rilUnSDAY, MARCH 13, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TWENTV-FTVK (I MIJCILIANIOUS 'OR SAII ' AUTOMOTIVE ii AUTOMOTIVE jj AUTOMOTIVI AUfQMOTIVI ' Special closeout A I USED PARKER PONTIAC CO. SS.T' i WOOD KITC1IKN CABINET UNITS CARS PRICE WAB 411 Inch Huse MO. 00 48 Inch Wnll 120.00 3(1 Inch Wnll $2000 9(1 Inch Over llrfrnirriiliir Wnll $14 03 21 huh Iliise 127 .44 24 Inch Wnll - $10 05 10 Inch Wnll $1405 Iloukimo I4 00 1895 1051 KOriD V- OUHTOM JJI.X. FORDOR Itiidlo, linttcr, oveclrlve, N0W 1000 I'OKIJ V-8 CUHTOM DLX. CLUI1 COUI'E j fj 117. lit 1 $12.06 GIGANTIC Get Acquainted SALE Trucks waiting for you at our lot 15881 164l'48 LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY Mnlli mid Mpilng Radio, lirntrr, 1050 1'OltU "0" DELUXE 1'OHDOH M Q S . Ilclci-, ... lH7J tM 1050 FOIID "0" CUHTOM DELUXE TUDOR I Itndln, hrnlrtr. ...... 1050 1'OIID V-8 CUHTOM DLX. I'OIUJOK tl'J.Iia KikII'i, healer I 8 0S 1040 1'OIID V I CUHTOM DLX. KOIlDOIl MQ ..,. n,nlrlv IW'W t 0.05 lu.uiu,,., " 0 05 'tn V"8 d'HTOM ULX' TU1X)H icuillu, neuter. 1040 rortD v-8 hupeii dlx. roitoon ilculrr ' 1040 KOHD V-8 BUI'lill DLX. CLUB COUPE Ilculrr. Phone 3144 mi j'oriD V 8 HUPKIl DLX. FORDOR Hndlo, lieiiter FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES HIIOVKI-8 PICKS HPADKH FORKS MATTOCKS fc'I'C. . . . Your Choice Only tl EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 Bo. 1)1 ll Phone 6708 1295 1845 695 475 THE FINEST USED CAR LOT IN TOWN AND ... AS ALWAYS THE FINEST USED CARS IN THE BASIN! CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1951 's to 1936's Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Bcauly PEYTON & CO. BUS Market Phone 8148 ft SPECIAL YOUR CHOICE ft $395 1051 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN Like new In every detail wlih every extra 1050 KOHD V-8 DELUXE TUDOR BED AN A spoilciui dark blue beauty with extras galore 1040 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN Hydrfima.llo and the works In lustrous grcy-grcen. 1048 INTERNATIONAL KB2 PANEL In fine condition. Price Includes new paint Job 1047 OLDSMOBILE "68" 4-DOOR SEDAN Hydramatlc, pmJIo, heater. Way above average 1046 FORD V-8 SUPER FORDOR SEDAN A real black beauty with all the extras 48 2540 M565 '1845 1 995 1195 925 TRIPLE-CHECKED TO GIVE YOU A LOT OF LOW-COST MILEAGE VALUE V PERFORMANCE V APPEARANCE 1951 FORD V-8 STATION SEDAN Like new, 10.000 miles. Locally owned. Has radio, heater and auto matic transmission. $2365 1950 G.M.C. A TON PICKUP 3-speed transmission, deluxe cab, heater and defroster 1950 FORD 12 TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission, heater, defroster 1949 DODGE Vi TON PICKUP 3-speed transmission, heater, defroster. Excellent condition DOWN PAYMENT 44850 '43500 E 1951 WILLYS STATION WAGON Hurricane 4 cylinder engine. Sold new last June. 13,000 miles. 100 Guaranteed. $1895 REMEMBER . . . YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON A I GOODWILL USED CAR BOUGHT FROM PARKER PONTIAC , 1948 STUDEBAKER 1 TON PICKUP 1910 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DLX. 2-DOOR Radio, heater. 1941 NASH CLUB COUPE Healer. 1911 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Healer. 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN REGISTER TO VOTE NOW 25 OTHER CARS PICKUPS PRICED FROM $25 UP! For On-Thc-Spot appraisals, sec JACK MILLER Home Phono 4202 or LLOYD CHIDESTER Home Phone 6432 Sundays and Evenings ' BALSIGER'S SS. LOT 2 1 52 South 6th St. Phone 4354 "SURE - " YOU CAN BUY ALMOST ANY CAR YOU WANT BUT WHERE- CO., BECAUSE COUNTS! THEY CARRY A GUARANTEE THAT PRE-WAR BARGAINS FULL PRICE Good condition throughout, new paint. 