THURSDAY, MARCH 1.1, 1DB2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGZ TWO - j , KFLW-IK Kc-PST Thursday Evening, Mrch IS 00 Bparu Hlghllghta :! Horn Town Newi 18 World Na sa Summary Suburban Scrcnadt 49 Haadllnt Edition ABC :55 Coml Attractlona on ABO . 7:0 Mr. Prasldant ABC :30 Dafcnsa Attorney ABC ' . 00 Orlg. AmaUur Hour ABC 49 Phil Harris. Allca Fay B:00 Eirapa with Ma ABC 9:30 Concert of Europa ABC 10:00 10 PSI Headlines 10:15 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Nawa summary 11:04 Sign OK Friday, March 14 40 Han n Nawa OS Corn In the Mom :5 rrm rara , 1:00 Nawa Bklst Edition 1:15 Charlia'a Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred & Naws ABC t:40 Top t( Uw Morning 7:J3 Jon Conte Sings ,BC 1:00 Breakfast Club ABC :00 Hank Henry Show t:30 Break tha Bank ABC 10:00 Chat Huntley, Newa ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:33 Whlaperlnt Slreeta ABC 11:15 Step Shop 11:30 Afalnit tha Storm ABC 11:45 Musical Itoundup 11:55 Market Report ' 13:00 Newa, Noon Edition 11:15 Payleaa Sidewalk Show 12:C0 Lucky U Ranch ABC 1:11 Paul Harvey ABC 1:15 Better Llvtn 1-30 Mary Margaret McBrlde ABC 2:00 Basin Briets 3:19 When a Girl Marrlea ABC 3:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 1:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC 5:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted Malona ABC ' :i:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Martin ABC :0O Requestfully Youra ' 5:00 Tun Factory ABC :?.1 World Fllfht R -Tier ABC 5:30 Chat Huntley ABC 0:45 Town House Orch. ABC :00 Spsrta Hlghllghta :15 Home Town Newa :3S World Nawa Summary :S0 Suburban Serenade 45 Headline EdIUon ABC :. Sanka News Roundup ABC t oo Gillette rifhta ABC 00 Richard Diamond ABC :30 Thla la Your FBI ABC COO Oral and Harriet ABC : Cone, of Favorites ln:ro in PM. Hemline 10:15 Dr. Gino'a Musical ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newa 11:09 SKn Off KFJI 115 Kc. PST T 1 ssm- 1 DRESS BETTER FOR LESS! ON SALE NOW! An Outstanding Value ! ALL WORSTED GABARDINE SHORTIE 95 MADE OF AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS GABARDINE ( lb L MADE EXPRESSLY FOR CRAIG'S A beautiful short coat to wear over suits end dresses. Smartly styled and perfectly mad to bur specificotioni. Has split back collar, gaunt let type cuffs and lined with rayon satin. Spring hades and missel sizes. - , Spring is Here! ,nocof 17 Thursday Evening, March 1 6:00 Gabriel Haattar MBS 1.1 Klam. Theater Quia. :10 Around Town News :45 Sam Hayea Newa MBS 6 51 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Voice of America 711 Rrmrta alburn 7:90 Bobby Benson MBS 5:00 Clyue Beatty MbtS 6:30 Burl Ives Slnis a 41 Heidelberg Harmonalrea 6:00 Glenn Hardy Naws MB1 6:15 Tulton Lewis Jr. MBS 0:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 6:45 Sports Final 0:13 6-Minute rinal MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:19 Serenade In Blue 10:30 Bandstand USA MBS ll:O0 Nllht Owla Edition :i 05 Nliht Owla Club 13 00 Slf n Oft - KFJI 11SI Kc PST Friday, March 14 :00 8:45 0:39 7:00 7:13 7:30 743 5:00 15 ::tn 6:00 6:15 : 6:43 10:00 10:19 10:rn 10:49 10:90 10:35 11:00 Sunrise Serenade Farm Reporter Regional News Hemlngway- Newa MBS Breakfast Gat.e MBS Headlines It B) lines Best ,us Cec. Brown MBS L.vskfsit Gang MBS Bible Institute MBS Homemaker Harmonies Hair Raising Talea Platter Party Favorites of Yesterday Newa MBS Tello Test MBS I Polrtea Concert Currlna Ken Carson MPS . Ladles Fair MBS 11:29 11 30 13:00 13.13 12:30 13:45 News MBS Queen lor a Day MBS Name Bands Noonday Newa Dane Tunea 12:30 12:59 Market & Livestock Klamatn notes Jack Ktrkwood MBS r -nber MBS Newa MBS Network Newa MBS Two at 1:19 Answer Man MBS 1:00 , ..... 