r niUn.SDAY, MARCH 13. 1952 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLA. Ciihi.u.w (PACE TWENTY-TURKR Ike Gaining In Delegates Hy Til Aasoileletl I'rni Cli-n. Elnoiihowcr'n twimn In New 4niiiwhlie him cut nlmrplv Inlo Irn, 'lull cnrlv Irnd In di'lcvitte tlrriiKlh lor Republican INu Uonnl C'onvrntlnn. Fourteen ddrulri ruimlnif on ihrt Klnrnliownr ticket won In Nrw Ot-J STOCK FMB mnKATC of amcrks miiiriii utnen MMMIArOUt I. MIMNIWI wr.ni.r.r m. smith MARTIN A. I'I'TNAM l. Alii. Kismet rail I'li.n, t- Mm Iimmimmi I ar "" O IMMI MuMl r'J h.Mn J"" 4 D (n..lnf fUUetl. rii4 CJ ImiMn Stis, ei A. a Aley! Uncle Walt, 4 I before you buy anew carA L. . V see the new '52 L f "f M$$f t3 c car ' (l 74 Wlth the world's) Jr Everybody can see It Friday, March Kh . at my showroom.. your KAtSER-FRA'XtK Dealer arav-na. V 1 i. P .-f m t PHI.a-r f y. y JS- The veeeel In the 'picture eJbewe leal the gremlfether el rkmWii eubmerlnee, but the "whelebeck" efilp which carried the flret euro of Mlnneeota Iron ere down the Creet Lake, In 1892. A total of 4.245 tone f ere were handled that year ever Creet Northern', docks In Alleuee, Wie. In 1951 the railway hendled MM million ton, t ere aver Me itnrki. ene mi the larreet hteUlletione of IU kind in the world. SCRAP METAL IS CASH URGENTLY NEEDED BY America's etee-1 ' itejd theft ycev. Thty emnnot produce the steel for dumesuc ut.u c. .....i! ueee m 1952 without tetapat Wer 35 million font of the old, diacatdod mtI now on fat ma, m towna and aHhal Scrap ie a basic ingredient c4 steei. Production of 1 ton of nrw steel requires 1,000 pounds of scrap, which is refined metal. Its Bee cuts down the total time of elrclmnHf- "itl fort- in . ing demands for new steel. Great Northern recognized long ago the necessity ol a constant scrap supply at the blast furnaces, and for years the railway regularly ' has sent heavy tonnages of discarded metal to the steel mills. How ever, the steel industry recently urged the nation's railways a prin cipal source of old metal to dig deeper for urgently needed scrap. e Great Northern assigned a two-man committee to dig deep . throughout the 8,300-mile system for metal part and enuinmcnt no longer useful, bet which had escaped scrapping. Tha reatilt eras 1,633,070 pounds mora than 900 lo, --' ol badly naadad matal scrap so toad tha ataal mill. H the nation's steel milts arc to operate at fall eapaefty during Ihe remainder of the year they must have 1H million tons of scrap . metal every month. And, next year even more scrap will be needed ! Look around your farm ! ! '. yotrr place) of haafiisesyoejr horna for worn out or obeolate metal. Sail it to your local scrap dealer, who knows how etrfotitly t la weeded. . Scrap metal ia a emah "or op" and arery pound tamed in fhsans a eironjer United State ot America GREAT NORTHERN Hampshire Tuesday, blanking the lull delegate". This unve Elsenhower h totul nt M d(!lr;(iitp pledKetl or Invomhln to ill ciimlldnny lor me iinpuiiiiciiu hoinlniillon lor president. Tlt has 30 pledKcd or favorable lo him, Wllh Hi New Hnmnnhlre prl mnrv nut nl the wnv, 77 nnmlnnlliiK (IcIoKnlcs have been chosen on the Itrpulillcnn Hide pud 30 on the Democratic. Of the Democratic! 30, President Truman hoe II end Hen. Kcfauvrr of Tennessee clRht. 'in nre unln ntructrd or unannounced. Krfnuvrr won ell elKht nl Ills dnleifHlcs In tin) Nrw Jliiinpfililre prlinnry. To nominate nt Ihe Chlcniio con vention. Republican candidate must Win 8113 of the 1.305 delrmili-ri end n Democratic candidate Dill 01 the 1.830 delCKitlc". LEGAL NOTICE Claims allowed hr the County Court, anil Warrants Uiued by Mir County Clerk during Hie Month of February. I Hi J on the various fundi of the Coun ty. folloWl rt'HHKNT KXrKNNK M)NII Perenlca Mueller, Ilaillff, Sal ary, Circuit Court v IB 00 Now Mony Wtor FALSE TEETH With Mort Comfort FAHTKKTII. a pUesanl alfcalina Inon lid) powder, holds falsa leaib mora firmly. To eat and la III In mor mm fori. Mat aprinale a IliUe FAHTKKTH on your plaira. No gummy. goney, pafy taate or feeling ( heilii "plate o lor (dontura krili). Uet KAoTKBTM si any driy store. Legol Notice Carolina H. Pranay, Kxar., IDiar- ifl Klatai ... . 300.00 A. I- flrandl, lltporlar, Clr. rull Ct. .-. 37B OO J. M Hrltlun, Htarnpi, Tax Offl . yooo Enlata of J. E. rranay lUaoi Hoard of frUiiri 31 POO Tirry U flchrunk. ttarvlrai, harlff 7,00 Ifnlon OH Co. of Calif 1 040 Chaa f DrLap, Cxpiaiw, Coun ty Clerk ... S.U3 Bhll Oil Company, Huppllri, AtMapor ...... 