PAGE TWENTY-FOUR SI MltCltUNtQUI tOt HINT foil RKNTTEy night, day or month BX'UIR JXin, mr aanr., p.iim, .-., hows. Has electric heat, nice dence lioor, bum - tables available and ein J "n n isd- i Com HUH lor UWUH MM. -""' OrriCaTl lor nut. ta Main. "PhS 71B1 10 REAL ISTATt FOR SALE $3950 tWHAT A BUY! For a lot of house for your money, see this two bedroom home today. On paved street, and close to Groc ery store and on bus line. This property Is priced for a quick sale, don't delay. SMALL ACREAGE Blx acre Chicken ranch with com fortable two bedroom home, located only 10 minutes from main shopping center, land lies good and Is now all Into pasture ready for potatoes. This acreage will pav for Itself, ?o don't hesitate let us show you dollar vaiue, wuj. Jay P. Griggs Ph. 4254 Gene Favell Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis a-659 W. W. Thompson at Malm J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1513 Main St. Phone 7521 A COUNTRY HOME Beautifully located on six Two bedrooms, full basement. Lou of shade. On paved highway. Ga- - i two rnnms rare aim w"'"-""!' . , above garage unfinished. Several fruit trees ana oenira. cmm. for 1,000 chickens. Selling price in- inj'i'K cockrels. Wonderful setup. Selling for $10,000. FURNISHED HOME Peterson school district. Two bed- niann Hi f 1 1 1 H P H 2-3 BCTCS good garden ground. Owner says sell for io.uuu. ON YOUR TERMS You can buy this lovely small home on 150 x 115 ft. lot. Three blocks off Main St. New Iron Fire man furnace. For only vi.uuu. . RANCHES (well we have some honeys) For Instance this beautiful ranch on good highway. Modern two Dea room home, 150 acres irrigated. 400 acres to range and pasture. Free Irrigation. S12.000 will handle. , FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENOTE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 MILLS Large two bedroom, 55 x 120 lot in lawn and shrubs. Paved street, Mice district. Price $12,500. Two bedroom, dining room, fire place, attractive yard, near school and bus. Price $10,000. SUBURBAN Large three bedroom, dining room, V, acre irrigated. Lots of shrubs and fruit trees, berries. Price $10,500. ACREAGE Two bedroom home. Six acres gravity Irrigation: A good buy. See this. $8,000, terms. ANDY SILANI VERNON DURANT Ph. 1923 REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9195 SUBURBAN Well built three bedroom home on pavement. Nice bath, kitchen and service porch, garage and out buildings. Beautiful yard, H acre with berries and garden spot. $7250. HOMES IN TOWN NORTHSIDE Two bedroom home with GOOD furniture. $5000. CLOSE IN Neat one bedroom S home. $2850. HOT SPRINGS Well kept two bed room home, fireplace, hardwood floors, good basement. $8750, Income Property THREE APARTMENTS Well lo cated, bringing in excellent Income. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Phones J-3471 4880 4734 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. FOR quick sale, three bedroom house. rnmr nronertv.. aulet neighborhood Ideal place for children. Large farden plot. $500 down, take over my contract. Phone 0358 before 0:30 a.m. or after o p.m. run DAL.S., lira oi-uiuuiii living and dining room, oak floors, fire i i,ifhn and service norch and 'larje (arsis. 2415 Wlard. Phone BWI7. Smk hrfiwim home. Bitf yard, near school, fd.ouu. uou waniiana. .-none iwo bedroom home for sale by owner. 4.11R Frieda. BUILDING lot for sale. Hillside nesr Melrose. Its lots, 73x1 JO feet. Phone SOUTH SIXTH STREET eV MADISON tt acre with cule three room house. Lawn, shrubbery and Irrigation pasture lor a couple of calves. $.1SOI) terms. . NEWHOUSE HEAL ESTATE I O0 So. Sixth Phone 88322-3387 10 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALI LOTS OF HOUSE For a little money. Here's a real i . AH Anlu 9 AIO a rnnm modern home neat and clean. Elec tric water heater ti wired for elec tric range. Located near Pelican school, ideal tor a large miuuy. Near Milk School Well constructed 2 bedroom home on solid tounaation oniy t oiucas to school. Fire place and automa ta oil heat. Nice yard with lawn and shade trees. Reasonable terms available, mcea lor quicx hic $4950. 