1:00 2:09 2:19 2:49 3:00 4:00 Behind tha Story MS Hemingway Newa MBS Curt Massey Time MBS 4:15 4:30 4:43 5:00 Sam Hayer Newa aaisa 3:30 9:95 Wild Bill Hlckock MB new, mo Cabi.'el Header MBS Klamath Theater ul Around Town Newa Sam Hayea Newa MBS) nix , i . un C:00 6:15 :30 6:49 6:99 7:00 1:30 Adventurea of Maiiie MBS Cisco Kid M SKETCHED 1 FROM STOCK menti Main 7" i KM Woman ot the Year MBS :30 Mysterious Traveler MBS 00 Glenn Hardy, Newa MBS 6:19 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 0:: l Rp-t am C'un Cluu MBS 33 6-Mln. rinal 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Adven. Is Your Heritage 10:30 Armed Forces Review MBS 11:00 Night Owls Newa 11:05 Nllht Owla Club 11:00 Sign Off Park Service Men Retire WASHINGTON Mi Retirement of one veteran National Park Serv ice official and transfer of five oth ers is, announced by Secretary ot the Interior Chapman. Superintendent Ernest P, Leavitt ot Crater Lake National Park in Oregon will retire March 14 after nearly 42 years with the Park Serv ice. John B. Wosky. assistant super intendent o f Voseniile National Park in California will succeed him. HarUion L. Bill, now assistant superintendent of Mt. Rainier Na tional Park in Washington, wilt succeed Wosky. Curtis K. Skinner. chief park ranger at Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming. Mon tana and Idaho, will become as sistant superintendent at Mt. Ral nier. Last Of Rail Strikes End ELKHART. Illd. Ml The lost holdouts against court and union orders to end the New York Cen tral Railroad strike went back to work Thursday. The first switch engine crews started making un trains within an hour after the Elkhart strikers voted to end their walkout late Wednesday night. Fifty men were back on the job. and others were due back throughout the day. A company spokesman In Chi cago said of ttlons on the rail road's main 1 should be back to normal by in. fternpon. Elkhart members "of the Engi neers, Conductors and Firemen Brotherhoods were the last to give in to the back-to-work orders. Re sentful but relieved, they voted late Wednesday night to return to their jobs. A spokesman said the vote was 136 to 73. Their fellows rebels In Toledo. O.. had ended their resistance several hours earlier bv the much closer vote of 220 to 214. MTDDLETOWN. N. . l An eiehth member of a family of 11 died late Wednesday of burns suf fered in a fire which destroyed their home at Walker Vauey, n.y. Harry Polhamus. 43-year-old lumberjack, died at Middletown Sanitarium. His wife. Evelyn. 39, and six oi their children, rangine in age from two to 12. died in the flames early Wednesday. AT KLASIATH rALkg. 0IM AMERICAN CHINESE K. 4 Nr Ortlen Ta T.k. 0a en B. Lee, Mgr. Look at this for a BIG VALUE! 5 . "sasa III W tLi,.F i ItiiMfl ! I( gfPP i - aanatroii f HI TRADITIONAL CONCERTO . ; . a superb radio . ; . world-famed Magnavox phonograph in compacts beautiful cabinet ; : . especially well adapted for small homes and apartment : . . fully automatic 3-gpeed record changer has a pull-out drawer for convenient loading : . . mahogany finish . . . amazing low price of 199 50 tkufrtfi Hmic Co. 120 No. 7th I HULL' t2 V t Yi"4 IT 1i-iri n r. ; A COPY OF THE ANNUAL Girl Scout report by the Girl Scouts fit America to the 82nd Congress is presented to Gov. Douglas McKay by two Girl Scouts at Salem, where he recently designated 1952 as the 40th anniversary for Oregon Girl Scouts. Left to right: Mrs. Harold Wendell, Portland, Chairman Region 11; Governor McKay, Barbara Smrpi, Salem, Intermediate Scout and Denise Brooks, Salern Brownie Scout. Klamath Adults Steady Workers For Girl Scouts Editor's Note: Girl Scouts are celebrating the 40th anniversary of organization this week. The fol lowing is a brief history ot Oirl Scouls. national and local by Ella Redkev executive director, Klamath area Girl Scout Council. By ELLA REDKEY On March 12. 