40 01 Tld Walar A iUr Oil Co. . g 07 llli-hflfld Oil Corporation, Be- appraUal HWJ fllandaril Oil Co. Of Calif ...... 7 34 Car htoragr Co. 30.00 D, f Van VatUir, Cxptnita, UIH Ally 400 1, (i. faticnttin, M D. Inaana Kxam, Co. Clvrk . . DH.W Hhell OH Co.. fluppllfft, Juvanlla .. H t- T. 11. Wattfin, Jnurnre . 0M.U4 COIINTV ItOO HJNO Will N'lihfTt, Nalary . . 1M.70 I'ala ChrUtlaiuoii, Chlrktna klllrd hv dogn 7 00 Will Niihrt. Hoard of doga 60 73 L. R Hihralnar, Calf k Iliad by do. - no oo Mrt. Martha Whlta, Cfiloktrt klllrd hv rtoo ....... m 3"0 Clyda II Wllliama . ... 15 0U COI N-TV I.IHKAgr U NO Krad M Hnlhronnar, Suppllaa .. 117 10 Ilrii-Iiarl lnduilit- - 10 40 ng Hall I.uuiimr Co - 1" iW Htandard Oil Company .... ... - H f1 Pariflr Tal aV Tal Co. - 0 21 I'arkar hVolt Co 1 X Tha 'J'eM Company 311 .Vl Tha Calif. Ore. I'owar Co. al Oregon Watrr Corp 0-! Nhnw ftiatlnnrry Co. Id 7?V I'arkar Hi-otl Co., Cancallarf . .,- 7 :t " Klald KniarprUf", Inc . Hooka Ii.:l Tlie Orrgon Nawi Company (( Hhaw Wlatlonrry Co. 7.7 Th Twrtitleth Cantnry fund .... 27.10 Oreat Hooka Foundation U W Carol Cox Hook (.'H.iiiy , 21 I' Americana Corporation 5 00 R. ft. Howkar Co - .. 2" 75 If. W, Wilson Company ft 0") Arnrrlran Library AkOf 1W Amrr Amc. of ftorlal Worker . 4 ao Wm II. Wlaa it Co 2 70 J K, Olll Company IfVfl 2K Carl J. Utttal - 30. "I Lifr Hook Department 7 01 Imperial Book Co ... - 2 fc. M. Hal) Co. - l :m Double bay V Co - 47 tn Popular hc'.anrt Pub. Co. ..... .. 3 'HV Tha Marmlllan Co - ' 07 Harper Broa - 3"" Public Affalra Commit Im , on TItomaa V Crowall Co. .- - - 11 H Itandom flouae - - Hook of tha Month - 7 b:i Hellgloua Hook Club - - 15 2.1 David MrKay Co. SOU f t BrU NT f.XI'KNar, CNU Maria Damon, Salary. Klam ath Numlng Horna 42. IM) Mkiwla Malteion - 47.12 lleaala Ralatiary - 37 72 Don Parker - 4 .24 Uidanii Halarv. Ovoutv Hhcrlff W) 15 Joa Matllrk . - 33 06 Carolina H Traney. Exac. Re fund. Klamath Madlcal it Mutual Rutaell Ellrdge. Guard Duly, Health Dcpt II Jarry V. Rajnua, Mileage, "0ldat40.50.60?" Man, You're Crazy Foritt your at! Thouianda art peppy at 70. Try "pepping up" with Oaire. Coiitr na tntilr tor weak, rundown Iwllng due aolely to body a lark of Iron which many men and women till "old " Tetd by I mint! reported fiKI Mult. Many, tmpreeaed. Mid. "WHI preTlte Ontrei In hiture.'1 Try Onirti Tonlo TaMei; for pap, vim. yoqnxer feeling. Money har-k If tvrt dailfhtad. to( Tntroduciory alsa anfy i3(. At all 4rue aiaraa tvtrvw here in Klamatb ralla, at Tayleaa "CROP" STEEL MILLS RAILWAY Legal Notice County Court ,. Plgglv WJixly. Huppllai, Indi gent Veteran' Puhiir r.mnlovea Ret Ira. ttvi. 1)2 00 30 00 Conlrlhittlona Jan. . I.4H740 Smith Ualei, Buppliai, Tax or flea - B5..I4 Jo Mariarui, Mileage. Dfputy tier Iff ...... C. f.. l-ani-let, P. M Stamp, Vl. Horvlre Office . 3301 i.noo Guy Merrill, Mileage. Conatabla . 103 W PUblir Etnpioya naure. nv. Contribution Jan. Health Or pi N. M. Kerron. M. D Mllaaga init W 2MM , 7u o:i 4.1 M I i :i . 3040 Annli mrulhert - flu II i Crarnblll ,. - T. Mat Hpalra Wilbur P. Oretn COIfNTV MIIRAUr USD Publlr Employ ea Kalirarncnt Kyi. Contribution. January, 1052 , - I Ot N J V ROAD rt Nl) Marvin Arnold. Salary Draw Will M. Baker .... - 104 8 3 ;u : m 1 20 (Kl 0. 01 JfHt ') 73 00 10:1 ki 02 00 .Vi Xl 7B.W1 7:.wi :cj w 172 W 73 00 7.1O0 HH 00 !: oo 7: ti Wl 00 lift 00 37 01 131 W 07 ' 103 K) 7.1 00 7.VMI 71 ii 27 170 'Kl II 00 12.0 01 i. r. nii II. V. lliirlnn Rurum Uroulllird lllvfl U. fjruwn A1 I. Iliuley i Nc.l llurnc- 1 J. I. Chiui'h ti. w. :ox I n q i'tm I ti A. UrLong, 1 Harv, llfiiuy i T )' r.vm . . i Kllnur llnvilanil .. 1 Curii ll.idiit-h c w. li... . W. R. MIX .. . ... i II. W. Kim II. I. Lall. .. I Maurlr, Martin I. M. Mi Clay . I J. W. Mill. Cllnl Mjer. . . ! Jack Mvnall , C M NH.on ... I Arnolil Oljtm ' r.rnc t I'.rkhni.l ! Ccu I'htllip. , J. W I'll'-her .. V. O. PiiiiI .. .. H. I. Prvor .. J. O Hlir.fr IM l , I'rank Hauleat - ll " 11. n L. Mitppare 'I ' Kljd Shlpman I.IOO I) J. Skl.i - 41 R J Sn.llh OK"" W. II. Rill" Orvlll, Sukraw . . . .. 1-1 1" W. K niotnai - G n Walla - eeee W. M. Nllhllnlale 34 74 j'uhllr Enipluyea Kctlra Syi. Contribution Jan. 1U32 1.0OO.26 Cull. Uie. I'owrr Co.. Hcbulld. In, I'owr-r Lin. . 935.33 t I1KI.NT IXI't.VM. U NO County Court .. I1.MXI Dnra Goddard. gherlif'i Ofllce ... . HjO iki Kt.le Hleinena ... .. 