rn.iiftsn.v, march 13,1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TWENTY ONR igi.y- -y 1 Ai'- .Ami Military Space Station Is Dream Of Y-2 Brain; May Be Possible Soon JIM ANDERTON'S f-ocnl looking New Hampshire hen is one of his flock ot 25. Jim, 12, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Aiuli'ilon, nnd is a member of the Altamont Poultry Club 54 . '11 7 . 3 1 t'Jk 111 'jIl '4.1 - ' - "'"" Mr IIOWAKI) I.. III.AKKHI.KK Anioclatcd Prem H( lenre I'.illlor 1IUNTHVJI.LK, All. W Thprf will be no Iron Curtiiln anywliure II Die vIhIoii ol the nmkcr ul the terrible V-2, Oermnn uuldcd rockrt Hint biiiiihiircJrd Knglund rum Hol land cuinea true. 'J'he vlnlon It a military npaci! Bliillon. a liny, mnn-mnd moon, 1.076 nillrn up, which mcli day will rn fvrry r.quare mllo of. the earth'a Inhabited xurlncr. and Uic people inovliiu around im clearly as Irom nn airplane nt 6,000 (net. Thii dreamer l I'rolesnw Wern hcr Von Hrauii, the youthlul tier imin Kchlua who inado the ccm liily linpimalbln V-a, and who now nt 30 Ici'ln Unit the military aatclllte la imimlblr. Ilo Uvea here and la Inking American citizenship pa-para. The military aatclllto will circle the earth once every two houia. It will circle Irnm north to aoulh, at nearly rlKht nnidrx to the earlli a rotation. It's orbit la llxcd, with the earth rolalliiK eastward below. Thu II It cornea down over New York City lit 10:00 a.m., It will be on I mi next circuit down from the north somewhere over Denver and the West Coast. In 24 hours It will nee every- thliiK on Die earth by dnyllifht. And nl.so It will come up euch trip on the opposite aide lor a nltfht view by radur. This will Rive two look a day at everything. The satellite will carry a tele- acope. IhroiiKh which you can sic n atrip oi eann more uiun a thousand mllea wide aa clearly as It you were only 6.000 (eel away. IxokliiK down you can sec lar better than looking up. from earth's aurlace. II you want to ace why. try looking through thin tissue Euper at a pruned page a iwi ehlnd Uic pa)cr. You sec no let tera. But lay the tlioiue on the page and you can read It. Fpr the watch er on the satellite our air Is the tissue paper, and It Li In contact with Uic earth. Mexican Cattle Ban To Go Off WAHHINOTON im The United Slates announced Wednesday II plans to lilt a ban against cattle, sheep, rwlne and oilier ruminant nnd livestock products lrom Mexico by Sept. 1. The embargo was nut Into ef fect In December. 1040, when an (epidemic tit hool-and-moulh rJUcase broko out there. flans for removing It were dis closed 1,1 a Joint statement Ihhiied bv Kecretarv ol Atirlcullure Bran- nun and President Miguel Aleman ol Mexico. i The cmbnrgo will be lilted tiro Ivldloif there la no new outbreak ol 'the dread animal disease In the ! meantime. I This announcement came onlv about two weeks after the United Htutcs had closed the Canadian bor der to 1 veslock and livestock nroa ucts because of outbreak of the disease near Jtegina, basxavene wan. i The disease also exists In much ,of Europe, Asia and in parts ol faouih America. i Just how many cattle Mexico Imav be able to suppiv me unneu males Is not known now. Reiore the embargo. Mexico hi,..,..i hetueen 200.000 and 680,000 head ol came nnuny country. This compares with do mestic i lauRhtcr of about 26.000.000 head last year. Sugar Boxes Final Heats SAN