6 ROOM SUBURBAN HOME On large ' acre of good soil. Dan Am lnratinn lust. '. block off Shasta Way. This well constructed home features a separate dining room and a sewing room. Newly redec orated inside. Large bathroom and, m.-wforn k-itt-hen Attarhri ffS- 'rage. Conveniently arranged and easy to heat and xeep ciean. run price In only $5750. TERMS Reas sonable down payment for owners equity and assume loan with monthly payments like rent. REAL BARGAIN Good size 3 bedroom home on Mt (, th unm-Miflii. nistrirt. Ex tra large dinette, automatic floor furnace, concreie lounaauoo ana large Rarage with concrete floor. Situated among atractive homes and friendly neighbors this home couldn i oe oum io-qhy iot ic?o than $7,500 BUT owner is forced to sell Immediately. His loss is your gain. SALE PRICE $6000. Al Longmire Joe Perry Eves. 6724 Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR fc INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3665 or 3421 $4500 AND WORTH IT! A natural for Car-Ad-Co em ployes. 3 bedroom, garage, ex tra well drained lot with lots of shade trees. See this Chelsea Addition bargain todayl $6250 SUBURBAN Extra dollars grow rapidly on this half acre. Good chicken house, fertile garden, and all fenced for security. All this and a modern 2 bedroom home built for comfortable living. Ask to see it. $8500 IN MILLS A neighborhood that adds to the joy of home ownership and a home that makes you want to live there. Neat as a pin. two bedrooms and electric heat in every room. Attached garage with concrete drive. Phone us now to see tt. $9500 ROSEWAY DRIVE A quiet section of prosperous home owners. Immaculate two bedroom home, tile bath, and full basement. Beautiful land scaped yard with fruit trees and flowers galore. See it to day. . , $10,000 FAIRVJEW A hill-top home with a panor amic view of the town. Com pletely rebuilt with modern brick trimmed entrance. Two lovely bedrooms, cute dinette, kichen and large playroom. Don't wait to see this one. 'TAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545-6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 'Han" Davison 3871 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 HILLSIDE AVENUE Comfortable five room home. Ex cellent location on large m i i m. nWunt kitchen 1WO ucuiwum, ' " and dining room, utility and bath. Also rumpus room or eu Ff-nred vard and garage. For quick sale. $7900. 4 Bedrooms-2 Baths You'll find exceptional value ta this seven room nume northslde. Large living and dining mam firnifl. twn bedrooms and full bath on Main floor, two extra large bedrooms and iuu oaui on second floor. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout. Concrete base ment, sprinkling system in vara, A real buy for $12,500. SUBURBAN Very attractive two bedroom home In fine neighborhood. Hardwood floors in living room, nrepiace, well planned kitchen and utility. Large closets, automatic heat, large garage, walk-In fruit room. Beauti ful fenced yard, garden space. $10,000 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. $204) . JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 80 ACRES All under gravity irrigation. All in first year alfalfa. Buildings are old but usable. This farm well located and selling for the low price of bnly $21,000, $6,000 down, balance low yearly payments. 160 ACRES This ranch is all in alfalfa with 100 acres ready for potatoes this year. Well located on year around road. Immediate possession. Belling for only $45,000. HARRY VAN (Eves. $204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 3-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617'MaJn Phona Mil 1H1U.A room Huun iuiuc. ment foundation, garage, fanced. $1300. 2600 Scott. Phone 2-1052. RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom furnished home with large living and dining rooms also smaller room that can be used as den or child's bedroom. Excellent healing system, two units. Service porch, unfurnished attic and 54 foot front on East Main. Can be adapted for business. Price $7500. w ALSO MILLS Late model two bedroom home. Beautifully decorated. Excellent construction. A really nice yard and neighborhood. Oood garage and paved drive. $9250 terms. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0168 BOGUE DALE,. Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 FOR SALE 3 bedroom home in Hot Springs District, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, new piped furnace, double garage, lot well landscaped. Property In good condition. Quirk possession. Priced to sell. Reason able terms. www 5 room home with dinette, fire place, Venetian blinds, full base ment, close to City Center, near grade and high schools. Immediate possession. Price $7950. Terms. www Small farm near city on highway, ideal for dairy or diversified farm ing. Planted to pasture grass, alsike clover and alfalfa. Good three bedroom home with electric heat and other buildings. See Fred Cof er Bob Stephens (Evenings 3593) (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. $th. St. . . . Phone 4195 Owner Will Trade Equity For Good House Trailer A rood 2 bedroom modern home. Electric hot water. Wired for range. Insulated. Fenced lot In A-l condition. Price only $3950. Equity $2300. Monthly payments only $21.73 including taxes, insur ance and 4 Interest. Don't miss this. CLOSE-IN 2-Bedroom modern home on paved street, city sewer. Close to High School. Basement. Price reduced to $4500 for quick' sale. Terms. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WAITERS REALTORS and INSURANCE 107 So. 7th- Ph. 4193 (Eves. 9469) CORRECTION Our ad appearing in Monday's and Tuesday's paper was In error. It snouid have read: Apartment House 18 units all electrical equipped and nicely furnished. 18 garages and lockers. Brick build ing and well worth the price, call us today about this buy. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 Gene Favell Eves. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-2569 W. W. Thompson at Matin J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. phone 7521 SUBURBAN Regain that lost enthusiam for liv- infi: With this anaHnil A huf.nnm modern home. Separate dining room, basement, furnace heat, double garage. 'A acre rich sandy loam. On paved street, convenient to bus and stores. Price $12,000. FHA terms. SHASTA WAY Very neat and attractive modern one bedroom home. Concrete foundation, finished room in ga rage for spare bedroom. Well land scaped lot, ample garden space. Price $5900. FULLY FURNISHED This very attractive 2 bedroom home is well and completely furn ished, ready to move into tomorrow morning. Located on 23 acre on Clinton Avenue, a paved street. Offers an Ideal chance for those lOOklnff for ft Sllhnrhan - a garden space, good neighborhood. au,. omy tv.ouo. Terms can be arranged. NORTH 9th STREET EXCHANGE Oood bedroom home within easy niuig Distance oi tne Academy, down town and high school. This place has a biv rirv twmnt i.... - ...... ... . v. r ,lv)n- 0nly 87250, or mi consider exenange lor an acre with good 3 bedroom home. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 8703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 HfcKALD AMD NEWS. KLAMATH 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI MARCH IS MOVING TIME Time to move to a home o( your own I We want to show you thin sure-to-plr-nse, modem. 3 - bedroom home in St. Francis Park. And speaking of bedrooms these are really roomy with large, hard-to-clutter closets. . There's good quality wall-to-wall carpeting in combination living room, dining room area, and both bedrooms. Electric heat assures comfort and cleanliness throughout the winter months. The kitchen is compart, very pinctlrnl. and a Joy to work in. Also, there's a nice utility porch and many bullt-lns in Uie right places. The 65x100 ft. lot is a perfect set ling for lawn, shrubs, small garden, an attached garage and an outside barbeque grille. $10,500 and you can move right in I DONT WAIT PICK UP YOUR PHONE RIGHT NOW AND CALL Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman (Evenings Phone 9766) or EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. 