1'" 0" Irma Dixon .- 10" mi K'llwr Newell - - loe.OO Nellie Kliupp - - n VI Kva Cook 75 00 John Whalen I'm 00 lluth Carr, Asaataor'a Off. 30.00 Dawn Peter - 'W Cynthia Campbell '0 00 Jran Srveraoa - 00 Ruth Wall. - - S.0 Thome. I lleaa . 100 00 Ctuw A. Poteel " J. f Newman . . - .- 5" "0 A. W. Callahan - ... 75 00 Phyllla Kinney, Dll. Atty. ... 1IJ V) rwi. K..Mm liooo lrana Cleger. Dep Treaur,r . - 75.W U. J. mrnarafton. janitor . w Raymond Mclnlyr, ... 75.00 Clovl. Sander. S" 00 Lauvella bander, . 23 00 Bill Sander, - 00 Wllla Dean Sander, 35 00 Bethel Sander. 30 00 T. D. Caw, Veu Serv. Of(. 12300 r. L. Mathewa, Juvenile 130 00 Taye Blarkmer - 130 00 H. B Schleleriteln. Weed Con- Irol loono Tranre, Dee!,. DHL Atty. . .. 3" 1 Rohlrda Klnkead. Juvenile Off. . 37 33 Beverly Eel. 4J 0 Jimmy Allen. Wltneu ai Juror fee, Dlit CU Wilbur Pear.on 3R0 3 40 3 40 10 HO 10 80 3 40 3 64 3 40 S64 S 40 1620 540 3.40 lB.:i 1) 211 3.40 Vlrgll Mlnton Bernla Hawlina . N el ton Seed . Stanley Hajicek Ray Wonaer ...... . Oacar Shiva ... A. Z. Chan Chai . Hahn Carl Schubert Dorothy Deirah M - Adotph 7.amky Cha Eaton - T, D Duncan . - Roberta J. Bergmann - tar re. 1 M. Brclthaupt . oy Barker - Roy L In Olio Sari - Jama Kerng Jr. - Cha E. Hahn Clarence . Cornell Roy Young . Hob Keeaee , .... - Duane Wolfram ....-........... Mra. Roy Young William Ryaer . 3.40 16 20 3.72 3 48 5.40 5 40 5 r.4 3 40 304 3 64 3 40 16.40 10 88 Herb Harry Richard E. Quick. Wltnea, a Jurors. Cont. ..... R. W. Enman . Wally lirkin Jerry 0on .. - Joe Latnett C.lenn Dehlinger Joe Steele ... Ralph Jones Mr. Everett C. Hunter . Everett C. Hunter . Paul ralrclo George Bray Klamath Medical Service Bu. reau. Coverage. January. Sw Uh.d 11 20 7 64 3 40 S.4U SS4 14 80 13 20 3 40 7. B0 7 B0 8.12 7.80 153.73 Shaw Slatlonerv Comrjany. 8uD- pllet. See Schedule S2.S4 Smith-Bale, Printing Co 193.29 ll.rald a. Newa. cancelled Herald & New,. AdvL County Court .... . 12 42 4W.30 Otto Smith. Rent. D.A.V. Mutual Benefit Health a Aec. Coverage Feb. Cur. Exp. - 4.00 Cha.e tc Lawlcr. Suppliea. Tax Offlc, 4.73 Klamath Co. Abttrart 3 00 National Cash Register Co. . S.37 Pioneer Office Supply 20-70 United State, Ni l Bank 7.13 First Nat l Bank .. 11.00 Bud's Photo Service. Sheriff, Off - 14 Oo.ll.r-s Wall Paper it Paint- 2.24 Superior Troy Laundry 31.13 Lois Shaffer, Cross Cut Cafe s.oo Balilger Motor Co. ....... 17.S0 Jim Olson Motor, 3380 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 4.16 Tha Haloid Company S37.4S Pioneer printing inmpanr. Suppliea. Co. Clerk 44.23 Klamath Printing Co 13.90 Addreuograpb Sales Agency. Assessor 4.04 Chase a. Lawler See. Agency 1360 Shaw Stationery t-o. nM le.tu Addresaograph Sale, Agency .. 6.61 Balslger Motor Co. . 46.30 Dlmbat Motor, 41.31 Shell Oil Co 27.08 George Miller. Subsistence. Anoralsal - 103.00 Clayton Hoff 10500 Irving Wagner " . 103.00 Male w.irn 21.00 George H. Adler. Coroner Fee,.. A. L. Youngblood, Mileage. . 29.00 20 4fl 2 25 4.50 S13.27 288 07 . 13.00 26 S3 justice oi 1-eace .. K. W. Dunn. SUDDllea . Willard Hotel, Advt. County Court Consumer,' Heating Co., Serv ices janitor Tha Calif. Ore. Power Co. Klamath Falls Garbage Co. . Oregon Water Corporation ... Pacific Tel St Tel, Service,, Appraisal 11 S3 Pacific Tel It Tel Co., Coroner... 14. DO Pacific Tal a. Tel Co. Bend. tl Justice of Peace S.74 Western Union Tel. Co., Sher Iff ft Juvenile 13 63 East Side Electric Co. Janitor . 40 88 G. C. Motley. Suppliea, 46.01 fl.ll'a Marriwar. 11.9.1 Bend-Portland Truck Ser. 32.83 Don's. Repair ft Key Shop ....... 2.70 Luxor Lighting Products. Inc. 65.23 Roper ft Roper Paint Store e.M Carl Schubert. Services, Court house 32.30 Boyd Tea Company, Suppllei, K. C. Nuralnl Home 83.04 Currln'a for Drug, 85.06 n.,1.... Tt.lr.rv . SO til Lovlnger Disinfectant Co. ...... 112.83 Lowell's Lockers 8a.40 Mason-Ehrman ft Co., Sup piles, K. C. Nuraing Home . 193.87 Pacific Supply Cooperative 88.00 Packer Scott Co. S8.88 Smith Bates Priming Co. .. ... 80,;13 Standard reed Store 300.00 Calif. Oregon Power Co. 132.80 Fred H. Hellbronner 615.79 Davis Plumbing ft Meeting wo.. 73.47 Hahn Electric Co. Klamath Valley Hospital, Serv. Ices, Jail Inmate . Salvation Army. Emergency Relief .. 