1912 the first Olrl Scout troop made un of about eight girls was organized by Juliette Low. In these 40 years. Girl ScouUng has grown to a membership of 1,770,000 in the United States. Girl Scouting includes girls from 7 to 18, at 18 girl may become an assistant leader and at 21 a leader of a crouD of girls. There is a place In Girl Scouting for adults (men and women, as well as girls. The ideals behind Ctrl Scouting are expressed in the Girl Scout Promise and Laws. "On my Hon- I -will try: to do my duty to God and my country. To help other people at all times, to ooey tne Girl Scout Laws. The Girl Scout laws: A Girl Scout's Honor is to be trusted. A Girl Scout Is loyal. , A Girl Scout's duty Is lo be use ful and to help others. ful and to help others. A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other Girl Scout. A Girl Scout is courteous. A Girl Scout Is a friend to ani mals. A Girl Scout obeys orders. I Model 147M Ph. 4S19 ; -'. Sltl Ha vs. f In M ,HJat A Girl Scout Is cheerful. A Girl Scout is thrifty. A Olrl Scout is clean In thought.. word, and deed, SERVICE The Girl Scout motto Is: Be Pre pared. The Slogan is: Do a Good Turn Daily. The National emphas is tor Girl Scouting for 1952-1963 Is: "Be Prepared: to serve others, to be resourceful, lo Live Democracy" Juliette Low received permission from Lord Baden Powell to copv a program for girls after the Boy Scout Program set up by him. Ever .since the beginning camping has been synonymous with Girl Scout ing. The first Olrl Scout troon. nr. Ranized March 12. 1912 in Savannah. Georgia, went troop camping with their leader and Ihe founder ot Girl Scouting. Juliette Low. On July 24, 1938 Mrs. Twvla Fer- guson obtained from Rogue River National Forest 20 acres of land at mae u wools for the Girl Scout Camp. The camp was named Camp tsiner Appicgale after the wlte n( Elmer Applegate, who was one ol the chief contributors and workers wun Mrs. Ferguson in build ng the camp. That first summer at camp me gins ate in the roofless dining hall. It was beautiful with the tall trees bending over them, but they were thankful it did not rain. Mrs. Harry Wiard was cook for camp. We have been able to obtain the names of some who were respon sible that first season. Manv of you who have lived in Klamath for a long time may remember them. Twyla Ferguson. Ruth Radrllffe. Nina Bubb, Maude Ooeller. Coral Sabo, Alice Lamm. Mrs. C. C. Kel ly. Mrs. E. L. Mitchell, Mrs. How ard J. Boyd. Elmer Apnlegate. Will Humphrey ahd Twyla Ferguson oiled the lodge floor on their hands and knees that first year. OWNERSHIP In 19.19 the Girl Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls became Joint own ers of the camp. The Board of Gov ernors was formed to have the re. I ! sponsibillty ot administration and J! control of the camp. On even mim- I bered years the Camp Fire Olrls g use the camp in July and the Girl 1 Scouts In August, on odd numbered years it is reversed. In 1951 Girl Scout camping activ ities were: Troon camolng bv the : various troops; Day Camp at Moore Pnrlr Mra dmt- niarf. Mnj if.. Lynn Hayes, directors: Established camp at Camp Esther Applegate at Lake O Woods. During established Ijuni.tu sue jouowing opportunities