8th Phone 6491 240 ACRES On Lost River. Sandy loam, mostly an in anana and clover. Kcndv for spuds. Pasture for 60 head cattle. All machinery In good con. ditlon. Five room modern home, large potato cellar, good big hay barn, machine shed and other buildings. This Is well worth the money at $85,000. Terms. HENLEY DISTRICT 214 acres, 180 acres under irriga tion bordering Lost Rriver. Good buildings, no eel worms. Mostly pasture and Clover. Good share of It ready for potatoes. $75,000. Terms. HOMEDALE ROAD 75 acres in pasture and grain. All under irrigation. Priced $21,000. $6,000. will handle, balance on long terms. JACK GARDNER Phone 6371 Newhouse Real Estate! 2060 So. 6th Phone9832 . " -30 ACRES Near Merrill, 10 acres under gravity Irrigation. 14 acres under sprinkler system. Improvements include a modern one bedroom home with basement, small barn, potato cellar, other buildings. Some machinery including sprinkler system goes with place. Full price $12,000. lerms. 123 ACRES All but about 5 acres under culti vation and Irrigation. 80 acres under gravity Irrigation, balance under sprinkler irrigation. 65 acres in alfalfa, 17 acres in old clover, now ready for potatoes, balance grain land. Improvements include modern one bedroom home, a two bedroom tenant house, other build ings. Fenced. Paved road. Full price including sprinkler system $37,000. Terms. 476 ACRES Langell Valley, on paved road. Fenced. Cattle set-up along with diversifiAH farmlnc lio .-. ,H...,,B, lio tttica uuuer cultivation and gravity Irrigation. - " Fcruianent pasture, 15 acres in Alsike clover, 7 acres In alfalfa. There are 358 acres which can carrv an n i . cattle. Also 30,000 to 40,000 board "er wnicn can be cut into lumher T.luaCwi, , ... asking price consists of 10 cows v,M mm iu io caive, 9 yearling heifers, 3 yearlingsteers, 1 Hereford bull, 3 years old, 17 hogs. Improvements include a two bedroom hnm tnM. , other buildings. Selling price including- llveelivlr onJ . J " -wn a.iu OU111C ISIaCn- inery, $48,000. Terms. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2851 FOR SALE, orte acre land. 337 Eait . . . crmi, win iraae tor rsnch. Wrll. Box BU, Malln, Ora- hk' twon b",roon' completely . iir.J r" sow. Hnas- STVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don KlrkDStrlck. Ssleaman " Phona sui NEW, OMES tor sale. William B. prupeny, warenouse. small nveslment earnlns 11 per cent aller Insurance and taxes. Call 4411 or S87S after S n.nv FOR SALE nice level lot N.E. corner Arlrllinn anJ t U . . , ..... a, . -"VL "review. Accept rcBion abJe offer. Dorla White, P.O. Box 1335, FOR SALE, two bedroom furnlnhed is iiecuii iome re mud - elfng. Will tell accordingly, 211 Nevada nr nhnna 4KfUt FOR SALE by owner. Good two bed room house. Fireplace, automatic heat, cloe to town. Phone 2-0261. 32 BUILDING 4 REMODELING BEST BUY $45 M per FOR YOUR EARLY SPRJNO NEEDS IN LUMBER s 10 12 in. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2x4 S4S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 910 Spring Phone 5810 KEEP WARM wintertime and COOL ummeriime. For rocK wool or inire glaxft Insulation ten Boxtn Building Ma terial!, Inc. In eflsy-to-imtall balti, pa per enclosed both sides. .07c ner foot. 4784 South Sixth, phone 2-2.163. KALLh. Ui.;.u.. 42 IIVISTOCK PUBLIC AUCTION REGISTERED ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE Monday, March 17 12:30 P.M. at tlio G1LLASP1E SALE PAVILION 1 MILE SOUTH OF CORVALLI3. ORB. ON HIWAY 99-W Consisting of 76 head; 11 bulls, 50 cows and heifers ot breeding age, It open hellers. Breeding cattle In breeding condition (selling with liberal guarantee), A SELECT OFFERING FROM THE WELL KNOWN RANCHER1A ANGUS HERD OF ANDERSON, CALIFORNIA Ranrherla Angus are not new in the Northwest having exhibited a full herd of show cattle at the Ore. State Fair at Salem and at the Patiflc Int. Livestock Exhibition at Portland tor the pnst few years; also we have consigned cattle to the Breeders' Sulci. Write for free catalog RANCHERIA ANGUS, Anderson, Calif. Col. E. L. Glllasple and Col. Chas. Adams, Auctioneers 46 HNANCIAl LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Dp to $500 on your auto On your salary or furniture up to $300 'Pay .Day loans a specialty $10. $2t. $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer $25 costs but 18 cents for one week No other chart. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th St M-354 DON Mi lNTYRE. Mgr. 43 Yean Friendly Service 32 BUILDING REMODELING "WEHAVifA GOOD STOCK OF ECONOMY PRICED DIMENSION and BOARDS NO LOWER PRICE IN TOWN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUYI SPECIAL LOT-PRICE ON CARRIER LOADS Economy Better 2"X4" ft 24c ea. 43c ea. 3"x4" 10 ft 30c ea. 53c ea. 2"x4" 12 ft 3tic ea. 64c ea OTHER PRICES COMPARABLE LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY Main and Spring Phone 3144 ROOFING SIDING Whatever your roofing or siding need might be, we have it I And you'll save money by having your job done before Its too late and expensive repair bills are necessary. INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN iz STORM WINDOWS All Work Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation For free estimate phone 4468, or Clem Lesueur, Agent 2-2443 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Fumace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 Siove. furnace light ftul. com!, oo4. charcoal. Ptytoa and Co. 133 Market Phone 9140. KY pine blockg for sale. Open eva PRESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. 6th Phpnc 3601 or 2-0280. S tt H GREEN STAMPS erlvon nn hmt ing oils. Phona 3681 or 2-0260 tot prompt delivery. CLIFr V ADEN'S SIGNAL service 3MX BO Bth O.VE Duo-Them oil heater Apt, size -aM turn, or oiii IB BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES 20 FT. CABIN cruiser $1300. Has solid uiaiiutany punning ana oax frames. See at Williamson River Store or call 2-MRS. HUNTING and fishing tear drop trail er. 135. 4729 Frieda. FOR SALE, model 72 Winchester .22 automatic with scope or trade for .22 pistol. Phone 3034. BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runs for aach dog. Doga handled during mating. Will pick up and deliver. VUltora Welcome Phono 5071 Merrill Ea Rt 2, Bon 304 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS TO GIVE away, shepherd and great done pu pa. Phone 2-1041. ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone n047 5668 Delaware oft Homedale THREE collie pups for sale. Three months old. gold and white. Litter reg istered. Call 3000. SAVE S S t Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat also Cruis ers end Runabouts. Johnson Sea Horse motors. Boats boueht. sold and ex changed. Boate for rent to fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 02A Front St. Phone 2-1RM FOR SALE or trade, 16 foot factory launch on trailer or will trade on 1' ton truck. Phone 308. 42 LIVESTOCK & POIA.TRY FOR SALE, registered Berkshire wean ner gills and boars. Ready to wean, March 2.1th. Bryant Williams, Rt. 1, Bx .108 A. Phone 7808. FOR 8ALE, Hols te in aifltf GuefnsejT hel fers, some heavy springers and some just now calving. Geo, Lewis, 0648 Den ver Ave. fnone 2-1173, FREE rhicki this Saturday. March 15th 10 Leghorn cockerels to each adult. All chicks will be 18.43 a hundred. All or ders taken on delivery will be 116.4.1 I bo. Standard Feed Store. 2720 South Sixth. FREE chicks this Saturday, March 13th. 10 Leghorn cockrels to each adult. Stan dard reed Store. 2720 South Sixth. Calves. 1322 Homedale ON HAND Cockerels heavy breed. 9 10 per hun- area. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th. Phone 6003. CATTLE PASTURE. FOR RENT for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not less than 100 head or over 3i0 head. Excellent oasture and water available April 15 or May 1st to October 13. ncHHonanie raies. write box w, iicrnio and News. RED FRYERS and roasters for sale, freshly dressed, ready for the pan, ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phone 8341 auer 4. ARTIFICIAL RHEEDINO SERVICE Phone S721 M, C. (Chuck) Warren Rt 2, Box 322. If no amwer Phone 4400. HIGHEST prices paid for poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET LAkevlew Junction Phono 4020 k POULTRY Phone 2-2537 8-27$ 42 LIVESTOCK i POULTRY Poultry Wanted Cash paid for uiy amount. Tot market prtcea for good quality. For quota Uona PHONE 3857 KtAMATH POULTRY FARMS Kbit SALE. Three Jersey cows. Hi. 2, Bo Vhwm i-jOM). i-iVt; vrtr oldt.uer.uoy milk cow. Iltk7 33,10 Bristol. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to buy good used office desk, chair and filing cabinets. Telephone :U or 2j.ll26. WANTED to buy, small used hand or elcrlrlc printing pre. Can be aUe mrd as "Hobby" pros but must use metal tpe rtione 727. COt'PLE want to rrnt two bed run. n house. Modern and clean. In near fu ture. Prefer good neighborhood. Phone 2-i72. WANTED to rent, couple wants two bedroom unfurnished hmue In good di. trtct. Must be modern and clean. Fur nish references and good care of the Sroperiy. Phona 7200 between a m -p m. WANTED to" lease, hay and grain land.' Phone 3033. WANTED, by family of four, nicely furnished home. Cloie to town. Refer ences. Call between 3:30 and 1, illl. Ext. e. WANTED. U foot spring tooth harrow. Phone 3043. A'E NEED CARS?" Get"top price now Rojf Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pmy Onl $100 17.37 Mc Repay In 11 InsUllmenU UP TO 1300 ON jnjRNITURB OR . SALARY DP TO 11300 ON CARS nil roEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pv Locally owned New Cara 'taancart at bank rates "VOSK1 Di A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 30 yean aemlnf Klamath Bute Be "Cuck" Ballty. Ugt. Ill N 7th 8k Phone U2i S-341 U-371 Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS t90 to 1300 Auto Pumltura Livestock Salary 150 to 1500 Automobiles (paid (or or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your dealt CASH dealt I Commercial Finance Corporation 4 Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-361 - N-223 107 No 9th Phon 771 J 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER tt WINE LICENSE Buildlnft With Living Quart GROSSED OVER $6000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIO VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE -WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 $3000 DOWN, Medford. furnlthed du plex. Clone in. Space for third rental over double garage. Room for more rentali. Monthly Income, 1.1A. Write i.isir, hi, i, aox mi, Annianq, ure, DEALERS wanted. We eitabllih you In the monument bualneas. No exper ience or Investment required. Full or part time. Write Belts Memorial Co,, 72.1 E, Florence Ava.. Ingle wood, Calif.'1 SERVICE atatlon for lease in down town Alturas, Good business location. Wonderful oDnortunitv for riant party. Write Ray Darnell. Box .196, Alturas. lamorma. 9400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refllllna and cnllectlna money from our five-cent High Grade Nut machines In this area. No selling To qualify for work you must have car, references, $000 cash, aecured by Inventory. Devot ing fl hours a week to business, your end on percentage of collections will net up 10 aiuu. mommy wiin very gooa possibilities of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly, for In terview, Include phone In application. Box S3, Herald and News. MONTGOMERY WARD CATALOG DEPARTMENT Phone 3373 See Ward's 1952 WALLPAPER COLLECTION Two Ini'iin decorator lw Sumple Iwoka nro nvnllnUlo for your arioctlon In Wards Calnlog Department. The Wnrd Book contains over 360 pen, fourth ot them fine HALLMARK QUALITY DEMCIN8. More of them tlmn ever before ure color hnrmonlned to help you achieve the grentoit decomtliiK benuty most enally. The nationally known quality book presents over MO of the choicest lelectlona of leading manufacturer! Including ID brautlfully IMPORTED PAPERS. Visit Wards aoon . . nee this lovely collection. Prices are as low as 14c a single roll. You may borrow a WALLPAPER BOOK to lake home to see your selections with your furnishings. Wards will welcome a visit from yuu . . A trained clerk will be glad to help you. SEED POTATOES NETTED GEM COLLEGE GREENHOUSE TEST COUNT 794 FOUNDATION J. LELAND POPE & SON - MERRILL, OREGON Phone 2139 or 2344 AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 16 1 P.M. MACDOEL, CALIFORNIA Located: H mile south and IS miles west of Macdoel, Calif. Watch for signs on Highway P7. 