66.23 1S.31 41.13 38 91 3.28 1.00 47.32 11.33 General Petroleum Corp., Sup. plies. Weed Control Balslger Motor Co., Exp. Area . W. H. Baughn .... '.... ....; Crater Lake Machinery Co. ..... East Side Electric . riower nro. 63.63 Don Kenyon 14.30 w. Kern, . ia..ni W. B. Kerr ft Co. Inc 3.76 Lnren Co 36.17 Motv ft Van Dyke. Inc. 8.89 Murphey's Seed store . e.oo Ihsw Stationery Co . 33.92 Swan Lake Moulding Co. ....... 143.33 Wle?e , Miller rami store .... 19.02 Balslger Motor Co., Supplies Juvenile 16.32 Ray Reeves. Assoc. Serv. ..... 3.10 Legal Ncfice Shell OH Company . n? v, Kaat Main Cabinet Shop , M 3(1 Klamath Co, Ahatrart Co run) Tha (;)) Houaa . ,3 m (ioellem I V) Klamath falfi Creamery 4 17 m O. C. Motley . . .r , Iia; J. C. Ptnney Co. n 44 Plna Street Market im.77 Uhllg'a Clerlrlo Stora ... ,.,m 23 03 Albrtlna Kerr Horna, Cr Dellnriuent Child 2 7t Cat hoi ir Charltiei, Inc Mi'io Children farm Horna 7:i xt Don H. Hire. M D. in 00 Drlaroll aV Padgett, Inauranre . 1.44 li Shaw Stationery Co., Suppllei, Health fjept in 70 Dlfro Lahoralorlea :( 30 Pacific Tel AV Tal Co. .... 41 tt Calif. Ore. Power Co M 64 i,i Oregon Water Corporation b 01 Ix-renr. Co . . 24 M ler,vhiHr Dlalnfertant Co 14 1:1 Superior Trrv Laundry . fi J ."Her hitch Paper Company ..... bM Herald A Newa, Reml-Annuat rtcpori 248.84 ORAINO fvsn Klamath Gaa Company, Kup- pllea 137.75 ( Ol N7V I.1IIRAKV U SD Klamath Medtral Herv. Hureau Coveraie. January, If .11 Ml KM H I Nil Kimball's Olaa Shop, &rv Ice ID 70 67J I IM NT RtlAn I I Nil Klarnath Medical Serv. Huremu Coverage. January 10.12 ... ITU V Mutual Benefit Health A At. Fred E. Harnett Co, Supplies1 . W. R. Canton . . . Clyde Equipment Co. Mrdrlc Sleel foundry Co ffarria Machine Is hop Howie Bro Klamath Machine it Loco Work 24 17 1,621 tf- :i 00 - 2fJ 10 I 44 10.30 ! Ore. Nevfida Calif. Km I Freight I Peyton At Co. . Short v ftigert-Boilermaker it I Welder ; Simon it Bchulze Tire Serv, ... I 7 lie Teraa Co ! Weal Hilrhrork Corp 13 00 2T7 OH lilt Z7 122 7fl I (1'Kki.nt t:pr.snr. tusit t J. M Britlon, Suppliea. Sher iff 3 M 4I SJ 1 Dalford J Reed, Expenaea . ! Richfield Oil Corp. Suppliea I Signal Oil Co 15051 Hayden'a Capital City. Supphei i Surveyor 27 30 ; Klamath Co. Abstract Co. m 1 00 T. I J cat, expenaea. veu .Serv. Off 44 91 M A. Carter. District Court ... . 'M 13 Willard Hotel. Jury Meala 72 0j Pacific Tel etc Tal Co.. Servlcea Cuurthnnae 405.13 c oi;ntv no An fund Anderaon Auto Service Co. Suppliea , Hallou it Wright HnUlger Motor Co. Bend Portland Truck Serv. Calif. -Ore Power Co., CAN 5 HO 281. OH 1 84 rn.i.Kn k?q Cily Ice it Supply Co. ' ' . 1142 Loiumftu. Equipment CO. -.420 60 Col j ear Motor Salea Co. 642 ttt Howard Cooper Corporation ... . :i0"l Crater Lake Machinery Co l.i'APJi P. L. Crorka it Co. Inc 104.12 Dfeal rV Electric Service 4 01. Dugan-Meat Co. , 48 93 Flreatone Storea 67 Vi E. W. Dunn . . . 12.no He a ton Machine it Supply Co. 11.172. M Fred H. Hetlbronner 240 23 J. W. Hp iron ... 10.00 Home Lumber it Supply Co. . 16.64 Juckeland Truck Salea it Serv. Inc 289 78 J. W. Kerna 31.00 Monarch Tire Service, Cancelled Lorenz Co 305 43 Monarch Tire Service . 2-'J8 23 Moty it Van Dyke, Inc. 300 (W Roy Rlnehart 13.00 Oregon State Highway Dept. .... 11.04 OrcKon Water Corporation 6.15 People's Warehouaa 108.57 Ed Probat 2.00 SheU Oil Co. 4.03 Slfnal Oil Co. .1.848 32 Sima Saw Shop . m 2 00 Specialized Service Co. 30086 Standard OH Co. Of Calif. 110.53 Swan l-ke Moulding Co. 101.25 Time Oil Co. 611.00 Union Oil Co , 11000 Valley Service Station 477.10 Wampler 25 00 Crater Lake Machinery Co. . 4.616.00 Shaw Stationery Co 7.00 v.. n. Lanton. Expenses 67.36 Loggers ft Contractor, Machin ery CO . 162. bfl Puckett St Scherer .. 1.941.52 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Virginia Richey 35.20 Dorothy Rogers, Salary, Dep, Clerk 3M.S0 Ethel Lehner 180.40 Jane Wever 192.60 Violet E. Pleser . 186.40 Gladys M. DeLap 151.60 Betty Hromada. 162 70 Thyra H. Savage - 166.30 Doris Abernathy . 102.13 Jacqueline F. Carter ... 157.60 Pauline Offleld 157.60 Carolyn Senecal . . . 129.39 Alton Short. Salary Dep. Sher iff 244.36 Dora Goddard . 114.BB Elsie Siemens . , 105.53 Irma Dixon . 70.15 Minnie Robinson 9.50 Minnie Robinson ... 199.23 E.ther Newell - 60 73 Nellie Knupp ... , 6133 Eva Cook :. 70 70 Karle Blanchard .- 153.:ui John J. Whalen 88A0 Dale Matoon ..'.'.'. 1B5.49 Dorothy Post 59.13 W. C. Pankey 169.61 Ruth Carr. Salary. Dep. Asses sor .. . is.to Dawn Peters Cynthia Campbell ...... Jean Severson Ruth WalU Harvey J. Baiim . Thoma, E. Hess . Chas A. Poteet 7 52 64.05 1 19 95 . 