wc.o uucrcu; emor scouts spent two days at Crater Lake, they set up camp for three Senior Scout Croups from California, who were cn their way to Wind Mountain to set up the International Encamp ment for the Olrl Scouts; Senior Scouts and Older Intermediate Scouts climbed Mt. McLaughlin and hiked into Lake Harriett for a two day trip. BIG MEETING For the first time the Senior Scouts participated in a Trip Camp by car. This trip camp was made to Portland to visit the Internation al Encampment at Wind Mountain, over to tne coast and back home. Among the camping opportunities lo be offered to the girls this sum mer will be another Senior Trip Camp and a back pack trip down Ihe Rogue River for the advanced campers. The Senior Girl Scouts. Horizon w .im u.rjB ana tne juoy l .Scouts Explorers have set up a planning committee lo plan toint ac tivities. The first was a very eucces tul skating party with more inter esting things to come. The Olrl Scouts participate throughout the year In many com munity service projects. Special mention goes to Troop 15 of Hen lev Henlnr ftnntita lhav aI,,. , u- following letter from Klnderdorf , Pestalozzl Village d' Enfants Pes-i.talozzi-Irogen (Schwclzl "Dear Mrs ' Hugh J. Simpson, dear Jeanette, 2 1 Kay, Edith, Sharieen, Ruth, Jean 1 1 and Dorothy, Your gift-parcel for our Children arrived here on Jan ' usry ltith and we had great plea sure In unpacking the various gar- ments and underwear. In Uie name J ; of our boys and girls from 0 conn J tries we thank you very heartily a lor your kindness and sympathy. It really means a great deal for cur children to have friends in America and It would have been nice for you to receive personal l letters from them,. But being al ! readv overcharged with correspon dence and thanking letters our chil dren had no time to write to you. We therefore have to send you this rather "Official" letter, as printed matter and under separate cover you will receive 2 copies of our newspaper "Friendship" which are written, composed and illustrated bv the children. With hearty greet- (ft' Iiirs from ntir community we are. dear Iilendn, Yours ulnceiely, Pea. laloisl Children's Village (he Ad' inlnistrntor K, Fink. Not only have the girls In the various irotma dmiti uiiiius for peo ple In other countries but llicy hitvo helped here at home, Three times a year the Junior Planning Bourd meets to dlsctma plana and help Uiey want fur Ihoir troops from the Adult Prournm Commlttco ot the Oli l Scout Uoni rl. Kay O'Doiinhiio ot Henley Is pres ident and Nancy Tanner, secretary ot this group. One girl from each troop represents her lioou at this meeting. The Junior cniuu Committee Is made up ot 8 Senior Cllrl Scouls and 1 Jntormcillnlo Scouts. They go over plnns lor camp and oiler Kuggestlom and slate their requests for camp program. The Out ot Door Committee takes these recom mendations to heart In planning the camp. The girls In this way have shared In planning tor camp, ciiinn program, .and have even studied the enmn folder before it is sent to the printers. Olris have appeared before the Klamath Area Olrl Scout Board lo present their needs and make request.. The Local Olrl Scout Council Is proud of I he number of girls who are i ann 10 year urn scouts. Some of the leaders were Olrl Scouts. In celebration ot the Olrl Seoul 40th Blrthdav It Is hoped that adults who were once Olrl Scouls will re turn Ih's year, lo Olrl Scouting and otfer their services as lenders, troop committee members, or coun cil and board members. In Klamath Area Olrl Scouts we now have Olrl Scouts In Bly, Lan gell Valley, Keno. Matin, and Klam ath Falls. 