1947 DODGE PANEL V2 TON 3-specd transmission. If you are looking for a panel, here Is the answer '35850 '31 500 '24750 E GOOD AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J.'M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7059 Ph. 7991 '6nXnCVnM. anil tlarlrlc rumtiina. lion rinn. rrllnt rendition. MKH IT a DAMUA1N J1AHN, OJ1 Commercial LAN DHCAlMtfU, vVrirciTna, itirurS and trr. W trim, pry and rtmovt Jrf trrrg, LAKKSHUnB ft AltDKNft NURSERY Fhn 43M i'St.0 rURNlTIIfte vIum ran afwati r louno at Kiamain f urnituit Cq, 2U1 i I ii H Hi ATK)N tun :1U:;:,XHV,'nJ',.1S!";;cAN YOU get the kind of a TRADE YCU u:"'m?n.m.ZnttmU' N"" ""'ARE LOOKING for? Mill A!.r. 10 ttmt Oliver off-act due' .121 h(.nr7.0.lM TuIrUha Milt ftALK, Xcniih V a in-oceanic ratlitT limKi'.Vnincr: !FOR PERSONALLY INDORSED USED CARS Itr.X-Alnr. viruum rlranrrT W'lO 1 mn, ;i pr month Phone tnQ i )J bAl.h Mine lag nlamatfi Neiteu FOR $295 '40 NASI! CLUB COUPE "40 PONTIAC 4-DR. 41 PONTIAC 4-DR. FOR $125 '40 FORD PANEL '30 FORD COUPE FOR $195 38 CHEV. 2-DR. 30 FORD TUDOR '38 DODGE COUPE FOR $75 37 DESOTO COUPE 36 CHEV. SEDAN CALL OR SEE: Willard Davis Home Phone 2-0708 Don Bridge Home Phone 2-0504 PARKER PONTIAC 1948 FORD PREFECT (English) Here Is economy and riding comfort . . 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Excellent condition. See this bargain before you buy. 1947 KAISER 4-DR. SEDAN Excellent condition. This Is a real family car . 1947 OLDSMOBILE '98' New paint, good tires, radio, heater . BUY OF THE WEEK 1929 MODEL "A" FORD MAIN GARAGE 4th & Klamath Phone 8164 USED CAR LOT 5th it Klamath Phone 6221 TRY US lfti I Kt.'MIKU HOCK, drive. cina.r. l'l'r SMI "nmrioKiiXfoii rorilriir7n mm !'HIMA wmhltig marhlni. spin drar. Tl'im 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. New cur condition 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-DR. SEDAN Heater, Fluid Drive. Good shape throughout 1950 HUDSON COMMODORE '8' 4-DR.' SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, Supermatlc drive, many other extras, metallic maroon llnlsh, low mileage 1947 OLDSMOBILE '8' 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, healer. Hydramatlc. Will 'out rocket' a new Olds BACK ROW BARGAINS & nd tub. 123. Phone &M. KOH KALI? Ml inn firmt rtiltlne Mttm hty. Ctiarlat Lund bare, Tulelakt, Calif urnla. i' h V i I i: U"roe hndaS v t" aVcintlrV f'hnna J-U7 ri-IX'fltOLUXrKANEii and pollahtf nd tuppllta. Phona 7107 Tarktl Twatt vii Mrnai Nli&WCASE, inquira Jtcamti Country Club I i 6lt MAI.K, Krlgiflarre electrtr Hove , ;m4 condition, neat offtr ovar 75 Itkai. JiruClinlon. ! W TON baled' alfalfa, J part. Phone Tiilalak. 7-IM4. . j AOUINOMACHINKfl. calru I ion. lypt , wrltart, cah reitileri. daaka, C bill a. (ilea for aala or rant. j rioNttii orrici; luppi.y art Main Ph'na 741) i BTv r. w AY HATEnlALX flart DIM iiRlVtWAnfrTr.RiAL. Phone 2-i64. Hndlo, hfntfr jrnH wVk7.-'the'T.ti w n i939 OLDSMOBILE '6 4-DR. SEDAN , and rhair. bed divani and chain, I ' awint rorhera. fimall down payment I Manv mnnlha on the baUnre. fta-r n.onev now at LUCAS rURNITUIIE. I1! T. MAIN. iiANDY "with T'dbOt'; Bam Huiiii. Inf Material Inc. haa tverylhlnai yt.-i need tn bulltltni aiippllea. Whftlhar ' nu need lumber, Irlnunlnf . paint, plrk't fence, garaie doora or jutt artvi.