67.40 225 45 136 35 . 116.95 167 45 102 95 . 79.71 57 60 11.50 99.00 47.95 37.70 J. F. Newman A. W. Callahan .... Carrol Lewis . ..., Phy llis Kinney, Salary, Dlst. Ally. Off. Doris Sessom .. . Doris Sessom Donald A. w. Piper Irene W. Gieger T. D. Case. Salary, Vets Serv. Off. L. A. Smith. Salary, Infirmary Elizabeth Smith 121.80 251.71 140.21 Orville H. Morrow .. 179.24 . 125.74 11739 97.99 119 00 -. 33 12 103.14 . . 75.14 118.74 75.14 80.44 28.39 Minnie Morrow Haiel Califf ... Anna Morrow .. Betty Thomaa ... Don Parker Delia Augustus , Alice Hurley . Vem Haosler ................. John Hays Edna Hays . Nellie Cram Albert C. Hawkins 75.14 Lulu M. ivcrson 6011 Maria M. Bartruff 207 64 David L. Brewster .- 83.01 B. J. Goaddard District Court Constable 43 26 C G. Merrill. District Court, ConMAble 165.51 Joe Matllck 24.46 1. D. Rumer, Salary Cir. Ct. Bailiff 210.70 L. J. Richardson. Salary. Jani tor - 72.26 Raymond Mclntyre 43.31 Norma Richardson 42.76 Clovis Sanders 52.88 LaVclla Sanders 12.14 Bill Sander, - 17.83 Wllla Dean Sander, w. 11.61 Bethel Sanders 30.13 Ross Aubrey, Salary, Ship. PL Insp ., .- 67.48 H. B. Schlcfersteln, Weed Con trol S.40 Francis L. Mathews. Salary, Juvenile .... . 133.31 Faye Blackmer . - 97.85 Doris Fogle SS.81 Jennie -Neat .... 98.10 Enuna Lcilxke 136 83 Z. M. lloughtallng 66.14 Seth M. Kerron, Salary, Health Dcpt - 344 3.1 Annls Struther, 235.95 Ruth E. Crlmblitt . . ... 236.35 E. Mae Spier, - 199.73 W. P. Green - 270.55 Lucille Wllkins 146.114 Muriel L. Mocabco .. 232.93 Dorothy Clark - . 173.25 Leo Rite Wade 110.97 Walter Zimmerman, Salary, Justice of Pence 193.10 Alvie O. Youngblood, Constable. 19.51 T. W. Chatburn 198.00 Earl Thomas, Salary, Guard . Duty - 1928 C. G. Merrill. Sheriff, Oft. 30.00 Elmer A. Rowden. Exp. Area 158.50 O. Gross 9.80 Clark Kendall 69.23 Aubrey E. Perry, Watermae- ter A. L. Brandt, Salary, Court Reporter - 195.00 George Miller. Subsistence. Ap. nralsal Ens . 112 00 Clayton Hoff ... - - 112.00 Irving Wagner - iii uu Hale Welch ...103.00 Robert S. Oslund 178.00 C. L. Langslet, Stamps, Dis trict Court H.03 J. G Patlerson, M.D. Insane Exam .. ev.uv. Treasurer of U.S.. Rcnl, Chap. 2. D.A.V. 43.30 H. B. Schieferstein, Freight. Weed Control 3.08 Jack R. Roper, Contractor, Fainting, county inurt -fio.uu LIBRARY FUND Kvelrn Cooper, Salary . 243.03 Atleen Beever ... 212 21 Madge Chllcote . 243.13 GENERAL FIRST -ANNUAL V. F. W. CRAB FEED SATURDAY -MARCH 15 at the V.F.W. HALL 515 KLAMATH AVE. FROM 5 TO 10 P.M. CLASSIFIED RATES One da; per word 4 lliree Day Week run ... per word lie per word 20c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge lor sny one ad is 60c. BOX NUMBERS An&wer to a da may be handled through box numbers at the paper lor a service charge ol 2c. w DEADLINES Classified a us accepted up to 5:30 tJXL lor following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 12 noou for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please make all ciaims tor adjust. j ments witnout delay. ! Correctioni or cancellations re ceivcd by 5:30 p.m will be mad. In following dav'a publication CARD OF THANKS THE Famllv of Erfwarrl D Full.r wl.h to expre.. their thank, and gratitude to ni. many irienua lor the expre.. ion. ana acu of kinane.s extended lo u during our recent bereavement. Tommy and Sue Fuller, Mother- Kstllle Kohler, Karl Fuller, Sl.tera- Zelma Hnnn. Mary Au.tin. FUNERAL HOMES I WARD'S Kla'cith Fu-cral Home. I High Street. Phone 3334. ; 1 MEETING NOTICES Crater Lake Lodge No. 211 A.F. and A.M. will hold a special communi cation, Thursday, Mar. 13 at 7:30 p.m. Work in the E.A. Degree. Visiting brethren. Wm. FINK SECRETARY Legal Notice NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned Police Jurfxe of the City ol Klamath Falls. Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to 5:00 P.M., Monday, Starch 17, 1952, for the fol lowing: one one-half ton pickup with 700x15 Commercial tires, and standard 3- speed transmission Bids are to be marked "Pickup Bid". The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Robert M Elder Police Judge M-12-15 No. 910 Sealed bids will be received on or before 3.00 p.m. April 17. 