market In the
iKHly Wiggly Store, seventh and
Pino. ,
Prior to leaving Klamath Falls
to supervise the C It H Markets
in Belittle, Wasn., ne was in busi
ness' with Dick Howard at the Big
V Market.
Mr. Hunson was an active mem
ber of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Duy Saints.
Services w 111 be held here Mon
day, March 17, 10 a.m. at the LDS
Church, Home and Martin, under
direction of Ward's Funeral Home.
Final rites and Interment will be
lit Rlvcrvlcw Abbey, Portland.
Surviving him are his widow,
Mrs. Ruby Alice Hunson. Seattle;
three sons, Bud L. Hunson, Klam
ath Falls, Ore.; Bill Hunson Jr.,
Redlands, Calif.: Jack Hanson, Se
attle. Wash.; two daughters, Mrs.
Leonard Moore, Seattle and Mrs.
Ronald E. Phalr of this city; also
several brothers and slatcra. Elev
en grandchildren also survive.
Legal Notice
Sritlcd bldi will b received on or
before two o'clock p.m. Thuridey
April 10, 1031 at the office of the Klam
ath County School Diitrlct. Veteran
Memorial Building, Klamath rail., Ore
gun. Tnli bid will be for the erection of
Addition and Alteration! to the Fair
haven Elementary School. A general
bid will Include all ttcmi of work.
Blda will be publicly opened and read.
Aa a condition precedent to receipt of
hit propoaal, the bidder muil have
qualified ten (101 days prior to the
opening of blda, ai prescribed by page
m. Lawa of Oregon, IB31.
Plana and apeclficaUona may be ob
tained at the offlca of Morrieon and
Howard, Route 3, Bo 813 IPlne Grove'.
Klamath Falle, . Oregon. A depoalt of
twenty and no-loo IS20.00I will be re.
3ulred for plana and apeclflcationa. The
epoalt will be refunded to the bidder
upon return of the plans and pacifica
tion. Plane and apeclficaUona on file at
tha Bulldera Exchange Coop., 317 Build
ere Exchange Building, PorUand. Ore-
fon and Eugene Bulldera Exchange,
ugene, Oregon.
The aucceufut bidder will be required
to furniah a surety bond In full amount
of the contract price, and he shall be
required to carry Public Liability In
aurance as specified.
A bidder's bond or certified check In
Neih Motor,, Wvlilon
Piano Team
In Concert
They're fine pianists but Virginia
Morlcy and Llvlnitston Oearhart
would dc dciiKiiuuiiy entertaining
11 they couldn't Dluy a note.
ine man ana wue duo piano
team were vastly plcaslmr In the
community concert ncre last evening-.
-Authoritative criticism of Morlev
ana nearnaris piano worK Is De
yond the ken of this reporter: suf-
flee to auy that persons qualified
to juujfe music-merit were rapt
In praise after last nldht's concert.
1. wag an altogether enjoyable
evening, The young couple warmed
the big audience with their infor
mality - and clever chit-chat be
tween numbers, , '
As they played on two (rand pi
anos, they frequently exchanged
flashing' smiles that sent a glow
over listeners. . .
Morlcy and Oearhart obviously
enjoy playing and they do It with
stirring gusto and artistic ease.
Remarked one woman after the
"They do difficult numbers with
such ease ... the girl (Virginia
Morley) goes at It as If she were
merely enjoying a piece of bread
and butter."
W. M.
WEILBorn at Klamath Valley Hr
pltal. March 12, 152, to Mr. and Mn.
Martin Well, 1515 Eldorado Ave., a
girl. Weight: 5 pound 11 ounces,
Beverly McCulloch v. Jamei H.
McCulloch. ault tor divorce. Couple
married 7eh. 23, lMfl, Klamath Falls,
Ore. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff teeki
cutody two minor children, too per
month child upport, J. C. O'Neill, at
torney for plaintiff,
ROBE KKIXY. Verlln C. Roie. lfl,
lumber handler. Native of Idaho. Red
dent of Klamath Falli, Ore. Margaret
l. ivciiy, etu, rctcpnuiuai, nanvc ui
Arkansas. Resident of Klamath Falls,
SAN FRANCI8C0 Wl Potatoes:
20 cars on track; arrivals. Califor
nia 3. Idaho 3, Maine 2, Oregon 9:
market firm; Klamath Russets No.
