PAOSS TWENTV-CDC HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 105'.! Southend Irish Planning Dance The Murphy's, OTooles, Finn nagans and OTlaherty'a, along with the Smiths, Browns, Jones, practicing all the o 1 d Irish airs, and there will be ample oppor tunity for the "sons of the nuld and" to display tlu'lr particular type ot dancing. Barry O'Coimer, Tom Lacey, and Bill Falvey are the committee in charge. Ladles of tile Altar Society will spivii aiipper during llui evening. Admission Is Sl.oo per pcrmm, and hours are from 10 till il. 1 WURUTZER A meinlflcent piano. Many lovely stylet mni finish! to chooi from. to I ho Wi-ne-ma Coffee SHOP Quality Food At Reasonable Pricos Plus Plain "Old Fashionod' 'Hospitality WAX TO REMOVE WAX When tlio waxed Burfaee of wood furniture is ftlmed or soiled, It must be cleaned before new wax Is ap plied. Often, It is sufficient to re move an accumulation of old wax with a liquid wax. Apply the canned liquid wax freely and wlpo off while wet. etc., will observe St. Patricks Day in me usual manner oy a nam ing the 46th annual St. Patrick's Ball, this Saturday evening, March IS, In the Merrill Community Jiall. Green, of course, will be prom I- nent In the hull decorations, and in the hats and novelties distribut ed to Uie crowd during Uie eve ning. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Baidy Evans and his band are .... -l: . v . ' - : . ", ' : , -v. j I SOMETHING NEW in farmin' fashions is this rear end loader for manure, displayed by the Klamath Tractor and Equipment Company. The loader, a Dearborn product, is shown here mounted on a Ford tractor. It can lift to six feet, and boasts a 1150-pound break-away lift : : I FARM HAND HYDRAULIC loader displayed at Garrison Equipment Co., hear the Big Y, can stack hay up to 27 feet high. It's mounted on an Oliver 66 Row Crop tractor. This particular scoop is for chopped hay or snow. 1000 Expected At Farm Meeting CORVALUS, W At least i.000 persons are expected to attend an agricultural conference at Oregon State College here March 27-29. Advance registration cards are now- available from 450 conference committeemen and at county ex tension offices, officials said. They asked early registration so hous ing accommodations can be ar ranged. The conference will Include farm men and women and business men. CENTERPOISE POWER Vibration and power im pulses are "screened out" as engine is rubber - cushioned between new mountings. LARGEST BRAKES Dig It -inch bruke drums ap ply more leverage for more stopping power. Slops are 6moollicr, safer. WIDEST COLOR CHOICE 26 rich new colors and two tone combinations. New I)e Luxe interiors are color matched lo the exterior bodies, BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body with Unisteel construction sets the stand-ard-for styling, for crafts manship and for strength! UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's Knee-Action ride is now even softer, smoother thanks to new shock absorber action. WIDEST TREAD A full 58V4 inches between centers of rear wheels- broader base lo give you more stability, less iwayl Only the New Chevrolet brings these fine features to the low-price field! Lowest priced in its field! TMt bvovlllwl new SMtlin D (ui 7-Door Swfa many Chtlt mtdl liilt for lu Ihon ony wmporobl Model im lit fold. (Cnfnvet0l of Itondord Qvipmwif mnd him jffwilrofod it dipwtdutt oa gif 0 SS ff ' II W WW ' ..: -- V mivs Tr 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet's exclusive engine lubricating system supplies exactly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS Pistons are formed from the same material as the cylin der block expand and con tract at the same rate. This reduces wear, saves oil. SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND Chevrolet alone in its field gives you safety plate glass in windshield and all win dows, for a clearer, truer all-round view. No other car In Chevrolet's field offers you a single one of these features. Yet you'll find many of them in Amorica's mott costly cars. Here's proof that you're value ahead with Chevrolet . , . again In 1952 the Jowejf-prced lint in Us tloldl Come In and look It over. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARI it POWERGUDE AUTOMATIC ( TRANSMISSION It's simpler with fewer parts to wear. It's smoother-no complicated intermediate gears. Optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. MOST POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Powcrglide is the most powerful valve-in-head engine in Chevrolet's field and an outstanding per former in any field! r rw w-m-m a wi w ll 1 PRICED SO LOW! ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 South 6th Street Phone 4113 fe'.v. MORE PROFITS m.FARr.m! IRRIGATION CONTROLLED IN CONCRETE PIPE WILL ' ' PAY YOU THREE DIVIDENDS! ' '.'...' ' 1 ' , 1. ACRES SALVACID FROM ' : " DITCHES ADD CHATTLE VALUE '"TO YOUR FARM! . . 4 "m a A h ii vi au maw oumi ".-'.H .ku wiu awn rAi rvK UR SYSTEM! . V .e . MRU WIU. MJUn rAT PUR ''fCB : ' ' YOU SAVE MUCH ON IRRI6A-ffl r.: -. , TION-LABOR COSTS, n4 WEED- 0 .". , CONTROL EXPENSES. ''PM 033 MARKIT ST. M 'Springtime is Bock time and Lucky Bock is as refreshing as Spring itself ! Its golden brown hue, its richer, heartier flavor are natural truly the best in Bock, What's more, you know Lucky Bock is aged the brew date is plainly stamped on every Lucky Lager bottle. Enjoy uock wnue it lasts but be sure it's Lucky twtky toitr Brcwlnf Company Voncuvtr,WiMnill Lager Bock! SV