1952 in the office of the Klamath County School District. Veterans Memorial Building. Klamath Falls. Oregon, for the drilling of a well for the Fatrhaven School building at the Weyerhaeuser Junction, approx malely five miles south of Klam ath Falls on the Ashland Highway. Bids wilt be publicly noencd ano rend. Bidders must bid as follows: 111 Cost per foot of rock and other hard ma terial. 12. Coet per foot of dirt and other soft material. 131 Co,t per foot of eight inch. D standard weight, screw Joint well casing. Well to furnish ample supply of wa ter; test pump of 150 gallons per min uie. The directors of the Klamath County School District reserve the right to re ject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities. J. F. Heyden. Clerk M 13-20-27 No 909 Gladys Cox 17061 73.65 62.55 158.13 Adelaide Brananman Leah Steele Julia Cas&cl . . Elizabeth Vandcrpool Mrs. Bert C. Thomas 57.85 27 4 3 Wallace F. Cassel 16,38 Shirley Cox 29.43 T. J. W. Ulmer 219.05 LAW LIBRARY FUND Dora Goddard. Salary . 15.00 COUNTY ROAD FUND M. K Arnold. Salary W. M. Baker J. E. Bell . .. W. A. Bell 167.57 82.89 . 50.03 136.27 H. V. Borton . .... -...-! .117 G. S. Boyd ..: .. 26.50 Burton Brouillard . 123.79 C. B. Brown . .- . 109.13 A. L. Bruley 156.47 N. C. Burney 100.83 W. R. Canton 361.37 J. L. Church 126.60 D. W. Cox 76.20 L. M. Cox I 1233 R. C. Cox 117.80 G. A. DcLonge 179.67 H. J. Depuy 83.07 E H. Eacrel . - y.wa England . 91.37 56.97 9162 12.35 70.75 134.67 .. ... 93.53 ..'.'.! 118.86 111.47 75.19 161.07 14.10 89.99 109.22 87.53 ,. 214.57 74.19 293.37 107.21 100.18 . 137.32 161.07 190.57 - 251.46 8.10 . 79.55 114.44 94.05 ...... 410.27 153.23 54.66 E. P. Evans . - V. L. Hale - M. E. Hartley D. E. Heath C. D. Hcidrtek C. W. Hesse W. R. Hix - Elinor K. Jones . H. T. Kclllson H. W. King J. O. Kuhn H. L. Landis M. C. Martin M. M. McClay L. D. McCormick .... A. D. McGee W. H. Melhase J. W. Mills .. Clint Myers J. W. Mvnatt C. M. Nelson . . A. C. Oberg E. W. Parkhurst H. A. Perkins . . ...... G. R. Phillips J. W. Pitcher - F O. Pool Ed Propst .... R. L. Pryor J. O. Rimer F. H. Sasstcdt B. L. Shcppnrd . Floyd Shipman ....:...-. D. J. Skylcs R. J. Smith -. W. H. Stiles 107.31 .73 142.60 85 94 95.61 106.04 . 74.78 . 185.64 133.93 312.77 ...... 97.16 ..... 68.14 3.19 G. T. Slout F. Sukraw W. K. Thomas C. K. Wells :... G. R. Wells ... ... J. E. Whiltenberg U M. cox CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Herald ft News. Service,. Cminrv Court . 138.37 The Calif. Ore. Power Co. snerlll a.oi C. L. Lnngslet. Postmaster Supplies, Re-Appraisal Fund 16.01 Richfield Oil Core 37.03 Irving Wagner, Expenses 3.22 John F. Newman 13.73 Charles A. Poteet 55.66 Wayne Callahan 36.40 Hurry Bautn - 4.20 Thomas E. Hess 67.18 Chas T. Mctsker, Supplies ....... 30.42 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 14.81 Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co. 12.88 Klamath Falls Garbage Co. . 15.00 Big Y Market, Supplies, Indl- Soldiers 43.13 J. M. Brllton. Sheriff. Taxes, Exp Tracton LKDD .. 330.33 COIINTV ROAD FUND The Calif. Ore. Power Co. Services 33002 Mark Smith ft Co.. Supplies .....1700.00 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH. I, Chas F DcLap. County Clerk of the above named County and State, hereby certify that the foregoing Is e truo and correct statement of Claims allowed bv the County Court of Klam ath County, Oregon, and Warrants Is sued In payment of same during the month of February, 1932. This Publication In pursuance to Ore gon Laws. Witness my hand and Seal of said County this 10th. day of March. 1952. Chas F DeLap. County Clerk, Klamath County, Oreson. No. 408. NOTICE 1 MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH AL'LsAenr NoTiwOO O f ReKular meeting . every r r I a s y Lll,i nlahl 7-1I; n m O. E. Hall, 9th i lid Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2 LOST AND FOUND COST, blark corker ipanlefmaie dog. N:ime Pepper, phone B:fli4. I.OST. blark "foihlalnnVLlberal re ward. Phone 2-0flf:i. LOST. 2 two month, old'pu'ppiei. nionde fcmnle. brown ar.d grev male, answer, lo Smokey. Virlnlty South 6th and Mar tin. Phone 0701 after g. GENERAL NOTICES 3IO "Y" BARBER SHOP OPEN Under New Management HOURS 9:00 A.M. 'TILL 7:00 P.M. PERSONALS YOUNG man with good home would like to correspond with youn, woman ! between 21 and 3fl with one child or . none, write ttox 50. Herald and New,. . REAL SILK. 7132. FKATF.X Plastics. Phone 8324. ZOE BRUCE Swanson's Beauty Shop. Phone 7161. ST A NLEY Home Products. Phone 6609. 