50 - Registered Hampshire Hogs - 50 36 Registered Otlts to farrow In March, 1M1 6 Registered Boars, service age or under 10 Open Registered Ollta 10 Registered Weanera r Mr. Peusl has sold his present ranch and Is moving to a smaller plac at Corning, California, to epeclallte In the purebred hog business . . . This Reduction Bale of Mr. Feusl's Hampshire Herd olfers you the op portunity to purchase some of the finest Registered Hampshire hogs In the State of California. The bloodlines are predominately Marvelous West, Miracle, and Mischief Maker. . k . . . T.T.K. and 4-H PROSPECTS MAIL BIDS ACCEPTED Farm Machinery LeToumeau Carryall. 4 yd., hyd. control, on rubber, In top condition. M M 1944 model O.T.A. Tractor, new tires, complete overhaul. M-M 1948 model C Tractor, 2-row 8pud Cultivator Attn ment. M-M 04 Combine, 13-ft. pickup reel, clover attachment. M-M Tumblebug Plow, 2 bolt. 2-way, 10-Inch, like new. M-M Groin Drill, 10-ft grass and fert. atlch. Bell Spud Elevator, electric motor. 8mall Eversman Land Level, Case Stationary Baler, Wisconsin h p. alr-coojed motor. Farm Hand Loader. 1000 gal. sieci storage mwv. -i.. " , r Tooth Harrow, 3-secllon. 1931 Chevrolet Sedan. Oraln Bags, Spud Bella. Iron Kettles, some iiouacmiiu TERMS: CASH FREE COFFEE ADOLF FEUSI, Owner R. E. "Bob" Rhodes, Auctioneer Ph. 4032, Klamath Falls 41 IUSINISS OPPORTUNITIIS FOR LEASE, '97" Cafe. Chcmull Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 65, Chemult. MODERN Dry-cl.snin plant In Norlj" ern California. Prmpsrou. and slalile town. Nlca volums with axcellsnt list. Phone arm.i. SERVICE station lor leaw In downtown Alturas. Good bu.lnss. location. Won derful opportunity inrrlgh parly. Writ Hay Darnell, Box 3M. Altura., Cam ornta. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ELECTRIC portable sewing machine. Gusrsnteed sewlnc condition. SIM. BO. SINGER SEWINO MACHINE CO 8.13 Msln Phone 3-M13 FOR SALE, ruf 9x13 Csrvex Wilton. 1 shades. Medium areen. Soo. phone 2-2624 ..n.ii....Hr. n 1 1 . . - . I a and I n I 1 - Isllons csn be made by May 30th II or dered now. Clarence Ward. Klamath Monument Company, 3 Htn, phone FOR SALE, wood lathe, hsnd saw snd snder. All complete wllh motors and stands. ia s.n rOUR piece wnnm wnrwrn ';- tress and springs Included. Good condi tion. rnoniwiB. FOR SALE, walnut dining room set. EIGHT piece dining room set for sale. lil.V Phone 7034. , ELECTRIC cabinet sewing mschlne Walnut esse. Completely gusrsnteed. S30 SO S INCUR flEWINO MACHINE CO. 633 Main Phona 2-1513 FOR SALE, rebuilt waihlnf machine, gua ran icon, mayiaa General Electric and many other mnkdH We have a washer prlred for any pure. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN, 8.(1 Com mercial Hi, LARGE trailer home. Phona 2-1838 aft er a p.m. TO KEEP OUT Or MISCHIEF, Ret after thoie little hulldlnx and repair inbi around the house. Bantn Butldfnit laterlali Inc. ha all the mntortnls you need pirn FREE advice to turn out a professional looking lob. 47114 South B I x tn, pnnne a-ifin.i. FOR SALE, Eaiy washing machine. ipin dryer, .pnone ow. FOR SALE, 10 foot meat cane, Cnca Cola cane, freezer, cuh register, larffe wood heater, four ehow caitei, bed spring and mattress, IB go), electric hot water heater, groceries at twenty per cent off. On furniture and fixture, any reasonable offer will be Accepted. Frank J. Moon. Weyerhaeuser Camp 4, Keno Oregon. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1052 It MISCILLANIOUS 0R SALI V READING 0 SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES $QQ50 0 7 UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS . $5950up VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Ph. 8365 REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Our used equipment Is all rebuilt and Kuarnntocd, For a better buy that will protect you, See this large assortment of re built appliances at , . , Merit's Bargain Barn 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE, Hotpolnt Electric rsnse. Looks Ilka new. MERITS BARGAIN BARN, e.11 Commercial St. 3000 GALLON V, Inch under around fanollne tank for isle. Phone S17S.