3S3 Brownie Scouts, 393 Intermediate Scouts and H Senior Scouts, making a total of 845 girls not to mention the 150 adults work ing in this program as volunteers to make possible the Olrl Scout Program In Klamath county. The Oirl Scouts are members of the Klnmath County Community Chest and are supported bv the Commu nity Chest drive. This year because SUrtl r-y 1 1 j . T...go.i,..C0MMANCHe Tm,mt", fa Cecf th fj ; Where MaxUe'i f tMrlltn eJ" tSSijKSzli?! i twrmgj from its wnglM aij CARMLIO (MJL'A at 2 ; Atom Plane Now Planning WASHINGTON ifl - The Air Force dlaclused Thursday ' It has boosted its urogram tor develop ment of fantastically tust atomic- powored flight Willi a new con flict lo Boeing Alrnlano Co. of Seattle, It Is Ih second contract of lla tvpe to be announced by the Air Force and Indicates the program ot atomic flight Is well Into its croud phase that ot blueprinting and experimental production. Atomic power could Rive an air plane almost limitless ranga 80 times around the globe on ono pound of uranium "fuel." noine ex perls eay and speeds of 2,M0 miles an hour and up. But most experts any It's still a long-time project, with the first llyablo atomic plane a matter ot years and many millions ot dol larsaway. One said It prnoauiy wouici tase somewhat longer" than the es timated two or three years meded lo complete the nuclear-powered submarine which the Navy has announced It Is building. Boeing Is workinz presumably on the airframe, or shell, ot a plane lo be fitted around an atomic en gine now being developed by Pratt k Whltnrv Aircraft Co., East Harl tord, Colin. The Pratt It Whitney contract waa announced last De cember. ot shortage ot Community Chest funds the Olrl Scout Cookie 8ale earnings have to go to the onerat- leg budget, It had been honed mat this money could be ured for camp development. Such things as Im proved water supply system lo the units, swimming and boating dock, and a fireplace for Ihe recreation hall will have to wall lor another year. MM .iJJ. t f it a, MICHAEL RENNIE Dtnnlt Teamsters , Picket Plant wtrMA-rnilKH! 11 '1 fMioInn County Superior Court Jurigo Fred KChip vvcuiirnuiiy iuhiii lamiru a temporary order restraining AFU TeaniAlcrn' Union Local 148 from picketing the 60 million dollar Aluminum Company ot America, project near hero. The Injunction was sought by the TIiIm t:lriilrln Co.. Turoinu. rim. tractors on the project, when the leiinialers urgau nicsoung tno plant In a (il.spiuo wltii cIcclriMiins, Judge Kemp ordered lite union to anneal' In roiirl March 18 lo show cause why the Injunction should nut be made permanent. Mini win ana reins hi uruss picket lilies art up Wednesday but Tide Co.. elrcli li'luin stayed on the Job. Escaped Trusty Nobbed At Medford MALUM W A ItiiMly ho walked away from Ihe slate prlMin annex Yrb. 31) was arrested by late police at Medlord Wednesday. He was Identified as Ororje Frederick, 38, who wns serving a three-year term lor larceny In Umatilla County. He walked away from the annex with Wulter II. Kiliiionds. who was raughi at Ocranslde, Calif., earlier this week. When you fliianee your rar, d maml that It he Inaurril by out who aprrlallirs In Insurance. Inu ranee la our apeelally! liana Nor land Agency. 837 I'lne hi. I'ltontj J-Z.M5. naa 1:45 ssnajaaajaaaJ ' AUDIE MURPHY YVETTE DUGAY BEVERLY TYLER JOHN HUDSON JAMES BEST lElfERICKSON NOAH KERY Aataaa Slla Haan Klg ( f ala.av"(Cart. 8 'Pick St.atila Kit 0h."(Bam That Mn Rick (Spatl) LATP News Limited 3 Day Engagaxntnl CONTINUOUS Dolly (rem 1:45 TYRONE 1 POWER ANN BLYTH 1 nil EI1SVEB DFOBCaEI PRICE Beatrice CAMPBELL