THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1963 PAGE TWENTY HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKCOM w-$2qkL ...... III." JAJ in' M in 1 1 II II MiWiflffer 'I'll 1 1 TRUE MQST AHINIE DM TTKIE WdRi' No other food gives so much to so many for so little! No other food approaches the refreshing, health- pvinsr. flavorful qualities of Milk. And today, as never hefore, Mile reaches your table in the saiest, purest condition that men and machines can make it. . GRADE "A" MILK means that day after day dairymen must adhere to strict cleanliness and handling of Milk from frequently tested herds. Processors must continue this carefulness and make sanitation their byword. Rigid standards for the care, processing and handling of Milk are imposed by law on dairymen and processors alike. These standard! are exceeded as a matter of pride in the industry." Doctors everywhere have always recommended pasteurized and homogenized Milk for infants, children and grownups. The Medical profession has always recognized the health-giving qualities of this wonderful, natural food. In Health! In Cost! There is no product that -ives you so much . . . DRINK MILK EVERY DAY FOR LIFE! i 00 IS ALT THE MOST H(SK3M!M P9 K. ff vmr n n m m mm m m m vmjp ivm w UHOJIOJ 0) V(0) U (CM ,V l&MYf THO) 0 mv 0 o V Milk Is exceptional in nnlritivp value Iwnn Milk is exceptional in nulritive value because it contains some of all the essentials known to be required by man for good health. Milk proteins are high in quality, milk fat favors growth, and milk sugar, lactose, is a unique carbohydrate. Milk is our richest source of calcium and furnishes other important minerals! It is an out standing source of RIBOFLAVIN and VITAMIN "A". HERE ARE THREE GOOD ItEASOHS TO DRINK MILK j CALCIUM) Needed for maintaining the bones and teeth. Practically every tissue or organ in the body is dependent in some way on calcium for its proper development or functioning. MILK IS THE ONLY FOOD WHICH CAN BE DEPENDED UPON AS A REGULAR SOURCE TO SUPPLY THE NEEDED CALCIUM IN THE Indispensable for growth. ..and for health DAILY DIET. 1 RIBOFLAVIN (B2 or G) and vigor in adult life. The 'body cannot make or store Riboflavin. It must be obtained in the daily diet. Premature ageing, unhealthy skin and dimness of vision are symptoms of a shortage of Riboflavins A QUART OF MILK SUPPLIES NEARLY THE FULL AMOUNT OF THIS NECESSARY VITAMIN NEEDED DAILY BY AN ADULT. PROTEIN The essential building material for all body tissues and is needed every day by both adults and children for repair of tissues which are worn down by every day's activity. . Protein is not stored in the body and must be provided daily. ONE QUART OF MILK FURNISHES ABOUT ONE HALF OF THE DAILY PROTEIN NEED OF AN AVERAGE ADULT I DRINK MILK EVERY DAY FOR LIFE! ORANGES 28 ' CABBAGE - 634 lbs. CARROTS ' 7V4 lbs. POTATOES 27 lbs. EGGS 39 12 5 LIVER . 15 lb. Vlb. BEANS (Navy dried) 1 Ibt. V lb. CHEESE (American) lb. 'Alb. GREENS ' T 1 lbs. BEEF (lean, round) 2Vt Ibt. lb. FISH (white) ' ttlb! i4b. BREAD (Enriched) 'Alb. x V