10 SERVICES NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING , SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, ' Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling . ANYWHERJE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth ' Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topsoli Crushed Rock - Driveway. Cinden Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. PhoLe 5541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED P. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 SHOWCARDS and signs Call 9124. TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen- der work. Phone 4040. ALTERATIONS All work guaranteed. Jennie Hare, Anitas, 707 Main. Phone 6.''53. CARPENTER work. Remodeling and new construction. Phone 2-0617. INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phone 2-0251. Harvey Bijohatrt. ELECTRICAL contracting, Work guar anteed. Phone' 2-loio SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete , tanks and drain fields installed.. Orville Musgrave, phone 3O70. PAINTING and paperhanging. Phone 7617. TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen der work. Phone 4040 CURTAINS laundfed Phone 4914 and stretched FULLER Brushes. Phone 9604 or 5677. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant . . and Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone 9346 , FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0355 12 EDUCATIONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for positions In the Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet . ter than S90 per week, or you don't have all year job secur ity, you owe it to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Write Box 42 co Herald & New BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kin-' dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine . . Phone 4760 13 HEALTH STEAM baths, exerciacs, spot reducing for men and women. Phone 3663. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE HELP WANTED. SO woman ,trawberry plant packers. No experience necessary. Starting March 17, at 8 a.m. Weather permitting, h mile west' of Tulelake on East-West Road. Dean Callas Ranch. Phone 7-0202 Tulelake. WANTED, office receptionist. Typing and shorthand necessary, -Insurance ex perience preferred. Phone 2-2561. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE PARTS MAN with some bookkeeping knowledge. Please state full particulars, age, experience, kind of work done, married or single Address and phone If any. Will pay good average wage with opportunity for advancement. Write Herald News, Box 87. It HELP WANTED. MALI WANTlfD ' EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Absolutely First Class Worklne ' CONDITIONS BEST PAY GUARANTEED SALARY APPLY IN PERSON DIMBAT MOTORS 239 Main Phone T7J WANTED rombinitttnn nil around ranch mechanic and welder. Steady Job for A inrwr Hiid enernuc min, uniM Ofliy. Hon 55. Herald and Newa. , WANT one matum man of proven salea. ability, with car and wllHnsneaa to trav el. If you have earned ViOOG up. per year on com mi a Ion aalca our dtal will double thtt. No "peddlers' pleatve. Phone Anhlnnd 2-1221 or wrlta to P. O. Box 07 for an appointment, ROGUE Producla Oiv. Oak Street Tank it Bteel Company. Ahind. Oregon. At TO mechanic. Must he experienced. See Marry at Jim Olaon Motors. 319 South Sixth. WANT EI), automobile aaleirh an expeVZ lenced in both new and used car aelllng. LfH-al CM C. dealer. Give ase and oaat experience In iirat reply. Write Herald INCWi. MOXjM. WANTED, twri experienced Plna' and1 Fir firadera. Year around work. Top pav. ;ood opportunity. Penberthy Lum ber Co. Box sriA. Yreka, California, Phone B07. SAI,ESMAN-enrnlnR!t to start, approx. t275. per month. Opportunity to ad vance. AfteH Hi to .10. Apply Standard Station. Inc. 2nd and Main or Saolan- ade and Spring St 17 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for lied ding. California trucking firm. Prefer commercial trucking experience but not necessary. Wnte Herald Newa. Box 52. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED DEPENDABLE woman for child" care, '.3 day in my home. Phone 2-0360 aft ernoons and Sunday. CHILD care anytime. Phone 2-0 111 ait- ern oom. CHILD CARE. 2SS East Main. 7:49 to 5:30 day phone 3870, eves. 2-0572. COLORED girl wants hour work. Call 1 BKfifl. ' - WILL care for children "in'"my""nome days or your home evenings. Call 2-1545. IRONING.' house cleaning. Phone 647H. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT TWO ROOMS and bath. Attractive liv ing room with fireplace and picture windows. Large bedroom with twin bde Location near bualneu district. No cook Ing faculties. Call 4670. ROOMS, board, gentlemen. 1607 Crer- cent. ROOM, gentleman. 1330 Crescent. LIGfiT housekeeping. Everything furl nished. Suitable sober bachelor or cou pie. 109 Mortb -Broad. ROOMS for rent. Private entrance. Close in. Phone 4444. ROOMS, prices reasonable. Phone 4027. LOVELY rooms for rent f0.-7. a week. Ciose tn. Phone 4290. . FRONT room lor rent. Greer Apart ments. 710 Main. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, furnished two bedroom du plex. 1113 Martin or phone 3872. PARTLY furnished two bedroom apart, ment on Komedaic Road. Phone 8167. THREE room furnished apartment. Phone 2-1386. 3210 Cannon TWO ROOM furnished apartment. 30 Main. Phone 9089. . , FURNISHED two room aparttnenC bath, refrigerator, utilities $1 day. Bach elor preferred. 220 South Fourth. LARGE attractive " three" room furnished apartment. Close in. Fnone bj4Z. FOR RENT, two four room apartments, one available March 19 with lights fur nished. Both- close lo. Adults. Phone 11418, FURNISHED two roam apartment, bath. Redecorated. 39.90. Phone 2-3587. TWO bedroom, unfurnished apartment In duplex. Adults. 434 Norm atn FOR KENT, two room furnished apart ment. Couple only. Phone 7313. FOR RENT, to reliable party with no pets. Newly decorated three room apartment. 44 block from Main. 517 North 4th. FURNISHED apartment, private' batH and entrance. Heat furnished. Adults. Phone 2-2T7Q, 1421 Esplanade. UPSTAIRS furnished 'aoartment. Gas equipped. Across from the Academy, FOR RENT. three room furnished, apartment. Centrally located. .121 South, 2nd. NEWLY decorated . apartment Greet Apts. 710 Main. UNFURNISHED, basement apartmeni for bachelor, or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. $35. Refrig erator and electric range available. 2" 1 wain or pnone- aim, STEAM HEATED . apartment with bad- room. 628 UaK 31. FURNISHED apartment "for" Apartment l. zou iwarKct. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 2081 White. . . . ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment. Gas equipped, call z-wil. THREE room furnished apartment and bath. Adults only. Phone 5472, 011 Weil nut ; B THREE room cottage, furnished, com fortably and completely. Immaculately clean. Very homey. Adults. Phone 4359. NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat electric rang. Sio week Rex Arms Apartment FURNISHED three room apartment S52 50: two room unit $39; all utilities included. 419 N. Tenth. TWO room apartment lor rent. 29 per month. Phone 9089. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT Fnn RENT. 2 room furnished cottage Close in. Inquire 824 Oak. ( FOR RENT, one bedroom furnished house. 216 Washington. - TWO rooms furnished except groceries. 1143 Pine. Fei; RENT, two bedroom house, one bedroom apartment, both nicely lur nished downtown. Phone 7485. t FOR RENT, two bedroom unfurnished house on Independence. Large garage. $55 per month. Inquire 5640 Independ ence. tiMPTiuMiciirn house, three rooma nnd bath. S37.50 per month. No pets. See owner at na casi main. FOR RENT, modern two room fur nished house. Inquire 3112 Cannon. Phone 9123 after fiv. FIVE ROOM furnished house for rent alxo two 2-room furnished cabins, Phonf 8704 six to eignt p.m. DUPLEX for rent. 1212 Homedale. "FOR RENT, one bedroom furnished house. 218 Washington. ; ONE bedroom duplex. Unfurnished ex( cept range and refrigerator. Clean and newly decorated. No objection to one child, no pots. 0. Phone 8865. f TWO ROOM furnished house for rent. Phone mn. TWO BEDROOM house for. rent Phone 8177. DUPLEX tor rent .Phone 3027 before. 9 p.m. . ' FOR RENT, two bedrooin unfurnished house. Also small cabins. Inquire 518 High. . ONE bedroom partly furnished house. Close in. can a-nawt. HOUSE for rent, Inquire Piggly Wlggiy. Phone 5231. 23 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT For Lease Long Term Service Station, Motel, Restaurant : SITE ' f 4 Oood location, Highway W at Dla.. mond Lake Jet. For more informal tion write Box 617, Chlloquin, Ore. BEEHIVE TRUCKS U DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'A Now Trucks For Long Trlpj Pickups Stakes Vans ' BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 83M