-e, 1 hla l the plri to come. 47iM South Sixth. Phone 3-2.VU. f ss M595 M565 '1965 1195 it 1941 BUICK CENTURY SEDANET Radio, heater, runs and looks good. .. 1941 PONTIAC '6' 2-DR. SEDAN Jrl black paint, motor reconditioned. 1'hVnjo. 1 1940 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDAN $445 ?395 s345 $255 3 -t RED. HOT SPECIALS i( & SATURDAY ONLY & & $1,000 LESS: . 1951 DODGE DIPLOMAT This demonstrator belonged to George and Bob and la fully equipped with radio and heater. SAVE $1,000 $300 LESS: 1940 OLDS CLUB COUPE Beautiful blue car with fresh clean Interior. Radio, heater Hydramatlc, of course, SAVE $300 and and AUTOMOTIVE proud of A Drlrc you A deal you ran brne about You CAN-TWAftK combination of miallty and prire we have on Ihta 104D 1 lodge Coronet Club Coupe. Thta week end nnlv- folnf for tIMj. Dlmhal t'aed C'ar, Soulh Slxih and Plum. Phona Pl.'tD evenlngn and StindaytWUA. liMl" BUICK two door. Kxreptlunal buyT Kxrellent ronditlnn. Phone 82M. 'w:s romV cbupr. iiuai rnVnifoiii and carburetor!, excellent Urea, Clean car, 20n. Phone null. A CAR to hi ran pay IUM Plymouth four-door aedan. Neat a a pin and only Sl.143 thla week-end. Dlmbat Ued Cara. South Sixth and Plum, Phone, cvenlnga and Sun da a nM. VllAf A"nEAtTr"V at 1110.1 Juat trad ed for thla MU47 Chrysler Royal four floor aedan. Exceptionally aharp. To aee It la lo want II. Dim bat (Ned Car South Ulxth and Plum. Phone 0139, eve nlnjia and Sundaya 882.1. tn to miPi-icATf! Tins onb 1(14(1 Ford V-fl Super Deluxe A-paanen-iier rnupe. Hndlo, heater, Immaculate Interior, amarl maroon flnlih, A-l rut), her, hm tow mtleuie. Drop in and alie It Up. Hr!).V x, e. HAtifiEn nmrK oarage Vnnd Car Department Vain at Broad Phone (11 .11 " LOOKING FOR A LATE MODEL? 1f3l Sltiflehaker Champion Renl 4-door iedan, Radio, heater, automatic trait mlaaion, very low mllcaie. Absolutely new car condition ami appearance. A rrai ateai in una popular, economical car. Cellini price $2007. Our price fllftn.V II. E. XAUC.Eft Ft HICK OARAGE vnt n car Department Valnat Droad Phone SIS1 I. mo EQUITY In ID.11 Chevrolet for anie or trade for 11)49-10.10. Also lDUtf Chevrnlel. M.V MM Dayton. '6n SALE, or trade" for"7ieIer model tar. Knulty hi 1042 Studebaker Cham pion. Phona.18ji. . HfRES A KEEN CHEVROLET 10.10 Chevrolet Stylellne Deluxe 2-dr. Sedan. Radio, healer, cuatom-tallored aeat envera, a.l.WlO actual mile. Looki ana arivea like a new one. SIHft.1. Jl. E, HAtlGEn BUICK GARAGE i -pen tar ueparimeni Malnat Broad Phone 111.11 J047 MERdURV aedan A-l ahape. Ra dio, heater, overdrive. W30. Phone 'Rocket powcrod SEE ANDREW MOORE AT JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE INC. YOUR HUDSON and INTERNATIONAL DEALER 1 1th and Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 A REAL SNAP AT SLIM 10. V Chevrolet a ton pickup. Radio, heater, apoi tllte, aperial hnrna. lota of etiuipment. in.OOO actual nillea. A real anappy pickup fiaP.V 11. ll. IIAtKiKR BttICK GARAGE t'aed Car Department M a 1 na !!" d Phone SHI YOU'RE MISSING the deal of your life If you don't take advantage of Ihla 10.10 Chryaler Windsor Club coupe. Low mller.te. New-car quality. 2t. Dim bat Hired Cara. South Sixth and Plum. Phone OLID, evenlnia and Sundaya BD2.1. 1949 STUDEBAKER dump truck. 2 apeed. Good 1133-20 Urea. Excellent con dition throughout. Will consider pickup tn trnde. See at Richfield Service Sta tion. TiHelake. Phone 7-2421. VI In thla 10.11 Plymouth Coupe thla week- evenlnga and Sun BEST VALUES! . USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 8. 