1-A, M.B4 delivered.
LOS ANGELES Ofl Potatoes
S3 cars on track; arrivals, Florida
z, Nevada l, Oregon a, Utah i,
Maine 3, Idaho 40, by truck S;
market steady; Idaho Russets No.
1-A washed $5.60, unwashed $5.40.
the amount equal to five per cent (6)
of the lump sum bid must accompany
the bid as a guarantee for the execu
tion of the contract and bonds. In case
the contract la awarded to the bidder.
The directors of the Klamath County
School District reserve the right to ac
cept or reject any and aU bids and to
waive any Informalities.
J. r. Heyden, Clerk
M. 13-37, A. 8. No. til
NoUi - K.lvlnolor Cwpwollon, Detroit, Mka.
Battling Billy
Loses Round
"Battling" Billy i Sunday, well
known hereabouts for fistic activi
ties in and out of the ring, lost a
unanimous decision to the Police
Department In. two rounds early
mis morning.
Billy's share of the Diirne oald
out In Municipal Court this morn
ingwas 60 days atarefng at City
Jail walls and fines totaling $100.
He pleaded guilty to being drunk
and disorderly at the police sta
tiontrying to whip slnglehanded
three members of the department,
and artother charge of disorderly
conduct stemming from an argu
ment with another Indian, Virgil
Late Wednesday night. Sunday
came running into tne police sta
tion with a distributor cap and
wiring from Wilson's car. Wilson
was hot on his tail, and after some
argument Sunday went to find
some new wiring for Wilson's car.
The second time Sunday returned
to the station, after midnight, of
ficers reported he became very
abusive and started to fight with
the three officers who were book
ing him.
But Billy came out second best
in this, his most recent fistic en
gagement, and had very little to
say In court this morning except
that he was guilty.
Trial Nears
Jury Time
A Circuit Court damase trial. In
its fourth day, seemed likely to eo
to the Jury lote this afternoon.
Attorneys Dick Maxwell and Ben
Ooddard finished presenting testi
mony for the defendants, Yellow
Cab Co. and one of its drivers,
Anthony Passarettl, shortly before
noon today.
Plaintiff In the case. Russell Grif
fith, is asking $17,000 damages for
injuries received when run over by
a Yellow Cab on S. 6th St., In
April of li9.
Griffith is represented by A. C.
Pelican PTA
Reelects Officers
The entire slate of present of
ficers was relected at a Pelican
PTA meeting last night.
Music was the theme of the
meeting. Andy Loney Jr., city
schools director of music, talked
on the value of music to children.
Kristlan Glooo discussed "begin
ning strings" and Freeman Yount,
"beginning band '.
Charmode Twin-Flex
"Twin-Flex" means double freedom! Freedom
to bend. walk. sit. run. iumD . it won't
creep, pinch, poke, bind. twistorpull!
'Twin-Flex flexes with a telescopic action
back and front . ... gives you trim, slim
lines The free-f loatinq bra adjusts to give you
a flattering uplift! Nude boned rayon
brocaded cotton batiste with elastic sides end
qores, side zipper. Average to full hips,
bust sizes 35 to 44,
Nu-Back Telescoping Back Panel
adjusts automatically to the -lengthening
curve of your body when you sit, bend or
stand! No down-drag ... no garter pull .
no shoulder-strap strain- stoys up at
the top, stays down at the bottom!
Under Your Easter Finery
Dupont trademark
for their polyester fiber
Marion' f. Cooper, overload. Forfeit
22 nan.
lay Swttzer, overload. Fine 18,
Ray Swltzer, overlength. Fine ItU.'
Howard C. McDowell, no stop light.
Fine $7.50.
Robert H. Thurber, no PUC permit
Fine 1S.