FRANCISCO I -- Middle weight Champ Sugar Ray Robinson will draw hla paycheck and box his ' final practice rounds lday lor' hla title defense against Carl (Bobo-i Olson Thursday night. ! Promoter Wllllnm Kyne will; give Robinson $1 the champs share of ihc purse. Profits go lo Hie Damon Runyon Cancer Fund. Robinson passed up a workout ! Thursday because Manager Oeor-i ge Cinlnford was fearful ol drawing his lighter to lop shape too early. Housework Easy Without . Nagging Backache Nan Inf barkch, lot of ptp indennrt tiftdchra and d fit In mar du to low down of kidnev function. Joelora y mno4 kidny function 1 vrry important to food health. Whn tMni trtrydmy condition, audi a atrma and atrain, eauaaa this lmtortnt funcliun toftlow duwn.minjr rolkaurTrna Klnf backach feel mlwrahla. Minor blad der trrltatlona due to cold or wronc diet may cnuaerettlns up nlfhUor frequent duiupi. Don't neglect rour kldnert If these eondl tlona bother you. Try Doan'a PHI a mild dlurrtk. Uaed aucceatfullr by million for over 10 rear. It amaiinf how many time loan'a five happy relief from the dUeom- forte help the ibmiicaof kidney tubes and fil teri flush out wast. Get Dun'a fill todayl MRS. RAY LOOSLEY, Fort Klamath, is representative of the 'I II leaders in the Klamath country. A leader in Fort Klamath clothing, cooking, garden and canning clubs for the past eight years, she has put six children of her own through the 4-II paces.. Her husband is a Fort Klamath rancher. "BARGAIN BEAUTY" DAYS ONLY! 1951 OLDS AT 1950 PRICE CLUB SEDAN CREAM AND BLACK ' CONVENTIONAL DRIYE Phone 2-1233 NOW!! MAI VAWEl General Electric Home Freezer rG3s Si' !' r-i , Sensational DOUBLE VALUE ! 1. NA11H $ GE FREEZER 429 95 2. Deluxe Electric $0795 Ice Cream Freezer 'J A BIG $y.E790 value 5 YEAR PROTECTION PLAN ONLY $60 Down $21.16 a Month YOUR GE DEALER lSS"- ! .?'". 1 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE 2 fox 29c ? 2 i26 t umuqMa"i" : 635 Mqin a ill I 1 -J "Zl'fiTt cJ Se'cANDYBARs' 111 1 VV A. v GUMS, MINTS AND- S lllLS SJ f4 . 1 FRU,T DR0PS Greatest 1 V V I (j J 3'9C S lyMO Famous Vitamin Tonic, 1.25 size M . PALM0LIVE soap 0591c Pi REGULAR CAKS. (Limit 3) - . V R U I $&m 100 ASPIRIN uo 35e Pck of Prizt SttJt 3 PURE 5-CRAIN TABLETS. 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M to- 16 (tlAMOMATIC 1 IRON I J95 i rice fixed ot 19.95 You Save 6.00 ' V For Levh H,lr Q WrinchSizt fj I MORIEY A ZIPPER H I BRUSHES V BAG BUY fl iRes. $1,191 M $1.79 Val.l 1 mm tall liltVI i U Resr. 7C Pack u With This Coupon D 2 71 (Limit 4) tssn v I'M a . ... i. mw. ai SiX III i it .is ft CAoice 70 C Fluffy, Thick Terry BATH TOWELS 2i69c Gieen, peach, ' rose and gold. 29c PINT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 16 (Limit 1) Sterident 27 TOOTH BRUSHES 3-47- i Nylon bristled. 33c Package Glycerin Suppositories Infants, 4 Qc adults . . JL 7 (Limit 2) Reg. $1.00 8 ot. TYROLARIS The new antibrotie mouth wash. 69c - u u ijetary supplement 8 ox. Bk&M I qrVita Jpll a nutritive Diet II D D D D D 97c 1A. If H. II .. iic ntiue mi run mm 5-6. Pkg. 33c EPSOM SALT Special O 4 C savings! JL (Umill) Just Add Water... Then WATCH IT GROWl GIBSON'S Miracle Bowl It's completel Bright bowl, plant food even yarn hanger. D ML PYCE' HAIR PINS " UZ With this coupon . U rTr Guaranteed to TQC grow. Only . . 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