7th Phone 7771 $178 LESS: 1941 PLYMOUTH Nice, sharp, clean. An exceptional car in every respect. SAVE ?178 REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST end. Low mileage, clean and only $IM.V Dlmbat Uaed cara, soutn sixin ano Plum, Phone B1U0, daya W12.1. WANTED, beat 10:t7 4 door Chevrnlrt aedan ahout 113. Write parllculari ller ahlNewa. Box .11. "nr onr vnn want ' " " 10.10 Bulck Special Sednnel. Bndlo, Wat er. Dynaflow drive, very .low mileage Beautiful dark green flnlnh. Flrat claua In every way. Drop In and try it, A bargain at lDf).1, II. E. 1IAUOKR BUICK GARAGE lined Car, Department Mnln nl Broad Phone 111.11 THE RED WAGON vnii ve ilu'tvi w'n7! rrl. 10.10 Olda W four-door aednn. A bcnutirul car londrtl with extnu, Dlm bat lined Cora, South Sixth and Plum, Phona 0IWI, evenlnga and Sunday 8R2.1. f J OR SALiOntl) Ford. Muat aelt thli week. Beat offer. New paint and aent covera, RAH, 1020 Sargent, A a.m.-0 p. in. KOB SALE 1001 "j-ion G.M.C. pickup. Private party. 8000 miles. $149.1, Con- alder traile In. Phone 241 Dorrli be tween tl and 0 p.m. (J 0 II 1(1 BECAPS SA.OS EACH EXCHANGE Wt buy tmed tirea. O.K. Rubber Weld er". 2.101 So. Btb Phone 4.11ft YOUR DOLLAR Koea farther when you denl on thla flrat aerlea 1049 Plymouth four-door aedan. Radio, healer, fogllte low mileage. Top condition. Priced to move at only ainn. uimoai imen earn, South Sixth and Plum, Phone 9130, eve- ninns ann sunnnyn mv.a. lf:t FORD ttidor. eVcelTent condition. :too. aJft North Fourth after S:J0. Phone rami. SPORTSMEN ATTENTION 1031 WI1 lya pickup like new In every way but price. Lesa than .1.000 mllea, S1.19.1. Dim hat lined Cara. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 01.10. evenlnga and Sundwyii flfl2.i Tn4Pb"NTiACStreanillner "fl" aedan coupe. Very clean Inaide and out. lf4 motor, good tlre. life guarri tubea, ra- dlo. neater, anwa. i-none a-i i . i"li40 PLYMOUTH. Good cnnriVtTon. if. k H. See at OTI Fir Department. Onlv :m. 1048 FORD Super Deluxe Tudor V-fi aedan. ionnea wmi exirna. rncea inr week at only tfHfl. Your old enr wtl) make down payment. Dlmbat Used Can, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 01HO. evenlnga and Sundaya Tom BUICK S now avaHnbie fnflmmedT ale delivery In apeclnla, aupera and roadmaplcra. We fln have a few 10M model" left. R .E HucrPhone (11.11, FbR RAi.ETr.D. ifi wlth Blr1aVgKth.v draullc blade. About alx months runnlnn on rebuilt motor. New flnaK Price 9A.100. C. B. Rom, Rt. 1, Box 422, Ashland. EXTRA VALUE for you when you take advantage of our price on thla 1049 Bulck Super Sedan. Real aharp In every way and all the trimmings 8170.1, Dim. hnt Used Cam, South Sixth and Plum. Phone OLIO, evenlnga and Sundaya 6A2.V NEW t or a or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ' Phone 2-2581 COiMr-LE'lt; Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAJRLNG BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanad cMllnn, 7ll cmnurnln. Plinnc a-l'j:i:i. DODGE 522 Sor6th PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS Phone 8101 " ASHLEY'S f J 1 I 1951 WILLYS 4-Whcel drive Pickup, low mileage, good tires, heater. 1949 MURCURY 2-Door Sedan, radio and heater, blue color. 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan, only 26,000 miles, new tires, equipped with air How heater. 