Billy Sunday, drunk and dliorderlv
and disorderly conduct Fines 100 and
ou nays.
uen Hoai, drunk, sentence 10 days.
Antonio Martinez, disorderly conduct
Fine AO or 39 days.
Taxes Due Next
Monday Afternoon
No fear of the Ides of March
this year: federal income taxes
are not due at the local office of
the Bureau of Internal Revenue un
til 5 p.m. March 17 that's next
Local deputy tax collectors an
nounce the change in deadline so
the local office won't have to re
main open until midnight Satur
day. Plans now call for It to close
at 8 p.m. Saturday, and to open
Monday from 8 s.m.to 5 p.m.
Funeral services for Hattle E. Mar
shall, who died at her residence near
Olene, March 12. will take place from
the Sacred Heart Church, High at Sth.
Saturday, when a requiem mass will
be celebrated for the repose of her
soul commencing at 9:30 a. . m., Rev.
T. P. Casey officiating. Commitment
service and interment in ML Calvary
Memorial Park. Recitation of the Holy
Rosary wtU taKe place from the chavel
of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, U2S
High St., Friday, 8:19 p. m.
H. Anderson picked up a money
bag on a downtown street Wednes
day and found It contained $21,052
In checks ready for bank deposit.
He returned It to the owner, the
iaeu Macmnery or ouppiy uo.,
and learned the bag had been lost
by Millie Kugel, an employe.
Featuring Balds Band
From 10 'til 2 Admission-1.00 person
. ' , '
wonderful new
bras of
Church Gives
Talent Show
CHILOQUIN Third annual ami
tour Talent Show sponsored by th
Altar Society of Mt. Curmel Oath
olio Church will be Friday evening
at the gymnasium. - A few more
entries can still be accepted. .
The acta will be Judged In two
divisions, children under 13, and
the adult section. Prizes will be)
$10 and $8 for the adulU, $8 Mid
$3 for the children
Some of the first entrant to tiro
were Marlene Norrls. second grade
singer who won tha hearts of the
audience last year, Virginia Mon
tera, fifth grader who sings In
both Spanish ana Engusn, uarne
Donnelly, a tap dance entry from
Klamath Falls, a dance group, two
vocal solos from the mgn acnooi,
Mary Ann Mack and Merry Hayes,
and a baton twlrler, Sue Seoholm.
Harold LeRoy Zckert, M, a Mttv
of Sprlngervlll. Aria, and for a short
time a resident of Klamath Falls, died
here March 12, 1803. Survivors Include:
the widow. Sua and two cUughtere,
Sharon and Shirley of Beilevua. wash.;
his father. J. H. Eckert and Itep-moi
er, Mrs. Margaret Eckart of this eltyl
two brothers, Don M. Eckert of thia
dty and Roger E. Eckert of the U.S.
Navy, Japan; a sister, Mrs. Helen Zar
osinskl of this city. Funeral arrange
ments . will be announced later by
Ward's Klamath Funeral Horn.
CMTOt Willard Hanson. SI. native of
Hyrum, Utah and formerly resident of
Klamath Falls 13 years, died In Seat
tle. March 12. 1992. Survivors lnolude:
hla widow, Ruby Alice, Seattle; tare
sons. Bud L. Hanson of this city. BUI
Hanson Jr., Redlands, and Jack Han
son, Seattle. Wash.; two daughtera.
Mrs. Leonard Moore. Seattle, and Mrs.
Ronald D. Phalr of this city; also It
grandchildren and numerous brothers
and sisters. Mr. Hanson was a mem
ber of the Church of Jesus Chriat of
Latter Day Saints. Funeral arrange
ments will be announced later OF
Ward's Klamath Funeral noma.
Two popular styles In whit.!
"Crisscross" for good separation,.
"Plunging" for low ut fashions.
A cup 32-36, B cup 32-38
,nd I79
long wearing '
softer, stronger
greater absorbency
i moist feeling
stretch resistant
&aty&dZK pmtanQettetjmi m&uy faci ffl&
US U. 8th
Ph.n. SIM