1948 FORD Super Deluxe, 4-Door Sedan, radio and heater ., 1946 FORD 4-Door Sedan, radio and heater WHY WAJ.KT DRIVE MOIIR MOTOMS 303 C. Main. Phona :i.17. "Wt will i.l. vour c.r for vou." W buy .n.1 BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WW. mtv fin.t. .mm a.n.rp Corner Shula Way and Arthur straet. rnnne B)ft K NEED CAR SI Ut ton prirr now Rosw Moloi Co Uth anri flum. 1942 CHEVROLET Special Deluxe Club Coupe, thoroughly reconditioned, radio and heater 1941 PONTIAC-4-Door Sedan, six cylinder, very clean. 1040 CHRYSLER Royal 4-Door Sedan USED CARS '1795 '1495 '1395 '1075 .' 895 '595 '475 '395 Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak ppr So. 6th DOWN PAYMENT 19800 $ooo00 ?26500 $43700 Full Price 585 1950 WILLYS PICKUP good tires. Sal Hurricane engine, Priced I $1 145 SEE US FOR YOUR TRUCKING NEEDS WE HAVE THE ANSWER! VISIT EITHER OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 632 South 6th A. H. f'Shorty" Weatherford Phone 5276 677 South 7th West-Hitchcock Corp Phone 7771 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN 1 BIG 155 h.p. engine. Top condition. One owner car, loaded with extras. DON'T DRIVE With Your Fingers X'd RELAX ENJOY SUMMER TRAVEL IN A Nash Select Used Car $2295 H - 1949 WILLYS STATION WAGON Good condition. A Blue Ribbon buy at only $1400 j 1950 MERCURY 6-PASSENGER COUPE Heater, radio. Clean 1949 NASH -'600' 4-DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, Weather-Eye . 1949 NASH '600' 2-DOOR SEDAN Real economy car. I, 1949 NASH AMBASSADOR 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Weather-Eye, overdrive. 1948 NASH '600' CLUB COUPE ' -u-Sw.--Loaded and very clean 1949 CHEV. STYLELINE DLX. CLUB CPE.. Radio, heater, good rubber 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR SEDAN Weather-Eye, overdrive. Exceptional condition. .. 1947 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN ' Radio, heaten 1946 OLDS '98' CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. A quality car. ... 1941 OLDS '96' 6 Cyl. 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc .... 1946 NASH '600' 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Weather-Eye ?1895 ?1395 ?1295 ?1545 1095 $1445 ?1195 ?1035 ?1095 ? 495 ? 795 u 1949 PACKARD DELUXE SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Condition guaranteed. $1625 F 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER "8" Radio, heater, nearly new tiref. Try it out to appreciate. $1295 '41 Chevrolet $295 40 Oldsmobile $375 "39 DeSoto $285 GOOD TRANSPORTATION '600" '41 Nash ' 39 Ford '39 Pontiac $345" $275 $255 SEE THE 1952 NASH FRIDAY, MARCH 14 "The World's Most Beautiful Car" KLAHN NASH CO. 606 So. 6th Phone 3650 Ph. 4113 WHY FREEZE WAITING FOR A RIDE. WHEN YOU CAN HAVE GOOD TRANSPORTATION . FOR A LITTLE MONEY 1941 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Fluid Drive $395 1941 FORD V-8 FORDOR Motor reconditioned $395 1938 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER COUPE $195 1941 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN $365 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN $100 1939 DODGE 4-DR. Late Motor .-. $295 TERMS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE H. E. HAUGER USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 5151 F 1947 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DR. One owner. Very good conditioa A lot ol car for $1147 PACKARD & WILLYS LEE HUFF USED CAR DEPARTMENT 7th and Oak Ave., Phone 7256